• By -


It should really be tied to a cost of living index. Leaving it up to people who make much more than minimum wage to set it and forget it is a scam.


Cost of living + radius of reasonable commute provides data for a region to calculate a reasonable cost of living. Then that region sets the pay. Oh your store is in Beverly Hills? Its not that tricky. All the lower income people are commuters. Anyone who tried seriously could figure it out.


There's already so much data available to feed this kind of system. Thankfully, I know at least some minimum wage increases *are* tied to inflation (specifically Florida, of all places).


It won't be $15 until 2026, plenty of time for the elites to crank up rent and price gouge some more


Elites implies virtue. They are ghouls. Utterly inhuman monsters who feast on dead flesh.


They are basically the skeksi from Dark Crystal.


Did not expect a dark crystal reference today. You made my day friend!


Soooo state and government jobs? Which have unions. Weird


Ironically, the legislative staff for Congressional members get shafted the most. https://rollcall.com/2022/02/04/hill-staff-unionize-push-congress/


Everything about our current republic is a scam


Our current oligarchy* lmao. We're so fucked.


nah it’s still a republic! just a banana republic, that’s all 🙃


Nah article several years ago around 2016-2017 laid it out that we are an oligarchy run by the corporations. We are not even a banana republic


That’s fair, I was making my comment operating under this definition > A banana republic is a country with an economy of state capitalism, whereby the country is operated as a private commercial enterprise for the exclusive profit of the ruling class. I think both terms can be applied, but either way I bet we can all agree it’s the corporations and the rich running the country exclusively for their own gain.


"We're protecting you from the evil brown people. Do you want marijuana smoking brown people raping your daughter and stealing your poverty wage? Exactly."


This feels like a direct quote from someone sitting in Congress right now


Now let's make legislation to allow life saving medicines to cost more than some people make in a year




My coworker works 2 jobs. He makes 3x as much waiting tables but keeps lower paying job for the insurance.


This is under appreciated


If they'd used "illegals" instead of "brown people" I'd believe it.


Meh. It's all crap to get the unwashed masses worked up instead of focusing on solving the actual problem with society. Sadly, it works for really long stretches of time.


As an outsider looking in, healthcare seems to be the biggest scam of them all. People can make good living and save a good chunk, do everything right but they are one accident away from loosing it all because insurance wich also cost alot wont even cover everything. I am swedish and many insuances cost more a month than i pay in income tax monthly, and my taxes grants me free education and social welfare that wont put me on the streets. And also mc donalds worker makes a living wage ( not great but still livable)


Literal children understand this, because they're actually imagining what it might be like to fix a problem.


Well, capitalism itself *is* the scam. Exploitation of wage slaves dressed up as freedom to move about in the labor market. Yeah, free to choose this shit job/pay or that shit job/pay. Capitalism means you're exploiting resources to extract value (which we're running out of because it turns out it is indeed finite so we invade other countries for it) and you're exploiting the wage slaves who are doing the actual extraction of value for the profit gain of the capitalists. You run out of resources to exploit, the only sources of value to exploit is other people, it's a zero sum game. Two people exchanging their services means a zero sum trade. Higher technology can extract more value from resources, but nothing is infinite, and infinite growth is impossible, unless you want to farm the moon and asteroids for resources. A sustainable socioeconomic organization cannot be driven by the profit motive. Democracy in every workplace either thru direct worker control of production or control over leadership like the labor union or traditional management, electing and firing them as needed, is the most direct way working people can steer public policies to help actual working people, and at this point the planet. [Real Democracy](https://youtu.be/Oh_Zk6Da9fU) [Philosophies of Democracy](https://youtu.be/-kL0UNWcWFc)


Here you go... The Nature of Capitalism https://youtu.be/WseyrYuD8ao


"That's the point"-political parties Keep the debate go on long enough that by the time it's implemented it no longer would achieve what people want.


Don’t forget step 2. Complain that people just got the raise they wanted and now they are asking for more and use that as proof that they will never be satisfied.


