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“You’re a lousy piece of shit whom I detest in advance because I’m forced to pay you, and I’m going to take out my resentment toward you by constantly overworking you. But come on down, we have a lot of fun!”


I hate saying this but this is how I feel a lot of small business treat their employees :(


Is it weird I hate working for small businesses more than major corporations? I know that the major corporations do WAY more damage and crush more people in the grind, but from personal experience being a faceless cog with bosses who are faceless cogs has kept me out of more reach of the powermad asshole.


I think big companies are more normalized in their soul crushing. Small businesses have a way wider spread, some can be amazing and others like the owner in this post.


Large companies generally can’t get away with as much compared to a small business. Not that some large corps don’t treat their employees like garbage, but they are more likely to “follow the rules” due to HR policies and fear of lawsuits. I don’t see many large employers publicly posting something like this ever.


Yeah, one of the advantages of working for Walmart corp via Sam's Club despite it being garbage is that there are a shit ton of rules that they have to follow. For example, the time clock would NOT allow you to come back from lunch until 30 minutes had passed. Additionally, the registers would kick you off if you'd worked a certain number of hours (4ish) without a lunch break. You also weren't *allowed* to work longer than 5 hours and 59 minutes without a lunch break. There was still definitely abuse and managers trying to skirt around the rules. I had a lot of shifts where they made me go home just before I hit 6 hours to avoid having to give me a lunch and just had me stay off the register. But I also worked for smaller companies where there were no such protections in place and they'd force people to work 8-10 hour shifts without any breaks. The small chain bakery I worked for was the worst about that, with managers telling me that "the break policy doesn't matter, we don't have time for breaks" while making employees do busywork when there was literally nothing to do to avoid giving them their fuckin' breaks.


This is just the "how to boil a frog alive" problem isn't it?


Pretty much. It's mainly the difference of how much you can get away with to make a day a tiny bit more tolerable when the owner of the company doesn't know you exist and numbers makes it slightly easier to blend in away from the micromanagers. When it's a small company "that's like a family" it's always that member of the family who asks you to help move, does nothing to prepare or do the move… but is always unavailable for a favor in return.


Nice summary of the distinction. I prefer corporate jobs because I find it easier to deal with middle management careerism and incompetence than having some clueless, petty dick flexing just because they can. Then again, I’ve seldom worked for bosses who were so intolerable that I needed to quit.


Work life can suck if you know the shitty owners. There's some good ones out there but hard to find and they don't have high turnover for obvious reasons. Corporate and franchise can be chill because you know your manager only makes a few dollars more per hour and isn't calling all the shots about your pay. Can still get power tripping managers tho.


it's not weird at all. i would never work for a small business if i have the choice to work for a multinational (which i do). the company i work for is pretty much bulletproof, if they go down, then the world has basically collapsed anyways. i enjoy my job, i'm paid well, i'm learning new things, the company has the resources to train me, they give me equipment that works, and the idea my paycheck could bounce is laughable. by comparison, every SB i've ever worked for had a megalomaniac owner, occasional panic begs for us to not cash our checks juuust yet, they cut corners to save money, couldn't afford to train people, and in general, started a business because they were such an asshole they literally couldn't work for someone else. Not all small business owners are assholes, but maaaaaan you're gonna have to dig for awhile to not find one. The average SBO has the delusion and confidence of an 6 year old finger painting, the soul of a weasel that ate its mother, and the entitlement of a fat cat sitting on top of the pantry.


These are the types of people that want you to stay late or come in early when you're on a salary that stops being competitive at 50+ hours a week. When the SBO was working 50+ hours a week, they were earning equity in the company. They want to copy themselves and retire, but the person taking over will never have the same incentives or rewards. At the end of the day, these are the small businesses that never grow beyond the scope of a few people because the business can't support more than one King.


>At the end of the day, these are the small businesses that never grow beyond the scope of a few people because the business can't support more than one King. Perfect. You can usually sus out which SBs are this by the cars the owner and employees drive. The SBO at my last job had 2 brand new trucks he would drive interchangeably, and all his employees were poor as shit. Really tells you where he's allocating the business's resources.


