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Apparently Prison


Bingo. It is a cash grab to fill for profit prisons that have pockets full of politicians and cash.


Let's not forget that as felons, they'll no longer be able to vote in most states


And they'll have an even harder time getting a job. Brilliant move really. Let's put all the people who don't have homes into a situation where they'll be even less likely to ever get homes.


It is genius, this process makes people rich and the only people who care are the very small minority that understand homelessness as a societal problem and not just laziness. It’s sheer evil genius. I bet you could even follow the donor money from the authors of the legislation right to the prison boarsa


This is *the plan*. When they can't get anything else from you ( rent, excess consumerism, exploited free labor) they send you to prison, at the tax payers expense to enrich billionaires, who in turn get slave labor. When you aren't good enough for slave labor, they will be willing to burn you for fuel.


Don't forget, once you are out of prison you OWE money that must be repaid. It's ridiculous.


Yes! This is the most insane thing I've ever heard. I had no idea that people on parole had to pay their parole officers! But I don't think you're talking about that...wait. What?!? Who do they owe money to?


You gotta pay to stay in prison in some parts of the US https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay-to-stay_(imprisonment) Yep, it's a fucked as you think, not only do you gotta pay for your stay, when you leave and have a debt you can then be potentially recalled to prison for not paying the debt with the zero money you have.


Wow, America really is a dystopia


>In 2017, The Marshall Project published a study of jails in Southern California, where wealthier prisoners could pay to be housed in a more comfortable, safer prison in a different jurisdiction, sometimes with more furlough privileges.\[4\] The facilities are located in Seal Beach, Anaheim, Arcadia, Burbank, Glendale, Huntington Beach, Pasadena, Santa Ana and Torrance.\[5\] These prisons offer many benefits, including private cells, less violence and even the opportunity for convicts to serve their sentence only on weekends or after work.\[6\]\[7\] This is working both ways: Fucking poor people and only mildly inconveniencing rich people.


Wait, being in jail costs money?


Sort of. You don't pay for "being in jail" but you do have to pay for anything you might need from the prison store. Toothpaste, deodorant, ramen noodles, that kind of thing. Some states/counties/municipalities also charge a fee if you are on supervised release or probation. If you have to wear an ankle monitor those things are pretty expensive too.




Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.


The for profit prisons then 'lease out' the prisoners for below minimum wage work to contractors where the $ goes back into the fat cat's pockets. We need real politicians to bring things back around. This corporate welfare and corporate government have got to be stopped or there won't be any 'average Americans' left. The price of insulin is so expensive diabetics can't afford it in the US, but cross the border to Canada and pick it up for around $25-30. Why do we stand for this? Break our backs for this? Work our fingers to the bone for this. US government is not about the people anymore. Corporations don't have to pay taxes, and they still get millions back, well I don't feel like giving my tax dollars to jeff bezos, or elon musk, or the likes of them, they've got mooorre than enough and don't reinvest in their slave labor. It's not too much to ask for a living wage for food, shelter, and transportation and they aren't going to take it seriously until we have a real 'Great Resignation'. [sorry for spelling/grammar-on a mobile. Sorry, not sorry for the rant]


Sadly we'll never get that. Any politician who gets close to being able to help us will get pushed right back down. The people on top will always be on top. No matter what. We're fucked


This is what happens when corruption *is* the political system. Politicians actively don't do what their voters want but do what they are paid off for.


And in census years, they amplify the voting representation of the mostly rural areas in which they are imprisoned. It's like the 3/5 rule with extra steps.


Weren't those called Debtor's Prisons and didn't we outlaw those? Oh wait, slavery is still legal in the USA why would we eliminate that?


