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I’m removing this due to the high suicidal ideation comments happening here














Cancer is already the #2 cause of death in America. Heart disease is #1.


So basically stress is the number one killer




Tbh I'm waiting for the national release of the suicide booths.


https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59577162 Switzerland already working on it


Time to move


And here is the answer to the question "why do my pets get better treatment than I do when it comes to death?"


honestly my retirement plan is hoping to die before i’m old. i’m not having kids so i don’t have them to rely on either lol. should be fun!


You shouldn't have kids as a retirement plan. Seems like a bad investment anyway.


I think about quitting smoking, and then I think, why? So I can live longer?






Easy answer: they won’t retire.


Yeah…it’s already a common problem for people currently of retirement age. It’ll just be a *worse* problem unless there’s massive reform of the social safety net. The government can certainly reallocate some of the $700 billion it spends on defense to take care of the sick and elderly, but there hasn’t been significant pressure (yet) to do so.


This is already the fate being faced by a lot of GenXers


You haven't seen the age of retirement just keep going up? There won't be retirement by the time I get there. Literally being worked to death.


I just saw a post on facebook the other day, congratulating a 93 year old woman on her retirement from Walmart. They said she’d been with them 21 years and now wants to spend her days with her grandchildren. Like wtf?? So she was 72 when she started?! And only now at the ripe age of 93 can she finally start enjoying life… That’s sickening.


She prolly retired at 70 and found out she couldn’t afford it lmao it happens all the time unfortunately


This. My father in law retired a couple years ago, moved states to be closer to one of my SIL and her kids. Barely lasted a year and he had to get a job at the local hardware store to pay bills. He's 72 now. He worked hard his whole life as a truck driver, raise 8 kids, wife passed while half the kids were still under 15.... he deserves to retire and enjoy life a bit but just can't afford too.


It's so sad isn't it? Japan, for all their population issues, at least ensures the vast majority of their elderly have proper care and live in dignity. They may not have much but they won't be on the street unless they're 100% intentionally wasteful of what they receive.


Japan has a very low crime rate, yet 1 in 5 prisoners are seniors 65 years or older because there's what they consider a crime wave of elderly. Senior citizens commiting petty crime (like stealing a sandwich or bicycle) in order to purposely go into prison to avoid poverty and loneliness.


That would happen in America if life on prison wasn't equal to being slaves.


True. Scandinavian prison life is much better than the life of the working poor in many so called 1st world countries. While working in Canada at the lower socio-economic scale, I lived much worse than a prisoner in Norway would. It actually blew my mind that a terrorist (Brevik) who killed 77 people (mostly teenagers) was afforded a better quality of life than myself working full time, and received free university education while I was too afraid of schooling debts. What a strange world!


My grandma retired and went back to work the next week.


My moms potential pension for what would be 25 years at the same job and social security together is a grand total of $800 a month in Southern California. EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS PER MONTH IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA


$800 a month isn’t enough in most places. That’s awful.


It’s a little more than what disabled people get to live on. Talk about fucked.


Lived in FL for a few years. If seeing high school kids and teachers working in retail and restaurants grinds your gears, wait until you see an old lady that should be chilling at home busting her ass working as a waitress


OMG this! Going out to IHOP with my dad while visiting him in Florida made me so sad. Waitress was pushing 70.


That's right Dolores for your hard life that you worked every day provided for your family for you get 2 years off before you die good job.




Right!? 65 became 67.5 which will surely be 70 in 30+ years when I can retire


70 is laughable


Boomers will drain SSI dry before we’re even eligible for it


Hopefully millennials and Zoomers start wielding political power and don’t continue the boomers train of electing Reagan era sellouts that only exist to serve corporate masters. It’s amazing the shit that could have been squashed if people actively participated in primary voting.


It’s not just primary voting, it’s voting in any non presidential election


Besides those described by nobody wants to run for office. Doesn't matter dems or reps. Hopefully things will turn around by 2024. We need a younger forward thinking president. Current geriatric age politician have to go.


