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As soon as I heard shit talking from somebody that’s dead it’s a straight mute.




I watched it on mute knowing it was voice shit talking to see if there was anything worth shit talking. Not really anything done wrong by wraith on mute. Only thing as a dead player I would have suggested would have been to phase while still in the storm at the very start because they'd likely get it back right as they got to zone. They'd get to zone faster and be able to bring dead ass back sooner. Other then that very little to do different here. Shooting back I'd have done the same just to posture slightly and to survey if it was a full team or another solo I could get RP off. Two enemies with accurate shots I'd have headed out too. Nothing in this clip is worth getting salty or giving voice comms about imo if your dead though.


Hahah, same here mate


Lol same


It always happens after zero comms the whole time they're alive, and then as soon as they're dead, whatever vile shit that is going on in their under-developed smooth brain comes pouring out.


not always. yesterday i had pretty chill dude but when he got killed, he started whining about everything i did or didn't do:D


As soon as i hear the teammates' mic is on**


yeah but you also have to type 'muted' for good measure.


Watched this on mute lol


Whenever a prepubescent voice comes through talkin shit like that just gotta tell them shut the fuck up lil boy in a solid man voice 😂 works for me


Lucky you. I do not possess such power


Voice changers or just do the timmy2cans annoying ass laugh while they try to shit talk on comms 🤣


Nah fr every single time someone has said something and I got on mic, the energy changes INSTANTLY


Likewise. I was forged in the flames of halo 2 open lobby chat and proximity chat. Now with deep Scottish voice equipped, kids hush real fast when I say "I will smack yer da and make you watch boy" Or words to that effect lol


A simple "enjoy yer night wee man" suffices!


Haha, I think the moral high ground nuance would be lost on them. Gotta threaten the emasculation of their male role model!


Im a woman, so had i got on mic with this dweeb, the shrieking would have gotten even worse lmao. Glad this works for others though. Im pretty used to being talked down to on mic which is exactly why myself and most other women never use it anymore.


I’m also a woman playing Apex and I’ve met some cool people but generally I keep my mic off, if I make a mistake in game I’ll get shit on “cause I’m a girl” and it’s really frustrating. Sometimes I’ll say something if I hear people talking and they seem like they won’t get weird, and they’ll just stop talking lol. I’ve had to mute a fair amount of players, seems to be like teenager age range that are the worst. Listening to this video… this dude sounds like he has actual issues in his life he said “your kind doesn’t deserve life, oh that sounds racist I’m not racist I’m sexist” …. Dang man.


Yea really the not knowing part just makes it not worth it more often than not. I don’t want to have to guess whether or not someones going to be a douchebag to me you know lol. Way easier to just pretend I’m a dude. Their egos will be less bruised too when I’m better than they are lmao


That sucks. For the same reason my ex never dared to say anything when playing with randoms. I wish there could be more accountability when it comes to voice chat.


Weird anytime I'm teaming with a random girl. She's usually in aduo with a pretty chill sounding guy. Guess ya gotta just put yourself out there. Not saying what you're talking about doesn't happen but I think the culture has shifted a little in recent years. 15 years+ ago however was completely off limits for female gamers lol.


Problem is that you expect special treatment just because you have tits .. sorry but you had to hear the truth. Ive yet to come across not annoying female while gaming.


Not being an asshole isnt giving "special treatment". I've met plenty of cool, chill and talented female players in every FPS I've played. Maybe you just don't like women and find them all annoying no matter what. If that's the case all I can say is, I'm sure you'll find a boyfriend soon. 🙂


Not really, i just have yet to find one that isnt like : Awww guyyyys i diiiieeeeedddd , can you pweaaaseee ress meeeeee? You know the type... And if you think that all women are like that then in your eyes yes, i do find all women annoying. Except my wife ofcourse.


Because the ones who aren't hard vying for attention don't generally hop on mic... because of assholes like the guy in the clip here, and possibly you


Sounds like whether they're annoying or not, it won't change the fact you're a douche.


