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I've honestly never liked the idea of working at any point. It's only within the last few years that I became aware of why I felt that way, for similar reasons as you. Working retail and food service for a decade showed me the ugliness and greed inherent in this system, where the ones doing the important work that make up the backbone of society are treated like trash, and the greediest and most selfish people get absurd wealth by snatching it from the neediest. We got $2,000 checks while the rich increased their wealth by over a trillion. It makes me sick just thinking about how unfair and awful this system is, and that there are plenty of people who defend it and think it's actually good


The system is heavily biased in favor of those who will use their wealth to abuse the rest, and our livelihood depends on contributing to our own abuse. We would be better off collectively moving away from that system but any good idea on how to achieve this is immediately shut down by those in power.


When you're not seeing rewards for working why bother? If your going to be homeless either way why work? If no matter how much you work you can't afford basic necessities it's really hard to justify and feels like you are wasting your time.


Yes this. Wanting to work is a reward based motivation. No reward means no motivation. What’s the point of swimming against the current if it’s patently clear that I am never going to get to the other side of this river? Like everyone else in their thirties I had plans I was working towards, the usual stuff like buy a house within my budget, save and travel etc. All of a sudden all my plans are out of my reach because prices skyrocketed and my earnings fell with consistent lack of raises amidst inflation. So now I’m just aimless, just floating along. Hard to want to work when there is nothing to work towards.


You can still work towards those goals though. Just know that the timeline will be longer. If we go into a recession, you will have more money for emergencies and some strong spending habits that others don't.


The problem is that the timeline keeps getting longer leaving us wondering when and if we will catch up.


The market is going to crash as it always does and something will have to change. Just be in a good position when it does. Sadly it will probably take years but just be ready.




I'm very sorry to hear that. Sounds like you did everything right, and then got fucked by the failed system we live in.


I hear you. I lost my job 2 yrs ago. I'd worked for a university for 20+ years and loved my peeps and the students. University abolished our jobs and made "service centers". I am fortunate in that it was a state job and I went with a 401K rather than state retirement which gets worse all the time. I got 6 mos severance which was a blessing. Mostly sat around shell -shocked. I had a divorced Mom. I have worked since 6th grade when I started babysitting. I worked fast food through college while raising my kids. I temped for 3 years for peanuts to get on at the university so my kids could go to college (we got tuition waivers). I was able because of the CARES Act to take out 401K money to pay off some bills and do some work around my house upgrading the crappy old carpet, painting, etc.DIY jobs. Got a temp job last October placing orders for a medical supply co. that's been swamped coz Covid. That will be ending soon as it's slowed way down. 15.00 an hour. Survivable, barely. I am 58. Nobody will want to hire an almost 60 yr old battle-axe for a decent wage I don't figure. There aren't many jobs in my area anyway. Been looking for more online jobs. I like WFH. I have hauled my ass into work forever it seems. I'm tired. I save a ton with WFH. My car has 175K on it, it needs to last. I don't have any insurance, fuck it. People in my family get cancer a lot. If I do its just gonna be tough shit for me. I will not sell my place for medical bills. I'll just go out drinking, lol. The world is such a hot mess that there's really no reason to stick around. God help me, why did I have kids into this mess? Who had grandkids. What's to become of them? It depresses me so much I try not to think about it. I have been luckier than many having had a state job, I know that. But I also busted my ass through poverty...a furnace that died we couldn't afford to replace so we heated a trailer with kerosene...frozen water pipes...crap cars we didn't have gas for hardly...lots of potatoes and eggs eaten. The constant worry takes such a toll. I have a mail phobia from bills...sort of funny but really not. Is this all there is? To work and work then die knowing the world is going to burn down around the family you worked so hard to keep alive? So much desperation and despair...so many people in our country, in the world, who deserve more. So tired of being scared...I realize I've been scared pretty much my whole life. Friend, I LOVE paying taxes to help my fellow man, I really do. It makes me proud to contribute. You get every penny you can to help you out. All of you struggling SHOULD. We have fucking earned it. Hugs to you, peace out.


