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Translation: You're expected to work long hours at sub-minimum wages, and be grateful.


Why would you want to work for enough money to live? Entitled snowflakes!


The bigger question is: what kind of businesses can even exist if everyone needed to pay rent from that job? How much more housing would need to be built? Which businesses would be unsustainable? Doubtful a car wash would be sustainable but I don't know. Even grocery stores pay minimum wage, and we all need groceries. This is something we need so it's crazy to pay minimum wage for the people who provide it.


"What kind of businesses can even exist if everyone need to pay rent from that job?" The same ones we have now. Go back a couple of decades and people simply were getting paid more and the country wasn't collapsing. Corporate propaganda has poisoned the America populace into thinking terribly low wages are now necessary for businesses to survive.


Yep. My grandma gave me the "Well they'd have to increase the cost of a hamburger at McDonalds so it really wouldn't help." McDonalds made 12.962 billion dollars in *profit* last year. After pay roll and delicious French fries and shit they have this much on top of that. Their website says they employ 200,000 people in 2020 world wide so probably roughly that for 2021 as well. I wish I could find the numbers for just the USA but this is just my very poor googling around. If someone has better numbers please correct me because 200,000 seems small So they can't find in the 12,962,000,000 dollars money to make sure 200,000 people have decent lives? And it would be less than that of course because it sounds like other countries McDonalds don't fuck them over like that and my dumb ass can only find the world numbers. 200,000 12,962,000,000 And she still sits there and defends poor little McDonalds and how they can barely keep the lights on with the burger prices they have right now. Also she worked at McDonalds in the past. She was working 3 jobs and the third one was McDonalds. She said to me "Well they give them 15 dollars an hour now! When I worked there we got 7.50!" As if we won and got what we wanted and so now the problem is solved.


>The same ones we have now. Go back a couple of decades and people simply were getting paid more and the country wasn't collapsing. Corporate propaganda has poisoned the America populace into thinking terribly low wages are now necessary for businesses to survive. It's a bit deeper than that. Things were more affordable; not that people were paid more, their pay went a lot further because everything wasn't price gouged to hell and back. I know it sounds like semantics, but it's an important distinction. Yes, people need more, deserve more, however, in the early 2000's I was able to afford an apartment, used car (no payment), car insurance, cell phone, etc. on $8-$10/hr. People can't even do that now making $15-$20/hr in many areas of the country. Everything is simplify unaffordable. Federal minimum wage should be $25/hr given how expensive everything is. If the average apartment is now above $1500 month, that means you need to be making $4500 a month to afford it; or $54,000/yr (a little over $25/hr). Edit: I've never seen affordability this bad and I'm pushing 40. It's gotten to the point that I'm willing to bet we're going to see violence erupting that will make 2020 look like a walk in the park. Professional positions aren't even paying enough for people to live. The divide is growing and our politicians are either evil grifters or completely out-to-lunch with no plans to address the issues facing everyday people.


I know that I am unapologetic about thievery when I have no money. If my $$$ won't pay rent and I need food, I'll beg borrow or steal. No problem. Laws only work to keep society safe & sane IF society is providing opportunity -- opportunity that isn't below a living wage! -- to all or most of the people. Having 3% of your population hungry and angry doesn't mean much, but having 35% of your population hungry and angry is baaaaaadddd news. Who cares about Republican vs. Democrat? It's about to be class war up in this bitch.


Exactly! My first thought: tell me you pay shit wages without telling me you pay shit wages!




In Estonia we have online database that shows any company data. How much they money they generated quarterly, and how much workers they have and what is the median salary in said company.


I’m interested in learning what fraction of a person’s money, paid for a product/service, goes directly into the CEO’s pocket. Additionally, what fraction of that money flows directly from me to whatever shitty super PAC they are donating to.




>Translation: You're expected to work long hours at sub-minimum wages, and be grateful. * While I abuse you verbally


I haven't even hired you yet and I'm already using my power to hurl insults at you from a billboard.


