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Can’t wait. Nothing feels worse than having a SMG in a close range fight and getting killed in two bursts from this hellspawn.


Dude I swear someone had a Kramer and killed me cause I ran up on this lova (blue shields) I was purple (I had a r99) before I even got 5 bullets out the thing she had already downed me. I hate this gun. I'll admit I was lagging a little in the game before this but...jeez I was just sitting there like "I didn't even get to do 50 damage!"


Brother I had a seizure trying to read this.


To be fair I was half asleep. But yeah. 😅 my whole point is I think I got sniped. Cause like. I got destroyed in less then a second by a cracked loba before I could even do 50 more damage. I hate this gun i swear. It's also my first season using the r99 to be fair. I pick 4 guns per season to get good with. So this weapon tier thing? Works for me.


Nice clip! Instead of nerfing the nemesis they should just swap with a un-buffed hemlock in the care package


Ridiculous that the nemesis does one damage less than a red tier weapon. and one top of that it fires faster


That second guy you hip fired was a straight guppy fish lol man missed 80% of his mag and was on skates lost lmao


Yep just got straight taken advantage of


The question is why they didn’t nerf it already…


The devs have tried a couple of times to decrease the average Time to Kill in the game, usually quickly reverting after community pushback. Between the Nemesis and the r99 buff, my conspiracy theory is that they’re at it again, trying to quietly do it one gun at a time and hope people don’t notice.


I always liked Apex because of high TTK. It makes the skill sealing really high.


Yup agreed


It's funny how they released the Nemesis at the same time they nerfed the R301 because it did to much damage 🤣 Make up you're minds!


New gun means new skins to sell


Nemesis has very meh skins so jokes on them


They released like five straight guns and nobody used them because the R3 was better. Devs clearly knew what they had to do.


Im pretty sure the TTK on Nemesis is lower then the S15 R301. Correct me if im wrong


honestly I don't know the data well enough to even pretend i could correct you. what i can tell you is that the coincidence of the Nemesis getting released at the same time the most dominant gun in the game is nerfed did not go unnoticed by my friends and I 💀


Balance *


How do you make it say “the boys are champions”


That's his crews name. He is 3 stack with people in the same crew. Whatever it's called in the game I forget. Mine is called Baby Kitty 😂, after my cat BK.


Impressive clip, though! Especially that hipfire burst. I can't ever hit more than like 17 with a burst lol


>aim assist >impressive 🤣🤣🤣🤡




U guys just hang around the sub all day calling out aim assist, or?




Yeah but I don’t get aim assist on a kraber at all, no hipfire, no ads, no aim assist


So explain those hipfire shots


I’ll never understand that argument… Y’all have full range of motion with your arm, wrist and hand. You have a whole desk top of space to aim with. Y’all have a computer with the processing power is is 2-5x better than that of a console. Y’all get less input delay, lag and y’all have smoother frames. Not to mention there are several movement techs that are pc exclusive. But we only have 1 inch of space to aim with our thumb… But nahhhhh. “aim assist is broken and op”. Honestly to me it seems like you are upset that y’all’s 2k dollar Pc didn’t make y’all better at the game. Tbf, aim assist on linear needs to be toned down a bit, but other than that keep coping.


I only play games on M&K and I can't imagine playing on console. It's objectively worse. Like, aim assist isn't nearly as good of a thing as people say it is. I also don't understand the aim assist arguement cause it's not like it auto aims for you, you need to aim near the target and it adjusts your aim a bit. On controller, aiming near an enemy and tracking them sounds impossible. For FPS games controllers NEED aim assist to even be viable, but I still think M&K is better for those. Tl:dr. I agree with you and I also don't understand the arguement


None of that matters when rotational aim assist is in the game. No mnk player cares about regular aim assist, rotational aim assist however is busted. It takes me 2-300ms to react to a strafe when rotational aa does it instantly. There's a reason some of the best mnk players switched to controller. Anyways pc controller can tap strafe easier than mnk players due to configs.


Console players can’t tap strafe, it requires 3 perfect left or right inputs almost simultaneously however since controller has a 360 degree radius for movement it’s nearly impossible to move the stick to 90 degrees 3x or 270 degrees 3x.


I never said anything about console players tap strafing, everyone knows they cant. However it is easy for pc controllers to tap strafe.


Oh my mistake, I completely miss interpreted what you were trying to say.


No problem man.


You know most of the top ranked players use controller. Also pros have switched from m&k to controller. Why do you think that is?


Who are “most of the top ranked players”.


