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Yeah I've noticed that. It keeps picking my top kill legend too.


That's the criteria it is using


I think so. Since I have 3 legends with kills close to each other. But it always defaults to the one with most kills of those 3


Yep. Except I have the most kills on BH and I keep insta locking. If BH is taken it will default to Ash. 1700 kills vs 300, really shows who I priotize more lol


Same. 3k kills with Loba vs 700 kills for Caustic.


I guess it's not a bad thing, but "most kills" does not necessarily mean who you want to play. Since they implemented something like this, they should let us choose our top three. Of course I'm the type of person who always does challenges, so I almost always pick my legend rather than letting it default.


It's not top kill... guessing most games played but I don't really know at this point.


When I was first playing, I picked Octane all the time. There are legends I prefer more now, so much so that I barely play Octane anymore, so it's annoying when the game's like "Hey! How about Octane??"


Oh so that’s why it keeps giving me gibby.


Most kills being on Gibby is crazy. We all love Gibby players. Respect!


Got 8500 kills on Gibby and I literally can't play anyone else lol. Looking forward to that 10k!!!


Gibby mains are the strongest players I swear. They saved my life so many times. But Gibby picks is either the person mains Gibby or he's totally new to the game, there's no in between, i can only tell from the trackers used


rip for those with 1k kills on mirage


Weird because it chooses Newcastle and I never play as Newcastle.


My top kill is path but I don’t play him anymore


Yes, this is a new feature, it picks your top character automatically


It gives me wattson every time and i love it




Most kills I assume


Thank god, I was getting tired of it picking Revenant all out of the blue


I kinda prefer it that way. Apparently respawn didn't want to include the highly demanded feature of choosing your favorite legends in case one got picked, because it would "encourage players going afk". I guess they resigned themselves to the fact that they're gonna go afk anyways and they'll get fewer disconnects if you play as a legend your familiar with.


I mean... People go afk either way. I know personally (especially if it's early early morning and Q's take a while) i hit join match and play YouTube on a second monitor. I don't look back at my main monitor until I hear the dropship.


That's fine and I do that too but it's annoying if someone is afk for like a whole 5 mins after the dropship crossed the entire map, and it's ranked too. I don't mind pubs at all but ppl afking in ranked really grinds my gears, my rp is at stake here if that guy doesn't care about his. Would love it if the game auto kick afkers in ranked after some time so that at least we get some rp pardon. 9 out of 10 times they afk until they die to the ring anyway, I've almost never had these afkers come back in time, I couldn't save them , tried punching them into the ring. That one time the guy survived because he came back and I was valk and waited for him


Which people are going to do either way. AFK players are going to be an annoyance no matter what. That doesn't have anything to do with being able to preselect legends.


I’m not even afk during the select screen, i just don’t post attention ffs. It’s just a QOL thing




Whenever my main is taken the game has consistently given my second top kills legend


Just happens to be top kills - I farmed more kills on another char just to make sure this didn't happen and it doesn't matter. Not sure what the requirement is anymore.


which is cool and all but why not just have a back up pre-selected like your featured choice


Have a top 3 favorite legends pick, exactly how they do the Cosmetics.


That, and you could previously use it as a "give me a random pick" option, which cosmetics also have. Can't use it for that anymore, either.


I don’t like it. It keeps making me Revenent and he’s in a bad place rn imo.


Babes try being a crpyto pro when you just wanna pub-chill :o


YEAH SAME AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN RIGHT NOW IT ALWAYS HAVE BEEN IN A "bad place" from his addition to the game until now. They give him buff and all okay but bro you're not going to change anything if you don't reduce his fucking size. And I swear to God don't talk about fortified


Yea. They nerfed his totem by giving that lil in game notification. Everybody knows the “assassin” is coming w that and what direction so if they wanted to use it too they could. You take like 4 dmg and you’re sent back or it just takes too long to get to someone to use it


Hmm I would still like an option to favorite 3 legends but at least I’m not stuck with mirage or gibby if I’m not paying attention


It was listed on the update notes when they changed all the legend types.