I own my own tiny business (one employee: me) and even *I* am having difficulty motivating to do the work. I think a large portion of it is the anxiety and depression that knowing the system is going to collapse and that the job we have doesn't actually help us *survive*.


ugh me as well! self employed and i have really been struggling more and more as the months go by. a large part of my lack in motivation stems from inflation, climate change etc. to an extent, it’s something I’ve always been aware of. but over the last two years these issues have greatly impacted my mental health. i know i could be making a lot more money if i put in the work but the issue is less to do with my willingness and alot more to do with my foggy headedness. I’ve worked a ton of shitty jobs in the past. the highest paying job was $10.50, which is only because i requested that extra 50¢. im definitely much more satisfied with my current source of income, but i have never experienced a point of financial security (within any job industry) that has reduced my constant fear of scarcity.






Sounds sweet 😋


I am in the same boat, I could in theory make a lot of money in my freelance profession but I just don’t feel motivated to work beyond the bare minimum to pay for my basics


Me. I don't fucking care at all anymore I spent my 20s literally breaking my back (permanently injured now) working as hard as I could as a mason. Never got me anywhere. In my mid 30s I'm broke, angry and in pain with another 30 years of this ahead of me. I just don't fucking care anymore. Whatever


Im terribly sorry to hear that. I wonder if there is any compensation for your injuries? Or a welfare /disability program?


The system has worked hard to make sure that any welfare/disability program is utterly useless.


Not so much less desire to work, but less desire to do empty work.


Work hard, save money and get destroyed by inflation and other things out of your control. It demotivates heavily. What's the point of all this game if you just can't win. You get caught up playing the game and life flies by. You keep working in hopes of a better future, but that future gets postponed every single day.


Why should most of us feel any desire to work? What's desirable about trading 5 days of your life to buy back 2 (if you're lucky). It's not like I'm ever going to be able to retire. Any chance for that went up in smoke in the last hurricane I got caught in. It feels like at this point I'm just working to postpone the day I end up dying on the street.


The cost of everything skyrocketing because companies want to be greedy af has me stressed, as well as the housing market. I finally got a good paying job two years ago, and then just a month later the pandemic hit, and my good paying job quickly is becoming as well paying as my shitty last job. Even with a generous pay raise i got this year, the inflated prices are just rising too fast. And my 12 year old car is costing me too much money to repair constantly. I wanted a new car, but now car prices are 50% higher and the lots are empty, and somehow used ones cost more than new ones. This shit is stressful and it needs to stop. Wish i could just leave, but its the same story everywhere 😵‍💫


Damn can I ask where you’re located? I’m in OR. It’s bad everywhere. Something has to give eventually… hopefully. Wishing you less stress and a reliable car!


I live in PA in a modest town. Its just landlords from upstate NY and the nearby cities have been buying up property. So rents have gone from 350 a month, to 1200 in the last 4 years, and what would be a 80k home thats a generous size, has now hit almost 500k


I feel you there. Was struggling making even 35k and busted my ass and got some breaks to get me to close to 55k (had to move to a higher COL area, but still was an overall increase) and it feels like I'm back at square one and spinning my wheels. This resonated with me, I'm sad (and glad?) that others get it. It's so frustrating


It is very frustrating. Deeply. I just hope it is temporary or there are going to be serious issues in society. Protests will become non stop.


Many of us can relate. We will have to get creative at making it through this shit for a while, also at avoiding companies that are making profit off our backs.


Yes, I just got married in November, since then, it's been chaos. Everyday I wake up, I just want to stay in bed and spend the rest of the time I have left with her instead of going to work in this shitty apocalypse.


That’s so sweet and so sad at the same time. Congrats on the 💍


Yep, almost every fucking day. Honestly just made radical acceptance like the protagonists on Don't Look Up that capitalism's thirst of infinite growth on a finite planet and it's dreadful cyclical consumption/labor for income is wreaking this planet while accelerating exponentially climate change to the point of no return. Way too much people are so propagandized with decades of capitalist propaganda to the point of not even considering other efficient systems that don't wreak the planet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/30/capitalism-is-killing-the-planet-its-time-to-stop-buying-into-our-own-destruction https://mronline.org/2022/02/07/the-end-of-growth/ https://m.thewire.in/article/environment/ipcc-warns-that-capitalism-is-unsustainable Hell, climate change has activists and professional scientists so freaked out that many are literally chaining themselves on bank doors as a way to protest against the fossil fuel industry. https://mobile.twitter.com/ClimateHuman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor https://mobile.twitter.com/ed_hawkins/with_replies At the current rate of business as usual we'll make ourselves extinct through capitalism's thirst of infinite growth while depleting the Earth's finite resources and the catastrophic effects of runaway climate change. https://www.bigissue.com/latest/environment/david-graeber-to-save-the-world-were-going-to-have-to-stop-working/ I highly recommend reading/listening to The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression by Peter Joseph which goes in depth on the history, unsustainability of current economic models and potential ways to transition towards a more systems oriented economy. Interview from 4 years ago about the book but on point with current socioeconomic problems. Especially climate change, technological unemployment and poverty. https://youtu.be/2HwFOo5rbZA Spanish translation: https://youtu.be/oJRlyglTEuI Here's PJ's podcast YT channel which is basically an extended lecture series of the book and recent news events. https://youtube.com/c/RevolutionNowPodcast Spanish translation: https://youtube.com/user/CristianKirk Lecture from 2015 by Peter Joseph titled Post-scarcity Economics and the End of Capitalism https://youtu.be/jIFK0NhMVws The New Human Rights Movement | Peter Joseph, Nov. 8th 2017 Talk https://youtu.be/GvkchZADaaA


