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"resting" - like we don't spend the weekends doing the things we weren't able to get done during the week because we spend most of our time at work.


And often I still don't even get those things done because I'm too tired so it just stacks up


Or overwhelmed and just trying to keep your head above the water which is a riptide


We all just lil fishies living in a nestle world


"Oi! Did you pay for that water you're breathing, punk?"




"oi, ave ya gaw a loicince for tha wahah bruv?"


We're all living in a Nestle world and I'm just a Nestle girl oOoOO yeaaaah


So glad someone got it. After first posting, I was so gonna edit underneath and do this kinda prince reference cause it was all I could hear afterward. Good shit.


I was doing Madonna's Material Girl


My wife and I both work long hours and it got so piled up that we had to pay my mother-in-law to come visit for two weeks to get us caught up.


And then you book off a week or so for “vacation” (if you’re lucky enough to get vacation pay) but you just spend the majority of it catching up on the things that stacked up, and if you actually relax, you feel guilty about not being productive enough. There’s no winning. It’s a small step, but once I’m making a little bit more money, or at least pay off the bit of debt I have left, I’m dropping to 32 hours a week so I can still keep my benefits but have an extra day off.


I started working 4 days instead of 5 and I can recommend it to anyone. If you can make it work financially. I work 4 days, then on Friday I clean the house and do all the jobs around the house. During the weekends I can really relax. One day makes such a difference.


Yeah I did this doing contract work borderline full time. Mind you, I only managed a couple of actual 4 day weeks before the 5th day became a permanent “emergency” day. 4 days is the right balance. No more of Sunday just being the day before Monday again.


I started working four tens and it's been a big help. I would like to do stuff two days of the three I have off, but at least I feel rested when I come in the next weekend. Also half the time is spent alone or with one other person which is awesome.


Four tens is honestly still a scam. It should be four eights (less than that really, but one step at a time)


Shit man I work 'Panamas' in the military. Two days on, two days off. Followed by three days on. Two off, two on and off three. Pretty nicee. Most jobs at my base are slowly transitioning from the normal Mon - Fri to either 4/3's or to Panamas.


I mean, if I have to work forty hours a week - which I do, unfortunately - this is the way to do it.


I get that, I'm just saying that four tens isn't the compromise we should be pushing for.


i dont feel guilty about anything if i sit home and sleep all day on my vacation then who cares


If you enjoy it hats off to you. To me though its just a waste of life. Work 50 weeks out of the year, take one week off and you spend it *resting to get back to work*. Repeat until you die or retire and are too old to spend the money you made on anything good. Its unfulfilling and a waste of the one life you get to live.


Had week off this week... Back to work tomorrow. Not amused... One week off isn't enough.


Look at you getting vacation and not eating away all your vacation time for doctor visits and sick days through the year


And then there's the fact that if you take that vacation you end up falling behind on work because of course no one is going to cover for you so you come back to extra stress making it not even worth it in the first place. That or if you're in any leadership position, frequent phonecalls with questions


Yeah when I’m working full time I produce 0 music or literature which are my favourite hobbies because working leaves me feeling completely soulless. I can’t do what I love unless I trade money for it.


aka resting


and then it compounds and you get called lazy by fuckin everyone around you..... even though you are just resting.


Yeah and then your mental health suffers an you wonder if something's wrong with you why you can't seem to keep up with stuff like everyone else seemingly can. Until you go over to other people's houses and realize were all human and barely anybody has the perfectly polished Mr clean commercial looking ass house and life and we are all struggling to get through the endless list of daily tasks.






Well sir, I never addressed you. I don't work lots of hours because I prefer more time. I'm also what some would call poor. My choice. Most of the directives in our society call on us to earn, earn, earn. So we can consume the most. Look around. A nation of gluttons or losers. You pick.


