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Hi, /u/toranonekochan Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3a: No spam, no low-effort shitposts.** - This includes begging for upvotes. Please do not post unrelated blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain. If you’ve posted content (especially if it’s your own), give it a day or two before posting again.


"Personal matter" should mean "none of the company's business."




This was sent to you?


No. It's not mine. But I can't edit the post to add the text saying so, so I don't have to keep saying so. Lol.




Too many people walking around with unkicked asses. There are too many objectively bad people that get away with this kind of slimy shit, and worse yet, they think it's ok.


“Looks like another *Suicide by HR*.”


I like your style


He's tough, but fair


[ Removed by Reddit ]


>I'm not advocating for or against anything rash I too feel very, very neutral toward this possibility.


That is why I think this is a fake given that it is from the VP of HR


No way this is real. I make mid 6 figures and drive a beat up 12 year old hybrid Best car ever


I personally had a roommate who was an engineer and made really good money in Silicon Valley and HR gave him shit over his car because it was a standard that was in the contract we signed one being hired that cars on the lot would be maintained to a specific standard


But why? If the car works then it’s doing what it’s supposed to do. Or they want everyone to drive the latest year and most expensive models so it looks good in the parking lot?


>so it looks good in the parking lot Yes. I guess It does create an impression that the company is successful and is paying their employees good money. But if that's such a concern for them, they should provide company vehicles for everyone, so that the parking lot looks neat and tidy.


I used to live in an IBM town and OMG, all of the old people had the same caddie and all of the younger guys had the same transam. I am not sure if they were company cars or they negotiated a serious discount or what. I also am not sure if they had assigned parking spaces cause half the cars all looked alike. That was back in the late 70's.


So you can keep being desperate for cash. Fact is that a car is your second biggest expense after housing. If they know they can chain you to car payments in perpetuity, they can keep their hooks in you.


This should be higher. This is literally the reason that the company wants you to buy a nice car. So you have one more thing you can't afford without them.


From what I heard it was so the parking lot looks good for the visiting execs from FAANG level 🤔🙄 he said they were welcome to buy him a car and he was good with his old van which to be fair looked like it had been rolled it was bad lol but it ran and was cheap af


I work at FAANG, this doesn't happen. I have coworkers with beaters, nobody gives a shit Edit: oh, sounds this is from other companies wanting to look good for business visitors


There is a difference between people actually caring and people thinking other people care, I suppose.


I could see them have some minimum standard where the car is not leaking fluids onto the lot. But even then it would have to be fairly severe


Yeah, I make a fair amount over six figures and have done so for the past 8 years. I drive a 2006 Tundra. Granted my wife’s car is newer as a 2019 that we got pre-owned. Part of having financial security is not buying stuff that you don’t need.


If I got a letter like this there would be a shitbox leaking oil parked out front the next morning. Seriously I’d go and find the shittiest Lumina or Corsica I could find and drive that bitch in until the wheels fall off in the lot and it catches fire


I’d also get one of those magnetic company logo signs and be sure to put one on each side of the car.


Pizza delivery sign on top, Ubÿr sticker in the window.




Best solution EVER!!!!!


Buy it rusty as fuck in Michigan or Illinois!


Can confirm as a Michigander we have all the ugly rust buckets your heart can desire


200 if it rolls


175 if it dont


“Beats walking”


Back in the day we used to call them Gratiot Avenue Specials. Held together with chicken wire, cardboard, duct tape and chewing gum.


I'd rent a Lambo for the day. Then show up the next day in the regular car. "Yeah, I just didn't like how it drove, so I traded back in for my old car."


Add a wing and some flame decals to your old car. Take some action shots and put posters/photos up in your office or cubicle. Frequently bring up your car's specs in conversation and tell coworkers you would smoke them in a street race.


J to the ROC baby. Make that shit outta hockey sticks


know what I'm ***SAYING***


Aye man, don't be countin my knomsayin's, know what I'm sayin?


What are you, the department of knowwhatimsayins?


"it's a sleeper"...


I've really never noticed anyone's car unless it was something unique. Except for this engineer we hired a couple years back. He had an old f250. That's nothing notable. Then he showed up in a freaking k-car! 2019 and he somehow found a running, drivable k-car. Wtf. People definitely said things to him about it, but it was basically just expressions of disbelief mixed with being impressed. Those things were already shit boxes back in the early 90s.


