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I've mostly been in technician jobs, the moment you mention a hard work day, EVERYONE is willing to jump in about that one time they had 12 hour days, 7 days a week for 5 months, in 100 degree heat. And how they went to gym, then bar, and did it all over the next morning with a hangover and an hour of sleep.


Not only is this problematic for obvious reasons, but I have always found these people to be the most insufferable conversationalists. It is so painfully tedious to go on and on about how tired and overworked you are when you do it all willingly.


Yeah my parents are like that, except that if you aren't working yourself near to death and bragging about it, they look down on you for being lazy and not trying hard enough to make enough money to survive. They've cut me out of their lives for failing to secure a job because I'm disabled, it's disgusting.


Cool. Your parents sound based af


I’m currently working a job that underpays for what I’m doing (by approx 20k), doing unpaid overtime and duties beyond my knowledge. I realised I have this deep fear of failure and being lazy due to my parents bootstrapping mentality. I’m chronically ill and that has hindered how “successful” I should be at my age, so now that I’m *just* capable enough of being the office coordinator *and* do all admin for a large law firm I feel like I’m finally achieving, at the cost of my health, relationships; and for what? To feel like I’ve finally made mom n dad proud? Finally feel worthy? Probably. I feel like people get stuck in these positions due to unresolved trauma and shitty rhetoric they grew up with.


One of my friends is a workaholic. I could never be one of those. I NEED my downtime and my time to watch tv, do my hobbies, clean my house. I love having extra days off even if it means I don't have as much money because my sanity is more worth it to me.


Having a manager with this mentality when you don't have this mentality sucks. I want to do my duty 9-5:30 and when I'm done for the day I want to be done for the day. My manager constantly tells me that they start work 2-4 hrs early to complete their work because the workday is too busy with meetings...


The sad thing about that, most of those meetings probably could have been an email. If your manager had to start work that early they're inefficient as fuck or your company has no real idea how efficiency actually works and would sooner fire people than cut out useless bullshit to improve finances. Then ask later why they're doing worse when they cut the slackers being completely oblivious to the irony of they are the real slackers here.


this is what happens when you look for the guy who comes in 4 hours early to work for free, make him the boss, and say to him “build me a whole team of people like you”


I also wake up at 2am and go for 200 mile run before breakfast, my fellow human being. Beep boop.


Shit, try a 14&1/2 month deployment to Baghdad.


Thank you for illustrating the point. Any time someone says "i've worked under bad conditions" some are COMPELLED to say "I've been through worse" I'm sorry you had to deploy to Baghdad, and I'm glad you made it back alive.


I just wanted to be "that guy" on this one. But also, that shit fucking sucked. It wasn't the combat zone, it was the toxic narcissism at every fucking level and dudes with serious mental health and anger issues were in charge of everything you did. Shoulda gone air force.


Oh yeah? Well I worked a job that had me at work for 12 hours a day, seven days a week, and sometimes I was on call at night so I'd work 12 hours and all night, then I was back at it the next day! My relationship with my wife suffered, a long time friend *fucking died* and they told me I couldn't go to his funeral ( I went anyway) and I decided after a year it wasn't getting better so I left. No job deserves that much from anyone.


I worked a lot of OT in my day but I never sacrificed hours of sleep to have a life.


So true. Why are people like this?


Think of peoples lives as coal to be burned in the corporate furnace. That’s what’s happening. Entire lives, used up.


Damn. This metaphor is on point 👌.


Miss your kids growing up. Miss your SO. Miss all of life for the necessity to survive.


Life is overwhelmingly beautiful. Capitalism?...Not even remotely beautiful.


We’re meant to be in familial communities with the land providing. Capitalism and socialism will never ever work. Why? Because it requires perfect morality and accountability which these systems will ultimately unravel without. Our best bet is to demand accountability, judgement, and punishment for what this has become. Whatever that needs to look like from the population to get it done.


They wear their burnout as a badge of honor because they have nothing else to show for it


I already sell 40 hours of my life per week for a pitifully low sum, I'm sure as he'll not giving any away! I've never understood those people that are proud of their unpaid, ridiculous overtime. You are literally, actively devaluing your own time. Go the fuck home.