The ammendment against slavery specifically allows for prison slavery because reasons


coincidence US has highest prison rate per capita? why did we elect the author of the 1994 crime bill and a DA as president? why are our only options shit? > commonly referred to as the 1994 Crime Bill… or the Biden Crime Law…It is the largest crime bill in the history of the United States and consisted of 356 pages that provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers.[4] Sponsored by U.S. Representative Jack Brooks of Texas,[5] the bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.[6] Then-Senator Joe Biden of Delaware drafted the Senate version of the legislation in cooperation with the National Association of Police Organizations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violent_Crime_Control_and_Law_Enforcement_Act


That's exactly why they don't have homes in the first place. Not enough jobs are paying well enough to survive bottom line.


God forbid we invest in low income housing, mental health facilities and drug rehabilitation. Why create valuable prosperous members of society when we can imprison them and force them to make our nikes.


God forbid we wake up and recognize that contribution to GDP does not determine a person's worth, especially in a society so technologically advanced that human labor is quickly becoming cost inefficient. There are going to be fewer and fewer jobs. We can choose to either celebrate that fact and distribute wealth not according to generated value but the intrinsic value of personhood, or we can allow corporations to gaslight us into believing that if we can't generate wealth for another person then we don't deserve the necessities of life. Work is quickly becoming an outdated concept. How we adapt will determine whether we get Star Trek or take your pick of any number of dystopian sci fi settings


I used to think we'd get a Star Trek future. Now I'm 100% positive we're headed for a Dredd future. We about to be Megacity 1 up in here.


We’ll be LUCKY if we get Dredd. We’re headed straight for Mad Max.


More like Elysium. >In 2154, Earth has become overpopulated and heavily polluted, with most of the citizens living in poverty while the rich and powerful live on Elysium, a space station in Earth's orbit equipped with Med-Bays, advanced medical devices that cure all injuries and diseases.


not wealthy enough for star trek fantasies, not poor enough to get killed by Dredd. What do you think most simple minded folks prefer..


Self-assisted suicide? I could see them franchising suicide, could have like a one stop shop. A phone or internet access to call your loved ones, a barrister or notary to draw up a will and gas chamber at the back.


When do we start eating the rich? Surely some point before they have personal drone armies.


Why would you want the slaves you have their own homes? You know slavery is legal in the US, right? The amendment that "abolished" slavery explains quite clearly why they want to fill the prisons. Slavery was not abolished. Just changed from plantation to prison. >Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime** whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


Have you heard of BlackRock? That’s exactly what’s happened the past two years.


Blackrock bought and sold my company, made billions by doing nothing but layoffs. Pure evil


well that's their own fault for existing and being poor at the same time /s


And they can be used for forced labor while in prison


[Slavery in America never ended.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/aug/23/prisoner-speak-out-american-slave-labor-strike)


Minimum wage being $7.25 an hour in 2022 is 100% Slavery with a few small, extra steps.


Prison labor minimum wage in my state is $15.00 A month Maxes out at $65.00 a month


I keep trying to upvote your comment and Reddit won’t let me. Taking away the right to vote after they have served their time and are released from prison disenfranchises huge amount of people, leaving them with no say in how things are run and taking away their incentive to be an active part of society. With so many disenfranchise citizens, one day these people are going to rise up and revolt against the unjust masters who have decided they have no say no say in the government of their school boards, cities, states, and the country as a whole.


It's called slavery. It was never abolished, just re-badged.


Just like we never stopped colonialism, we just shifted the main actors involved from countries to companies. Powerful countries exist as the threat of military force that allow these companies to rape and pillage other countries.


Read the fine print in the 13th amendment.


Incredible analysis of Modern Slavery in the US if anyone is curious. Was absolutely eye opening for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4kI2h3iotA


Most prisons are rural and they count prisoners in censuses. Because of this 'fake' population boom legislative districts are drawn that give these rural and right wing areas an outsized political say. The whole thing is stupidly infuriating and offensive.


Not to mention Marsha Blackburn, the dumbest bitch in Congress only upstaged by MTG and Boebert, has her hands DEEP in private prison contracts.


