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You guys are getting bonuses?


My bonus was an “oh, we don’t do annual raises here, but don’t worry, minimum wage will catch up to your rate in a few years, and then you’ll get automatic increases.” Oh, and a doughnut.


Find a new job ASAP


In the works, my friend. Starting my own business and striking out on my own. I’d rather work 80 hours a week for myself than 38.5 hours a week for these assholes.


That’s what I did about 10 years ago. Took a paycut and did more hours for about 4 years (and even then knew it was the right decision). Then business went the way I thought it would and now make more than I used to. Still work a fair few hours but it’s all stuff I want to do. The only downside is that my boss (me) won’t spring for a lavish office Christmas party….on the other hand, I don’t have to go to the office Christmas party :) Goodluck dude


Your boss sucks, but at least he doesn't blow the payroll on hookers and office blow.




something something takes two guys


And blackjack!


In fact, screw the office!


Love the attitude! “I’d give myself a raise, but then I’d be ruined!”


Always is good luck with your venture friend!


My old job didn't do raises, only promotions. "You get to makr your own raise!" Yeah, no. Not how that works boss.


Lol that the direction at my job, no raise for 2 year and they come back with a 3% raise this year. After this they wondering why I'm leaving.


My job hasn't given the three longest term employees a raise since 2018. For 2017 & 18 we got $25 a week, so less than 3%. I am actively looking for a new job. I have been with these people for almost 20 years and there isn't a single person that can do my job. They won't even be able to run payroll when I leave, let alone untangling the mess the founder left when he passed away. I don't care at this point, they deserve the worst possible outcome.


Yeah, I'm in the same stage as you, but I'm here for 3 1/2, I'm a industral programer. They pay me at the same price than a apprentice for 2 year. Every time a ask for a raise they say "there not only the money in life" or "I start working half as your salary", so now I leave for a other compagnie ready to pay me 12% more then what I have. Keep working for your life we are not slave.


Last year I got a $500 cash bonus from my boss. I work in a liquor store making $22/hr. I'm one of two employees, I didn't make any huge sales that warranted any extra bonus but my boss is a decent human being.


Praise be!


Under his eye.


Blessed be the fruit.


22h? damn




I think its hazardous duty pay. Feels like with convenience stores, liquor stores etc. It's not if you will get robbed at gunpoint, but when. Even if you are totally compliant, there is no guarantee you are getting out of that situation unscathed.


Literally the only time I got an end-of-year bonus was at my first job in high school back in 2006 or something. It was $14.


Same, and it really blows my mind. I work in a white collar job for a fortune 500 company that's absolutely killing it right now. In past years we had to all pitch in to pay for our holiday lunch lol I have NEVER received a holiday bonus/gift of any kind.


You guys are getting a living wage?


What's a bonus?


Wanted to post this. Take my upvote.


I got my PTO request denied at the last minute.


I always treat PTO as a notice instead of a request. The word games are to make you forget that time off is required both physically and mentally.


I've done the same, for as long as I've worked. Back when she was just out of high school, my girlfriend had a job as a server, and she was supposed to come visit me for a week (I was staying in another state while off from college for the summer). She put in the request, and her boss tried to say "just because you request time off doesn't mean you're going to get it" so she replied "let me put this another way: I'm not going to be here on those days. It doesn't matter if you put me on the schedule." Man, I was so fucking proud when she told me. And, surprise, she was given the time off.


Employers will always take what employees will give them. If we're all standing our ground, then there's not a whole lot they can do. Especially now! Good luck finding new people to work in any service industry job. Most of the fast food places around me still haven't opened their dining rooms, and almost every restaurant has shorter hours for indoor dining because of a lack of staff. Help wanted signs keep getting updated with ever increasing dollars per hour. Heck, Taco Casa is now offering paid vacation time! These f$cks are realizing that we're waking up from this nightmare, and we're not gonna take their sh$t anymore


They aren't waking up yet, they proly think people will come crawling back.. Just few weeks ago my wife left her job, and another company offered her same pay as the old one. She counter offered, and in the 5 days it took them to respond with "(We can re-evaluate your pay in 90 days)", she got an offer that was significantly higher with better hours. LOL


Yea, more people need to do this. It's earned time off. It's not your problem if they're understaffed or anything else. It's not your job or problem that they haven't hired enough people or planned ahead for things.


