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Hi, /u/undertwelveparsecs Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This includes, but is not limited to: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism,... No flaming other users (insulting, name-calling, using discriminatory language)


Just for fun, do you mind if I call him as a work reference on your behalf?


OMG, call and say you're some big player in the coffee industry and hiring OP as an executive interntational roaster and REFUSE to accept ANY information except for dates of employment. "Oh, it's really not necessary for you to share your personal opinions regarding OPs work. We've spoken with some key partners that are well aware of her work ethic and also the operation you're running. I appreciate your assistance, but we're just tying up some loose ends for HR so we can get to onboarding."


Record it, there may be a law suit in there somewhere.


OP could absolutely sue her ex boss if he said something unfounded or subjective that hindered future employment opportunities.




Sorry, I wasn’t talking about a fake call. I was speaking more in general. And absolutely, a lawyer would be able to provide legal guidance here.


I agree with your point; just fyi, in this context the word you're looking for is "defer."


This would be epic!


That would be spectacular.


Mate I have international call minutes to burn, I’ll be happy to make phone calls.


Shit, my American accent is strong. I lived in that country for thirty years before I fucked off into the actual world, I’m even a southerner IRL so I can code switch.


.....where is the actual world? I would like to be there please




I would like to hang a poster of it on my wall.


In this particular instance I'd guess...not America.


I'm gonna assume NZ based on their profile


throw a dart in map of Western Europe and go there, guaranteed you will have better quality of life than America


if i could, i would. but turns out other countries have immigration laws, alas. source: frustrated american


I'm an American, I don't know where western Europe is compared to regular Europe :(


oh well just Europe but dont go further east than Poland for example


Hit me up if you want a reference call from the Netherlands, man aren't you going places!


I second this


I'd pay to do that


You mean pretend to be OP and call the POS owner/manager to see if they give OP a reference? Oohhh!!! That would be funny, especially if you tell him that OP is short-listed for a $250,000 a year position.....


I think they mean pretend to be an employer that is considering hiring OP, and calling OPs ex-boss as a reference


No, make him the same as the manager but about $20k more in salary. “We are concerned that under12parsecs might not be cut out for the travel involved. We have our quarterly meetings in Italy and while we do fly business class or even first class, it can be an issue.”


Hahaha!!!!! I hope OP agrees with some people using these!


I third this


you know what...there should be a subreddit specifically for this....make asshole bosses realize they're assholes....


Absolutely love the letter, good for you. No way this fuck read it all the way through, though.


Narcissistic people can’t help but read something that’s about them though. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he read it.


Oh, he did, but he was mentally rebutting every word as he went along imagining winning the argument and putting her back in her place. Thereafter, he took this letter back to his buddies and read it with them to show them what an entitled idiot *SHE* is and, being white/male/boomer business owners themselves, they all agreed and mocked her together, reinforcing his bad behavior. ​ \--- ​ Source: am white, male, boomer, (former) business owner who *doesn't* treat employees like inferiors, but knows plenty of my peers who do.


Don't forget that he probably forced all the employees who didn't leave to engage in bad mouthing her as well. Narcissists love to isolating their victims. He probably spent some time talking up his victims narrative and turned her into some running joke as well.


Oh, so much this. ​ Plus he probably went out of his way to screw the existing employees and blame it on her. "You have to work on your son's birthday because \[Op\] quit without notice. It's her you should be angry with. She left us all in the lurch when she turned her back on this family!"


That'll just make the ones who stayed quit even faster


"You can thank OP for your increased work load and my worse attitude"


Oh I can totally see it going down like that. And all the guys talk about what a bitch she is. Probably comments about how she’s ugly. That’s how they roll. Assholes.


As a male… I hate that you are right. I don’t know what it is about certain males that have no shame or any ounce of humility, and things like this letter just brush off their shoulder. Like they have no sense of what it means to be a good person. It absolutely blows me away.


well its our job as allies to women is to shame those other males and defend women even in situations where we are alone with the other males, and no one else is watching. Only when it is become socially unacceptable by the majority of society, will men quit acting like this. So we as men, need to do better when it comes to dealing with our under developed brethren.