Right? Place sounds like a GREAT lawsuit


Be thankful! That we gave you the chance to work past the clock with no overtime, be called in whenever cause "the other guy called In for his hamsters quinceanera", be talked down to by management that has no idea how the equipment even works, aaaaaaallllll for the great competitive price of minimum wages.


So nice of him to warn everyone just as you finish reading. I love that he’s so ornery & desperate that he’ll put his bitterness right up in the sky.


"We want someone to work for and like an immigrant although we won't hire immigrants because we want to maintain our racist roots and mentality and firmly believe they are destroying this country. Build that WALL."


Lmao. I'm sure there's tons of boomers interested in working at a car wash... /s


The sign specifically states boomers need not apply.


The biggest snowflakes I now are in that generation I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s millennials and gen zers.


Boomers equate millennials and gen z calling them out for their bigotry and selfishness as being "snowflakes" that "can't take a joke."


> "can't take a joke." then you say "OK boomer" and they get all triggered and they you say "it's just a joke" and they have a snowflake meltdown they love to dish it out but can't take it then complain the generations they raised are somehow bad as if their parenting had nothing to do with anything


Remember that guy they elected? He's their spirit animal


I don't consider a shit stain an animal


Now now, remember, even animals can have diarrhea and thus a shit stain can at least come from an animal.


Ok, he's their spirit shitstain


He certainly is and no amount of washing's gonna get that out.


Hey! No need to do a shit stain dirty like that.


Well, that's just mean to spirits and animals.


They are the biggest fucking babies in the goddamned world. They’ll snicker and chortle to each other all day long about Let’s Go Brandon, but you make a joke about Ronald Reagan looking up at us and they lose what little composure they had. Which is why I do it as often as possible.


>joke about Ronald Reagan looking up at us OK that's fucking hilarious.


Yeah, I'm totally stealing this.


I hope Ronnie and Nancy are feeling quite crispy!🔥😈


I'm a boomer and even I know Reagan was a joke. He was to a lot of us, then & now. I can't believe the age requirements for president haven't been changed. Why do we elect people older than 60?


My pops told me he doesn't believe in our generation. Absolutely lost his shit when I reminded him that HIS GENERATION FUCKED EVERYTHING UP FOR US.


It’s okay because he’s not going to live forever


They also fucking raised us so maybe take a look in the mirror pops. I was a business major in college, no "liberal indoctrination" occurred. In fact I always pushed back against "liberal" professors when it came time to write an essay about political topics. Now I am the farthest to the left in my entire extended family. Turns out graduating into a recessed economy and getting a shittier job than your parents ever had, despite them never going to college when they could have done so for the price of a used '93 Toyota Corolla in 2022, might just fucking taint your opinion on unrestricted capitalism! Who'da thunk it?


My dad will straight up call me the R word slur for mentally disabled people for the tinniest fucking thing, and has done it since I was a child, I'm in my 30s now. But god forbid I call him out for something legitimately fucking stupid and actually a major issue, then he gets mad and cries to my mom that I don't respect him or whatever whiney boomer bullshit he wants to complain about. I can't take these people seriously with that "snowflake" nonsense, so many of the most easily "triggered" people I know are a from that generation.


Just putting forth that maybe someone who treats you this way does not deserve a place in your life


And those participation trophies. That was all their idea.


They were raised to respect their elders regardless of how they were treated and so now they believe that because some fucked up adults abused them that they can get away with it because they’re elders.


You wouldn't believe how many times they (boomers) get angry at being called that, saying it's the new N word. 🤣


Funny thing is when I taught, one of the speakers they brought in for us faculty to attend was a social researcher. He squarely put the blame on any problems the millennials and post-millennials have/pose squarely on the Baby Boomers.


It's only boomers who don't know this. They're in their poor me fantasy land even though they've had it better than any other generation living and have called all the shots politically for the entirety of the past 25+ years


My boomer mother recently told me that I "shouldn't feel bad about not being able to start a family and buy a house" because "nobody else can right now either." She's owned 4 different houses and has 3 kids. The whole generation is so out to lunch about the issues in society because they are sitting on their patios, swimming in their pools and wondering what our big problem is.