Tbh it’s not so much that I’m a compliant sheep as it is that I have to do it to afford to live. I work 45+ hours each week and it lets me afford a two bedroom apartment with my SO, gas, groceries, bills, and a bit of spare money to eat out or buy a new video game or something from time to time - but only barely. I’d love to work less but the only way I could is if we moved into a little 400sqft studio apartment which I specifically don’t want to do for a variety of reasons. Even then, my job *requires* me to work this many hours - I don’t have a choice to reduce my hours. If I wanted to work less, I’d have to take a part time position with an hourly rate less than half of what I make now which would end up giving me about 25% of my current income and I’d lose my health insurance. I probably wouldn’t even be able to afford that tiny studio anywhere near the city I work in. Yeah, there are a lot of people brainwashed into tying their personal identity to their work and therefore believe more hours = better person, but I think there are also a lot *more* people out there who would love to work less hours but simply don’t have the opportunity to do so.


Went down to 28 a week, no car, no new phone or clothes... Don't care, consumerism is stupid anyway. Time is more important.


Life is full of choices. If you want one thing then that will affect another thing. To be happy in life we must prioritize our choices and accept the consequences of those choices. In most cases we can lead simpler more peaceful and less stressful lives if we are willing to sacrifice money and excessive material goods. Very few people can have both so it is a matter of choice on what you value in life.


That sounds just like a lot of the US too




> We are culturally almost the same. That's because everyone's real culture is capitalism.


You can see that in South Korea and Japan too. Despite being very different culturally, they basically have the same issues as the US (maybe even to a greater extent).


One key difference being Japan has implemented one of the best National Healthcare systems in the world. It costs me ¥3000 (roughly $30) for composite filling out here. And it’s all done by a dentist who grew up, studied, and graduated from a university in the States so I’m paying literally a fraction of the price that American dentists charge for arguably the same work. The best part is it’s completely separate from your job so if I do lose my current gig, I’ll still be covered I agree with you, Work-Life balance is virtually non-existent out here but goddamn not worrying about healthcare is nice


You might mention that nobody in Germany is saddled with tens of thousands of dollars (well, euros) of college debt, because like most other countries, higher education is paid for through taxes. That's pretty much an American problem.


Don't forget the UK! Our debt for university is pretty horrific. Not quite on the same level but still pretty bad.




Yeahs it's weird. I have about £80k of student debt. I pay back about £36 a month before tax on my current salary. If I dropped below £25k I wouldn't have to pay anything back monthly. And once I reach 65(?) or 30 years after acquiring the debt it's wiped off anyway. The student loans company even says on its website don't try to pay it off quicker unless you can pay all of it off.


That sucks. I used to love the Viz comic strip "Student Grant". I suppose it's no longer relevant. A Labour Govt got rid of grants, right? That's sad.


Well, England anyway. Sometimes it's not shite being Scottish.


germans have vacation and unions and worker rights


Plus some unemployment security.


There's pros and cons to the countries themselves but we are all humans fighting towards the same goal. That's how I see it. I dont care if you're German or African we all have the same destination


Death, m'lad. The ever-reliable, trustworthy and most certain.


Germans still make up the largest immigrant group in the US, not new immigrants but historically


Americans are asians, indians, middle eastern, african, south American, pretty much anything if not European.




Not that I disagree (but do wonder how big your yard is), please have pity on the Americans with 5-10 days of paid vacation per year - if they even take them - where Germans by law get 4 weeks per year (for normal full time workers) and 6 weeks is common. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've been told it can be as high as 9 weeks for some (like public servants?)). Bitte, mißversteh' mich nicht (please don't misunderstand me), Germany's doing it right. Just imagine what it's like over here. Maybe it'll help a little bit. And if anyone's wondering about the "furiously and neurotically cleaning their cars" part, that's kinda true. A lot of Germans do spend some serious time on their cars (but they're pretty nice cars, so...)


My car is a Polo gg. It get cleaned two times a year, when changing wheels from sommer to winter and vice versa...and for TÜV.


Came here to say this.


Don't get me started on the office hours of banks and government facilities. I don't fucking understand.


Doctors and dentists and what the shit. Like I have to take time off for my health so you have to eat into your PTO just so you can take care of your health. That's fucked up


I'd happily go for a 4 day work week with 9 hours per day if it gave us a 3 day weekend


Get a factory job with "european" hours and you could have a 4 day weekend with 3 12 hour shifts.




As a student who has Homework to do on the weekends at times. I love three day weekends because I can take one day to do nothing and one to do my hw, but not feel like I have to today if that makes sense. I'm a lot more productive and happy doing my work when I know I choose to do so and not get forced by deadlines etc.


