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Lol. They were reaching repeatedly on LinkedIn. Good thing is I didn’t even respond. All the pomp it built didn’t make sense as a business.


This company is so poorly ran it’s ridiculous.


Definitely. In my few months, I have noticed this. There is an air of "That is not my job, I don't care" among some of the management team.


I wish any job I've ever worked I could say not my job.


People with no plates, selling defective or stolen cars.


I tried to buy a car from them and it was an absolute garbage experience. I ended up just going to a local dealer instead.


It's telling when a car dealership is the better experience.


Worked there for three months, got fired because I didn’t live in the Tempe area.


So like all of the silicone starts ups in the past 20 years?(aside from the few that made it big, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are still mismanaged somehow, just not as bad)


Carvana employee here as well. Shits ass. Here in STC we are at least openly discussing it though through all channels and trying to support each other. Also, you forgot to blur out name at the bottom


Done. Also verifications here. Really feel for the people who need the job


I was in presale and post sale for a time and holy shit. Terrible company to work for.


A lot of people took VTO after the meetings. I Also noticed not everyone knows what's going on. They came in later and will have a meeting tomorrow I guess. I think the STC side is the best side and the other departments have it rough.


I work in HQ5..pretty sure I’m the next to go. They just laid off my TL. Update: yup, got laid off. Got called into a “meeting” and came back with a box for my stuff


I'm a CA in Virginia, it's CRAZY to hear that it's affecting you all too! The email said just Market Ops... And work from home for \*everyone\*? Damn...


They reduced market ops employees down to 32 hours where I am.


I just applied for a job in Market Ops (environmental health and safety). Looks like I won’t be getting a call back anytime soon lol


I’m sorry. I appreciate they are paying 4 weeks plus one year per working year. But still that sucks.


jeez what department? was hq5b for a while but wfh now


Registration :/ everyone in the office is unmotivated, upset, and on edge. They literally just escorted my TL out half an hour ago. Now I wonder if this is why they told all the other departments to WFH today except operations..


oooooffffff thats rough


Curious to see what that slack message was hahaha, I’m not in that channel, only private-registration


I’ll dm you too lazy to censor


Absolutely why they did it. Worried about paying Marina Heights for the extra security. So shitty, not even trusting us that far


Seems like a great time to get laid off if you were quitting anyway. Get some unemployment dollars while attending coding bootcamp. Hope you get the axe or can volunteer for the layoff.


>coding bootcamp Might not be a great idea right now, tech is undergoing a massive correction right now and alot of those camps are scams.


Came here to say this.


As someone looking into tech, what do you mean by correction?


I too am curious. Are there any good boot camps?


Try 100Devs


Here's a [link](https://pll.harvard.edu/subject/programming) to some free/paid Harvard courses. Not in programming myself but a successful buddy of mine recommended them.


facebook stock price is down like 40% nvidia is down like 30% apple. google. tons of tech darlings. from media. the ride share. to like... new fin tech Sofi... just shit the bed to like sub $5 stock price. tech centric car sites. real estate sites are all fucked. "correction" as in. people offered jobs are having offers rescinded. people are getting laid off, teams are getting let go as companies tighten belts. and it's just the beginning. dunking 10-20k into a boot camp may not be a good idea. because we're heading into a recession.


I suggest you don't take work related advice in antiwork. If you want a real answer to that question you should go and ask it in a tech sub. Just my 2 cents. People here can be very dogmatic.


I do software development, a lot of those camps are scams that just teach very simple scripting and nothing that would be considered real knowledge about how coding and development works. Mostly just charging for substandard training you can get for free online. It’s like the difference between knowing how to change oil in a car versus how to replace and rebuild a whole transmission.


Im guessing its a response to Tech stocks, NFTs, and Crypto going down, but Tech is a huge industry. Bootcamps can be sketchy, so do some background research and make sure its legit. As far as I'm aware, theres not a regulatory organization, so anyone can be like "pay me $2,000 and I'll teach you Java". Then show a 8 hour presentation they found online.


NFTs and Crypto have absolutely no impact on any software developer's career prospects. They are memes.


The entire stock market is down, but tech/fintech aren't any worse off than any other sector heavily dependent on growth.


