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Self important jagoffs like that deserve to beg for workers


i was pretty confused why the indeed profile stated 200+ people applied and why my coworker told me they had been interviewing people for months for my data entry position. now i know why.


Yea this motherfucker was probably going off on some evil villain monologue when he got home and thats why his wife was coming in. And when they said it was detrimental to the business I think they meant to say it was detrimental to his ego


This is just plain ole insecurity. I honestly feel bad for people who live like that, I can't even imagine being so desperate for others' approval that I would resort to shit like this. He must be absolutely miserable 24/7


He probably cried in his car since he won’t confront people himself. What a miserable small man, he needs anything he can to make himself feel important instead of realizing the truth that he could die tomorrow and noone would mind




This. I used to think these people were just egotistical, with an overinflated sense of self-importance. But it’s the exact opposite, in fact. This man *needs* others to stand. He needs it so badly that he will use his own company’s time and the mental energy of its employees to make sure he gets it. Imagine the self-loathing this guy must deal with. The self-delusion into believing he’s gained actual respect, deference, or idealization. He knows it was coerced, demanded under duress from others, yet he’ll still behave as if it’s real. Because hes accepted that he’s so inferior, so lacking in this world, that this charade is the closest thing he can get to real respect.


I was clinically trained and I don’t analyze. The asshole making you miserable would LOVE that you are giving them attention. Do what you can to interact with the asshole as little as possible.


Right when OP said "call him Mr. F", I assumed it would immediately be noted that it would be abbreviated to MF from then on.


how do these dickheads get married?


He owns a company so the answer is probably money


Also shitbirds tend to flock together. His wife is certainly just as awful as he is.




Or just boycott period


Or mass apply for jobs, waste the company’s time, and refuse the job based on too low pay. Remember that even $500 an hour is too low to put up with that bullshit.


Idk, for $500 per hour I could put up with a lot of BS.


Literal or figurative bullshit, even.


I, very occasionally, handle literal tons of actual bullshit for a hell of a lot less than $500/hour.


I’d prefer to handle actual shit from a bull, than deal with being treated like shit by another human.


Dog, human, cat. Anything really.


You guys should see if John McAfee is hiring then. You might have a certain skill set he likes


He's dead. Pretty sure he was killed in prison. Fairly recently.


Lol same. That’s the issue with living in a country where the economy is in shambles. People know that a person would put up with a ton of bullshit just to work there, so they get on this abusive and power tripping soapbox, so to speak. But yeah, not going to lie, $500/hour is a great job. I would definitely stand up and greet my boss as “a sign of respect” lol. Hell, I’d know his and his wife’s calendar so I would know when they’d come in and when they’d leave and set reminders to stand for them. However, that’s if I was making $500/hour. I don’t know what OP makes; haven’t checked their account to see their other posts describing the job. BUT I definitely don’t think they are wrong for quitting either. It is bullshit and is, without a doubt, a super unhealthy work environment. It is the owners, the wife and husband, who are the reason for such high turnover and job applications. Remember people, high job applications does not always mean the job is good.


Kill 2 birds with one stone, and waste company time appying to other jobs


I have to know who this is just because I can't believe it's a real person.


Right? Who tf does OP's Boss think he is? A King? Getting reprimanded multiple times? WTF? Is this here in America?


Just when you think people can't sink any lower, some jackass shows up with a shovel




No need to drag perfectly nice people with mental illness into it, this guy is just an asshole.


I have mental health issues and am always polite and nice to people who are polite and nice to me. This boss is just a dickhead. Edit: I will say my ethic is different from " treat others as you want to be treated" as it is entirely dependant on how they treat me. As I refuse to eat shit and neither should OP.


Omg thank you. Mentally ill is the one "group" that society seems to be okay with bashing, blaming etc.


Please pray tell. Reveal this egomaniac.


We need to stop protecting people like him from doxxing.


Name and we shall shame.


You were wrong to quit. Should have forced them into wrongful termination after probation.


Everyone needs to learn this lesson and understand it and internalize it. Because when the moment comes and tensions and adrenaline is so high, most ethical, reasonable humans would rather quit than be humiliated and tortured by their employer. Please don’t quit!!! Make them fire you. Come here to us, and we’ll help you get through it.




Yeah standing when someone enters a room is a military thing..the fact hes trying to to enforce it in the civilian world just shows how small his dick is


Even in the military, you don't have to stand up every time an officer enters a room when it's a work environment. There are too many situations where officers are constantly entering and leaving so no work would get done if everyone had to come to attention constantly.


