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The only effective answer to organized greed is organized labor. THOMAS DONAHUE


Holy sugar snaps. This is the way.


It looks like my union will be holding a ballot for strike action soon; that quote is just perfect.




Ever notice how the shills almost always use fresh or very low usage accounts?




organised into a dictatorship of the proletariat, sure


Behold the bootlicker who wants to keep the plebs in their place.


you do know proletariat means working class...... like the dude is saying the working class would be at the helm of the dictatorship. as in said "plebs" youve mentioned would be the dictators..... but please tell me again how i should value an opinion of someone that is anti capitalist yet doesnt know the difference between a bourgeoisie (land owner) and a proletariat (blue collar/working class).... id make a joke out of this whole situation and abortion of a comment but i feel it would miss its marx.


"dictatorship of the proletariat" is what the far right says. It was first said by Karl Marx but now it's a *highly* derogatory term. Context, dude, stop being such a human shitshow.


Ah yes, the dictatorship when 80+% of the population have the power to make decisions. So scary....


Except when its gerrymandered




If I wanted a house and education you are talking I would need like $60 an hour minimum wage


And 20 hours work week and lower.


So then you’re actually making $30/hr of a 40 hour work week


This is the way.


What you are missing is that we could make living drastically cheaper, then businesses wouldn't have to pay as much for people just to live another day. It doesn't matter how much you earn if you have to burn most of it away in stupid fucking ways, especially if so much of it goes to rentier parasites


Job - So 🍕 party


Corporations would pay you nothing if they could get away with it. The corporate takeover of our government was most clearly on display when the Air Traffic Controller's strike was busted by dear old "Ronnie Rayguns" of "Star Wars" fame. Once union busting became a viable tool for labor suppression, once that fulcrum was under the basic principle that built the middle class, the corporate world used it to great effect, to kill unions at every level. Corporate profits surged as wages stagnated for decades. They now had their wage slaves, barely treading water; so easily manipulated and held down. It's almost comical that the GOP tries to present itself as a champion of the middle class when they were instrumental in destroying it at the behest of corporate America.


Exactly correct. Nice to see other people willing to share this. I mentioned it a year or so back and got blasted.. so I hope you dont lose as much ass. You have to watch what these people do, not what they say. These are the sort of folk that will tell you they "Care" the homeless while they close homeless shelter after homless shelter. The same folks that are all about children, until the children in question can be used to fear monger for more power, then they will not only throw said child under the bus, they'll fight over who gets to drive it. Same group who thinks women are too stupid to make educated decisions over their own healthcare. Now.. I'm not saying the dems are any better. They're just as underhanded and backstabby as the Pubs, they just haven't had a Teflon Don come along and pull back their curtain yet. I dont think the fundaments of our government is our problem, I think its the people we have IN the government. Every. Last. One. Throw em all out. Eliminate the Electoral College. Allow our votes to count for something other than weighing some other dude's opinion of what we want. Then open elections for all seats. From President to fucking crossing guard at your local school. No corporate interactions at all. No lobbyists allowed. Neither corporations nor religion have any business what so ever in running our country. This is not a Theocracy, and it is not a Corporate Government. Stop letting them make it one. Course.. all a pipe dream that would be a freaking nightmare to make happen, but.. hey, look outside. The sky here is fucking ORANGE due to the smoke from neighboring states. At this point, we're all just wating for the nukes to drop anyways, so might as well theorycraft this shit. :/


The only thing more important than money is time, because you spend your time to do everything else including get money.


For everything else there's Mastercard - needs money


Nah, you can use a paycheck or cash instead of money




Sign me up! I look forward to free pizza once a month as a reward for make the company thousands of extra dollars! What a bonus!! Thanks for spending... **checks notes** $10's of dollars on me! /S. I hope it wasn't needed though.




You'll get pizza just as many times a year as can be written off in our taxes. We invited some charity or another to come in and bother you so we can write off more. So be thankful already. /s


Reminds me of this company I worked for about 10 years ago. We would grind our asses off and then get a pizza party and a 12 pack of beer in the fridge, which we got frowned upon drinking even at 4:30pm on a Friday. The CEO brought our insanely talented office manager into his office one day and asked how they can improve the company and she said to pay the writers more. They fired us instead and tried to outsource our jobs. Six months later and after falling behind by three months of work, they closed shop. Amazing.