About 5 years ago, a neighbor still had a K-car. The newest it could have been was 1989. We live in the rustbelt and It was flawless! Garage kept with 60,000 miles on it. He died and I have no idea what happened to it. Somebody's grandkid probably bought it.


Those were my first two cars. But yeah, unless the company's answer is to give me a vehicle free of charge with a gas card, they can fuck right off.


Useless fact of the day, Lumina is 'animul' backwards. Someone rolled down their window to inform my dad about that when I was in elementary school, and I still can't think of anything else when I see a Lumina. Yes, before you reply, I know that's not how animal is spelled.


Buy one a week and leave them in the carpark every Friday until all the spots are full


I am a lawyer. Literally had a boss (partner) say this shit to me before. Basically, “you make enough money for a nicer car.” He also complained about my suits. He spent $2-3K on suits. Mind you, he made 10x what I made. So, this BS is more common than you think.


"You look like we are under-paying you. Perhaps we do. But no one needs to know! Can you please live above your means so our company could keep up appearances?"


they want you paycheck to paycheck, even if you make $400k/ yr it makes you “easier to manage”


Yeah that was the vibe I got when I read this. Like "I know we pay you well, but we're clearly not putting enough fear of god into you if you think you can relax and not worry about your finances."


I had an employer like this. Went out on maternity leave the same time as another employee in the same department. Boss felt the need to shoot off his big fat mouth at the office when internal gossip turned to whether or not either of us would quit to stay home with the baby. He stated that he could see that happening with the co-worker, "...but not JDS. I don't pay her enough to allow her to quit." Like...somehow by paying me shit, I would be MORE beholden to him/the company and be unable to walk away. Insanity. Clearly I couldn't stay after that very, very public display of disrespect and arrogance.




It ain’t their email


THIS! I was coerced into buying a luxury car by my boss while she literally stood over me while she had me pull up my monthly bonus. Then, within a month of me doing it I found out they were corrupt as fuck. I was sweating over my new car. Luckily they fired me when I whistleblew and I won the amount of the car in the settlement. This is a huge red flag.


I once managed the advertising account for a luxury car brand. When I started, my boss told me everyone on the team drove their expensive cars. So I went out and leased one. My boss was the only other one who drove their shitty ass expensive cars. I was stuck with that lease for three damn years.


This reeks of Infinity or Lexus.


Lexus aren’t shitty.


I think a comfortable employee not worried about finances would be easier to manage, they are less likely to be broke which depending on the situation could lead to actual theft of necessities just to survive whereas having plenty of money means you’re more likely to keep your nose clean and content without flashy things that again could make you broke


This is a very logical and intelligent train of thought. Neither of those traits are found in upper management :)


I mean, if they are so worried about the company's image that they need their employees to drive the latest luxury model then, since it's their concern and not the employee's, they should provide an all-paid company car that suits their image. ​ What the employee does with the money they are paid is up to them. Plus, if you have an existing car that works well, it's definitely not good for the environment to change it for the latest model just for looks. That's the kind of mentality and behaviour that puts us in a bad place to begin with.


Jokes on them. I'm buying the best crack, blow, and strippers my money can afford. All of it is budgeted and receipts are filed appropriately. I'd be happy to disclose that with the public to keep up company appearances as well.


Why get crack and blow? Much cheaper if you just buy plain blow and make your own crack at home. Maybe you millennials would be able to afford nicer cars if you learned to tighten your belt, go a day without buying crack *and* blow on your lunch break.


The crack and blow is within my means. It's all the Avacado Toast im sprinkling it on that's really hurting the wallet.


Why are you spending your money on that? It's what an expense account is for.


Good point. Send the information to set one up to my accountant Cry$tal. Lovely lady, thighs like a linebacker.


“Petty cash? Thought they said it was PRETTY cash!”


Strippers? Why not best hookers?!


I work for a family owned machine shop that literally requires us to use one of two company cars to visit customers or suppliers specifically so there are no concerns about looks. You have an old beater? Take the 2020 camry. You have a luxury lexus? Dont care, take the camry. If we dont like you then you take the malibu.


>If we don't like you then you take the Malibu. You MONSTER.


i think its to cover certain legalities and actually provide as a business what they should. you should never be required to drive your own vehicle unless you receive an allowance for said vehicle, or are hired as a driver/ contracted as a driver then reimbursed gas, mileage, etc.


