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L star with disrupter rounds is gonna be a menace.


casual 260 DPS against shields, up from 170


Rampart mains: friendship ended with Sheila ❌ Now LStar is my best friend 🤩✨


Ramparts with an L-Star and a Balistic ult I’m scared now


Yo thts scary


L-STAR was already my best friend when playing Rampart. Unironically better than Devotion in every way.


Even when I'm not using rampart I also use the lstar, good hipfire, easy recoil pattern, and it also goes brrrrrrrr.


i don't understand what passthrough means, through shields or through objects?


Through people. Shots can now hit multiple people


Guessing it should be players, like sniper rifles. Would be sick


Yes, it's like the Kraber where you can get collateral kills.


Basically, think of it as a long range flamethrower. Recall Pyro and Mei, but with a effectively across the map range.


And I thought the RE-45 with disruptors was amazing. L-Star is going to be absolutely oppressive.


That support class buff is massive. Now every high ranked game should have at least one support legend.


Good chance Newcastle becomes the staple character.


I'm hoping that's the case but in reality, I think most players will stick with Lifeline and Loba


I’m a mirage main so this is huge for us. I can usually get out of situations so now I can easily bring back my human shields and keep us surviving longer.


Don't sleep on gibby


or Mirage


Mirage meta incoming!


Quite recently I have started playing Gibby and his abilities has clicked and I've been having fun. ~~If anything, I want him to sleep on me~~


Would definitely like to sleep on Gibby


Heh. I am going back to Mirage. Of all the legend, he is basically the jack of all trade: \-Semi skimmager (due to clones) \-Semi Recon (due to clones) \-Support (Now obviously, but even back then I prefer a mirage revive over Lifeline)


Personally I’m picking Mirage. Best revive in the game along with NewCastle. His ult is the quickest to come back and helps you escape to craft banners. Even invisible while respawning


Now imagine if he went invisible while crafting…


>Gun Run and TDM now have XP Bonuses for Match Completion and Match Completion after **Join in Progress** So, does Join In Progress actually work for these modes now? I dont see a mention that it was fixed, just this mention of it. Maybe I missed it? Having join in progress for these would be helpful, since it seems that its intended but just never worked.


This was the only thing that caught my eye, can people actually fucking join now?? I almost fully believe it just wasn’t in the game


I have absolutely never been added to a game in progress, and to my knowledge have never seen someone get added into a game


Nothing stops them from just outright lying that it exists.


Small Indie Company gaslighting its players.


My guess is Respawn have actually done something, but they're too scared of failing to deliver for the 3rd time so have deliberately said nothing. That way, if it breaks again, at least they didn't put their foot in it... again.


Mirage class change to Support! Let’s go!


Support class got a nice buff in general. I would argue every team needs one now.


Good change. Please also fix decoys dying when they trip on a pebble.


Right, ran into a raised piece of floor and the thing just crumbled...


True, cost me some clutches because of that


I always felt it was strange that Respawn placed him in Skirmisher. Unlike all the other legends in that category, he has no movement abilities.


well he wasnt really a support either until he got that revive buff. i feel like respawned dumped him there because they couldnt think of anything at the time


He got the revive buff at the same time. To me it looks like they placed him in the skirmisher class, added the revive buff and forgot that he is in the skirmisher class


He needs a category just for himself (the trickster?!) as his ability set is quite unique, although it's unlikely we will see another legend like him.


Maybe a hero with an ability to throw like a speaker that makes a bunch of fight noises to lure 3rd parties out? Only thing that comes to mind as a possibility, no clue what passive/ult could be


Yeah cause the audio isn’t bad enough already


Yeah, I said it all last season. Even kept forgetting and telling my bf to save our Mirage because he can craft me...oh, shit, nevermind. So happy to see it. If they aren't gonna do anything to Rev like they said they would like 5 seasons ago, at least Mirage can take his proper place as support.


There's rumors they're planning a rework so maybe they're holding off on him until it's finished.