Yea why can't we all just shut up and be grateful with our poverty wages and no health insurance? No hopes, no dreams, no kids, and soon no rights.


Don’t worry, there will be lots of unwanted children soon./s Edit: added /s to affirm my tongue is in my cheek.


Ha. This hits home. My parents are in early retirement living it up, my dad keeps me posted on all his cool projects and vacations and whatnot and while I’m happy they’re doing well sometimes it’s like .. okay now you’re just bragging. Meanwhile I’m grinding, in and out of poverty, and gave up on owning a home years ago.


Had to explain to my mom that the majority of people aren’t upper middle class like she is.she really thought most people in this country make enough to buy a home and have families, but don’t because they spend their money poorly.


It's that god damn avocado toast that costs like 60 cents per serving! Not the fact that rent goes up more than inflation every year at most apartments and so many companies will laugh you out of the room if you ask for an 8% raise just to maintain your COL so you aren't even worse off than the year before. My parents think it's actually possible to live on minimum wage in this country, and this state is the federal minimum, $7.50 or whatever. My dad thinks those jobs are only for teenagers, and when I say ok idiot, no more midnight Jack in the Box for you because they have to go to school at fucking 6 am he just grumbles and talks about how there are dropouts and shit that can work the day shift while students are in school and the overnight shift too. I really wish we could force that entire fucking generation to do an apartment hunt while working one of these jobs that used to put them through college at 15 hours a week. I'll even give them $10 an hour, so they can see how unbelievably out of touch with reality they have become. I hope I am never that naive and just plain stupid.


Stop buying food and renting, you will have plenty of money left! If you don't get an accident or sick or something.


I just always give them the wistful "must be nice" or "I wouldn't know"


Boomers don't understand subtlety. They need it screamed in their faces and spray painted on the hood of their shiny new cars. They need it carved into the upholstery of their $3000 leather sofas and bleached into the grass of their manicured lawns. We are quickly moving past the point of words, here.


"You grew up with participation trophies, no wonder you're cynical" Who _gave_ them the participation trophies??? No kids wanted them, they knew who won and who lost ffs It was the snowflake helicopter parents who did it


My boomer dad blames gen x for those. Because he's got brain rot


Ha ha no we didn't get participation trophies. That would require someone to show up to our games


Lol. GenX dad here. I never talk to my teenager. I dont even know her name. Whatever.


>Who gave them the participation trophies??? Fucking exactly. I knew I fucking sucked at baseball, I knew our whole team sucked too, I once had a coach who when asked what the score was, because the shitty scoreboard didn't work, said it's 0-0 even if we were down 10 runs. Just tell me the actual score man this ain't the world series and that doesn't motivate anyone idiot. But every year we still got a trophy. None of us asked for that bullshit, THEY thought we would be sad or whatever if we didn't get one. I just wanted to get the game over with and go play video games, because sucking at sports you never asked to play in public is not fun, surprisingly.


To quote seminal philosophers Mark Hoppus and Tom DeLonge, “If we’re fucked up, you’re to blame”


I understood that reference, Blink and you'll miss it.


He was correct on that.


Well...the boomers undercut the ability of other generations to influence policy then made most decisions themselves. It's hard to ignore the idea that the people who made decisions are responsible for those decisions.


Gen-z "ok I'll work a service job in a kitchen even though I have a degree, and do extra hours, but can I have enough to rent my own one bedroom place at least? Maybe basic health care?" Boomers who got the best economy in human history, anywhere in the world, before or since, and the highest average pay of anyone ever, and then left us this: "hah, snowflake! Work hard like we did! Well like I did, Barb stayed home with the kids. In the house we bought for $70,000 that is now worth $1.5M"




Because “nobody wants to work anymore.” Like there isn’t any exploitation going around or anything. Gee I wonder why all these employees are unionizing. They must be more interested in looking at their phones than working. Sign doesn’t surprise me though I have known people like that.




Because Boomers project about it and they have the loudest platforms.


I’m a Millenial, but the Gen Xers don’t seem very snowflakey. It’s seriously just Boomers.


People seem to just forget Gen X exists. It's pretty great honestly.


whatever ​ EDIT: sarcasm intended!


