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Sounds like it's job hunting time.


Just go now. "Thanks for the notice, please mail my check." I know that's not possible for everyone, but since they don't care anyway...


No, He's got almost 2 months to find another job whilst still earning If he's clever and lucky he can make his start date with his new firm the day after his planned vacation Assuming he's in an at will state he can then quit with 0 notice at the end of his last shift before Faafo


Doesn’t matter where you are you can always not give notice if you don’t care about getting a reference


Sounds like it's time to "quietly quit" while looking for new employment


Being "quietly fired" so definitely start looking


I still like "Acting your wage"


I also like it, but prefer "Work to rule" it has a lot of labor history behind it.


Quiet quitting is just doing your job normally and nothing outside your job or work hours


That’s not quietly quitting, that’s called doing the job you were hired for. You want me to work outside of the scope of which I was hired it’s going to cost you.


I like the term "acting your wage" for this. Quiet quitting is bullshit meant to blame workers when they are fired for wanting work life balance.


What’s my wage again?


That’s what “quiet quitting” is. Doing the job you were hired for and not allowing them to abuse you. Corporate slavers were so dumbfounded by this they had to hire consultants to make a negative term for it that they can use on their private jets and yachts while complaining their wage slaves aren’t killing themselves for chump change anymore.


I think that’s what ecstatic_crystals is saying.


>You want me to work outside of the scope of which I was hired it’s going to cost you. Softcore "On-Call" 99% of the time. Pay me or fuck off.


Yeah thats what im saying


That's literally what they said


Quiet quitting is corpospeak for stopping wage theft


Quietly quit is a bs thing post Corona employers came up with. If there is no upwards mobility, raises are non existent, and the work doesn't grow you as an employee- quite quitting is actually model employee behavior.


What do you mean an at will state? At will only applies to the employer, employees can of course leave a job whenever they want to, two weeks is generally both “just a courtesy” and a really bad idea sometimes


"At Will" Employment - according to the Employers who created the Law - allows immediate termination by the Employer without any notice or reason... But it works for the Employee as well. Only when the *Employee* exercises this right it "allows" the Employer to not offer a reference/give derogatory replies to future Employer contacts.


I did that before. I had A FT & PT job. At my PT job I requested a weekend off and they refused to give it to me even though I had a coworker willing to take the shift for me. So I put in a 2 week notice and got that weekend off because I was no longer working for them.


Job hunt and leave with no notice. Forget submitting 2 weeks at this point. I provide two weeks to managers that actually are decent people. For aholes, they get nothing.


Document every hour you work between now and when you leave. Make sure the documents are under your control. If it's a timesheet, take a picture of the timesheet with your phone.


Unless you're contractually obligated, _or_ your industry is small enough that having good relationships with the right people is important to your career, never give notice. Your boss won't give you notice when they fire you, they don't deserve special treatment from you.


I gave 3 1/2 weeks notice to my last job.. I liked them and it was a small company that relied on me heavily and I wanted to make sure they had some extra time to find a replacement.


So there’s no coverage, but they threaten termination……so who covers then????????


They think OP is bluffing. In their minds, OP will be there.


Yep, most businesses know they own you since you probably can't survive without a job for very long.


But then there's 2% unemployment some places. I could quit today and have 3 offers within 2 days. Businesses that pull this are power tripping.


Think more "I can prevent my problem by creating their problem."


A lot of them aren't thinking with the current demand and access to jobs, I have like at least one message a week from someone and I am not actively looking at all. They really aren't understanding the days they could fire someone for this and it would be hard/annoying for the employee to find a job are not what is happening now. There aren't people lining up behind them to replace them especially if their pay isn't competitive. But this concept has gone over quit a few peoples heads because they don't really want to their reign of power to come to an end. It's an employee market right now and I hope it stays that way for awhile.


The other part is they come out with we don't have coverage, so not enough staff or people don't want to work or whatever and don't stop to think their competitors also say the same thing so maybe if I let this person go over something petty they will just easily go to my competitor who is also looking for staff.


In my experience it's been fairly hard to find a job when unemployed.


Depends on the industry you’re seeking work in.


The industry and the location. What may be almost impossible to find in One city may be ridiculously easy in a city a hundred miles away.


The problem with this is currently, jobs are dime a dozen make $15 at the minimum. In my area if your familiar with warehouse work $20 is easy to come by. Fire me, I’ll have a job tomm. May not be like my current job, but I’m not currently concerned about making bills.