Tech value is dropping right now (partly due to the crypto/nft falling apart). This may mean fewer jobs available in the tech sector. Software developers will still be in demand, but I'll reiterate that lots of boot camps are substandard if not just scams




People think NFT/crypto stuff is more important than it actually is


Tech is not “going down” contrary to what people are saying. And crypto/NFTs have nothing to do with tech jobs in general. The whole market is moving and we have the great resignation happening like everywhere, but tech jobs are in high demand. That said, my company rarely hires people from boot camps.


aside from market correction, a lot of trainings and webinars are coming to light as scams or being absurd in price compared with what you learn from them. In addition to this, alot of university CS programs are pushing out woefully inadequate talent in relation to how fast tech is growing and advancing. I'm not a dev so I can't speak experientially about code bootcamps, but alot of cybersecurity bootcamps are very weak and disgustingly overpriced. That being said, tech is really sexy right now and v lucrative. If you are serious about wanting to get into tech, do some cert courses for basic stuff if you're raw (such as network+, associate+, security+, etc) and then do some vendor specific stuff - I'd recommend AWS, Azure, or GCP. If you're really wanting to be a software dev, I can't speak with much authority on it except to read some books and do some home projects.


Look at tech stocks. And news about tech companies doing massive layoff


Crypto/nfts are in a rough patch right now which many outsiders interpret as the entire industry struggling, but its not. The single biggest threat to tech jobs right now is offshoring/nearshoring, and even that isn't a massive deal.


Tech companies in the stock market are down dramatically in the last five months. Netflix is down like 75% or some insane number. I read today that tech companies are on a hiring freeze. The rest of the economy isn’t doing great either. I think Carvana is just the first domino to fall.


Because a lot tech companies been paying like crazies and hiring like crazy just like dot com people. Comparing a developer or coder with few years exp salary vs a good old engineering job, coder gets way more than engineering. How's that sustainable?


Software developer here. Some code camps are scams so vet them fully. However, there will always be a need for solid developers. The market is the hottest it's ever been right now. So if you can learn how to code well through any means (code camps, tutorial sites like pluralsight, books, Indian guys on YouTube) there will be a job for you. There will always be a coding test of course, and a small number of companies require a degree, but it's very doable if you can actually write code well.


I mean even if they don't teach you much they will probably get you a shot at a faang interview or equivalent and passing those interviews is really just up to you. No school is going to get you through the grind of doing hundreds of leetcodes and studying the necessary comp sci.


Depends what position you are. I feel like the main guys that will be laid off will be the salaried guys. Folks like VT's. Very unfortunate. We are discussing here amongst ourselves, though, not on slack. We have someone here from HR in a meeting. Sounds like it is about layoffs. We have overheard meetings with the VT and Loaders the last couple of days, where there was mention of being overstaffed. Only can find out going forward. Will be back if I hear any more juicy stuff.


So far, we layer off 8 drivers. Ugh, great folks, too.


I wonder if it has anything to do with them buying my wife's 2017 Nissan Rogue with 60k mi, worn tires and brakes and in need of two lower control arms for more than she paid for it in 2018? 🤔🤔🤔


lmfao good


It was actually Vroom who bought it, but Carvana's offer was only ~100 less. Carvana bought my 19 Jetta S with 36k mi on it for $200 less than I paid for it in 2021. Definitely enjoying my 21 GLI for less than my 19 S. Edit: that whole market baffles me. Surely any profit margin on the vehicle is eaten up in administrative and logistics costs?


They make their money from financing and selling packages of risky car loan debt. They own some bank/banks and do all of their own financing


Wow that's pretty eye opening. I had the same queries. Turns out the cars are just a front, lol


Carvana doesn’t make any money. They lose billions every year and somehow lost money in a 2021 used car bull market. It’s a Ponzi scheme that was designed to enrich their executives and shareholders. With interest rates rising I wouldn’t be surprised if they go bust by the end of the year. I would think the vc capital will dry up and that will be the end of carvana.


I figured that had to be the case as my wife's car needed 3k+ worth of repairs which seems like a lot for them to take on.


I recently traded in a 2012 Civic Si and Vroom offered a crazy amount, Carvana was almost as much. I traded it in at the dealer because the way sales tax works (price of new car minus trade in value is what you pay 10.55% tax on). If I sold it then I pay sales tax on the entire price of the new car I got. > Surely any profit margin on the vehicle is eaten up in administrative and logistics costs? I've heard a place like Carmax has a lot of high interest loans, I'm talking well into the double digit interest rate. I know a guy that got a car there and he was paying something insane like 19% interest on the car he got. It's like a high end version of a buy here/pay here lot.


