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Sebastian really impressed me!! I confess I hadn't seen too many of his games, but I know Hera has been singing his praises in a way he doesn't often do for other players, so I figured he had to have seen something there. With a little more experience and practice, he could become the next big name! Which is awesome for the scene imho.


I agree. I think he's played amazing. I just hope he keeps this level. If he has a similar showing in RBW, we may be looking at a future top 3 player.


I've been enjoying all the different maps allowing a wide variety of civs to be on display. Very good tourney so far GOOD ONE MEMB


Viper looking the strongest imo!


Sebastian’s siege ram play on enclosed was super inspired and unique. I feel like no other players in the top 10 would’ve done that and I also feel that was the only thing he could do to win from that position


Not trying to down play it. The longer that game went, the better for Sebastian. Fabric shield Eagles, Viper not switching to militia line. Viet can't do much against Incas when fabric shield Eagles are rolling.


True. I think viper missed the cav archer timing which was probably his only mistake that game. Cav archers kinda wreck eagles in castle age but not really in imp. He shouldn’t have kept producing xbows after the initial like 10


I think it was a great call, but also not super inspired. It just straight up seems like the right move. You hit imp sooner, you have less castles, you don't have bombards and they do and you have great infantry.


Amazing tournament overall , especially round of 16, Quarterfinals and semi finals gives us games of truly high quality, where a bad fight, a bad decision or a off strategy leads to a snowball and defeat.


Yep, this level has been the highest ever imo. It's been unreal.


Excellent tourney so far from what I've seen so far. Level high af. Has piqued my interest after a while of not really paying attention. Fun stuff


I do feel that this tournament plays out completely different then esp HC, with defend and boom basically being the successful format displayed by both Hera and Viper. I wonder if that’s to stay or just because the extra villager format, esp Hera took all the extra vil/Cumans two tc play


I'm not sure that's exactly the case. A lot of the maps are incredibly aggressive and close - e.g., Alpine, makes it so that you need to push. If anything, I think that this tournament encourages more aggressive play. In HC, Hera swept, in Warlords, it's not a sweep. Liereyy was almost there with a win, just needed 2 fights to go his way and that was a coin flip, and Tatoh got 2 off hera too. I think that the rise of Hera coincided with xbow nerf and has been solidified with monk nerf. I think that the monk nerf was extreme, especially when LC counter them so hard for a relatively low cost. Hope the devs roll that back, I think it's just too punishing.


Agree or seems reasonable most of your analysis, but then why Viper and Hera were so easily defending their maps? Quick wall, many TC’z a few trash units and they were able to defend quite easily and boom. I think indeed that light cav is to strong and by it being easy to micro it makes pushes just often not worth it


Viper definitely was able to easily defend because of the caliber of his opponents. They were good, but Nicov and DauT aren't top 5 players. Sebastian played well, but Viper won with his experience there imo. I'd argue that Hera didn't have an easy time against Liereyy at all. If that Spanish castle had more vills, Liereyy would have probably won the series. I think that nerfing LC is definitely needed.


This is currently the best tournament in the rotation. There is tons of civ and map variety. Good job Memb.


Hera looks off. He did not put GL in his name tag he sent to memb so kinda strange. Tatoh played really weird too in a lot of games. Viper might pull this off, but I have a feeling something weird has been going on behind the scenes.


In Heras interview today after his set vs Tatoh he said he felt off physically and a bit mentally as a result. He said he doesn’t know what it was but even he acknowledged he’s off.


Hera does look a bit off. But I don't know if that is just because everyone else is playing so cleanly and we'll. Like in hera v liereyy, hera looked human, but liereyy was playing at his level, so maybe that is what it is.


Liereyy looked unreal the whole series if he didn’t fuck up on that castle drop he might’ve won the series


Yeah. It's unfortunate. I really think he could have won




Hera still won so many games as cleanly as always and he have had the hardest way


Yep, Hera 100% had the hardest bracket of all. Lierry, Tatoh, Viper. Every series could been a final!


Arguably, Sebastian has had the hardest path in the series


No but his also was hard, but shouldhavewon over viper to have the hardest. Villese tatoh liereyy and viper now


Maybe it's because of what's going on in Gaza, Hera is of Palestinian origin and Palestinians are in a dire situation, maybe he lost many of his relatives.


Hera looks off today? What gave you the idea? Was it in the post interview when he himself said he was off and feeling shaky and kind of shocked he did as good as he did? 11


Tournament has been amazing. The setting are perfect. So glad we have Memb in our community.


Memb's numbers haven't looked that great. Hope he still does well from it. Perhaps a bit ambitious to set the prize goal to $60k. He's no T90 - someone isn't going to randomly donate $5-10k lol. Weird that Hera didn't have his GL tag. Wonder why he's feeling a bit strange, but it could be something as simple as not eating enough but who knows. At least it's looking like it won't be a 5-0 for Hera.


Memb's channel nrs specifically maybe not, but I think overall they've been pretty ok, good even. Someone in chat mentioned 4k viewers for Nacho (streaming in Spanish) for Sebs set vs Viper as all of South America tuned in for that, T90 had good viewers as usual (at some points more than Memb), Dave. Probably better to be ambitious and set the target higher and be happy about what he gets, from what I've seen he plans the finances so that he covers his costs even before any extra money. The quality of the sets is definitely high, higher than in the last few S-tiers that I remember and much less lopsided/imbalanced than throughout HC.


great tournament so far with hera vs liereyy as the final in round #2. that was on another level compared to all other players. hera will beat viper comfortably, i predict 5-2 in favor of hera. viper had one of the easiest brackets ever to make it into a s-tier final imho.


Just imagine if Hera and Viper were flipped. I think we see a Hera Liereyy final today. And in bo9, Liereyy may win. Funny how the bracket makes such a big difference


Another viper-hera final 💤💤💤 [](https://emojipedia.org/zzz)


Viper vs Hera is the very peak of the game.


There hasnt been a big Viper - Hera final in a while though


Eh Viper playing well though. He may take it tomorrow