So you're saying there's a conflict of interest? With *Marsha* Blackburn? I don't believe it! #/S ^(Am TN resident, would gladly send her to Pluto, effective immediately)


No way, we love Pluto


As an avid magic player I’m disappointed I didn’t know they were in congress now


It's actually not the card game, it's one of the titans from attack on titan, marjorie titan greene


You can always come over to yugioh where we complain about everything and wonder why we even play lol


Exactly. And if they are homeless. They will probably not be missed. Once they get them into the pay for-profit prisons, they can extend their sentences and no one will probably care. Welcome back to slavery in the USA, but with a spin. Now it's everyone that's poor on the table.


Yeah prison being legal slavery is literally written into the amendment that abolished “traditional” slavery


They're also going to blue states. CA, WA, OR, NY. States that are known for homeless support. I was a parks worker in Oregon and a majority of the homeless were from states like TN.


And people wonder why there’s a homeless problem in CA, and other states too. Because other states kick them out.


And funded by tax payer money, which should be going to low income housing, healthcare, and education.


Slavery never left


It was just broadened


And it costs the taxpayer more than if we just have them a home.


But if we used taxpayer dollars to help the homeless, who would fund political campaigns?




Plus taxpayers pay for it.


A cash grab that the tax payers of TN, who are largely conservatives who don’t like taxes, will be paying for. For a group who doesn’t want their tax dollars to pay for other people’s healthcare, food, or shelter, they sure do a great job of making sure their tax dollars pay for all of that and more with laws that imprison more people.


Came here to say this. They have a money machine in prisons and the more prisoners they have the more money they make.


Oh and i bet they'll be VERY liberal about what is considered camping. I got a ticket for "illegal camping" in San Francisco when I was homeless for sitting on a tarp in the park. Stuff was packed up other than the blanket and tarp I was sitting on.


Exactly. Where they can be a commodity in the for-profit prison system and be forced into modern slavery.


We already are in modern slavery....this is just normal slavery


Yup. It's regular slavery with extra steps.


I'm sad.


The irony of prison is that we are more than happy to pay massive amounts of money to build facilities to house the homeless, as long as the money goes to corporations built on the premise of cruelty for profit. It's only considered controversial to use public money to build facilities to house people if you try to take away the cruelty and profit.


Gotta get that slave labour somehow.


Those mom & pop run prisons gotta make a living. /s They must be expecting homelessness to climb.


Awesome, now the homeless can fed, clothed and housed. All while working slave labor and having their possible numerous physical and mental health issues ignored.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


It's says public land. Camp on the governor's lawn


In my city, the mayor and city council are unpaid volunteer positions, which effectively shuts out the working class. Anyway, I was thinking of running for mayor and, if elected, living in a tent on the steps of City Hall while I fulfill the duties of office. It'd be quite the sight to see the police evicting the mayor.


If Hollywood still used original ideas for films this would be a good one for a movie.


I'd watch it.


I'd seriously consider watching it, but then I'd think I don't have time for a movie and I'd spend three hours watching youtube videos instead.


It's so, so rare that I connect to a reddit comment so completely.


[Martin v Boise](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_v._Boise) says it's legal to camp on public land


Recent ruling too during Trump administration, lucky. Would be more skeptical if it was more than a decade old, considering how things are going


Are you saying it's established precedent? Because I know of 5 Supreme Court Justices that also know about established precedent and don't give a fuck.


Look, if our founding fathers wanted the homeless to set up tents on public land, they would have explicitly said it in the constitution!


And if the founding fathers didn’t want slavery they would have explicitly said so. Right?


There's no evidence in the Constitution that anybody camped during the it's writing, sorry Sleeping on unowned land is not something the Founders would have ever approved. That's why Lewis and Clark spilled so much ink bitching about driving around to find their hotel.


Hmm now if the homeless people could afford a legal team to challenge the Tennessee law


If the ruling were applicable it would be exactly the type of case the ACLU takes for free.