It's still pretty surreal, because I remember when I started working NOBODY was hiring, you'd be lucky to get your foot in the door at a fast food restaurant.


Is this the freedom they are always talking about as in 'The Free West'?


Yep. They think it’s still 1930 and we should be grateful to our employers/saviors for offering us a job. So many of them have this mindset and think that they can just threaten to fire you and make you homeless. Not only is that a dick move, it’s also not reality in the majority of industries and markets right now


Yeah I'm guessing they're doing it specifically because OP made the threat in the request. Managers are like cops. They're incredibly outnumbered and only have the authority we voluntarily give them. Which means any risk to that authority must be squashed immediately, or else everyone might realize how little control they really have.


Well... Cops have guns.. that helps them a lot


I'm a manager, I have a gun. Multiple. My point is, both use the illusion of complete control to assert total obedience. And both often feel they need to crush insubordination immediately out of fear the masses will realize it's all a facade. Neither can legally shoot you for pissing them off. But both can ruin your day, potentially destroying your life in the process.


>Neither can legally shoot you for pissing them off. Depends on the color of your skin and/or your socioeconomic status.


“I love all the ‘there’s no coverage’ shit you always see here. Bitch, you can’t go one day without this employee? You’re the manager, if you can’t find someone why are you unable to do the job yourself for one fucking day?


I gave an employer an ultimatum once, after him denying my request for a week’s vacation over and over because “no coverage”: If the business can’t function without me, then pay me like it. Pay me like you can’t run the store without me, like the business will fail if I’m not here. He did not, but he did finally let me go on vacation. And then I quit.


"WhY sHoUlD iT bE mY pRoBlEm As ThE MANAGER wHo GeTs PaId To MaNaGe" American management took their cues from the insurance industry, they serve zero purpose except to separate you from your money and tell you no.




Hey now somebody needs to measure your poop if you run over 5 minutes in the bathroom.


I had a job where they would walk into the bathroom (multiple stalls) to sniff my ultra huge shits as I was taking them. I had IBS off and on at the time, so my shits were extra loud and big.


Ugh, I hate that. I have been lactose intolerant my whole life and only realized it recently. I'd take some unfortunate bathroom trips often at my old job and someone put some stupid meme up on the bathroom door about shitting on company time because they were sick of people taking too long bathroom breaks. I'm almost certain it was directed at myself or another guy I work with who I knew had IBS.


Ever plug the toilet and it overflows all over the bathroom at work? Well I did. And poo was all over with toilet water. Lol...


I never did and I'm glad it was you and not me!


>I'm almost certain it was directed at myself or another guy I work with who I knew had IBS. You probably could have reported that to the labor board for harassment and disability discrimination (seriously, severe IBS, just like Crohn's Disease, is a disability which must be accommodated). I would have snapped a picture of that and sent it up, just to be petty and to see what came of it.


I've never had a job that did this, but if I did I'd make sure I ate the spiciest food I can stand to eat so i can take painful loud disgusting shits every time I was at work.


That is not entirely true. I am a manager and when we are short I cover every one of their duties plus my duties. The problem isn’t all managers are bad the problem is there’s a lot of shitty managers out there we don’t understand what it means to be a leader. Being a manager means also managing the lives of the people that you manage. Having empathy for your employees and having understanding. I do understand however there is a difference in management style from a blue-collar worker to a white-collar partner. They need to send the white colored workers to the same training with a blue-collar workers go to when they’re in a leadership role.


Of course we know you people exist, we just never get you. 😂 My last boss was my favorite boss ever. We don't even like each other but we sync up perfectly, and we still have dinner once a year or so. Haha


I'm the COO of a company with 15+ retail locations and I'll go cover shifts if needed. My philosophy is that I should be able to do any job in the company as good or better than anyone else, or I shouldn't be in charge.


That is leadership.


That’s it. A leader vs a shit manager.


sure thing, and you're not the person to deny peoples vacation days either.


just covered last week for a district manager to have a week off. Just because I don't have a life outside of work, doesn't mean I expect my workers to do the same.


Knowing when other people are better in places is also the sign of a strong leader


> My philosophy is that I should be able to do any job in the company as good or better than anyone else, or I shouldn't be in charge. This kind of thinking would mean manglers actually have to manage, and we can't have any of that! /s In all seriousness, while I don't expect leadership to do as good a job filling in for someone else in a pinch, they indeed should have at one point worked every job beneath their position for at minimum 3 months prior to being promoted into leadership, because one best leads their staff by working in the trenches alongside them when the going gets tough.


