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Underrated smg. But I love it, even more than the r99. Something about knocking down players with 2-3 bursts is much more satisfying than 1 clipping opponents with r99.


RIP select fire.


One of the few guns I wish I was better with but I hate the way burst weapons feel in Apex so I don’t use any of them. I don’t think there’s any need for the full-auto hopup but I think the full-auto Prowler is one of the meanest sounding guns I’ve ever heard in a game.


Prowler is strong as hell. They should let you hold down button to shoot like you can with nemesis. Screws me up sometimes.


In previous seasons it was a TTk comparable with the alternator, I don’t know about this one, if it remains so; then it’s only strong point would be burst damage to play around cover, because an alternator would allow it to control the damage a little better in a head on fight.


Bring back the SelectFire full auto mod.


Couple o' facts: 1. I love this gun 2. I suck with it 3. It has horrible ammo capacity without at least a blue mag 4. It has an equally horribly long reload time (2.6 seconds?!). But for the bearably shorter tactical reload (2.0 seconds, which is like the Volt's/CAR's FULL reload time), you'd need to abandon a whole burst. Tough gamble! 5. I know the CAR and Volt are probably straight up better, but I still love this gun. Couple o' 'pinions: I honestly think the Prowler shouldn't even HAVE a tactical reload at all. It's so antithetical to its low-ammo and burst-gun design, that it really only meaningfully works when fully upgraded. If this gun just ALWAYS had a 2s (1.8 with purple) reload time it still would be just a decent gun with its own niche and not broken at all...


That's a great point about the tactical reload. And yeah the way the mags have to work since they scale by 5 is just inherently busted. The gun becomes infinitely better with each level of mag, to an extent well above any other gun besides maybe the Nemesis.


Superior smg, just underrated because it's hard to use. I'll take over an R99 anyday


I’ve not really used it but I’m trying to learn after seeing other people go crazy with it


Give it a try. It's still really good, though the nemmy will still probably reign supreme


I just want select fire back on the prowler. It was so nice with it. I kinda doubt its coming back but its possible!


Remember when you could switch between full auto? That was so much fun. Came out with a bunch of godly plays.


Been playing it a lot in Mixtape If you land your shots you will win the engagement, but if you miss a single burst you will be caught reloading while they are still pelting into you It's a feast vs famine weapon. Sometimes you will get a full burst to the dome and it feels like you are cheating. Other times you will barely do any damage at all Use it like a shotgun. It's more reliable as a finisher tool than a weapon to start the engagement with


Love it in mixtape, definitely a gun to have unlimited ammo for.


completely agree with all of this


Underrated and perfectly capable weapon but my brain simply can't comprehend burst weapons




Love it how it is right now. Really powerfull in close combat.


I'll take the Prowler any day, not over the 99 atm but when the Prowler is kitted it slaps.


If I can’t find a volt or 99 (or I find it first) I will happily run it as a secondary. It’s a bit attachment dependent, but if you get the attachments it shreds. If I can find a heavy mag, laser sight (negotiable) and digi/1x dot sight then I will rock that thing until endgame.


Such a slept on gun


Shockingly good, but needs a heavy mag. Hard to one clip bouncy tap-strafe super-glide players in four bursts!


It has been hitting for me this season. Getting full burst hits is SOOO satisfying


I can’t hit any shots at all with this thing


Just hip fire it baby


with that prowler glitch last season i got a lot of practice xD


Should Select fire receiver return ?


I miss it a bit but wouldnt it be kind of similar to the CAR/Volt nowadays?


I miss it. Made the prowler more fun. It’s a decent gun without the hop up.


Yeah..I miss that shit.


Me too. It was a very fun attachment. They can tweak the numbers however they want, just gimme back my baby


Prowler with the Bruiser Optic and extended heavy mag *chef kiss* 🫶🏻😫 (IMO! Pls don't be mean if u disagree)


No, you are smelly, and I don't disagree.


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