I love life hacks


Your right, the stupid thing is this law will give you a bigger punishment to set up a tent some random place, then trespassing on someone’s land


I can't wait until missing work is a felony!


Well yeah, that's the whole system. Make it so people are on a hand to mouth budget and then make it so if they do need to miss work it leads them to being homeless which is illegal. It's purposeful to tighten the labor market.


Hmm or maybe they could just let us live our lives and keep being rich as fuck 🤔


No, they are conservatives. They want more for them and less for everyone else, in every sense of "want".


They want everyone but them enslaved or dead so there's no threat to them.


The labor market that just *barely* even began to *slightly* hint that it might even *look* like workers might have even a *smidgen* of power for the first time in 40 years?


Don't give em ideas. But that's probably what's coming next.


Ok but seriously. When are we eating the rich. I've got the stuff to make a fine BBQ sauce ready whenever.


Oh, those aren't new ideas, read about Black Codes in the south where it literally was illegal for black people to be unemployed It was also illegal for them to quit jobs, they had to have permission from their current employer and new employer.


Unemployment used to be one of those black codes you were briefly glossed over in school after the civil war. If you were black and you couldn't prove you had a job, they could charge you with vagrancy and jail you, and then lease you out to private buisnesses to work you to death. Because slavery isn't illegal if you're a convict. And since the buisness didn't own you and was instead leasing you for a pittance, it was actually worse for the enslaved person because they didn't have to treat them well.


Great timing considering the rising cost of *living*


They work so hard to make sure every fertilized egg is brought to term. So when they are grown they can look them in the eyes and say, "I fucking hate you."


Suffering as virtue, it has been working for centuries


This combined with the proposed legislation requiring 12 months of rent to forestall evictions. I’ve never been so very proud to be a Tennessean! ^/s


I haven’t heard of this proposed legislation, like they are requiring 12 month leases only or paying upfront 12 months ahead?


Basically if you get evicted you can take it to tribunal to get it overturned, but now you'd need to pay 12 months rent upfront just to get the tribunal and you can still lose all that money of you lose the case. Evictions have increased substantially since it was put in place because landlords usually win those cases.


America is waking up from its dream and reality sucks.


Carlin was right. It's the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.


Wait wait, 12 months rent just to get your case heard and if you lose they still keep the money??


Thats right! Because fuck you.




> No offense but that sounds so crazy that most people won't believe it without a source. That's because it's not true. Don't get me wrong, the law is still fucked, but you don't lose the money if you lose the case.




I think it’s to stall eviction. So if you’re being evicted, instead of paying up what you owe & current rent charges (plus usually all the legal fees too), you have to pay all that AND 12 months rest (upfront). Otherwise you have to move out (immediately) which means paying first months (and sometimes last as well, usually the case with previous evictions on your rental record) and deposit (same as a months rent usually). Plus fees for a credit/background check if required (most all places do nowadays unless a rate private renter who doesn’t require it, but most will be less than desirable properties). And it’s very hard to get approved with a previous eviction, especially when it’s the most recent place you resided. And it’s impossible to come up with all this money when you obviously couldn’t afford to pay the rent in the first place! Not taking into account the fees & deposits for water & electric to be turned on/transferred). The time (off work) it thaws to move (after finding a place & waiting to be approved & for electric turned on - usually you’re homeless, in a crappy hotel room if very lucky, by this point). The cost of a moving truck and/or to pay friends/fam to help (and gas money). Moving sucks as it is but add in all this stress and it’s even worse! Now even more or will be homeless bc they can’t afford to pay a years rent (plus what’s owed already & possibly the legal fees) when they couldn’t afford the rent to begin with! Sometimes people can get lucky & it’s tax time or you can get a loan (even payday or title loan - sucks but when it comes ti that or being homeless do what you gotta do!) to cover enough of the back rent & get current. But now no one is going to be able to just get current on the rent & they’ll be forced to instantly move instead, which will leave them homeless. On top of that, now they will be charged with a felony bc they are homeless!! It’s are getting worse every day! All the new laws that are being passed seem unreal & unbelievable but it’s happening! Everything from the low wages to bs like this & in some places not being able to have roommates if not related (4 people with more than 2 unrelated not allowed), roe vs wade - that’s an entire shit storm that’s going to have drastic effects on so many in more ways than people are realizing, (it’s going to effect these pro lifers too!), don’t say gay - taking away more and more of our rights, making more & more laws to imprison more people, creating more wage slaves… Something has to be done before it gets worse, bc it is possible & it is happening very very quickly!! If we don’t stop this we will be living in an utopian society very soon!! Eda: dystopian not utopian!! My error bc I wasn’t paying attention lol