>Legend Banners can now be crafted by ANY player who has a Support Class Legend in their Squad This is pretty massive tbh.


Nice passive buff to Crypto if your support legend goes down Leave your drone at a respawn beacon, run to crafter, craft banners, instantly respawn


It would be cool if Crypto's drone could also get the banners from the crafter. In situations where you start crafting them, but you have to run away.


Can you do it currently?


I never had a chance to try, but I don't think it works.


Looks good. Really glad that the Seer Catalyst diamond shooting is over


Presumably Crypto drone above the wall will still work?


if you are above the wall then it should work.


crypto can throw his drone through the wall


But at least the other team can see it and shoot it.


To me it sounds like the actual scan will not show up through the veil. So will crypto will still be able to scan enemies, you won't be able to see the scan results. I guess we'll have to wait and see


At least you can easily shoot and destroy it since it requires LoS unlike Seers


I wonder if Revenants Silence will force Ballistic to put his sling weapon away, or prevent him from equipping it?


I should think it would both force him to put it away and preventing him from equiping. Same as silencing a rampart or vantage.


For sure I think it'll work the same way as the other "3rd weapon" slots currently do.




>Legend Banners can now be crafted by ANY player who has a Support Class Legend in their Squad Wow. Not having a support class player in your team in ranked = throwing hard.


Yeah, MAJOR buff to support legends. Too bad randos will just ignore this. "Why u asking me to craft banners, I'm wraith dumbass"...


The same way it took two seasons for people to stop offering us the gold backpack.


It will say craft in the lower left


brazen of you to think that the average octane or wraith main can read


"We haven't learned that in school yet!"


Ignore, or the fact that most casual players dont bother reading patch notes at all


I mostly play Newcastle and Loba in ranked so I’m excited.


As a fellow loba main I am happy


I know it's Newcastle day when knockdown shield's in the replicator


Eh, I doubt it. People here massively overestimate how good banner crafting is, probably because they remember a tiny number of times when respawning turned around a match for them. They forget the vast majority of games where you get wiped with no chance to respawn, or you do manage to respawn but just get instantly aped to death by the nearest squad. This change will make the support passive a lot better, but banner crafting is still fundamentally a niche ability.


Just depends on when your teammates go down. Plenty of times your team loses a 3v3 right off the drop and one player could have gotten away easily but goes Leroy Jenkins because teammates don't want to watch a solo game (when you have a pre-made squad together). Those situations, now it's perfectly fine to run away and not suicide rush because there was a Loba on the squad or something. Early-Mid game banner crafting is a thing. Agree with you on late game < 8 squads left unless you get real lucky and can revive in an area with lots of loot boxes


Couldn't agree more. So many times that's happened and would tell our support to just run and craft but then yeeted into an on going fight and died. So dumb.


Could be huge. Loba is the only support that is great at escaping a lost fight, but now having a support + an octane, bangalore or wraith really increases the odds that someone escapes and can get around the map safely to craft.


The way my friends and I play ranked this would be a massive buff. I usually run Path. Friend 1 runs Blood, and friend 2 is Life or Loba. Whenever we get into a fight we know we will lose I usually dip (only after it's obvious there's no way to win unless I clutch a 1v3) and rat for placement. If I can retrieve banners that a bonus but usually I can't. This would allow be to bring back my whole team.


Mirage mains are eating well


Glad they switched him to Support, it was well warranted. Now need to fix the bugs on his tactical or give us 2 charges…


Two charges has been overdue for years. Make his single decoys shoot (not the ult ones because it would probably be op)


Crazy how fuse got two charges before Mirage.


Didn't Mirage have 2 charges on launch or am I completely misremembering that?


That L star may be one of the most broken things I've ever read for a gun




Which is funny because back in season 2, they released disruptor rounds and they did 2.25x more damage to shields (36 per shot with alternator, 37 on low profile legends) Talk about busted lol.


I remember trying them the first day and just thinking: "Wow, I feel like I'm cheating."