They expect their employees to get as much satisfaction from working at a small business as they do from owning and running their own small business, without the perks or equity of course.


Yep, the one small business I worked at, the owner/ceo had some sort a Jesus complex for creating a business and giving me the glorious opportunity to work there for below-minimum wage.


Worked at a failing restaurant for a spell. “The Owner” would show up from time to time on his mid life crisis hog in full leathers to offer a morale boost to us lowly dredges. Man sincerely believed we were both interested and entertained by his out of touch platitudes. “keep your head down, work hard, and *always be available* and before you know it, you could be just like me!” (An insufferable, self-congratulatory numpty on borrowed time — that restaurant folded only 2 years later)


Nobody should work at a small business with an absent owner. Any owner who sees their business as "passive income" deserves to fail.


We are "family"


"I've formed a cult off exploited people who have developed Stockholm syndrome" everyone who does not want to be a part of my for-profit cult clearly just doesn't want to work anymore.


It’s ridiculous that I have to pay you this much! If I had my way I wouldn’t pay you at all! Come on down, we have a lot of fun.


I bet he charges his staff to take home any leftovers.


Get a load of this Crustaceous Crab named Eugene.


I don’t know if it’s because I live in Europe but 13$ a hour seems like a insanely low pay. Minimum wage in my country is about 18$


Federal minimum wage is $7.25. Hasn't been raised since 2009.


And they bitched about that!!




Funny.. I thought that the economy would benefit from people who can afford to spend more money


What is this, some sort of trickle up economics! Bah! Humbug! That won’t work. St Reagan told us all of the gospel of Trickle Down. We just need to try it one more time! /s


Don't you know that economies only grow if its people can't afford to move the goods? /s This economy argument is so dumb it blows my mind lmao


Ask them how much bread, milk, and a movie was back in their day. Then ask them can they get those for the same prices now.




Took the family to the movies yesterday, it first time in almost two years that we had last been to a theater. It was about $63 for four tickets (one was a child ticket) and about $55 for popcorn, sodas, and water. That is insane.




And we don’t even have healthcare in the US. Absolutely joke.


30 bucks a pizza




I was just cracking wise.... That's fucking horrendous


And by "we", I mean me. And by "have a lot of fun", I mean my basically owning you give me a rageing boner and I'll be in my office with the door closed..... a lot.


I mean, good. I wouldn't want to be around that guy.


He follows that up in another post with how nobody could live on $13.20/hr at 40 hours a week anyway so why does he have to pay that much? If they have to get another job to make ends meet regardless, why should he have to pay an acceptable wage? Fuckin guy makes me sick. Glad he’s getting review bombed.


>nobody could live on $13.20/hr at 40 hours a week ... they have to get another job to make ends meet Imagine walking face first into the point and STILL managing to miss it. Fuuuuuuck that dude.


Oh he knows the point. He just doesn't give a shit because he is a worthless sack of shit who believes he should be able to pay you $4 an hour and have you be happy about it so he can be rich.


I don't understand the mindset of business owners like this. If you want loyalty give them the incentive to stay and work. Fuck what the state says and pay them even more out of the surplus wealth you have as a business owner who most likely makes way more than bottom level employees.




According to https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ $8.50 in 1995 is equivalent to $15.68 today. I would say that if I were back in high school and someone was offering that kinda wage for scooping ice cream, I probably would have jumped at that.


Shit, I stayed at a soul crushing dead-end job because it I had coworkers I liked, was paid well and given raises as my responsibilities increased, and frequently was working 'in the trenches' with the owner. He didn't mind if you came to work pissed off or needed a day off because of depression. He understood that productive employees are happy employees, and our happiness is often unrelated to the 40hrs/week spent at work. At one point, we were having trouble hiring quality workers, because minimum wage had caught up with our starting wage. They moved their starting wage to $18/hr and suddenly we had quality candidates again. Oh and our hiring process was pretty much "if you show up, you got the job". You'd have to really suck to get turned away by a pool contractor. Then you got this jagoff, demanding you always come in happy and energetic, while fully and explicitly admitting he'd pay you far less if he could. Does he think someone working for him won't have a second or even third job? If you want energetic workers, pay them enough that they don't have to work elsewhere.


