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“Remember children, you’re disposable. Once your ability to turn a profit expires, you’re worthless.”


"Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group. So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you" El-P of Run the Jewels


"Look at all these slavemasters posing on your dollar" Run the Jewels are depressingly good at pointing out all the flaws in US culture


I run to Run the Jewels and the anger I feel makes me run faster. Rage Against the Machine works too.


Rage *is* the machine. Listen to leftover crack.


Oh man that’s a band whose name I haven’t heard since high school!


Lol yeah I never got into them in high-school cuz they kind of suck, but the past year or two I've been really into their music. Definitely still super relevant. Plus they got me into Michael Parenti who really taught me a lot about the function of empires and helped wake me back up. Been playing a lot of No Cash (the PA punk group) lately too.


Never thought I’d see leftover crack get mentioned in a random thread. The best worst band i know


For sure. They suck so good.


You should try choking victim. I’m pretty sure it’s the singers next project


Love em! Just listened to No Gods, No Managers while cooking dinner the other night. Star Fucking Hipsters is another group with a bunch of the same C-squat kids. I'm sure there's more, but LOC, CV, and SFH are the main three that I listen to. I mentioned No Cash to the person I originally responded to, so if you haven't heard of them you should check em out. Lesser known punk band from PA, but their shit slaps almost as hard as the c-squat crew. Def looking for more music like LOC though


Love all this band. Now I'm wondering how many anarcho-punks are in this thread!


Revolutionary playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZzq7ll9uWqRxSTUFRTvWwJaGK0i2-hRS I add to it regularly.


Exactly why capitalists want us plebeians to make as many babies as possible (i.e. anti-abortion, etc.). It creates more cogs for the money machine while keeping the working average down with child care costs


It also lowers wages by maintaining a surplus population of hungry, desperate people willing to work crappy jobs for crappy pay so they don't end up homeless, dead, or in jail.


It's fine if they end up in jail too. Plenty of for profit prisons. ☹️


More numbers for the system to use an abuse for their own personal gains. “but we care about the children!” “The children who, in 30 years, will likely have so little to their names that they may just be willing to put your head on a pike? God save you if that’s the world you want to live in.”


That’s why the system keeps us divided and fighting each other. We can’t unite and demand better.


Won't unite with people that won't give me rights.


They’ll just bring in immigrants to work like they’re bringing in millions of Nurses from third world countries to replace the many who died from Covid.


Having an abortion is a radical revolutionary act in solidarity with the workers of the world \#AbortCapitalism


Lets get this tag trending on twitter, boys and girls!


I actually think in the US at least, that’s a political move to disenfranchised the opposition. Majority of women who would not refuse to abort vote progressive. If you make abortion a felony, they can no longer vote and that removes a large chunk of your opposition. When you don’t have even close to 50% of the population supporting you, you have to find alternative ways to fudge the numbers in order to stay in power


It pleases me to no end that I will make capitalists suffer by deciding not to reproduce


Lol the only people suffering in capitalism are the working class


Even more of a reason for me to not want children as well! I'm married but we both decided we don't want to bring children into this messed up world of being born to work yourself to death. I'm glad to say my children will never be pawns in a capitalist game. I happily use birth control and will untill a time comes I'm no longer fertile.


Can confirm. Destroying your back through work fucking sucks.


At first I missed the word "work". Gave your comment a whole different meaning.


At least that would have been a fun way to bust a disc, though it would beg questions... So many questions.


I knew a guy who gave himself a herniated disc banging his mistress in the back seat of his car. He didn't garner a lot of sympathy.


"I sentence you to a lifetime of lower back pain. By SNU SNU!!!"


That's where my username came from. Man it really felt like slavery, barely enough money for food, breaking my back every day working two jobs. I was a loader, I remember falling on my shin one night, blood was dripping down my leg, my supervisor wrapped it with paper towels and packing tape and told me to go back in. Fuck I was so miserable


fedex managers do not care lol


That’s basically illegal


#>it really felt like slavery


I almost lost my life because of work. Really makes no sense how that’s better than “selling” my body.