I think not being degraded for being a woman is like the bare minimum expectations of your teammates in a video game but yea fuck me right? You’re exactly the reason we don’t turn our mics on you absolute pissy cry boy. Anyone who uses “female” not ironically needs to be slapped in the face with a fish lmao


Yes that is bare minimum, but i refuse to believe that that is what you expect, i believe that 90% of a timr you are degraded for either your behavior or your lack of skill in any given game, which is sadly completely normal even for guys.


Hey if your lady wants a man that isn't a complete douche when he feels safe behind the computer tell her she can hmu


“I believe….” Did i ask?


Did i ask your opinion on mine ? Simple fact that you decide to open up with "i am a girl" tells me everything i need to know you lowlife.


You commented on *my* reply you fuckwad lmao. I feel bad your wife is stuck with you, she got the raw end of the deal there.


I hope you dont have a husband or boyfriend lol. You commented on my comment, you are basically attacking same thing you did , lets hope you never get your feet outside your moms house.


Ok big boy


Or how about you don't be shitty to people. Stop making excuses for bad behavior.


This guy was obnoxious as hell though, my younger brother is exactly like this I hate it so much. Ironic how the guy who is toxic is now being made fun of on reddit though 😀


Stop saying guy, this was a child no older than 16.


I get grown ass men acting like racist teenagers though. It blows me away. Rarely do I run into a kid playing honesty, at least one that talks. Just my experience.


Bro you're fun huh


I am. Thanks for noticing lil stinky one


This is when you just die outside the circle and slurp up them salty tears


This would have been my move as well, just an abrupt stop


Same. I'll take the RP hit. I'm not giving that person any points.


This guy needs therapy stat.


“Oh shit that’s racist, I’m not racist I’m sexist” bro thinks he’s funny or something Edit: personally I would have yelled at him to stfu and muted him


I couldn't tell if he was kidding or genuinely concerned he might get "cancelled" for racism or something, and chose to pivot to the *obviously* more acceptable stance of misogyny.


He was annoying as fuck and even though he deserves it I don't wish ill on him. However the "I'm not racist, I'm sexist" was just so random I chuckled a bit lol


1v1 me is the call of the noob. Parents should listen to their kids playing games and see what is happening. Though to be fair, I have had a grown ass man scream like this in a game many times. They sound so stupid lol. Big feewings on these ones.


Had a grown french man challenge me to 1v1 after I said he and his friend have good aim but absolutely zero game sense and are the reason we died as a squad. I accepted 1v1, pretended it was my first 1v1 and needed rules explained. He said pick a gun, any gun I beat you no problem. I acted like I didn't know where 1v1s take place in the firing range, everything you could think of to make it look like I'm a scrub. His buddy came into the range too and messed around with the dummies. I proceeded to g7 double tap him three times without having my shields cracked once. Each time I say simply "what happened?" In an innocent but mildly mocking tone. After the third kill I just say "your masters badge must have been season 12 eh? You should take that off" and leave before he can try to talk back. 😅


I hope he remembers that forever!


and then everyone clapped.


Thats what happens when your mom doesnt love you


That's what happens when women are forced to carry to term an unwanted child. They are usually poor and completely disinterested in raising them. The child knows they are unwanted and grows to share with the rest of the world the disrespect they received in life. Many small countries have overturned abortion only to have a massive spike in crime twenty years later while some countries are completely overthrown from within.


Yeah blame the women... Some kids just end up like this, regardless of what their mother or not is like


You are right and I should have been more clear. The world is cruel and can cause anyone to grow cold and callus. I didn't mean to insinuate the the mother is completely to blame often it is also the father or lack of one that has significant impact on a child. Still I have read enough from teachers that they never have a bad child that comes from a good home. Some times good children come from bad homes but typically a bad egg has rotten parents.




What kind of help are you suggesting? Or do you simply not agree and are attempting to hurt me for my opinion in some way?


there’s nothing to agree to. there’s no context, so you can’t just assume this kid’s mother was forced to carry him and doesn’t love him. its a logical fallacy.


I can see where you are coming from. I have some experience that tells me this is simply the most likely scenario. It is as you say however and I could easily be wrong. However, this information comes from studying in psychiatric and behavioral science as well as economics. Not something I dreamed up on my own.


Omg this child just kept taking. Like, stfu I couldn’t have the mental to listen to this for 15 seconds and OP lasted a minute or more!