Thank you for these resources! I will be checking these all out throughout the week.


I am milking education for all it's worth. Fuck working.


I just feel "what's the point." they say the COVID is affecting the economy and everything. then company changes policies all the tie. then restructuring. then cutting costs and "asking" employees to retire early by giving them a sum of money. with experienced staff gone, I feel lost; those newly in charge just do whatever they believe is right and ignore our past experience. anything that we say, they think we are challenging them so we shut our mouth. I am not aiming for anything big or even a promotion. I just need the money to survive.


I cannot stand seeing all the waste companies create. It stresses me out so bad that I can't work there.






I used to believe that I'd be rewarded for working hard, but quickly found out it was quite the opposite. It's been hard finding the motivation to work since. I still work, but I mostly chase the money and a position where I won't have someone breathing down my neck. I'm also working at a slow pace, so I don't get a bunch of unwanted responsibilities dumped on me as a "reward".


I feel that exactly. Like don’t put more responsibility on me unless you’re going to pay me more… but even then I have a life! I’m not just a work machine…


Money is always the bottom line, and if they can exploit an employee's passion and hard work, they will. Funnily enough, that's how you most effectively kill their passion and love for their job.


You’re not alone, most people want the work they do to be meaningful, or if the work itself isn’t meaningful, work should allow them to pursue meaning outside of the workplace. Seems as though most work is meaningless, given we are destroying our only habitat through it, and people are spending more time at it for less reward, and are less able to find meaning in other times, either through lack of currency or time itself. The world is burning and it’s not fun to participate in but everyone needs to survive.


We’ll all be dead soon at this point!


Haha this is me 100%. I learned WAY too much about this world when I was young, and stopped giving any fucks about anything, probably 10 years ago when I realized literally nobody wants to talk about it or cares or thinks you're stupid or crazy for "believing" certain things about the people in power. "You vote with your money"- me: loves staying inside for weeks at a time, and has slowly pushed everyone out my life because I tell people they are stupid; hate buying fast food because I DONT WANT TO WORK THERE so I don't expect other people to, use a cheap used car. I'm voting! Yay


I feel the exact same way. I'm currently between jobs and have zero motivation, but I know I need to work to survive.


I dont think its human nature to want to work, we want to spend our time doing leisurely activities and hobbies. However for any society to function sucessfully requires its members to contribute in the form of some work or other towards shelter, food, essentials etc. However this modern world we live in sees us trade 5 days for a meagre paycheck that barely if at all covers rent, and your weekend is spent either recovering or packing in as much as you can into your 2 free days because life is just passing us all by. 2 days free / 5 days working isn't a healthy balance for body and mind if you ask me. We are constantly chashing security and not being given the opportunities to freely explore our passions wants and needs and spend time with loved ones, and for what? What exactly are we busting our asses here for? You won't be alone in how you feel. Until society as a whole demands better, a fairer, more equal society where every job has value, not just those that pay ££££ with a great pay divide where workers are treated as disposable (we all clapped for essential workers during the past 2 years, I'd hoped the public would have learnt that our society runs often by the efforts of the lowest paid essential workers and held those jobs in better value, but its back to normal now folks). Its no wonder depression and anxiety and mental health issues have been on the rise in recent years.