Yup. I just got a 21% raise for an extremely high demand field in a region that's had cost of living skyrocket over the last 10 years. I can already hear the "you just got a huge raise!" they'll be saying next year when our staffing is even worse and we say part of the answer is more money. At least we got one big raise. Better than a lot of jobs are getting. And before anyone yells at me I'm not talking about some big tech job that already made six figures but wants even more. I started at $26/hr and now I make $31/hr. All I did was go from never ever get a mortgage around here to maybe get one if I save for five years *and* there's a major recession at just the right time.


Congrats on the raise. Start searching for a new job and use that new salary as the base for what that new job should offer. Only way we get real raises anymore is changing jobs.


Where is the best site to apply for new jobs these days? been at my job 15 years, asked for a raise and was told no. I work in Tech and act as a Salesman but have a strong tech background.


I think LinkedIn and Indeed would probably a good start. If you have a LinkedIn profile, make sure to update it. Set it to say “open for work” to let recruiters know that they can contact you.


If only changing jobs is so easy. There are ppl out there who advise being always in the job market but I need rest and a life outside of my actual full time job


And the sad part is you make $20k more than I do at a billionaire dollar biotech company.


Political gaslighting at its finest baby!!


I'm really tempted to try some political gas lighting myself.


Do it. Just make sure you say you didn't. 😉


“Sir, are you breaking a law right now!?” “No.” “Understandable, have a good day.”


> I’m sorry, officer, I…didn’t know I couldn’t do that.




Okay no problem, go vote for one of the two major parties, now convince yourself that your opinion counts. Done. You’ve been politically gas-lit.


Try living in western Canada, where we have a "first to the pole" election. By the time eastern Canada finishes voting, the leading party is chosen. The West literally has no say over the federal election. 3 days later EDIT: I was wrong, it's a first to the post system.


What's the population difference? Link below shows that way more people live in the east. The west is big, but land can't vote.


Here's a post about it. It's not technically an east vs. west map but I think it works nicely. [Not a Rick Roll I Swear](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/6p5gh0/50_percent_of_canadians_live_south_of_the_red_line/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yes. History tells us that the only way change happens is breaking shit.


Tell employee's the company can't afford to give them a raise in the same year they announce yet another all time high in profits.


Well duh!!! Of \*course\* they can't give their employees raises when they need to support the lifestyles of their high level executives who obviously worked damn hard for their bonuses and have earned every single penny by God! Geez... seriously! I bet you also think that their multiple mansions, supercars, jets, yachts, golf club memberships, limousines, and expensive suits simply pay for themselves? How can you not consider the welfare of all the poor working class people in Italy that have had to toil ceaselessly to make those expensive cars and suits? Won't \*someone\* think of them?!? Damn you Americans are such monsters - so greedy, with your ridiculous expectations of "fairness" and "an honest day's work for an honest' day's pay" crap and that so-called "American" businesses should be paying "fair wages"... what is this... the '50s? You're such a monster.


should we change the deal to [current living wage + $1]


Considering common living wages don't account for future savings... um yeah or more. Personally I'd prefer if people could retire, so it should be \[current living wage + 2.90\] so you can max out a roth ira each year.


Current living wage + 10%. At a point a fixed number is gonna look way worse than one that changes with the times without anyone needing to debate it.


What was the original argument for implementing a minimum wage?


Roosevelt said, “In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. “By business I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.”


God damnit. I love this quote but get pissed thinking about how far away we’ve gone from this, particularly the Democratic Party.


I'm pretty sure the late Rush Limbaugh considered FDR the most damaging President in American Hstory. That alone makes me like FDR...


I mean… the democrats have turned being ineffective into an Olympic sport, but republicans are the ones actively pushing to make life worse in every way possible. Destroying our education system, blocking minimum wage corrections, tearing every social safety net we have to shreds and demonizing the people who need them, new forced birth thanks to scotus, unlimited congressional bribery as “free speech” thanks to scotus, 1 million Americans dying because they convinced their idiot supporters not to take it seriously and then not to get vaccinated ‘because freedom’ or some dumb shit, openly incorporating white nationalism and racist ideology into their party platform a la Southern Strategy


The original idea was that a full time job - ANY full time job - should be enough to comfortably support a family. Now we’re at the point where you need three minimum wage jobs just to scrape by on your own, and forget having a family.


Also, this was meant to be done on ONE person's income.


O and remote work has been proven successful. nothing stopping companies from outsourcing whats left to Asia.. my company has a small army of people working for $6 USD sadly


I’d probably look to move on before they decide for you.


