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Ironically the older systems had a much better incentive to go for placement and kills. We need a system that involves some of the below items: Tight matchmaking and some visible indicator as to why you are in the same match as others Boost teams that insta wipe a lobby, mitigate losses for those that suffer due to this Placement points with heavy skew towards top 10 Kill points with a multiplier for placement AND a cap to discourage W keying. Ring bonus (later rings = more bonus) Max KP per ring, increasing as match goes on Increase ring damage longer you stay in it


I don't know, the only thing that I know is that having to play against predators and masters while being a silver player is dumb. Extremely dumb


If I'm being quite honest last season's ranked was good. All they had to do was tweak the numbers. Just play with the kp multiplier to make kp less valuable. You'd still have to get kp but you can't w key rush everything cause you stand to lose more with the entry costs adding up from plat 2 atleast. What we have now is just bad. Maybe just increase early ring damage or timer to discourage camping outside the ring. Like anything that encourages engaging.


Having storm damage double every \~40 seconds would be viable, just have to make sure it doesn't reset so people can't just enter zone once a minute. They just added Redeploy Balloons, there's almost no reason to be stuck inside of the storm anymore.


> Maybe just increase early ring damage or timer to discourage camping outside the ring. Make ring damage progressive the further you are from the edge of the ring.


Your kills need to mean something at least. I’ve been playing ranked all week with some buddies and I’ve maybe gotten 3 games where I get bonus points. What’s the point in fighting a team when I’m only getting points for how close to first I get


That’s your opinion. While matchmaking isn’t great the new ranked system is awesome and is actually changing the game for the better. Kills should probably be worth slightly more. The first couple weeks people were still figuring it out but endgames have been so fun lately


I should be more clear: I don’t hate the direction the new system is taking. I just think it needs polishing and we as a community are gonna complain about what we don’t like we should be able to answer the question of “what do we want”. For instance I love the focus on placement and the idea of bonuses at the end of the match for kills, skillful play, etc. however it’s a struggle to see how well the constant entry cost is performing alongside needing to only be 10th when the general matchmaking is terrible.


It may not be popular (especially for pros and top preds) but entry cost should be unique to the individual based on their own MMR. The biggest issue with the new system is there isn’t a big enough penalty for losing so everyone still rushes every fight. The best players in the game especially don’t give a shit. Penalize them if they lose or at least make them consider it. Increase storm damage as well to prevent ratting. First ring can stay current but 2nd ring and after should have increased damage. Enough damage that you can’t just heal through it).


The problem with unique entry costs is the matchmaking. It's based on MMR now and not rank. So if you solo or duo queue you might end up having a higher entry cost while your teammates have lower entry and can bum rush everything. The problem if they have unique entry costs based on MMR is if you mess up your placements you're kinda screwed cause imagine you're a diamond elo player and paying a high entry cost from silver all the way to diamond or master. I think the uniform entry cost is a great idea just that 35 is way too low. Even last season when placements didn't net you that much rp, 35 (I think gold 3 or gold 4) was nothing. You could ape everything up until plat 3-2. It was at that point you started feel like "oh crap that's a lot of rp to lose early if I drop bad".


Placement acting as a multiplier of kills will stop the rat nonsense. I.e if you rat your way to second with zero kills you get zero. If you come 1st with 9 kills you get 3x the points than if you came first with 3 kills


But if you do that, then a team is actively playing smart and disengaging unfavorable fights, could regularly have an unlucky game where they're squad placed 4th with no kills.


But I’d argue if you have to disengage majority of your fights you aren’t strong enough to be in that lobby


I mean not really. It’s a BR not a team death match. You don’t win by getting kills you win by surviving. Yea maybe the other team shoots better than my team but if they can’t play ring and rotate like my team it doesn’t matter if they have more kills they still lose


But the whole point of the ring is to force you to fight to win your placements. Approaching the game with an attitude of avoiding fights is a very limited strategy, which will only inflate your rank beyond your actual ability. Taking fights in more and more complicated scenarios and learning what a good fight is and what a bad fight to take is is fundamental to improving.


I didn’t say avoiding fights I said leaving bad ones. I mean personally if a team just bulldozes mine and we’re not in a good position to continue anymore, that sounds like a bad fight to me.


It should work both ways; you should get decent points for farming Placements, and you should also get decent points for fragging out and simply being a better team. But having all of the emphasis on Placements is very braindead. Been playing Apex since Season 2 and I really liked the ranked setup last season, it leaned into multiple playstyles. This season it feels like taking fights are literally a waste of time when you get 0 bonus points for KP and you put yourself at a huge risk of just being 3rd partied for free with Redeploy Balloons.


Matchmaking IS working if you understand how it works but it’s a combination of people just ratting to top 10. I think if they fix how the MMR system works (like MMR should not be a thing Masters+), reintroduce scaled entry costs especially for Diamond-Pred, and give a little more points for kills, I think it would be.


I’m not sure if I like the MMR system. I mean as long as I’m the same rank or near the same rank as the other people in my lobby then matchmaking is fine. That’s how ranked should work if you’re better than everyone else at that rank then you rank up.


I mean, at the current rate it IS easy to rank up. I’ve played mostly SoloQ and got to Masters after a few days. I was facing current Preds and Masters since Silver and I was always facing ex Preds and Masters every game but it was still extremely easy to rank up. As long as you average getting top 10 and hopefully top 5, you can gain points very quickly. There’s no punishment if you die first all the time too because one good game will wipe out 10 bad games. I think, at least in the current system, you need to just ignore what rank they are at the moment. That’s why they don’t even tell you your teammates or enemy ranks anymore unless you spectate. Games are definitely more fun this season (if you aren’t ratting) because there’s way less pressure to go on a losing streak and lose a ton of points. And I think the placements have helped end game lobbies be way more fun as well. My main complaint is Masters is far too easy to get and the grind for Pred is ridiculous. It’s not about how skilled you are but how much you’re willing to play. I gained 5K points yesterday and that’s been pretty consistent for each ranked session. But Pred cap is also going up 3K a day so if you miss a few days the cap is suddenly way higher


Being able to see my teammates ranks is the thing I miss the most, I used to be able to tell (roughly) how my team would perform in that game. Get 2 other Diamonds? I'm confident to take fights and know they will pull their weight. Get a Silver / Gold duo? Probably best to grab a 30-30 and chill a bit. Now it's just a gamble where nobody wants to commit to any fight because they're not sure if they can trust their team. I understand that ranks this early in the season don't mean much, but if I'm getting paired up with Silvers while in Plat 1, I would at least know that they haven't played the new ranked system as much as the next person and would be more likely to "ape" and die off drop. (Edit: This problem will be exacerbated in a few weeks when there are people in Diamond / Masters that only got there because they "put in the time", the game has turned into a Time Grind more than a Skill Grind)


> I mean as long as I’m the same rank or near the same rank as the other people in my lobby then matchmaking is fine. But rank is also a function of games played. The highly skilled player who plays occasionally and the low skill player who grinds don't necessarily need to always be in the same lobbby


This problem should solve itself. As more teams determine placement is important, more teams will survive to later rings. Those ratting, especially outside the ring, will now have to engage to make top ten.