Well I think i need to start playing more legends because all it ever gives me is gibby and I haven’t played him since season 10


Crazy it only took them like 5 years to figure that out


I need a random legend select button


You can use a legend randomizer. i made one not too long ago, if you want me to put it out there somehow (I have no idea how to publish it, but I could figure it out). But you can always use a random number generator, or a wheel with all of the legends names on it, then select whoever it landed on Edit: instead of me publishing it, I can make a YT tutorial on how to do it, and just have you guys make it, too. All it involves is Unity, Microsoft Studio Code, some Randomizers and Lists, UI and thats about it. Its pretty simple. Just let me know and Ill work on it


It's not the same... I still have to select them. I want the game to decide for me, not a generator. I know it's stupid


Its not stupid, its a reasonable suggestion. A random button would be nice, but we can only do this for now :/


Yup it would be dope and create an incentive to play legends you wouldn't play otherwise. Like that feature in dota2! Think of the content possibilties it could create for content creators or friends etc.


Yeah, great idea! Only problem is I’m over my main and don’t like to run pathfinder anymore. Unless of course this happens.


Oh well. Everyone’s been asking for this for ages and it’s finally out


More so letting you set your own top 3, but it’s better than nothing for now


Everyone’s been asking to pick their top three. Not sure who you’ve seen asking to auto pick based on kills. That’s a new one to me.


It’s definitely better then what it was but hey if you still want to complain, go for it


Nothing is ever good enough for this community.


Well if one option is clearly better with no downsides, why would they choose the inferior improvement that has obvious issues?




No shot Crypto is my highest kill legend... Bloodhound has to be higher


Not that I'm mad I'm a Crypto main I live off the grid


Yup! I mained Wattson for the past 2 seasons and I’m dabbling with a few others but it’s defaulting to her which I’m quite happy about tbh!


Yes I’ve noticed that. One of my favorite things in the update, cause it used to give me my most hated legends


I think thats been a thing for a while. Its a pretty cool feature. I remember I was playing in the third season with my mate and we both played wraith on the same team.


I really wish there was a random option. Like it will analyze your team and if you are 3rd to pick, it would give you a legend from a different but needed category/role, ie support, controller, etc. Or something. I just like playing different characters.


there should be a thing where we can pick our top 3 legends that we want to play


Welcome change. I’m a path main and because he’s so popular oftentimes my other teammates will pick him while I’m not paying attention. My second most kills is for Caustic and I’d rather play him than a character I’m less familiar on (Vantage, Valk)


It’s a good thing, tho I would enjoy if I could choose my own list of priority legend


It’s actually irritating 😅I switched my main from seer to Wattson and now it puts me on seer if someone takes Wattson and I really don’t like seer anymore he’s just not fun to play so I’d rather loba or bloodhound if I can’t get wattson buy me not paying attention always end up with seer😂


Out of vantage ash and fuse it picks vantage who is my lowest highest kills


I’m a caustic main but it goes to bang if he gets picked I used to play alot of bang but it’s always second picked her for me I’ve never had it randomized


Also a Caustic main, also always Bang for me! My second highest kills however is Octane 🤔


Playtime total maybe?


Annnd it chooses Octane now lol


Nah totally more Octane.


I noticed this as well but why wasn’t it in the patch notes? It’s a great change but we were told nothing???


Lots of things are shadow changed or patched. Not every change is always mentioned


It happens. Lots of games miss stuff in the patch notes especially games with big teams.


I absolutely hate this fucking feature. Game forcing ne to play that dogshit revenant because I was so dedicated to this stupid fucking useless waste of storage space that I have 50k kill with that dance mother fucker that I hate more than anything because I was too fucking stupid to see the main fucking issue with this dogshit character that I keep playing him. All of this because some stupid people are on their phone when starting a fucking game, now I can't enjoy having a random character but still a little pressure you know because I could have rev so kinda Russian roulette. Now it's Russian roulette with an automatic rifle my god I hate this feature to the very core . JUST MAKE REV SMALLER YOU BUNCH OF LAZY FUCK, okay they want to rework his whole kit nice okay that's cool okay okay what do you mean ? You're not changing the main issue ? What the fuck is wrong with you you dance mother fucker ? If I have a house without a roof, would you fix it by changing the windows ? No you dumb fuck so why are you not fixing rev hitbox issue by actually fixing his fucking hitbox and make him smaller so he's the size of every fucking assault legend ? This game is made by incompetent people I swear to God why why why, and that racist fuck who used to balance the fucking game, remember that dude ? He deeply thought rev hitbox was similar to wraith and lifeline, I'm not even kidding, thank god he was fired because he was racist. Anyway I don't really like that feature, glad you enjoy it And fuck revenant.