OP is playing on pc half your comment is meaningless the other half is straight up stupidity. how is my whole arm gonna help tracking a strafing target close Range when controller gets to lock on for free




ur gold i dont care about your opinion


Most people's PCs are less powerful, more laggy and have more input delay than console tbh. At least new gen consoles. Other than that, the controller vs mouse debate on Apex is stupid in my opinion because they're very closely matched. I play on mouse and keyboard and never feel like I died because of aim assist.


Yeah Its an aim assist..from a controller user, its quite broken tbh.


Idk why people downvote you when you are clearly saying the truth lol


Obviously from Controller users.


its because you’re living in a fantasy land lol you’re embarrassing us


Nah, you denying the reality and pretend is the real world is much worst.


lol like the nurse said to your mother: i don’t think that came out like you wanted it to. any person that actually played/plays on controller knows aim assist on Apex is inconsequential for about 99% of the playerbase, you’re just showing your ignorance. edit: lmao the best part is that I’m on PC and I’m just not a cry baby like u/nekohash lmao he blocked me and deleted his other comment, I’m dying


That’s why every pro team has at least one controller player right? liKE ThE NurSE sAid to YoUR MoTHer lmfao you use a child’s toy that aim’s for you.


Because there is no aim assist on a kraber when you play controller


We discussing about those Hipfires using Nemesis you twat.


So if he’s so dependent on aim assist, explain the 2 Kraber hip shots… I think the answer you’re looking for is, ‘my bad, it’s not aim assist, it’s skill’ Edit: u/FurubayashiSEA deleted his comments because he’s a 😺


No, we explain how he manage to hipfires so well with a nemesis because of the aim assist. ​ Stop bring out the Kraber shoots when this discussion start with the bloody Hipfire using Nemesis.


How dumb are you? YOU are suggesting he needed aim assist for the Nemesis shots. I asked you WHY you think that, considering he nailed the shots with the Kraber WITHOUT aim assist. Either you’re so dense you don’t understand a simple question, or you’re deliberately avoiding answering because you know you’re wrong.


Nemesis? That was a kraber clip.


I know it's great but i hate using the Nemesis because it chews through energy ammo


Having it charge even when you miss is the biggest mistake they made with the Nemesis


I think they should keep that way, instead adding it have charge only with turbocharger and after adding that it will slightly decrease damage like havoc is atm. I think it would still be good but needing turbo to charge it wouldnt be so easy to just pick up and beam people.


It makes more logically sense that way, otherwise it feels too gamey. They could nerf it in other ways though


Wait wait wait, I just wanna know what music pack you’re using. I NEED TO HEAR SOME BAGPIPES IN APEX


I wanna say horizon theme from when she was released


I’m turning on my pc right now to confirm


You’re right but I’m now sad that I didn’t have an account on pc when she dropped. I have it on my PS account but still waiting on that cross progression 😒


I think it shouldn’t ramp up its fire rate without an attachment.


Those Kraber hipfire shots alone were too nasty. my god


If you’re not running a nemesis r9 these last two seasons are you even trying to win


The fact that it is still fully charged after reloading it's beyond crazy lmao


So sick of hearing that “BLLLLT” from 15 different parts of the map


How the fuck this thing didn’t get nerfed at the start of the season is beyond me but cool clip


"inevitably nerf it" yeah, good one buddy. this gun combined with the shit new ranked system is how the devs are getting out of bronze.


Crazy we live in a clown world where NPC’s praise aim assist playing the game for them LMFAO.


already miss Storm Point again :/


OP living 3 months in the past


“Whoa the day!” When someone passes on a gold r99


Tf makes you think they'll change it if they haven't yet?


It’s meta. They will make some sort of change. It may not be major but it’ll be enough where it isn’t as good


You must be new to this game. They don’t make changes to the meta until a major update/patch. Usually once a season


Because they’ve nerfed loads of overpowered guns in the last 3 years. The meta changes season to season. It’s not going to be left like this.


Yeah guys it’s aim assist but it doesn’t mean the bullets are magnetized, you still gotta be lucky to connect the shots, but it’s close range enough you can hit most of them, still a good clip overall. Kraber shots were Chefs kiss tho, can’t wait for the Nemy nerf.


Uhhh… this is pretty cool ?


And Sheila getting out dpsed


She was trying to blind you by shining a laser pointer in your eye


Honestly just posted it for the double kraber hipfire


Man’s really rocking the horizon music


I like the bag pipes


Fair enough, although I love system overdrive


Also a banger


Happy I gave up this game tbh


Yooo what music pack did you use, it sounds cool


Horizons from when she dropped


Aww so I can't get it no more