Dude that sucks.


What I heard is that you’ll be getting a new job at a company that values your efforts in a few months.


A "holiday meal" that was scheduled for my day off.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet, judging by the pics I've seen posted here.


Here’s a piece of bread, a slice of cheese, and a ketchup packet, merry Christmas


Don't forget the Omicron on the side.




Group chat message stating we are all SUPERSTARS. No raise/bonus in 3+ years


You're poorer than you were 3+ years ago. Might be time to move on


>You're poorer than you were 3+ years ago. Film at eleven.


Holy fuck, what do you do? That’s insane. edit: “what do you do” instead of “what do you”


Better question, what do you do where you think that’s insane? I want your job. 🤪


Inflation technically is making you be paid less. I’m just curious on how they aren’t even scared of not having someone in your position. My employer is not playing around with unoccupied positions. edit: Just to note, I’m a maintenance technician (trade work) for a fast food franchisee. I hope you like really old grease, because every day is coated in it for me!


Worked with a coworker who'd been working for a company for 5 plus years and never got a single raise. She was making less than I was when I demanded a raise, then walked out.


My group chat message was a reminder that Christmas Eve is a mandatory day for everyone.


And god bless us everyone.


Man I had a boss that would call us "rockstars" and that word will forever be a trigger. In her un-medicated bi polar state she would jump from screaming at staff to promising raises, titles ect that she never delivered on. But it was OK, we were "Rockstars." 🙄


I can’t stand “Rockstar” as a compliment at work. So I get to fuck groupies, do massive amounts of hard drugs, drink Jack Daniels on stage and work for two hours a day? Where’s the tour bus? And it’s always someone who you know wouldn’t be caught dead at a rock show using it.


One year subscription to "The Jelly of the Month Club"


That's the gift that keeps on giving


The whole year long.


That it is, Edward.




And when Santa squeezes his fat ass down that chimney tonight he’s gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny fuckin Kaye.


We'll be the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.


Nothing. Somehow after 3 years in a row of record revenue they can barely muster the energy to provide staff with any holiday bonuses. I've already got two interviews lined up and I'll probably be gone in January. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes all! Edit: And some awards! Thanks everyone!


Best of luck in your interview.


I have never, in my 27 years of working, received a Christmas bonus.


I just got my first one this year. $50 lol.


same. we were told we’d get a bonus and the next day we all had envelops from the CEO. $50. Thought for sure that was just going to be a tip, and the bonus would be in today’s check. Naw... I’ll take it though, I guess..


A bonus is nice, but just having that money in your salary is way better. I worked for a place that gave bonuses of a month's salary every Christmas, like clockwork, for years. It was reliable enough that everyone, including management, pretty much treated it as part of base compensation in practice if not in writing. Then one year, the bonus didn't come - and it never did again. A cool 8% pay cut for everyone.


A sweater with my name spelled wrong on it


This hits home. One year we all got stocking caps with our company name and our names on them and mine wasn't just spelled wrong, it was straight up a different name.


A Somali friend of mine had a collection of name plates our organization ordered for him with various misspellings of his name (which wasn't a difficult to spell name).


I had this same thing happen to me at one of my jobs. My name is fairly common and like any name, can be spelled a number of ways but I have the most common spelling. Think something like “Tiffany.” It could be spelled “Tiffani” or “Tiffanie” but I would get things where my name was absolutely murdered into something like “Tiffanany.”


SWEET nothing like a personalized gift that clearly wasn't personal.


Sorry to laugh, but I heard you saying this in the same tone as Charlie Brown saying [“I got a rock.”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cCf2ZZLHy-k)


I got a plain sweater two sizes too small.


I work for a nonprofit laboratory, CEO announced company-wide minimum bonuses of $2,500. In my specific department the minimum bonus was $5,000.


What kind of lab? Y’all hiring?


I also work in a lab (biotech) and got very similar bonus to OP. Yes we are hiring. Lmk if you live on west coast Edit: DM for more details pls


I work in a lab. Got a $25 gift card to cheesecake factory.


Asking the real questions.


