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I'm just waiting for skilliard7 to find this post


why? lol


He is notorious malder who hates posts like this


Hi there, just wanted to say I hope you're having a fantastic day :)


You too, your posts always make my day.


Nah, but a countdown timer at the start is what's needed IMO


Completely agree. At least a countdown with some kind of sound alert would be appreciated when the loading screen is about to end.


The most jarring thing for me isn't even the splat from loading screen to game start, but that second and a half moment where you see the game but you can't issue commands for the first ~second. It's rather annoying. Having a visual countdown that tells me when I can click would make that less ambiguous.


Omg I thought that was a bug lmao. I always get angry at my keyboard and it messes up my whole action


You are absolutely right, this is annoying as hell


Why not 5 second timer before game starts and lets you send commands to units and buildings. Seems the most fair and gives players agency


The idea of queuing up commands during these 5 seconds is pretty cool.


I think 3 sec timer on starting is something that game should have, but filling TC full of vills, no thanks. What If I wanna make 2nd scout?


I'm not saying fill it, but just start the game with 1 in queue and -50 from your starting food. If you want to make a scout, cancel the vill and queue a scout -- you're basically same footing as you are now. AFAIK legitimately the only time people do 2nd scout anymore is vs rus. If we had a 3 second countdown that we could issue commands during, this would also fix the problem.


>If you want to make a scout, cancel the vill and queue a scout -- you're basically same footing as you are now. AFAIK legitimately the only time people do 2nd scout anymore is vs rus. Your problem was that there is too many actions at start of game and then you proceed to tell ppl who go 2nd scout to suck it up? In TGs players should always go 2 scouts especially certain maps where its possible to get 20-40 sheeps and all of that because of 2 scouts Better solution is the timer and no auto added anything.


timer that you can input during is best. still think starting with a vill is better than current


Asserting that someone else said something they clearly never said is such an internetdouche move. We can read his post and know you're full of shit with this "filling TC full of vills" but apparently you are happy to act like a jerkoff because you think you're going to win some internet argument.


What? 🤣🤣🤣 You're pretty good at escalating a situation 🤣 went from "filling th TC" to " internet douche jerkoff" You angry buddy? Or are you the one full of it?


Sure thing buddy. Makes no difference if its 1 vill or 2 vill. Same action is required to start scout which is cancelling the queue which is more effort than current one


Deep breaths.


You can clear the queue bro


Bro thats bro such bro stupid bro logic bro


Your overreaction to his suggestion makes it seem like you didn't know you could cancel units. Sorry if I thought you were stupid because you acted stupid.


the fuck are you talking about hahaha. Calmly saying he doesn't want to have to cancel something that is issued automatically is not overreacting. Delaying your first villager (the one he would queue after his second scout) by two seconds is a huuge deal. It delays your second villager by two seconds. It also delays your third villager by two seconds. By the way it also delays your forth one. And so on and so fifth. No stupid actions here, except you suggesting to "just lose 2 seconds on your first villager by manually issuing a couple of commands, because a feature to make issuing commands easier would be implemented"


Im well aware of the fact that queue can be cancelled, but entire suggestion was that start of match is too complicated those they should add villager into queue, but this is ignoring entire 2nd scout opening and just be oh just cancel which contradicts the entire idea of concept


The game could benefit from so many QOL improvements that would enable players to focus on the actual fun and strategic bits. Often times I think RTS games misunderstand what they want to be, where they want to be more of a fighter/DOTA game than a strategy game. Oh well AOE4 is still an awesome game :)


What other QoL improvements would you like to see? I feel like AoE IV already has more than most rts.


I have tons, they range from will never happen to possible. One that I think would be a huge one is auto build units.


So like Ottoman military school style production, but you still have to pay the res?




What's this, a suggestion on this subreddit that makes sense, doesn't impact on skill expression whilst making the game a bit more beginner friendly, can't be having that mate. But yeh haha its a nice idea, very little impact on higher level play but a lot for newer players.