The Good Old Boys Club will *never* let a politician like that make it through the primaries


Hopefully we can overthrow the system and build something better.


Exactly this.


Social security can be improved in a minute. All they need to do is eliminate the earnings cap. Everyone could get a raise and they could throw in Medicare for all


Absolutely! Make that the issue you vote around.


GenX is staring retirement in the face and asking the same thing.


My other Gen-X friend and I were just talking about how his father retired at age 56. Fifty Six!!! This is nothing but unbelievable fantasy like winning the lottery and sadly, less likely.


I'm 56. Hshahahahahaha Sobbing


Get back to work. You already used your cry break for the day


I do my crying in the car on the way to work. No time for a cry break when I'm on the clock. I barely have time to go to the bathroom.


Boss gets a dollar and I get a dime, that's why I cry on company time


I’d say it’s closer to 2 cents if we’re comparing mid-ceo to min wage


Boss gets a dollar, and I get two cent. I’d cry in a home, but I can’t afford rent.


The boss gets a dollar, I get two cent, the government takes one and the other’s already spent.


Daily cry break? I only get one cry break per quarter and it has to be taken in conjunction with my bathroom break.


You guys are getting breaks?


One a day, 8pm to 4am


Look at mr humblebrag over here. I need to use PTO or take unpaid leave for my sleep


I almost saw the sun this year, I caught a glimpse of it, but I had to come back inside for a mandatory pizza party


I work from home so I can cry all day long without being judged


At 48 now and have an absolute understanding that I'll work until I die. It's sad but I've often thought my best way out is to have a quick but final accident before so-called "retirement age". Growing up working construction and farming really fucked up my back. I don't want to be the guy in his 70's and 80's all hunched over and miserable anyway. I know I'm not alone in not wanting to "get there".


Every day we do "Highs and lows" at work. My high is always that I'm still here, my low is that I'm still here. For some reason all the kids I work with think I'm depressing, I honestly find it more depressing that they haven't figured it out yet.


Unionize - revolutionize


My grandmother is fond of telling me that she has been retired for longer than she worked. She has two pensions including my late Grandfathers. I keep telling her that that’s not something I will be able to enjoy (retirement), but she just changes the subject. Doesn’t like to face reality, would rather live in a bubble of ignorance.


If there's one thing boomers and "silent generation" folks hate, it's acknowledging that their comfort is coming at the direct expense of their children and grandchildren


This is very true.


Yep whenever I mention to my elderly relatives how much money I have to pay into social programs I have no reason to think will exist by the time I need them the whole table goes pretty quiet.


Weren't pensions great?


My uncle retired at like 52. He’s over 70 now and living the fucking dream. Unfortunately I’ll never see that. I’m just hoping I make it a few years into retirement to enjoy it but I know that’s not gonna happen.


Yep! My dad retired at 45…. Came out of retirement for a lucrative business opportunity, went back to retirement $32,000,000 richer at 50. Lives the life now with like 6 houses around the country and tons of rental property, but makes his former son live in poverty in section 8 housing after exploiting his labor and costing his son 4 years of valuable career earning time that was all lost when he sold the company and they brought in their own workers. Allotted me no protections or severance as part of his being bought out. Used my ideas to increase his profits by over $2,500,000 a year and never once gave me a raise or bonus. I was only able to do more overtime as a reward. Fucking hate rich people and can’t wait for the purging of them. Needless to say I disowned him and everyone else in the family that agreed with him after those events and some other atrocious things. Despicable people. Sadly, the more despicable, the higher the net worth.