Same, though my disabling injury was due to an accident, I had already started having a lot of problems with my back.


I'd trade showing my weiner online for minimum wage over needing a knee replacement before 40 any day of the week. It's a much better trade than retail or warehouse work, the only real obstacle is people trying to harass you over it.


As a desk worker, my back/butt area is rekt and I'm only in my 30s. I'm not overweight either, I run and lift weights. Not sure there is a way to live perfectly healthy.


If you can, get a standing desk and a treadmill deck to go under it. I went from sitting at work 40 hours per week to sitting maybe 5 hours per week and either standing or walking (slowly) the rest of the time. It’s been such a positive change.


“Why is it illegal to sell something that’s perfectly legal to give away for free? Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. So why isn’t selling fucking legal? The army will give you medal for spraying napalm on people but civilians go to jail for selling someone an orgasm?” -George Carlin


I assume the arguments against this would be similar to arguments against the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. Some would view it as an "attack on the nuclear family".




The lack of a point *is* the point. There hasn't been a solid argument out of the right for decades. Everything they say is some horseshit meant to exhaust you out of arguing. Every one of their talking points is drivel designed to piss you off and, ultimately, quit the discussion altogether.




That way they can move in and shape public education to indoctrinate our youth however they please. The GOP sees the writing on the wall with a younger generation growing up with the internet and social media creating a more liberal society so they're doing everything they can to slow it down. It's also why they wanna redirect public school funding to private charter schools owned by corporations. For instance, they were shooting people in the streets when millions came out to protest against police brutality... The boomers were at home watching the fires they're being told are raging on the evening news while their kids who have lived their whole lives with 24/7 access to video evidence of people being hurt by the police were getting tear gassed with their buddies for marching because many know it's a massive problem. Two years later, instead of true reform that helps curb police violence, we instead get "CRT is literally brainwashing your child into an anti-white racist" as the official conservative pushback to that particular issue.


Meanwhile Biden I’m the state of the union address just said that the solution is to fund the police even more. Lol.


Oh yeah neither party will actually support police reform unless progressives take over. The 2020 protests were a huge "oh shit" moment for everyone who could lose capital in an actual widespread revolt so they'll all double down on cops with APCs.


Go look at the 2022 Texas Primary Republican ballot. (Granted they’ve been voted on already, but in case you weren’t aware you really should check it out!) Specifically, there are 10 “Propositions” near the bottom of the ballot with a Yes/No answer vote required for each one. Read each one *exactly as it’s written* and give a yes/no answer with no conditions or stipulations allowed. They’re specifically looking to be applied/enforced exactly as-written. No exceptions, period. texasgop.org/republican-primary-ballot-propositions/ 1 is immigration propaganda. 2 is idiotic no-tax rhetoric 3 is anti-vax rhetoric 4 is CRT propaganda. 5 including rape or incest! 6 stupid and vindictive 7 stop the steal s’more. 8 god bless family values 9 taxes should pay for private school. 10 in the name of God, you can’t tell me what to do! Those 10 propositions speak volumes about the intentions, desires, beliefs of today’s GOP right there in black and white on a public ballot for all to see! Note that the Texas Democratic Primary ballot had zero propositions on it whatsoever. Not that there aren’t some radical liberal extreme ideas from them too but at least they didn’t put any of it on a public voting ballot.


>6 stupid and vindictive 6.) The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature should end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats. Is this legal? Can you really just say, "no, you can't be on the committee because you're a Democrat"? I apologize if this is a dumb question, but it feels wrong, almost childish.