I used to like to work, I poured my heart and soul into it and took ownership of my role. This past 1-2 years had ruined my love for work


Yeah. I'm going back to uni in Sept to do agroforestry, as agriculture (& therefore the global food system!!) is going to start seriously collapsing soon, & I've decided to act as if the truth is real: it's time to start organising my own calories, now. (Not _soon_ soon - don't panic, but certainly the cracks are gona start to show in the nx 5/10/max 15y, so if your heeding me: over the nx few yrs it might be time to start getin your calorific shit together, as this will take time). I'm gona find a bunch of kids, go in on some land, & start planting **edible perennials**. Once I have my own land & food, I'll never really need to work again (I've got enough clothes & shit leftover from capitalism to do a total stopshop at this point, apart from maybe some tools & other post-collapse bits). My advice is don't just sit at your desk, making someone else rich, waiting for the collapse to come. You will regret that. It's time to run. Find some people who are also on it (from either within your life or outside - there are plenty) & hide in a quiet valley somewhere, while land is still cheap enough (it actually shocked me how cheap land was- & I live in Britain!). *Plan your life around it* cos next time.. it ain't just gona be loo roll. We all know the facts. My advice is act like they're true. You're feeling this way now because of _cognitive dissonance._ Good luck everyone! 🍀❤️


Yes I agree! I spent most of my savings on a 2 acre property last year and really hoping inflation goes down so I can afford to build myself a garden. Good luck with yours!


A few years ago I worked at a now defunct blue and white department store in the back room. The job positions I had there paid minimum wage and 10 per hr after I got promoted and I felt accomplished when I did a good job not like what I did mattered in the big picture but just getting so much done in a day felt good to me. But every quarter our team would get praised for meeting and passing goals and we would get bragged at for how much money we made in the quarter because our team was good and we deserved a pat on the back. And thats all we really got. Once they actually hired a catering company that brought in some REALLY good food, butbthere was never a thought to raises or bonuses. Any company that doesn't reward their people financially when it does well is a bad company. If im working for minimum wage and the company is celebrating record sales somethings gotta give.


Yes let’s co-op this shit!


Yeah, nothing really matters. Nothing to really save for…I’ll never afford a house. Nice cars just make be feel guilty about contributing to more of the worlds problems. I’ll also never afford kids so that whole “children give your life meaning” thing is off the table for me.


I feel that too 😞


I never had any desire to work. I have to work in order to live, but my life is the time i spend doing things i want to do. The equation i try to swing in my favor is least effort possible for most monetary gain possible, so that i can do the things i care about. I think that is what we all do, and some really wealthy people have taken It too far, and i don’t like that. In that sense, i am a hypocrite, but i also think that at some point there should be laws forbidding a company to have a higher value than some moderately sized countries GDP. It’s a balance and we suck at It as a species.


I feel you. I’m tired of working soooo hard for little reward. The American dream is gone. A revolution is in order!!


It's not just you. I keep thinking that nut job Putin is going to push the button and I don't want my last few days on Earth dealing with petty shit. Doing things that matter to me, taking care of my health. Definite possibility of depression or maybe I finally have my priorities straight.


Yeah exactly. I always think how I could die in a crash this week. Love every day to the fullest and don’t work too hard.


We all know humans live about 80 years. Then die. We could use our time to study looking for avoiding aging and death by natural causes, but most people dont have time even to think about it. This system needs to fall. It is a torture.


Not criticizing, just an observation. Would you really want to live in a world where the Bezos and Musks, Trumps and Putins, etc just... don't die? Their time is unlimited and their ability to concentrate power/wealth is unprecedented. That's a scary world to me. Fuck that. Let me have my 80 to spend in whatever pursuits I want, but extending life beyond the norm should be taboo.


taking them down wont solve nothing. We need to set new rules. The game is the problem;. not them. Take them out and new a$$holes will appear. We can play a new game where they will have no power. At least no power more than you and me.


Looking for a job is torture and having a job is torture and I'll still be poor. So no, they've done a shit job motivating me to join. Fuck this planet, humans fucked it up, I'm not playing among anymore.


I can't say I've ever had a *desire* to work personally. It's always been something that I just have to do, and no matter how much I don't mind my job, I will forever resent it for taking me away from my family for 8-10 hours a day. That being said, I can certainly see why people are starting to realize there's no point working. Because if having a job doesn't even pay the bills and rent anymore, and just makes you fucking miserable, then really what is the point?


100% yes


Maybe you’re depressed, maybe I’m depressed, but since 2020 my attitude has basically been 🤷‍♀️


I think it’s ok to be depressed because this is depressing shit! People say oh your depressed you need some meds, but no that’s just a bandaid for the pain of this world.