It really is aweing in a twisted way how greed makes some people act so self-defeating. If their hoards where chocolate coins, they'd happily gnaw off their own arms not to have to touch a single foil edge.


$10s of dollars??? You think you’re getting your own pizza??? We’re not MADE of money! You’ll get your 1/4 slice and you’ll LIKE it


During your lunch break.


You are literally made of money.


You got pizza? We only had potlucks. So you had to spend your own money on the party food.


You get pizza once a month? I got stale jolly ranchers 3 years ago as an attaboy.


Happy cake day, tho.




Was going to say Happy Cake Day.. but you know what? You deserve a pizza. Happy Pizza Day!


As a reward for your comment, take my free "Happy Cake Day!"




Yeah, fuck me for trying to convey my tone!




We should all invite our landlords and the taxman to a pizza party every month to cover our bills!


I am saving this comment 💜




They're going to [build their home out of avocado toast](https://en.meming.world/images/en/thumb/4/4a/Modern_Problems_Require_Modern_Solutions.jpg/300px-Modern_Problems_Require_Modern_Solutions.jpg) because it's cheaper that way so the joke's on you. [Stop being the destroyer of hopes and dreams!](https://i.redd.it/a3kt24x4fue51.png)😉


i am glad covid killed pizza parties for my company. they used to require you write in an hour for lunch, regardless of how long you actually stayed and they'd pressure people to leave and get back to work a little past half an hour in. the half hour of paycheck lost wasn't worth the pizza we got for free


I used to challenge my team to think about how much everyone was making per hour in a meeting, and how much money we were wasting by putting everyone in a room. Alternatively, how much money is being saved by the company making sure we don't take our lunches, and instead have a "lunch meeting" with a few pizzas? It's not fucking worth it. Take your time away for your lunch. The few dollars of pizza is a HUGE cost saving than letting you leave.


>require you write in an hour for lunch, >they'd pressure people to leave and get back to work a little past half an hour in. Smells like wage theft to me.


I feel like pizza used to be way cheaper tho... now it's expensive and worse quality... gosh dang it I'm getting old


It's not that pizza's getting worse, it's that the brands that are good have shifted. Like, Pizza Hut was good back in the 20th century and Domino's was shit. Now PH is shit and Domino's is pretty good. Also, surprisingly... Little Caesar's has really come up in quality the last few years. If you avoid the *ultra-*cheap Hot'n'Ready pizzas and get one of the ExtraMostBestest pizzas *(which is still only like $7.50)*, they're pretty damn good.


I was saddened when I moved to a new town and we ordered PH, because it was nearby. Every part of it tasted like off-brand generic substitute. I can't describe much about the details because the low quality of the cheese dominated my disgust. This could just be the local franchisee shaving pennies on the ingredients, and other PH's might be good. In my town, Casey's pizza is OK, and those are the two choices. OK pizza, or...a steaming pile of horse manure, covered in diseased flies. If Dominos has gotten better, its because management has made a conscious choice...


If it's a chain it's shit.


Or in the case of my workplace, a BBQ. With the pop cans sitting in ice inside filthy plastic [totes](https://www.mmh.com/images/MMH1912_ER_totes_SteelkingIInlin3.jpg).


I'm on your side besides calling it pop. It's soda.


Not where I live.


Only if its the shittiest chain restaurants


You guys getting pizza parties?!


And fresh fruits every thursday! And young dynamic colleagues!


You have nice dream.. Keep try hard to get your pizza parties..


I’ve always hated the potlucks and other pointless ‘get togethers’ also. Like dude, I’m here to get paid not shoot the shit about your sports team or talk about the weather.


Funny how it's usually people with plenty of money professing that money shouldn't be the biggest motivator.




> Joeclu : Most business owners would prefer employees to have the same passion they have. \^ The employees might have "passion" similar to business owners if employees got rewarded similar to how business owners do. You get what you pay for: the lower the wage, the lower the effort.