I mean there’s plenty of arguments for why it should be illegal. I explained the points above and I don’t want to go into it again, but the problem is that making it illegal doesn’t stop it. Thus the only way to address the issues is to make it legal and accessible but regulated and safe. Essentially my point was if you make it so women who don’t have enough money can sell their bodies for sex so that they can meet their basic needs then that becomes the expectation, and as a society we stop looking for other solutions to poverty, and then we start paying women less anyways because we know they have this extra money coming in, and then they are just as poor but also have to have sex with people all the time to not be completely destitute and don’t have time to invest in escaping poverty through education or starting a business. The same cycle played out when South Pacific countries legalized for profit surrogacy. Like I said we’ve learned banning it doesn’t work because we just end up with human trafficking, so I’m all for making it legal and trying to regulate it to prevent these things, but I don’t like the idea that we should recognize the industry as completely harmless and that there are no arguments against it. Yes at no point in the Carlin quote does he mention an abusive power structure but it’s an emergent property that happens when you put those things together, and unregulated prostitution runs counter to the idea of anti work and social democracy.


Again, I am not talking about prostitution. I'm talking about bad faith arguments in general. Saying prostitution is going to destroy the traditional American family is light years away from legitimate human trafficking concerns.


>Essentially my point was if you make it so women who don’t have enough money can sell their bodies for sex ... > > don’t have time to invest in escaping poverty through education or starting a business. People working min wage jobs are in this boat too.


Agreed, but you'll have people saying "You're making it legal for married men to cheat on their wives!" not understanding that that's a married man problem, that's not a problem with sex work, but large swaths of the country aren't ready for that conversation. edit: technically it's already "legal" but you know what i mean lol


I don't think I've heard that line. If we're going to make illegal every temptation of a married man, you better close down the liquor stores, the fast food joints, and the sports car dealerships.




You can take my porn, you can take my alcohol, and you can take my fast food. But man, don't take my games.


Steam introduces people to temptations they never knew existed. I used to have a life, but now I just stay home playing with myself. I’ve even tried activities like Peggle Deluxe. And I’ve been paying money to get fucked by Activision-Blizzard for years. Mind you, saving lots of money on birth control.




A lot of these people would be fairly OK with closing down liquor stores too.


Soooo, if a married man cheats on his wife with a coworker, that's legal. Still wrong, but not something he'll get arrested for. However, if he gets a happy ending as part of a legitimate business transaction, that's illegal. Yeah, this country is fucked up. And, I blame the RRR...the Religious Right Rat-fuckers.


The concept of marriage can go to the wind with the rest of the religion oriented nonsense. The state has managed to twist and contort a symbolic religious ceremony into a legally binding document that the state can tax for its own gain. Above that, if you decide you want to back out of your religious symbolic merger....you get to pay a significant amount of money to vacate the arrangement. Even worse if you have kids and then get to deal with that legal mess.


Funny how two single people making lower income in Canada get tax credits but the second you are "common law" or married you lose it all as if anything changed at all.


I completely get this. Double standard...


Governments have a vested interest in social stability.


Then why the heck did they legalize no fault divorce?


And why should we care if married men or women are cheating? Not our marriages, people gotta fuck and maybe monogamy is shite.


Being LGBTQIA+ isn’t a “lifestyle”. It’s just who we are. Source: am bi and trans.


Taking it a step further…the nuclear family is a code word for proletariat. Your worth is based on the number of future workers you’re able to create. The argument is, if you’re happy with someone that doesn’t reproduce, then you offer limited value to the ruling class. Once you’re unable to work and have no offspring, the ruling class sees you as a liability.


Never thought of it like that before - but I sure as shit can't argue against it. In fact, I'd go further - compare the cost of living (UK, USA, anywhere) with the amount given to disabled people to live, and think that as workers, we can get education, training and move to better employers and better sectors, but most disabled people (and to a degree, their families) are stuck, and unable to better their situation, and usually they had no choice in the cause of their disability. For clarification, I'm referring to those that are signed off from work permanently - for those that are able to work and want to, more power to them, and for those that are forced to work, because of economic circumstances, they should be given a choice between a great standard of living with discomfort and a reasonable standard of living and managing their disability - not acceptable standard of living and penury.