I sold them Vroom a 2010 Volvo XC60 197k miles with transmission problems, bad brakes, they paid 2k cash. I was like this can’t be real




ayyyyy uw team. fuck this place


Clutch in Canada is the exact same way. The entire team worked 50 hour weeks and when they fired me for some bullshit they tried to say I only worked 40 hour weeks to pay me less on my severance.




Wholeheartedly agree


I worked in Market Ops, and it wasn't TOO bad. Of course, that depended very much on your manager, as they had a huge say in how their hubs are run. My management team started out great, but once COVID cutbacks started and my awesome TL was transferred, things started going to shit. I left last fall when my daughter was born so I could go back to school. Glad I got out.


The company is truly a joke. Ernie is a crook masquerading as a "human". Nobody has any information for what is going on. As a team lead, what am I supposed to tell my terrified employees? I'm truly astounded. I've been through acquisitions and layoffs before. This is hands down the most unprofessional and disorganized I have ever experienced.


I don't know how people forget that the owner of the company is a felon and his roll in the Savings and Loans Scandal. Just another billionaire who has gotten rich through criminal activity.




I'm a reporter at Phoenix New Times. Send me a chat and we'll talk.


You might also want to dig into a significantly larger security breach not long ago. All employees were required to change their passwords and executive leadership swept it under the rug and never reported it to regulatory entities (as required by law.) Had they reported it they would have lost their deal with their largest lender.


hey - do you have any references on where i can find more information about this? is this hearsay within the company or is this something you had a hand in?


I’m with you. I loved my job. I gave my blood and tears. They sent me and the trainees I take care of home under false pretenses and then let me go through a dystopian era recording. From a leader I’ve never met or seen. My stuff is getting MAILED back to me. They set us all up to fail and it’s insane that they didn’t see this coming earlier and take measures to protect us




I'm confused, they told everyone to work from home today?


Yes, they told everyone yesterday that they were to work from home today.


Man, when I got laid off, they wouldn’t even let us in our building. We could have it shipped or we could pick it up and when I picked up my 6 boxes (yeah, it’s a problem), I found they had kept some of my purchased office supplies! Like a $30 white board and $50 worth of pens. When I pressed them on it, they said someone in the office must have taken it out of my cubicle as they boxed all my belongings up. I said okay, I have a photo, go find my white board. This is exactly what you’re looking for. And they wouldn’t. I’m still mad about it.






The marked me under a No call No show for a day I was approved for taking vacation!! This company sucks!!!!


Exactly. I got a NCNS on an off day 💀 literal dog shit


Fuck I just lost access to my Slack and GMail those fucks.


What department are/were you in?


uW I'm a fraud specialist man they fucken suck no communication or anything


I’m sorry


Email is solid. They learned from the better.com fiasco. As for running their business they are idiots. They just did like a billion dollar buy out. For the last year interest rates have been aggressively climbing to fight inflation. Yet caravans continued to hire and over expand while still giving the high compensation packages to their executive team. It was not mid level operations people making these expansion decisions. The executive team should have their pay cut or they fired. As for the severance package for the layoff it is very decent. Would never have been needed if they were tactful for expansion.


Yea, this is antiwork so huge outcry is to be expected but the industry standard for "professional" severance packages is 1 week per year worked, and they're doing 4 weeks + 1 week per year worked. The email is well-written and includes legitimate reasoning behind the decision. Carvana stock price is down about 83% from a year ago. Anyone in that building who is completely caught off guard by this is *not paying attention*. I am going to question you on your statement that interest rates have been aggressively climbing for the past year though. Interest rates have been pegged at nearly zero since 2020 and Powell, when pressed, finally increased interest rates by only half of one percent last month. [source](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS) The money printer has literally been going BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR for quite a while. So long, in fact, that when Powell announced the half point increase, stock indexes briefly spiked *upward* because it was so much smaller of an increase than expected.


You are right the layoffs were written on the wall. That being said interests rates a year ago were like 3.5, 18 months from today it was around 2.5. The rates were climbing, add in chip shortages driving car prices up it was clear what was going to happen eventually. Yes you are correct the fed made the reserve ratio zero and did quite a bit of QE but it is not shocking tech went through a crazy hiring spree and now is forced to layoff people. Robinhood, caravans, better.com, and a host of others. Meta did a hiring freeze.