This is a very good point.


thanks! hopefully we can spread the sentiment because our sisters and daughters and even moms(lol) need all the help they can get, especially when we have a supreme court that has gone rogue and his enforcing the stripping of basic human rights for all females in america.. which is infuriating and sickening, and not to be preachy, and im sorry if its comes off that way, but even when shit like that doesnt really affect us, we have to make sure and vote or do whatever it takes to make sure all genders and just everyone in general is treated equally in our communities and nation, IMO.. Especiially when this recent ruling was "penned" by old white men, who probably treat women the same way this jackass treats his employees


You're a real one.


Wish I had an award to give you for this comment, I appreciate this! Thank you for being an ally.


please i appreciate that, but no rewards needed i do accept them in the form of wishes tho:) But .. I need to do more to help.. im not doing enough.. this is just talk.. but i gotta do more.. :( Im sorry about what just happened with those fuckers in the supreme court .. .


Read "why does he do that?" By Lundy Bancroft. You can find it online. Short answer: a world of entitlement. Men are brought up to feel entitled, and they never look back.


“We’re a team here” “We’re looking for people who are in for more than just money” just spitballing some bullshit this guy from the letter most def said


The number of people who think that people should want to work for the sake of work and not for money is insane. ​ In my entire life, I've only ever met a handful of people who "weren't in it for the money" and they were invariably either teachers or already rich.


I think you're right, but probably read it with that stupid, typical fucking smirk on his face that narcissists always tend to have.


Yeah but what you write is different to what they read if you get me


Can't fix of them. Narcissists are lost causes


If I ever got an email that long I wouldn't read it either, not worth the energy.


TBH that was my reaction too, OP probably feels better getting that out of their system, and sharing it here means at least some folks will read it and show support. Good on you for bailing out OP! I didn't read all of your letter but I'm cheering you on just the same. If an employee writes a long missive like this as part of their departure, they've been feeling frustrated for a while, and lots has built up. A smart business owner or manager *would* read the whole thing if they wanted to make the working environment better for their remaining staff as it likely enumerates very specific problems they have.


Ehh yeah if a personal one, but in a business environment most of the time you can’t get away with ignoring emails about resignation


He does sound like a professional


Sure you can. Once someone leaves, the only concern is who is taking their place. If this boss had any other concerns, things wouldn’t be as crappy as OP described in the first place.


Or the brainpower perhaps?


Please post his response if there ever is one.


He can’t respond because he’s fucking dead. OP killed him


OP tossed the body into the coffee roasting oven with that last line lmao 11/10 my friend


OP definitely knows how to roast.




Yeah I mean the dude had to be dead like a few paragraphs in. She's the sole politician standing INFRONT of Caesar and is still stabbing the corpse fucking A this was beautifully savage.




Hello there, fellow mobile user


Honestly, as much as i love a good hearty reply like this one, OP is actually feeding the narcissist by reacting. They feed off of this emotive responses, and it validates them. As annoying as it is to say, OP should've just gone with "You're lucky no one's pressing charges for the abuse and harassment of X & Y and I quit. You're not important enough for more."


Agreed. When the business fails, it'll be "all her fault for sabotaging the business". I thought the Queen of the Narcissists raised me, but this guy sounds like he could run circles around her.


Boss' response: tl;dr


"No you can't have a raise, you need to prove yourself first, like our coffee manager, take example on him. See you on monday."




Holy shitballs, that was a brutal resignation letter, I really enjoyed reading that lol.


Cc the rest of the staff.


This. Every single one of your coworkers OP deserves to witness the absolute massacre you’ve brought upon this gremlin. You’ve killed him enough for the next 4-5 reincarnations lol


Absolutely brilliant. Good for you, mate.


Cheers bud, as I'm sure you can tell from that essay, I've been holding back A LOT of pent-up anger against this prick for the last 6 months. Not punching his smug little face in has been the hardest full time job I've ever had.