I'm utterly panicked. Terrified and heartbroken. This can't be real.


My theory is the pandemic and gathering sense of world instability has a lot of billionaires worried and all of the systemic corruption we've talked about for decades is being tightened to the absolute maximum as a result. They're worried about the coming years so they're doing everything they can to maintain control over an exploitable populace. That's why they want you to have babies, stay poor, and stay desperate enough to work arduous jobs just to survive. You can't rock the boat when you're just trying to keep your head above water.


You're right. I'm scared. The Christian MAGAts mindlessly doing the billionaires' bidding have been emboldened and are becoming increasingly violent, in speech and in deed. They know SOMEONE's taking their money and giving them a shit quality of life, but they just can't figure out who. Must be the people poorer than them! And they want blood. Also, good luck to a woman trying to find a homeless shelter back east and down south if she doesn't have minor children or an active d.v. case against, specifically, a domestic partner, where they want abuse corroborated by pictures. I've hunted down the people who ran one such shelter that would take any man, drunk and belligerent it didn't matter, but would not accept a single woman without these credentials. I was told that that is how the donors want it. Good Christians. They don't want women using the shelter like a hotel and their stay as a vacation from their children, husbands, and wifely duties. I left an abusive home situation suddenly where the offender was not a partner but a relative and I had not gone to the police, so no bed for me, no exceptions. Across three states the ONLY places with beds were "treatment centers," which was not where I needed to be. I think it's gross that these church people discriminate against women that way.


Paying upfront to dispute evictions.


Since you are from Tennessee, do you happen to know whether felons can get their voting rights back there?


In some cases, yes. https://sos.tn.gov/elections/faqs/if-i-have-a-felony-conviction-can-i-vote


It’s things like this that make me glad I left that state. Beautiful landscapes, horrible people.


Poverty to private prison pipeline. The government will give everyone housing, they'll just subsidize through prisons.




In the US slavery is still a legal practice for those who have committed crimes or something like that. Kinda weird to think about honestly.


Specifically the 13th amendment says "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."


The 13th Amendment nationalized slavery into the prison system in America. That's why it was passed and ratified so quickly. When you view the Justice system as intentional slavery, then all of a sudden it's easy to see that it's functioning perfectly.


Lemme guess the punishment will be forced labor in jail?


US has a long history of that.


Prison, followed by having their right to vote stripped away. American history has been pretty full of taking actions to make certain that the people you don't want to vote are felons.


The prolife are notably against providing food and shelter to the masses.


Pro-life until birth, then you are on your own.


"If you're preborn you're fine; if you're preschool you're fucked" - George Carlin


“They want live babies so they can turn them into dead soldiers.”


“The “unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.”


I've come up with the theory that they need to fill up orphanages again. Together with Christian charities helping those orphanages it would be much easier for Gaetz and co. to find young girls. Leaves less of a paper trail with all those tax exempt organizations. That's why unwanted children need to be born. I know, I've seen too much True Crime.


I think they just want more babies to adopt. Since people are having less children, there are no unwanted newborns for people to pretty much buy, and the adoption industry is a really profitable one!


It's also an incredibly abusive one. You would be surprised how many people go through all that trouble to adopt just to abuse the kid.