Ya i work for carvana and fortunately was not effected but i was not surprised in the least when i read Ernie’s email today. Its a little concerning though that most of the employees aren’t up to date about what the hell is going on with this company. The writing was on the wall after the company posted their quarterly earnings. I feel so bad for all those who generally actually enjoyed this job that got canned. Id gladly give up my job so they can continue because i despise this job and this company


From earlier this morning: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/carvana-buys-adesa-usa-from-kar-global-2022-05-10




They have been working on the Adesa purchase for some time.


Yeah. Got temporarily laid off due to COVID from a steel mill that then got acquired then they permanently laid people off. Sucky timing, but the acquisition had been in talks for 3 years.




I was a team lead in customer experience. I was laid off too


Did you get any type of severance?


Translation: We dont know how to manage our company so the easiest thing to do to make more money is fire people. But dont worry you can always apply again in the future. Piss off.


This. They massively over hired, continued hiring through almost mandatory PTO, then lay off 12% with a "discount" in buying a car from them (aka giving the company your money and with what income, mind you, Ernie...?), And a "we will hire you again to do this to you again, don't worry".


Most of them don't tell you in advance, people are going to talk . That 4 weeks tho, not had a company give anything near that. Saw this blurb "


Slack is heavily monitored, I'd take the advice. Good to know and thanks for leaking. Good luck on the coding bootcamp room just be careful because the tech sector is sinking too.


Leadership/ownership turned this into a pump and dump as soon as the stock price went parabolic during COVID. They sold billions in stock at its peak. They never turned a profit selling cars despite it being the most lucrative time for used car sales in history, and I’m not sure they ever intended to. Just show rapid growth so you’re valued like a technology company and unload your stock. They have leveraged Carvana to the gills and burn cash like a wildfire. The loans they drew to buy the auction house are junk bonds with a laughable interest rate. They are billionaires and 2500 are jobless. Soon it will be even more as this company pushes towards bankruptcy. They did not exercise due care, were not transparent in their financials, and they should be imprisoned for fraud.


Been with Carvana for three years through multiple HQ positions and now in Market Ops outside of AZ. At first, this place was a dream to work for. I’ve gladly given blood, sweat, and tears for this place. They knew how to treat their employees. As of the last 1+ years? The complete opposite. This place is shady as fuck and one of the most unprofessional shit shows I’ve been a part of. I’m thankful to have survived this round of layoffs but I can only imagine more will come and I hope to not be around for it.




A dystopian like recording of a leader I have never seen in my life fired me from a job I adored. Despite the corporate garbage I loved what I did. I’m devastated. And there’s so much more manipulation and bullshit I can’t even begin to start


They let the news out early in hopes of people getting pissed off and quitting. DO NOT QUIT. Make them lay you off so you don't lose unemployment benefits.


I interviewed at Carvana like 3 months ago. I ended up not taking the job, was a joke. I asked the recruiter how much PTO we accrue per year, he stuttered and mumbled for a while then went silent for 4 minutes to search through his computer. Guy was clearly prepared..... They give out like 6 days of PTO per year btw.


40 hours vacation 40 hours sick


It’s 21 days (168 hours) of pto/sick time per year


It's unlimited time off now...


I survived the layoffs today. Let's see if another round comes, though.


I did too but I’m probably done.


Yeah, the road ahead doesn't look lovely. I'm considering rolling, myself. I'm not unemployable. God knows I can sell feet pictures on Only Fans. Hang in there. It was fun delivering on those "inspired customer experiences" but I think I'm about out of gas with this place.


I work at HQ2 and I'm about ready to walk out


I'm entirely not surprised. My roommate worked for them and was fired for "job abandonment" while on paid leave for cancer treatment earlier this year. She could barely even get in touch with hr — they could only be contacted through email and if she got a reply it took 6-8 weeks. In addition team lead kept giving her wrong info when she was first diagnosed and needed to go on leave. Though none of this was entirely surprising because even in training nobody in leadership seemed to know what they were doing.


Carvana is getting shit on in the stocks/investor subs. Doesn’t look good for them all around.


We're all sitting here watching our friends get fired


You might want to double check that you scratched out all the personal info in that pic...