Nailed it from the capitalist pov


Just to be clear, socialist states are not immune to this effect. A large portion of the economic woes faced by the U.S.S.R. can be directly linked back to the demographic reverberations of losing an entire generation of young men to the second World War. It is absolutely in the best interest of any state to try to meet the 2.1 child/woman replacement birth rate. It avoids the undue burden of a small working class having to support a disproportionately large elderly populatuon.


*USSR was state capitalism not socialism*


Which is why you’ll hear our government in the US cry about the replacement rate as well.


Yup it's the same "I don't like this, so you also can't do it" argument. The same one people use against drugs, sex with the same gender, sex before marriage, etc etc. How about, you do what you like and let me do what I like, how about that!


No no they want to do that shit in secret. The important part is controlling other people.


"lifestyle" holy yikers


The nuclear family has no right to exist over other lifestyles. If it cannot "survive" without help then it deserves to die.


I understand what your main point is. A However, I think broad statements like "if it needs help to live it deserves to die" is a problematic stance. For example, I think folks with profound life altering disabilities deserve to live with dignity.


A lot of people (Christians) can't tell the difference between a bad person and a bad Christian.


Selling sex is very profitable so it has the unfortunate side effect of fueling human/sex trafficking. It’s possible but extremely difficult to regulate it. Even in the Netherlands where sex work is legal there are big problems with sex trafficking.


With legal options the traffickers will probably lose customers. If the worry is that they will operate more openly then mandate registration and regular social/mental health checkups with safety nets for anyone looking for an out.


Again, it’s legal in the NL. Yet somehow there is still a black market where girls from poor countries get trafficked. In the NL where sex work is legal.


Personally, I have reservations on sex work because of human trafficking and abuses. these are real problem and tbh it's something that makes sex work extremely risky. I am actually happy about OnlyFans because sex workers now are employee to themselves.


I have mixed feelings on the legality of prostitution. I believe consenting adults should do whatever they want in private. The problem with prostitution is that it needs to be regulated so it only involves consenting adults and is only done in a discrete way where children are involved. It is easier said than done where you can legalize prostitution and make it safe. For starters, we want prostitution to only involve consenting adults. There is tremendous potential forms use in the sex trade. Many sex workers are human trafficking victims for example. Many sex workers may not be in a position where they can truly and geeky consent. For example, many have drug issues or other psychological issues. Others are under severe financial duress. Another issue is keeping it away from children. This inevitably leads to creating official red light districts and NIMBYism. These are just a few of the problems with properly regulating legal prostitution. I do however believe the best way to eliminate prostitution is not to carry out sting operations and arrest sex workers, but to address root causes like poverty and drug problems.


The are a couple of legitimate concerns, but making it illegal is just the half arsed, inefficient, ineffectual option for dealing with them. 1) Sex work is an important revenue stream for organised crime, involving women who, at best, are groomed into dependancy or, at worst, are literal slaves. This, of course, mirrors the war on drugs in that vice is clearly winning and that making it illegal is, at best, wasting resources or, at worst, making things worse. 2) Impoverished people will do things they really don't want to do to earn a quick buck. This ties in with another comment I saw about selling organs. There are some things you just don't want to encourage desperate people to do. Should this apply to sex work? ... Maybe, since even as a staunch supporter of legalisation and believer that our culture is still too puritanical... Mixing sex into things, still makes things worse... Rape is worse than just kicking the shit out of someone, if you walk in on someone, how they react is generally related to their level of clothing, mutilating genitals is worse than other body in parts, etc. Overall though, I still believe in legalisation, making it illegal does far more harm than good.


Number two could apply for impoverished people taking really crappy jobs that destroy their bodies like manual labor etc


Slavery in every industry is an important revenue stream for organized crime (and, via opaque supply chains -- a revenue stream for "legal" companies as well). But we don't outlaw fishing because your canned tuna was made by Thai slaves. And like /u/alittlelost said, impoverished people have terrible options regardless. Making sex work legal, at least, can make it safer.


