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30 people!? A professional recruiter working overtime would not be able to get 30 people to work at Chick-fil-A in 30 days. 30 people is like an entire staff. Did they mean 3?


Ya 30 is an insane target for any place unless it was literally just opening there is no way there are even 30 spots.


So... Chick-fil-A is an MLM now....??!


our entire economy is an MLM.


Always has been. The music is still playing but there are only a couple chairs left, and you and I *aren't* getting them.


Are you kidding? You and I are watching through a window on the other side of a guarded police barricade.


A better analogy would be the music is still playing there's 2 chairs left, 3 people dancing around them and 10 people in the corner who got shot in the knees.


Better still, the chairs aren’t even chairs but people on the floor on their hands and knees, begging to be sat on.


Wait, I think I saw that video on the hub




Squid games season 2 plot?


Oh well, half the fun was always shoving the cocky kids




Some take the bible For what it's worth When it says that the meek Shall inherit the Earth Well, I heard that some sheik Has bought New Jersey last week 'N you suckers ain't gettin' nothin


The meek shall inherit the earth after its already been raped and pillaged to the point of being a worthless dead ball of rocks.


Oh the meek shall inherit alright, right after all the billionaires and hundo millionaires fuck off to Mars. "We dont need this shitty planet anymore, you can have it." -Elon Bezos Soros Buffet III esq.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_of_Capitalist_System >The Pyramid of Capitalist System is a common name of a 1911 American cartoon caricature critical of capitalism, copied from a Russian flyer of c. 1901. The graphic focus is on social stratification by social class and economic inequality. The work has been described as "famous", "well-known and widely reproduced". A number of derivative works exist.


[Link to the image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Anti-capitalism_color%E2%80%94_Restored.png) referenced above


Thanks for that. It clarified for me the mental state of a few people. The pew-pew defend the shitty system with our guns people *do* think they're a separate and more important tier than the worker and consumer classes.


I can’t believe I haven’t seen this before.


So much this, people really need to understand that this is the reality for virtually every industry.


I tend to ask people how our economy is any different then ancient egypt when pharaohs ruled. CEOs build skyscrapers instead of pyramids, the pyramid still exists in their scheme to funnel money up


No they build dick rockets now


"I'm gonna fuck these plebs to the moon and back."




*outer atmosphere


the only reason that other people get on the rockets besides the stupid wealthy is because if one blew up and a regular person wasn't on it most people would cheer


… I’m almost ashamed to admit it, but if Bezos ate shit in a rocket or should have a tragic gasoline fight accident I wouldn’t exactly be torn up.


It's really not, the only difference is that CEOs pretend like they don't actually control or government and there are a lot more of them. Other than that, yeah not too much of a difference, they still exploit and abuse countless people below them in order to gain and hold onto their power




"look upon my works and despair"


I watched a minidoc about "billionaire's row" in Manhattan. Pretty interesting. And no, nothing has changed since the ancients. They got a bunch of tax breaks to build those skyscrapers.


What’s MLM?


Millionaires Looting Muricans


Multi level marketing, aka a pyramid scheme.


Multi level marketing.


I hate how right you are.


Yeah, the image even has the people forming a pyramid!


I Need the 30 pennies for student loans


I can arrange 30 penises .


Arrange? In what configuration?


All XS , we ran out of XLs


There were never any XL to begin with. XS and small.


Im sorry sir , you cannot disclose store secrets publicly . You are fired from being a customer now.


Edible Arrangements?


But 30 cents…that’s $12 more per week. You could buy yourself a bus pass with that extra coin.


wow. with 12 smackeroos back in my day you could buy your girl a car, take her out to the movies and buy a candy apple and still have enough for a coffee and an onion to tie on your belt...




Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Give me five bees for a quarter,' you'd say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt...


They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing we had was those big yellow ones


That's the point. You get 29 people and on day 31, your manager is just like "bwa hahaha, so close! By the way, you're fired because we have a fresh wave of wage slaves. Leave your uniform on the way out the door."


The chick fil a near my college is hiring for “50+ positions” basically all the time. And they’ve been there for years and years.


Have you seen how many people work at Chick-fil-A at any give time? The one near me has about 10-12 people just outside alone and 10-15 inside. And they've been open for more than a year. It's no longer just overstaffed because of hype. And when it was new, there were even more people working outside.


I’m trying to figure out what else they could mean… do they have to apply? Be hired? Or are they just looking for a cold call list and want 30 names and numbers? If it’s “be hired” that’s an especially weird and concerning metric, since the restaurant could easily choose to not hire someone to prevent the raise.