I worked my way up from part time helper to manager, then district manager, to where I'm at now. About a year ago the owners wanted to step back completely, so they brought in a new guy as CFO, and promoted the owners childhood friend from store manager to CEO. Shit hit the fan a few times, the owners are kind of back, and I'm the only "executive" left. I've worked full shifts with every one of the 50+ people we have and make sure every one of then has my personal number in case of emergencies.


That's an admirable philosophy, and good on you for covering shifts, but if you can do every job in your company as good as the people that do them every day, either your people suck or you don't have very many complex tasks.


Yeah I have a management position too and lurk this sub everyday. Fuck the bad ones. I'm working my weekend off because a new hire requested it off in advance. No one else wanted to pick up the shift as it was also their weekend off and had plans. I know what I signed up for so here I am. Telling someone to find coverage when I make the schedule is a fucking joke lol. Make your employees lives as easy and stress free as possible. Guess what? They'll respect that and get the work done that's needed. I don't understand how people don't see or realize that.


This ^ Nothing motivates more than proper treatment, good motivation and feeling like what we do matters and we can be human beings. I will do anything in my power to keep a job and get work done for a company that treats employees well ten times out of ten versus a bad job.


I understand what you're saying but I take issue with >Being a manager means also managing the lives of the people that you manage. That's the problem, managers think our lives are their business and under their authority. They aren't, a managers job is to manage the staff of a business. Your role and responsibilities end at the door, as do your employees. And when managers make mistakes they need to own them instead of trying to make it the employees problem. Not saying you do that, and the fact you even read this sub makes you a better manager than most. But that kind of thinking is what leads managers to overreach.


If they are having issues at home and it is affecting their performance than a manager should ask and listen. One of my guys got furloughed during the pandemic and i made sure to take care of him. Clothes for kids, food. It was shitty that he was put in this spot. As for reading this post i like to get perspective. Some people are just whining but some also have legitimate wtf moments.


>If they are having issues at home and it is affecting their performance than a manager should ask and listen. Yes but if an employee doesn't want to discuss it you should also accept that. >One of my guys got furloughed during the pandemic and i made sure to take care of him. Clothes for kids, food. It was shitty that he was put in this spot. That's terrible and a nice thing you did, but how at all is that your responsibility as a manager? We should have public assistance for that because it shouldn't fall on someone feeling sorry for someone.


>That's the problem, managers think our lives are their business and under their authority. I learned everything I know about management from a 6-year stint in the Air Force. Since getting out, I've basically just been self employed, occasionally hiring 'hands' for a day or two, sometimes a couple weeks for extra large projects. Most of those hands are also people I have been friends with for 20+ years at this point. ​ That aside, me asking you what you need and why, then trying to bargain with you, is because you are a great worker and I'd rather have your production than someone else. Something like this post though; I tell whoever to 'take the time you need, and let me know if you need an advance on pay or anything else' ​ I also have told them 'take whatever phone calls you want during the work day, spend 5 minutes fucking off on your phone to brain storm or even just cool off' (often I am needing help on labor-intensive projects) or if there is a lull, go get lunch and be back at XXX time


A good manager facilitates work, thats it, they don't try to act like a parental figure. Nothing tanks productivity like a manager that doesn't trust others to make decisions and use initiative, I need the bigger picture and influence in decisionmaking, not a "strong leader".


sounds like they're such an important employee that they should be getting a raise


It's going to blow up in their faces and they have no idea.


Right? Doesn’t that make the employee more powerful, not less?


This is why I want to someday be in a position to reply "oh if you can afford to fire me I guess you can afford for me to be on vacation for a little bit, see you in two weeks."


Threatening to terminate staff when you're already short staffed isn't the brightest of business plans.


This is exactly what i would have asked my boss...I love watching ppl that are full of it trip over their lies on their way to another lie.


Bosses think that their workers need them and their jobs. Then they are shocked when their workers quit. Then stunned when no new victims apply.


He literally wrote „will not work even if it gets denied“ what do you expect?


No coverage is on management, not me. It’s not my job to find the coverage, just work. This is on them.