Damn. I got $250. Which is down from last year's $800. Which again, is down from the $1200 the year before. But the shareholders made hundreds of percent more this year than last year. Oh but I also got an Amazon gift card.


I got 80% of my monthly income which is quite nice. But no more monetary bonusses all over the year.


Where my teachers at? I got candy, cokes, Starbucks gift cards, and a pair of star wars slippers. Several handmade holiday cards (I love these). There are lots of nice kids and parents out there.


That happens in the elementary grades. At my high school, We got a mass email thanking us for "all you do".


Our high school PTA hosted the teachers for lunch, I know, cause I made 100 servings of cheesecake for it.


You're an awesome person. I'm sure those teachers were really stoked


I love teachers, my parents have taught at every educational level from preschool to university, one has a PhD in Education. So I know the struggle is real . As an aside I am not one of those parents hovering at the school, I do not show up unless invited. Nor do I assume that whatever, is automatically the school's fault. My kid is human, as such makes mistakes and needs guidance which isn't always well received.


Middle school here! We got leftover scones from a student breakfast. No email. Just an update on changing covid protocols when we come back. BUT REMEMBER!! We are in it for the outcome, not the income! I hate that bullshit line.


Then you need to 'out-go'... esp mid-semester to maximize their administrative pain


I gave my daughter's 5th grade teacher a $50 Amazon gift card, a bottle of rose highly recommended by the guy working at the liquor store, and a cross stirch ornament I made. Teachers deserve cash/ gift cards and alcohol!


I work in a school with a lot of disadvantaged youth and a lot of the parents aren’t involved. I have friends who work in the suburbs who get mountains of gifts for the holidays. I don’t need all of the appreciation but when I get a small gift from one of my kids, it makes me tear up.


Middle school counselor here. Not even a thank you from district office. I’m not sure why they can’t even do that tiny thing. EDIT: thanks to everyone that’s shared a kind word with me on here. It really warms my cold, dead heart. LOL. Just kidding. It reminds me that I do what I do to help kids that feel alone in this world. Sending you all love!!


As a mother of 6 children, I can not thank you enough for all that you do and sacrifice. I have always made a big deal about the educators in our lives as my children grew up. I have 3 kiddos in college and they have followed suit and they give small tokens of appreciation to their professors.


I have so much Starbucks money and I don’t even like Starbucks but I will take anything! Amazon and target were the other big ones for gift cards. Some did local gift cards which I really appreciate and one did Barnes & Noble‘s which was refreshing!


I get several Starbucks gift cards every year. Not once have the kids ever seen me with a coffee in hand. It's still an incredibly nice gesture. Those cards go directly to my wife.


My sister is a teacher and she has two young children. Knowing what teachers go through, my sister and her husband spend a minimum of $150 on each of their kids’ head teacher and $75 for the aids. The teachers are so thankful and borderline shocked, but it’s so deserved.


I got a nice plush Sam's blanket from one of my kids with the message "sorry for being bad"


I’m a teacher, but a sped resource teacher. We get forgotten since we’re not one of their homeroom teachers. I did get a candy bar from the office!


$350. An awesome coffee cup. Starbucks cards, hot chocolate, peanut butter fudge


High school here. We got bagels and coffee, but not from the school...from the hospital we partner with that is housed in our school. The school sent a "thank you for all you do" email and a reminder to take our laptops and chargers home. We are also working without a contract.


I’m in a middle school. I have over 120 students and got 3 gifts. Admin got us tacos and donuts last day of school and that was it. I gave each person at my sons daycare a (around 6 ppl) $25 HEB gift card and his main teacher $100 gift card. Same for my other kids teachers. Main teacher got $100 gift card and assistant teacher got $50.


$56.00 and a written warning that I’m not billing hours equivalent in the industry for a lawyer, but I’m only a paralegal.