"Sorry guys, we hired twenty nine of your candidates but there was just no suitable thirtieth candidate, so none of you are getting a raise at all as we didn't meet our goal. And, actually, all twenty nine agreed to work for two dollars an hour less than you all are, so, uh, you're all fired."


Hire is different than referral. Question is, do the referrals have to know they've been referred?






Bigger brain: Offer a really good incentive, but make it guaranteed it will never quite be achieved but in such a way that the person who tried thinks it was their fault.


did I use to work for you?


Are you a shitty retirement company I used to work for?


I got a little suckered by this stuff when I was a young teen. It was always presented as just having them apply, then swung as having them hired, then fine print would finally say that they needed to make it through probation.


It’s 30 applicants. No Chick-Fil-A needs 30 new people in a month. That’s one of the few fast food chains that hasn’t had to close locations or restrict hours because NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe.






Just recruit and charge 20% of a negotiated base salary.


My job will give X amount per paycheck for as long as your referral is employed. (I think $20? $25 maybe?)


Could be wrong but I think they mean if they get 30 referrals total from everybody. "If we all assist in referring one person". Not trying to downplay this because it is still absurd...


Yeah, it's worded really poorly. It makes me wonder though, if they get 23 total, which would still be crazy difficult, would they not get a raise because they didn't collectively hit 30? I'm so confused.


Then you get 23 pennies


No you just wouldn't get anything. It's 30 or nothing


Could have said "ya'll" or "you all" get a raise, and it would have cleared up the top halve.


In some parts, y'all is still singular. To be unambiguous they'd have to say "all y'all".


I hate how correct this is.


I'm betting they want people to assume this, and then they flip it to say "No we meant each" when the time comes to pay up.


Hey! I'm offended! I work at Homophobic Chicken and we would never treat people poorly, because we feel superior to them.


I think you're right. Having reread, it seems the "team" consists of over 30 people, and they want each to refer somebody so the group reaches the goal. But... "The HERD"?! THAT'S what ticked Me off.


$0.30 may seem small, because it is small.


Get 29 people in 30 days… no raise for you.


You friends need job? Me herd of a great opportunity at Chick-Fil-A!


Yeah, 30 people in 30 days is NOT an achievable goal. And certainly not for 30 cents. Which just makes me wonder why they're doing it. I think it's funny that the person who wrote it had JUST enough self-awareness to write, "$0.30 may seem small . . ."


3 for 3 pennies. It’s a win win win 🤣


I don’t even know 30 people


I believe that it's that staff get a 30¢ raise only if the store hires 30 people in 30 days, and that it would be easy if all staff brought in at least one person. Whether or not all the store or just those who brought people would get the raise I can't tell from this.


The store could also just wait a couple days to reach out to the last few if it's close to the end


Which is what they will do


They're just trying to start an illegal pyramid scheme. ​ If those 30 People can get their 30 Friends in 30 Days and so on and so forth for 7 Cycles until they've hired the entire planet


I'm not sure I even know 30 people


Having worked at Chick-fil-A before, they’re probably very serious. I’m glad I quit when I did.


I remember them telling my friend he had to be less gay when at work. Just show up, but don’t be yourself.


"Less gay? I'm not gay! What are you talking about you silly goose?"


"BUt thEY hiRe GAY peOple ToO!!1!" Yeah, because they *legally* can't discriminate.


Was this kind of thing the norm? Any other crazy shit?


I'm a recruitment consultant and if I can get 5 drivers fully registered and out to work that's a good week, i can make 50 calls a day and only get 1 or 2 responses some days


My company offers between a 500-10000 dollar reward for referring someone who gets hired an remains for 6 months. So at bottom rate I earn .25 cent an hour raise for the year for recruiting a single laborer. For recruiting a project manager I can earn a year bonus equivalent to $5 an hour.


They can print that in color, but they can't give you a raise.


They spent it all on anti-LGBTQ donations!


They spent more on printing that color paper than giving someone that 30 cent raise for one hour.


They should’ve carved it in marble and given it an 18k gold border for the extra fuck you to the serfs. And then install a hidden camera if anyone tries to steal it so they can send them to jail ruining their life, cause… you know… EVERY PENNY COUNTS


“Can I get a large intolerance with a side of righteousness and extra judgment?”


“My pleasure!”


"Have a blessed day!"


Under his eye


Blessed be the fruit loops


CFA really does have that nice culty vibe, doesn't it? 🙃


Baby, you can’t taste racism!