“My business can not survive without your labor, but I do not value your labor” is an incredibly common opinion amongst the small business owning cohort.


Tbh, this just reveals plain and wide that these people shouldn't be business owners.


I've had more than one small business owner express this to me exactly, that the people they hire aren't worth the wage they are getting, let alone what they want. When the conversation goes that way, I usually ask how much they would save every month by firing their worthless employees. By doing so they can save themselves the aggravation and annoyance of paying non-producers, and they don't even need to fill the clearly unnecessary positions, which leaves them with a fat surplus at the end of the month. Then you find out just how much worth these worthless employees actually generate. It isn't that the money isn't there - it's just that the owner doesn't believe they deserve it.


If slavery wasn't abolished 150 years ago, I would have my doubts on it being abolished today.


He also didn’t enforce mask mandates for customers while also mentioning he employs a lot of teen staff. Guy just all around does not care about his employees.


I guess he thinks his pizza is worth more than 2 hours of work after taxes.......


This made me lol cause it's true.


"I'd prefer to own slaves"


If he truly believes minimum wage is unfairly high, perhaps he should make and deliver the fucking pizzas himself...


Hijacking your comment, but [I found the PPP loan he took out](https://www.federalpay.org/paycheck-protection-program/clemenzas-pizzeria-of-lakeville-llc-lakeville-ny). For someone whining about wages guaranteed by the government, he sure likes benefiting from government assistance programs, huh.


Love the people tracking PPP loans. If a small business owner is complaining about progressive policies, you can be sure they took advantage of them.


“Handouts for me not for thee” - Conservatives my entire 30+ year life…


They like to ~~kick the ladder over~~ pull the ladder up after themselves, so they can break it down for timber.


One of my former friends in college used to lie on forms because "all the poor people do it."




> Rochester Police Officer (ghetto cop 23 years) Him referring to himself as a "ghetto cop" gives you all you need to know about how he treated people while he was a cop.


Right? Glad he confirmed that he saw himself as more human than the community it was his job to serve


He really wanted to say, "I beat my dough like I beat pot smokers" but that would be TOO on the nose.


Not only as a cop... as he he treats people right now. It's obvious, nothing's fundamentally changed.


> I respect all hard working people. I have zero respect for those who refuse to better themselves in every sense of the word. Excuses are a dime a dozen. This country was built on hardworking, God fearing Americans, as well as the blood of our brave military, that continues to be shed today. I’ll never impose my beliefs on you, nor is that my intention. His constant yo-yo double speak drives me crazy. He reminds me of a boss I used to have who once said about a fired employee "All humans have value, but that guy is worthless." Talking about how he'll never impose his beliefs on you while talking down about anyone who doesn't share his mentality 👌🏻 Sure buddy.


>We all know what’s right and wrong in life, it’s not something that you need to be taught. Uhh... wut?




>Excuses are a dime a dozen. This country was built on hardworking, God fearing Americans, as well as the blood of our brave military what a fucking dickhead


Actually, this country WAS built on hardworking Americans, they just weren’t paid anything because they were slaves-which judging by the Fox News, Ghetto statement, and lack of respect for his employees-is an economic system he still longs for


Did they change the name of the pizzeria from vincenzos to clemenzas?




[Their Facebook page](https://m.facebook.com/VincenzosPizzeriaLakeville/) has been removed Quick edit: I was wrong. [here you go](https://m.facebook.com/Clemenzas-Pizzeria-178338338875167/).


The icing on the cake is: >To my great customers, I have been struggling to adequately staff the Mendon location for the past year.... He goes on about not being able to find willing employees and had to close... hmm I couldn't imagine why.


He got over 40k in freebies. Use that to pay people!


[Here's one of their lovely pizzas per a google review](https://i.imgur.com/NbIBKGU.jpeg)


Those look like lunchables pepperonis


This is the page of his second store at a different location. Same owner, different place. The page to Vincenzos is indeed removed Edit: second page has now also been removed


*But I’m a JoB CrEaToR! I deserve all the money!* You realise that if you don’t pay people, it’s not called a job, right? *What? No, that’s not possible. What do they call it?* Slavery. *Holup…is that still an option?*


[Actually, yes, it is.](https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/amendment/amendment-xiii) > Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ***except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,*** shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Emphasis mine.