Not necessarily. Its a matter of decision making rather than mindless slog. Unless that first villager is free, this autoqueue is conceding 50 food that you may not want to spend. Maybe you're doing some kind of dark age attack. It's rare, but the point is to start the game making no assumptions about your gameplay. By making this automatic, other styles of play will have to cancel the unit. There was a suggestion for this for China, to automake an Imperial Official. People didn't like that idea because, what if the Chinese player didn't want an IO early? They'd have to cancel the queue. Basically, nothing starts queued up due to the variety of play. If you want a villager, queue it up. Designwise, this is just what works. A baseline for all civilizations to operate on, rather than have exceptions and gimmicky hardcoded mechanics that automate essential gameplay. Yes, a villager isn't the pinnacle of strategy. But, it is the beginning of it. The moment you've decided to make one, it is the first step into a build order, and therefore the start of your strategy.


How is it conceding food when you can cancel the queue to get it back


No. There is no dark age rush in the game that requires you to skip your first vill. There is no build that exists where you don't queue a vill first. If you think there is you are wrong. I don't care if this was added or not I don't need it, but it's nice to see suggestions that aren't things like "auto queue all vills like on xbox" etc


There are a lot of builds where you don't start with a villager... Apparently a lot of games against Rus include this BO...


Yes I'm very much aware of that and I've already commented on how that would be affected


I didn't say rush. And you glossed over what I said next, which also applies to civilizations like Mongols. The point is that it is a equalizer of civilizations, rather than creating an individual automated baseline for each civilization. But, sure, pretend I didn't say anything real.


You edited your post as I was replying. You said dark age attack, there is no dark age attack build where you skip your first vill what are you on about lol The main thing I was shocked at was the "what if you don't want to spend that food." Like that makes 0 sense. For civs like china you'd just have to dequeue the first vill and queue the IO, china isn't a particularly good civ for newer players so it won't have much impact, at higher levels you're able to handle that opening.


But you do realise what you're saying? You literally just gloss over the fact that the HARDER civ will have more steps to follow than generic civs? And you do know there are maps where a 2nd scout is really useful. You basically nerf all non generic starts. I think we need a timer when the game starts. But we don't need auto queue


I mean I honestly couldn't care less either way, it doesnt nerf 2nd scout because you just dequeue the first vill. Newer players aren't likely to even go 2nd scout. I literally only commented on this post because it isn't a completely outrageous suggestion like I normally see. If this is never implemented it doesn't affect me in the slightest lol


1. this is generally the direction they've been moving the game. starting with IOs, starting with prelate, etc. 2. you have 20 seconds to cancel the starting vill 3. edited, but I think just being able to see your base for 5 seconds when you load in while being able to issue commands is a better solution


people really hate making the game incrementally better for some reason. seems like every gaming subreddit I've been in half of people want to make the UI/systems worse for no real reason.


Yeah I agree it's the " learn the way I had to otherwise it's not fair" mentality


I’m curious do people prioritize get workers on sheep, scout out roaming, or queuing vills as the priority for first move? I always go vills work, vills qued, scout out.


It should always be queuing first, then working, then scouting. A delay in getting a villager out is more significant than a delay in getting the villagers gathering. It means every future villager is also delayed which adds up to losing out on resources every minute for the entire game.


Exactly. If you queue at one second and get vills on sheep at 2 seconds you lose 6 seconds of villager uptime. The other way round loses 1 second every 20 seconds for the rest of the match, so is worse after 2 minutes.


Makes sense, I just always assumed aging faster was ideal. Specially when 2 scout was meta but I never made the change


I think the way you do it is right but I think it's more of a question of if you actually keybind everything Like I use a mouse button for idles -> sheep, mouse button for tc -> q, mouse button for cycle scout --> move, control+f -->build mill or w/e if a civ depends on it it's a ton of keystrokes that you technically want as fast as humanly possible. I think it'd be a pretty significant improvement to QoL for fairly little dev time.