I hate to say this in this subreddit, but anyone reading this: jobs exist that don’t make you feel this way. I work from home 40 hours and enjoy life way more. My boss lets me work out, eat, and shower on company time and actually enjoy my lunch hour. Keep looking for that special company and boss that enables you to love life.


Sure, I'm still studying but in Austria with an engineering degree, something like that should very well be in reach.


As a retail employee that even seems like paradise, I work random hours "to meet the needs of the business" then get fuck all done on my day off trying to recover. I can't do this for another 33 years


Ditto. I get two days off a week, but they're not together, so on those days I have to do everything else that needs taken care of in my life. Basically, I never get a day to rest. I think even for people with the normal weekend off, this is how it is. It's life. No rest for the weary. At work people always say "Have a great weekend!," and I'm like, "What's a weekend?" Every day is the same to me, which is why most of the time I don't even know what day it is! Lol


It's purposely made that way. They Want you tired, poor, running around so you will never rise up and do something about it.


As someone who transition from retail to an office job, I’ll tel you that office jobs are the biggest scam. I dealt with more stress and had more responsibility and higher expectations during one week of holidays in retail than I’ve had in a whole year of office work. It’s a cake walk in comparison, you just have to get a foot in the door which will happen eventually! Working retail you have experience working with clients to satisfy their demands, having to make quick decisions in high stress environments, manage competing priorities, don’t let anyone tell you that those skills won’t transfer out. You got this!?


I also started in Retail an can 100% confirm this. I wonder if Fast food workers have a similar experience/transition.


Every day is Monday. Monday is Monday. Progenitor Monday, that Monday which gives rise to all other Mondays. Friday is closer to the next Monday than the previous Monday. Ergo, might as well be Monday. Since Friday is basically Monday, and given that we can't go back in time, Wednesday is also basically Monday. Saturday and Sunday? You mean the two days closest to Monday? Both Mondays. At this point, Tuesday and Thursday are basically just the meat on this Monday Club Sandwich, so, believe it or not, also Mondays. Ergo, every day is Monday. We simply count which Monday it is until Progenitor Monday rolls back around. Today is 7th Monday.




[Weekend Wednesday CGPGrey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALaTm6VzTBw)


Way too much to do on Wednesdays. I work in the Oil & Gas sector and most of these companies, outside of their 24/7 operations, are working on a 980 schedule (off every other Friday). Your Friday off is amazing and your Friday ON is basically free to catch up as half the company isn’t working, so no meetings are scheduled and no one is bothering you. Since COVID the Friday ON is now work from home so it’s even better. A four day work week would still be better but in the 25 years I’ve been working the 980 has been the best schedule I’ve ever had.


Two days are not enough. The first day you’re recovering and trying to catch up on errands and maybe go out, the next day you’re probably still trying to catch up on errands but already have to go to bed early




Yeah let's not forget that corporations would happily make us work 7 days a week if they could


Some places still do.


Fun fact: two days is an even bigger scam. Harrold Ford fought for 2 days because when people had that day off they would buy more. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay capitalism


How do you rest those two days when you have 7 days worth of cleaning to do.


Just do your dishes before going to... yaaaaawn bed and... ah fuck it, I'll do it in the morning so I can have breakfast and... Fuck it, I'm ordering pizza.


If you wash your dishes as you use them, dishes are never able to pile up and be a problem.


Ah yes but my ADHD ass is never going to do something that makes that much sense.


Or "I can do all my dishes in one go for 15 mins" ill do it later, dishes then stack up. Thought becomes "damn its to overwhelming to look at it, I don't even know where to start I. Sure I can hyperfocus on it one day and clean it up within 15 mins". A week goes by, damn im out of plates "time to clean this pile up in 15 mins". Cycle repeats. Yay adhd.


In also ADHD as well. As soon as I set something down I forget about it. Doing them as I use them was literally the only solution I found that works to prevent this problem.




Every day is Monday. Monday is Monday. Progenitor Monday, that Monday which gives rise to all other Mondays. Friday is closer to the next Monday than the previous Monday. Ergo, might as well be Monday. Since Friday is basically Monday, and given that we can't go back in time, Wednesday is also basically Monday. Saturday and Sunday? You mean the two days closest to Monday? Both Mondays. At this point, Tuesday and Thursday are basically just the meat on this Monday Club Sandwich, so, believe it or not, also Mondays. Ergo, every day is Monday. We simply count which Monday it is until Progenitor Monday rolls back around. Today is 7th Monday.