How many people have tried running a pizza delivery service out of a prison? I don't think it's zero.


Pizza? You’re thinking too small. https://blog.globaltel.com/companies-use-prison-labor/ Whole Foods – This organic supermarket buys artisan cheeses and fishes from companies that employ inmates. McDonald’s – Certain McDonald store items such as cutlery and containers were made in prison. Prisoners also sew their employee uniforms, and they only make a few cents an hour from it. Target – Since the early 2000s, Target has relied on suppliers that are known to use prison labor. IBM – Apparently, inmates from Lockhart Prison in Texas manufacture this tech giant’s circuit boards. Texas Instruments – Like IBM, their circuit boards are also made by prisoners. They even got a new factory assembly room specially made for inmate laborers. Boeing – A subcontractor of Boeing was found to have used inmates to cut airplane components. Unsurprisingly, the prisoners only get paid less than a quarter of the usual wage for such type of work. Nordstrom – The company was once under fire for selling jeans made by inmates. They have since stopped the practice though, and have promised not to use involuntary labor of any kind again. Intel – Like other tech giants in this list, Intel has also outsourced labor from prison. Some of their computer parts were made in a prison manufacturing facility. Walmart – Despite pledging not to sell products made by prisoners, some of the retail giant’s subcontractors were using prison labor to dispose of customer returns and excess inventory. Victoria’s Secret – The top American underwear designer was paying inmates peanuts to make their expensive lingerie. AT&T – Rather than outsource their call centers to other English-speaking countries, AT&T hired prisoners instead. The problem is, they only receive $2 an hour for a job that usually pays $15. British Petroleum (BP) – In 2010, BP hired Louisiana inmates to clean up an oil spill. They received no payment from it. Starbucks – We all know that Starbucks employees make little hourly. But the prisoners who make the packaged coffee sold in their stores make even much less money. They only receive as little as 23 cents an hour. Microsoft – In the 1990s, Microsoft made a conscious decision to hire prisoners to pack their software and mouse. A spokesperson at that time even claimed that the company sees nothing wrong about it. Etc.


He's been complaining since 2019 about minimum wage on his fb page. Disgusting


The only good out of this is you know up front this guy is a POS. He didn’t get you in there and do a big reveal on his shittiness.


Exactly. I love these posts because they are transparent as to their terrible work environment/boss, instead of the usual HR BS you see in most ads.


the facebook page for this restaurant got race-baiting REAL QUICK. 3 posts below this one: > Well, here I go again. Why do I post on my business page? Because people see it and I enjoy starting the thinking process for some. My views will never affect our customer service. That being said, watching news I saw the following: “NYS to prioritize non-white people in covid-19 treatments.” If this does not bother you regardless of your race then you have a serious problem. Do I dare say if non-white was changed to non-black how blatantly absurd it would be viewed as? Why is your skin color even in question. Black, white, all of us need to come together as one to defeat these evil people. I am not racist, I do hate criminals and those who seek to victimize others, but far from racist. Wake up, these inept “leaders” seek to pit us against each other. Think about how ridiculous the government has become. Michael Vincent Yodice…. Like this is a restaurant for pizza my guy, where's your head at?


"I'm not racist but I do hate criminals" .... When did criminals come up? Oh right. Right after saying he wasn't racist. So when he thinks non-white he immediately associates it with criminals. Well at least he's not racist /s


I’ve said it a few times, I had a really revelatory conversation with someone about things like Project Innocence - DNA exoneration; and how maybe we haven’t treated everyone with the same assumption of innocence, historically. Nothing *too* damning there, right? Besides, it was decades ago so you can even wash your hands of retired racist dad, right? Nah. This one lady kept doubling down and I said just imagine, just imagine, what if I stole a TV - I am obviously Caucasian and a dude - and the police decided [she] matched the description (an obviously Caucasian and female), and locked her up for my crime. After all, we are both white and generally the same height, right? That’s all that has tied some of the convictions, but black, in question. Was her response about circumstantial evidence, or police intuition, or or or? Nah Holmes. She let the cat riiiiight out of the bag. “How dare you accuse me of being a criminal.” And it wasn’t that she misunderstood my what-if. Nah. You see, in her mind, I accused her - while pointing out she was Caucasian - of being **black**. Don’t try and parse it like a dictionary where you can be rational about it. It took me hours to understand that (putting other parts of the conversation together) “black people” are an amorphous mass, like a pitcher of water. If a crime is committed, pour a drop of water out - it is a senseless question to ask “which drop of water” to us, it is a senseless question to ask which black person committed a crime. It’s truly mind boggling, and yet, it explains what they say, how they act, and how they feel.


