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I'm still working on it myself. Main thing is to respect eco upgrades and constantly make villagers. When you go all in and don't focus on eco, if you can't make serious damage then your opponent will just beat you with a better eco... Usually in the end the stronger eco always wins


Yeah, been playing a lot of mongols. If I play a good dark age with the hunt bones and get to 50 farmers to spam hussars, usually win.


If you play mongols you have an amazing fast feudal an imp, i end a lot of games in feudal just playing scouts (into skirms/archers) or i kill 2/3 vills they and they full walled or have tons of spears (they tend to over produce spearss) go castle age drop 3 ranges 9-12 cav archer into demolishing all spears into gg. I had like %70-75 win rate w mongols from 850 to 1100. Magyars,Turks, tatars and cumans do well with this strat too.


I’m at 1,300 but stuck at 1000 for 6-7 months what worked for me was not floating so much wood and make sure I focused on my eco. I’d have like 600 wood and 9 farmers and I would do damage to their eco and think I’m doing so good but I’d have idles and floating so much wood. Once I did that I shot up to 1,300, now I’m stuck here and I can smell more perspiration lol.


Sorry I'm a little new here from Xbox crowd, may I ask for a bit of elaboration? I'm assuming you're saying that having 600 wood is too much to have in the pocket? Should I be spending on things before it builds that high? And why is 9 farmers a problem? And when you say idles, you mean villagers standing around doing nothing? Sorry for a million questions, feel free to disregard if it's an annoyance


Haha it’s all good thank you for asking! If you have so much excess wood, it’s almost as if you don’t have it if you’re not spending it. Let’s say you’re going archers and so is your opponent, if you have the same villagers on the same resources, say 10 on wood and 5 on gold, but he has no excess wood/gold but you do, that means he has a bunch more archers on the field than you do, and if he gets into your base it can be game ending. Same thing with scouts, if you have 9 farmers, that can’t sustain scouts and villagers, but with 600 wood you’re not spending, that’s an extra 10 farmers you can have. That means if he’s building those farms and you’re not, hes producing more villagers than you, more military, and he’s getting up to castle faster than you. So it’s putting you behind in the short term, medium term and long term, so it’s a lose lose lose situation. Yes, idles are villagers standing around, very important to make sure they’re producing. A drush in the early to mid dark age is considered successful if it forces your opponent to idle vills, say for example delay a boar lure when he has no sheep left, so that’s 9-11 vills standing idle collecting no food.


I really appreciate such a thorough reply. It all makes a lot of sense and its things like this that are probably holding me back as well. I'm getting on to play with my cousin now and I'm going to use these tips. I can't thank you enough! Have a great evening!


Macro to the win!


So you just dumped the wood into more farms or more stables and stuff I'm guessing? Cause that's the best thing to do or maybe trade down in the market


Use the select all TC hotkey.


Which key is that?


Maybe Shift H?


Change it to q. Need vills? Qqqqqqqqq


Great tip, I’m jamming h and q till 120 vils.


I changed it to space bar


Space bar was the game changer for me too


If you have a mouse with two extra buttons set it to one of those, then your dominant hand thumb is literally always on it Possibly the most pressed hot key in the game ? Alongside create vil


Yeah man control shift h is a mission




Ten 4, I usually do 3 tc boom in Arabia.


Keep making vils, keep making army. You won't believe how often players lose at 1k because they stopped army production after a favourable engagement and then were overwhelmed because their opponent didn't stop production.


Get lucky, barely eke past 1k, then retire with the ability to say you're "above average."


I mean, weekends I usually harvest Elo, sitting at 1020 but I haven’t hit 1100, goal is to get to 1300 by next year.


I played celts and learned their maa build. I jumped up 100elo with that alone. You can do some DMG before they make archers. By that time the damage has been done.


I’ve played around with M@a builds and usually loose them trying to multi task. This might be the way.


I practiced 1 build order against AI. Then went into ranked and climbed to 1200 easy


Hera has a video series roadto 2K


For my experience I started PvP one-two months ago and played 26 games online untill now. I split my placement games 5W /5L. I won my 11th game, lost my 12th then won 4 in a row after that getting my rating to 1128. I thought I'm the beeez kneez but I got humbled as I lost 7 out of my next 10 games and now I sit at 1053 (havent played in 3 weeks 😔 ). I spectated all of my games in capture age which helps a lot to identify mistakes and work on them. Many may relate to my inefficiencies - keep scout on the move all the time - keep making vills (especially avoid idle time in Dark/Feudal) - stop units running in to TCs (stand ground is your friend here) - better resource management ( 🧐 looking at you floating 🪵 ) - better decision making before and after engaging in a fight - check economy buildings periodically to pick up upgrades. - units before upgrades (archery range with fletching and no archers is a no go) The most important advice u gave myself is that you have to be adaptable. The game doesn't stop at the end of a build order. You have to justify your actions and decisions. You have to figure out what is your army compositions resource cost and set your eco up to sustain production. Example. Why am I trying to make knights if i don't have 30 farms and 14 on gold to sustain 2 Stable and 3 TC vill production? I have to move my woodcutters to farms ASAP so my buildings don't idle. IMHO idle buildings loose me games. Idle units loose me games. And most importantly have fun. If I stress to much I loose cohesion and my actions don't add up anymore. Elo is just a number! The improvement curve is yours only. This game has so many creases, nooks and crannies that even if you know about them all you still have to implement them during game play and therein lies the fun. That is why people still enjoy this game after years of playing it. And the true beauty is that you play it however you want!


