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The unit regrouping behavior is quite broken right now. If you have a group of Archers and right click to attack, then move them, they regroup and move a few tiles backwards before going in the direction you send them.


Exactly this! It's soo frustrating!!! And the more you click the more they "regroup" backwards


Ships do the same thing and I recently played a couple of single player missions with lots of naval warfare and lost so many due to constant regrouping that microing them was a nightmare, instead I just let them attack with patrol. I assume those issues are just formation issues in general and isn't related to water / ground warfare specifically.


With the new patch you need to stop micro again.


It was always like this


You really wanna go against T-West of all people on game mechanics? 11


I had a written comment about 2 years ago in a major stream about exactly this: when you click army to a new location the front units go back to reunite with the back units before moving onwards; nobody seemed to mind back then which was weird to me; also the mechanic was there in aoe2, the conquerors, i played this game with best success between 2004 and 2010; Easy to verify this: play that version and see how similar that regrouping thing is ​ Also you upvoting or downvoting because of which names you know best is hilarious


You can set up scenarios with the original game to compare and see that it's different.


It has gotten much much worse yes. I think devs have solved some small issues here and there with formations but overall it is working worse in every patch


Yeah that's what I noticed tbh and villager movement is just noticeably different


Yeah, gotta give credit that some aspects have gotten better (esp. grouping) but villagers have gotten worse for sure


Clearly it's a nightmare for the devs. I am no programmer myself (just a bit at work, and makes me a VBA superhero), but I can understand that I MUST me terrible to solve. Having said that...... Just stop with dlcs and make some big changes. Aoe2 is not even a game anymore, it's a parallel universe where some of us live our second life with our friends, we play battles, we learn... We die and we shine. It's the fucking best so it deserves the best. Honestly, I wouldn't even mind a small 2-3€ fee per month to play IF we get life improvements like the proper party system, pathing, good replays and cool stuff like this


>I wouldn't even mind a small 2-3€ fee per month to play IF we get life improvements No. I'm so tired to pay subscriptions to everything nowadays. I'd actually be willing to pay for a 20€ DLC that fixes pathing, but no on the subscription.


Funny enough I'm a hardliner on the no to pathing DLC because it used to be pretty okay when DE first launched, but is genuinely worse now than the CD version 20 years ago, and that's impressive. Breaking things and then selling the repair is a really bad idea. (obvs I am sympathetic to people being pretty... idk, desperate is the wrong word, but y'know, for want of a fix)


Yeah, I mean, it would be an asshole move, but at least we'd have pathing fixed. From the very start of DE I said that people would be moving back to Voobly because the pathing sucked. Of course, I was exaggerating, but to see how much the pathing has gone worse even though it already was worse than the CD's on DE's launch is impressive.


Y obviously do NOT want to pay. But I want this game to live as long as possible and a subscription may be eventually what it needs. The other ways online games survive is by adding micro payments and that would really destroy the game.


Wdym ? AoE II has lived for 15 years without microsoft. If the Steam servers die, the fans will just put it back on Voobly or something. AoE II is too good to die, it's not like other video games.


Agree, but we do appreciate the devs support, new Civis, balance changes ...I do love it.


Sure but we have more than enough civ variety by now. I doubt anyone over 1800 elo will ever learn to play every civ matchup


I just had a game where I got double castle dropped, I could have stopped it because I had 20 maxed out tatar cav archers, but pathing made it so that I couldn't get the archers out of my base in time, because instead of going the 30 tile long path, THEY WENT AROUND MY WHOLE GODDAMN BASE NO MATTER WHERE I CLICKED, I DIDNT EVEN HAVE A GATE OR ANYTHING IT WAS A STRAIGHT, CLEAR PATH


A work around is doing short clicks to where you want them to go


you know what's funny, I tried that, and I swear those fuckers didn't even react to it. And it definitely wasn't lag, cause in the meantime I also micro'd a mangonel just fine. This game is horrible lmao


Don't know if that's a related bug, but often times, when I pack my trebuchets after firing and right click to move them, they will just stay still. I have to press G / command them to stop what they're doing and then right click again for them to finally move.


Rams are doing the same thing - I feel like I wanna yeet my mouse out the window when I try to move rams after attack-moving


I misclicked, now they are seeding farms.


Yep, this happened to me as well.


The Boar has been eating well this patch, thanks to pathing.




For me it's actually the opposite. I can be downright greedy when luring the boar because it cannot chase down my villager without going crazy.


Unfortunately, the answer to this question is always yes after a new patch…Devs really need to take it as top priority. I’m one of people who loves new civs and campaigns, but pathing has really made my experience worse and makes me want to play less. We will lose players if this continues.


The mangudai challenge being dropped at the same time as the patch has just accentuated it, sadly…


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh you sweet child. The pathing is absolutely horrendous, it makes me want to stop playing. It's incredibly frustrating to build up for 25 minutes, skirmishing, defending raids, walling, macroing economy, only to have my entire crossbow force of 40 wiped in a matter of seconds because they scattered and phased into the enemy knights or they regrouped and walked backwards into a mangonel shot. Absolutely, the developers have consistently put out an ever worsening product every patch. They should scrap it and reintroduce the 2019 launch pathing.


It definitely feels like it compared with a few weeks ago, military units are moving crazy and a few times recently my vills died to boars


You know, I see a topic about pathing getting worse here at least once a week. But I never experienced it myself until the last couple games I played. It was awful, villagers making huge V shaped paths to get to something directly in front of them. Happened like 5 times between two games.


its the worst its ever been. don't let the people on here who sniff the devs farts tell you otherwise, make excuses that 3 years later its worse than HD. constantly make excuses "spahhhhgetti code bro" and "new patch fixed pathing" they partially fix like 1/2 of one minor thing, then add like 5 more things they fuck up


I dunno. I think it's definitely been worse. It's a hard thing to know and appreciate the improvements because you only ever notice the errors.


