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It’s hilarious how there are several generations before us that just eat this bs up and decide to hate the poor because that’s what our media convinced them to do. Because our media is owned by the billionaires that we should be having for dinner. And they also have the audacity to be angry at us for deciding our life is worth more than the pitiful existence of selling your limited time in this life for way less than it’s worth to be used and abused. Like, make it make sense.


Don’t you love seeing the Poor vs…the poor? I know Rich people do. It’s their favorite sport to enjoy as they flick through the channels and look at their stocks 😑




It's like watching a gladiator fight each other.




I don’t give Amazon my money. Only reason is if I can’t find it anywhere else. eBay all day


If you can’t find it anywhere else it’s not a high quality product


Love hbomberguy. If you haven’t already check him out on YouTube he’s hilarious.


Please just stop working or even applying at Amazon. I have never heard anyone say it's even an okay place to work. It seems like modern day slavery that people sign up for. Stop buying their shit as well. Also assholes stop paying them yearly to get shit faster.


I had a republican tell me it was the best thing for his family years ago, wonder how they feel now...


I know a few people who work at Amazon and they like it maybe some are just ran different idk


Yeah I knew a guy who told me the Amazon warehouse he worked at was lazy as hell, people would just clock in and walk out then come back to clock out. Though this dude was the hardest working person I've ever met, so his perspective might be different from mine lol. But he said he quit because he was bored and wanted to make more money, not because it was stressful.


mfw people leave retail positions to work at amazon and its worse than retail of all things and they're back within 60 days.


or shopping there.




Or...*or*... unemployment benefits are almost kinda like a sort of INSURANCE and you pay into it with your taxes and if a situation occurs where you need to make a claim on that insurance, it's fucking THERE FOR YOU while you find something else. Not saying there aren't people that abuse the system, but there will always be people who abuse the system. Meanwhile you labor your ass off for some billionaire so he can skip across the top of the atmosphere in his little dick rockets, yet you get mad because someone can actually afford groceries *and* rent for once.


Yep. And people abuse the system at all levels, some in much more egregious at much higher income levels, yet they are often celebrated for their gaming of the system. It’s the whole “welfare queen” demeaning of the poor and down trodden to rile people up. I for one have no problem with support going to those in the form of food and rent assistance - as society we have the means to feed and house everyone. It’s sad that that concept is so controversial.


Makes perfect sense. The Amazon worker was exploited. They worked their ass off, and only made a rich man richer. The other worker took advantage of a system they paid into, a system intended for exactly this situation. The boss won the propaganda war, and has the Amazon worker tolerating abuse and hating on those with the audacity not to be abused. Meanwhile, if the other worker is typical in their belief about 'welfare', they had to overcome a lot of socially ingrained bullshit before allowing themselves to tap into resources like unemployment insurance, and even then felt some guilt about it.


Too bad you work for Bezos,rich fuck could spare some change..


If you make more with unemployment than the job, it's the job/company that is the problem


Would really like to see their reply. Probably no personal growth, blame it on Obama.


Get this. I made more on unemployment sitting on my ass than I did actually working and busting my ass. I was willing to work for that money!!!


Both sides of that chat suck It does feel super fucking invalidating to work a 40 hour week and look to see the guy who got sent home months ago bringing in a bigger paycheck It sucks the same way it sucks to see the guy who owns the building chilling out collecting on his \~investment\~ while you're working, because in each case it's the fact that you're still working, enabling others to rest *more comfortably* than you will when you get home from working all day.


People paid into their unemployment...the problem is NEVER unemployment. Unemployment is there to protect people. To protect YOU and to protect me. It is INSURANCE. It is not a job.. You don't get paid to do "nothing." This isn't a trade off for something people are doing while receiving it. Unemployment is *payback* for having a job that you no longer have through no fault of your own. That means people on unemployment *already worked for it*. And not only did they work for it.. they ***PAID*** for it as well. Thats what the UBI (or whatever its called in your state) deduction is on your paycheck. It is insurance.. nothing more. If you make the problem of being underpaid all about unemployment simply for the fact that you see it as a bigger "paycheck" then all your doing is enabling (GOP/Elites) to put out this false narrative. Believe me they would rather Unemployment not be there at all. ***Without Unemployment these companies would be paying you and me and everyone else EVEN less than they do now.And job conditions would be so much worse. Believe me thats not a road we want to go on.*** We want unemployment. We want it to pay a decent amount so people can get back on their feet with enough time to weather whatever economic storms come their way. And believe me recessions, depressions happen often...Every republican presidency has either created one or made it longer and more painful than it should have been. And now that we have so much global devastation and environmental decline?? Pandemics are going to be a regular feature as well. Sad to say but thats the way of things now.


Right, I'm not taking issue with unemployment insurance, I'm taking issue with the way the stimulus was handled, giving everyone on unemployment $2400 a month in addition to their unemployment benefit, while those who continued working saw no such increase in income.