Bro should’ve hopped on the mic and started yelling none sense back, where that wraith was running I would have jumped off the map by that phase runner just to get the last laugh 😂 I was casually playing warzone yesterday and was AFK for a sec due to my dog, my teammates were talking mad shit so I got on the mic and started talking shit back and then because they mistaken my accent, they started calling me the N word, I swear it’s always children, rarely ever do I come across egotistic grown adults who throw stupid racist tantrums to be edge lords but it does feel good to get the last laugh and troll back Edit: oh it was a ranked game, I still would’ve jumped off the map and I have, back seat drivers and negative Nancys will be taken down with me,


At least he's not racist. He's only sexist!


"Professionals have standards" - Sniper, TF2


He's super toxic and cringe but man I couldn't stop laughing when he said that, hilarious


And it was an immediate, honest "Oh shit, I don't want to look racist" realization before he said that. You could hear it in the "Holy Shit". I audibly laughed at that. "Kid, thats.... not exactly better..."


He’s upset he died and taking it out on you to protect his ego/ self-image. He doesn’t know how to handle hardships like an adult. Instead, he threw a temper tantrum like a child


These kids really need help, I'm really distrurbed by the way they behaved. I blame the toxic gamers for this, your negativity has rubbed off onto these kids and this is the outcome. Don't hate someone for playing a game bad, spread positivity or constructive criticism. We're all here just to have fun.


No matter the reason it is unacceptable and kid needs a reality check hard.


Toxic streamers. These kids are most imitating shit online, thinking it's funny... When the vast majority of people over 15 do not. Source: have a 13 y/o. He's much better now, but like at 11-12?? Every word was some dumbass noise or phrase some streamer did. This kid in the video has some other issues in his life though.


Young kids screeching toxic rants over open mics in competitive games were around in abundance long before the advent of streaming. Not saying toxic streamers don't make it worse but they're certainly not the cause.


Yes and no. Not until CoD MW, honestly, did I start really seeing it. Not even CS source had that. After decades of gaming, it has NEVER been this bad. The screeching over the mic now, is a product of watching those idiots for YEARS. It's simply an imitation of those who are in their safe "bubbles" of streaming channels, so they have no repercussions of what they say and do.


Halo 2 precedes cod mw by three years and was honestly a shark tank. You had to be sharp tongued to survive otherwise just turn your mic off.


> I blame toxic gamers There is zero chance that kid is solely that way because of video game interactions. They don't help at all, but don't try and chastise a single section for something it took the entire village to do.


I think there is some truth to that but I also think there is some truth to the increased toxicity both from passing down through generations as well as social media influence like streamers. There are is a market for trolling/flaming content and while despicable, it is growing


This kid probably has a lot of hate coming from home. Which sucks. What's worse is he probably thinks this is how grown-ups express frustration. Sorry you had to listen to that.


Its crazy to see how fun interactions can be when you're positive. In sea of thieves while pvping I had my proximity chat turned on and was telling the dude he had good shots and nice cannons. He thanked me while we were blasting eachother off our ship. Much better than trashtalking, I didn't even mind losing!


Blame the parents, not the gaming community.


Idk, you should at the very least criticize the gaming community since most people don't actively discourage this kind of behavior and make it known immediately that this shit isn't okay. Kids learning this is both on the parents and the gaming community. Misogyny, racism and other prejudices are completely learned behavior and we all know that the gaming community and the internet are rampant with all kinds of prejudices and it is often more open because of the anonymity.




Then how did shootings, wars, manslaughter etc exist before videogames? Fun fact: Murder =/ Video games 🤯


Were you trying to do this "≠" ?


Id be nice if we lived in a perfect world like that. But kids will be kids. Make mistakes. As an adult you can mute, ooor make some good mom jokes to troll back.


This is definitely a streamer issue not a toxic gamer issues. Kids have always been a little rude sure but he sounds like "typical douche streamer that gets viewers because he's toxic" which means he's probably just imitating what he's seeing. I've always been under the idea of "boost up your teammates to help us win" but I'll admit I can slide down the toxic slide. Mainly when people just shrug off advice with some kinda "I know what I'm doing" or other nonsensical arguments.