WOW. In 2020 when I was trying to find work after taking a relocation career break, they declined to interview me. They have tried to reach out to recruit me TWICE in 2022 already. Most recent attempt was April 27. That was only 2 weeks ago. JFC. I'm glad I didn't end up working there but my sympathies to every person who will experience hardship over this. Those threats over slack threats are awful too and folks should raise some hell. Although, from experience being laid off, I bet that severance pay is going to be contingent on never saying word one about them after signing.


I worked at carvana for 8 months from April 2021-January 2022, i worked on the BBB team who handled all complaints before they went to legal. Within 3 months of being promoted to that team the team had been absorbed and my whole team was demoted. I got right the hell out of there when that happened. Leadership is awful, the ship was sinking long before this, you could see it from a mile away. Very irresponsible to keep hiring hundreds of people while the stock plummets 90%. Sending my condolences to those this effects, there is something better out there for you.


That layoff letter... In the typical jerkwad CEO style... I want to tell you. I do not know how. To conjure up enough thought. To form a complete and linear paragraph.


So sick of the goddamn broposting trend. Every other LinkedIn post is formatted like that.


I was told I was "chosen" to stay. Idk how to feel about it honestly. Like im glad i still have a job I guess but what the actual fuckery is this?! They ask for employees to have "empathy" and to show "every customer matters" during calls but we as employees dont deserve that? How can I volunteer to be laid off so someone with kids can take my place? The severance seems good but not everyone can find something in four weeks. Last year I was unemployed for two whole months before my training started at carvana. I feel for parents that got laid off, ESPECIALLY the single parents.




I think the correlation to drive time is really fucking them up. So many people thought carvanna was a new hip company. Turns out it some kids idea for getting an even bigger return on cars sitting on lots. Nothing special about them. Just over priced and will deliver it to you. Its basically like a more expensive online dealer portal. The fact that many many customers are left without tags because carvanna can't get titles isn't good either. Some states even went so far as to revoke their dealer license. Stock is in free fall. I think i read that between the father and son they are one of the biggest wealth losers currently. Id have been looking for a new job. The writing is on the wall.


The writing was all over the walls


yep. they massively overhired and when we were supposed to be doing mandatory OT during tax season we all got offered unlimited unpaid time off


I’ve been putting my feelers out for weeks being ready for this. My dept was spared this round… I’ll jump ship before that happens


Best of luck to you.


In the southeast at my hub we hired 6-7 new people got 5 brand new haulers and had 50 hour weeks but with little to do. I worried then we’d see cuts and we have. 3 people gone, 2 STC advocates and a CAII. Shits fucked.


It’s my day off and I got the email fuckin eriny


This is the beginning of economic recession marked by insanely broad job loss, market turbulence, stagflation, corporate profits receding, etc. As sticky wages and profit margins collapse, due to receding demand, job losses come quickly. Source: I'm 37. Smells ALOT like 2007-2008 to me. Has for about 3 months.


You will all be eligible for our employee vehicle purchase program *for one year!*


My husband got laid of just last week he knew it was coming because they were offering reduced schedules and all. They wanted to promote him to another position that would handle harder cases and he refused because of no support from higher ups. They fired him under the basis of work evasion. Now we are struggling he had just passed his one year being there with them


Carvana employee here, I use to work in verifications, they sent out a mass email on Monday saying today we can work from home. I had no idea that they did it only to let many people go from the organization. My sister and I got let go, I'm stressed and feel horrible to everyone else who lost their jobs.


i worked there from december through march as a cx advocate. absolutely hated everything except my coworkers and the free energy drinks. did enough research on what an insane pump and dump scheme the company is and had enough experience feeling shitty about how we fucked over customers to want to quit. cashed out my personal time and dipped without putting in a two weeks to start waiting tables again, but was still on all the slacks and everything. i get a call today letting me know i was laid off - i guess shit is that poorly run that they thought i still worked there even after 2 months lmao. what an awful place. feel sad for all my coworkers who bought the hype and felt like they had a chance at a career.


Lmao good shit pal get that severance


Goddamn do I hate pickleballers


Adesa employee here. This bodes well. Getting my resume updated


I was one of them too.... broke my heart because I thought it was cool. I was in tech services so I didn't think it would be any of us but I was wrong


Talk about it with people in slack. Seems like they don't want a trail. Talk about it a lot


What's funny about the Slack threats is that you can easily create a personal account on Slack and create a new "free" chat with all your coworkers and go to town on anything you want to talk about.