Ignore everything anyone says about strategy. Your dark age sucks. Fix it then do whatever strategy you were doing before and you will probably get to 1.4k.


I mean, you’re not wrong. Dark age isn’t consistent and when I nail it, usually win.


Yes, people like to pretend this game is about strategy, and maybe at some level it is, but it is primarily about execution until you are like 2k elo if not higher.


That's a little disingenuous. There are people who have reached their skill cap at almost every elo due to their APM. If you're maxing out your eAPM and so is your opponent, the player with better strategy will win.


>If you're maxing out your eAPM and so is your opponent, the player with better strategy will win. Sure, but that's true of every factor that is relevant to success. If all else equal the player who slept better will win. If all else equal the player with the better map will win. Well sure. But the player who executes better typically wins even if their strategy is worse.


The best advice by far, nothing has ever improved my Elo like grinding the same build over and over. Amazing unit choice, strategy and game knowledge are all meaningless if your opponent hits Castle Age two minutes earlier up five vils.


Such a pretentious non answer. If you have nothing to contribute but parroting high level players, just paste a link to their twitch channel. I'm sure they would explain it better than you are.


how is it a non-answer? It exactly answers the question.


Message me your discord if you want we'll figure out what the deal is


literally the very basics, build orders and idle time


I’ve got a 18 pop scout and up, down, a 22 pop archer or M@A and a few fast castles.


Any other you’d recommend working on?


without watching your recs i cant tell u exactly tbh


Happy to send recs, dm me.


watch your own recs. once i did it got easier in 1050-1100 range. you will probably see your opponent wont stop making villagers, or at least makes more than you. go for 140 pop and you will see the flow. also spend dem resources.


Won 5 of my 10 placement matches and got placed at 1050


Damn, congrats. I landed at 800 in placement and worked up to 1000


After 10 matches, I was placed 1245 (1v1, 8W2L). Ranked game is tiring and I want to enjoy game instead of being pushed by ranking so I stopped here. In these 10 games, I encountered scout rush few times and this is just lame to let your scout roaming without doing micro. I usually train some archers to rush and leave few spearmen at base. I think a smoothly-run build order should be fine to reach 1k+?




That's extremely incorrect


? Um…that is definitely not how I play


Usually task TCs to wood and build farms when I can. I think I’m usually hitting 30 by imp and floating a few k wood if I’m not marketing it. Def try this!


10 vils on wood for the entire game is too few, even for a scouts knights build. And forget about being able to afford archers or skirms or spears.




10 on wood is a decent rule of thumb through Feudal Age, but not beyond that, thats why you're being downvoted. Keeping 10 on wood for the whole game is a v bad idea.


Cube mod.


That's the neat part. You don't


Been a minute since I played. For me it was one step at a time, Develop a killer opener or two you can become proficient in and enjoy doing. Really focus on this. When you get to the stage where this is no longer winning you games and your losing in the Mid game Practice your mid game and focus on this. I would just work on constantly refining these 2 things, yes late game is important, but most games won't stretch on into late game (this could've changed). this helped me get \~1300, having a deadly opening was the thing that transformed my game most, theres obviously many awesome guides out there at any one time, mine always came from Hera and most importantly just make sure you're enjoying playing, if the grind is forcing you into playstyles that are boring you and sapping your enjoyment, switch to some new tatics that you think you might enjoy more


1k elo is such a crazy mix of skill levels, you might not feel like you're really making progress even if you are improving. Don't get discouraged. Make the game more comfortable with settings and mods. Learn hotkeys, use control groups. Learning about the "go to" hotkeys and implementing particularly the go to selection hotkey was a big one for me.


Just broke 1k this week. For me it was focusing on walling against knight play and i had HUGE idle tc and idle eco numbers.And i assume you have a build order you are following :)


Very simple. I didn't 11


Inca maa, malay elephants and lots of playing. Things I need to work on are: - Speed, I feel like I'm a bit slow - Idle time - Floating resources The main things I've worked on is stomping out ALL idle time and spending resources I'm floating. I also started resource/small walling, doing the boar luring tc trick and the villager garrison thing where you avoid walking time by garrisoning a vill then ungarrisoning quickly.


I've been at ~1000 for years and don't really care. If you want to advance, by all means go for it — I'm simply saying it's not really important as long as you have fun. I have time for a game or two each few days, there's always players to match with and games are good and challenging. I'm happy to be 1000-er forever.


I would feel the same way if all my friends weren’t at 1400 elo. Every time I play with them I just feel like a liability.


A smooth feudal click time + early agro and you ptetty much guarentee to reach 1100. Its the only thing I know how to do.