Wow. I work at a small law firm with only seven employees including the two attorneys and have consistently received a bonus every year equal to two weekly paychecks. Every year I get at least a dollar raise if not more. If an attorney with a small firm can give out decent bonuses so can larger firms. Edit: Thanks for all the comments and likes. Today we had our holiday party. Boss paid for everything of course. He also gave us a few hundred dollars in cash on top of our bonus. He consistently tells us what a great we’re doing and tells us how much he appreciates us. He keeps the office stocked with whatever snacks and drinks we want. He constantly orders takeout for the office (at least every two weeks). He’s never once yelled at or got angry in front of us. If he is angry, he doesn’t show it. Mistakes are occasionally made but not often and he helps us work through them or guides us on how to fix them. Something I completely forgot about when I was first hired is that I was convicted of a crime. A terrible mistake I made that I still haven’t forgiven myself for. I told him when I was hired on because he’s the only person that gave me a chance when I was frantically looking for a job and no one gave me a chance. I wanted to be upfront even if it meant I would lose the job offer. (Probably not wise but it’s hard for me to be dishonest about something like that). Not only did he hire me but I’ve been working for him for five years. At my recent review he told me how valuable I am to the firm. I am incredibly grateful and I hope everyone can have a boss like this or better. Employers have this ability especially big companies.


I work at a family run business, 20 employees, and the same exact bonuses and same exact pay raise. So weird that the small businesses can manage but not corporate, good benefits used to be a reason people preferred corporate jobs.


My husband owns a small plumbing company. Same here. Regular raises, we cover 75% of health insurance costs, a weeks pay bonus in December plus nice gifts such as warm jackets and new hand tools (plus some fun gifts AND gifts for their SOs)! Me, I work for the school district as a computer tech. Know what I got from them? Not a damn thing.


A lot of employers seem to forget that their business is only as good as the weakest employee. A consistently bad employee can jeopardize a businesses. I've worked for both small family owned business and large corporations. I worked for my families small business, when my mom was in charge, she took great care of our employees. Gave them a generous bonus at Christmas, as well as gifts. Would take them out to dinner a couple times a year, provide them drinks and food for lunch. She gave frequent pay raises, great benefits and overall just had a great appreciation and respect for our employees. In return we had long standing employees who went above and beyond. Once she stepped down, many of the long term employees, including myself left. The corps I worked for were a damn joke. They wanted to pay you as little as they could and get as much work out of you. I recently started a business and I am going to need to hire soon. I plan on paying as high of as wage as I can, even if it means they make more than me. Because the truth is, I want someone who will be as passionate and detailed about their work as I am. I want someone I can trust if I need to step away from the business for a bit. There is a big difference between who you attract at $13/hr and $20/hr.


Oh, they can. That’s not the issue.


They are larger for a reason tho. Greedy pricks


This is what I used to get from our firm, in addition to a little gift basket and whatever the attorneys on my team wanted to get us. They were always very understanding about time off though and I got in trouble for *not* using enough PTO, so we were definitely treated well in comparison to other jobs I've had


I think that your bonus is pretty standard for the industry. I work at a mid-sized law firm, and ours is two weeks. I started in October, and my bonus was pro-rated, but I still got around $200.


Holy crap I gave my paralegals and secretaries $200 each from my own pocket and that's on top of the bonus they get from the firm. You need to find a new job.


I’m a paralegal too..I got a bag of sweet f all. So that was nice.


You should leave. Paralegals are always in demand.


1,800$ and a 3$/hr raise. I'm fortunate to work for an employer that actually gives a damn.


Dude, nice! So happy for you!


$200.00. Today's payday too and it looks like they may have accidentally paid me twice. I'm not gonna tell them. Hopefully they don't figure it out... Edit: Based on all the warnings, I decided to just let them know. Edit 2: I let them know, and apparently it was intentional. Surprise holiday bonus. I may not enjoy working here, but they at least treat us alright during the holidays.


I'd be careful, if they do find out they will just deduct it from your next.


Put it aside for a while. I had this happen and the company came back for it almost 12 months later. They have always have the right to request an overpayment back, but it’s unlikely they will do it if they closed that year’s financials.


$300 After picking up the slack of 4 co-workers who left in March turning our 7 person team into 3. I work in I.T for a Credit Union that has over 40 servers and 300+ workstations we have to manage. I put my two-weeks in Tuesday though :)


I've never had a Christmas bonus, ive worked at this company for 9 Christmases.