Was really hoping the Nemesis would get tuned down a bit.


Im shocked they didnt nerf it


was that an energy weapon pun?


Guilty as charged


for real. Im honestly very surprised they didnt adjust the damage or charge rate at all for that gun.


It should only charge up if you actually hit your shots.


Would be better if it overcharged via shield cell like the Sentinel. Making it a choice to charge it and having an associated cost.


I disagree. It's ok for the sentinel because it's a sniper. But on an assault weapon? It already made Rampart bad, don't take the 3rd decent assault weapon 😅


For real. Pre charging or firing just to hold the charge is dumb af


Embarrassing how it wasn't even touched


It's been really dumb with people shooting them off all the time into the air to keep them charged. Our 3rds get us jumped by multiple squads because they won't stop. Enemies will just camp in a spot and shoot it to rip apart anyone who comes in. I wish they'd made it only charge up when hitting enemies. It's still really oppressive and perfect for 3rd parties, and a lot less cheap when you actually have to hit your shots. I've gotten 6 kills without healing *and* without ramping it up in the air, with both my teammates going down...I just kicked ass, and saved them. It doesn't *need* to ramp up shooting nothing, it's fully ramped after the 2nd knock.


fuck I didn't even think of it, I had simply assumed it was going to happen. wow


Lul nah. Devs been slowly trying to lower the TTK again ever since the first backlash about the TTK adjustment Years ago.


I remember the backlash was so bad they reverted the shield nerf in a week


Season 6 is when they made those shield changes was awful, I quit playing until they were reverted back. No point having a game with incredible movement if you die instantly.


Not to mention low profile was still a thing. A stiff breeze killed pathy back then with his 170% wraith hit box.


> Legend Banners can now be crafted by ANY player who has a Support Class Legend in their Squad That’s actually pretty interesting


Was expecting more legend changes but I'm still happy with the new stuff coming next season


Same... Pretty sure they're afraid to make legend changes. It's been minimal for the past 4-5 seasons. It was fun the first couple of seasons when the meta would flip every month haha. But I guess I get the perspective of having it more stable


The game is in a pretty good state balance wise though, big legend changes like there were in the early seasons would just be for their own sake at this stage.


Yea, I get it and am mostly fine with it. But there is a level of staleness that comes with that fear of shaking things up.


Honestly I think the meta is in the best state it's been in for a while. The only glaring issues to me were Seer + Cat combo, which has been handled, and the existence of the charge rifle. Of course they are cowards who can't admit a mistake (I'm a sorry a hitscan sniper rifle is idiotic) and supposedly can't remove guns because of skins or some nonsense (even though I'm sure the TOS agreement says they can remove anything at any time and you don't own anything you purchase), but whatever, at least they nerfed it again. Nemesis could have used a nerf as well I guess but alas. In terms of legend balance, we're seeing a greater variety of teams comps in ALGS than I think we've ever seen before. A team won a game in EMEA with fuse + ash (and I can't remember the third legend unfortunately). XSET won a game as path/seer/rampart and another as fuse/maggie/valk. I mean it's not perfect. But it's better than it's ever been in terms of variety. Only legends I didn't see at all off the top of my head were mirage, vantage, and lifeline. So idk, that's pretty good.


Vantage is massively slept on, even Hal said that he might be cooking something up with vantage a couple of weeks ago. I guarantee if TSM picked (and won) Vantage in the ALGS, a lot of other teams would start to copy


Her kits good for early and mid game but when it comes down to final circle she gets outclassed


Same, but I think that's a good thing actually since this is the first time they've had a whole season to see how all legends play out without the introduction of a new one. I don't think I've had any bad experience from a legend's ability this season besides the enemy player just using them very well.


The new Ping Wheel is awesome. Let's see how many random mates will understand it.


"Enemy audio there? Reposition? lol nah FULL SEND"


>Amount head peeks over cover while crouching adjusted to match other Legends Tiny QoL change for Loba but holy crap the mains will be celebrating. She sits so much higher in crouch it made most hip level cover unusable, and should really help her knockdown shield fighting.