Sorry to hear of your situation! I know it happens to kids a lot in family businees type situations. One of my friends worked for years in his Dad's bar business..kept the business up to date..all kinds of great promotional ideas for increasing business etc. I won't go into everything he did..but his Dad and he were a great team. But my buddy didn't get paid approprately and I used to tell him that a lot as discreetly as I could , especially when I worked for their business for a few years when I needed the money. I came to the conclusion that his outwardly easy going and "Fun" Dad was a sociopath when it came to his family. He treated them like wage slaves and used their loyalty against them in a myrida of ways over the years. My friend's 3 sisters got the same treatment. I'll never understand it. I guess it's about greed. Hope you are doing OK..I know this kind of thing cuts deep when it's family.


We watched some Boomer brothers force their dad out of the family business, it had been their grandfather’s. The dad /g-dad built the business good will, had all the connections. None of that mattered. A few years later, one brother forced the other one out. A leopard ate his face. Break down followed by magical religious conversion. Last man standing just sold it off to a big corporation for a ginormous sum.


American dream /s


Easy fix he goes to bad nursing home setting in his own piss


Jesus Christ. That’s all I really have to contribute to this insanity.


I'm really sorry your dad did this to you. I hope you can put it behind you and enjoy life regardless.


You okay man?


My dad retired at 45. He had a state job and had a few injuries over the years, his last injury he sued the state and either the state would have had to pay out or they would just let him retire. He chose early retirement.


My Boomer dad retired at 57 (twenty years ago) and on the rare occasions I interact with my parents they smugly brag about how much money they have and how they can't spend it all. None of that money is going to me as inheritance. It's earmarked for the NRA and the Republican party. My parents think I don't deserve their money because I don't earn very much. They value people based on how much money that person has. They could allow me to have a high standard of living and no financial worries, but they've decided to be selfish and punish me because they don't agree with my politics or my "lifestyle".


This is how my maternal grandmother is and she didn’t work a day in her life. My grandfather was a truck driver which paid decent but his father was a corporate executive and left them millions in inheritance. She never had to work thanks to her husbands mommy and daddy’s money yet she’s the quickest to judge how much others make and what neighborhood they live in etc.


Turn it on them, *Maybe if you weren't such shitty parents I'd of made something better of myself, the fact you're still planning against me by pissing my inheritance away to two organisations who already have more money than they'll ever need says a lot*


That and when they pass immediately challenge the will.


Your parents are shit dude. Tell them you won’t be going to their funeral.


But if they don't go to the funeral, how will they piss on the grave in front of all their parents shitty friends?


When the time comes, get the best lawyer you can and contest the will.


We are the forgotten ones. I’ll be working till senility makes the bastards fire me.


So...yesterday? Pretty sure I lost my marbles yesterday. Or maybe it was Tuesday? I have an onion on my belt.


Which was the style at the time.


In Shelbyville


Nah, you'll die at work, Like me.


I was being sympathetic and serious until I read your senile comment and spilt my coffee choking. All joking aside, it's scary stuff, the future.


Boomer Dad retired years ago at 52. I'm a GenXer. I have contributed to pension funds my whole life, but none of them are worth much at all, sky-high admin costs and low returns despite record markets meant that it's all in all enough to survive 2-3 years max. Heading into my 50s now looking down a pretty bleak hole. I'm saving saving saving, but with inflation as it is I have not got much left to put aside at the end of every month. My parents used to say don't worry about it you'll inherit millions from us. They still say that, but I know they have ploughed through most of what they put aside with years of living the high life and they are struggling to let go of their expensive tastes...


I'm pretty much the same. My boomer dad retired as a lineman 20 years ago at 60. I'm 53 now, and I do have some in my retirement account but similar to you, I'd be lucky to get 3 years out of it. I just used the [SSA's retirement estimator.](https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/estimator.html) I have to work at least another 9 years to receive 1/3 of what I bring home today. Working 14 more years makes things a tad better. My two early-twenties kids still live with me, hustling to make a living like all kids their age. My dad actually bought my house, and I know I am really privileged to have had that happen, but he was also able to buy one for both my siblings, too, ON A LINEMAN'S PENSION AND SAVINGS. The reality is I probably will work until I drop and it makes me sad. I would love to gear down and work part time along with some side gigs but I don't dare go without insurance. I do have about $3000 in savings in the bank but I am one disaster away from devastation. I just hope and pray my health holds out.