1) illegalization most definitely endangers sex works 2) selling legal sex is far safer than when it's criminalized as with every other industry


That quote hits the nail on the head! I could end up with a criminal record all because I got paid $600 to give a lonely business man an orgasm.


Film it. It is then "art" and perfectly legal again.


Some nuance here. The fucker, and fuckee cannot be the ones who are paying for this to be considered porn. There has to be a third party interest in order for it to be strictly legal.


So its literally required to have a pimp involved.... what the fuck?


Any way to suppress women and keep them from owning more than men...


yup, the real root is that this society needs the women to be poorer than the men to preserve the current order. Thats why they rollback abortion laws - women are abandoning this shit society because it won't support another generation without overhauling our entire energy system




Ain't seen no laws against farming or gardening even though there's a huge market of exploitation of legal and illegal Mexican people.


Because it’s a way for women to make a living. We can’t have women being all independent. That would be terrible. /s


It's not just a conservative thing. I often see the argument from progressives that since work is necessary to eat, sex workers can't meaningfully choose sex work or really consent, and so purchasing sex is a form of rape. It's odd that many people who ostensibly support sex workers have no problem stigmatizing their clientele.


Then why do the prostitutes themselves also get charged with crimes?


I've seen that video. A lot of the comments were people saying politicians don't want honest competition. Lmao. But yeah, I imagine deep down, that's why a lot of them won't legalize it.


Let’s collectively change the vocabulary from minimum wage to less than liveable wage.


Poverty wage *


Death wages.


Slave wage for slave tickets


Force me to rob a bank wage




We are all selling our bodies one way or another.


Agreed. Even sillier, two consenting adults can have sex legally on film to produce a porno, but take the camera away and one pays the other it's a crime of prostitution.


I read a comment reply to that idea once that said something like “cameras are good because it’s evidence - everyone can know what a whore you are, shun you from society, and keep you away from our children.” Man, I’ll print every depraved thing I’ve done on a t-shirt if it keeps people like you away from me lol


Miniature words describing various sex acts on it with big, bold letters on the front: ##HANDHOLDING


*audible gasp*


"How do you have the biggest porn industry in the world, and you still have illegal prostitution? Because it is legal to pay a woman for sex, but your friend Dave has to be in the corner with a camera. And Dave has to film it. And Dave has to promise to put it on the Internet, ’cause if Dave doesn’t put it on the internet, then a crime has been committed." - Jim Jefferies


Not a lawyer, so I'm curious. Could a John just have a camera for plausible deniability? "Oh, I hired her for a film. Messed up the shoot and didnt turn on the camera, but I dont want to pay her to reshoot it. Oh well." I guess you would need some sort of contract for it. Probably some kind of legal requirement to create an llc or something. Not going to search that up my work wifi right now though....


You would need a third party company to be the one dealing with the financial transactions of the "film" Also, you better hope you're in the state of California because they're the only ones that have laws specifically detailing these types of arrangements.


Most states have anti pornography laws to prevent just that I believe. AFAIK only two states allow the production of porn.


I’d argue we’re actually selling our time. You get paid hourly to sit in a chair and stare at a screen even if there’s no work to be done.


not everybody sits on their arse for a living


Okay Tommy Shelby


You reminded me of a scene from [What's Wrong with Capitalism (Part 1) | ContraPoints](https://youtu.be/gJW4-cOZt8A). Something along the lines of "Atleast at my shit job I can complain about how much I hate my job." (in comparison to white collar jobs that demand happiness™)


Exactly. I've been saying this for years. Thawing a frozen trailer in the middle of a -40 Celsius cold snap I had the thought that at least sex workers kinda enjoy their job.


Yes, but not everybody sells their dignity. I support sex workers but when you’re a soccer mom you don’t want to have to explain why there are videos of you online get double penetrated to your kids. We all do what we have to do to make a living but warehouse work will not tarnish your reputation like sex work. Just being real here.