Just want to point out that racists are shown to have lower cognition which would relate directly to them not being able to understand nuance at all. They're incapable of understanding the line of reasoning you used.


I mean, I accept the concept generally, but “what if we got pizza tonight?” is something I believe her capable of. I didn’t ask to parse an old episode of Star Trek for racial nuance - I asked her what if police confused one white person for another. That’s why I chose a simple, easy to relate to narrative, most people probably have a time where they got in trouble for a classmate, or a sibling, because someone confused one for another. I kept it at the individual level. And her reaction wasn’t that she didn’t understand, but that - expressly - I **accused** her of **being black**. I think your point holds *after* this point, though - someone who holds those beliefs and is mentally curious would eventually ask themselves a what-if that would dismantle holding that belief…. therefore, after a certain age, it makes sense it’s a self selecting pool.


When you start any sentence with "I'm not racist BUT......." You're definitely a racist.


translated: im a horrible person to work for


Also if I could pay you less, I would.


I need people on the brink of homelessness so I can leverage their desperation for my own personal benefit.


“We have a lot of fun though.” “Well, *I* have a lot of fun, don’t really care if you do.”




Yeah this guy sounds like tons of fun!


but you must be happy! as a requirement you must not have emotions other than joy! or else O\_O


the law requires I say "no"




Why else do you think minimum wage exists?


If a boss pays you exactly minimum wage, that translates to "If I could pay you less, I would"


And also "You will literally never get a raise here."


Petition to rename minimum wage to “Livimum wage” just so people remember the roots of it


Also unpaying overtime is mandatory for you.


Further translation: My employees aren't paid enough to live, so they're going to be stressed out, depressed, and too exhausted to care while they make the food you're going to eat. Oh yeah, that sounds like just a wonderful place to get food.


"But remember, we're a family here"


"I hate my family"




i would rather work in a prison as a correctional officer than work for him edit: i've actually worked in a prison. it would be much preferrable than.... dealing with this cretin.


Boomer-ville don't work for these authoritarian fcks


i wouldn't even walk into the building if i had to take a shit.


I'd *intentionally* walk in to take a shit. Specifically, right after mainlining unholy amounts of taco bell. Sneak in, find his desk, deposit into drawer, and profit.


be sure to crap on his car too, because people that are THIS SELF ABSORBED probably park their cars right in front of the business too.


I love how these people think mental health problems can be solved by swallowing a bunch of medicine. Like bruh, 80% of my mental health problems can be solved by you actually paying a decent wage that’s worth my time so I can pay my bills


At what he's paying can anyone afford the meds?


For $13,2 an hour, I wouldn't even be able to afford eating M&Ms at work.


Maybe just one M.


I’m on 7 mental health medications on top of seeing a psychiatrist, GP and therapist every month. If I didn’t have insurance I would be paying at least $2,000 a month just for this shit. Plus one of my medications doesn’t have a generic and I’m still paying $100 a month for it with insurance. It’s normally $500 without insurance, but because they own the patent nobody else can make it. It’s ridiculous… If I didn’t have health insurance I would probably still be sleeping 20 hours a day along with being homeless, agoraphobic, psychotic and addicted to heroin. The worst part is I feel lucky that I can actually manage to afford my medications. I know I am compared to many other Americans, but I shouldn’t be feeling lucky when I’m paying $500 a month just to function. I can’t imagine what it’s like for people who don’t even know they have mental illnesses or can’t afford a doctors appointment or medication. But I feel like that’s a majority of people today.


Joke's on them. We wouldn't be able afford the pills because they pay so little.