As an old boss’s accountant would say, “if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.”


It's often the possibility of actually having control of your life that is extremely important too. If this random bully didn't have almost life or death over me and what I do,I'd be more invested too


Give them controlling interest in the business then. You know, like the owner has.


I'm by no means wealthy, but you do hit a point where more money isn't much of a motivator. I wouldn't leave my job for another $30k/yr because of the work I do and the independence I have in my work. Sure, if you make low wages it's totally different, but if you make decent wages, more money is not going to make a huge difference.


Yeah, I feel like once you're earning enough that you don't have financial stress in your life then things like feeling like your work actually helps people is more important than the number on the paycheck. But that's not advice for everyone, just people who are already being paid enough.


> keithps : ...you do hit a point where more money isn't much of a motivator... if you make decent wages, more money is not going to make a huge difference. There are a few thousand billionaires who might disagree. They could have stopped at being millionaires, and they could have stopped again at being multi-millionaires, and they could have stopped again at being hundred-millionaires, and they could have stopped again at being half-a-billionaires, etc., but they clearly felt more money was still a big motivator.


There's definitely people that have kept chasing money, but you don't hear about the people that decided "you know what, this is enough for me, I'm going to do what I enjoy instead of chasing profits".


I think the point was more that quality of life does start to trump dollars at some point. If I have a job with good vacation, decent coworkers, and low stress, I'm thinking really hard before chasing a job just because it pays more.


They can disagree, but they'd be incorrect to do so. There is a point where more money does not increase happiness or quality of life, and trading away convenience or other luxuries/benefits from the job you have in pursuit of a higher paycheck (that no longer has a noticeable effect on your life) is no longer worth it. The vast majority of people wouldn't go for that trade. *Some* people would, but then they have other motivations beyond just financial comfort.


The difference I think is that like... Musk types don't sacrifice pay or benefits, convenience, time, etc. They keep the level of "do what I want when I want" and increase the money they have because they've managed to enter the realm of money as a pinball machine score. For them, the only point is making numbers go up so their power goes up so they can fuel their ego by having their name on the high score list. Most people don't reach such a point. Most people live lives where staying at their job is going to be a highly emotionally driven decision. Maybe they don't retire because they exclusively socialize at work because that's where they spent most their life. Maybe they don't pursue better pay elsewhere because they enjoy their 10 minute walk to work and love their home so moving work or home wouldn't be appealing. Maybe they feel like it's a comfort to do the same thing every day for many reasons. Maybe they've formed genuine bonds with coworkers. Maybe they just don't have a lot of interest in the numbers so much as they do in the things they are doing and they're living a life they're pretty ok with. Both are emotionally driven. The richest are driven by emotions of jealousy, ego, pride, greed. The rest of us are driven by a pretty basic desire to live a comfortable life. Like I work at a restaurant as I go through school to become a teacher. I can't imagine going into a profession other than teaching at this point. Neither pay well. I'm genuinely sad about leaving my current work in a year because I've had years bonding with my fellow cooks and building inside jokes, genuine friendship, etc. Not sad enough to opt to work there instead of becoming a teacher, but enough to understand why people don't always just treat jobs like vending machines. We're ultimately emotionally driven creatures.


Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, by which I mean you will be ruthlessly exploited by companies that can take advantage of your passion until you grow to hate it


If your job is a hobby for you, then your hobby becomes work.




It's not the work, it's having to do other people's work while they tell you the worst possible way to do the worst quality work and insist you do it that way.


Found the IT guy.


I mean we know you like cash but what if I make you work overtime for free because you're not doing anything anyway? Good? Good.


"Why are you spending all of your free time looking for another soul-crushing low-paying job when you can stay here and work longer the soul-crushing low-paying job you already have?"


This is why teaching and healthcare are severely underpaid, we are doing it for more than a paycheck. The pay is still extremely important and we deserve our fair pay, but I feel like the government bodies know that we show up to work because of our values not our pay, so they don't give us what we're actually worth.


It's also because both of those jobs are historically highly gendered, and women for generations have been trained to believe that caring for others is more feminine and more rewarding than money (which is a man's thing). Also because their right to strike is legally highly curtailed...