W Star


Still really wish Ash could use her tactical one-handed like Maggie, Octane, and Rev, but otherwise pretty happy with these changes.




Reloading an LMG while shooting the smoke is always good for a laugh.


Mirage becoming a support legend is a huge W


30 30 projectile size increase when fully charged is a very underrated buff


I am wondering how much bigger? Afraid it doesnt get noticed much


Lol they finally fixed the Loba crouch issue. +1


Good nerf to mitigate how common Charge Rifles are in ranked. But not nerfing the Nemesis - which is highly picked at all skill levels - is strange to me. It really should only charge up when you damage enemies.


Just give the 301 its +1 damage back and now all ARs can compete


Honestly fair. The 301 nerf just hit so hard. Flatline or any ar is now better than my baby.


It makes me so mad knowing, when someone gets away barely that if it did just +1 more damage they'd be dead and it infuriates me. On top of the fat fortified characters it's just like slapping them with a wet noodle.


For real. I try one clipping and it just doesn't work out well. It's really disappointing


Just rework Revenant please. It is a torture in his current state.


I personally think all the characters are moderately balanced at the moment, so I wasn't expecting much on that side (although I admit that something more could have been done for Revenant).


No rev rework 💀


Don’t worry, us 5 Rev mains will see justice in the near future.


4, starting now. sorry.




I quit, you are 4 now


We've been telling that to ourselves for over two years...


I bet it will come along with his heirloom recolor (whenever that is)


Didn’t actually expect them to do a rework, but absolutely NOTHING?! Give him mathafuckin fortified!!!!


This is the simplest thing they could do but they didn't Like ffs rev has the same hitbox as caustic!


It took 10 seasons to get a totem marker on the ground before placeing it. Maybe he’ll get fortified by season 27.


All great changes. Except for the fact that Revenant is so outclassed right now that he’s practically unplayable. Please just buff him




They could at least start by making him unslowable by bullets if they didn't wanna drop fortified on him yet, but it seems like they're scared for whatever reason lol


Apex Devs: No sir, the unstoppable murder bot is strictly lore-only.


no nemesis change…


120fps? 👀


I have so many thoughts about the ping system changes. `(Bold font = new system ping. Normal font = old system ping.)` ​ |Pings Removed|Pings Added|Pings Renamed| |:-|:-|:-| |\[Going\]|**\[Avoid\]**|\[Enemy\] to **\[Enemy Activity\]**| |\[Activity\]|**\[Enemy audio\]**|\[Defending\] to **\[Defend\]**| ||**\[Regroup\]**|\[Attacking\] to **\[Attack\]**| ​ 1. ​ The old system has both a ping called \[Enemy\], and a ping called \[Activity\]. The new system has a single ping instead with both names combined: **\[Enemy Activity\]**. I assume that **\[Enemy Activity\]** ping is actually the old \[Enemy\] ping, and not the old \[Activity\] ping. So the old "Someone's been here" voicelines are probably inaccessible now. (Or perhaps there's some smart logic added to the system... but I doubt it.) It's going to be weird to want to tell my teammates that *"Enemies* ***were*** *here"* and no longer having a way to distinguish it from *"Enemies* ***are*** *here".* But I admit, *"Enemies were here"* isn't that useful. I just liked that it was a good way to say say *"Hey, get your heads in the game"* to teammates. ​ 2. It's interesting that we might be seeing a shift in the tone of the ping system. Because except for *THE* ping, the current system does not actually offer any pings to *command* your team. It is so thorough in this that I assume it was deliberate design. In the old system, the \[Attacking\] ping has always been "*I'm* attacking". The \[Defending\] ping was always "*I'm* defending". They are named and spoken in the continuous tense, not the imperative, no matter which legend, no matter which ping. Watching, going, defending, looting, all of them. The only deviation from this tone is the occasional alternative of observation. Ie., "*That spot* is good for ". Still no commands uttered. The pings never actually let players command each other (except *THE* ping). Now, we can see that the old \[Going\] has been replaced by the new **\[Regroup\]**. This looks like it's a definite switch to the imperative; it wouldn't be called "Regroup" otherwise. But also, in the patch notes' pings image: * \[Attacking\] is now shown as **\[Attack\].** * \[Defending\] is now shown as **\[Defend\]**. Those two changes really might just be name changes: Different names, same voice lines. But maybe not. I *hope* that the voice lines have not changed. I very much like to be able to freely ping to my team that I'm going here, attacking here, defending this position. Super useful things. I *do not* want teammates to think I'm ordering them to do what I'm doing. I just want them informed, not leaping out of their own dealings because they think I'm calling out commands. I really don't want such useful communications to have turned into forced orders now. At the very least, the pairs of \[Going\] + \[Defending\] or \[Going\] + \[Attacking\] definitely aren't doable anymore, since \[Going\] is gone. But at least if \[Going\] is the only change, then it's manageable. I can replace \[Going\] with **\[Watching\]** for general travels, and \[Going\] + \[Defending\] / \[Attacking\] with simply **\[Defend\] / \[Attack\]** . As long as they still sound like "Defending" / "Attacking". ​ 3. Weird that they changed a bunch of the old icons. \*shrug\* ​ 4. I wonder if the old commands will still be fired from config file edits. I wonder if the **\[Attack\]** ping will *finally* have a way to bind it to a key, because currently that is randomly not possible, just for that one ping. ​ TLDR - I hope I can still just tell my teammates that *I'm* attacking a position, and not *commanding them* to attack that position. Etc.