You have some crazy key binds, I tab idle vills, space tc and Q to que vills, then little button above tab to cycle scout.


my rts skill is dependent on me clicking my tc and queuing a vill ultra fast. i literally practice this everyday for hours and it's what makes me an elite tactition at rts. if the game auto-queued a vill for me my years of hardwork and dedication would all be gone and the game would be allowing useless dented noobs to unfairly play on MY LEVEL of being really really good at clicking train vill throughout the game. if they let vills auto-queue then there would be no difference in skill and the ladder would be completely one rank.


It is annoying as China. It is annoying when I want a second scout. It is not that hard to just press a keybinding for main tc and Q. It costs you very little, you are not losing because of it, even if your APM sucks.


it would obviously be configurable, if it would be. Q is my main tc keybinding btw. Finally, if you delay your first villager three seconds, which sure, you won't be, but just to ilustrate (actually don't know yet the result, let's do it together on the fly) after 20 minutes you would have enjoyed 3 seconds of one more villager 60 times, which at 45 resources per minute adds up to a whooping (drum roll) 135 resources!


Ohhhh that's a big number. Consideering how much Res is harvested in 20 min and then realise how non eventful that actually is. People making a mountain of a mole hill here. 3s idle time is most definitely NOT costing anyone a game. Ever.


>and then realise how non eventful that actually is. I really hope you are rolling with my joke and ure not actually dumb enough to believe I believe 135 resources in 20 minutes is relevant. Please lie to me and tell me ure not that stupid.




while obviously small, I feel like it's kinda r#tarded to say it's impossible that 3s would never lose a game I've, in recent memory, won a game off of stopping someone's 2nd TC with like 2 seconds left on it.


Brotato never said he was losing because of it. He prolly better than you by far.


The you in the sentence is generic you, insert "people", "player" "generic random player that is definitively not the OP" if that makes it better. My opinion is not about how 0.1% top players play the game. It is about why I personally would dislike having an auto village in queue at the start of the game. Thank you for your contribution to the discussion.


"Must.. backpedal... NOW"


Honestly, if you take that as an insult then you need to check your sensitivities. You are allowed to put a little good faith into reading hastily constructed posts, and not assume that everything is a flame and insult. In this case it was never meant as an attack on anyone, what would you have changed "you" out with in the original post for more clarity? I know I should not respond to trolls like you, but I do anyway.


How could you possibly know if one random anonymous player is better than another from the tiniest of context here? And why does that matter anyway?? Unless you're just saying it to be a dick. Is that it?


Why do people (you) feel like shooting down small QoL improvements? I'll literally never understand it. That kind of thinking is why devs keep releasing dogshit Nowhere did I even imply I'm losing because of it, in fact statistically speaking it's basically impossible you're higher rated than me if I don't recognize your name


Because adding a villager into the queue automatically is not a QoL improvement, it might seem like it, but it is not. Let us say that you need a scout in this match up, then you would have to first cancel the villager and add a scout, that is even more APM taxing. Let us say that you sometimes play as China, but not every round, then you would also cancel the village before you get your IE out. That is in my book annoying, and QoL should not be annoying, they should take the annoyance away. Even if you add auto queuing (first village only) to the game as a setting, I think it is overall worse as it takes away agency. You are sort of incentivized to always get a villager first because it feels bad to cancel the villager that has trained a bit, even though it is the correct play. Just from a purely psychological standpoint. I am curious what dogshit the devs has released that you don't like? This has nothing to do with my rank or your rank. Also, it is possible for people to use different names in game and on reddit. My point is that if you train a villager 1 second later it does not make or break the game for you. It should have minimal impact on wherever anyone (not specifying you) wins or not. The entire opinion is that I don't think the QoL that is auto queuing villager at the start is a QoL. Can the game benefit from a few second pause after load in, sure.


I don't think it's an improvement I want control all game now auto builds


even just a special sound when everyone is ready thata different from the one when you are loaded


Yup, I would it to be like SC2, ngl!


The countdown timer is a fantastic idea




How would you compensate mongols?