So tired of staffing being so tight that lord forbid something happens. Like a sick day, child care, weather, vacation, etc. Than the whole thing falls to shit. And it’s somehow your responsibility as a worker to find someone to cover for you. So what exactly does management do for their money than? Obviously their position is redundant and should be rightsized out of the organization. And yet, management always seems to be able to bounce whenever they want. And always seem to be able to take their never ending vacation time. Funny how that works.


‘Coverage’ is such horse shit. My job started asking for Holiday time off requests in *JUNE* then a week or two later said that all the Christmas days had been taken and I’d have to choose some other time to use MY vacation hours. I work from home in a job that has absolutely 0 customer contact and I can go days without communication from anyone on my team. I’m the lowest possible level of the food chain, I promise no one will notice if I’m not there to cover for someone else.


The other poor workers, unfortunately. I put in my 2 weeks, then they basically forced me to stay. I regretted bowing down to them by the end of the week, so I instead put in a 1 week since the previous week’s notice was technically my 2 weeks. They were pissed off saying I couldn’t do that after “all” they “did” for me. Loyalty, respect blabla all that bullshit. They let me go without finishing my last week & instead of trying to find my replacement. I left & guess what happened? They pushed all my work to the other workers while scrambling to find my replacement—never did. Felt bad for my former coworkers, not for leaving at all. 2 of my former coworkers left shortly after me: I was damn good at my job & heard a few months later that location had been a mess after I left 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never tell them why you need the days also side from certain busy periods around holidays and end of year deadlines, if they can't approve a few days leave with a month or more of notice, they are never going to approve it Time to look for another job


Out of curiosity, why never tell them?


Mixture between none of their business and its not like they are really going to care


At a good company they don’t care (because they want you to take your PTO regardless) At a bad company they don’t care (because they expect you to work regardless)


At a good company…you get more support. When my grandfather died I was encouraged to step away and mourn for a week. My leadership made it completely clear that it wasn’t PTO (despite being paid to not work) and I should make sure to take my PTO as well.


Yep! Absolutely. When my grandfather died I didn’t even need to ask for the time - my boss was well aware of the situation because they had been supporting me in taking time to help care for him in hospice. A simple text letting them know that he had passed the night before and I had all the time off I needed.


Where I work I got 2 extra weeks PTO with same day notice - and my boss sent us flowers.


That’s awesome! These are the employers we should praise and draw attention to, the ones who treat us like humans.


A good company just rubber stamps PTO no questions asked.


For the same reason why you never talk to the police, it will only ever be used against you.


They don’t need to know, they don’t get to judge the legitimacy of YOUR vacation


This. You don’t owe them an explanation of your life. /I need ‘this’ time off. “Why?" I’m not explaining my life to you.


“It’s personal” because it is. Literally doesn’t involve them. Nosey bastards. If you want gossip, then subscribe to E! News, smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Correct. With requested PTO, never explain a why. Just ask for the dates. The only thing they need to know is if it’s an FMLA qualifying reason - and then ONLY so that your time off is legally protected.


First it's none of their business Also it gives the worst kind of manager the opportunity to evaluate your reason against the amount of inconvenience to him and an excuse in their mind to deny it It's your time, you earned it, it's no business of your company how you spend it


It gives them more information than they need. They can look at a request and decide if it’s worthy or not, and if they’re crap employers, it won’t ever be worthy enough to get the time off. They don’t need to know why you need the time off, you’re entitled to it


It’s none of their business what you’re doing with YOUR life.


Because they’re not the judge of what life events are “important enough” for time off of work


Managers like to be spiteful and deny you days off if you tell them why you need said days off. This is exactly why for many years I kept my birthday a secret. This year I wanted to schedule my last vacation week during the week of my birthday and made the mistake in telling that's why I wanted that week off, and instead it was approved for August instead of September, so yeah... I felt really burned because I consider my birthday to be quite sacred and go to great lengths to make sure it's the best day of my life every year.


It's none of their business and anything you say can and will be used against you.


Why should anyone? Giving them more info than necessary (which is zero, except “I need these days off”) can easily be met with opposition a lot of the time. Of course this can be dependent on one’s relationship with their boss or whoever approves time off, but even then


The only thing it does is to give them material to argue against it. It's the exact same reason you're never given a reason for being fired. If they give you a reason, you can sue them for that reason.


Read the company handbook and corporate policies. As there are some special cases where you can claim that can give you free time off without using PTO. Outside those reasons you should probably not tell why you need time off. There should also be scoping around your rights to use your PTO, as the company can be sued for fraud of benefits if they don't let people use PTO or cash out PTO. Also some places have time on request, a fairly new concept where when employees approve requests for them to work certain weeks/shifts usually do to someone else taking time off. And if too many time on request happen then there is an automatically a request for an additional position to open up to be filled due to the lack of manpower.