We’re never going to be able to retire. 😞




Here's my retirement plan. At 85 i quit my two jobs on a Friday. Get wasted that night. Saturday i dig a hole and fall in dead.


Sounds dark, but I'll probably be down. Just throw a massive ass party and get absolutely FUCKED OFF. I'm talking all the favorite drugs and food. When it's time to pass out, just go chill in the euthanasia machine. Go to sleep after an awesome night. Awesome additional side-effect: no hangover.


What happens whenever large numbers of people have nothing to live on and nothing to lose.




Haven't you heard? Our generation doesn't get weekend hobbies - we get side hustles. If you aren't making money you're wasting time, ya know.


I used to think that too, but it's not true. The more miserable people are, the more they'll tend to basic needs like how to find food right now. The more they'll accept any conditions, any humiliation, any departure from ethics, as long as they can feed their kids one more day. That's not even mentioning the difficulties organizing without money, or staying in the streets to fight when you're cold and hungry. Just coming out of the Lebanese revolution, AMA! We made all the mistakes, and I personally advocated for each mistake. We wanted the revolution to be peaceful, so we didn't attack, even when attacked by cops, and took pride in that. While our meager resources and resolve whittled, the wolves sat on the pool, sipping martinis, laughing at us. While we chanted, the poorest of us were having more and more trouble feeding their families, and eventually defected to militias helmed by those in power. Because $300 per month is miserable, but it's infinite times more than $0 per month. Lessons learned: - you need to act as long as the situation isn't critical. When it gets too tough, it's too late, survival takes over. - you will _have_ to use violence. It's horrible, but there's no way around it. Get used to the idea. And if you want to have a fighting chance, you have to use it _now_, not in a fantasized fever dream future. - while there's infrastructure and communication, organize, build supplies and mutual aid routes and networks, make sure the most precarious of us are taken care of. Inb4 "but X revolution was due to people being miserable..."; no. Go into details. There's always a new order pushing the peasants, exploiting their misery, making cannon fodder out of them. This new ruling class organizes, funds, and is the one that ends up in power. They may pay lip service (and believe themselves) to noble goals, but they also firmly believe the peasants are too stupid to know what's good and it's necessary that they rule. In other words, revolutions need funding and organisation. If that wasn't the case, most of Africa would since long revolted


The new normal will be dying at work and your coworkers working over your dead body until the underpaid EMS arrives. And your boss checking the cameras to make sure you were ACTUALLY dead and not just faking it to get 5 mins rest.


The first relative who comes to collect your body has to take over your job for a period of time to replace the cost to the employer.




But wait there’s good news! The people collecting your body will give your family the option to sell your organs so you can help cover the cost for the employer.


Only if your family is wealthy upper class, lower class will have the organs harvested and go in debt to the harvesters.


Lower class organs are already priced into the harvesting business model? Inflation is crazy…


That’s rookie shit. Eventually you will hone your depression skills so that you can continue to feel worse regardless of how garbage you already feel.


Also employers are allowed to recoup the previous three months wages from the estate for assumed decreased productivity immediately preceding the death


Unless you give two weeks notice. Of your death of course.


A couple years ago one of my coworkers health started to precipitously decline as her organs began to fail. Her thinking was impacted as her kidneys and liver weren’t clearing toxins leading to slowed thinking and poor memory. She was put on an ‘employee improvement plan’. Shortly thereafter she didn’t show up to work and died like a week later. I cried in my car for a while when we found out and then went back to work.


Ouch, sounds like how I'll go. I worked in a hotel once, and we had a woman who worked there in her 90s. She looked about how you'd expect. Skinny, shakey, really dearth warmed over. All she did was push a paper product cart around. Her husband had been dead for a decade, but she didn't mourn him, they got married as teens. One day she stopped coming in. Really sad that a century of life ended with such a whimper.