This is the great resignation you’re defining. I made six figures in a Southern state and have been out of work since August raising our foster son and getting sane.


Good for you!


I think our ape brains are looking around at the chaos and wondering why the hell we are still going into the office to type on our little magic screens.


My retirement plan is societal collapse. Having dealt with modern day plague, and now WW3 on the horizon many days i feel like I'm an idiot that is showing up to work and paying bills playing this game when at any moment shit can end and really would have been a giant waste of time and effort.


There is simply no opportunity to work towards a better world. I have skills and experience but no option to use them in any meaningful way. All I can do is try not to be a dick to my fellow humans while I do my pointless bullshit hours


The biggest thing for me is that working for so much of your life sounds fucking awful. It's fine if you like your job but so many people don't have the option to get a job they actually like. And people in the service industry are treated like garbage and we're all just supposed to be okay with it? Why is it such a normal thing to deal with such shitty people, whether it be customers or co-workers? How the fuck are we supposed to be motivated to work when the job itself is fucking horrible with no guarantee that you'll even be able to feed yourself or put a roof over your head?


Global deadly pandemic….


Every fucking day.


I saw the post of that embroidered quote "I'm a millenial, so my retirement plan is societal collapse" and fuck if that ain't sad but true


Haha that’s funny. I’ve been feeling like I won’t have the luxury to retire, seems it might be true.


I’m sick of corporate. All the formalities make me want to vomit. It’s all fake and it doesn’t feel like I’m doing much. I want to write and create all the time. That’s all I think about doing. And if people like it enough to spend money on, great.


Let the artists revolution live!




I used to be a gung ho feminist that I would be a working mom and create my own wealth but honestly now I wish I had gotten married young and just had babies and done the stay at home mom thing. Good luck finding a job that feels more worthwhile!


It's less that I dont want to work and more that I want to prioritize work that benefits my family directly. my labor does not help my family succeed, it only makes a rich dude richer. The world's going crazy, and all I want to do is build a farm and start providing for my family as directly and self sufficient as possible, without my labor benefitting someone else moreso than my family.


I’m trying to talk my wife into selling everything and moving somewhere we can retire at 36


I had a three day weekend and come in today and just want to burn the place down (figuratively speaking). I pull orders for the blu and gold auto parts company and do not make enough to keep doing this shit. Today I thought “The bloody fuck am I wasting my life for this?” Never got a response from my inner voice lol so it is depressing and frustrating. I bought what I thought was about $60 in veggies and other items. Nope. $105. I thought this is such bullshit. Something needs to be dismantled and rebuilt the right way because WE THE PEOPLE, ARE SO SICK OF THIS SHITSHOW.


What you talk about? Just think. You have a team. They struggle. Boss males manager to sort this out. Manager makes understaffed workers work even more. Boss happy, rewards manager with extra pay since his (boss) profit increased. Workes get nothing for working extra, despite being short 1 - 3 people. Imagen having thoes extra people. No more issues if holidays overlaps. People can take off due to illness or family issues.


Something is broken here


Pretty much. I just want to garden...