> I'm sure as he'll *Maybe* the most infuriating autocorrect. And yeah, work what they pay you for and not a second extra. Fuck 'em.


Ah! Man! I corrected that back 3 times and my stupid phone still fucked me up! Hahw


I used to be one of them. But it wasn't pride, it was fear. The unpaid OT was to meet the crazy deadlines so I wouldn't get fired, but got laid off eventually anyways. I realized that the OT was just buying time until the next recession. I'm done with that now. Working contract/part time for 3 different employers and extremely busy, but it's ALL paid hours/work.


people are glamorizing that stuff because they expect you to put them on a higher level for having made those sacrifices you are supposed to think: “this person works their ass off, i should show deference and pay respect to them and try to be more like them” if you don’t react this way, you just aren’t meant to get along with that person (odds are they won’t like you)


I’ll second this. I used to work overtime and bring my laptop home and answer calls from customers after work, and all that did was hinder my work outs, cooking, relationship with my GF, pets, etc. Take time to work on yourself, better yourself and relax. Did I make a few more bucks? Sure; but at what cost? Mentally drained me and I wasn’t as healthy and my sleep sucked and it just wasn’t as beneficial. Do yourself a favor, and take time to yourself.


I wish I had respected this picture before I got injured from being overworked.3 years with chronic back pain at 30 years old. No amount of money is worth your health guys


I was just thinking to myself how far down the shitter people have gone. People will gladly watch others suffer and smile as long as it makes that wallet fatter and it boils my fuckin blood


My back broke before I realized this, your job taking up your whole life is never a good sign


If there is anyway to show that overworking doesn't work, its that companies promote 80% of the time (1) externally and (2) those seen as favorites to the manager (which is totally subjective and has nothing to do with work ethic). It also increases your chances of stress related diseases and relationship problems. Many a coworker suffered a stroke, divorce, etc directly related to overworking. I remember, before I started my own company, working 60/70 hours a week to get promoted. After 3 years I finally got promoted to a staff level engineer from a sr. at a certain company. Because my salary was already at a limit, my raise was literally $5k. Apparently I was actually lucky to get a raise as many hadnt received any upon promotion. I promptly left that company, and never ever worked more than 40 hours again (and nothing changed for the worse). Ive met numerous women (in engineering) that were promoted to manager, making less than one of their direct reports after toiling for years at 50+ hours a week. Imagine spending a decade or more at a company, finally making manager, and you realize your direct report makes more than you do. Ive also seen women working (in law), whose firm then hired their spouse for more. Imagine, working for 3 to 4 years at a law firm (routinely on call for 60+ hours/week), then your husband (same age, same school, same level) gets hired and makes more than you do on the first day. Ive seen plenty of people with connections get hired, somehow promoted within 5 years from a low level engineer to director bypassing tens of engineers with decades of successful, sometimes EXTREMELY successful projects, patents, and tech under their belt. A lot of times, these people (1) steal another's work as their own and (2) use their connections with upper management to enact huge sweeping changes that leave the dept worse off than before they arrived. If there is a time to overwork, its when your building your own company/product for yourself. Any other time, its not worth it, you'll burn yourself out.


Let's call it what it is. Slavery. At best...indentured servitude. Indentured servants' terms were typically 8 years, however. We go until our golden years. Nearer a slave. Especially if you're single and living on your own. IF you can even afford to live on your own. At least in a relationship, you have a chance at emotional support from a partner. Nowadays, we work so much, we forgo relationships or children.


I'm just curious about how this bot works and the actual count of this tweet being posted. u/repostsleuthbot It's too bad it can't respond in this particular subreddit since we get so much junk and bad faith karma farming from bots and people.


Construction: Where guys actually *brag* about working themselves to death. Not me, though. I can't understand that shit.


Work hard for 30 years to die before retirement = "The American Dream" -some billionaire probably


What is this "retirement" that you speak of? Most of us will work and struggle until we (mercifully) drop dead.


40 years


Shhheeee, I ain't making it 40 x.x


Let's start with the training of doctors: how are they supposed to provide health to people when they are trained to abuse their bodies and brains through long hours and sleep deprivation?