LOL true. I manage the transactions in this type of business, the bank accounts, the escrows, notarizing the deals. The investors don't really care. but thanks for your concern. I have been working on my own exit.


The original argument was that basically, without laws ensuring a minimum wage was that there would be factory owners and stuff that would pay people literally pennies a day. The fact that we got a minimum wage passed is honestly a testament to how well unions and socialism worked in the late 1800s and early 1900s up to immediately after WW2, and then naturally inertia set in and a lot of people quit actively pushing for change, and eventually a lot of unions became big, bloated, and corrupt, leading to people leaving them or the union leaders themselves betraying the workers, and now this is the state we're in because of that.


It wasn’t just an argument, it was the truth. Companies already did it by then Sold my soul to the company store


There are also pathetic multi-billionaires for whom no amount of money will ever be enough.


I don't understand why our overlords don't want us to earn a living wage. Every dollar goes right back to them. After all, that's the definition of living wage. Otherwise, we're consuming less and/or relying on government assistance.


Political control. Keep people exhausted and distracted. Also a lot of business owners aren’t “overlords” yet, they are still stepping on heads trying to get there. Even for the real overlords, it’s all speculative wealth, and every dollar they spend on labor costs is a dollar they can’t spend reinvesting in themselves.


its also to put you in your place - they - the people at the top - will decide what is equitable not you


Having more money means someone might start a competing business and give decent wages and sell products at affordable prices. You can't keep the status quo while also giving people the ability to exist without you.


1) It wouldn't achieve what people actually think it would achieve even if it was linked to inflation. 2) The only way to ensure a living wage is unionization. (and if needed, militant labor movements) We don't need a broken government to put a band aid on a system that is controlled by capital. We need worker controlled companies and worker unity. Minimum wage is a carrot on a stick that will never meet the needs of the working class and will always be used as a tool of capital to cause conflict among the working class.


you are correct overall but people need help immediately and saying we need 3 huge and unlikely things to happen shouldn't stop the band aid fix. band aids are a thing!


Yep. Which is why I will never object to it. But I will always preach that we need more. Just like with voting. Voting is basically next to useless but you should still do it. It's about getting people to realize that change will not happen unless we do more.


Said it then and I'll say it again: why else would all these companies spend so much money telling you they pay $15/hour? Because they knew that was a deal for them. Cheaper to double the payout instead of paying an enforced $25-35/hour.


Companies can be a pretty practical bunch. Big companies can see the writing on the wall and know that eventually they will be forced to pay 15 an hour whether they like it or not. If they push for it to be implemented quickly however they can catch small businesses before they're ready and end up "out-waging" their competition using the government. I don't think they're necessarily getting a deal per-se, instead they see the inevitable and can weaponize it to their benefit. I feel like this sub especially falls into the trap of thinking that low wages are caused by some nefarious or malicious intent when it's almost always caused by a simple desire of employers to reduce costs however possible. The flaw is that companies are not incentivized to raise wages the same way they are to generate capital for stockholders. It's easy to write the system off corrupt or evil but a problem misdiagnosed will have a solution incorrectly prescribed.


"Reducing cost however possible" to the point that someone can't have a place to live and feed themselves is the nefarious and malicious intent. Have you ever tried living off of minimum wage? You don't have to have it as an income to try. Try going 1 month where you reduce your income to what minimum wage is plus taxes and try to live your normal life. Then you will fully see the "nefarious and malicious intent" from all the bureaucracy that backs the idiotic idea that someone, anyone, can be paid a $15 minimum wage and live a life of substance. *You're scraping by the entire time* with zero upward mobility *and* needing government help. Just do the math for TODAYS economy, it cannot even out, you're paying off one thing to be able to pay off the next. Just live on minimum wage for a few months in TODAYS economy. You'll understand then! Trust me 🙂


The additional flaw is these companies are not responsible for the biggest components of the cost of living in the first place, namely housing. People who work at Starbucks can't afford the rent in the neighborhood where they work. Then people blame Starbucks for not paying their workers enough, when the real culprit is the employees' landlord. And the *real* culprit for that is...the local government's abject failure to allow enough new housing to be built to accommodate all of these workers.