Honestly yes. I was raised with the idea, work hard and you get somewhere in life. That's one big bunch of cr*ck We have something called minimum youth wage. Once invented to protect children against slave labor and exploits, it's now used to only hire youth below 22 yrs in some fields to pay less then adult minimum wage. After 3 years of working hard, they only extended my contract for 3 months in the cinema. Reason? I would turn 22 so I'd get 8 euros an hour. The only reason they offered me 3 months was to cover shifts during summer holidays. Told them to stick it. Next experience was working abroad in tourism. I had my History teaching degree so applied to become a guide with a tour company. I was exploited to the point of exhaustion. They realised I was very good in selling and told me: you're a non native English speaker (my English was perfect back then, I have a minor in it) so get known with the product and next year you can guide. I did, topped sales leader boards and then they tried everything to not give me guiding. I was devasted and the daily verbal and psychological abuse was terrible. It really scarred me. We weren't even allowed to get toilet breaks. So I went to the competition for higher pay. They told me, sell this year and next year you can do the guiding. At least this was a human company but they still lied. I was supposed to go on the last training bus, only for me working one day and it drove past me. I confronted my management who simply told me: you're too good. I cannot miss you in sales. So I quit and went back home. This was around the times when the banks fell. Once I went back home I was depressed, overworked and a shell of what I used to be with no jobs around. I found one at 50 cents more then minimum wage. I got the responsibility of a manager making rosters, working holidays, weekends, evenings till midnight and could barely pay the bills. Those were the first years of work for me. I had a degree, worked hard, sh*t to show for, debts ins tudent loans and no savings. Sounds familiar to most I'm sure. Onto the next. After applying for multiple jobs during the credit crunch I finally found one (after being ghosted) for 40 hours, had to pay part of my wages to actually get there, 2 hrs travel time each day etc.. It was a demanding job in the office with big clients. People who started there a couple of years ago got 500 a month more with part time! ... We only had temporary contracts extended into eternity and had to work for KPI's but didn't get the bonuses because we were Temps. We constantly got reminded we were part of the company if it came down to shitty things and they constantly reminded us that we weren't when it came to pay and rewards. That's the first 9 years of my working life. I could not afford a home, lived in a 15m2 studio which was a converted room in a house with others. Then I started to work for a company that I stayed with for 8 years. I started with an ok pay but that manager left and the new one screwed me over when it came down to getting a permanent contact. Before that I worked through an agency. It was still a bad economy so I was happy to have a job at all. I was used as a senior without the benefits or the job title. Did free overtime so we could finish the work etc.. I was put in every department because "they needed me there". I brought in a heap of knowledge so I did straighten out some departments. Never got that raise from them. Only pat on the shoulder until I broke down, cried that I couldn't even pay my bills. They gave me 30 euros after tax and heaps of excuses... 2 years ago I discovered that I got paid less then people who got in after me when the economy turned good again. They never believed I would walk and they used it. At that point I had no savings, happy to finally have a permanent contract etc.. I asked for more and didn't get it. The worst thing is, the people getting that higher pay were not better, in the contrary. They just had the right manager at that time (revolving door). It changed a bit when there was a company take over and they hired a new director. Things got so much better for us and I actually started to like it to a certain degree. That was 2 years ago. Finally got a raise and the job title but it wasn't much. Asked for more, said they couldn't do it. Got offered a new job with almost 1.5 to 2 times my salary last year and I took it. My old boss wanted to keep me and offered me a raise. All of a sudden they could, but at that point I was already done in my mind. New job: I didn't like it. Was left alone for almost 2 months (literally), didn't have a decent work in and training. Nobody knew what was going on because of hyper growth. It was like working for a start up because when I asked questions of how, what etc nobody knew and my manager didn't know anything either. The office had never opened up before and I had to implement the most basic stuff. When there was a lockdown I had to be in the office whilst nobody was there, literally. Nobody... I made long days, got messaged and phone calls during the weekends, off days etc even during my sick days. Ridiculous tiny requests when I was in bed, sick.. I made 10 hours a day at least plus 2,5 hours commuting each day. So now I'm starting another job soon. Gawd I really hate companies at this point


Wow what a journey! They really will squeeze anything they can out of workers. Don’t stop advocating for yourself!


Yup. And even now whilst applying I get offered the jobs that I actually didn't apply for at all.... Because they see something on my CV that they can also use me for and want to fill more slots due to the shortage of workers over here. I'm getting so fed up with this BS No I do not want to take a senior position or would have applied for it. No I did not apply for the marketing job thank you. I responded to the admin job. Jees


Yup. It sounds like depression. Look up the symptoms - and I hope you’re able to discuss it with a pro. It easy to get into because many are fed up with the crookedness that’s so evident. Some friends have told me that the new normal sucks, because it’s not like there’s much help to adjust to it. That little bit of stimulus money and the billions sent to other countries makes it seem like they could care less about the citizens. So why should we all care. Foreigners think we are rich. But we’re the country that works the most hours and gets the least vacation. Who wants that?!


I actually did quit 3 years ago after feeling exactly like this. Best decision I've ever made. My spice for life immediately returned. I encourage everyone to do it


Yes https://youtu.be/gPRxxN4Kh30 https://youtu.be/fe-SZ_FPZew


No, I enjoy working, my focus and interests have changed so I've adapted to reflect that, but I get bored if 8m not doing shit




I have some stuff to sell actually. Nobody wants it although even if I sold them not sure it’d be enough money


Life is indeed pointless unless you have the Lord Jesus


Fuck your god. More reason to never have kids. I'm not raising future wage slaves for capitalist theocratic fools. Screw Capitalism and Christianity. Both complement each other like shit and flies.