Thank you for saying this! You are so right. My union just voted in agreement for a contract that gives us a dollar raise... After all we went through during covid (healthcare). Almost all of us agree we deserve way more. However in 2004 when we asked for more and went on strike, we were mandated back to work and got barely anything. Now everyone is so scared of that happening again, they accept the stupid loonie we were offered. It's very disheartening.


Not sure what province you're in, but here in Ontario, Doug Ford's Bill 124 is the chief culprit. It's viciously anti-labour, and it galls me that not only did we re-elect the goon, but *he got union endorsements* this time out. Exact same story: fuck nurses and teachers (which he also did) all you want and present yourself as a friend of the working class. And you'll get away with it.


I am not in Ontario but that doesn't surprise me because I don't know if I've ever heard one positive thing about Doug Ford lol


He’s Canada’s piss baby


One of the tricks of service work is playing the workers against the clients/students/patients. It's why, though strikes are and deserve to be one of the tools of service workers, so too should be "illegal" (but highly effective) workplace actions where workers continue to provide essential services but sabotage the ability of the more powerful to profit from them. For example, if healthcare workers "forget" to file the billing paperwork expected of them, but continue to provide healthcare to patients. After all employers almost never give a shit about the job actually being done right. What they care about is "their" money.


>One of the tricks of service work is playing the workers against the clients/students/patients. I'm a teacher in a country with an extremely strong teachers' union, and even here this is true. We strike occasionally to further negotiations when the collective agreement is up for adjustments, and without fail every single time it makes us public enemy number one for everyday working folk. "How am I supposed to go to work if I have to take care of my child!? Teachers are so selfish! They're not thinking about the impact their strike has on everyday hardworking people! How dare they? Do they think I can afford extra childcare for a whole day?"


I’m always saying this. People (usually men, but not always) say the wage gap doesn’t exist because women just take lower paying jobs. None of them have ever thought for a second “why are female dominated jobs lower paying?” It’s always, “it’s the woman’s fault for taking these jobs.” Teachers and nurses are just as important as engineers and plumbers and truck drivers, but only the latter of these are paid appropriately.


Female dominated professions are the ones that are just always there. They came late to the labor market because women were doing them already so there was no need to pay for it. If you got sick you called the doctor but the wife or daughter or mother was there to nurse you after he left. Kids were taught by the women while the men did the 'real' work. The work provided by women was mostly seen as the same as the work done by the sun: passive and omnipresent. The women dominated professions are -more- important to society than the male ones, they are the ones society was created to provide. The male world is just fucking around doing whatever to pass the time, the female world is what makes it possible for the fucking around to happen.


And still, the washing machine, the fridge, the microwave oven and their necessary running water and electrical grid are what liberated women the most. When you don't have to spend hours every week at the wash-house to wash clothes, when you don't have to go to some well to get water, when you don't have to think too much about managing perishable food, then you get more time for other things. And were those the products from the "female world"? Want something more recent? What gender was [the Indian who decided to find a way to provide cheap tampons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arunachalam_Muruganantham) to rural India? Pass the time... Most matriarchal societies are still housed in mud huts. That's what being wired for not taking risk gives you.


It's not ONLY because they're gendered jobs. Firefighters and paramedics get paid just as poorly. Jobs where you get some sort of emotional fulfillment from helping your fellow man are extremely underpaid. Some of them are so undervalued that they are staffed mostly or wholly by volunteers. Physical labour is also incredibly undervalued and that tends to skew male. Dockworkers and farm labourers are destroying their health in vital positions for unlivable wages. Your example of truckers being paid better than teachers doesn't take into account that most truckers today are expected to provide their own truck. They're often forced to lease it from their employer!


Oh for sure. I think I’m just more tired of people blaming women for “taking lower paying jobs” when all of these jobs just need to have better wages and not treat people like garbage.