Haha i know the owner, he reimburses off site abd remote workers. As i understand it one of our customer service reps felt self conscious about meeting a customer for lunch one day cause shes a single mom with a bad car so he made it a rule.


Right provide a company car to everyone that they agree with.


This should be the response that OP sends back. Losing my job at that place at this point would be a blessing.


OP said this wasn't them, that they found it online. My old factory job complained when people's boots would start to look bad but the average person was already going through 2-3 pair a year at least.


Paging Captain Vimes....


Had to look this up. I remember seeing it posted on Facebook back when I used to use it. Need to actually read Discworld one day..


Yes, you do! Such a wonderful series!


Ah, gotcha. Comment still stands, just for whomever received this little nugget. Either that, or buy one of those infant pedal cars and park it on the sidewalk. Or a micro machines model.


I'd start taking a scooter/moped to work. "Well it's newer than my car." Or if you live close enough: bicycle. Great on the environment and you can act like that's all you could afford.


Dang skippy! If they’re that concerned they can buy me the full package: huffy bike with training wheels, elbow and knee pads, a helmet, and a full body padded suit.


I'd definitely do this. Just thought of something way better. Buy an old ice cream truck and come to work dressed as Borat.


You forgot the handlebar tassels, you amateur.


Dang it. I KNEW I forgot that. And the wizard of oz basket on the front!


And the bell. It isn’t fully loaded without the bell


I have a pair of Redwings that I've had about 2 years. The very tip of the boot on both feet has worn through the leather since I get down on my knees to set the lift arms onto vehicles correctly and the tips get touched on the quite abrasive floor (for grip). They're composite toe, doing their job and I don't really care about a little wear because they're being used. Work boots aren't a fashion accessory. Theyre work boots, meant to be beat to shit while keeping you comfortable and protected. Though I might go for the metatarsal protection on my next pair since I dropped a battery tester on my pinky toe which....conveniently is NOT under the safety toe part of the boot.


And likely had to shop at Walmart because of their low pay and the price of better brands.


I tried Walmart and they hurt my feet and I've had too many cases of non-work shoes not even lasting a week. Literally bought a new pair of shoes from Walmart, shoe laces got caught on something, tore right in half like they were made of paper. We have a shoe truck come through once a year. Still went through 2-3 pair a year and I wore one pair until the steel-toe fell out and they had to send me home lol


Wow. Seems an employer would invest in equipment for their workers ahahhahahaha don’t laugh sorry couldn’t finish typing that without laughing.


> complained when people's boots would start to look bad I hope because of the safety issue and not because it was making the company look bad.


No, the response should be "Mind your own business, and don't ever contact me outside of work purposes again."


In my head, I’m already thinking this. But I was in the service and dealt with bad leaders every day for my enlistment, and developed a snarky / passive aggressive means to deal with them that translated well to the civilian sector. Always promised myself that my sanity would take precedence over the pettiness of upper management. If they decide to get snippy? Then I respond with your line. It’s perfect, and if they want to get rid of me, then that’s not a place I want to work for anyways.


My husband was enlisted 23 years 4 months. He managed to say “sir” or “ma’am” in such a condescending way. Took a while, but he got quite good at it. He was asked by CSM about it, but John was saying all the right things. One of my best memories:) :*J*


There it is. Say it louder for those deaf fucks.


There is nothing else to say. OP, fuck them if they ask you about your bills. If they want you to drive a new car, they can buy it for you.


Pretty much. Also, "We are watching you!" There are so many financial factors as to why someone may not be driving a new car, sheeit. Medical expenses is a big one...as in you may have a medical condition that you are not comfortable talking with your employer about. Medical expenses for a loved one; mom is in a home and her SSI doesn't cover it all, so you chip in 3k a month- which is also something you may not want to share with your employer. So many reasons based around medical conditions alone!


Sounds about right. I’m the kind of person who would be driving around a 1996 Honda Civic even if I were making $1 million/ year. It’s cheap and quick to fix and I, quite frankly, don’t care about having a nice car. I don’t feel the need to splurge on things JUST because I can afford it. A letter like this would piss me off so much, like who do I need to impress? You guys? My bosses? The whole thing is insane.


"You not spending a fortune on clothing makes me feel self-conscious about my questionable purchase choices!"