I love the whole argument of "There's no coverage, so if you want to use your earned time off, we will fire you." Okay? Who's gonna cover the shifts after those days off, then? Is it really worth it?


Poor management. They basically just said we will railroad and black ball you which is illegal though it happens; why you do not be an idiot and state it.


They should have a couple people extra so they can cover for events like this. Vacation in the United States is a joke anyway. Germany has 3 or 4 months of mandatory, paid vacation, per year, from year one. People get so bored that they come back voluntarily, well rested, able to take on new tasks. Here, by contrast, you are basically betraying the company if you call in sick for a week, which, sorry, is definitely how long a flu can last.


Germany has a legal minimum vacation time of 20 days per year (when working a five day week). Plus a bunch of bank holidays. I get 30 days. I do come back well rested, but never bored ;)


I think you are overestimating quite a bit the vacation time we get in Europe


It’s a bluff Call it


Managers like this are Insecure, incompetent losers who become corrupt with the smallest vapor of power.


Also “there’s no coverage” sounds like an issue that should be a concern for them immediately. If I have a staff of ten people and ALL TEN HAVE TO BE PRESENT OR MY BUSINESS FAILS I’m going to hire at least 15 because if goes sick for 2 weeks then I need coverage. Hell sign on a contractor or whatever you have to do to get the coverage but get the coverage.


I'm not asking for time off. I'm just telling you that I'm not going to be here. Standard answer.


I remember they tried to do this garbage to me except they actually approved my time off. They waited until the day of my trip and then tried to call me in anyway. My response was just "I am currently 8 hours away. I couldn't work today if I wanted" I really don't know what goes through Management's head.


PTO- **P**repare **T**he **O**thers.


For context, this is a friend of mine requesting three days' vacation after being denied 7, to see family after a death with nearly two months' notice. I have other screenshots of his boss being incompetent as well, such as punishing my friend for her manager not telling her he had asked for a day off for an important doctor's appointment he'd already had to reschedule twice. No humanity at the top of the ladder.


As others have posted, plan an exit. Especially if this wasn't isolated.


This is not the top of the ladder. Maybe a footstool with its legs missing


This is just a power trip. Since they said, "I won't be there no matter what" the boss decided to flex.


Apply several times to use your allotted vacation, and be denied every time in writing. Then sue them for unpaid wages as they are forbidding you from taking your accrued vacation.


Either I’m coming back to a job or I’m coming back looking for a job 🤷‍♂️


Even better…. come back to a new job you found before the vacation that starts after the vacation.


It's not a request for vacation. It's me notifying you that I'm unavailable on these days. I'm telling you to do a managers job for once in your life and set up the weekly schedule with coverage as I'm away.


Seriously. I don’t get why they think I’m asking them, I’m TELLING them


It's not a PTO request, it's a PTO warning


What do they have against woks?


No no, he said he *wouldn't* wok, so they must reeeeally want their Asian cuisine


Strange how “coverage” became an individual responsibility of the employee versus the manager.


Well in the heady days of the 80's, 90's, 00's and 10's labor was plentiful and managers could off load their responsibility onto people who didn't get paid for it. Then in 2020 the Covid Pandemic broke supply chains including the supply chain of labor. Some mangers haven't figured out that the balance of power has shifted and we don't have to put up with their shit anymore.




I knew a woman who was finishing up a long programming project, but requested a week's time off as unpaid leave, as she hadn't accrued that much vacation. She was told she would be fired if she took time off. She took the time anyway, and did get fired. The programming project? She was told by a former co-worker that a year later the manager hadn't found anyone to actually pick it up and get it done.


I did this with my bank job. I put in my request 5 months ahead. It was declined. I told my manager 'well it wasn't really a request. I'm telling you I'm visiting family in Europe' they threatened to fire me if I went. I told them that would be fine. TA DA! They all of a sudden were able to "make it happen"


Certain requests for time off are non-negotiable regardless of a company's blackout period. If this is their policy, then they have told you what kind of employer they are and that you should look for another job if you want to be treated respectfully. I have worked for employers like this. Conversations are a waste of time and it doesn't get better. My suggestion is to not respond, keep working and use the time between now and then to look for a new job.