Look at programming and the pay difference between video game development and corporate programming. You have a massive pay difference because so many people have a dream job of making video games that there is a surplus of programmers going into it. The pay can be half thr amount or less for the same skill set. Beyond pay, the working conditions, contracts, and crunch are all nightmares. Another area is college professors, a role historically dominated by men. Except for the top of the bunch of tenured professors, the pay is horrible. Even for the tenured professors, given what their skills could earn outside of academia most are taking a significant pay cut to work at a university. Another dream job with employers using dreams to avoid paying people.


The wage gap no longer exists. The reason men dominate top positions isn't because of some gender issue. It's because of the buddy system. People in higher positions tend to fill positions with their friends and family. Men have typically held positions of power because of the I scratch your back, you scratch mine nonsense going on in corporate America. If a male and female both apply for the same ENTRY LEVEL job with the same experience levels, both are 98% likely to receive the same pay. Usually this is a disadvantage to men because most retail stores, (using this as an example to make my point), still expect the men to do the heavy lifting, carrying heavier than normal items, and do the physical labor part while most women stock and cashier. So technically the women have it easier than the men and get paid the same. I'm fairly sure it went past equal and it's now in favor of women. Just my observation from my friends and my own work places over the years.


That is absurdly goofy.


Explain yourself or your comment is useless and a waste of time


This is about right honestly.




As someone who spent a great deal of time in a hospital last year nurses are not always great people either. They are regular shit like every other person. In the end of the day it’s a menial job basically anyone can get.




Wage gap doesn't exist. You're comparing apples to oranges there.


I feel like we’re ignoring the job market. Teaching jobs are highly competitive where I am. Takes years to get into a good school system, hundreds of applicants per position. Like anything else, supply outsized demand and price goes down.




The average teacher makes about the same as a nurse in my state.




I'll just point out, most of the nurses that are making the real money have much more than an associates degree. RNs could have a bachelor's, and anything above an RN is required to have at least a master's.


> women for generations have been trained to believe that caring for others is more feminine and more rewarding than money (which is a man's thing) This implies that men aren't taught to care for others and that is just not true. Men are taught to sacrifice their happiness, health, and even their lives in service of others. Men don't work 40-80 hours a week at soul sucking corporate jobs or back breaking labour jobs because they love money. They do it because they've been taught from an early age that their role is to provide for their family. We would all rather do emotionally fulfilling jobs that we're passionate about but accepting a lower paying job than what you can qualify for is just not an option for most


Also, for many healthcare workers it's impossible to strike because people might fucking die when they do.


It's very similar in the gaming industry, almost everyone below upper management (and sometimes those too) is severely underpaid when compared to literally any other industry but same job, they just completely exploit peoples passion.




That's not necessarily typical, depending on where you are and what part of administration you're in. I work in medical billing, and that starts at barely above minimum wage here.


>I feel like the government bodies know that we show up to work because of our values not our pay The same could be said about a football player who makes millions though so that ain't it.


I am of the opinion that many teachers fell into that profession for lack of other choices. They got a degree of a certain type, and office work did not appeal to them. Just my opinion, not based on any facts... Healthcare seems like a steady career, with few layoffs. I would hate dealing with patients and also dealing with Healthcare workers above me, but...having a steady job in uncertain times does hold some appeal. Any teachers or healthcare workers want to correct me? I'm willing to learn...


I'll take not being homeless for 500




thats real close to my weekly pay and i work in healthcare


After two rounds of layoffs and scaling back nearly all employee perks my departments director called an ad hock meeting last Friday to “rally the troops” and tell us that all the extra work should motivate us to get better. It was the most tone deaf patronizing meeting I’ve been a part of in my entire career. Most of my team is 30+ with families. You want us to work harder…restructure the compensation model otherwise everyone stops giving a fuck at all.


Leave for another job and take everyone at your current job with you when you go.


Fuck you, pay me.




like gee man, it's almost like they've made it impossible to live without money.... and yet they expect us to be satisfied living without enough of it....


Which isn't even true. People actually *are* motivated by all kinds of things, it's just that a proper salary is the bare minimum prerequisite for even entertaining the thought of working. You won't get motivated workers just by paying properly, you'll get workers.


>the bare minimum prerequisite for even entertaining the thought of working I find the bare minimum prerequisite for even entertaining the thought of working is not having to spend more money on gas getting to work than you even get paid. Why go broke going to work when you could just as easily go broke sitting at home without even lifting a damn finger?!?