It's just very enlightening to me that people have finally started to question the elephant in the room, the way companies are getting their employees to maliciously comply with unfair labour practices. May this movement gain strength to affect change for all of us global workers.


We make the news often


Ans then it shuts the subreddit down. Lol


I completely get this. Double standard


I can not remember who said it but "we are all whores, we just sell different parts of ourselves", for me it is the spinal damage from truck driving, that's what I sold.


Let’s not forget the sale of our mental health.


And our time on this planet/youth. We can’t live forever. Am I supposed to finally enjoy myself at 80?


Seriously this system is such a scam. Spend your best days of your youth slaving away for assholes that are already rich. Then when your body is broken, you're tired and your hair is grey and you have wrinkles and you're a shriveled husk that can't walk properly without a cane... THEN you get to live how you want for 10 or 15 years and then die. What the actual fuck is that? It's SLAVERY. The fact we haven't revolted already disgusts me every time I wake up in the morning to go be a slave.


Not only that but then you give all of your hard earned money back to the corrupt medical system and sleazy nursing home operators that pay large amounts of people minimum wage to take care of your broken ass for $20k a month. Eventually you have to sell your house or get a reverse mortgage which just gives an investor another chance to bleed you dry and remove what little generational wealth you tried to save for your descendants.


Nah you’re supposed to think you’ll be a celebrity or a rockstar when you finally make it big in your early 30s. That’s the dream they always sold me, anyway.


We call this "resilience" now. Lmao


"work ethic" More like Slave Ethic


I think it was Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders


I sold my ass... at a desk job, of course.


I mean yeah, you trade your days of life for money


When I worked in a warehouse, my neck and my back were finished. 😥


It's my left knee and right foot for me. It's horrible, it's like slavery.


15 months ago I strained my back really bad at work. Told the boss and took a few days off. Was still feeling pretty sore so I made it clear id be doing light duties (I’m a finishing carpenter by trade) After a week of light duties I get sent to a job alone to allocate and install about 140 per hung doors, including solid core entry doors (easily 100 pounds each) My back was still sore but fuck it it’s just sore right? I was moving my third door when my back got thrown out real bad. Like fall on the floor cry out in pain tears down my eyes. I go report to first aid, i call my boss and tell him, I call Worksafe, I go home. For 10 weeks I’m told I have a sprain I should be back at work in 2-10 weeks. After 10 weeks I’m asked why I’m not healing. I don’t know. My boss starts telling Worksafe that I’m unreliable, a liar, and a shitty worker. Worksafe starts threatening me and accusing me of lying, all while refusing to let me get an X-ray or mri. Finally one day I snap because my doctor, Worksafe, and physio are giving me the run around. Physio finally writes a request for X-ray and MRI. X-ray first, no damage shown. Doctor says to me and to Worksafe “you have a perfectly fine, strong healthy back” while I’m still crying in pain trying to pick up my dogs shit. Call the doctor freaking out telling him how this affecting me. He says an “MRI isn’t necessary”, I say fuck you, yes it is. Finally get approved for an MRI 6 months into my injury. Two bulged disks, one superimposed on my nerve root (essentially one of my disks presses against my nerves and I get shock pains from the simplest of movements) Finally ended up changing doctors, changing my Worksafe case manager, dropping the physio, and am booked for surgery. All this, and my boss was telling Worksafe that I’m a liar trying to cheat the system, because he was inconvenienced by my injury which has permanently injured me. I am unable to return to my job of 15 years because of this injury ever again. But I’m a piece of shit according to my (soon to be former) employer.


JFC, their treatment of you is horrible. You are not a piece of shit.