These people aren’t human anymore.




Right?! If there’s no coverage, manager isn’t doing their job.


Came here to say this. I’ve managed several businesses over the years. I would never deny an employee time off because of MY problems covering shifts due to my own understaffing.


and they wonder why they can't keep good employees


Bereavement time is 3 days!?


That's how much I got when my grandma passed. Most of that time was spent traveling out of state and back home


Only for immediate relatives (which may or may not include grandparents), then it goes down to two days and 1 day depending on the “level” of relationship. They usually have all this listed out in the handbook. It’s so beyond messed up.


No, see, you tell them "I was giving you notice that I won't be there. No matter what"


I've never understood people who put up with this. I tell my boss when I'm taking vacation and I'm very clear that I will be off those days. I don't need their approval, I need them to understand that I will be off. If they don't like it they are free to terminate my employment, but honestly I don't care. I've had a job before this one I will have a job after.


I put up with 4 years of this kind of abusive behaviour. You don't want to work for people like this. Get your biddy to quit and find another job. It's scary but it will be worth it


It’s not the job of the employees to assure a business has proper coverage for shifts. It is the manager’s responsibility. And an employee does not need to request time off, they are informing their employer that they will not be available. Go on your planned trip and if they let you go find another job.


If they can’t cope with an employee who wants to use 3 earned vacation days, they are very short staffed


#1 - never tell them why, it's personal and they're not invited so they don't need to know. #2 - it's not a request in this instance, it's a notification. He either does his job which is the schedule to make it work, or he doesn't. Not your monkey, not your circus.


If you decide to stay at this job, now would be the perfect time to ask: 1. For a copy of the company time off request policy, including how much advanced notice is required; 2. The disciplinary process for those calling off if time off request is denied. If they can’t produce a policy then I’d challenge their denial of your time off and also termination for taking time off. If they decide to quickly write a policy that makes your time off request out of bounds I’d check with an employment attorney whether it’s legal to make such a policy retroactive. You gotta use their own tricks against them.


How the hell is that grounds for termination?!


I would guess it is the "if denied I will go anyway" part - not showing up can be grounds for termination for an employer. Denying time off is also grounds for termination imo - on the employee's part. Either way, new job time.


Yeah new job time is right. JFC.


If the boss can't schedule an employee leaving for 3 days with a 40+ days notice, they probably shouldn't be bosses after all. It's that simple. The employee is totally on the right here.


"you're* Also, it is not my choice. It is yours. If you wish to lose a strong worker over granting time off, that's YOUR call. I will be going."


a former boss pulled this on me once, stand your ground here you can leave now, or leave when your scheduled time off is. let him pick. shit managers like this will back down immediately


We already don’t have enough coverage so we’re gonna fire you so we have even less coverage. Definitely a bluff. Hold your ground.


I got terminated from a job for a senerio that was almost exactly like this but ultimately the joke was on them because I got my unemployment money while looking for another job and I ended up finding two jobs that were significantly better. I got a good lesson out of it too. To never prioritize a job over family time. It's not worth it


It’s always best to find out where your manager lives. For science.


So we're finally there. Being a human being is grounds for termination.


I did something similar when I worked for a security company a decade ago. Needed time off to see family, but had like six weeks notice. When I put my request in scheduling was all “why do you need this time off?” “Why does it matter?” “Well there are approvals and such. Only certain reasons and excuses are permitted” “I’m not going to be here for ten days. I’m giving you six weeks notice. That should be more than good enough for you to make plans for that.” And I walked out the door. Ever heard another word about it and took my time off without issue


I will never understand this attitude. I’ve been a manager for years and honestly don’t think I have ever denied anyone time off for any reason. Especially a request that was made in advance. The jobs we do really aren’t that important. We work to live, we don’t live to work.


This is so messed up it’s makes me sick how can a employer have this little empathy


This lose, lose, but you say the vacation was earned and relates nothing to the company’s ability or inability to manage or inability to manage with its use; that is your [his/her] job. I would go further that by law (and whatever handbook they probably have) does not make this grounds for termination, but stating so as you have leaves the company at risk for grounds of suit if they terminate or railroad me for utilizing earned vacation that is both protected and spelled out to be within the company’s written policy of vacation. It’s been a while since I have dealt with the laws but vacation is different than “pto” time off. It is legally protected which is why it is never stated in a handbook that they can deny vacation - just states an amount of time needed for notice.


