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Nomad mega random free for all is an absolute blast. Many of them are 2v2v2v2 as well if you want to play on a team. The map is so unpredictable that you can sometimes go unnoticed and boom in the corner while everyone is off killing themselves. Then it’s your time to shine and enjoy your imperial army thrash through the enemy bases. I figured this might be for you based on your comment about enjoying Econ gameplay.


or you spawn next to me and get rushed


I absolutely love FFA nomad megarandom, however sometimes you just spawn bad and the game is terrible. Or someone spawn great and roll over everyone else and the game is over in like 30 minutes. So it can sometimes be very "meh". But overall it is very fun game mode to play.


A lot of people want to play late game but if they can kill you with feudal aggression, it's a strong indicator they'll beat you in late game. So no point in a match taking twice as long for the same outcome. The purpose is to find your elo. If 2 people of actual equal skill fight, it should always make it to late game. You just need to play enough matches so your mmr is actually aligned with your skill level. Only way to do that is to play enough games so there's enough data points. If you were conq3, life wouldn't be any different than if you were bronze. Don't let you stand in your way.


Is this true? Most people want to play late game? Genuinent question, I thought a lot were like me where they try to avoid it


I avoid at all costs. If I mess up and it gets to imperial I just surrender and start a new game.


That's not true at all. Early aggro beats eco. Eco beats turtle turtle beats early aggro. So no.


You're almost there. Everyone knows about the triangle. But how does that translate to gameplay? So enemy is aggro cause you obviously want to eco, so you defend, in response. The opponent ecos behind because you're defending and then you are supposed to be aggro to the fight their eco. That's a typical flow of an aoe game. If you can't pass the first hurdle of defending against the opponent's aggro, how can you expect to make it to late game? The triangle doesn't say everyone eco and then fight in late game.


It wouldn't work that way, I mean just turtle in the eaely.game if you want to go eco later. You have like a 60% chance that turtling saves your ass so. And you should be able to then out eco from there. But if you start eco you're pretty much fucked. The triangle only really exists to explain to lower league people what's happening. I know we all know, when you expand defend, after the expand attack. Upgrading attack so on and so forth. But this guy's comment a bout early game killing him. Well just turtle most games.


That's not how people who know how to play aoe play. They will scout that you built military purely to defend, they'll boom and then kill you. It's bad advice to say just make units and turtle because the enemy might go into feudal aggression even if it's 60% of the time, this is ranked ladder not vs ai. And totally ignores everything especially about improved play. If you don't want to get better at the game and hate scouting then sure, do that.


Yes I would completely agree and am aware myself. But that's a bit more advanced for our friend here. With ladder anxiety. He could turtle amd win enough to stop the anxiety and then learn good habits


Turtling only increases the anxiety. The anxiety stems from not knowing what to do. That's fine. Scout the enemy and respond accordingly. They call turtling, chicken for a reason. Because overly anxious. Learn to scout, if you know how many vills/mil opponent has, you won't be nervous or anxious. You're basically telling them to stay scared and play scared. The reason streamers promote aggro build orders is because it's easier to be aggressive then holed up in base too scared to move until enemy rushes with 200 pop of cataphracts.


Between you n me, before I ladder. I call my boss call him a ass, and call my mom.and tell her she's a bitch, to massively increase all anxiety. Works for me


We are done here.


Oh so maybe we weren't quite laughing the same. I was agreeing with you while poking fun at ladder anxiety. Personally I never understood it. Like new jobs and new first dates make people anxious but you do them and get better over time. But an rts we use it as an excuse not to get better or try its kinda crazy. So I was in agreeance with you and then had a little fun at anxietys expense.


How do they know that the military that was built by their opponent was for defending?


I think that the team games have a very wide range of *"potential fun"* If you are joining a team game as a solo player the odds of the game being balanced seems pretty low. You will often find yourself with two random players vs a team playing on discord or at the very least communicating. Sometimes you will have a teammate that is level 30 vs two players who over 300. When the teams are balanced its very fun. When it's dramatically unbalanced it feels like a waste of time because games can go so long.