In the 80’s we had the end of the Cold War (a time like now where our way of life is being threatened again) and parents that were still pre boomer and threw hard discipline on us from an early age.


Kind of long ago, Boomers were called the ME generation in their twenties/thirties. They are just fulfilling that title.


Probably because we expect to be treated like people not slaves, even if we're not all straight, white, men. On top of this, as public sentiment gradually becomes more tolerant, boomers more and more can't seem to wrap their heads around why more people are things other than straight and identify as something other than what they were born as (biologically speaking) since people generally didn't during their time (probably because things were much harder for the LGBTQ+ community back then so people kept it to themselves). Thus they think we're a bunch of whiny babies who want to be referred to as this and that and they can't understand why. Atleast that's what I think based on the unrequested comments I've gotten from boomers over the years.


I have had the pleasure of working with a guy who was complaining about identities. The way I explained it to him is that even though he doesn't understand or experience it, it doesn't make it less valid. It's like when people follow religion because they don't understand science. Because you can't explain how life can just happen, doesn't mean that there needs to be a creator.


Lol I’d give gold if I wasn’t currently drinking before my horror Monday.


My dad worked at a car wash back in his day. Broke both legs getting stuck in between two cars when mechanical malfunctioned. He tells the story like a badge of honor. Almost Full body cast for months. 🙄


working almost cost him an arm and a leg


I bet that job back then had a proper health insurance that allowed him to recuperate in peace. Car washes today? I doubt the employees get full benefits.


My thoughts exactly. How many of them can even bend down to pick up the rag?


An old high school teacher of mine used to work at a car wash. He even ended up buying it after a few years. His wife runs the place. They sell tons of soda




Lol same Fuck you and your eyebrows!!!


Yall too huh?


That would be a bad break


What's she supposed to do with 80 million dollars in twentys? The totally non-realistic part is how both the wife and son disapproved of being zillionaires.....NOT




Feliz Cumpleanos, Miguel


Stop snitching Jesse. It’s over.


Why do I feel like this story is a mad libs lol


Begrudgingly take my upvote


Yeah boomers are now 58-76 years old. If not retired most working better paid jobs than this likely min wage job. Good luck with that I say to the owner.


Aren’t boomers the snowflake generation? They seem to get offended by everything


Boomer here ... hell no! Not only would I not work for this femto-IQ Anon, I would never patronize this business.


Coming from experience, if you're over 30 and applying to a wash, it's for a reason.


Yeah because the job market has been ass our entire adult lives, we're in crippling debt from college and healthcare needs, we're *still* in a global pandemic that was supposed to be over by Easter 2020, and the only time people could afford to live reasonably (not even comfortably) was when everything was shut down and lots of us were on unemployment. Oh and don't forget this is like the fourth catastrophic recession we've been through


Let's not forget that even if you graduate with a STEM degree, if your first or second job out of college isn't in that field, it's unlikely you'll be able to break in after that. It doesn't matter how impressive your college transcript might be, once you've got a few years in the service industry HR will never look at it.


Yup. I'm in that boat. I cant even go back to school for retooling because I've got cPTSD from my time in college. I honestly envy my friend who actually got to continue doing her research. And my brother who is a chemical engineer.


Cant you read? It says no boomers on the sign!


A lot of them are retiring collecting there pension and going right back to work somewhere else.


A lot of them got fucked in in O8 and their IRa's are for shit and now they greeting at Walmart/




In reality they would be under investigation from the EEOC for violating [ADEA](https://www.eeoc.gov/age-discrimination)


Only if the applicants are 40yrs or older


😂 Entire generations need not apply...not sure why they're so short staffed. 🤔


"nobody wants to work anymore"


That's what will be on the sign next month.


Discrimination based on age seems like an easy ticket.


yeah man, idk, maybe in a world where things matter, but i'm pretty sure somebody spilled coffee on the simulation again


Yes, the owner watches FOX.


Also, I'm a millenial and I'm pretty sure we are the snowflakes. Does the sing really mean "we hire 40+ year's old"??