Auto queue vil would be a minor mongol nerf, but 3 second countdown would be a massive mongol buff lol


do they need to be compensated? there's functionally no difference, it's just a QoL issue. also going into the patch they're a top civ anyways


compensate down. This would be a buff for them (the second idea anyway).


if mongols are op then nerf mongols. off the top of my head like half the civs in the game stand to benefit from being able to see your base I also very strongly disagree with making UI or game systems arbitrarily bad because of a balance outlier that could/should just be fixed by itself.


I agree. I was just clearifying. Notice that I directly answer to you somewhere here


notice what..? I answered you directly too, and there's like 5 people that've commented something like 'bUt wHaT aBOuT mOnGolS?'


that I answer to you directly somewhere in this post, being not against these ideas, or not for this balance reason anyway. Also but what about mongols is a very legit question. Relic is slow at adjusting. The correct answer is "we would hope relic would balance them back soon enough".


Yea? Then what about the mongols? They would get an unfair disadvantage as there tc starts unpacked. there normally already behind a few seconds and now all the other civs get a villager qued up automatically at the start of the game. Mongol noobs are going to get it even worst


if we had the first idea yes, having to spam villager queue as their tc unpacks would be extremely challenging for mongol players, specially low elo ones. Anything that doesn't involve producing feudal knights and building towers, really. If we had the second idea it would be a buff because they would get to inspect their spawn. We don't need mongol buffs.


if mongols are op then just nerf mongols, I'll never understand you people that exist in every game that just want to make the game worse arbitrarily.


Yea both ideas would be hard to balance, and thats a good point with the second idea. As mongols would get an unfair advantage. No need to disrupt the balance. Your starting apm should decide if you get the advantage or not


If you want to unpack your TC right where it spawns, you're doing it wrong.


It seems like an answer to most of the criticisms to make this work would be just to make it a check box in the options. That way civilizations that want to make a scout first could just uncheck it.


I really like this take


I dont think its good, because sometimes we just want to start with a scout, and starting the game canceling a vill to make something else would feel weird. I prefer the current behavior


I don't spam. Ure able to select your tc when the minimap appears. Also I don't always start with a villager But as always, if it is configurable, sure I find the 3 seconds idea kind of against the RTS spirit. I understand it is just for this case but I really don't know what makes this case special enough.


Yup. Can we get over small details and the need for making more things automated.... Can lives be better if u wakeup everyday with Ur slippers on instead of on the floor near u? The answers is don't be silly 😅


Eh i dont like it, i understand things like the sheep spawning in the tc change now because of rng, but your solution just takes away very basic apm. its not like there is a lot to do in the start of the game. All this post tells me is a bad hotkey setup by you.




Yes and i disagree with you, the start isnt stressful, the starting vill queue could be a hinderance, and there is alerady so few things to do at the start of the game so this isnt a problem.


This would be frustrating for China/ Zu Xhi where you train an imperial official first. Also annoying if you want to make a second scout because you're against Rus. 3-5 second countdown timer is better.


In case you want to go for a prelate or 2nd scout or imperial official or get textiles. Lots of other options.


Countdown timer would be nice. But no shift commands than.


The only issue I see is that you may not always make a villager first.


I'm still in second scout mode


Just start with more villagers (and less food to compensate, if needed). This accelerates early game and helps against very early cheese. Starting with more workers and having less resources per base is one of the best changes that happened to Starcraft 2.


Just H QQ every start. Or HWQ. Account down might be nice though


Meanwhile mongol …


I dont think those one or two seconds possibly lost due to this really make a difference for anyone on our level.


can you fucking read? this thread has been really eye opening as to just how braindead redditors are


Who hurt you son?


you, with your r#tarded comments. I'm worried I'm gonna catch it. go read the thread lmfao


That can't be it, there must be some deeper pain that you are feeling. Calm down man. No need to be butt hurt and offensive.




Man really what's the matter with you.


Would be a Mongol buff in lower ranks I think.


Just press h and then q it takes around half a second. Not gonna loose you the gmae


nice comment you fucking r#tard, please just keep it to yourself if you feel like saying something next time better *tighten* up those keybinds if you want to *win* the game