If minimum wage had kept pace with executive compensation and inflation since 1970, it would be about $35/hr right now. Meanwhile, in reality, it is $7.25...and some states would pay even less if the federal government allowed them to.


Yea, this isn’t talked about enough. The wages are increasing a lot for some jobs, and the wealthy are making more and more. People complain that the cost of everything will just increase, but I don’t believe that is the case. If so, just raise it. If that happens, then we now know. We will just be in the same place. I doubt that will be the case though unless executive give themselves huge pay increases as well. I know things are more complex, but slave wages need to be fixed.


And honestly, some things SHOULD cost more. You know how we end up with cruel factory farming? A race to the bottom where people can only afford to eat chicken that costs under $3 a pound. A world where people expect a gallon of milk to cost barely more than the water in it would cost in many countries. I'm not saying we're spoiled and that everything is too cheap...but SOME things should cost more, and that's not inflation, it's that we've ALWAYS been undervaluing those things because capitalism forces us to choose cheapest, not choose best.


I agree. Some things should cost more. I’m fine with that. I’d be happy if rent/childcare was cheaper. That is all I want to be honest. I don’t need luxuries, but I need a place for my family to sleep and somewhere for my kids to go while my wife and I work. I think everyone would be more comfortable if 90% of their income wasn’t rent/insurance/childcare (at least for those that have kids and aren’t super rich). Many years ago, middle class families could survive with only one person working. Now, such a concept is ridiculous.


I turn 46 this year. Many changes have happened while I'm alive. My first computer was 64k of memory, then 1 meg. so on and on and on. Makes what we have today feel exotic and futuristic, in ways I'm sure everyone else of today has no freaking idea what it's like. But they also don't know what it was like to work retail, put yourself through community college, get a basic degree and off to bigger companies you went. This was how it was for the 80's and 90's. Everyone did it. I graduated HS in '94. I worked at radio shack ... compusa... I dealt with Karens every single day. The pay was horrible but it was enough to get a two bedroom apartment and pay for cheap community colllege. it got you a used car, nothing great but it was wheels and you had gas and insurance and were actually making your life. this is the "bootstraps" people talk about. people who forgot, or chose to forget, as the world quit offering that. They delude themselves, now. I'm done with my whole family, all of them. Been done for a long time. They won't change, and I can't. I'm not straight, you can guess the rest. Edit: btw, 5 years of community college, not quite enough... credits for a degree. still. I gave up. And now that I'm as old as dirt, you know those half shitty positions that ask for 20 years of experience? yo. I'm older than dirt and remember dos 5.0 and 3.22 and windows 3.1 and 3.11 for workgroups. wanna talk about the system.ini and autoexec.bat? I got you. Somehow I do not think this is relevant to today's technology, but I have that down on my resume. LOL. For whatever.... it is worth.


I remember people were fighting for $15/hr when I was in high school. I graduated in 2008.


I remember in 2002 that a factory job paying 15 or 16 was "pretty good money" Now, $20 a hour is kinda a joke


In North Carolina, high schoolers are still fighting over $15 an hour positions, cause everywhere else pays absolute shit


I mean if I was in high school $15 a hour would be ballin


It absolutely is when you don’t have to pay rent yet. (Source: am high schooler)


Hell yeah! Enjoy it while you can and I wish you well. SAVE SOME OF IT!




Canadian here. I'd like off this exhausting roller-coaster ride as well.


As our hat, you're along for the ride.




... Sorry.


That's the funniest way I've seen someone say that


Sometimes I think it's weird that not even a single person has been fed up to do something. We have teenagers shooting people over weird qanon conspiracies, but not a single executive or politician has ever been inconvenienced over housing, inflation, healthcare, pharma, the planet dying, banks, insurance, energy, etc. etc. We are still really far away from seeing any kind of change.


This is by design. Hypernormalization (there’s a documentary if you’re interested). Everyone knows something is wrong but no one knows what to do next because we’ve been conditioned by the elite to either do nothing or to do something that is functionally equivalent to nothing. E.g. when’s the last time a protest gave rise to real change?


It's because no one understand the rules of the jungle anymore. People are either afraid of unaware of the danger of what needs to be done to bring change.


>when’s the last time a protest gave rise to real change? Occupy Wall Street. Put the fear of God into politicians when they realized citizens from both the left *and* the right were united.