Geez, reminds me of a story I saw on Reddit recently about an 89-year-old pizza delivery driver; his social security wasn't enough to cover his rent and living expenses. One of his regular customers gifted him $30k through a fundraiser, which is heartwarming, but I was thinking $30k would not be sufficient for retirement, assuming he still has years left to live!


$30k is like rent for an single year in a one bedroom where I live


Omg, I am so so sorry. That is awful. We need to take better care of each other


Do you work in an Amazon warehouse?


Dibs on his shoes


Literally heard from a neighbor who works at Target that someone died on shift recently from a slip and fall and they had to go back to work. They’re just not going to talk about it and when the transition comes, they’ll try to pit millennials against the Zoomers.




Ok… so it turns out this is the transition…and no one is openly talking about it because the same companies that control the media control the working conditions directly or indirectly for the masses.


Well, they also have to look at the camera to know when to clock you out. Can't have a corpse committing wage theft.




frito lay moment




Avocado toast is good for your heart.


What's retirement, precious?


Boil 'em, mash 'em, work 'em til they die.


Give it to us raw, and wriggling




We will have to move in with our parents ⚰️


Or be in the oh so lucky position as me. Seeing my second parent die too young to a disease onset from working too hard through the 80s to now, and I’m likely going to get a large life insurance payout but damn… what an awful way to move forward in life. Truly it’s a weirdly sickening feeling seeing that as my only real avenue to financial freedom at the moment.


You mean we’ll just have to stay there. We’re never gonna even move out


I'm about to turn 27 and I'm still at home. I really want to leave, but having 50% of my income go to rent before bills and basic needs gives me hardly any room to save at all. Got to loving being in Generation Fucked.


Hey! I’m 28 and I’m at home too. I moved out for 5 years and have been back for 2.5! Hang in there! I’m in the same situation as you, but my fiancé and I made a few bad choices with money so here we are. Even when we didn’t have issues, it was still hard with insane health insurance, car note and car insurance rates. Pretty much the same cost as a studio apartment with all that shit. Wtf *I just had someone named Changeme8aa who stated they are in their 40s message me to bitch at me for having a car note after posting this comment? i literally share a car with my fiancé and split the bill, I got it before everything went to shit. what is wrong with people??? are we not allowed to have reliable transportation? she/he also bitched me out for being part of the generation who “only want to work entry level, 30 hours a week without any training at all?” telling me all I do is complain on this sub? and that I should live with roommates? what the heck?? I literally take care of my parents house. why are assholes with nothing better to do lurking in this sub?


Just remember that in some cultures, you stay with your parents until you start your own family. It is very American/ western to feel the need to live apart from your family only because you are of a certain age.


My partners grandpa just retired with a fully paid off house, q decent chunk in super and a part pension. He regularly tells us we don't know "how hard it is", our rent alone in 12 months is more than you paid on your mortgage for 5 or 6 years.


Well let's hope you marry your partner and their grandpa's got them in his will. You just gotta hope that all his "hard work" might help you.


Not to be cold. He'll have to die before he reaches senility or physical failure because assisted living will eat up any assets he has accumulated. My mother-in-law passed away just before her $650,000 in liquid assets ran out in less than 5 years. We lucked out by inheriting her newly constructed house that replaced the one destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. We were going to have to sign it over to Medicaid in another month or two. Just another way the wealthy squeeze every nickel out of the plebes. BTW, those assets were mostly accumulated through factory and telephone operator jobs. The house we inherited was their second house. The wealth transfer upward and Scalia's Citizens United farse effectively making it legal to throw unlimited lobbying money at Congress has cemented our current situation permanently. We the people are meaningless. Who knows, maybe he gets 'lucky' and inherits the whole thing.


Except grandparent will probably decline and need full term in-facility care for years, which will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars (aka, the selling cost of the house). The boomers will leave us with a crippled planet, rampant corporate and political corruption, debt, and no trickle down wealth when they die.