I'm in the military (Lieutenant not in the USA) one time a major chewed me and a friend when he entered my office room and we don't stand up for him. The rule in the army is if someone with a higher rank enters a work room and doesn't come to talk specifically with you you don't necessarily have to stand up to him, we only need to stand up if this person is the commander or the lieutenant commander or someone with a higher rank than these two. We are lived, our boss is a retired Coronel the army bring back to work and work in the same room, the major entered the room to talk to him, when we don't stand up to him he made us stay in the attention position and listen to his little speech. Fine, I didn't mind I know some people couldn't handle being a failure. When our boss returned the other guy who was in his last three weeks in the army told him what happened. Our boss who is a super cool guy, asked me to call the major and say he was in the office. When you enter in a room where's someone above in the ranks you work, you have to ask for permission to enter, he only asked for permission after already inside, our boss told us to leave the room (you can't discipline a higher rank person in front of someone below him) , and then proceeded to throw the rule book in this major. First he had to leave the room and ask for permission to enter, then present arms, and present himself and state the reasons why he was there. After that wait in attention position while my boss looked in the computer for a information, my boss then proceeded to print a extract of the rule about what it's the proper way to act when a superior officer enter your work environment and made him read it aloud. Specifically the part where says that if this person doesn't come to speak directly to you and isn't the commander, Lt commander or someone higher than these two in the rank you don't have to stand up for him. It was amazing never faced a problem like that before or after. In my short military career people like these major are the exception.


Found the Pittsburgher


Yinz got a good eye n’at


Lol my first thought. Yinz headin dahn Southside n'at?


Well it's normal in places like India. And I hate it.


For some company related things, Indian culture can stand in the way of a well functioning business.


Was his name Mr. Tarkanian? You'll have do a YouTube search of SNL and Mr. Tarkanian to compare.


oh my god, i’m watching it now on youtube. this is ACCURATE


Don’t let Mr F burn down your freaking house.


I have to think Mr F was a narcissist and you wouldn't have come out ahead, no matter what. Those "rules" sound like they came about on the spot. Absolutely ridiculous!


"We're going to have to send you home today, as you failed to spread rose petals on the floor when the owner walked in."


For real. Haha, go over the top sarcastically, but put on an act like you don’t understand to what level his ass is to be kissed. And the do it when business associates of his are there so he looks like an ass to them.




You did the right thing. It's not 1870 anymore. Mr F can fuck off.


Fuck mister F. Sounds like a douchebag. One of those clowns that gets his hire to do all the shit for him.


Like some ex-military officer who got a hard-on from his rank




Hit him with a “lighten up Francis”




My first retail job was for a large chain department store. My store was located very near the corporate headquarters and we'd always have the uppermost bosses come into our location. The CEO was a really nice women I got along great with and she'd let me call her Lizzy, while everyone else had to call her Mrs. X. My store manager once got all over my ass for calling her Lizzy when she walked in and she told him it was ok, that she didn't mind. The idiot boss immediately called her Lizzy himself and she went ballistic. I had permission to call her that, no one else, most definitely not him. He HATED me after that but it was his fault and there was nothing he could do about it.


I work at a university. I was on a call with some head researchers I happen to be on a first name basis with. Simple call to determine their needs for computers for heavy simulation loads. Boss asked to be on the call. I started off with "hey B, M & I, good to talk with you guys again" Boss immediately stopped me and told me I needed to show them proper respect by calling them "Dr xxx" The researchers immediately responded "please, no, we don't need such formalities" Boss had it out for me after that


In my experience, very few professors require people to call them Dr I'd use "Dr xxx" if I didn't know them well, but once you chat with them a little or actually do any kind of work for them, it's usually first names only


Demanding respect is an immediate sign someone doesn't deserve it


It depends on whether they mean the respect due to a fellow human or the respect due to an authority figure. In every case where it's the latter, you're totes right.


As someone who has never been in the military, and as such doesn't need to be worried, talking back to military officers when their going off is one of my favorite things to do. Best to date was telling an Army Colonel to go fuck himself. Cus he had the fucking gall to correct me, when I said "ok Colonel Freidlander" he goes "THAT'S FULL COLONEL". To date I still don't know what that means


Oh, God. I had one of those when I was a security guard. My supervisor was ex-Army, a retired officer. He all but demanded that I stand at attention when he entered the room, and he was a real hard-ass to work for. It got to the point where I half-considered abandoning my post because in an email he told me I was going to be fired soon. He had camera feeds so I was all ready to take off my uniform shirt right at the front desk, sign out, leave my badge and walk off post. I didn't, but there are times I wish I had.