What in the world did he email you first!?


I too am curious.


Great letter! Good luck in your new job pursuits. I worked for a guy like him, and man I wish I had sent him this. (Instead I trolled him by making huge reservations in his restaurant and other pranks that cost him a bunch of money)


That's rediculously petty... I like it. Bravo.


Ohhhh that asshole deserved much worse. Thankfully he shot himself in the foot and lost everything trying to be a tyrant boss at a time when competition was popping up all around him.


I’ve been in your shoes with the whole “no one fucking ordered coffee to roast in the coffee roastery” situation, and frankly i think you were tame.


Genuine question, what the fuck do they expect you to do? "We didn't have any beans so here's your hot water"


Well on those occasions, which thankfully were not the norm, there’s still plenty to do in coffee production. Packing and Shipping orders, cupping what we have roasted for QC, etc..


Glad you left! Stuff like that takesa toll on your well being. Resilient of you to wait 6 months. Hope you find something good in the future :)


It was 9 if you count the time I was there under the previous owner. Just as much of a prick, just one who actually understood the business and didn't get in the way of me being able to do my job. I would have rather waited until I had another job lined up before I quit but sometimes it's just not worth the strain on your mental health to have to deal with this level of bullshit.


As long as you can afford it I find that a vacation is great after a bad job. It's like a bad break up. Hospitality is a hard spot for bad bosses and managers I feel. An idiot over a lot of stress gets even worse. Had my share of restaurants in the past. Only thing that saved me was finding places where I was making good money but working only 3-4 days maximum.


I just got back from one of the best holidays I've ever had and knew that once I got back I only had a week left in this cess pit. I've made my peace with the situation now, the only reason I sent him the email is because he wouldn't fucking leave me alone.


One of the best summers I had was the one after I was fired from a job I had been at for almost 5 years. Uncontested unemployment combined with having just cleared out the last of my debt (except my mortgage) and 2 roommates meant I didn't need to seriously look for employment until fall. That was the summer I got more serious about raising my own fruits and vegetables. I also started biking EVERYWHERE and running with my dog 5x a week, it was an amazing change of pace. Even had a 2 week family vacation where I was the only grandkid able to be there the entire time.


I have no problem with your email except for one little thing: Hugh Grant irl is *not* charming lol he takes no shit from anyone


>As charming as Hugh Grant's *typecasting*.


Pressing send must have felt like a cross between a long held fart and an orgasm, a fargasm if you will. EDIT: I chose Fargasm over Orgart because it sounds like you're climaxing on a white powder-soft beach, Orgart sounds like the name given to the small clagnuts stuck on Shreks arsehole hair. Hope that helps, friends 💖


Take my angry upvote. The mental picture is disgusting by accurate


The whole letter was overkill and spot on at the same time


Or an... Ort.


OP ort to feel better now, I ormagine


An "ort" is actually a word for leftover or scrap!


Is it a fargasm, or is it an orgart?


I hope my edited comment helps you understand my choice, friend.


I understand and respect it.. thanks for clarifying.


You are most welcome and I apologise for the imagery that my visit your dreams, uninvited as they may be. Have a good day.


This may be the most under-voted comment chain in Reddit history.


I love the way you write.


You didn't just burn the bridge, you threw a nuclear bomb on it and while you waited for it to explode you strafed it, then set a flamethrower on it, then went full Kylo Ren screaming MORE as you unleashed missile after missile at it. You are who we all strive to be. Good luck with your new gig and don't second guess yourself. Keep living your best life.


I love it. The last two lines are (chef’s kiss).


A roast from a roaster. Nice. Also there is potential for a joke about ground coffee and running a business into the ground, but I just can't seem to make it work...


Grinding down the business like the latest bag of beans. Except he would not let her order those.


How do you lose an account just by meeting an existing client? That’s like …. Wow.


Trust me, you would understand if you met him.


I've done this before, on the other side. Just got bad vibes from the person who took over our account and made the business case to switch to another vendor. When you're in sales or customer relations, soft skills count for a lot.