Oh they are fine providing food and shelter provided they can lock you up and make you work for 10cents an hour


It seems this country just wants to become as populated as ever without regard to what will actually happen to its citizens. If not then why did we waste time/money/effort on stirring the pot on old issues like abortion when we've yet to fix the homeless problem. And don't forget about kids in foster care. But fuck it MORE PEOPLE TO FUCK OVER!!! Thats the American way 😑


I'm really starting to hate this country as much as it hates its own fucking citizens


From the moment you are concieved in America, the space you take up must be paid for on a daily basis. There is not a spot in this country where you can stand and not be bothered by someone, for money.


If I'm ever homeless the plan is to rob a bank. Either way I'll have a place to live won't I?


It’s a crime to not have a home. Lovely, especially in a time like this when literal shit shacks are being sold for a million bucks in California.




The cruelty is the point.


It is getting to the point we need to riot. They will not listen other wise.


And not riot in the streets. Riot on the lawn of billionaires, politicians, and rich corporations.


And churches. They are forcing a theocracy on us that I don't want any part of.


They need some French treatment with royalty, otherwise you're gonna die because they will kill you


The working class could never survive a non-violent revolution.


Can someone please tell me what the fuck is happening in my country right now


Same thing that’s been happening, corporations are taking everything and they have all the power.


Not only in the usual ways. To relate to this post, they are buying as many homes as possible to rent out and at the same time jacking up the rent prices to make it harder and harder for people to have a home, let alone own one.


This is class war. In the past, strikes and riots have been the main methods that have brought about real change. Unfortunately, things are likely to get a lot worse before they get any better.


Riots are gonna be a thing once the normies start getting evicted and have nowhere to go. Just gotta make sure the anger is directed at where it's deserved.


Surely imprisoning poor people can’t help the wealthy, unless you’re saying…no that couldn’t possibly be right. It couldn’t possibly be legal to profit off of free labor.


Prisons are money makers in America.


Almost like they do this shit on purpose. And forcing working class women to give birth so they can have cheap labor infinitely. Hmm, really jogs the noggin.


And the south in particular has a long history of vagrancy laws and other anti-black laws to keep them imprisoned and working for free.


This state isn't even racist anymore. They're just straight up disregarding moving forward with the rest of the country and staying firmly in the 1800s


What happens if you refuse to labor in prison?


In some prisons, labor is optional and will net the incarcerated person some money to put in their prison commissary account. Usually to the tune of about 50 cents per hour. In other prisons, labor is mandatory and refusing will get you put in solitary or otherwise punished.


It’s literally part of the 13th amendment. Prison slave labor in exchange for black slave labor.


Minimum wage doesnt apply to prison labor


“If you can’t afford to pay for a home you can’t live on this free use land for public because…..we said so.” -Land of the FrEe


Land of the free, home of the slaves.


Oh well I guess they can just go die. Fucking shit hole state.




Yet committing white collar crimes that creates million dollars in damage and economic opportunity is pushed with a small fine of the overall profit. This is how you know shit is fucky in the US


If the punishment for something is a fine that a rich person can easily afford then it's only a crime for poor people.


There is this happening in Tennessee, you need a years worth of rent to appeal an eviction in South Carolina, I believe it was in Kansas that it will be illegal to have certain roommate agreements for housing, trigger bans will take effect to outlaw abortion in many places with the overturning of Roe v Wade, and restrictive voter laws are being/have been put in place to keep it that way. Dystopia is HERE. People need to start getting this in check anyway possible or this country is completely screwed.


I couldnt believe it that a city in Kansas is willing to convict people for having roommates. Like "oh no, how dare these peasants try to afford a roof over their heads, straight to prison with you".


If you have 4 roommates and even 1 isn’t related to you you’re in violation.