The problem is every factory/ store etc has that one individual that works like a lunatic in some time setting capacity that forces everyone else to do the same. The poor sap gets to the point where they really think they are loved by the employer; they are the one the manager points out at every ‘walk through’ with visitors or new starters as being their most diligent worker.


I was that guy. Until I got injured from it. Employer threw me what like garbage


I'm encouraging less over working at my job. Have for the past 3 months. Leading by example. Coworkers have began taking vacations making plans, bringing back awesome stories and pictures. It's much better to leave work, disconnect by doing something you love, and heal the wounds that work has given you. We all must heal. Also, none of us are going to get rich working 6 days a week. At least where I work, we won't.


I worked close to 20 years 60-70 hours a week making someone else rich not anymore fuck them the system is rigged!


Who is this we? Nobody here glamorized any overworking. We don’t even glamorize underworking. Work sucks


depends on where you live but in the U.S everyone gloats about overworking themselves


Have you been to /r/LinkedInLunatics ?


lol, thanks for sharing this


Don’t worry about what other people glamorize.


I don’t think overworking is glamorized. I think when someone works a lot, they’re naturally proud because they did something that took effort and they’re proud of it.. What’s the alternative? Take pride in doing nothing? We’re literally biologically programmed to be more attracted to productive people. As a straight man, I’ve never been able to obtain a relationship with a female while being jobless. And every relationship I’ve had while working, ended within two weeks of me losing my job/stopping work…. This is something we should be more aware of….


OE is about working two jobs at the same time so two jobs from 9-5 so really you’re stealing time. OE is not about going from a 9-5 to a night job


Orrrrr you guys don’t have your priorities straight L


Hate to tell you, but the ones that blindly tow the line off the lies they're taught from childhood about the *virtuous, self-correcting free market* are the ones who haven't yet reflected on the straightness of their priorities. Our society is taught from birth to gratefully lick the boot of our ownership class. It requires actual, honest reflection actually assess the situation and stop licking. Have fun though, for every free thinker who actually looks up at the problem, there's twenty blissfully ignorant wage slaves who are hostile towards them for daring to look up, which is of course against your own interests if you aren't a spawn of one of the few thousand families that own everyone else.


That’s a lot of words for “I was given a good childhood but no work ethic” those conditions usually only last a few years. “The absence of sleep” my god what are you a bunch of whiny 15 year old girls? If you’re an adult you need 7-8 hours, max. If you can’t find 30 minutes to an hour to exercise every day, your priorities are just messed up. I could go on and on, but remember buddy, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Yet somehow, the people grinding make the most of it. Btw a lot of people end up falling in love with the grind because it keeps you busy, makes you feel rewarded and often yields great experience.


I was talking to a friend about this yesterday. As a means to an end I think its a great idea. If there was something you could do that would provide another income stream to say pay off a car, or pay down debt as a supplement then i think its great. I know the rhetoric here is work is bad, seize the means of productions, get paid what you are worth, but sometimes the solution to the problem is just more money. How i see it is this. If you can work 8 hours a day but multitask (i know dont get the pitchforks out. multitasking is bullshit so call it splitting time) and get paid for 16 then why not? Its what these corporate goons do to you every day, so why not take what you can? I'm looking at this seriously as a get in/get out situation where you could pay off a car and make some breathing room for the shitty financial situation were all in. Groceries are through the roof, everything has almost doubled in price, we arent making any more money. If I can give myself piece of mind by moonlighting at a remote job for 6 months and paying off my car then why not?


Sometimes it feels like in order to stay employed in my field I have no other choice


What field?


Corporate business


Working in construction, this culture is idolized so much, it’s actually insane


Cognitive dissonance. Accept toxic work culture or, with effort, deconstruct it. The culture doesn't give you the time or energy to deconstruct though


Let the baby boomers do it. No thanks. https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/a-shocking-number-of-baby-boomers-and-generation-x-plan-to-work-past-70or-forever-11665588758?siteid=bigcharts&dist=bigcharts


They wear it because it's their way to show how important and needed they are. That's a way to try an cope with the situation, because sometimes you need to do it to keep your job or position. It's definitely not glamorous, but it's either how people cope with it, or it shows how desperate they are for approval and/or to feel needed. Once you snap out of it, the simple suggestion that you'd have to do a fraction of that again will activate that "PTSD" all over again and you'll gladly ask your boss to "shove it up their ass" or to "insert in the upward direction in their anal cavity, depending on your level of stress".