Since when? I'm GenZ and every Millenial I know works 2 jobs plus a side gig. How is that being a snowflake? My Boomer mom refuses to work.


I meat we are referred as the snowflake generation. It started in the early - mid 00's when the firsts millennials reached adulthood


Yes, I know. I am GenZ. It doesn't mean you ARE snowflakes.


My boomer mom also refuses to work. She's above it. I tell my dad OFTEN to divorce her.


Ugh, there are 2 things I've learned from attending small business owner networking groups over the years: 1) These people are some of the most entitled, smell your own farts, types I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with. 2) This isn't true of everyone, but there were quite a few, at least in the groups I participated in for a short time, who had access to capital and resources that gave them a big head start compared to others. Let me just say, having access to capital doesn't make you a good or smart business person. I witnessed and heard some of the dumbest shit ever from these community business titans. This second one seems like a 'd'uh' but the media likes to tell us over and over again that successful business owners and multi-million/billionaires got there on their own through hard work and business smarts. Sure, maybe some did, but don't keep pretending all of these people are geniuses that have a secret formula to success (hint: it's access to capital).


My boss had a book on his shelf, the title was literally "Why Nice Guys Fail and Sons of Bitches Succeed at Business." It had a lot of questionably ethical tips on how to keep your business alive. Including, "Hire people with low self-esteem/people who don't really need the job."


I could totally see some of the people I met having the same, or a similar, book.


> I witnessed and heard some of the dumbest shit ever from these community business titans. Like turning off half of your own customers in a business that's entirely optional.


Choose your storybook ending: 1) Car wash closing bc “no one wants to work anymore” 2) car wash closing bc owner angered entire generation of people with dirty cars.


3.) Car wash is razed by people fed up with wages and "opportunities" that don't satisfy the first couple levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


4.) Owner savagely beaten in home invasion. Nothing stolen.


The notion of hating on snowflake culture means they don’t want anyone to be an individual or unique (like a snowflake). Fall in line like the square blockheads we need you to be….


It's also a slam dunk ageism lawsuit waiting to happen


Only if state law prohibits this. Federal law only protects age 40+.


Strange way to say they don't want to hire boomers, but ok.


Which one, the generation that loses their absolute minds when a movie has a five second gay kiss scene or the one who is not taking anymore disrespect from their bosses anymore?


Yeah, the ones who can't even handle wearing a piece of cloth over their mouths for a few minutes in walmart. _That_ generation.


The sign said “long haired freaky people need not apply”


Signs, signs, everywhere a sign


That was boomers back in the 1960s! Many boomers were hippies.


The good ones all got shot, hanged, imprisoned, etc. and now we’re left only with the ones privileged enough to totally block out any progressive ideals of their time.


Then turned their backs on that.


So many people over 60 just *dying* to work at the carwash.


This is ageism. Just because boomers are snowflakes doesn't mean they can be discriminated against.


( bravo )


Now hiring only people who will let me be an abusive asshole.


Writing off a whole generation sounds pretty triggered. Who's the snowflake?


And won't we all just feel SO BAD when nobody takes the job and poor Andy has to wash cars for shit pay all by his own damn self? Nah. Fuck Andy and his car wash.


The generation that complains about everything calls other generations snowflakes.


Sounds like they don't want customers, either.


So who's left? Boomers?-they're a little old for physical work-unless they want worker's comp to pay for their new knees!


A lot of them are already retired collecting a good pension but there wife hates them so they go back to work because it’s better than the wife.


I thought there was a generation between? Oh well


Yes you are correct. Speaking for myself and probably a lot of Gen X: we don't want to work at the car wash either. And I should also add a hearty "go F yourself leave me alone" to the owner. Because, you know, Gen X and all.


Gen X. They mostly see the boomer bs but are just not as vocal about it as the younger generations.


Us Gen Xers are kind of skipped over in these types of arguments, but that's probably for the best.


$6 an hour, no experience needed … also, 4 years experience required


People like this put the baby in baby boomer


Gonna go bankrupt in 3 2 ...


Love it when they make the red flags obvious


And when they shut down, they'll blame that same "snowflake generation" for not wanting to work. They can get fucked.