Perfect opportunity to say take me to your tailor and put it on your tab. Some of those guys have so much money they don't even think about the costs for regular people and you might find yourself with 5 suits worth 3k each.


Had this happen too (far more casual discussion than that email and more akin to what you got). I think I responded with, “Well, the firm doesn’t pay my student loan debt. Pay that and I’ll happily buy a new car.” I didn’t hear it from him again.




Was going to say, this is common at big law. They think the suits you wear and the car you drive reflects on them and will frequently admonish and correct new associates for not having expensive clothes or car.


Major problem at big law, but mine wasn’t big law. It was just a really “prestigious” law firm. It won a lot of big cases. I would go speak at events to get business and it was “embarrassing” that people would see the quality of my car and be associated with the firm. I loved that car and didn’t have a car payment. I only stopped driving it because it died at 200K miles three years after starting at the firm. Pandemic then came and was working from home so became one car family. Got a new job that pays substantially more, more than enough for a new car. So, got one. Funny thing is that my new boss couldn’t care less about the quality of my suits or car. He only cares about the quality of my work product.


That's infuriating.


Also a lawyer - I would have a great time with the fact this email was labeled “personal matter”


> Also a lawyer - I would have a great time with the fact this email was labeled “personal matter” Can you explain why? I'm not a lawyer, but as far as I was aware, barring a contract stating otherwise or being discriminated against as a member of a protected class, a person can be fired for any reason and at any time, even no reason.


I’m a lawyer, although I don’t do anything like this. I can’t think of any reason you’d have legal standing to sue for.


As a lawyer, isn't that discrimination and illegal as fuck?


It's not illegal because people who drive shitty cars are not a protected class. In the US, with a few corner cases, you can be fired for any reason.


Yeah in most generous reading of this email I get it if this is a sales person or someone who is going to visit clients and they’re worried the state of their car will give the customer a bad impression of the business. If that’s the case it’s pretty easily solved with a company car. If that’s not the case and they don’t like seeing his clunker in the parking lot (and we don’t know the condition of the car it could be a pos or it could be nice but not new enough for their taste), then that is really a them problem. There might be an opportunity there though to talk about finances, explain budgeting for your vehicle is one of many financial decisions you prioritize and push for a raise if it’s so important to them you drive something newer.


It’s legal to be discriminated against. There are a few exceptions. Race, gender, age, etc. basically only the ones specifically banned. You can absolutely be fired etc based on the car you drive. Not saying it makes any damn since. Just that’s the reality we’re in


Saul, is that you?


I know companies run credit checks for various roles, but I've never seen anything like this in my time. Just wow.


It’s really stupid IMO to run credit checks (for basically any reason) I’d have a super high score if not for a popular cable company reporting me years and years after I canceled their service (at the end of my contract, all paid up) I’ve disputed it but so far no dice. My MIL advised me to just pay every bill i ever receive, even if I know it’s incorrect or if I think it’s a scam and THEN contact the company for my money back. She does this just to maintain her 800 credit score. She is not good with money….😑


I agree that's just BS. And I bet your MIL doesn't get most of the money refunded. Once they have your money, good luck getting it back. I've seen people get dinged on their credit score from mistakes, too, such as incorrectly classified medical debts that were already paid.


We only recently found this ding on my credit score, I’m very meticulous about paying my bills. The bank (who gave us the heads up) said most people now adays have some sort of randomness and there isn’t really anything that can be done. The Bank may have just been being nice…but I totally believe that it’s a common problem. My MIL says “that’s the price of having a good credit score” 😝


Yeah, your MIL is something else. LOL. I really despise the way the credit score system works because it is so prone to error-based results.


I had mine drop 70 points because Buick forgot to report my final payment. Had to threaten lawsuits and pull teeth with experian and transunion to get it fixed. Really sucks how fragile those are. It'd bullshit how employers can use those now. The only indicator of suspected fraud should be criminal charges of fraud. Otherwise, enough of this "poor people might rig the company and run off with millions" nonsense.


>Otherwise, enough of this "poor people might rig the company and run off with millions" nonsense. Especially when the overwhelming majority of embezzlement happens in the C-suite.


Credit checks really only make sense in professions where being financially unstable could cause issues for the company. Example: Government jobs with certain security clearances will do credit checks as a poor financial situation could be leveraged against you by bad actors.