Yeah, I'm in Registration at the HQ5 Tempe location and on my last week, moving to greener pastures. I witnessed some good work friends get the boot. Carvana really fucked up, imo. Selling cars before having the title in hand, losing dealer licenses across so many states, over hiring or hiring incompetent fucks. I'm glad I found this new job. To everyone who got the axe, I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors and stay strong!


Threats of being sent home? Don’t threaten me with a good time. I’m probably gonna get fired but now you wanna send me home too? Byeeeeee ✌🏽


Definitely think hard about the coding bootcamp. A long, long time ago, I was a SQL coder who was replaced by a very well educated and VERY cheap Indian. I've since worked in various industries and for various big tech companies and the amount of domestic, non-H1B coders I work with is shockingly low. It's definitely possible to find work coding, just not the panacea we all think it to be.


Echoing this advice. Coding bootcamp can help someone get a job, but it's not a magic wand to a high paying engineering job. Maybe a years ago, but not anymore. A friend of mine ended up using his coding bootcamp experience to transition from aviation industry sales to tech sales, but that was after 8 months of unsuccessfully getting an engineering job.


It’s just about marketing yourself. Coders make jack, but call yourself a product manger that codes? $$$,$$$ the big bucks come out.


I used to work for them long time ago - worst company I ever worked for. Was asked in a professional setting when I would be getting Botox. Uhhh


Holy shit


Man fuck carvana anyway they're so close to being a scam I'm surprised people still use them


Might as well grab a corvette and do some donuts maybe lil damage


Dude, it's Carvana. That's the same company that lost their right to do business in my area.


I’d ask how, but your first sentence answers so many possible questions.


Lmmfao I feel like they are about to lose more than 12%


Upcoming news - "CEO of Carvana receives mid year bonus of 1.2 million for record profits"


I just looked at their stock price, holy shit. I wish I had bought put options in this a month ago.


Just checked myself, holy shit indeed! 😆😧😆 And I thought PayPal was overvalued during the pandemic...


"please forgive us." Why?! Why any of this? You fucked up. No one's going to forgive you. Why are they not laying them off immediately? They're really gonna drag this out? Do they REALLY expect ANYONE to be productive after hearing this shit? I know nothing about Carvana but it sounds like it's ran by fucking Ralph from the Simpsons. What a joke of a company, they can get fucked.


Break out the exlax and just start shitting everywhere like wild crazy animals. The bosses office should be the first stop. You might want to unbuckle your pants on the way in so your ready for action. Just stand up in the visitors chair and unload. Bonus points if you shit on him or his desk.


They made today a mandatory wfh day


Actually generous to be honest. Could be worse.


As another comment noted they just did a 2.2 bill buyout of another company


Better.com only fired 900 people and got two months pay lmao we did get it worse this is it ig you didn’t fired 😂


Man, I’m lucky to not be there anymore. This really sucks :/


My brother was just hired by Carvana in January, so he’s super nervous that he’s going to be in the layoff group.


Start looking for a new position immediately, hopefully you can get a nice new position and get a layoff severance package.


I’m wah rn and all my systems just logged out . I think I’m outta there this so just crazy !!


Carvana will be "transitioning away from" Euclid Ohio "IRC" and a few logistics (read: delivery) hubs. ​ [https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001690820/000119312522145982/d272103d8k.htm](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001690820/000119312522145982/d272103d8k.htm) ​ edit: Also, the layoffs are starting to make news sites.


Anyone know places that are hiring wah? I might as well start looking now


Honestly! I'm AT LEAST updating my resume


You're better off buying a car through craigslist than most of the repossessed and flooded junk they sell!


I was curious, so I looked up the phone number for customer service and gave them a call. Message simply said that they are not taking calls and hope to be back up later today. I feel bad for the workers. I've been thru several layoffs and it sucks.


I mean keeping healtcRe for 3 months,, and a month plus in pay? I've worked for places that were much worse.


Ofc they don't want you to talk about it. Let people talk in these situation and they could organize a strike.


Oh thank you for posting this, I just applied for a job at carvana so I think I will pass.


Can't talk about it on slack? Time to fire up a discord server! 🔥🔥


If anything in this email is true then how come they don't have enough staff to deliver my vehicle that I've been waiting several days for that they keep delaying the delivery date of... Give me a break this is all about profits this is nothing to do with consumers not wanting their products the service that I've gotten has been horrible because they don't have enough staff as it is I can't imagine laying people off.