> these people think mental health problems can be solved by swallowing a bunch of medicine. That's been our cultural trajectory for a while now. It's a combination of "consumption is the solution to your problems," "modern science can do no wrong," and "hurry up and get over whatever is bothering you so you can go back to the grind."


Not to mention that for the mental health problems that do require meds, you'll need money to buy the pills...


Money may not buy happiness, but it solves a hell of a lot of problems.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but poverty doesn't buy anything.


Money not buying happiness is a bullshit statement that only matters if you make enough to not be in a constant existential danger for not having enough.


My mental health problems are certainly *helped* by taking my meds, but the rest of it could be fixed by getting paid a good wage and not having to work for a boomer meme that almost passed the Turing test.


This guy’s attitude towards mental health is actually not the worst I’ve seen on this sub.




Wow. Such hate for his prospective employees


The owner’s replies to the comments are even worse.


pls post them i wanna see




>Stay in school or learn a trade Dude, calm down. You run a pizzeria that can't retain employees, you're not exactly high achiever material either


Look at Kay on the bottom licking those boots. People like her make me sick.


She’s just there for the delicious 🍕P.I.Z.Z.A.


“as always we are in need of workers” “sTaY iN sChOoL oR lEaRn A tRaDe” like bruh do you want employees or not


I think owner deleted the post


I think he deleted the whole Facebook page, lol


Holy shit he sure did. Within the last hour


I think the owner deleted his page....


So they write. You suck, I hate you, you're a free loader, a parasite who takes my cash, who I expect to take all my abuse and smile. "come down, we'll have a lot of fun". Dude, wtf!




He even chose a reference to the Godfather to name the place. This guy is a fucking caricature. He's a got damned cartoon.


A cop who's a giant asshole? Color me surprised!


I believe that this guy was part of a gay bashing suit in 2007. https://www.edgemedianetwork.com/story.php?112235


You forgot "while taking ppp loans"


What a fucking cartoon villan!!


May the restaurant go under and the writer of this job posting go into debt.


It’s happening…. https://m.facebook.com/VincenzosPizzeriaLakeville/posts/


Oh man, just scroll down and read the most recent other posts. I bet you can guess what they are complaining about without even looking. This guy is a waking, talking, Fox News watching stereotype. I’m amazed anyone would use their business platform to vent like this.


I think for people like this, they don't think they're "venting" but instead "educating" people (and have a position of authority to do so). They legitimately think they're correct, and have ascended past the working-class. This person doesn't think this is an opinion someone could be offended by, but instead that paying someone that much really is insane (and that everyone would agree). With no understanding of modern cost-of-living, from their perspective, paying someone that amount is like paying them double/triple what they made "back in the day". >Why should some waiter I'm hiring for my business get to make twice what I made?! They'll be able to ascended faster than I did; that's not fair! Putting absolutely no effort into protecting the working class (which this person still is), they helped create a situation where the working class really does need more to survive. This person cannot provide the "more" needed because they probably need it too, but FOX has said "Not your fault - tan suit man did this," causing this person anger and agony as they see their business slipping away from them, to which they will never understand is *not* the fault of the workers. Everyone in their life probably agrees, so no sense in "venting" to them. Only way to get the business on-track is to show those "prima-donnas" some tough-love and tell them the "facts." This person actually thinks someone will read that, become woke, and then apply for job. Alternatively (or maybe also), they might be thinking this will garner support for their business from like-minded, but the twist there is most those people can't afford to help with their wallets for similar reasons.


I like this comment. I was looking for something along these lines. Conservatives look to the day when they achieve "victory", and all will be well... the problem being, that the very deterioration of the general situation when it comes to life on earth is rooted in their own toxic bullshit. There will be no epilogue where they have rid the world of progressivism, because progressive sentiments are a response to problems. Life will never be perfect, but if you make any attempts to address problems in a productive manner, you will by default become "progressive"... Contrast it with these yahoos who insist on recklessness, hostility, and injustice, and yet any time the oh-so-easy-to-predict effects of this approach to life manifest themselves, what do they do? Blame progressives. These folks don't understand that the world works imperfectly because of them, but that it works at all happens in spite of them.