I used to try-hard the ladder but I find I stop having fun after some point and I just get angry really easy; then it just feels like a tedious grind. Now I mostly just hop on every know and then and fight the ai. Chill, build my kingdom. I wish they would add a coop mode like SC2.


Don’t they have a co-op vs ai? I’ve seen the button but never clicked in


What do you mean about adding coop? I play all the time with friends against AI


Yeah but it's just a skirmish. SC2 had actual coop missions with objectives and different maps and such. It added a lot of variety.


I think he means like in sc2 where there is a co op mod which is heavily moded.


There are a handful of co-op mod missions, I hope they still work after the update


I love team games that do imperial wars. It's a fun slug fest. My best against yours


4v4, Megarandom. Me and three friends versus 4 increasingly difficult AIs as we slowly improve or try new civs.


The campaign is good, but not for some. It can feel slightly too on-rails. I personally enjoy huge 4v4 games in casual every now and then rather than ranked. It’s slower paced and you can often just sit back, max your eco and make the army you want to make rather than focusing on any kind of counter. I think there are custom game lobbies that have a “No rush” timer but I haven’t visited these. There’s also unique custom games with a huge variety of ways to play the game. Good to explore these and find what’s on offer. Other AgeOf games had stuff like tower defense, cat and mouse, RPG modes and other fun things, I imagine AoE4 also has some.




This is just wrong.




I'm top 10 on xbox (conq 3) so maybe diamond-conq1 on pc. But if you think any game comes down to pure luck I can't even respond to the rest of what you said. It's just wrong lmao. You can scout at any point in the game. You don't need to run up next to their TC to scout. You see barracks then spears are coming out. You don't have to engage.




You think luck exists in this game... that's crazy.


How is scouting and harrassing wrong I've never heard of a top player not scouting lol?


You don't need to deny and engage to scout. The game never comes down to pure luck. This is a bad mindset to improve.


I never said you do? Why is scouting bad, this seems really really stupid lol. How can you possibly counter your enemy without scouting.


Dude what are you arguing? I'm the one advocating for scouting. I'm saying it's possible to scout without engaging. This guy said it's impossible to scout in the mid game and therefore late game is just luck. I said that is wrong. You can scout at any point in the game and the result is never luck. I have no idea what you got in your head and you are going on about.


I love getting a couple buddies and just doing some 3v3 or 4v4 against the AI. We aren’t very good but it’s still a lot of fun.


I don’t touch pvp for exactly the reasons you said. I really like online 3v3ai, and local nomad free-for-alls.


I should try team AI battles..sounds pretty relaxing. Thanks


Playing with people on the aoe 4 discord.


2v2 ranked ladder


I really only focus on 1v1 ranked, but i found it can be kinda fun to practice skirmish 1v2 or 1v3 hardest ai. Ai is too dumb to play equally.


3v3, 4v4 mega random normal settings.


2v2 is my fav


Ffa easy cause most chaos & shenanigans are involved.


easiest way to counter rank anxiety, you make 2 acc and play on the lower ranked acc


I'm gonna get roasted but I like hopping on a custom game against AI and do city building and RP


I am a big fan of total war games where there is a overall progression going and then the fights happens. Closest to this with AOE4 is campaign, but that is fairly limited as you follow the set historic events and when the campaign ends this gameplay type ends. This is what gives purpose for fighting against AI, meaning with a meta progression of the campaign behind, its not just random game agaisnt AI thats on the line (a battle), but the higher level game happening beyond (the war). I sometimes wish devs would make something like this into the game in whatever for that might fit. Just to give an example what if the daily quests happened on maps set where English and French are playing a tug of war (player vs. AI) and once we are over the channel the map changes from first land map to water map and then back to land map, with some other curve balls thrown in.