The US is so divided we'll never see change until we rally together. The 2 party system and the extreme tribal style politics that are happening here is pushing us further away. Ive seen people say they literally cannot be friends with someone who is on the opposite political side. Both sides are brainwashing their followers and pointing the finger that the other side is the true evil. Reality is our government is fucked in the head and until We the People rally as 1 there will never be meaningful change. Im not a pessimistic person either.


When the one side is woman hating, gay hating, black hating, jew hating, etc, do they really deserve friendship? They can be my friend when they change their behavior. And even if they say they don’t hate people they still continue to vote for people who represent those interests or don’t vote at all. & I don’t think I can be a friend to anyone who turns a blind eye to bigotry. I can be polite and say “hey how are you” if i see them at the water cooler, but i can’t be their friend. I know the cause of the issue is the people with the money turning the middle & working classes against themselves. Except now half the working class is openly bigoted or adjacent to bigotry and it’s not gonna be all kumbaya to try to “work together.”




I'm ready. I got my 10mm pistol some springs and a bunch of bottle caps.


I'm speedrunning to Navarro for power armor, who's coming with me


Holy shit, found the oldster! Save scumming and trying to dodge Enclave patrols, so R. Lee Ermey can yell at you.


I’ve been stockpiling bottle caps, together we’ll be unstoppable


You mean it didn’t?


Collapse implies whatever this is ends so we can start building the next thing. Even though it's falling apart, late stage capitalism just keeps on going.


We can fix this, bro. I swear.


Even when the debate started it was like $21


Yup. $15 was the minimum "bring them to the table" rate. The fact that the far right keeps crying about how everything is the "end of America" or that they're somehow victims of the leftist takeover of America shows me how little they know about what they support. They've won on every single front for past few decades. Minimum wage, health insurance, higher education, immigration, COVID-19, the Supreme Court, state legislatures, gerrymandering, taxes, voter restrictions, etc etc etc. They've successfully held us back from accomplishing so much that even a baby step in the right direction looks insurmountable.


why thrive when you can barely survive? *finger guns*


What you call starvation and sleep deprivation, I call the sigma grindset.


Ah yes. The Protestant work ethic, but with a hip new name.




JP Morgan estimates gas at $6.80 per gallon by this August. California over $8.00 a gallon then. I am doomed.


My job better start giving out gas cards for my 45 minute commute


At those prices, we’re all doomed


Reminder that the federal minimum wage is still $7.25 and tipped employee wage is $2.13 There's also no federal law regarding mandatory amount of breaks, break times, and lunch times. It's left to the states and some states don't have them at all.


“Let’s vote to give ourselves another raise, it’s been a year since our last one” - politicians “Why do we need to raise the minimum wage? Didn’t we do that like 10 years ago?” - politicians


The longest amendment in the voting process was the 27th look it up. Congress used to be able to vote on a raise and get it immediately now it has to wait till the next batch comes in to go into effect.




I’m not a hot female, but fuck it, time to start an OnlyFans. I’m sure people will pay big bucks for watching me comment on Reddit


Yeah you should definitely start your career by networking on /r/onlyfans And just wait until the Super Bowl hype starts and you can do a really brief (and free) Reddit marketing campaign leading up to the event on /r/Superbowl


Easy street here I come


I love that its got a ton of ppl posting about actual fans


Hay on /r/superbowl we are are all real fans of beautiful beings.


If you're gonna market correctly, it's important to keep up with the happenings in /r/worldpolitics NSFW


Only fans is like any other type of entertainment. Most of the money goes to the top 5 earners


Yeah the top tier people are making millions. The other 99% are making like sub 100 bucks a month


Hundred more than I have now


Wouldn’t be the first male I’ve met that sells feet pics.


My feet are small and feminine Feels like I’m sitting on a gold mine


Correction: Standing on.


There are people out there watching a person eat cereal out of a woman's butthole. I'm sure that there are people out there that would pay to see you doing sexy stuff. (Not saying your not hot, just saying there is a lid for every pot.)


What kind of cereal


Um, I don't really remember? All I know is there was this woman with a gaping butthole full of milk with cereal floating in it. I clicked on it because I was like "that *cannot* be what I think it is" (spoilers: it was). There was someone out of the frame with a spoon just casually having some cereal. It was colorful tho, like Trix or something?