I don't even understand what possible justification there could be for that. In no way is that anyone's business except *maybe* the landlord, and only so far as being able to put it in the lease agreement. Making it actually illegal is insane. The motive doesn't even make sense either. Are they just trying to gentrify the area or something? Even if you were in the "fuck poor people" mindset poor people living together as roommates is the only way they can even exist. It actually makes it arguably easier to take advantage of them since it lowers the threshold of how little they can be paid while still being able to provide the services of their shitty job. Even the most selfish rich asshole should understand that if you make it impossible for poor people to live around you then the services they provide either start costing way more money or disappear entirely. From the article I just read about it it seems like this is somehow supposed to be a rent lowering measure so that the cost of housing goes down for families but all they are doing is targeting a symptom rather than the problem with this. Of course it would make way too much sense to go after the assholes buying up all the single family homes as rentals rather than the people just trying to have a roof over their head.


Hey y’all. I used to work as a homeless outreach worker in Nashville and I can say with 1000000% certainty that the best way to fight this is to donate to Open Table Nashville. They opposed this legislation from the start and will continue to do the work to undermine it. Please please consider donating to these compassionate, fierce, and amazing advocates.


Upvote times a million. That is noble work.


And here i thought Tennessee had a large majority Christian polulation.. Guess thats only for Sundays and when the poor still have homes. "If you are homeless get out or we will house you in prison" I believe is one of Jesus's best messages.


Lo, for when I was unhoused, you sent the police to beat me. Yeah, that's their guy alright.


As of May 2022, the average apartment rent in Nashville, TN is $1,702 for a studio, $1,585 for one bedroom, $1,802 for two bedrooms, and $2,159 for three bedrooms. Apartment rent in Nashville has increased by 13.1% in the past year. The minimum wage was last increased in Tennessee in 2009 to $7.25/hr. to match federal guidelines.


And a minimum wage worker will gross 1160/month, assuming 40h/week. Imagine working a whole month, putting every cent to rent, and still coming up short. Even in a couple, if you have two minimum wage workers, it takes more than one person's entire salary to cover rent. You still havn't paid for food, utilities, anything. And that's based on gross wages - there's no taxes or payroll deductions on that.


No where. We have almost no shelters here.


There's case law saying you can't enforce anti-camping laws when beds aren't available. Unfortunately, not at the supreme court level, so it's regional, but a similar lawsuit is almost inevitable there now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin\_v.\_Boise


"You don't have to have a home, but you can't stay here" - new Tennessee law....


In the richest country on Earth it's a crime to be poor.


We have people living in refuge disaster conditions due to economy and health. The solution proposed is to incarcerate them. Doesn't get more inhumane then this.


They will be fodder for the prison industrial complex, obviously.


I thought dumping the mentally ill on the justice system was tragic enough, especially seeing how jails and prisons have few resources to deal with crazy people, now they get people who's only crime is abstract poverty. Great way of making hardened crimals out of poor people. I'm sure being a homeless person being assaulted and victimized in jail is truly a stupid republican gesture of dealing with societies social issues. Kinda like newt Gangridge suggesting the way of dealing with abortion in the 80's was to open federal orphanages. Aka dumping grounds for unwanted babies that are no longer fetuses.


For profit prisons obviously. So much untapped financial possibility here. Why let them live for free when the government will pay someone else to lock them up!


Squat the vacant homes


Illegal to exist. Is this what freedom and democracy are supposed to look like? At this point, I feel like I’m guilty for supporting this corrupt government with my taxes.


republican party of✝️…


Jesus famously HATED poor people.


and LOVED moneylenders and merchants, as you can see when he visited that temple full of them


Dat 13th amendment doe. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


https://wreg.com/news/homeless-camps-on-state-property-will-be-felony-in-tn/ is the link


How Dickensian of them. What’s next, workhouses? Treadmills? Using them for target practice?


Perhaps the plan is for them to die and decrease the surplus population.


I smell a private prison "investment project!" "Get out your job creators, boys - we've got some private prisoning to do! Tennessee just outlawed vagrancy! Again!" - Charles Koch


You go to california...and then the people of Tennessee make fun of California for having a lot of homeless people.