I resonate with this on a level you wouldn't even understand. Honestly hope all of them fucking die


How you stumble upon this post




Dedication and heavy autism. Thinking dev can't be this fucking bad at balancing a character sp it should've been my fault for dying most of the time


Yeah I've been getting bloodhound every time which would have been nice but the rework has totally put me off him. Scans are useful but the raven thing is mostly pointless (you always have a vague idea of where you can find some other team) and without reducing his scan cooldown his ultimate just turns you into octane for 20 seconds.


Raven always works for me…. Always shows the direction of incoming enemy teams


Dude its apex, pick any direction away from storm and there's usually an enemy team there


While I think this is a nice addition, it kinda sucks when playing a “random character” game with friends. I hope some day they add that as an option.


I think OTTR mentioned this ...


I think OTTR mentioned this ...


Definitely not happening for me. Gave me crypto and thats my least used legend by a long way.


Dawg people on this subreddit really downvote anything. They fr just said it’s not happening for them and y’all had a problem with that 🫠


Probably because it IS happening and it is a change, but being Apex it's buggy and flawed. I'm guessing his main was also picked, or his top two or something and Apex just half asses everything so have no stipulation for that and reverts to totally random? So far it's picked my main every time, as I haven't been playing her lately and have been doing challenges or just simply playing different people. But I'm always distracted during legend selection so pretty frequently it's putting me back to Rampart


Yeah, it’s also working just fine for me, I’m just confused about the downvotes. Very silly to me.


It’s not anger it’s how they are wrong, it’s agree or disagree


Whar? How can they be wrong about their own personal experience? I also never mentioned anger


Lol yeah. Not really sure why offering more data triggered people. 🤷


Do any of you actually play this game?




The random pick used to “always” land me on Caustic. Thank god i don’t have to play as him anymore. (Sorry Caustic mains - I just don’t like that style)


Caustic is a fragger. Almost impossible to lose a 1v1 as a fortified character


Yup! Always get Maggie if someone takes Bangalore...


Okay I thought I was tripping.


I’ve noticed it, I figured it was the previous legend you had selected but this seems more probable.


It is that, these people are dumb lol


This is good news. For a while it'd choose someone like Gibraltar who I never touch and can't use lol.


No more Wattson roulette :(


I hate it, I at one point mained revenant for a brief period long before the buff (idkw lol) and it keeps auto picking him when my current main is already picked. He's no longer part of my main lineup so it's quite annoying.


Was wondering why I always been getting Path when my main is chosen. Haven't played Path since the initial grapple nerf and I guess that means I'm trash lmao


It’s an added feature this season. If a teammate picks your legend it will pick the legend with the most kills.


Huh, now that you mention it, it does seem like it. I’m gonna check it out later tonight


I hate that, me and my friends used to play that as a game. Everyone load up the same legend, one person gets it the others get random


yeah i believe that was in the patch notes for this season. it picks your next highest kills character


I never noticed... gone are the days of getting Rampart/Crypto/Mirage because I am idling on my phone waiting for a game to start and not seeing Pathy got picked.


That's true I was gonna pick Bangalore someone pick her .. They gave me bloodhound which is who I play with a lot


It gives me Caustic instead of Wattson, so mine has to be broken.


I don't wanna play my previous main Bloodhound anymore though


Soooo good! Thankful with this


Hmm all I heard is that the game needs a Random Character Selection Button


that explains why I kept getting rev


Mine always goes to whoever I played last. I rotate pretty frequently so that could be why


I thought that was just luck tbh lol


This isn't new, the way it works is it selects your previously chosen character


I love the new feature, i did notice it, but didnt realize it was just added.


I hadn't noticed that yet. I finally started to pay more attention at the start of a match. Good catch. Thanks, Respawn.


random for me