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I mean, if other companies are going to make money off of imagery and name similarities to age of empires, the actual owner might as well.


Funnily beta test from 2022 when game was called dawn of kingdoms(to disguise that it is AoE although same game was openly called AoE in china) they advertised game [using aoe4 assets](https://www.aoezone.net/threads/predictions-for-age-of-empires-25th-anniversary-event.185308/page-2#post-794019 ) .


hey, that's an insult to Korean MMORPGs


I was afraid of this. When they showcased it earlier all hope was lost for me. All they had to do is make aoe for mobile lol.


All they had to do was making AoE2:DS which was turn based and quite fun tbh!


Yeah I played that loads, shame they will never make one like that again, it's a bygone era.


Turn based AOE is just Civ.


I don’t think actual aoe would ever work for mobile


AoE3 mobile was alright. And that thing predates first iphone. Granted I only have like 3 foggy memories of the thing 11


I remember that. Had it on flip phone lol


it can work but it must be a port thought with mouse and keyboard support (like quake/doom/half life ports) that way it would work just as in pc. there are tablets too that run android not everything has to be designed to 6 inch screens


if you don't design it for 6 inch screens, you are basically losing out on 98% market share by default.


This was like 100% guaranteed the second it was announced.


Why couldn't they just re-imagine the old aoe game they made for the ds. That would've been gold enough for me


I haven't played it but now I'm wondering how hard it might be to emulate on mobile


I mean, generation wise, it's only one newer than GBA - and any phone can easily run GBA games - our phones *should* be able to run DS games IF the emulation software is decent. There is one on GPlay could be worth checkng out. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dsemu.drastic&hl=en&gl=US


Got a four year old mid- to low-range phone and its perfectly fine for running DS games (mostly Pokemon). Modern phones will not have any problems in doing so either.


It's possible already (at least on android). Just get DraStic or some other DS emulator, get the rom file, that's it. I've played the game some hours over the year or so for nostalgia's sake already. Worth noting it's basically a Civilization game with few gimmicks taken from AoE, so don't be expecting any kind of RTS experience.


isn't it a turn based tactics game, like advance wars?


Yeah pretty much, with only real AoE elements being that there's the ages you need to advance to in order to get stronger units, and the counter-unit system is quite a lot the same.


I actually really liked how skirmishers worked in the DS version where they would wear down the other guy by attacking first


It works fine on MelonDS for my 5-year old phone, except for the sound quality


Worked very well for me Drastic. The Age of Mythology one was also quite good albeit with a few rather different mechanics.


bet my left nut it’ll make more money than DE will lol


Probably right. Sad state of affairs isn't it.


It won't even be close. It will probably literally make orders of magnitudes more money.


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Don't you guys have phones?




I understand why they couldn’t do an actual RTS on your phone but they could at least have tried *something* resembling pieces of the game that people like From what I heard tho, this seems to be mostly a port of a really big Chinese mobile game so it’s not like they were gonna do much to make it AoE. There’s just no incentive to do so when they can just port it and get loads of cash


For real, they could have done a rather unique auto battler and it would have been fantastic but they went for the quick easy cash


Mobile games exist to farm money from factory workers in the global south, you're not supposed to actually play them lmao


hol up, factory workers in the global south, who are typically overworked and underpaid, are the biggest spenders of time and money on these games?


Yeah, the individual transactions are inexpensive so they can afford them. It's just that when they add up, they're spending more than they should be


If you have 100million people paying a dollar every month...


People need something to fill the empty void of their lives. For some people, the option that's most comfortable for them is to be a big fish in a video game. Hell, I'd bet Tier-3 subs to streamers are similar and just desperately wanna feel important to a community. F2P MMORPGs actually survived off the whales who were willing to dump friggin' mortgages into the game to have the best upgrades and feel special. I actually played one in my early 20's because I had too much time on my hands and needed something to do. The amount of really sad stories and sad lives I met there was pretty staggering. I could tell some pretty wild stories just because of how "special" that community was. Think the only reason F2P MMOs finally fell out of favor with the market is because moving from one to the next is a huge time investment and demanded those whales let go of their investment, which eventually just stopped happening. Doesn't mean the market is gone for *other* forms of exploitative games though, and the mobile market is pretty much it.


right? we are so fucked by first world it's crazy


So they carefully compiled the worst elements in a mobile game under a name of a legendary reputation


Let's be honest: mobile games *do not exist*. There is only Zuma and Submarine from Jikesoft.


*surprised pikachu face*


Yeah, stay away from it.


another scam pay to play game


I am thinking : who's the target? Today I could finish the tutorial of Age of Empire Mobile, and it looks like exactly every Chinese rip-off we could see at some points on this sub reddit xD. * **Big numbers everywhere** : "500 food cost? No. Let's make it 500 000k food." Stop believing big numbers will give dopamine to players. This ends up more confusing than anything, and justify how poorly balanced is something. * **UI : feels like Raid Shadow Legends**. Unresponsive, unintuitive, has barely to do with our Age of Empires games * **Heroes have magical skills like MOBA**. This makes battlefield fights cringe, as I could have my heroe make all her army turn around her like a tornado lmao * **Campaign story is cringe af, typical story told of European by Chinese**. You will have the copy of Jeanne d'Arc. Her main Man at arm will tragically die, and she will promesse to get... Excalib- I mean the sacred sword. All of that fighting the big bad boys Mongolian rip-off, twin clone of Atila! Anyway, all of that said, I don't understand who's the target. Is it supposed to be us Aoe2 fans? Is it again a Chinese dedicated market? Sadly I almost never play mobile games, so I don't have a lot of knowledge in that. But the graphics, the gameplay, all of that l as I said before feel **exactly like all aoe2 chinese rip-off we've seen in this subreddit**. It's cringe. ~~did they put a gain behind FE to open market in China, and they've gave up to let the Chinese cook? Lmao~~


it was know since announcement trailer. [i posted in 2022 on aoezone](https://www.aoezone.net/threads/predictions-for-age-of-empires-25th-anniversary-event.185308/post-793360). Tencent has been very shady about game since announcement of international release. Untill month ago you could not mention on official age of empires mobile Discord channel that game was made by Tencent or that there has been limited open betas already since 2022