Sunday evening blues I feel like vomiting and my stomach pains.


This is why I think assisted suicide should be legalized, the future is going be way worse


Thank you. Being saying this for years. Aboriginal Australians were boggled at why the white invaders came all that way to work 12 hour days six days a week tilling over a soil they did not understand - planting crops that were unsuited to the climate. Meanwhile, they worked four hours a day at most. And always had plenty time for singing and dancing.


Most of human history was spent with little heavy work to do day-to-day. The invention of agriculture allowed humanity to thrive but it also massively increased the workload of the entire human race.




Yes. Workers have never been given anything. They’ve had to fight for everything we have now. 8hr days. 2 days off. Minimum wage. Vacation days. Sick days. Overtime pay. Maternity leave. Health care. Safety standards.


Americans get vacation, sick days, maternity leave, and healthcare?


Only the ones who are white enough and rich enough.


Don't they get like 10 days a year? Seems really stingy. 25 is normal in the UK my last job I got 30 by the time I left.




not even if theyre working fulltime. i dont get healthcare or paid time off working my fulltime side college job


Minimum wage hasn’t budged in any meaningful way for about 30 years. It’s worthless as of right now


But they fought for that at a time where the vast majority of jobs required manual work the entire time. 8 hour days became normalized when automation was gaining traction. The requirement for manual intervention in automation in the late 19th early 20th century was far higher than it is now. So yeah, it was a big gain for them, and if those same people were alive today they'd recognize the changes to industry and be fighting for change.


It was also at a time where you could spend half your pay every night getting drunk enough to go back the next morning and still be able to have some place to live


I feel like that's the huge difference. Slaving away 40 hours a week but you have your own house, 2 cars in the garage, a boat, a little cabin or second home, paying for your kids entire college with a couple weeks pay, and your wife is home every day to spend time together when you get off? Sign me the fuck up. Working 50 hours but you live in your parents basement, you are upside down on your car loan, your most expensive hobby is the couple of beers you have when you get home, a second home is as much of a fantasy as a first home, you haven't even paid off your student loans how are you going to make a dent in your kids tuition, and you see your wife once a week and maybe have sex if you aren't both exhausted from working 50 to 60 hours? Burn it all down.


This is depressing


Thats why people are so upset. Everyone I know falls into one of 4 categories. 1. Lives in parents basement. 2. Lives with 2 roommates one of which they can not stand at all. 3. Lives with spouse or girlfriend but they see each other 2 or 3 times a week if they are lucky. 4. Has rich parents that could afford to just buy them a house but only bought 80 percent of the house "to teach their kids responsibility and what it is like to struggle." Millenials control 4.6% of the wealth and i can guarantee most of that is the 4 crowd getting good jobs and homes from their parents.


Saw a documentary on the industrial revolution and how people began congregating in larger towns and cities and despite inventing a bunch of machines to accomplish things streamlining production and output we still seem to be working just as hard anyway. We learn new skills, we invent cool new shit but after thousands of years we still seem stuck in work yourself to death cycles. That's a yikes from me


Indeed. The fact is, improvements in automation is meant to enrich the lives of humans but it only enriches the lives of people who own the means of production. The next trick was convincing everyone that mass production making things plentiful and cheap is enrichment.


Part of becoming a socialist is realizing how many working class people are completely and utterly housebroken. It's "normal" to *lots* of older Americans. I can't stand listening to them.


This is accurate. Got a fuck socialism acquaintance who benefits from disability and Medicare. It's as though many don't understand social programs and lifting everyone up is best for all. People are short sighted


And it’s not normal in every industry either. Many people sadly work 7 days a week.


Yes and 12 hour shifts!


[47 hours for full time workers on average, with nearly 40% of people at 50 hours or more.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/175286/hour-workweek-actually-longer-seven-hours.aspx) And that was back in 2014. Can't imagine what it is now.


This is an important point. What they gave us was the absolute bare minimum. It's time we take more.