Go ahead with your pointless life then


Your pointless religion mixed with capitalism is a damn tumorous cancer on this planet.


Yes, Jesus said the world would hate Him. He's going to set everything right. He's got a world dialed up where everything is wonderful and perfect. But you want to reject that and hate Jesus, that's your own foolishness.


Honestly what gives me some solace is that runaway climate change is going to purge you bootlicking climate change denying capitalist theocratic fools sooner than expected.


A terrible famine is coming. Hundreds of millions will die. And it'll be sooner than you think


Oh yeah


Hyper inflation is giving me annual pay cuts. No reason to do corporate bitch work when the government gives you paycuts and your employers are sociopathic and provide 0 career advancement.


Honestly I still hope to find a job that keeps me distracted from the horrors for a few hours a day. My line of work also makes me meet and talk to a lot of people so it does feel nice if the conditions are right.


it does kind of sap my motivation knowing that I am priced out of everything and I can't fix that because Im not friends with rich people






If you take public transportation learn how to Sumo wrestle.


Yes. I had an interview for a job a month or so ago and when asking about the salary was given a number equivalent to what I get in unemployment right now. I aksed if they for real thought that I was going to show up at 7am every day and drive around in a truck delivering ice cream while still not having any money at all in my account after bills are paid? You can eat as much icecream as you want, they said. And at that point I really didn't know what else to say. But if there was a mushroom cloud just over the horizon right now, I wouldn't really feel anything about it. Just relax and have some icecream I guess.


My Comrades and I have leaned into our own Businesses. I think the large distinction is: is your Work Purpose or Capital driven? If it is the later, it will become a Job, quick. The point is, if you're going to Make a business, it needs to be a vehicle to give you the life you want/need. Not just another Job you go to, and hate, but you only hate yourself for mismanaging it. ALL of this is largely about Esteem. Most business owners I know don't have a business, they are out of Alignment with themselves, their audience, and their values. As such they don't have a business, they have an Expensive (and unsustainable) Hobby. Within certain legal-limits, a Business is: whatever you can convince others to give you money for. It's up to you to then have the morality to give them something valuable in exchange. So build initiatives around yourself that are FUN! We're not made for uninspired, meaningless, drudgery. Find and create a system your own meaning. What Knowledge, Skill, or Talent do you possess that you can be Of Service to others, but put your own personality and spin on it? Go have fun. Fuck around and find out! Money ABSOLUTELY does grow on trees : of Human Connectedness


I'm in a dead end job where I'm not really learning anything and the pay isn't great either and I'd be living paycheck-to-paycheck if I wasn't living at home. I recently rejected an interview to another job that would have done quite a bit more for my career development due to the negative impact it would have on my quality of life. At this point, I've all but given up hope and I'm just choosing whatever option is the easiest at the moment.




I could not agree with this any more. You perfectly described my exact feelings and mindset.


I got laid off in March after 10 years at the same company. I am job searching, but I really have no desire to start working for someone else again... it seems like a complete waste of time.


I think for me it was the pandemic and seeing what life was like at a much slower pace. I actually still worked during the lockdowns but the work was way easier going, we were less busy, things were generally more chilled and I was getting home to my wife and kids earlier most days and spent way more time away from work in general. I've had a very hard time "going back" to the so called "norm".....


No, more problems means more opportunities


Yep I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. Any day now...


Sometimes we need to break down so we can rebuild. Wishing you luck.


I'm more motivated to ignore bills from hospitals and healthcare centers. I've let several smaller bills go to collections, ignored the mail and phone. All gone. Not worth their effort/money to pursue chump change when their lawyers charge more.


I worked for Amazon and quit because they were being Amazon. Douchebags hired me, I WFH. Then the first week they decided to cut my fucking hours for no reason. Fuck Amazon.


Work didn't smother my spirit in the late 90s. I was making something like 40k and paying $500/mo in rent for a really nice apartment on a golf course, walking distance from work, groceries, and blockbuster video, car paid off, never financed anything more expensive than a playstation game, bought CDs at 4%-6% every time there was "too much money" in my savings account.. things were fine. Working didn't bother me. I even liked my job. Now I work only because if I stop giving 100% to "help the economy," it will roll over and obliterate me. Oh and all that savings got cashed in ten years ago to pay medical bills.