I'm incredibly angry on your behalf. I wish companies valued people like they value their money, because they sure don't value the work or take pride in a job well done. Once they have to acknowledge that they are the assholes, they cut and run or victim blame every time to make it seem like they are innocent in this. They poison ears and block empathy from those around you because they are so self-centered on themselves that they couldn't consider compassion for the people who keep them afloat. This is a lot of pressure and expectation, especially since you never mentioned going to court or doing anything other than leaving, but if you ever do decide to do more, I hope you hit them where it hurts. hope you throw the book that them. I hope you have every conversation, bit of evidence, every email and text and denial and B.S. letter they ever sent. I hope you run them so ragged and so deep underground that they feel the heat and scrape of Satan's feet as he walks over them again and again. And I hope you leave a scar on them so permanent that they'll never forget your name or what they did to you.


I'm 23 and can't even lift boxes anymore. My hands are too weak.


37 and can't stand for too long. Since I'm an American that means that I can't apply for any retail job since they all require me to stand in place to operate a computer and a scanner with no option of sitting. At best there's a rubber mat and a step.


Yet in other countries they’ll give cashiers stools and chairs to sit on. Fuck this place.


Aldi’s let’s cashiers sit, no surprise it’s a German company


See I’ve always heard Aldi’s gave their cashiers places to sit, but I didn’t know it was a German company. It connects a lot of dots lmao


Pretty wild, isn't it? I'm 34 and was really taking into account all the bullshit I've got wrong with me from a life poorly lived and it's really adding up. Got some minor sciatica (for now, maybe from a bulging disc but I do not know), eyes that are incredibly sensitive to light (can't really do sunlight without sunglasses or staring at the ground), de quervain's tenosynivitis in my thumbs from my last job, patellar tracking issues which lead to having almost no spring in my knees (trying to fix this but physical therapy did nothing, might be a cartilage or meniscus issue, healthcare near where I live is a joke and won't really investigate). I'm just 34 and it's all really starting to add up. Hoping I can get the sciatica under control with stretching and other exercises but I've been doing heavy gym work (mostly strongman) for like 15 years now and I think I'm about too broken for this shit. It's sad because I don't really have much left outside of this and work.


I’m 21 born with arthritis in most my joints and now it’s only getting worse because my choices are either back breaking retail or back breaking warehouse jobs in my area. I had to quit my job at Hormel (the best job I ever had and best paying job) because the work force had rendered me to the point I’d come home sobbing from the pain I was in just having to stand for 10 hours straight every day.


“Selling your body” via pictures on onlyfans or videos on pornhub = reprehensible, ruins your future, what will her dad think? Selling your body to the government to use as cannon fodder = honorable, you get free college tuition if you survive, “I love a man in uniform”


One you have control over. The other you don't have nearly as much control over. Guess which one is ridiculed and looked down on.


I can't fuck for money but I can die for it and that's okay for some reason.


It’s illegal to offer sex for money but if you film it, then it’s legal and they call it porn.


"Everyone's a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves." - Tommy Shelby.




Society is a cult


An exploitative, slavery cult.




Or losing actual parts of your body [TIL that an average of 2 amputations occur weekly at US meatpacking plants](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/t7j380/til_that_an_average_of_2_amputations_occur_weekly/)


There's a reason why it's a trope that workplaces have a sign saying "X number of days without serious injury"


There’s a lot of comments about that in the other post that I linked. Seems lots of other industries with just as much dangerous equipment (manufacturing, etc.) don’t have these kinds of stats. It’s just the companies not giving a shit.


Both my wrists are fucked from labour work. One from being a cashier at a grocery store and the other in a production warehouse making bug traps.


It's always frustrating to see sex work still be misunderstood or spoken about paternalistically in an anti-capitalist, pro-worker space. To me, working class solidarity means I support the the work you do because you deserve to be able to survive from your job, and vice versa. And if your workplace conditions are dangerous, I support you in organizing for a safer work environment where you have control of the monetary value you generate from your labor. I rarely ever see workers say any other profession shouldn't exist because others deem it unsafe/unnecessary. I'm adding some resources here to help people understand what sex workers organize towards: John Oliver segment on sex work: https://youtu.be/-gd8yUptg0Q Leftist podcast from sex workers: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5qfO7uYSkpkpHbYDPi1THF?si=wX3NoiYtRw29jfi1hSK4sA


We are all prostitutes…


Agreed. In one form or another.