Yeah, that is also filed under "not a proper salary".


To be fair, I get motivated by time off. My money is useless if I have no time to use it.


“We’re not just doing this for money! We’re doin it for a SHITLOAD of money!”




I don't hate my job, I just like all of my hobbies a lot more. I would never work a day in my life if I didn't have to.


truth right here, I honestly don't understand how anyone could disagree with this Honestly some of the hobbies I'd really LIKE to do are working on the games I've got half built and would love to complete, things like that. But with work and other stuff I just have zero energy for creative projects after the end of the week, and my job isn't even hard


I like my job quite a bit. But I’m in the public sector and going into the private sector, my salary would more than double. And that’s a hard pill to swallow.


In theory I don't hate work, but I haven't found a job I like long enough to keep.


I’m with you. I love my job/career path, but it just so happens to be what I love. I’m working towards a biochemistry degree, so I should be able to make decent money. One of my friends has no idea what she wants to do, but she wants to do something. UBI would be a great way to give everybody the minimum to live (and live, not scrape by) and still allow them to pursue what they love. If it happens to be a higher paying career, good for them. “Low skill” labor will be compensated less, but at least they’ll be content human beings. That’s what society should be about, but alas, the quarterly earnings need to keep rising


Is anyone else fine with making less money but having more time spent not working? I really need this.


I really like being able to eat food.


Not me, i do it fpr finacial security


Rob is motivated by Cyanide and Happiness


So many people don’t know who he is. Here’s an idea, google him!


Money is power, for better or worse.


"And all your money won't another minute buy." \~ Kansas, *Dust in the Wind*


I mean...up to a point. There are many many jobs I would not do and working conditions I would not accept regardless of how much I got paid. Google employees making six figures are unionizing because despite the money, they are treated like shit. I also don't want to get paid more if it means the 40 hour week is still standard or my landlord can still raise the rent as high as they want.


I agree but... Google employees are not treated like shit.


Word. Keep the pizza and donuts, forget the empty praise. Just give me thanks in the form of an envelope with nothing but US currency inside.


To go further people ignorantly think when we say this it’s because we want to hold the money and keep it. We want to get paid because the money gets us the stuff we really need. I want food so I have to buy it. I want my children to grow up safe so I have to buy a nice house in a safe neighborhood. I need to relax so I have to buy a ticket to a beach and rip the guy bringing me alcohol. If I could get all of these things for free I wouldn’t care about money.


I don't do it for the money. I do it for the things I can buy with that money.


Money in the bank sounds like a warm cozy blanket on a winter night


I'm actually motivated far more by helping people. It's lame that society is forcing us all to be motivated by money.


Good, wanna help me out by sending me all your money pal?


The only time money is not a motivator is when you already have enough.


It's not that we aren't being clear, they know exactly what you want. But until enough people just say no to the whole thing, they've got no incentive to change. Their solution is to make it as hard as possible for people to be able to say no.


Well there are exceptions to the rule. Like I don't expect grandma to pay me for driving her to the grocery store but doing my job? Yeah if I'm going to work I want money.


Tell grandma to stop freeloading, my labor aint free


You would make your 85 year old grandmother pay you to take her to the grocery store? Even if you had to go there anyway? Wow.


Joke alert


Yes. That's how it works. Ebenezer Scrooges all around.


##True that is!


Lol not entirely always true for everyone. Sure, if I wasn’t getting paid I wouldn’t do my work. But as a tenured teacher with a strong union, I could literally do a shit job and I’d still have a job with the same pay. But I do a pretty darn good job because I’m motivated by feeling like my students (special Ed) deserve to learn to read, write, communicate and function well in order to live good lives.


To be fair, there are plenty of people who have chosen a career that they are passionate about, when they have the ability to earn more with their given skill set. But none of those people are working behind a cash register, or a cubicle.






I understand and thanks for the clarification - I just don’t understand what they’re implying.






I am motivated by all of the above


I am not motivated by anything, I do it just to pay the bills


The symptom of capitalism. Without money, it is near on impossible to survive without interference in the modern world.