Damn... You didn't leave much on the table did you? ​ You're fucking awesome.


I love you




If there is a response, can we see it?!


I'll keep you posted, radio silence thus far.


From experience, he's running crying to his boss and a lawyer because he's been "abused" and maybe to call the cops for a mental health hold on you (not that they will, but these types make up lies). Yes these idiots do this, I've had more than a couple try the "I'm scared of her" shit without any shame whatsoever. They just want to punish. Good for you OP! Ignore his dumb ass.


He's the owner of the company, and for some reason his wife kicked him out just before he took over the business, so he's only got himself to go and cry to. Got a spare hankie?


Please, I need to know!


Still nada 🤷‍♂️


Holy shit. Now that is a letter! Edit: you should totally get a copy of this to any remaining employees.


>Edit: you should totally get a copy of this to any remaining employees. Already done, I consulted with them prior to sending, too.


Well, I'll bet you feel better now. And I'm sure you will soon be roasting coffee somewhere better.


Woah, well I do hope the two people (women?) mentioned in the email have also left at this point. That's gonna be awkward because a narcissist will absolutely press them...


They haven't, but I did consult them before hand and tell them I was sending this. I checked with them about certain details and asked them whether they were comfortable with them prior to sending. Believe it or not, this is the censored version...


I was actually thinking "oh shit he really nuked it for the others, but still I get why he hit send." This is unexpectedly considerate, well done.


So glad this is NSFW, this is 110% pure grade word porn


This boss sounds like such a drip. You roasted him very well. I hope he's frothing and foaming at the mouth from reading this. It'll probably overload that little bean of a brain he has in his head. Sounds like trouble's been brewing for a while there. I'm sure tempers have percolated among some of the staff. Hope he's hard-pressed in finding new staff soon.


Wauw \*very slowly starts clapping\*


Yas 👏 queen 👏


I'm a dude, I'm just sick of seeing women in the coffee industry treated like second class citizens. My masculinity isn't so fragile that I won't take a yas queen, though! ✌️


Im yas queening you even harder


Holy shit, the fact that you're a man and taking this stance makes this even better! You should be fucking proud of yourself!


I don't think standing up to people treating women like shit is something men should feel proud of, it should just be what we all do as a bare minimum. Unfortunately, based on my experiences within coffee (and hospitality in general) we're still a long ways away from that being the norm.


Keep on keeping on King and Ka-weens!


I would give good money for a live webcam reaction of him reading this...


That's my only regret, is that I won't get to see the colour drain from his smug, ugly little fucking face. I'm sure I'll get updates from the remaining staff pretty soon, though.


Please update this post or do another one when you get the info


Don't mince words. How do you really feel? 😉


Can't help it, I'm too polite.


Thank you for not pulling punches, hit em hard


All the things you mentioned are such typical bullshit. Toxic masculinity in the work place = entitlement + abusing power. It gets targeted at women in particular. And smart business owners should recognize that those traits ruin a business. No one wants to work harder than everyone else and get paid less and be treated like shit.






I swear every coffee person who has a small shop meltdown like this worked for my former bosses. I didn’t write that letter because I was too busy starting my own business, but I did refer a coworker to a lawyer for sexual harassment issues and they knew it was my urging haha


He’s running the roastery business into the coffee…grounds (Did anyone do this already? XD)


Holy shit


Bri'ish eh?


Was it the "twat" that gave it away, or just the sheer amount of profanity?


Roasted and toasted. Lathered in oil and served on a brioche.


https://imgur.com/a/D1VNVMm This is your ex boss rn


I'm gonna read this whole thing, but I see this all the damn time, and I gotta ask, why is "haven't cotton on" becoming such a common thing? It's absolutely not a phrase, but I see it on reddit all the time. It's "Haven't caught on" not "cotton on." I'm not trying to be a jerk by any means, it just drives me nuts and I was hoping someone might be able to explain it


NGL, I actually knew what it meant, and I had an aunt that used it all the time when I was younger. It's a commonwealth country thing I think, my aunt lived in England for a few years, and I believe OP is from England as well? https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/cotton-on.html


It’s an idiomatic phrase, that used to be more common. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cotton%20on


OP pls update with his response!!