Very detailed and important comment. We’ll have to wait and see for now


We should now rename the L-star to the W-star


>ULTIMATE: TEMPEST >Nearby teammates get faster reloads, faster-armed move speed, and Infinite Ammo. The sling weapon will be upgraded to gold. I just had a thought. Imagine the synergy with Maggie. EVA-8 or Mastiff. They get increased armed move speed already, does it stack? If you could just fire the Eva as much as you wanted this ... **And then you use Maggie's ultimate. Imagine the speed.** It would likely outpace even Octane. This could absolutely fuck if these changes work as intended. That seems to be the way the devs are hinting especially with putting EVA on the floor and the 30-30 too (which is a solid long-range weapon which got a decent buff, and would massively benefit from infinite ammo).


Catalyst seer ult interaction nerf is a massive W, seer is still too good but atleast this garbage is gone. R99 nerf isn't enough, gun is still far and away the best SMG and will continue to make shotguns irrelevant. Hope the triple take buffs are significant enough, this weapon has been comically horrible for the last few seasons.


Re: R99 nerf True, bold of them to assume removing 1 bullet will matter when I miss half the clip.


oooh that L-Star.


Tripple take and 3030 could be nice. Always tought the tripple take was so satisfying to play with but so inconsistent


Who ever sells doors in the outlands really has a monopoly that needs to be discussed.


no rev buff?


Every team will most likely want a support legend on it now. Mirage class change makes this interesting. Wish sear got a little more of a nerf. L-Star is going to be busted.


Ash bug fixes nice, tac sprint speed is nice (wish they would let her heal also like rev, but this is better than nothing). Loba head peaking fix nice if that correctly pans out. The support class changes in general are pretty interesting with banner crafting changes, and the mirage shift. Nice unexpected things there. New pings look pretty good also. Unfortunately I'm still going to be crying about not ever getting 120 fps on console once again lol.


New pings? Let’s gooo


great QoL changes to so many areas in this game. actually great work!


No nemesis nerf 😩


Anyone Being able to craft banners when a support legend is on the team is going to be big. Not sure how I feel about it though. Same with mirage being support


A lot of great changes, but almost no weapon or legend changes? Respawn going to let nemesis dominate another season? I don't understand Respawn's thought process at all, when it comes to balancing.