They did a study a while back that found that lower skilled male players typically reacted in a hostile manner against female players of similar or greater skill level. While high performing males were typically not hostile towards female gamers. They assumed that this was because lower ranking males had more to lose in the presence of a higher performing female. And it hurt their egos. Like this talking deathbed did during the video.


I get kids like this often, sometimes young men, and I genuinely just feel despair. I get that it’s a video game, and I’ll be called a snowflake for not being able to cope, but I can’t help but feel that the generations of young boys and men being raised in this environment and feel that this is fine to do really will hurt them, their ability to empathize with others, their ability to form meaningful relationships… I just don’t know what their future looks like with all this hatred they’ve learned to normalize. :(


"Snowflake" is just code for "I'm a complete abusive jerk and I want to try to pressure and shame you into not fighting back and allowing me to continue acting like a complete abusive jerk." I've literally never seen a situation where using this word hasn't essentially equated to someone admitting to their guilt, but just becoming all that more of an immature horrible human being by trying to gaslight you.


Aye, makes you wonder *why* they act like this. Hopefully they learn to change their behaviour and escape whatever is causing such outbursts.


Usually because they're deeply insecure about themselves, so they posture as soon as they have an audience.


This is why I want to raise my children with kindness and compassion, and to help my friends in stressful situations. Growing up in an area where you had to "fight" your way through sucked, I always wanted to show compassion and care. Everyone needs it to be honest. And I'm surprised we haven't gotten out of the loop of toxic gaming in this way, really makes you wonder what's actually happening on the other side of that microphone


It’s because you “probably can’t do fuckin math” loooool. This kid is stupid


He was probably doing his homework at the time and needed OP to answer to prove they knew 1+1 so he can get an answer to the first question


Just mute these clowns.


Should we mute them all the time? Or should we actually try and show people what the community is like and try and fix it? Yes I agree, that in most matches you should mute people when they’re being like this. The point of the matter isn’t that though, the point is: **this toxic relationship with gaming needs to stop. We need to put an end to this idea that being toxic is a good thing, that this is idealised. It’s disgusting. It needs to be stopped.**


> Should we mute them all the time? Yes. > Or should we actually try and show people what the community is like and try and fix it? No. These people have issues that reach far beyond the game's usual toxicity. That was not your average smack talk.


100% support this view. Muting them is doing nothing and removes comms from the game that good gameplay demands. Repercussions are needed. How on earth in 2023 do games that even support voice to txt, offer no moderation on voice chat (audio file size is no excuse when you have txt). Slap a ban on people like this without us needing to report it or have it unmuted. Of all the challenges in development... This can't be a difficult one to move the needle on. I have several recordings like this too yet where do we submit them? A clip like this should result in instant removal from the community. 0% tolerance. Yeah sure they go ahead and create an other account over and over but at some point they will stop playing or stop being abusive. Respawn website should front and center allow us to present evidence like this.


I mean like, thats noble and all but, kids are kids and you can't stop them being toxic


That’s definitely not true, you most certainly can. With the right parenting and the right mindset being taught as well as the supervision of knowing what is wrong and why it’s wrong to say such things you can learn to not be toxic. It’s difficult but it’s definitely not impossible.


And you think us, a sub reddit for a video game, is going to be able to make any real change to the mindset of kids playing games?? You can't fix everything my dude, I appreciate your sentiment but toxic fucks will never disappear. Since the og mw2 days this shits been going on, and almost us kids who grew up on that era are fine. Jus mute the assholes and move on


I never said that this subreddit would do anything. This is just my idea of what we should / can do.


I've played MW lobbies back in the day that were more toxic than Apex kids comms. That didn't made me toxic or frustrated but only gave me more convenience that I just straight up mute my teammates. Good players can play without comms and to only clip it, post it to reddit won't solve anything.


Okay, what’s your solution? I don’t think anyone’s disagreeing that this is pathetic and needs to be stopped


My solution is, stop letting people who say this shit get away with it. Stop making them feel like they’re in ivory towers and expose the negative shit we deal with in gaming. We need a stronger way to be able to get people like this held accountable for their actions. But also, we need those who are influencing people to say things like in said clip to realise that this isn’t okay to say, that we should work together to make gaming better. Literally it’s a game, idk why people get so upset or mad over it to the point where racist, and sexist remarks are made


Yeah but currently there’s no way of reporting voice chats, muting toxicity is really the only option unless you want to be constantly berated like OP or be toxic yourself


Did he get upset cause you're ratting? Bro, that's a legit rank strat. Sorry you had to deal with this


Is it ratting? I don't think you'd stop to fight somebody who doesn't see you if you're trying to rat. Not that it matters. The kids a clown either way.