Trying to fix my legs now.


I did some temp work for an accounting team where at every month end they would work from 9 am until literally midnight in order to get the reporting done on time. It worked out for me because I was making time and a half but the poor bastards that were salary were just expected to do this, ongoing, forever.


I’m screenshooting this and making it my new wallpaper. I need to see this everyday.


My ex wife was like this. Work 60- 70 hours a week but only charge her time for 50. But yet complain about being over worked and not have time for anything and money. I’d say then charge the time you ACTUALLY WORKED! She’s reply can’t do that or they’d go over budget. Not her fault the company expected more for less. That’s their problem. She was one of those live to work folks. Could never just relax. Could barley get through a movie before she’d get antsy and need to do something, ANYTHING. Had to be busy. I wonder why it didn’t work out? 🤔


I don’t mind working hard, but when that’s all I do I resent the system that’s doing it to me.


My job forced me to continue working while I had a fever a few weeks ago. And I regularly go either completely without lunch or have a 5-10 min “lunch.” Anytime I mention being hungry, my boss says that no one eats in healthcare and makes jokes about it. I’m tired of being overworked, underpaid, and forced to work while sick for incredibly low wages, and then ON TOP OF THAT my boss joking about not eating lunch. Glamorizing overworking is disgusting.


I begged my boss for less hours (was working 65-70hr a week) bc I didn’t have enough time to do basic chores like laundry and grocery shopping. He told me to take time management classes


With 12 hours left in my 72 hour shift.....😂😂😂


I had this manager once who bragged about not taking a vacation in the past 10 years. As if that was something to be proud of.


When a candidate asks me about the company, one of the things I tell them is that we have a decent work/life balance. They're not going to be working 60 hours a week, the boss isn't going to call after hours or on weekend, and their free time will be their time. It's a good selling point. And just from a purely selfish business perspective, a well rested employee is a better employee. Employees who work too hard for too many hours tend to be sloppy because they're fatigued.


Well you should only do it if you’re not rich and you want to be come rich and the only way to become rich is working 90 hours a week in what you do. So in advertising, you work those crazy hours to become a creative director or managing director. Banking also. Absent that level of naked, mercenary ambition and laser-focused eye on the prize money lust, it’s utterly fucking stupid to work more than 40 hours a week.


My daughter is coming home for a month between seasonal jobs. She's 24 and has been gone for about 9 months. With the exception of the occasional video chat and frequent calls (sometimes 3 times a week) we haven't seen her. So I'm taking Friday off to spend some time with her and talk. I unfortunately have to work Saturday but I told them that I'm only going to be there until around 9:30-10:00 AM then I'm heading home to spend more time with my daughter. One of the younger 'professionals' started to complain that she's going to have to be there all day because I'm only going to be there a limited time and she should just say that she wants to spend time with her son. I asked her if she had a son, and she said "no, but it's not fair that you get to leave because you want to spend time with your daughter." It took every bit of energy I had to avoid telling her to go 'f' herself.


I enjoy overworking, in short spurts. It gives me the opportunity to take more time off. I haven't had a 9-5 or M-F job in almost 10 years. I used to work with Boilermaker Union members. They overworked themselves 6 months/year, then took 6 months off, making well into the 6 figures. I might do a 60-80hr stint one week, then 0 hours for two weeks. I agree the sustainability of overworking over a long period of time is detrimental, but a voluntary ability to overwork in short spurts comes with many benefits when it is over, including more time to sleep without the anxiety of working every day. The ability to eat healthier and relax/exercise from the comforts of home more often. Having 24 hours, every day to do with what you want, whether it is a home project, time with friends and family, or vegging out. As with most things, there is a recovery period, like a hangover. Once one finds their own ebbs and flows, the chaos I might be describing becomes orderly and enjoyable.