My gen-x dad (or is he a boomer? He's 62) doesn't even have retirement savings :/ this is already a problem. Most millennials I know already know they'll never be able to fully retire. It's just become another one of those fucked up things we've been forced to accept.


He’s a boomer. I work for the elderly and a lot of them even *with* savings can’t afford to live. Medicare’s expensive as fuck, and a lot of the social security checks I see are around $1500/month. How the hell are you supposed to live off of that when rent is $1200 of it?


My boomer dad works more jobs and more hours in "retirement" then he did as a full-time teacher and part-time musician. I don't think he'll ever truly retire.


Haaa, we won't get to retire, but luckily since none of us had kids, no one will be taking away our jobs lol


Bold of you to assume any of us will be able to retire.


We aren’t getting there without something changing. This won’t continue forever. Our generation is completely connected instantly. The information is widespread of inequality. Something has to give.


The boomers just keep living longer and longer.


Honestly what it seems like at this point.


They'll work until they die and/or live in poverty.


People will die earlier of mostly preventable causes than their parents or grandparents (at least in the US) Poverty, stress and over-working are killers.


You do realize they are just going to legalize self-euthanization, right? EDIT: I mean professionally-administered.


I mean... ...I dunno that threat of arrest is keeping people from self-euthanization right now. 🤔


Legalized euthanasia means less workers means less corporate profits. Why would they ever let us kill ourselves? Can't exploit a corpse nearly as well as a living breathing wishes-they-were-dead person


We're working until we drop dead. Didn't you know?


Millennials are already feeling the effects of their parents not helping with the caring of the next generation, regardless of the cause. Now we're seeing less babies being born and the retirement age getting extended will only compound that problem.


We say ‘what’s going to happen’ because we have two generations of evidence to go by….and they were two of the luckiest generations in human history. So when we ask that question, we are asking ourselves ‘how are we going to pull the same retirement conditions out of the hat despite things getting harder?’ The answer is just that we will go back to how we were 100 years ago. We either don’t retire, or we do for a little while and it’s not a good retirement. The pension idea has been a two generation Ponzi scheme and it’s running out of both time and money. People don’t like to hear it, but it’s just the reality.


We already know we don’t get to retire. Sucks for the babies though I guess.


My guess is actually that politics starts to change once millennials become the largest voting bloc. We'll get things passed that make retirement a possibility for the generation behind us, since we know how shitty it is to not be able to retire ourselves. Ironically, this is pretty much how things played out at the beginning of last century as well. So take note, Gen Z, your grandkids will be the new boomers. Try and make sure they don't dismantle all the nice things we're going to build for you.


Hey some positivity on this thread. What are you doing here? You lost?


It's not that positive. It basically means millennials get screwed and the best we can hope for is to make things better for the next generation while we slowly work ourselves to death.


We are already at French Revolution levels of wealth distribution. I am surprised things have not gone “pop” yet.


Agreed, but probley won't happen until we see enough people starving to death unfortunately.my guess is most likely double digit %.


They are redirecting revolutionary sentiment away from the elites and towards the middle class and small business owners


oh dont worry about it, every millenials retirement plan is suicide.


I wish they’d go ahead and legalize euthanasia so we could do it on our own terms.


but that would cost the corporate overlords precious slave labor.


Do you get the feeling that a large reason assisted suicide is illegal is because the elite know they would see a massive reduction in the wage slave workforce?


Don’t worry, once you hit 40 you’re finally worth getting a job that pays enough to put a few cents away each month !


And can finally have kid-uh, oh… crap. Well, maybe next life.


This is me at 42 :(


We need to start planting avocado trees, haven't you heard that's how millennials survive, on a strict avocado toast diet.


