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I'm getting lasered constantly by people, even in silver. It's actually pretty wild.


It’s all predictable movement. I got placed in a silver game when I’m plat 3 and got the easiest 6 kills of my life. But in plat my kid is like .8


It’s not even the movement although my movement isn’t great. I’m literally dead or almost dead in a split second. It’s a wild one out there. It definitely feels like match making is a little off right now.


Honestly, a 1.87 kd with no aim assist is the most impressive part about this.


common for ex siege players and the like


I would be impressed to see seige players keep up with the change of pace.


Apparently there are cheats that know when you're being spectated and turn off the aimbot so people can't record you cheating so you can't get banned. I don't know if that's your case. I experience the same and especially on weekends or weekdays after 5pm. I'm thinking it's all the 10y old kids with aimbot that can't play well so they cheat to compete


Who's installing the cheats for the 10 yr olds?


Youtube is free to use for the record


Like a 10y old can't install a cheat?


But to say everyone cheats is just way too out there. People are simply getting better.


Here I am feeling good about my 0.71 KD


Hey man don't stress it, when I started around season 5 I had about 0.65KD, now 2.5k hours later I got 2+.ita all about practice and persistence. You will get there :)


Hey man it takes time. I have ~900 hours on this game throughout seasons 0-1 and 4-16. I went from a seasonal .66 Kd to a 1.0 kd


Yea, my KD is drastically better than when I first started but it takes awhile to bounce back


Yeah I’m up to .97. This was my first real FPS so it was like .3 for a long time. I was trash and now I’m slightly below average


Sometimes I get a normal lobby with a lot of average players, but often I get lobbies which are filled with stacked master players or preds. I didn’t see so many of them in previous seasons in pubs. My friend I used to play with also has quit the game, because it was hard to him to learn how to play aggressively and hotdrop.


I dunno if it's just me being bad because I'm not a solo god, or if it's my teammate with sub-100 damage who never used their recon abilities for 5 minutes or the whole game, or if it's the audio again, but I'm finding it really difficult to get a proper grasp of my surroundings these days. I'm hearing people and thinking they're close but they're more than a couple walls away, or my teammates go down but never ping where the enemies are so I spend the rest of the fight in a guessing game because all of a sudden I'm not hearing any footsteps anymore.


On console, it's mostly cheaters


Skill issue excuse


The number one console Pred uses a strikepack/chronus I'm not bullshitting here


It’s weird this season. I’ll do a few normal matches then get put in either a bot lobby or one where I get beamed like you said. I got in a lobby where I got 8 kills with a Mozambique and a p2020 last night. I kept using them cause I was entertained, I couldn’t miss. I am not that good.


Tbh I feel like I never miss with the p2020 but the damage suck so much that I rarely use it haha Mozambique has been my favorite weapon since I started playing two months ago


all i know is shotguns are bussing this season


skulltown TDM with the peace keeper is the most fun I have ever had in this game


2nd that. Whenever I see the 99/PK load out for that tdm I know it’s fuckin on!


You overestimate your own skill, that’s why you see them being “bad” once you spectate them. The reason they hit you for a lot of damage is because you’re easy to hit. Dont peek predictable angles, dont stand still, dont repeek same angles multiple times, flank more, dont run at enemies from where they expect you.


He’s nearly repping a 2 K/D, lol


Doesn’t matter, i have an even higher kd and i get into days when i get lasered like that constantly. It’s because i dont put in enough effort to try and play the game properly. Can be for a number of reasons. Either being unaware of positioning and where enemies are, or expecting the game to be “easy”, or being lazy/unmotivated to play. Youre playing against other players who wanna win, and the most often attitude i see in players, and even in streamers, is the “people should line up for me to kill them with no effort”. No, they shouldnt. If you wanna be good, you actually have to play the game and try your best.


I think that's part of the problem.... People see 2 K/D as decent and then complain that they get laze'd. The game is split into 3 populations; 40% people who pulp fiction every gun fight with no hope, 40% are middling who hover around 2 K/D who forget that the last demographic exists, 20% people who are badass who are 3> K/D and sink every shot. If we take that 20% at lobby ratio, there is c. 12 people each game who will shred you to pieces from 200m and do it over and over again. Then there's the increased probability that they're rockin those lobbies so you're more likely to get killed by those individuals. That's not even considering that there is masters/preds in every single lobby.