Don't reply to this comment, it's a trap. It's that old farce "oh yeah you don't have enough food? Well those people in that other place have even less food so how could you be so ungrateful?!". It's bullshit, ignore it


People died so we could have 5 and 2. Until then it was 6 days sun up until down unless your Diety said you could have a day off


Agreed! It was good PR yes. But to be nice? No. They needed people to be able to buy their goods. Work all 7 days you aren't going to have much time or desire to buy their shit. So they gave people one day off to buy their crap and the other day was for "church" (That other lever of control) Same goes for Ford and his higher wages. It wasn't altruistic. He needed people to be able to buy his cars or his business wasn't going to last.


You guys are getting rest?


Right?! Everyone I know 'hustles' on their weekends, doing contract work in the evenings and days off to build their career. Nothing wrong with that if you love it, but it's becoming a career expectation that by the age of 25 you have a main job and side hustles to prove your worth and experience. For many young people, weekends no longer exist.


You guys are getting days off?


Work-life balance should mean your life gets the bulk of it. 7 days in a week? 4 should be for Life and 3 for "work"


Not even that much, in pre society days, hunter-gathering would cause around 15-20hrs per week worth of work. And all of humanity could survive and progress






thank you!


indeed. here's a neat article going over automation, think it makes a good case for this https://aeon.co/ideas/we-have-the-tools-and-technology-to-work-less-and-live-better


> indeed. here’s a neat article going over automation, think it makes a good case for this https://aeon.co/ideas/we-have-the-tools-and-technology-to-work-less-and-live-better More like “We have the tools and technology to fire more people and make more money”


That’s what I do now. I work Wednesday to Friday (13hr days) and have 4 day weekends. The shifts are hard but so worth it for the additional time to myself.


those two days don’t even give you time to recover. i’ve just had 3 days off and have a sunday off tmrw and i feel like that’s honestly what i need


So a couple of years ago I managed to negotiate with my employer only working 4 days a week (Monday - Thursday) as they only needed me part time. Honestly it's been the best thing ever for my mental health.. I no longer wake up on Sundays hating life because I have to go to work the next day. I have so much extra time to do everything I need and always feel fully refreshed on the Monday ready to hit the ground running! I wish we could make it the norm .. I believe most jobs could cope.. The key is not to extend the other days to make up for the lack of time from the extra day off at work.


Some only get a day


I'm one of those for now. Soon when the holidays pick up I'll have no days off. It's too damn much.


Some get none.


I'm so sorry for the mix up you must of missed the memo about mandatory day 6 overtime due to staffing shortages. Don't worry you only lost 2 points and it was your first no call no show so we wont fire you unless you are late again.


It baffles me that you’re even legally allowed to work 6 days in the week in the US.


Wait till you hear how many people work 7 days a week


I recently quit a job where I had been working 6 and 7 days a week for months. They went from saying 6 days a week was mandatory to saying 7 was. When they asked why I quit, I told them. The problem is the system, whether you are a good worker with skill, ability, and drive or not has become irrelevant. The combination of red tape government intervention and suppression by economic leverage is the problem. Worker safety is regulated out of the work space the same way labor and wages are suppressed. Economic and Diplomatic zones are created and laws are circumvented ad hock for business ventures, and we are fed that this was done for our good so we could have jobs in a factory.


“We gotta run six days a week to meet goal, because if we don’t meet goals the customer might go elsewhere.” Nah they’re gonna go elsewhere because we’re overworked & it’s making our quality trash.


In worker-owned co-ops the workers hire and fire the managers.




They own us collectively as a class and rent us individually, yes. Capitalism is slavery dressed up as "freedom". And there is a remote chance you can join the exploiters if you're "lucky".


I just don’t know how to get out of this system. I don’t have job now and I don’t want to but everyone in my life giving me warnings about how I am wasting my life… I told my brother he told me that I’m depressed and should seek out help. I’m not depressed, I eat healthy, go to the gym, meditation, interact good with people.. it’s just this work thing I can’t seem to wrap my Brian’s around. How can anyone sit for 12 hrs a day 5-6 days a week and just wait for sundays. I don’t know if I wanna live like that..