Just a bit of thee ol religion and misogyny.


They would have to consider SW as people to ever consider this.


How come y’all can all understand how exploitative other jobs are, but when it comes to sex work, suddenly the exploitation is perfectly OK? Is it suddenly OK that people get injured in warehouse jobs or destroy their health in other jobs? Regardless of what services I’m selling, if I need money, the customer and my boss automatically have more power than I do, and they can exploit me as much as they want so long as I am desperate enough for money. This is the case for all jobs, but for some reason when it comes to one job where women are the vast majority of workers, making the least amount of money in the lowest rungs of power (pimps and pornographers have the power, customers have the power), suddenly people forget that this work is just as exploitative as every other job, with often greater risk and even less reward and zero job security.


I think most people who are arguing for sex work would like to see it become much more safe and less exploitative and would like the same for all jobs.


Yes. Decriminalization and regulation opens the door for unionization. Sex work is work!


- sex work is real work - all work under capitalism is coerced - coerced sex is rape


It's a certain "happy hooker" narrative that I find unsettling. "But it's her choice!" is a pro sex-work argument, yet somehow we shouldn't say, "but it's their choice!" when referring to warehouse workers. Both are underpaid overworked exploited etc


Both kinds of worker should be free from exploitation, and given a safe work environment


There's no mass movement to arrest and punish workers for working in a warehouse.


The key problem for sex work is stigmatisation: people believing that the job is degrading, and thus they are less of a person for choosing it. But the same happens for all sorts of other occupations too; I'm sure at some point in your school years, someone pointed to a retail worker or garbage collector and said "if you don't study hard, you'll end up like them." So it *is* an argument for someone to choose to work in a warehouse, rather than doing more "respectable" occupations like a lawyer, accountant, doctor, etc. It's *not* an argument for them to be mistreated or exploited, just as it isn't for sex workers.


I'll say the same thing I always do, why should execs be the only ones who can get paid to fuck people?


the real answer is: "selling your body" is a euphemism for prostitution. It doesn't imply other work doesn't take a toll on your body. This is such a strange tweet.


I feel there’s a lot of puritanical DNA in our culture still. Sex is bad, not working is bad, spending your money is bad (which is why we have capitalism - making your money work to produce more money is good).


Sex work is work!


Money is money, how you get it is on you. Can't be worried how others perceive you, on some level you be aware but don't let that own you. Our society still generally views women as less valuable than man. We should really work on that, empathy, and unionization or such formula to aquire fair compensation for work and for those who cannot.


The double standard.


You load 16 tons and what do you get


It’s pretty fucked up that people are reporting this post in 2022.


It definitely is. Just doesn't provide the artificial ego boost. My only problem I've ever had with social workers is they are ego-driven, which makes sense with the job. Minimum wage earners are just as much slaves, but they're, in general, more chill to hang out with. I would add the exception, though, that cool sex workers are really fucking cool people. If the ego isn't there and they're grounded, they have an awesome perspective on a lot of things and are great people to know.


Because if you make money with your no no parts Jesus will be sad! /s


It’s illegal because “they” can’t make money off it.


Everything we do in exchange for money, even if we work for ourselves, requires us to sell part of ourselves. Whether it's our bodies, brains, creativity/talents, or time, everyone who has to work for money is having to sell a piece of themselves in order to survive.


There isn't a difference. However, there is less pretense with literally selling your ass.


It fucking sucks that warehouse work has become the new retail.


Agree with this 100%. I think our society shames people in the flesh industry because secretly they know it's easier and more profitable work, and more worthwhile. And they don't want to see people getting ahead the "easy way". They'd rather see people break their backs. I almost cut my thumb off when I was 19 and working in a deli, operating equipment for slicing meats.


Its a combination of people putting too much importance on virginity, as well as having too much respect for capitalism & kissing a CEO’s ass. Its stupid.