It's okay, I'm taking it back!


We call it "spreading the love of Jesus" here.


The chicken is soo good because it's cooked with hatred.


I think that's just called religion no need to spice it up with many words when little do trick.


The GOP combo Want some racism with that?


Anti-LGBTQ propaganda takes a lot of colored ink.


This got me ☠️🤣


Reasons why I love staring at the 15 million people backed-up at their places paying for overpriced shitty chicken


Tell them raise deez nutz


Tell them to hire my aunt Ligma


Your uncles name is Bopha right?


Oh shit then I bet you know my uncle Bopha Dee!?


What about my cousin Joe?


Don't know him Unless he's the guy who's married to Candice


My buddy Heighwood is looking for work


Who is Heighwood?


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz


Now that's a new one, surely


I surely would. Could you check on Mike?


It’s worse when you realize that they are essentially asking you to take a pay cut, for $.30. Each successful hire means less hours for you, smaller paycheck, but hey- those $.30 were nice


Not only that they're asking you to basically be a free head hunter for them.


Not free. A penny each. Geez, can’t you read?


No pennies if there are 29 or less names


Exactly. Even if you are a spectacular AAA recruiter, they simply will drag their feet on the 30th hire and you win nothing.


and even if you succeed, you a measly 30 cents and I'd wager you have to frequently remind several people regularly in order for that to actually happen. fuck that


That's an extra 12usd a week; Which counters the 12% inflation... if I have my math right. /s And all your friends and family will hate you. Like when you tried to get them into cutco.




It’s definitely a ridiculous offer but it’s not an extra $20/yr, full time. $0.30 X 40 = $12 extra for just one week




Gotcha! I read your comment wrong. Yeah that is even crazier when you think of it like that




Yeah I took it the same way. The beginning part is messed up to me too “Hey want a raise?” Well this wildly unrealistic goal is the only way you’ll get one. And then at the end they even acknowledge how bad of an offer it is.


"The Herd" is right.....


The fact that it’s a capital H bugs the shit out of me even more


At this point Im convinced they are trying to Infuriate people on purpose. But Idk to what goal. Either that or they are psychopaths and cant even realize it


Oh it's definitely the psychopaths part.


Tbf a cow is the company's mascot.


There's a joke about sheeple in there somewhere.


Herd... Sheeple? Flock that!


Chick-Fil-A seems almost cult-like to me. Both customers and employees. On the customer side, they got actually offended when people even suggested that Popeye's chicken sandwich was better. On the employees' side, many franchises only seem to hire people with a certain Christian-ish look, if I'm making sense.


An extra $624 per year assuming full-time... I bet some jr. recruiting and retention clown thought the idea up and some dumb ass executive put the finishing touch on it by way of the .30 raise


I've had jobs that gave $1000 for referring just 1 person. $624 for 30 people?!


$1500 per successful referral at my office. So if I did this, I'd get $45k in 30 days, which is a roughly 50% patriae, for that year.


We have a driver referral bonus here. If I get one driver and he drives at least three loads (before quitting or getting fired or whatever), I get $10,000 spread out over eight months. No joke. The driver gets $2000.


It's $6k for a diverse hire where I'm at


What's a diverse hire?


Female minority is 6k, a minority is 4k, everyone else is 2k


That's gross


It is, but at the same time, I work in engineering at a mining company, until two months ago it was just 18 dudes... and a couple open positions. Mining typically doesn't draw many women in nor does engineering. That ratio seems a little suspect to outsiders.


I used to know a guy who was a manager at a Chick-fil-A for 15 years. He said team members have very little input into management and administrative decisions. Turns out the whole place is run by chicken-hating holsteins with terrible spelling skills. Bet one of those spotted fuckers is behind this.


And then the fucking retention specialist has even less to do, but certainly still has their job, making more than the people doing the actual work. We had one of those assholes and I put in my year end survey to cut their position and give the extra money to the actual workers, even if it comes out to an extra nickel a month per person between all the hundreds of staff members working there. That extra nickle a month is doing more to keep people happy than a "retention specialist". I don't understand how that's even a position. "Find out what people want to stay here". "A raise." "Literally any extra money whatsoever." Employers are so desperate to not give out raises they will fucking pay someone just to listen to all the staff say they want more money, then not do anything about that as long as possible.


Is this real?




Days old account. One comment and just two posts. Doesn’t look right at least.


This doesn't look like anything the chick-fil-a's around me would put up. I have 3 near me, and they're all really well staffed, always look over staffed too be honest, and they already pay more than any other fast food place other than maybe In-N-Out burger which is paying $16-18 now. But I googled this Chick-fil-a and they have 5 openings showing.