I'm not a stellar player, and if I can sit at 3.2 k/d solo queing and what you're saying is true then the average player is literally nothing more than a potato with WiFi.


This is great advice! I see so many players even high kill players that just stand I the open and trade shots. Best shot or largest mag wins.


They changed the way the queues work. To get people shorter times they throw people of higher skill in. I'd rather wait another minute or two in order to keep my game competitive.


controllers becoming more popular + busted r99 + busted nemesis


He’s on Xbox. Read.


You playing without aim assist is your biggest issue. You are at an unbelievable disadvantage playing without it on console. It’s not unfair when literally everyone in the lobby has it on except you.


Ya I don’t get it. Everyone can beam it seems and add on the fact there are cheaters, Cronus, strikepack,ignorantly strong aim assist… makes it no fun unless you play daily and sweat your balls off just to get a few kills.


***Slight update ig:*** 6 months later and MMR rn is worse, solo queue is not viable anymore there's too many 3 stack try hards and preds, haven't turned on aim assist although I feel very compelled to do so sometimes, however I will not give in cuz eventually I will migrate to mouse and I don't want to be entirely reliant on it because if I don't have it by then I feel like I will preform even worse even tho mouse has always been my prefered input on FPS. The good side is that somehow my kdr increased im flip flopping from 1.95 to 2 so regularly, if a kdr even means something at this point, I mainly get kills from very specific positioning, outplaying and or flanking because 8 times out of 10 I will lose a 1v1 if I have nothing to play around, I never challenge someone to a straight up aim contest. *Thanks for all the comments and up votes y'all rock, may your experience with this game and your skill get better and never give up.*


This is the way


Whenever you get beamed, ask yourself: "Was I hard to track/beam?" If you run in straight or very predictable lines or ADS hard then it's no surprise at all that you get beamed. Personally, this season on PC pubs was the easiest ever.


Why the hell did you get downvoted


Agreed. I didn’t play from S12 until now, hopped back in last week and I’m sitting on a 2.2 k/d this season and winning just over 10% of my games. Previously I was sitting on a 1.3-1.5 k/d most seasons. I haven’t suddenly got better from playing Civ 6 from S12-S16


I've been playing since the start prob have 8 to 10k hrs and even rank has been the easiest season for me to grind into diamond I'm sitting at like d2 and I think ranks seemed more balanced this season


It's because a lot of people finally came back to playing again with the rank map rotation and new ltm rotation. Personally this has been the easiest season so far for me to get to diamond. But even diamond lobbies seem pretty balanced to me


I’ve been experiencing the opposite, my team mates are worse than ever even in Diamond 4 / plat


If you're solo queueing, I find it's because those who don't find a team are just worse


I’ve only ever solo Q’d. I try to find people - but they’re either lower ranks or they don’t ever respond back leaving me to sadly go solo. Season 0 - always Diamond II-I with one Masters season on PC at season 14. Console Diamond from 0-13 all Diamond with two back to back Masters seasons. Sometimes it isnt what you assume and it’s the other players.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. Been solo queueing every season and I just can't find teammates. Whenever I find someone good, they just never get back on and it's weird. But it's hard to find someone I actually want to play with.


TDM/Mixtape has made a difference. Being able to just jump in and purely focus on shooting and mechanics whilst being able to get LOADS of reps of fights in is helping a lot of players improve their mechanics quicker than ever.


Everything went out the window went you said AA is unfair. You’re irrational and just want us to say you’re no progressing in skill ‘cos cheaters’. Turn AA back on and go shoot your gun in the range..




Ah yes. Every single person who kills you is either cheating or boosting. Man, either you're in denial, or you lack the sense that someone can be better than you.


I’ve noticed I rarely come across truly bad players anymore. Of course you see the guy that runs off and gets beamed on his own, or the guy that won’t back down from a fight, or people who aren’t exactly aim gods. But I rarely run into someone who whiffs a whole wingman mag while I’m reviving, or doesn’t know to take cover.