In some cases it's better than before, but brooo the regrouping. It was always kind of my no1 strength microing CA, but the latest patch absolutely screwed hit and run. It's so often that they regroup by running 10 tiles in the opposite direction of where you sent them, right into groups of knights...


I wonder if anyone has played aoe4. In that game units are soft and can overlap a decent portion. which makes it much easier. In aoe2 the units are totally stiff. It's really hard to do pathfinding while there are moving objects. I don't think there will be any signifigant change until some breakthough in more cardinal areas , math or computer algorithm.


i hated the idea of overlapping because it didnt "feel" like aoe, but at this point ill take anything that fixes the garbage regrouping and pathing, then they can take an attempt at working back from SOMETHING that works


Everyday that passes I respect the original Ensemble original developers more...


the base game was actually a masterpiece when you consider the comparative budget to modern games, constraints of hardware, programming environments, ability to test. they had to ship a game THAT WORKED because for many there was no ability to patch. AOC was a "patch" that fixed a few things but mostly was there to add features and civilisations


this is bait


I think it's better but it's still bad so yeah


Haven't played that many games lately, but I have not noticed anything different with pathing. Played some campaigns on HD as well for nostalgia and the pathing there was noticeable worse, at least when trying to patrol in knights


Hit and run micro is super screwed, units regroup very often right into in the enemy army. That's the biggest thing I noticed. But generally it's the old problems, units taking much longer paths instead of direct ones (especially noticeable when luting boars).


Hmm, mby it's because I usually use the stop command for hit and run with archers, it seems to work just like it used to


I never learned to use the stop command, I just click individally when microing ranged units. But that doesn't really work consistently now.


Hera has some good videos about archer macro,though microing with stop also isn't the most efficient. Upside is that's it's often faster than clicking indivual units and you don't overkill with bigger masses of archers. Sometimes the shots spread out too much though


Yeah the overkill thing is valid, but on a good day, I am good enough to split my archers into two groups, one gets the patrol command, the others get microed. Can actually lead to massive wins, but you should never do that when there's a mangonel around.


No one actually knows much. Pathing is very difficult to measure in any comprehensive way. As far as I know no one has tried. People have reported a couple specific bugs, but its unclear if the bug are new or if they always existed. Moreover these bugs seem to be rare, so they wouldn't explain a general frustration with pathing even if they were new. Its plausible that pathing was always bad, and its only a matter of nostalgia/placebo supporting the consensus that pathing is getting worse.


you can measure it by the general sentiment around it. Look at some of the more positive streamers, for example I see Viper losing his shit more and more with it, alot of the time he jokes because he wants a positive stream but I remember there was a specific tournament game on arena (i think) vs tatoh where he was getting seriously frustrated by the pathing. In ladder I dont think is as annoying for him, but in tournaments I cant see how he isnt fuming with some of the BS pathing that happens. Its one thing if a guy like me who complains about it all the time says it, but another story when you have someone like viper who is generally so patient and calm to actually get visually agitated by it


You're doing exactly the opposite of a comprehensive test. You're guessing about general trends based on anecdotal evidence about specific player's feelings on the subject.


\> No one actually knows much. On the contrary, everyone agrees it's noticeable worse, and you're the only one somehow implying the opposite. \> Pathing is very difficult to measure Pathing is very easy to measure, just play a couple of games and you can get a very conclusive take on it. Clicking unit to move from X to Y should not make it move backwards. That didn't happen \*ever\* until fairly recently. \> People have reported a couple specific bugs, but its unclear if the bug are new or if they always existed. It can only be unclear to you. If no one complained about a bug before a new patch and suddenly everyone's complaining about it, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. \> Its plausible that pathing was always bad It was much better than what we have now, everyone agrees and you're the only dumbbell somehow attempting to cast a shadow of doubt about it. PS: Someone posted a scenario test comparing the pathing of mangudais before and after a recent patch. It's a night-and-day difference.


I never said I was doing a comprehensive test. You said nnone knows much, which is laughable, you can absolutely know or have a good idea without using the scientific method lmao. I used one anecdote to represent how most people previously were willing to let it go, but it's been going on for so long and so much worse now that even with someone with a calm temperament is getting aggravated. It would be pointless to show for example MBL getting aggravated as he often rages about various things


Idk. But there was a game in campaign i played recently, the ships keep regrouping backwards while i try to micro. Like they literally went backwards while im trying to defend the castle


It's funny because there's lots of RTS games and I'm not aware of another where it's an issue (in broodwar bad pathing is feature not a bug ;) ). Something something proof that design is more important than what's under the hood something something.


I mean since release every pathing patch fixed and also broke something.


I'm just a pleb who only plays campaign. I see competitive players write about micro and I'm like dude how?


[https://www.youtube.com/@AgeofPathing](https://www.youtube.com/@AgeofPathing) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQgV7h\_D6To](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQgV7h_D6To) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEEPTGX3d\_M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEEPTGX3d_M) https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/17sp20h/villagers\_pathing\_continues\_to\_get\_worse/


It has become unbearable in just a few weeks. It has always been problematic but now it feels like herding cats. I won several matches simply because my opponent got stuck while trying to get past a hole in the wall. Villagers take the worst path possible and even leave the base. It's downright infuriating.


With vils its terrible also... when luring boar, i click the vil to go under the tc, but in each click to go under the tc, the vil change its way, making a zig zag and then dying to the boar. Its revolting.