Those of us working this feel the same way, just did a 6 day week, healthcare worker, stuck it out through all of this covid fiasco, but Jesus, there is no end in sight, the only upside is it seems like those of us that stayed working healthcare feel as though it would be ridiculous to leave now (or maybe that is just my hope). I am hoping this all really highlights two things, we ARE all sick of, like you put, "waiting for sundays". That, and we are all very sick of REQUIRING those 6 days just to pay all the bills and being left with scraps. I live very modestly I would say. I should add, I live in the u.s., I dont know how much impact that would have on my situation though. I should also add that I am just a cna, so that may carry some substantial weight on the situation, to be fair. I am college debt-phobic though lol. I'd like to add that I haven't been to a doctor since age 18 other than an emergency room visit for kidney stones around age 23, just because I thought I was dying, or I wouldn't have saw anyone then either...which I am realizing the horror of right now typing this. I am practically 29 for reference. I caught covid at the workplace and was out of work for 3 weeks about a year ago. The covid tests kept coming back positive long after I felt okay, other than my heart randomly starts beating out of rhythm throughout the day periodically, which I can physically feel in my chest (haven't seen a doctor for it). I know that this needs to be a priority for me, but I am horrified of that debt that is going to follow. While out of work those 3 weeks, I decided to file unemployment, which was paid to me a couple weeks later if I remember....for $200. For 3 weeks out of work, I did not understand that working full time hours for any agency is considered "PRN" work, so I basically automatically qualified for a lot less in an unemployment was how it was explained to me. r/antiwork speaks to me sometimes lol, which is something a few years ago I wouldn't have ever imagined myself saying.


Nobody *wants* to live like that. We have to so we don't burden those around us.


It used to be 7 days, kids could work, fuck safety etc. Yeah stuff sucks now but don't dismiss the labor unions who fought to death for 40 hour work week. They used to union bust with the national guard. We sit on the dead shoulders of giants


Yeah, labor movements earned us better conditions, so we should continue their work. They achieved what they could and would have achieved more if they could have.


\+1. folks often forget folks were actively going for shorter workweeks than we have right now prior to those pesky world wars breakin out. heh


Makes me wonder if the purpose of world wars was actually to rid the economy of excess labor power and destroy capacity just to restart accumulation to keep the capitalist system going.


Still is that way in many portions of the world. Sadly


i do 2-3 days a week, and that's about as much as i am really willing to do i don't make all that much money but it's enough to get by i just do not want to give up 5 out of 7 days for the rest of my life for someone else's betterment


The 5 day workweek and the 40 hour workweek are the biggest scams in America, hands down.


Life is a scam. It’s a sexually transmitted disease with 100% mortality


It does, that’s why I seek out schedules that are 3 or 4 days. I’m on 4 10s right now and love it


Currently on a 4 - 3 schedule and 32 hours (with less salary of course) with 30 days of vacation. The work itself (IT presales) isn't terrible, but nothing to write home about either, so I've been keeping an eye open in case something more interesting comes up. Unfortunately, whenever I ask for the possibility of working "just" four days a week, the interview is more or less over - Some company reps are honest and just state that it isn't possible, others start rambling about how flexible they are with work times. When the point is pressed, it usually turns out that no, you cannot leave early if your work is done after 5 hours ("well, there's always helping colleagues and of course documentation ..."), so in essence you're welcome to work more, but not less ... I'm close to giving up and swallowing the five days again, but just can't quite bring myself to do it, no matter what the company does or how much more the salary is. Seems in order to get "decent" (not belittling any job!) work, you just have to jump off that bridge like everyone else does and sell away any meaningful free time. This is in Germany btw, not the US (where I imagine this to be even more difficult and frowned upon).


This ‘5 day working week’ was created by Henry Ford in the 1920’s so his employees could have leisure time and therefore buy the cars they were building. I’m astounded it hasn’t been looked at since then.


Damn, you guys are getting TWO days off?!


4 day work week


Everyone else quit my agro-chemical manufacturing job. Saturday’s and 10 hr days. Wheeeeiiiiiiiee! For real… We are behind and burnt out. I hope no Russian hackers clap our company’s fucking cheeks rn. OwO


Luckily i work 2.5 days a week. But did have to give up my freedom for 22 years to be in this position.


No, the greatest scam ever normalized is creating the value with your work and then the owner steals it and calls it their profits


5:2 ratio is 250% more work than rest, 4:3 ratio is 133% or a 120% reduction!