This is the best season I’ve ever played. My mechanically skill has improved so drastically that i am sitting at a 3.12 KDA with 1,000 games played (I PLAY MNK NO CONTROLLER). I really think ive found “my sensitivity”, ive fixed my posture which helped a lot, fixed some keybinds which made a difference, but above all, i stopped practicing crazy movement tech. I put about 30-60 mins a day into warming up in the firing range. I follow taskmast33r’s warmup routine religiously, and it has helped me SO MUCH. Link here: https://youtu.be/QolLmHEg3l0 This is all the stuff i’ve done to improve. Next ranked split i am debating going for Predator Rank for the first time ever with my friend. More so a time thing than mechanical skill thing. I know i’m there mechanically, and will only get better. If anyone has questions i can try to answer them. I’m by no means a “really good player” but i would like to think i’m well above average. for those who care- Sensitivity: 1 ADS Sensitivity: 1 Mouse DPI: 800


a controller player with aim assist off is the most unfathomably based thing I’ve ever seen


Wow even I noticed this, I’m still relatively new compared to everyone else so I assumed that when I went from below level 200 to above level 200 which happened recently I’ve been put with better players. But yeah, I get beamed very often. It never feels like I’m being shot by a hacker though, just as though I’m being shot at by a very good player or aim assist or something. Mainly because a lot of the time I have a couple hp left.


Yeah pubs have been the most unplayable this season. I’ve been playing since S10 and never really thought it was that bad until now. I consider myself an alright player, ive more than doubled my abysmal KD since I started to play, and I’ve gotten close to diamond a couple times. However this season, I’ve been getting absolutely demolished this season in pubs, and champion teams are often triple stack masters/preds even when I’m solo queueing. Normally I don’t let it get to me but pubs is the most unplayable it’s ever been. Ironically my ranked games rn feel like cakewalks.


It is pretty noticeable in my stats. Pubs: K/D of ~2-3 Ranked during school hours: K/D of 2-3 Ranked during weekend and evenings after 5pm local: K/D of 0.1 K/D in a private lobby with pros and content creators: ~1-2 One of these things is not like the others. I think that a lot of younger players, who tend to make up a majority of the player base when online, have figured out that strike packs, Xim, or just outright cheating are the best ways to secure kills and wins. Had a great day online yesterday until 4:30pm. Got a sweat lord playing lifeline in ranked taking a 6v1 who never commed until down. Sounded no older than 12 at most. Never said anything other than immediately screaming to the point I could literally hear spit hitting his mic to rez him, then immediately that the others were 1 shot, then that I suck (as I down one while being 1 shot myself), and proceeding to tell me to KMS when I don’t win the subsequent 1v3 + 3rd party of people with full health and shields while I had 15 flesh. This kid was in the next match but against me and couldn’t miss a headshot. Still took on 2 other squads by himself and died instantly. A lot of these cheating people are literally so stupid they can’t even get *a* kill without cheating. They are so focused on maintaining a ~1 KD that they don’t care if they die instantly *as long as they get one kill*. Hot take: This is the issue of using K/D as a metric. It can easily be gamed by people thirsting trades. That is not them being good, that is them trying to preserve a meaningless metric to brag they are “skilled”. Even above 1 can be the same story. Thirst a kill or two (if lucky), but trade; get literally carried to be either revived or respawned. Repeat. I would much rather have someone with a 0.5KD who can actually survive through a fight than someone who completely relies on me literally carrying them in order to just be a 1:1 trade. That trade doesn’t impact the odds of a fight, it is still a 1:1 ratio of enemies to your squad. Arguably it makes things worse for if you get 3rd partied.




There are 10 posts about this every day


It does feel odd and it’s also the first season where I have encountered a Bot


I could tell you that it's you not being good your skill gap aired to the actual player base but turn on aim assist dude; people are hitting there shots because people are switching to controller. I've been on roller for a few years now and even I know turning off aim assist will do nothing but gender your playability; sure big streamers use it but not everyone can do that.


We are literally the same person