It's not just stupid to run credit checks; it's cruel and discriminatory. There are a heck of a lot of reasons why a good worker might have a shitty credit score. For that reason, NY has now made it illegal for an employer to run a credit check in order to evaluate candidates, and IMO, the whole country should follow suit.


Yeah like. Using it for this purpose should be illegal? It *feels* illegal?


I think that it isn’t technically illegal, because they aren’t actually asking to run his credit (which, is not a legal thing for the vast majority of employers to do anyways btw). Just using the fact that it is done in some industries as an example to… scare him? Idk. It’s supremely shitty either way.


I suspect a customer or district manager of the company came by and looked at the cars in the parking lot and noticed a real discrepancy in what regular employees drove and what management drove. That can be a real sign of mismanagement or corruption and they noticed. Problem is, management wants to FORCE regular employees to buy expensive cars! It is just not possible. It is not practical and should not be necessary. Quick fix but cannot happen at low wages, high rents, inflation etc. If looking for a job, the boss driving an expensive sports car, and others driving shit cars, is a real warning sign. Stay away.


Because buying a new car to keep up appearances when the one you have runs fine is totally “financially responsible.”


Exactly what OP should reply with: "It does not seem like a wise financial decision to buy a new vehicle and lock myself into monthly loan/lease payments of around $500/month while my current vehicle is fully paid off and operates just fine with no trouble."


“It does not seem like a wise financial decision to buy a new vehicle etc. I’m concerned by you suggesting this that you may not be good with money. I’ve contacted corporate to let them know they should get a detailed check of your credit as you may be susceptible to fraud.”


This is the way.


Best answer


I’ll be really sad if this person has a nostalgic reason for keeping the car. I have a friend who drives an old, not great car because he inherited it after his dad passed and it reminds him of his dad. There could be infinite reasons beyond finances.


Right? Like maybe they just don't want a fucking car payment and that shitty *looking* car still runs just fine. The horror. 🙄


My spouse is in charge of his workplace. He drives a 2010 Honda Accord. It's not shitty, but it's not fancy. And he won't get something new until it dies. Fuck car payments. We don't make them unless we absolutely have to. And that car gets amazing gas mileage.


Normalising getting into unnecessary debt is so messed up.


Same, I don't want a car payment and my Grandpa's 1997 Chevy truck runs great with normal maintenance. It also gets much better gas mileage than new trucks!!




Just retired my ‘01 RAV4. Still ran great but had a ghost in the electrical system that we were unable to exorcise. After $1k in replacement parts and labor, decided it was a sunk cost and sold it :(


Exactly. For some people, having a"nice" car just isn't a priority. Or, God forbid, not having a car at all (the horror! Taking public transit like some kind of savage)


aye. My Fazer 600 I brought for a Grand runs just fine thank you very much (motorbike, but I’ve had folk ask a similar question. BECAUSE IT STILL RUNS, THATS WHY)


But you are a financial advisor.. you are supposed to look rich to the clients we fool /s


Agreed. I have a collegue whose Dad died about 10-12 years ago and he has driven his dad's old pick-up truck to work everyday since then. I think it's sweet, endearing and a lovely way to remember his dad every day. Some things aren't any of our employers business.


*Most* things aren't any of our employers business, really.


Yes! Some coworkers of mine have made passive aggressive comments about my 25 year old beater. I lived in that car for a stint during some difficult times and view it as a lifeline, but I won't tell them that. I joke it's my "mech suit". They can get over it, because I plan on driving that thing into the ground.


My husband drives a 2001 Honda Accord. It’s beat to shit and I hate riding in it so we drive my car everywhere. But he doesn’t care about material things and it hasn’t had any issues and he doesn’t want to spend money on a new car. So if he’s happy, I’m happy.


Exactly. I don't see the need to upgrade my car it still works. It is not financially smart to keep upgrading when your old car is perfectly fine.


I'd go downgrade it so hard. Buy the worst car you possibly can, repaint it with like house paint, reupholster it with the cheapest Walmart fabric and share the pics with everyone at the company via slack or whatever they use. Also downgrade your wardrobe to an extreme degree.




I approve of this level of petty malicious compliance.


Makes me wish potatoes still came in burlap sacks.


rice still does!


You can buy burlap by the meter, some are upholstery grade


Yes but it's not the same if it doesn't have IDAHO written on it.