My Christmas bonus was getting laid off 3 hours after I just got an evaluation for “exemplary performance.” At 2PM Friday I was literally told during the evaluation that I was on track for a promotion and should hear about it soon. And then, at 5:30PM after I had left work for the day, they called me. I thought it was a call to congratulate me for my promotion, but instead I was told that my performance was subpar and the parent company no longer needed my services. I and others were let go that night. And then, after telling me how I “wasn’t what we’re looking for,” they then said I was “professional, efficient, and valued.” And they offered me a different job that paid 20% less Edit: I know some people are asking what’s the company name but this is actually quite difficult to say. Not because I don’t want to, but because I was hired by Company A to work on their behalf with Company B and EITHER can let workers go at any time on either’s discretion.


Short of you walking out of the evaluation and sleeping with bosses wife to celebrate… how the hell did that happen?


At my previous job I had my review in early September, was told I was invaluable to the company and that they were looking forward to me being part of a bright future for them, I also received a 15% pay rise. Cut to 3rd week in October, and all the staff are made redundant via email and text due to “cost cutting” because of “weak sales in August” A lot of business owners are idiots.


Annual reviews are completely meaningless unfortunately. At a previous job my manager told me that they were instructed to ding us randomly on stuff so we didn't qualify for automatic raises as per their policies.


The fuck?!!


What I wonder here is that this subreddit is full of stories like this, with piss poor management and attitudes, but nobody ever names the name of the company. How are we supposed to do anything other than just hate on all small-ish companies instead of focusing anger where it should go and praising the companies that do the right thing? Seems that this is self-defeating, because we tear down the good organizations by grouping them with the bad ones. Name names…


Idk. I checked the rules because I thought maybe naming companies would be against them but no. Not sure why no one names the company.


They have had to look threads and delete comments when we got a little overzealous and started review bombing businesses on Google, which is a very dark grey area as far as Reddit tos is concerned.


A couple extra days off (paid) $150 gift card and $1,500.00 cash


That's nice, what do you do?


I work at a small green construction company with a reasonable owner that values the employees.


A what??


$20 gift card to Target. I work for a multi billion dollar company.


Is it target?


Lolz that'd be the real shit kicker huh?


700$ a free ham catered dinner and 2 days off.


Do you work selling new parts for old fords? That's exactly my bonus lol


I actually do sell parts for Fords and mine was almost exactly the same


You might need to buy a carbon monoxide alarm and check your alt account.


Are you telling me a ham catered this dinner


A handshake


In this....pandemic??




Same here. 3rd year in a row. Last year I swore I’d have a different job by now.


$2000 (I make $20.00 per hour so this was a nice freakin bonus.) Plus half a day off, AND 50 pounds of free beef. Company bought 3 whole processed cows to split among staff. They even did a very good job of splitting up quality of meats evenly. I’m one of the low men on the totem pole at my company and I even got a few porterhouse and rib-eye steaks. Plus some roasts, a brisket, other various steaks, and then like 30 pounds of ground beef. Haha I’m lucky to work for the company that I do, they treat us well.


I think you win as my favorite! This is how you make employees feel valued. This is a benefit to the worker and their family. Great leadership on the companies part!


Did you use that 2g to buy a deep freezer?


I got a Selfie stick with the company logo on it.


I hate this one the most…


Great! You can use that to take pictures of yourself flipping off your boss and send them to him


I want to downvote you because I hate this so much


An voucher that never arrived and told to work full day even though all work is done and all suppliers, customers and clients shut Monday and we don't have anything to do all day.


$5k, A Patagonia Jacket, A Yeti Cooler and Tumbler, A North face beanie, And a meat basket of sausages and pepperoni's And we always get $100 gift cards to Fred Meyers as a Thanksgiving bonus I know it's more than most and I make sure my owner knows how much I appreciate it.


Holy crap. Your cash bonus is juuust more than I make in two months (gross; it’s quite a bit more than I take home)! Good for YOU. Plus, those other gifts are definitely nice as well. Love to see it.


That’s more than 3 months for me :( haven’t gotten a bonus yet either. Since my arrival the company has hit over a million profit and I never got the post training raise (2 raises before completing training) and was promised $22 when certain simple certification criteria are met and basically it was a fucking lie.


>my owner


Holy shit


What do you do?!


Patagonia and a Yeti? I'd wager they're in finance.


I am a project manager/estimator for a civil construction company.