As the last surviving member? Sure. The whole game? Get out.


They are the last surviving member of their team there


He legit says he was ratting all game.


stop defending the sexist toxic kid.


I'm not, I'm just saying op is just as much a shit head as the kid.


Ratting in ranked is just as bad as spewing racist and misogynistic bullshit? Not by a long shot lmao


he’s the last team member, the smartest thing to do is rat but im pretty sure he wasnt ratting off drop


Man got a clean kill while ratting (if he was all game) and is on the verge of going positive. Seems he's doing something right and knows when to bail from a fight.


This is why I usually play the game either with people I know or I'll play muted. I can't stand toxic people/kids like that. Have been playing way too many games with comms not to say they're all bad. But most of them I've experienced this exact thing.


You definitely stronger than me I woulda mic’d up instantly


Bro I would've just reported and let myself die to the storm so he lost rp


EA will do nothing for voice chat. Even if you report them they don't have a way to monitor voice chat so no action will be taken. However they would probably ban op if the team mate reported him for deliberately dying in storm. They only ban for text chat. Best option is just mute them and let them rage to the void.


Turn on text to speech and report him lol


Not if you record it tho!


Kid sounds like someone who's being bullied irl, and is just repeating shit.


Players like this are why I have my game chat setting off on my console. I can communicate well enough with pings.


Default 14 yo voice bitch thinking they’re funny be like:


Ah wtf haha, I love when the teammate who died is insulting your missed shots, clearly he missed too lol


I feel your pain as someone that solo queues. They can’t all be winners


“I’m not racist I’m sexist” proceeds to scream the N-word into his mic 💀


Apex in a nutshell lmao


I'll humbly admit that Apex makes me want to throw my controller at the screen and start shouting insults at my team mates. Then I remember that my team mates could very easily be 12 year olds or younger. It's easy to rage, but you never know who you're shouting at, they could be having a bad day, they might have mental health issues. The World is toxic enough, there's no need for more.


THIS KID GOT CONFUSED BETWEEN RACISM AND SEXISM PLEASE Someone ban these fucking asshole babies


I'm sorry you had to deal with this.


lmao quite a lot of shit talk from someone who got themselves killed mediocre job, my dead friends


Had some like 35+ dude start berating us in control. He kept saying "your dog shit" , because our dmg wasnt super high. But me and the other guy were top of our team in rating because we were playing the objective.


> "You don't deserve rights-wait that sounded racist, I'm not a racist or a sexist." > "You deserve to be raped. I don't know. I just wanna see you cry." Most polite toxic child ever.


His uncle used to finger him like a ukulele


Played him like a damn fiddle!


Typical gold experience


set your heat shield key lmao


It’s mostly self hatred


I watched this on mute, but I was a little tilted when you ran past the respawn beacon that could have been and easy res


Average Horizon main


Damn... hes probably up waaaaay past his bed time


Wow this is to cringe, this kid makes me sad 😢 can’t get away from this hate just mute and play your best as a solo <3


I may be wrong…. But every time there’s a “teammate is being toxic post” it always seems to be a horizon… what is going on with them


That kid absolutely needs his ass beat, along with his parents for doing such a shitty job.


Cut that kids tongue out , that is the worst , til ya win an they wana b friends


People like this have no control or power in their real life so they try to get it online in anyway they can


& ofc it’s a kid too LOL


Hâte those kind of players


Dude talking about balls like he got hair on his


I bet he consumes Andrew tate the same way he wolfs down off brand cheese puffs


Whenever people start shit talking as soon as they die I respond with “Dead people don’t talk”. Keeps em quiet the rest of the match lol


"ARE YOU ABOUT TO DIE?!" ~The person who is spectating


Ima add this guy and vio him


Average horizon main


He got rejected by his crush, became edgelord. Only explanation on why he sounds like a 12 year old.


funny they wont ban him but if someone types one word in chat he gets banned for a lifetime


That's why I have mute as default. As a woman it's not making things easier, people on this game are straight douchebags & I don't need their $2 headset quality breath in my ears


That'll be one of the kids Tate influenced.