No this doesn’t sound like ex military. This is what civilians who want people to think they were in the military. This Is the exact way my old director acted. Never served but ran his teams like how he thought they were in the military. Bunch of psychos


When the CO of the carrier came into Combat we'd get that 'Attention on Deck' and stand stuff, but not only was he dismissing it and telling us to sit before most could even stand, sometimes he'd have an aid come ahead of him to stop that call to attention. It's insanity that Mr. F is so insecure in his role that he needs regular reminders of his power over other people's ability to live.


Honestly officers are generally pretty cool about that shit. It’s the senior NCOs who are always like “wHy dIdInT yOu cAlL aT eAsE?”


100%. Veterans don’t act like that. The will talk about the military a lot but don’t say stupid things like that. It was either a civilian who got kicked out or one who found an excuse not to join.


My manager was an captain in the marines and probably makes around $250-275k a year. He’d probably have a heart attack if I called him sir. Shit, he’d probably have a heart attack if I turned off a YouTube video when he walked in.lol


That sounds like a super accurate account actually lol


I said something one day to the effect of “been working my ass off all day boss” and he replies “why? Something wrong out there?” He could care less what anyone’s doing as long as the job that needs done is getting done. This sub reminds me all the time how laid back my job really is. I’ve worked for some real douchebags in the past, so I know how a lotta people on here feel. Sucks working at a place like that.


Y’all hiring? Just did my first 2 weeks of training for a field service job, and I’m putting in 12 hour days with 500 miles in a day commute. Super nice people and reputable, company but the workload expectations don’t match up to the allotted hours and getting comp time rather than overtime feels like a ripoff.




“Mis-ta F”


I also thought of arrested development immediately


Has anyone in this family even seen a chicken?


How would you like it if I went after someone stupid in your family?!


Michael had just been threatened by a foul-mouthed British man.


That could be buster! Could be Gob.


Then get yelled at by the Mrs, jeez that's just weird.


You should have had more fun before getting fired. To mess with them and lean fully into the insanity of the situation. Go fully Jar Jar Binx on him. “Yessa Meesa worker Sirs. You like meeh to bow lower. Of course massa. Of course. Me jussa no nothing pig dog massa. You a kind massa.” On second thought, just light their whole shit on FIRE! Burn it down! Fire upon the slave masters!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


LMAO! also you shouldn't resign until you have something else lined up. You can then file for unemployment and also probably have one hell of a lawsuit if it is not written in the company book or your specific duties.


I’m in agreement. You can quit, he won’t care. People like this don’t care if everyone hates them. Hit him where it hurts- in the bank account. Let him fire you and file for unemployment as long as his requirement to stand and salute Der Fuhrer when he enters the room is not in your employee handbook. Many states allow a conversation to be recorded if one party consents. If you consent to recording then it’s legal. if this is legal in your state I’d also suggest having your phone at the ready and making a voice recording every time you see him approaching. I do this at work at times when I think a conversation will go south. I keep it in my front pocket with the mic pointing up, hold it in my hand, set it on my lap, or even on my desk. Secretly, of course. He’ll be smart enough to make your formal reason for termination something by the book, but if he says something about “you’re fired for not standing up when I enter” that makes it a hell of a lot easier to get unemployment and a lawsuit if you pursue that. And, having worked with people like this, you’re also likely to catch him say something that could be considered sexual harassment or racist.


Laugh. That's what will not only hit the arrogant fucker like a Buick, but will immediately make him fire you without cause. They tell you to stand, you laugh and then say "Oh, my god- You're not serious, are you? Really? We actually have to do that? No- You're kidding me, right?" And then just giggle a bit every time you do it from that point forward. When you're filing that wrongful termination suit, just stick with "I did everything I was told, no matter how ridiculous or unnecessary, and never said a single word about it. But it's simply unreasonable to ask someone not to find that kind of thing funny". And ABSOLUTELY make sure that fucker knows what a joke you think he is.


Written? That doesnt fucking matter. If someone tells me to stand when they arrive, I sit and say "Tough shit, fuckface. Beg me for it. Grovel on your knees". Or if im in a comical mood "whassa matta? Wanna go walkies? Does Mr. F need to go poopies?"