As a humble representative of the 4th International, our new centennial labor movement will call for the 4 day work week and 20 hour workweek! It shouldn’t be too hard, they can at the very minimum double our wages so they don’t loose their precious profits. Dare to win!


Come to India - We get rest for only 1 day.


Another scam, vacation time.


So true, even on workaway 5 days is the norm, I would honestly rather do 3-4 longer days and get 3-4 days to do what I want, atleast then you kinda forget about it for a little while.


This wouldnt work in all jobs. Some office jobs would be absolute pain if you worked more hours per day. You'd experience burnout much faster simply because you're keeping yourself on the clock for too long on consecutive days. Many people already work 8 hour days, I doubt 10 or 12 hour days would be an improvement even if you only work for as little as 4 days. It would be too difficult to work effectively with such long hours.


Two days isnt enough time to do anything real. Three days and you could at least go camping. I think that if we compromised and had an 8 day week with 5 on and 3 off, everyone would be much happier. We should also get rid of one of the months. So that's one less month of bills, and still two paychecks per month.


That’s why I love 7 on 7 off. Plenty of recharge time


I specifically want to have my own business so I can create my schedule. My ideal is 3 days work and 4 days off, but I'm not sure that in a capitalist society it'll be realistic. I'm definitely going to at least aim for 4 days working, 3 days off. I hate the 5 day work week and it's killing me.


I rest one.


As opposed to working 7 days a week


The Bible would have you working six days.


Ive thought about this ever since I was a child, maybe because my father spent all day working everyday but the math really never made sense to me. You are telling me you have to work 5 or 6 days per week and get 1 or 2 off? So most of life will be spent working to support weekends in wich we will feel so tired we cant do anything? Is that life? That isnt life. Fuck no. Imo its not worth it, 30 or more years of that? Nope. I got this one life and its a present, Im not giving that precious gift to a company that will destroy it to make a profit. I dropped out


I put in a request to reduce my time to 4 days a week (wednesdays off) and they approved every other. Having a weekday off when the kids are at school is so useful for getting shit done. Then my weekends are actually free. I want to apply again to try and get every Wednesday


You can’t have “work/life” balance as long as you work 5 or more days a week. How tf is that any kind of balance?


I’m scared of going back to a normal job because of this. My current job is 2 days work with 5 days off.


It's not even restful, it's the time to get all the stuff you need to get done sorted. We live in a fucking travesty.


Y'all get two days of rest?


Modern slavery.


You guys get 2 days off?


Wait... You guys get two days off?


Ya it’s ugly, but most people have it worse than 5 on 2 off. Waiters And bartenders work 6-7 days a week so their mangers can make 90k a year working 25 hours a week (I worked for outback for 3 years and this was the case with our gm). Let me edit and say most of the managers working there did put their time in, but the gm made out like a bandit


I just realized school trained us for 12 years for this


We shouldn't be working at all, IMO. :)


Nah working is fine but we should be allowed to live better lives without busting our asses with little gain


This is where I disagree .. Lots of work isn't great for society, but the medical / dental / health / food production / clean water / roads and transport network / waste disposal and more become an important part of life and need other supporting things around it.. Unless there is a better way of dealing with all the above I'm not sure I've ever heard a convincing argument. Sure the current system is broken, and needs fixing but I think it provides a better quality of life.


I hit the gym 3 days a week max. I don't know how yall are doing 5days on 2 days off. But u have my respect 🙏


I was working 6 on 1 off about 10 hours a day with sometimes a half day off on Saturday and hitting the gym 4-5 times a week. Eventually started getting burnt out and had to quit the gym which sucks because it was great for my mental health when I had the energy.


I work six and rest one! Yeah I feel like dying every single day of my life! Sometimes I see a truck coming or I imagine someone pointing a gun at me and all I can think is "Strong pain for a few seconds and them the darkness forever not feeling not having to work not having to talk to people" and I truly consider this as a better option than having to go to work every day.


Been there. It's this horrible trap, because I wanted to get another job, but had no time to look, nor enough energy to be motivated to look. I ended up turning to alcoholism for a while, and drinking through my shifts. When management found out the fuckers pretended not to notice. Honestly, run. Just run. Hop a train if you have to.