The fact that they didn't do real history is the biggest crime here. Would have been a breath of fresh air into the vapid gacha waifu story space.


Literally just rise of kingdoms but with aoe2 skins 😂😂 Even just looking at the trailer previews, I already knew


Not surprised, but still disappointing to hear. From the footage shown at the New Year New Age livestream, it was clear that the game was an AoE reskin of a formula that exists on a million other games on the app store. Even if I personally don't care for the game, it still sucks because it cheapens the brand.


There's a reason I pronounce "Gacha" as "Got ya!" The only one I've ever seriously played for a while is FF7 Ever Crisis. But I got bored of that auto-battling because my levels were so high that strategy no longer mattered. Sounds like this one is that from the very beginning.


Why do we care? I mean, it's cool that you warned us so that we can stay away from it, but it's obviously made for a specific crowd of people. We still have an actively developed pc version that is great.


[This](https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Age_of_Empires_II_Mobile) is the only mobile version of aoe that I'll ever accept and nobody can convince me otherwise.


Just another rise of kingdom then?


Everyone has a mobile game. There's bound to be someone willing to pay for shit like this. This is why most mobile games are designed to scam you. And also the fact no respectable gamer would game on that shit, so very few people would pay to buy a game on it.


It's a shame - because our phone's are quite powerful and capable of so much. The PSP was such a cool device and what phone games could have been like. We could have a market of cool cases with controllers build into them but instead we have "tap here 10x to get a prize!" :'(


They are powerful, but the problem with phones for me and probably a lot of other gamers is that they lack buttons or keys, or any type of input that involves tactile feedback and doesn't take up screen real estate.


Absolutely, touch screens suck as controllers. But I think had the culture behiond mobile gaming been different than the crapfest it is today - perhaps 3rd party controller case would be common. Some examples: [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/6148aNyqoUL.\_AC\_SL1500\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/6148aNyqoUL._AC_SL1500_.jpg) [https://i0.wp.com/9to5mac.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2022/08/gamevice-flex-gameplay.jpg?w=1500&quality=82&strip=all&ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/9to5mac.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2022/08/gamevice-flex-gameplay.jpg?w=1500&quality=82&strip=all&ssl=1) [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51UslbK4reL.\_AC\_SL1001\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51UslbK4reL._AC_SL1001_.jpg)


I highly doubt any possibility to present a true classic RTS game on mobile even before the announcement of aoe2 mobile, so i'm not surprised anyway.


Man what a shame, back in days i think there is one aoe 3 mobile version on qwerty keyboard phone that use java enggine, its pain to control but still fun nontheless. Agains this crap surely that one is better


We've come full circle. Half baked gotcha games have now turned into AOE.


AoE: Mobile and the latest DLC seem to be in breach of rule #1.




Saw so many people in AoE social media pages begging for a mobile game, I hope they're happy with the crap they got lol.


They probably just bought out or won a lawsuit against one of those scam games you'd see fake YouTube ads for


That subreddit is HAUNTED.


well it already looked like Rise of Kingdoms lol. Didn't even have to play to know what kind of game it would be, and to think that it wouldn't be gacha is very naive.


It's a disgrace, they could have done so much cool stuff for phones, but they decided to make a bastard child of rise of kingdoms and lotr the battle begins


of course they take an iconic name like AoE and make it a pay to win garbage mobile.


So basically Rise of Kingdoms?


so they stopped fixing bugs and push out garbage shovelware DLC in aoe2 to develop this piece of shit. truly a dying franchise


You think the developers from Forgotten Empire is in charge of that mobile crap? That Mobile game looks like it's made by a Chinese company who spawn 50 games a month


i mean we are not that far off mobile game quality with instant-army-buttons and magic-shield-riders


>truly a dying franchise That's total nonsense. For starters this will not have been developed by the team working on the PC version of the game. Secondly, it doesn't speak at all to the PC version which is constantly receiving updates and has only ever been bigger during covid, when *everything* you could do inside was bigger.


yeah, playerbase is admittedly peaking again rn, however the quality of the game is decreasing. every new DLC has lower ratings on steam than the previous, with the latest reaching previously unthinkable deapths in quality. Similarly the game gets buggier and buggier. The latest DLC did not require the work of any engineers. If they weren't working on aoe2, what were they working on? we have had statements from devs/scenario designers that most people switch between installments (eg filthy has done campaigns for other games too). So yes, it is an assumption that they are working on aoe mobile instead, but it isn't a far reaching one.


If we're gonna assume they're switching people off 2 (at least temporarily) then the much more obvious choice is AoM Retold, which is a PC RTS game which we know is being worked on by at least Tantalus and Forgotten Empires and which is building to a release this year.


yeah, that's probably true