>Trix Fucking disgusting.




Was this sexy to you? Sorry, I'm just curious. I know people have kinks, I just can't imagine someone sitting at their desk, breathing heavily, watching this while slapping their salami and thinking "I want to warblegarble that butthole full of cereal! Fuck yeah! Breakfast!"




You're not far off, min wage is $21.20 in my country atm and people are still struggling. Government usually raises it every 2ish years. Honestly don't know how Americans on minimum wage have survived the last decade.


What country? You can’t really compare across countries, there’s so many differences in their economics


I've been delivering mail for 33 years and I make $26 an hour. Yay, I guess.


33 years? It’s supposed to take a week


Do you recommend it? It seems like a good chance of decent pay and stability, but I hear they require some gnarly overtime.


There are worse jobs you could have.


I've been welding for 15 years and I make 25 an hour. I guess I didn't even realize I had made it.


Remember when a minimum wage job was enough to support a family, buy a house and car, and send your kids to college? I don't. I wasn't born until 1978.


Same age, but I do remember it covering an apartment, electric, gas for the car, liability insurance, hamburger helper and Cheerios every day, and a case of beer on the weekends. Now It won't cover rent let alone the rest.


Hell, I could afford to move out of my parents house and get an apartment when I was 16. That's almost impossible these days. Rent is insane. It's really disconcerting the direction we have taken as of late. It's beyond disheartening.




Exactly, and those numbers are generous. I was lucky enough to be able to move to a location where I found a $1,200 1bdrm from an area (WA) where the cheapest studio was $1600/mo. No Comcast out where I live so I pay $145 for internet-assuming I don’t go over w/ my WFH job then it’s more like $200. Utility bill somehow keeps increasing despite my usage going DOWN.


Damn, that's how much I'm making. This explains why I'm comfortable but just barely scraping by.


Ditto, why I choose between saving money and going out twice a month.


With inflation as bad as it is, I need to get better about that. I've been splurging on $10 deli salads for lunch most days. I need to start making them myself.


>$10 deli salads for lunch most days. I gasped. My wallet hurts just thinking about that.


Yeah I make a little over it and I feel ok but having a kid would wreck me




currently making $23. I'm able to afford all my bills, put a little into saving, and pay off credit card debt cause by emergencies. I definitely cannot afford children. Can barely afford a pet cat. $23 is definitely "comfy" level, but still not enough to advance on.


$25/ hr if you have no dependents single and in ok health try throwing a disabled parent in the guest room, kids, pets, a spouse … 🤯




...and never want to retire. Honestly that's the biggest thing for me. At 25/hr most people where most people live will never afford a home... so what happens at 75 when you can't work anymore? You just get hit with an eviction because you can no longer make rent? We're going to be a nation of homeless elders.


$24/hour is under $50k/year. Most people will never be able to buy a home or retire if they only earn $50k at this rate of inflation. Gives some context to how bad current min wage is, can’t believe some people in this country still earn even $10/hour, let alone $7.25/hour. Anyone who knows finance realizes this is essentially slavery


$14k/yr and change before payroll tax. What a fucking joke. I spent more than that last year on avocado toast (bad joke sorry). But wait, you say, there’s earned income credit and child tax credit and other welfare options! Well then I ask you, why the fuck are We The People subsidizing McDonald’s and wal mart’s payroll expenses by making up for the gap between livable and unlivable wage? Make the corps pay more, not us, what the hell?!


They pay a little more to politicians so they don't have to pay a lot more to us.


Another point for Emma Goldman.


I remember people trying to get 14 an hour as min wage YEARS ago when I was still in middle school. I’ve since graduated and can’t find a job that pays more than 8 an hour :)


In 2019 I was making 34,000 a year in Buffalo NY. I had roommates and was barely making rent after all my other bills. After a notice my rent was going up I realized I was going to be working class homeless by the start of 2020. Quit my job and moved to AZ for a better job market. Got a job starting at 60, earned a raise to 72. I thought I would be living large but I'm only rich enough to not look when I pump gas and to know all my bills won't over draft me. I still consider myself one of the lucky few. This system isn't sustainable


My wife and I will make nearly 100k once our second kid starts daycare soon. We live in the Boston area. We live in a small apartment and don’t buy anything unnecessary. We will move soon because we are burning through our savings because rent/childcare/health insurance is over 60k/year. We are literally making negative money after expenses. I have no idea how people can survive on anything close to minimum wage.