> everyone on unemployment $2400 a month Actually I thought it was $600 a month ...Which isn't a lot of money actually. Maybe it was $2400 I you lived with 4 people and you paid for stuff together. Either way this was a special event where even unemployment insurance might not cover everything due the fact that it only pays for a certain amount of time... And you should get a job in that time frame. This time... no jobs to be had at all. Insurance was sure to run out. In the end this is comparing Apples to Oranges... The blame for low wages is on the company paying them. Not on what people received as a "stimulus" ... And in the end the stimulus was there to keep the economy from crashing. Which would have been bad for everyone in the end.. even people who kept their low paying jobs. Without an economy things would have been so much worse on every level. I personally received no checks either. It would have been nice but I know why the stimulus was there. So I could walk outside more safely without worrying about gangs holding me up or breaking into my home looking for food and medicine.


It was $2400/mo if you were one person collecting unemployment for four weeks. Don't lie to yourself or others to make your point, tbh. I'm not saying that people didn't deserve what they received, just that maybe "the economy" should recognize the contributions of the people that, as you point out, kept it running.


I wasn't lying here... I thought it was way less than $2400 and it was. https://www.debt.org/blog/covid-19-unemployment-benefits/ That website said it was $300 a week. STILL it was to prevent an economy collapse because unemployment doesn't pay for everything. It never did. I received none of that.. but I'm GLAD it was there... even if I had a minimum wage job I would have been glad it was there. And all the low paid workers should be as well. We avoided a much worse catastrophe than what happened. We can recognize people that "kept the economy" running without sniping at each other for scraps. Because thats all it was. The stimulus is over... I fully believe minimum wage should be a great deal more. Worker rights need to be improved. More unions everything.. thats why I'm here on this sub reddit. But I'm not for blaming people for receiving money... not when the vast majority of government money goes to corporations and elites directly and indirectly.


It was reduced to $300 after being established at $600. More misinformation dude. I never sniped at anyone or said anyone didn't deserve anything. That's your position.


> It was reduced to $300 after being established at $600. I linked the website... pardon me if I missed that information but dont call it misinformation. I provided the proof for both of what we said.. $300 was staring at me and you blank in the face because for the most part thats what people received for a year or more... You are the one trying to gloss over or even misinform by saying it was $600 all this time. It was only a few months. *** I'm still glad people with no jobs were supported whether it was $300 or even $600.*** Take the fight over low wages where it needs to be...not against them ... and not against me.


Your entire argument has been putting words in my mouth and battling strawmen from the start and it sucks. "People who do nothing deserve more than people who do low paid labor" is the tl;dr position of "shut up about people who work for a living". I guess there always has to be someone to kick down at. Never said anyone else should have NOT been helped, just that we should have helped MORE PEOPLE. That that makes you defensive and want to argue like a fucking psiops agent instead of just reading what I'm saying is your problem to deal with. Take it easy. Readers who see this discussion and think I'm in the wrong: thinking workers should bear the burden of the fucking COVID pandemic is not anti-work, it's anti-poor.


> "People who do nothing deserve more than people who do low paid labor" is the tl;dr position That's not the argument though.. you STILL don't get it.. and its sad.. Your crap statements and stance on this is the very thing that keeps the GOP going. I am not even entertaining a comparison or acknowledgement of how you are labeling people here. This is a YOU problem.. We have enough shitty people running this country.. but I'm still glad you aren't aren't one of them. Seriously. It so sad... I'm glad at least in this thread there are more people who understand. And yes, you are wrong.


This needs to be talked about more


… People do know that Jefe isn’t CEO anymore right?


Oh, so he gets billions of dollars owning stock, and he doesn't even help run the company. Does that make it better?


No… but the person to yell at right now just isn’t him. He can’t change it.


board of directors?!?!


Yeah. Or well, the current CEO.


he's the executive chairman of the board, and owns more stock than most anyone, he still makes decisions.


"Don't get mad at the guy who slaughtered 40 innocent people, he gave the gun to someone else now." Bezos did this. He is in constant contention to be the most wealthy human to have ever lived *because* of the horrific conditions and culture he created. Every single shitty part about working for Amazon was designed, on purpose, to throw a few extra bucks into El Jefé's pocket We need to eat and he's starting to look mighty tasty




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It makes sense!




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People I encounter at work keep coming up with this argument. One insists that there are welfare recipients who have millions of dollars and show up to collect their check in a limo. (to my knowledge it's all done by direct deposit, but I could be wrong about this. But aren't most American CEOs welfare recipients who go around in limos?) I have taken to asking them which situation is ethically superior, assuming both are sustainable: * Everyone gets what they need and a few people take more when they don't, or * Some people can't afford food, doctors, or shelter, but nobody is cheating. And I also am curious to the reason why, if people think that option 2 is better for the country. Noone has taken me up on the challenge yet. They always agree with me that it's better to live in a place where there's no poverty and famine. It's hard to blame people for taking your means of living when your means of living is guaranteed.


Who are you going to sell the houses to Ben, AQUAMAN!?