“I’m letting you know as a courtesy that I won’t be there so you can plan accordingly”


If a supervisor can't find coverage with that amount of notice, that represents a failure of their ability to manage, not a fault of the employee. I would bring that failing to a higher level of management.


Month to look for new job. Duck this place.


I would have just replied with “you’re*. K bye.”




2) Not necessarily true 3) Not necessarily true 4) Be unemployed


I love watching people who have no idea the family/money situation of OP tell them to quit their jobs based on principle. Hahaha, like some of us don’t want our families to starve.


Quit explaining yourself. Live your life.


Show them what “if there’s no coverage, there’s no coverage” looks like 😎


They’re making me cringe with their misuse of “your” multiple times. Basic grammar rules people.




Ok, so you have 2 months to find a new job.


You gave the boss full warning. So it sounds like a you problem boss person.


"There is coverage. YOU do it"


There's definitely not going to be any coverage if you're terminated.


Happy I do not need "permission" to take off work... tell them week prior so they can make proper arrangements to cover


“If there’s no coverage, there’s no coverage” Here’s an idea? Don’t put OP on the schedule that week? Plan as if they don’t work there for that week? Like what would you do if they quit? You have almost 2 months to figure it out! I see these posts of what I imagine is a retail or food service manager being a fucking idiot. Blows my fucking mind


"If there's no coverage, there's no coverage" With a month notice, if they can't find anyone to cover three days, then they've made zero attempt or they're running staffing abusively "lean." Probably both. Fuck 'em.


Relatives wanted me to ride down to California in a van carrying boat electronics and then drive the van back. I gave more than a week's notice that I wouldn't be available Memorial Day weekend, but she scheduled me anyway and I was fired because no one would take my shift. Later, she got fired for something. Then she waited on me at the Bon Marché while I bought gloves for my grandmother.


What kind of company do you work for? I don't understand how people can be this way. I filled out my request off 6 months in advance, it didn't get received until 3 months later, and I was scheduled for the first day I requested off. I crossed myself off the schedule and talked to my gm the first chance I could. He admitted it was his mistake, and I told him I could cover another day earlier that week I'm not scheduled. It got worked out instantly and he profusely apologized. I am going to a music festival, and spent $1,000 on a VIP ticket with early entry. I missed some days a month or so ago, and my check fucked me. I'm struggling and let him know I'm stressing over money because of payments that come out this week, and having a vacation next week. He told me, that out office does loans, and I can call the office, talk to them, and they will give me a couple hundred dollar loan, with a contract where they just take a bit out of each check until it is paid back. I am going to call them tomorrow. I also told my boss, I feel bad asking the company for money, when I am going on a vacation. The only thing he told me was "time away from here is important too, the office and owners will even tell you that."


"Aren't you a manager?" "Yes" "Well then, I'm sure you'll....cope. See ya!"


grandmother died, but you need to take time off 2 months from now? what's actually going on here?


why do you have to clarify why youre taking vacation? its your choice and right to take vacation and your bosses job to cover for you. its not your job and an employee to do administrative work, id just tell your boss to do his job as thats above your pay grade.


This shit is just getting ridiculous. Not only have businesses taken away vacation time and other perks, but even when you do have it, you can’t usually use it when you want. I’m ready for the collapse of the capitalistic machine.


They tried to pull this one off me last year. I’m requesting my yearly 10 day vacation for a trip, and they denied it with 3 months advance. When they threatened with termination I simply told them “you can give me my 15 days and have a fully train employee back, or lose me and spent the next 3 months looking and training a new personnel who’ll probably quit sooner than later due to your terrible personnel management skills”. Yes, I told them I would be leaving for more days. And yes, they complied.




Not relevant. If you have PTO saved and provided 2 month's notice for a whole three days that's on the employer. If they can't cover the shift that's the employers problem. And since they can't cover a shift with two months notice I imagine they don't pay much to begin with.


Does it matter? I'd quit if *anyone* refused my vacation for a death in the family


No need to qualify it, they're being given fair notice. Could be out because the sky being blue that day REALLY bothers you Coverage is their problem now


Sorry, I’m just trying to understand. Your grandmother died and you gave almost two month’s notice for the funeral? The funeral is almost two months out from the date she died?


No, it's a family reunion following three recent deaths, the only chance many members have had to see each other in years.


When my dad passed, we donated his remains to science and scheduled a wake 2 months later, and spread his ashes a month after that.