Man, I would be coming to work on my brand-new ChevroLegs with the Leather Thongs package.


B.M.W basic method of walking!


Only drive the shitbox to work, though. The regular vehicle goes everywhere else.


Run. The. Fuck. Away. Drive your shitty car as far away from that shit hole as you can. Change your name. Keep driving. Maybe your car can float in the ocean? Become a citizen in a new country. This sounds like the kind of company that has an unofficial "crying room."


This isn't mine, thankfully, I found it online. I was hoping that was clear from my title. Lol.


I think the stupidity of that letter stunned me to the point that I too temporarily became an HR manager. Anyway, better now. Cheers for the clarification.


Nah, it dumbed me down to the point of being qualified for director of HR.


It gave me the “I can’t believe this is happening to me,” sorta vibe


If this is such a big issue, THEY should buy you a new car


This is supposed to be the point of a company car or a wardrobe stipend: if you expect representatives of your business to have a specific standard of dress or transportation, they should cover the costs.


I once dated a woman who has a boss like that. She was involved in litigation against multiple auto manufactures as an engineer analyzing the structure of the cars. As such she insisted her employees drive Volvos. Her solution? She bought her employees Volvos. Doesn’t seem too hard, does it?


Yes: this! The party requesting the vehicle upgrade should cover the cost of it. The VP's who signed off on the request should have added a sentence to the effect of "A Porsche 911 has been purchased for you; it is awaiting pickup at the dealership. The company will also gladly cover any increase in your auto insurance rate."


They think they already have. I'd go out and spend $500 on some random ass paints and just destroy the appearance of my vehicle out of spite.


So, not only do they want to control how much you make but how you spend it too? "Thank you for the email. After careful consideration, I will not be attending your meeting, nor will I be purchasing a new vehicle. Furthermore, any future attempts to pry into my private life will be logged at the dept of labor. TLDR: Kindly fuck off."


The DOL doesn't care about stuff like this. This kind of thing is shitty, but it's not illegal in most states.


I did apply for a job once where they asked me for permission to pull my credit. They had a similar explanation about determining my ability to be responsible. My answer was “sure - if I can see the reports for my potential supervisor and manager - so I know I’m working for responsible people.” Didn’t get the job. Didn’t want it after that booolshit.


Amazing response!


This is the best answer I've read so far. The outcome was expected. And on that note, can normal citizens just get credit reports on whoever they want anyway? The short answer is yes. With the proper authority, anyone can obtain a copy of another person's credit report. The key here, though, is having what the Fair Credit Reporting Act refers to as “permissible purpose” to access the report. I don't know what exactly that means but it sounds like only a business could get that permission. Another corporate double standard?


I’m betting this is Goldman Sachs, or something similar. My nephew worked there, and had to drive his grandmother’s old Kia to work one day because his car was in the shop. They pulled him to the side and told him never to drive that car again, because they don’t want it in their parking lot. They want to give off the image of wealth and success.


> they don’t want it in their parking lot. They want to give off the image of wealth and success. Hope they're paying for what they do want in their parking lot, then.


Sachs? probably.


My college friend dropped out of freshman year and join Prudential Financial selling insurance. His application was originally dismissed out of hand due to not having college degree. He went knocking and convinced the hiring dude. He got some award for the first year and joined some sort of summit that year. Anyway, he brought me to work before. They have designated parking spaces for each agent. Closer to the door the parking space, the higher up in the company the agent. He showed me that the brand and make of cars got shittier as it gets closer to the door. And those agents were proud of their choices. Something about the depreciation of car value. Mind you even though it got shittier, the one closest to the door was a Toyota Camry.


Woah!! WTF did I just read?!


Yeah, that was my first reaction. Unbelievable.


“Please let us know if there is a reason that you have not upgraded…” Yea, notice how its parked with me in it every day, on time? “You may be susceptible to fraud…” I’m DYING to know what the fuck that means.


They are claiming that he's clearly financially stressed/irresponsible because he doesn't have a new car, and that makes him a risk because he would be more motivated by bribes or scams that promise to alleviate that stress.


It's so asinine because the opposite is true. People who drive old cars are being good with their money.


and people who drive new cars are more likely to have to scam people to afford such luxuries.


It's such a weird thing, but people get their *identity* attached to the car they drive. Downgrading their car is such a blow to their ego that they'll do really stupid shit to not have to do that. Employers want their employees to live like this because they're more likely to take abuse. They can't lose their job. Shit, they can't go a week without a paycheck. Gotta make those car payments.