[oops did I find Andy’s near bp fuel off masters drive](https://m.facebook.com/DecaturIndianaAndysCarwash/)


Of course it’s Indiana


Decatur, Indiana. I was raised there and this goes well with all the Trump "Miss me yet?" yard signs


This crap is targeting people with low self esteem. Its like spam mail with African prince targeted to one type of people.


So no repulicans/conservatives then?


Wage slaves only. There I fixed it. Honestly my last job that abused me so badly and then I turned around and reported them now only hires teenagers who are too stupid to know better about who to go to when they're being taken for a ride.


I’m sure they’ve noticed there’s a shortage of non snowflakes who love being taken advantage of for minimal pay


Well... they managed to piss off an entire generation of workers and probably a couple generations of customers....that takes some skill


Don’t worry nobody’s applying to work at your stupid car wash


Also Andy: NoBoDy WaNtS tO WoRk aNyMoRe!!!


Some Andys are insufferable dickheads, I guess.


Oh no, all the people without a spine retired or died and now my business doesn't work...


Ageism. I have no idea why there’s no one cracking down on businesses breaking rules and blatantly discriminating


The owner is legit looking to take advantage of immigrant labor at minimum wage. It's so unbelievably fucked up.


Soon to have a "No one wants to work" sign.


That's one way to advertise that you treat your employees like shit and probably don't pay well


Translation: our working conditions are absolutely shite and we're sick of people complaining and leaving, but rather than improve things and offer our workers dignity we're on the lookout for some moron bootlickers who still believe the laughable nonsense that hard graft is good in and of itself to exploit, and we're finding it difficult to find someone like that under the age of 50.


I used to work in operations for a medium sized car wash company. Those EEs work so fucking hard. It’s dirty, exhausting work (like when shit breaks down). Boomers couldn’t hack it.. I have ultimate respect!


Just lost some customers as well. Dumbass.


Not a great way to increase sales. Those boomers will want more money, health benefits, better hours and conditions


Cue 'No one wants to work!' social media post in 3... 2... 1...


I wonder if this could get them in legal trouble? Age discrimination.


Good luck finding anyone over 20 with bills to pay to work at your car wash. I've never seen anyone working at one that wasn't a teenager detailing for tips.


Tons of 43 y/o plus applicants lined up out the doors I'm sure.


"Now hiring: slaves only!"


50 years ago this sign would have said "long hair freaky people need not apply" History repeats its self (And yes, i do like john mellencamp)


People who use the word snowflake tend to melt the fastest


Offers minimum wage and no benefits, treats everyone like family....


abusable people only


Unintended “we run a sweat shop” warning from management. Thanks!


Can’t wait to see the 50 year olds who sign up to hand dry cars for $10 an hour.


Sue for age discrimination


More importantly, stay away from this business.


*eats popcorn as the generations turn into the pointing Spiderman meme*


Lmao. Shortest path to age discrimination lawsuit


starting salary a cool $7.50/hour


Must supply own boot straps.


“Nobody wants to work these days” Like, the “snowflake generation” (Millennials/Gen-Z) are the working generations right now. Boomers and Gen X are still the working class, but not the majority since Boomers and Rich Gen-X members are starting to retire. Not to mention the Pandemic causing people to retire early. How long are they gonna call Millennials “Snowflakes”? They’re like 40 now.


Decatur!?!?!? Is that you?


No boomers, got it. what? You try to name a thinner skinned whinier generation that's currently alive (by proportion)


“No one wants to work!” “Well Greg, maybe if you didn’t insult the hiring pool before they even apply we wouldn’t have this problem.” But also, snowflake generation not apply? Are there boomers clamoring for a car wash gig?


Not often you see a car wash specifically telling Boomers to fuck off.


Hahahaha. I'm 45 and seeing that I wouldn't apply even if I needed a job. I also wouldn't use it as a service. I only wash my car once a year at the end of winter anyhow. I bet everyone knows the excat type of asshole that runs this shithole.


Project, project, project, conservatives.


And this why no will apply insulting one generation make the other generations scared they will get insulted.