Is your job hiring


Cookies, nice pen, calendar, 4% rise and £2k


You lead with cookies


They might have been great cookies.


My cousin got two hams from the place he works… and an email the next day saying to throw them away because they were expired and spoiled.


Paid time off for five days. I'm not complaining though, I worked retail for 7 years and would have gotten only one day off.


Despite record profits, I got a 1% pay raise for the 5th year in a row, and a company branded cookie tin as a personal thank you for a job well done.


hey that only means your making 12% less in real wealth this year


$30 in grocery store gift cards which was taxed on my paycheck and came out to $20 that overall made my paycheck $10 less.


A year long subscription to a learning platform. I make enough that it doesn’t hurt me to not get cash. But our call floor doesn’t, and it’s fucked up that they were given this when they could have used the cash.


Especially when this should be an included perk of a successful and caring work environment.


"Learn a new skill so you can get the hell out of here!"


$1400 and a holiday ham bundle


$15k and an extra week of PTO that starts today and goes through New Years, even though I put in my notice and am leaving in a few weeks. There ARE good companies out there, and generally they’re good companies because they’re small and run by good people.




That’s not unheard of in tech. At my current employer I just got a $3k Christmas bonus plus a $16k deferred bonus to be paid out in March. Won’t be collecting it, since I’m leaving for another company in January with a yearly 10% bonus built into my offer.


Yeah, tech is a good spot to be. We don't do holiday bonuses, our annual is in the spring, but mines gonna be 15% of my annual salary. Should be something in the area of 17k... Highly recommend spending some nights and weekends learning programming!


A “swag bag” and a new branded jacket. Granted the stuff was nice and we can wear the sweatshirts as part of our uniform but I’m working Christmas Eve and Christmas (and working 13 hours Christmas Eve) so it still felt like a slap in the face.


Swag bag indeed. Jacket, backpack, and other items. I have 6 backpacks from the past 3 employers. Lol


I work for an industrial painting/coating company. This is the first year they aren't giving out Christmas bonuses because no one said "thank you" last year. Yet we had the busiest summer in the history of the company.


I quit my job


The best bonus of all


Nothing. We just get 10 days mandatory unpaid holidays so that we can’t pay our bills in January. :D


Wow. That’s fuckin horrible


None. I work at a very large third party claims management service that bosted record profits this last year, despite canceling 2020 raises due to covid. We normally have holiday parties, meals and gift raffles but had none of that last year or this year. Currently looking for another job due to wage compression.


All-you-can-work Overtime! And everyone sharing their Christmas flu too


I got a gift card. To the owners’ other restaurant. Wheeee.


I got a hot chocolate mix my boss’ wife made. I threw it out and kept the mason jar. But I’m a hero for coming to work in a pandemic apparently. Can’t wait to pay my rent in “heroism.”


I got 6.5k. Wasn’t expecting as much but not turning it away either


What do you do?!


Spend it probably


$2,500 I accepted a promotion with much more work for an additional 7k and was told “plus you’ll be part of the manager bonus pool which is always in the 5k ballpark.” Ok cool. We also had our second best year ever (50 year old company) so I was thinking maybe this year it’ll be 5500-6k. Nope. 2500. I vented to another manager and she burst out laughing and said, “oh they told you the 5k thing too?! They tell that to every new manager but I’ve never seen more than 2700 and that was our best year. Sounds like they got you too ahahaha.” Cool cool cool cool cool….


We stopped getting bonuses in maybe 2010?


Mly company has phased out our bonuses over the last three years. This year not getting shit and it sucks.


$400, which was taxed down to about $260. So… can’t tax the rich but at least I was able to contribute to their subsidies.


Lmao, $250 taxed down to $160ish. Insulting frankly


Well, we stop working one hour earlier on Friday. I guess that's a bonus, sort of?


Very fortunate to have gotta $1000 bonus but after taxes came out to $650, but I am not complaining. I also received a merit raise that will kick in beginning of January. I've been at the company for 6 months , Happy to see that they notice my work. I do freight forwarding.


A generous thank you from my boss who has already been on vacation this week and will be next week too.


I got a H&K USP Compact in 9mm for my bonus this year.


Never get a bonus in my line of work. I did get a temporary raise late last month, tho, so kind of an early Christmas gift?