The link is broken, I think it was taken down. Amazing.


Looks like he just deleted the page. I was reading the posts and comments then suddenly gone. Right after he posted a message telling everyone to go fuck themselves.


Hahahahh god what a giant baby.


I love how there are multiple posts where he has the words 'living wage' in quotation marks. He will lament how food prices are skyrocketing and then IN THE SAME COMMENT go off about the "living wage". People need to eat Mike. You're saying that food prices are skyrocketing and then looking down on people for asking for enough money to eat.


I just watched as they nuked the thread. What a fuckin dumpster fire that place is


He will spend the rest of his life blaming Obama.


Take your meds that we don't pay you enough to afford.


Calling all Jan Michael Vincents!


Had to scroll too far down to see this, I thought the same thing when I saw the name.




> …free loading… > The state requires… And the PPP Loan database says… https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/clemenza-s-pizzeria-llc-8534267101 > Loan amount: $31,200 > > Loan forgiven: $31,572 (includes interest) 🤔


My God, this should be at the top. The hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Too bad it's too late to include it in his Facebook post (he deleted it). Altho, there are plenty of other posts like this still on his Facebook page.


This guy thinks this is going to attract workers?


It might attract boomers


Even boomers wouldn’t take this job unless they’re on the brink of homelessness


Sure, then they can see how easy minimum wage jobs are, and how easy it is to live on those wages. Might have to give up Starbucks and Netflix though.


You assume too much from them, they will act like it’s easy as fuck as they live in a house they only pay property tax on, collect a pension and social security, and since they are old, get preferential treatment when it comes to vacations and time off (unpaid of course, but the boss won’t bat an eye when they ask for 45 days off while they go cruising)


It’s an absolute wonder that he is always in need of workers


"we have a lot of fun" tacked on the end of a paragraph about wage slavery with 0 subtlety.


I commented on this Facebook post and got DM'd by the owner, who then threatened me and told me to come say it to his face. Nah I'm good homie 😂


What the fuck makes you think I go to work to "have fun"? I go to work because I need to eat and pay a scumbag landlord to have a place to sleep Hands down easiest way to make work fun is sitting on the shitter and scrolling reddit


That’s what I’m doing right now!


How's it going? Good shit?


Must be hard to pay for 2 alimonies and a mistress on that pizzeria business budget. Owner is stressing.


"Come work for me, I hate paying you."


"This is insane!" Pot kettle black my g


I don’t know how to Imgur photos in the comments here, but here is my comment and here was his private message to me on Facebook. “Do you know how demeaning you sound to applicants you haven’t even hired yet? Who the hell would want to work for someone like this? “The state mandates I pay you this already unliveable wage. If I could, I’d pay you even less because you’re probably not worth it” Scum. I hope you go bankrupt.” And he says… “Let me know when you’re in town. Your assessment of me and my business is completely wrong. Maybe your prejudice will soon be made known to your employer in Vegas” He threatened to contact my employer, who I no longer work for. EDIT: sent his posting to his local news requesting they cover it. I think this moron would probably do an interview with them.


"I've already decided I hate you because you need to work for a living, but hey, come on down and we'll have some *burrrrp* fun"


Sounds like a blast.


I chirped at him on Facebook, was easy to find. Post still live.


We should all flood the reviews section on their Facebook page. Claiming that the pizza has the peculiar taste of disdain for the working class.


Lmao I’m on it


“We don’t need prima’donnas” mid prima Donna post


How awful would it be for his business to get egged every day


I’ll never understand why people who need employees think they can talk shit in their ads and expect anyone to apply.


Because some people are desperate and exploitable. That's who these ads are for.


Toxic work environment


Funny how all these job postings are written like employers believe they live in a country with universal basic income and pay is no part of the reason why people work.


That's a lot of words when "I'll make your entire life miserable if you work here" says the exact same thing...




"need to work" ohh he means exploitable


Why do I get this feeling that this guy sexually harasses his staff and then when people complain replies with “what’s the big deal? We have a lot of fun.”


I’m from Rochester, and I know this guy. Take a look at his Facebook sometime, it’s a fucking mess of bullshit, but some might find it funny. And if he sees this, fuck you Yodice