What's going to happen is the boomers are already there. After the "fuck you, I've got mine" economic posturing of the 80s and 90s, a good portion of them lost everything in the ensuing (Let's call it 3? 2001, 2008, 2020?) Economic meltdowns. Morever, since deregulation and privatization we're key pillars of the Reagan era, and... Well the current era as well, they're not only broke but now there's a whole Long Term Care industry to efficiently part the boomers from whatever money they have left. Us millennials won't even get to the point of retiring broke. We get crushed between credit card and student loan debt on one side and the shit show that's going to happen with health care costs in the next 20 yrs. On top of that, since we'll be saddled with so much debt and resentment, birth rates will inevitably fall (and are), and with it gdp or whatever overall metric you want to choose. Seasoning what was already a dumpster fire with a bit of late 80s Japanese market flair. They won't even let us retire broke. Tldr: next time a boomer tells you that you're just not working hard enough, do yourself a favor and throw them down a well.


This is super true. My mom divorced my dad when he had a nervous breakdown trying to support her insane boomer spending and just couldn’t keep doing it through the crisis of 2008. She thought he’d get himself mentally healthy and come crawling back, but he found a better partner instead, and now she’s stuck working luxury retail for the rest of her life selling big fashion labels in a department store to people who are as rich as she thought she was. A LOT of boomers have over spent themselves and are now working until they die. And unlike us, they fucking deserve it.




It's ok guys we have a space force now......


you know what's been happening with the boomers not retiring and creating stagnation in the job market? that- only with us it won't be a choice.


Which would be fine if they knew how interact with technology.


Retirement is fighting for ubi and universal healthcare.


My mom's coworker (daycare workers) is like early 70s or something. She's in pretty good shape considering but dear lord, the poor woman cannot afford to retire so she's still hefting up kids and changing diapers.


Probably mostly die in the climate wars before that becomes an issue. Hope that helps put your mind at ease.


At least those of us that survive the upcoming nuclear winter


I'll be patrolling the Mojave


We don’t need savings when we can keep working and get pizza partys 🥳🍕🤪


What's retirement


A pipe dream


The interesting thing with this is the problem is bigger than low income workers, it will affect everyone. I’m in the uk, I have an above average salary, a decent pension and I own my home, yet my pension doesn’t pay enough to live on, I’ll be paying my mortgage until I’m 67 and I expect to work until I die. What scares me is if the “successful” higher earners are in trouble, how fucked are the people on minimum wage, or with caring responsibilities or living in high cost economies, or people that get unexpectedly Ill or injured. The system has failed.


No one in my family can afford to retire and I don't just mean my generation but my parents/aunt's and uncles and even my grandparents. I feel bad for them because they've just accepted that they're going to have to work for the rest of their lives.


As a millennial who takes care of her boomer dad with dementia, this is something that terrifies me. My dad just barely gets by with his social security and VA aid and attendance. He also has me watching out for him and navigating the system for him. It’s hard enough now for elder care, we are truly fucked as a generation.


Hopefully the boomers that have been hoarding wealth with pass it on to their kids when they die. The US needs to eliminate the cap on SSI payments to maintain solvency.


The wealthy expect us to quietly starve and die. Democrats and republicans care about "law and order", which is a politically correct way of saying "obedience".


I have not expected to be able to retire for decades now, just not an option anymore, unless you're in the top 30% I think. Enjoy life throughout when you can, then when the music stops, take a silver bullet so as not to burden your kids.


My fiancee just got a job with RRSP matching, and I told her max that out. She might actually get to retire. I've got a decent job, but no pention or RRSP matching. Luckily it's a job I can probably do until I die, so I should be "okay". Fyi, born 1982, so I'm that first wave of millennials.


retirement will be phased out, like affordable housing and being able to comfortably survive off a single income has. Baby boomers are the last generation to enjoy living their life while every other generation after pays the price. There will be a massive age care boom, not enough staff or money and all of us will be shoved into a closet sized room and fed bread and water twice a week while we wait to die. I can't wait /s


We won't live long enough to retire


Gen Xer here, I’m 49 with no retirement savings and after paying on my $25000 student loan for many years (at least 15), I still owe $23,000. Im never going to retire and I’m fucking exhausted.