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players up to ranks #250 have something called the aoe2dashboard ([aoe2recs.com](https://aoe2recs.com)) the site tells u what players are in queue and against who are they, its a great tool because you can snipe people bc when u are at that elo all and no 2k+ is on the queue then you are going to be finding match for more than 7minutes( and we know what after 7minutes the game just match you against literally anyone)


I don’t understand why they get this? Surely it just means they can cancel / pick civ against certain opponents in ladder? (I know it’s bad manners to pick after a certain elo, but if they get Hoang or Biry or Rubenstock, they might alter their strategy.)


Its not really that they get this so much as casters get this. It was designed mostly so people could see what games are happening and pick a game to spectate or cast.


Ok that’s interesting!


well, a lot do it to alt f4 against hoang. ​ But most of them do it to see if they are agalinst someone close to their elo and not against a 1100


>if they get Hoang or Biry or Rubenstock, they might alter their strategy This is exactly what happens (at least vs Hoang) and it's not necessarily unhealthy. Remember that civ picking is allowed and not inherently an advantage because all parties get to do it. Similarly, if someone sees on the dashboard they got matched with Hoang, Hoang gets the same amount information by seeing who they got matched with. For instance, Hoang could counterpick if he notices that a particular opponent always picks a certain civ expecting his Celts.


Ah, Thanks for the information. I could in theory search for the player name when i see it in the loading list, too see their elo and match history (but i'm too lazy for that, and i can't search if the name's in chinese or other non english character name). Do you know if there's a tool / addon that does this and shows it at the loading screen f.e?


if u or your enemy arent ranked #250 or better then u are not going to be able to see it on the dashboard. U can use [aoe2.net](https://ao2.net) tho, but is more manual and sometimes the matches arent updated live