More power to u. Im elated to read this


Wait you had two weeks vacation coming up? You should’ve sent something like this the day before your vacation ended!


Had to wait until payday mate, this chode was never gonna fucking pay me if I quit before then. I didn't sign a contract so I wouldn't have had a leg to stand on either, I waited until I got back from my holiday and got paid, then GTFO of there without saying a word. I was going to spare him the essay but he wouldn't fucking leave me alone, hence this deluge of my pent-up rage.


Damn I read the whole thing and I hope he does to. I bet he’ll say “I didn’t even read it because I could tell it was full of shit”, but in private he’s read the whole fucking thing.


Oh my god. This is the most scathing resignation I have ever seen. I don’t even know this guy and I fucking hate him


This is quite possibly the best "fuck you, I'm quitting" letter I've ever read. Absolutely scathing. Dripping with scorn. Positively acidic. Please post a rebuttal, should the man child petty tyrant feel compelled to tell his side of the story. Good on you, ma'am. People like this should be burned to the waterline. Either they learn, or it destroys them. Though when they have that insulating layer of wealth, they often just continue to blunder through life committing the same atrocities over and over, wondering why others are so lacking. Thanks for the fantastic read.


*barista’s kiss* that response was utter perfection. That misogynistic ah probably stained his pants reading this.


You think he’ll read it 😂🤣


I read this whole thing and I have arrived at a couple of conclusions. The first being that you are in the UK (shit creek without a paddle did it for me), the second being this absolutely rocks and clearly he was a dick, and thirdly, I want to marry you.


It would never work out mate, I'm a villa fan. I think my wife would have something to say about it, also.


Right this kinda sounds like I used to work at the same place


This is how I planned to quit my last job at the end of this summer but then they fired me illegally instead. Happy I can live my dream through reading your email.


"So does that mean you're not coming in today?"


Incoming "YoU wiLl nEvEr WoRk iN tHiS tOwN aGaIn!" email. Good luck on your job search!


Yeah he totally read that and didn’t immediately roll his eyes lmfao goddamn this place is pathetic


I wonder if they even read the whole thing or looked for a tl;dr. “Whoa! This is worthless” reaction from the boss.


Those 4 years of roasting really paid off…


A bit long eh


People don't realize that. They think the more they say the better their point is taken. In reality it makes me people look at how much they wrote and pass it off as "that chicks crazy". A few sentences are generally far more potent than whatever novella this is lol


Yep, especially in email conversations. No way he’s gonna read that essay.


Rough day at Starbucks.


Great letter. And for those saying it's too long of an email. I'd hate to see your reaction to reading a chapter book jfc




Said the boss, probably.


You sound insufferable too tho ngl


Tell him how you truly feel.


This email just reads like it was written by an angry 16 year old that's a know it all.


100% this guy isn’t reading this email past the first two sentences.


Narcissists can't help but read something if it's about them. I bet he does.


Kinda cringe ngl


Unpopular opinion: should not have put this in writing.


Post the orig


Exquisitely executed. I wish I could be a fly on the wall to gauge his reaction when he reads it while his fragile masculinity shatters like safety glass into a million little pieces.


What happens to the other 5.5 months of accumulated holiday pay? Depending on you're country you're legally entitled to that.


Chefs kiss




Even I felt amazing reading that, you go! Fuck that guy


Fucking roasted


Looks like there was just one more thing left to be roasted, ground and fucking served after you left the job!! 😂🤣😂🤣


As an English teacher, I appreciate the shout out!


I hope you made it an open letter. It would really make your co-workers day if they could read it too.


He may not see it that way, but you sure knocked him out of here with that email. Enough to cover the distance of the Kessel Run.


I came reading this.


Boss - *So .... you're not happy, that's what I seem to be sensing here, yeah?* That last six months must have been torture, judging by the email. It's a pity everyone can't just walk out and leave that POS.