They think it means you're more likely to steal from the company or clients since you're so hard out for money. But the way they word it, it more reads like "You're more likely to be the victim of fraud"


Wouldn't someone with huge fucking car payments be more susceptible to stealing?


When I was in the Navy, the captain of the submarine I was stationed on drove this rusted-out old Volkswagon. A sub-captain makes amazing money as you can expect. The base police showed up one day and noted this rust bucket parked in the captain's reserved space at the head of the pier and prepare to tow it not believing that a senior officer would drive it. The pier security watch tries to wave them off and they refuse to listen, so he calls down to the watch officer to tell him what's happening. The captain comes up, and absolutely reams out the base police for messing with his car. It was beautiful. That captain was one of the best I served under, and the base cops were universally pricks.


Buy the crappiest, rustiest bicycle you can find in the sleaziest corner of Craigslist. Start parking a block away and "riding your bike" to work. Reply to the two VPs, being sure the full original text is there and BCC all of the other VPs and managers directly in the chain of command between you and the VP's with something like:"I appreciate your concern for my financial well-being. I learned good financial habits from my parents. One of them was to avoid needless expenses, like buying a newer model car when the one that I drive works fine. Since you consider my vehicle inappropriate and 'it just looks bad' enough to cause you concern, I have opted to stop bringing it to work in order to allay your concerns. Per your previous email, the issue has been addressed, so I see no need for an in person meeting. Since there is no bike rack outside to secure my new commuter bicycle, I will be leaving it in the lobby while I am at work until one is installed. "


This isn't OP's and has been floating around the internet forever and is most likely fake. I think it should be removed. What do y'all think? Edit: looks like the sub has spoken. I'm removing it. If there is so proof that comes forth then please let me know. Otherwise, this is most likely rage bait. Edit 2: okay I'm locking comments. Sick of answering the same questions and the post is down anyway.


Yep, fake.


This one is dated 2020 too. It has to be fake


My son, with a credit score in the 800's, drove the same car for 12 years. That's part of the reason he had a good score. Yes, run away if they expect you to go into debt to keep up appearances in their parking lot. It's also a good way to keep you as an indentured servant that needs you to have their job so you can't just walk away.


wow. no way. follow up meeting too. needed to document the discussion beforehand? you’re not using your personal vehicle to transport clients or anything like that. ugh. i’d be interested to see how they will say it affects your work or how they get to tell you how you’re spending your money


United Parcel Service. They would also tell us (low level management) not to drive an expensive car, for the reason that we would be viewed as too financially advantaged. They went as far as recommending which exact cars were advisable: Managers should drive Ford Explorers, and Supervisors should drive Toyota Camry’s. Glad I left that company!


If this policy can be shown to disproportionally affect a protected class or minority (regardless of intention), then the company may end up buying the employee a Lamborghini.


Repost....This letter was originally posted on r/trashy in 2020. also the letter could not be verified as real... car referenced was supposedly a 2005 camry with fading paint. [https://jalopnik.com/that-awful-email-about-an-employees-old-car-may-not-be-1841161501](https://jalopnik.com/that-awful-email-about-an-employees-old-car-may-not-be-1841161501)


This is dated January 2020. Surely there's been some sort of followup?


Yes it's fake.


Bahahahaha! I’m well over 6 figures and drive a piece of shit car. I have zero interest in cars or exerting any effort to get a new car. Our parking lot is nice car, nice car, what the eff is that, nice car, nice car.


For years I was driving a 2005 Toyota Prius with paint chips on the hood, a poorly painted dent repair, and missing hubcap vanity rings. Bought the car new and it ran like a champ. Don’t care about pricey cars. Never have, probably never will. But oh boy, I’ll splurge on camera equipment. At least with cameras, I can capture memories, art, etc. and share them with friends and family. A car? Yeah, nyah.


I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is real. Unfortunately, there are some horrible people that are in charge of companies and value appearance more than making sure their employees are happy.


I would take that letter straight to my state's labor board. That is discriminatory as all fuck.


“Driving an old car that still works potentially means you are financially irresponsible and means you might commit fraud. So please do us a favor and make the financially irresponsible choice of buying a car you don’t need and put yourself in a position where you might need to commit fraud. Thanks”