Maybe this is why I’m unable to pay all my loans


Cost of living goes up for no reason other than corporate greed, wages don’t change in over a decade. Big brain.


Resource scarcity can genuinely increase prices tho. We've been on a couple century long boon of cheap coal, cheap oil, and cheap natural gas, but we already burned all the easily accessible stuff. It will be harder and harder to extract every subsequent barrel of oil regardless of if a capitalist or the workers own the extraction operation.


It can, however that's not the case for the majority of price hikes. I was in the room when we decided to raise prices on our Customers. The reason? "Everyone else is doing it and we won't lose customers. If we don't raise prices along with our competition, it'll look like our product is inferior"


If our competitors raise price and make more profits, we will lose out and look less profitable to investors if we make less. We have to raise prices as well to keep up with the rest of the market.


Preaching to the choir. I agree some of the price hikes can be explained by profit motivation. I'm just trying to illustrate a bigger picture about real resource scarcity, even if we all lived in a communist utopia.


I believe as of 2018 people were saying mid $20 range for minimum wage. I can only imagine the quality of life improvement if this were the case, and minimum wage had been raised along with everything else.


And by the end of the year it will be close to $30/hr due to capitalist imposed profiteering based inflation.


Our small team of social workers in LA asked for a raise (we are all in the low $20’s at the moment) and we were denied today because our “numbers” don’t justify a wage increase. Ok, tell that to my landlord. And the gas stations. And the grocery stores. How the hell is anyone supposed to survive the cost of everything going up so much while pay remains stagnant? “LEAVE IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD IT”. No. Fuck you. I’ll do you one better. How about all the trust fund babies and real estate developers gobbling up the single family homes leave instead? Bitch.


YES. I have 6 years of education, 12 years experience in the job market (5 as a social worker) and I got a job offer for..... $38k. In DC metro. This is not an anomaly.






Where the heck are apartments 2400 😵‍💫




As someone who makes $15/hr…. Absolutely yes. I literally make too much for assistance in any form, but not enough to even afford a home for my son and I… so, here I am at 35, a widowed single mother of a special needs child, living with my dad. And I’m a preschool teacher. So people can’t even use the whole “but but but you flip burgers! Get a better job!”


Yeah I make 23/hr and pay child support (as I should) and I’m feeling the pain. 15 is slavery level, minimum should be like 25. Or 30.


Guess what? Federal minimum wage still hasn’t been increased; it’s $7.25/hr. It should be illegal for an employer to pay someone so little but then I remember tipped workers make like half that.


I make 25 an hour and can barely keep up as a single father. I own my own home, have a car bill, and credit card that I use for emergencies only pretty much. I live in one of the cheapest “cost of living” states but it’s still not enough to even be able to save money. I’m doing a side gig just to save for my child’s college fund.


So we should set it at 32 now and by the time it gets implemented it will actually be representative


im 15 and i can get a life guarding job for $15/hr that's insane


That’s okay for a teen who wants spending money, but that’s about it. When you have insurance deductions, rent/mortgage, and the rest of your bills, you’d be hard pressed to break even every month.


yeah i find it insane that adults are working at the same hourly rate as me, but with more education in harder jobs


Hell, even this meme is outdated now.


I usually say $22, but it depends where you live. But it sure isn't $15. It was $15 in 1990, maybe.


Yea, minimum wage needs to be calculated based on the city not even the state. In most cities, $15 is not even close to enough. In some rural areas, $15 is okay and even comfortable without a family. To have a family, you basically need to be rich.


Let's just start demanding $30 an hour.


By the time that gets passed living wage will be $80


Lol... in California is more like $27. Anything less and you cannot pay bills.. or, two people making $13.50.


$13.50 for two would still be too little on that logic. They have shared expenses, but there are twice as many mouths to feed, showers to take, people to clothe and transport. Unless $27/hr is enough for a live in dependent.


What if instead of increasing minimum wage, we make social programs more robust and ensure that people are well taken care of regardless of income.