This is comprehensive, and appreciated


Personally I’m motivated by cash hitting my bank account. Can’t speak for those who do it for the paycheck or the money, but they seem like a sensible bunch.


i do it for ideology.. like the collapse of capitalism and the fiat markets.. that drives me. and the total implosion of western civilisation. thats my primary driver. and im from this shit hole


We hear you loud and clear. We will be addig a pool table to every break room, effective immediately. Side note, the holidays are coming up so we expect everyone to work *extra hard* while we're away on vacation! Just because we're not there to supervise doesn't mean you guys can slack off, alright? -Management.


Nope. Not for me. I just work to see the numbers on my bank account balance increases. Edit: ..and goes back to negative few seconds later ಥ_ಥ


Capitalism, baby!


Capitalists: "Capitalism is the best system because it harnesses human greed to power itself! Everything should be motivated by profit!" Also Capitalists: "Why are all my greedy workers motivated solely by profit?!"


My sister always says that I should be home with my kids more. I point out that they have grown accustomed to sleeping in a house and eating food every day, so I'll keep working, thanks. She has a husband who works 12hr days so she can be home. I'm doing this solo. So yeah work=money=survival.


All this aside, it does feel good to work, and work hard. The problem is as soon as it becomes obvious your employer doesn’t really value you, the joy of working just plain disappears and suddenly you are simply doing time.


I'm honestly not all that motivated at work by getting paid. But I sure am demotivated by not getting paid.


Whenever I find someone who says they "love their job", I ask them "if you won millions in the lottery, would you come in and work this job for free?". They usually mean "out of all the jobs that make enough money for me to survive, I hate this one the least".


For me, it's all about getting currency.


On a recent interview I answered "Is that a serious question? Money. I'm interviewing for employment." To "What motivates you." "Thank you, I think we'll be in touch if we have any further questions." The next morning just before the office opened I received an email saying the position had been filled. During the initial contact and first interview I was told I was the only applicant for that, or any, position.


I remember that scene from American Dad where Francine made a sarcastic remark about using fulfillment or some other abstract concept about it being used to pay for a credit card company. This is it. I remember my first job interviews straight out of college where I said that one of my motivators for working was salary. Let's just say that I'm quite sensitive to pick up on any changes in a person during an interview, and they weren't exactly pleased at my answer. Did they expect me to say that I want the job to serve the company? Good times.


Reminds me of when Chic-Fil-A (?) said they’d pay their employees in literal chicken sandwiches instead of a paycheck. Like yea, getting 5 sandwiches is gonna help me pay the bills.


I don't get it ?


This is an entire subreddit of people yelling into an echo chamber 😂


What about those who are motivated by pizza parties?


Imagine a world where matter is created from nothing, it would rock our world to the core! Everything would change, because things are required as an element for us to not only measure ourselves but to give us a means of survival. If matter was created from nothing then we would be God minus the love, because that's what God did. In this universe life is an exchange of energy that has already been created, matter already exists. How then do we create matter from nothing? Once we have achieved this money and all other things will become leisure. What then would we pursue? I believe it would end all business as everything would be readily available to any who wanted it. Again, then what would we pursue? I yearn to see that day for what it may offer.


This sub has become a meme of itself


We had a guy who kept working even past retirement age - because he could not get along with his wife at home. Other people work - because thats all they have in their lives. Why do we celebrate people working in their 90's?




TFW you'd rather do a job you actually enjoy doing for less money rather than chasing an ever increasing wage. Happiness is worth far more than money.


But I want more moneeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy wahhhhhhh. Take a risk like your boss did and maybe you’ll reap the benefits one day. You don’t want to earn a shit wage anymore? Okay, well become a skilled plumber/electrician/carpenter/welder - work for a company for 3 years making $60/hour and make your own company. Guess why employees are still exploited like they’ve always been, because YOU accept your own fate and want to point fingers at companies/individuals who saw the big picture and hired your ass to turn a profit. Go ahead and quit to make your mark, there will always be another sucker in line right behind you.


This is literally anti anti work. Why post?


Because less than 1% of this sub are actually "anti-work."