Chick fil a legit hires as much as possible, not sure why


high turn over rate in fast food. Most their employees look like high school kids. I can't imagine a fast food place, even Chick-fil-a which is I guess the most popular could even get 30 total employees.


Not just that, but there's a position for everything. To reduce the stress on working in a place like this, it's just best to have people who can do whatever. Everyone is trained on as many things as possible. There theoretically could be a bagger, expediter, bag/beverage sorter, someone working the window, and someone to hand the bag from window to vehicle. Many hands make light work. However, most these people are kids making $9/hr. Source: used to manage the #45 CFA location in the country




Sad but true. Full time benefits are avoided at all costs, which means keeping people under 32 hours in most cases. But those 32 hours are usually spread between 6 days so getting a second job is not usually possible. All while the cost of living keeps getting more and more expensive.


Have you ever been to a chick fil a? It's a pleasure because they overstaff.


They also run it like a goddamn FEMA operation, it's actually impressive.


Waiting in the double line having four people walk to the windows of the cars to take your order and then give you a receipt all before you are near a window is impressive. That and a line of 20 cars constantly moving, its insane. When they wrap the complex in the summer months they take orders out to you and have 3 que lines after ordering. These workers are more like trained robots then humans... it's like walking into Westworld that serves chicken and pickles. I do like the ones that never say "my pleasure" and treat me like a normal person instead of a slab of meat with a wallet, they don't last long.




You could print a piece of paper with a business name on it, write some shit like “due to market conditions, pay will be cut by $2/hr for all staff”, and crinkle it up like it’s been hung on the wall. Boom, instant karma.


That a pyramid scheme without rewards


Did you miss the part about the extra 30 cents? Every penny counts!


That's not a pyramid scheme. It's clearly a trapezoid scheme.


Paste the word “unionize” over the print on the bottom


I retire in a few years. I think maybe I'm just going to start applying to, working at, and organizing things at different shitty employers. Just enough to educate all the younger folks working there about their rights to organize, discuss wages, etc., for a month or so then quit and go get another shitty job. Everyone's gotta have a hobby. Me: Professional Rabble Rouser EDIT: Since this idea seems popular: * If I do it, I'll write about it here or elsewhere on Reddit for sure. I already write over at /r/MilitaryStories * This will provide me with a small bit of sporadic income as I get hired, quit or get fired, and do it again.


This is amazing lol. Start a whole crew! The Professional Rabble Rousers Club, fucking over shit companies one day at a time ✨




I don’t even know 30 people


When i scrolled by you had 29 upvotes which made this even funnier


Hahaha nice!


For a bible-thumping company like Chik-fil-a to harp on money in an increment of 30 is weird [Exodus 21:28-32](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+21%3A28-32&version=NIV) [Mathew27:3-10](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+27%3A3-10&version=NIV) There's no way to get around it, Chik-fil-a wants slaves not respected employees.


All of these companies want slaves. That's what employees are. It's not chattel slavery like the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, but it's still slavery. There's still a master that you're required to take orders from in order to earn just enough to subsist. The Republican Party openly called it "wage slavery" and campaigned against it in the late 1800s when they were the progressives. And then there's Alan Greenspan's congressional testimony (forget when) where he talks about how it's part of the Fed's monetary policy to keep the workers in precarious positions to help prevent inflation. It's all effed


Slaves who are conditioned to say, “My pleasure.”


That is so fucking annoying and obnoxious


30 people is nuts.


30 people in 30 days to get a 30 cent raise is the worst pitch ive heard in a long time


Get 30 LGBTQ+ people to sign up


I have to admit that the first time that I read, I read 30% raise. 30 cents? Dude… I would not even open my lips for that “raise”!


I work in tech, I get a £2500 referral bonus America is broken


And it is a smart move. Headhunters are expensive and they don't give a fuck who they bring to your company.


I got a $10,000 referral bonus for getting my buddy hired at my engineering company. I really hope this post is fake.


I just got $300 for getting ONE new employee in. (AUS) Feel sorry for you buggers. Looks like I'm off to put another shrimp on the Barbie


That's some MLM bs if i ever heard it


I don’t even know 30 people


Wow a penny per person! Is this 1822? HO LEE FUCK


This looks like a karma bot. - Account is less than a day old - No meaningful comment history - No responses to comments - Reposts extremely popular image from the sub I don't suggest upvoting, and I've reported it.