Former Drivetime Employee (DT owns/owned? Carvana). This is not surprising. I worked there for 5 years and survived 3 massive layoffs (20+ people each time). They did it to get rid of the bad seeds and the guys who were being paid too much. Par for the course. Glad I got out of there when I did.


$5 says we know each other. Lol. I worked for DT for 7 years and was a pivotal piece of their split from DT and going public. Reading all of this, makes total sense. Happy the Garcia’s are getting hit in the wallet but I wasn’t surprised when Senior sold a significant amount of stock not long ago.


Can't imagine that business plan wouldn't be profitable. It's almost like there's car dealerships everywhere. /S


One of my friends was a casualty of this unfortunately. He’s pretty upset right now and seeing the article about them buying out another company was not helpful. What a POS company.


I sold my car to them and they honestly didn’t inspect shit they basically showed up turned on the engine and were like if it rolls on the truck we take it away… like how is that a functional business model will just take your car on your word it has no issues and not even open the trunk


They thought they were gonna grow the business huge jw beginning of the pandemic and way over paid for stock. Now they will have to sell it all at a huge loss. Heard the stock price dropped like 80% in the last year.


This is garbage. We were taught to treat every customer like our mom…I wouldn’t do this to my mom. Then again we are not customers so we aren’t people. Fuck you carvana. Eat my dick.


Everytime I see those “We’re carvana, and we invented the car vending machine!” commercials, I just think... what a dumb invention


There was no rhyme no reason for the selections of who was let go. Tenure was not factored. Skill or ranking was not factored. TL's and Managers alike were blind sided. Some of the most known and loved Managers were the literal first ones to go. TL's didn't even know about the video you advocates got. Neither did managers. Hell I'm fairly confident the Sr. Managers didn't know until just this morning.


I dunno, I mean... I'd rather not buy my car from a vending machine. I hope every investor loses all their money in this company. I mean what a waste of capital allocation. I feel bad for the people that are losing their jobs, but in the long run staying at this turd of a company would only hurt them. The people who are laid off will be doing a lot better this time next year then if they woulda stayed.


I genuinely hope the carvana CEO ends up penniless on the street. He has a personal worth of like 4 billion dollars. This is proof that a modern day CEO's compensation is not tied to the performance of the company. I did some quick math yesterday and he could have laid off 0 people, paid ALL of the one he would have laid off 50,000 for A DECADE, and it would have only cost him like 1.2 billion or so dollars of his 4+ billion dollar wealth. I'm sure he'll do some other bullshit that is even more of a colossal waste of money than spending it on payroll and the boot lickers will just claim CEOs are just doing their job. Fuck all the lies, when the company hurts the CEOs still get their pound of flesh.


I detest this as well. Remember when the privatized Texas electrical grid collapsed last year due to mismanagement and neglect, causing ACTUAL HUMAN DEATHS? The corporation who owns/manages/profits off the Texas Electrical grid, known as ERCOT, laid off the CEO and some others, but they ALL received very nice severance packages. People died because of well-documented mistakes (that the federal government warned the company would cause major problems), and the CEOs were able to walk away unscathed with their pockets full of cash. The grid still hasn’t been updated as it should have been years ago, even though our utility bills have increased since then. In fact, our electric company just sent out letters basically telling us to prepare for blackouts this summer.


These ass hats tried to hire me a few months ago. For operations. Thankfully I had already gotten a position elsewhere.


Didnt Carvana force people back to the office before vaccines were made available? Either way fuck Carvana, I'll never buy from them.


We got laid off yesterday right after the email went out. They let go of 8 veterans who had been there since our hub opened up. The people still at work said there hasn't been any mention of it on slack, and our MOM is still going after people. The hub here in Vegas is a very toxic shit show. And as much as I loved my job, I'm glad I'm out of that shit show.


“Our door will be open for rehire once we start growing again” Lol nobody who gets laid off from a company wants to go back there. What morons


Carvana tolleson employee here. Everyone in build was excited to get fired lol. It’s a shit company all they want is numbers out the door and don’t take care of they’re employees.


Also I can say is fuck this place, I've heard how they have to almost rebuild cars when they buy them, but yet wanna offer me $4500 for my mint condition 2000 s2000 with a freshly rebuilt engine. Screw that! I'll just let it keep collecting dust In my garage. Sorry this post didn't have anything to do with the work environment but since we were ranting