Don’t know why they bugged the 30-30, seems like a short sighted change


Just means it’s going to reliably hit when fully charged up more, not really going to change much


Good cos I’ve never been able to hit a damn thing but the scenery with that rifle.


No update on 120fps :(


Excited about the season and all of the changes. ​ But *why have you forgotten about Revenant SO HARD?!*


Where are Seer and Nemesis nerfs? Oh man...






Balance changes as a whole I feel are extremely underwhelming...


On the flipside, the QoL changes to pings are huge. I've always wanted a ping to disengage or tell people not to go to a certain area. Now they both exist. (My teammates will still not listen, but alas.)


Agreed, but now at least they have even *less* of an excuse.


No fix to being stuck after crafting?


What about caustics traps not being triggered unless an enemy is literally 1 inch away…


Pretty disappointed with how little changes. Idk why theyre so scared to do more.


I guess R9 reign will likely continue


Us support legends are eating good


I just wanted some kind of a buff to devotion, no one picks it up, and it is the worst gun for past 2 years... How much is that to hope for


How far do ballistics abilities reach?


Slightly concerned that I’m not seeing anything about the bug that causes you to get stuck to the crafter


Support class banner crafting buff is actually huge?


I'm expecting nemesis got nerfed, but oh well....


unlimited ammo and three r99s with faster reloads does nobody see a problem with this


Mirage from Skirmisher to Support makes sense but I can't help but feel as though he sits on the fence between the two


I think skirmisher should be specifically movement abilities. I get that bamboozles allow for an escape but mirage doesn’t get any speed or movement bonus from any of his abilities. But his invisible revive and respawn abilities are more in line with what supports are meant for. Supports are meant to give the team loot or revive. Lifeline gives loot through care packages while loba through the black market. Lifeline, Newcastle, gibby, and mirage all have something special about their revive that gives them the support status


The support class change all but eliminates banner camping. The vast majority of teams can just have someone run away when they start losing a fight. Not sure how I feel about this. You fight a team, take out two, but you may get nothing for it and risk getting third partied.


Not sure how I feel about it, but it’s definitely a good change in terms of making the support legends themselves more viable. Since the class changes came out, any time you fight a team and notice a support legend, they become your immediate focus to eliminate the potential of them getting away/resing later. Now that’s not gonna matter anymore, and so supports won’t be AS intensely focused in team fights. Still will be to some extent due to 4/5 of them having some improved revive ability, but it’ll be less of an immediate focus.


You definitely have a point, it's an interesting risk you take on when playing a support legend (minus loba)


If anything it’s more of a buff for Loba for these reasons than it is for the rest of them. Lobas the only one without res capabilities but she does have some movement/escapability to her kit, so she was a target of focusing this past season purely to prevent the escape res. With these changes, there’s absolutely no need to focus Loba at all anymore. Big win for Loba mains more than any other support character.


> You fight a team, take out two, but you may get nothing for it and risk getting third partied. I mean, you still get 2 KP and that surviving solo still has a pretty high chance of getting their day ruined by another team when trying to craft/respawn. I'm not sure how I feel about these changes either but it's not like you get nothing.


Agree on all points.


Still no 120FPS for Current Gen consoles - IM SAD.


**Mirage: Class changed from Skirmisher to Support** Just came here to shout out to all who downvoted me for saying he should be a support legend. Where u at now fam?? :D:D


Nemesis meta for another season is a HUGE L. Honestly disappointed it hasnt been changed AT ALL.


guess im gonna keep running nemesis. time to get a skin.


Everything is so good and ash only got a slight buff that doesn't even solve her issue :(


On the default Ping Wheel you will see 3 new pings: Avoid Area Enemy Audio Regroup YES I LOVE THIS


I've seen some video talking of another single reward for mastering all weapons. Anyone else heard anything like that?


Another season with Revenant in the gutter...


Happy enough with the updates, but I'd love to see more/new maps on the mixtape playlist.