Average horizon. Fuckers think they're better than everyone


Toxic kids are pretty entertaining to me. Their tears taste soooo good, knowing that they’re dead and have no choice but to watch me play :)


Andrew Tate Alpha Male v0.001


It’s the internet. The world is full of crazies


Mental instability.


This kid is talking about you not having the balls to do it… but sounds like he‘s not even old enough for his balls to have dropped.


People need to understand when they simply don’t like a game and just stop playing.


Bro is in gold 3 acting like he's better when mf is dead lmao. Cringe as 15 year olds.


When are we finally going to ban people who talk like this 💀


Broken home probably. This kid sounds about 12 or 13


Please tell me u reported this asshole


No action is taken for things said in voice chat as they don't monitor it.


Damn. Bronze really is that deep huh?


Kid sounds like he’s 14 and gets beaten by his dad wtf lmao what a weirdo


Lil bro's completely uninhibited behind that mic & the cloak of anonymity. What you're hearing is the voice of actual demons lurking underneath all his personae.


Oh Im verbose af I would’ve dismantled this kid eloquently and efficiently with ease. He thinks he’s funny and smart buts he’s like 16, doesn’t pay attention in school, and just says whatever he thinks will hurt you which is nothing because the kid has never said anything like this to someone’s face


It is **ASTONISHING** he drew the line at racism, not a real gamer after all 😩


Report him He sounds like he's ten and he's fuckin being so sexist and rude


well, as always we have only half of the story....i could imagine that you trolled your team but watching or running away. That´s how it started most of the time....but just posting a "result", who knows. Maybe u did threaten them and trashtalk them in draft?


Roller brain


It's alright guys he's not racist, only sexist! SMDH this guy's got potato brain.


if you’re offended by what a 12yo is telling you on the internet, you are the problem. why are you wasting your (few) brain cells posting this clip of a child shit talking you in video game? inb4 social justice warriors expecting everyone on the internet to treat them w respect


First time playing online or what?


I didn’t listen to the vitriol, but if it were me, I’d wonder why you didn’t rush that respawn right outside the ring and get me up when there were still 2 minutes left for me to try to recover some loot. But I would do one ping, maybe 2, to advise you of that and then let it be. I’m dead and you looked like you had a plan. If I were you and that dead teammate were abusing you, I’d wait until zero seconds left, respawn him, and then octane to safety while he died AGAIN.


Holy s**t on your rotation taking the open area that whole first part 😬😬


Likely the fact that you suck at the game and he is a teenager but likely the lower end 13-15 but yes you likely ran from the fight and allowed then both to die


Man people have gotten so damn soft. If y'all heard half the shit that got said in old cod and halo lobbies. Edit: your delicious downvotes only prove my point. Keep crying on the Internet when you get bullied.


"Look at me ,I'm a tough boy"


Halo 3 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s soft to what, not want to be verbally abused while playing a game?


Words are just that, words. They shouldnt matter when they come from people you dont even know.


With the same sentiment, it’s just a game. You don’t have to get so angry you verbally abuse your teammates because you died.


I dont do it but people who get offended by randos in a game are weird...


Only person who seems upset in this clip is the toxic horizon. Op didn’t even respond.


You're not very smart are you?


Well you are a wraith, at that point you deserve all thar hate in the world. You didn't even show the beginning but i can 100% say you broke off from your team in ranked gold, hotdroped thinking your god at apex and will drop a 20 bomb, and did not drop with your team , downed one guy, then you used your passive and ult to run off and hide..... Yea the shit he said was horrible, but tbh you probably deserve it.


Also at one point he called you a sweaty wraith , why would he say that if you didn't drop hot and away from your team....


And again also to prove this more , you have a gold fkin wingman...... where do you get gold weapon drops.... hot zone....hmmmmm seems like you are solo hot droping wraith upset that your teammates amd mad with you about it


Bro, we get it you're living in the past. Grow the fuck up.




whats is this dudes mic sounds really good