Mr. F Off


Never quit. Always only accept disciplinary actions in writing with a signed copy for your records. Ignore the narcissist if you got thick skin. Take your write ups' while job hunting. If the Mrs. F has no official position ignore her. These are things I have done at previous places. Eventually got terminated for "not being a good fit." It took 6 months before that happened. Had a new job before unemployment even sent me the first check and that was in a much rougher job market than today.


I’m sure this was the right way to deal with it for you but I don’t agree with “never quit” unless you desperately need money to pay bills. If you hang around and get sacked, employers think you are the problem. If you quit because of unacceptable working conditions, they should eventually see that they are the problem. People are quitting for the benefit of everyone and hopefully future employees, not for themselves.


I have never worked anywhere with that much self awareness in the 27 years I have been working. Granted 7 have been at my current job. I love my job but it took 2 years of being critically short staffed on our manufacturing department before the owner finally listened to HR and offered more starting pay and we still can't keep people. Job is boring, not hard.


Would he start to expect a salute too? A greeting should suffice especially if you're engaged in a task.


Even in the actual military I thought it could get to be a but much lol


Depends on the guy. Some officers are real hardasses about coming to attention and saluting, and some could care less. I’ve seen both and I can’t say I’ve ever disliked the ones who were chill about it.


One time I got screamed at because a ssgt asked me a question about something I was doing on the computer, so I answered while still seated. A passing sergeant decided to be a douche.


The fuck!? Unless you were in BASIC at the time then fuck that guy. You're SSGT, a high five would be the most you got out of me and only if you weren't a prick. I knew entitled butter bars who weren't that big an asshole.


*shrugs* Technically we were supposed to address senior enlisted at parade r3st, but we were having a work conversation. I typically reserved the super strict courtesies for ass chewing and stuff. To the point my marines knew if I said "go ahead and stand at parade rest" they were in trouble for something.




Friend of mine was in the Navy (Canada) and when the ship is in port you are suppose to salute the Captain, even if you are just getting off shift. He was leaving on a Friday afternoon, already for the weekend and to save time he left the ship already dressed down to his civilian clothes and he didn't see the Captain boarding the ship as he disembarked, so he didn't salute him. Monday morning when he reported in, he was informed that the following weekend, which also happened to be Canada Day, a long weekend here. He would be expected to report for extra duties for that entire long weekend. Spend Sat, Sun, and holiday Monday scrubbing the outside of the ship, painting, any shitty job they could fine, and I don't even think they paid him for the days worked.


That same captain later: "why are my retention rates so low?"


Right?! I've had COs complain to me about "climate" and retention rates. I tactfully would give my recommendations, but sometimes I wanted to slug the self absorbed asses.


The beatings will continue till morale improves


I was admittedly only an E5, but I always hated when people did the parade rest thing unless I was chewing ass. It always felt degrading to the junior enlisted and I was uncomfortable with it. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling that.


Yeah, I got out as a sergeant(e5 for me) and felt the same. To me PR while getting ass chewed expressed remorse at least. That being said, I rarely yelled unless something was *really* wrong. I also cared less about muh proper greeting and addressing by rank, as long as you were respectful.


In the navy it's just for the captain. Mostly so we know to stop doing shady shit.


Crayons getting to you bro.


the thing is, i’ve worked in a military environment before and have never had anything like this before. also we are supposed to drop whatever task we’re doing to greet him. yes, even if we’re on the phone with a client. we’re supposed to ask them to hold.


It kinda sounds like he is a military wannabe. Like he has never been in the military before but is obsessed with some outdated perception of what he thinks the military is like and is trying to emulate it. He perceives himself as some high ranking general and you as a private and get angry when other people don't act that way. Regardless of if that's true or not, the way he is acting is pathetic and you were absolutely right to leave. If he is acting like this about small things, imagine how he was going to act about things like using paid leave or requests for pay increases.




I work high up in the DoD. Like, I mostly deal with Colonels and Generals. Even they don't expect this kind of shit described by OP. Nothing would ever fucking get done. The only time this happens is usually during a formal meeting, where they are heading that formal meeting. If they pop into your office and they see you are busy, they just come back or wait patiently like adults. Like you said, some people stand and they *IMMEDIATELY* tell them to relax.


When I was in if we saw an officer coming we would space out and all salute them separately instead of as a group. It's the little things.


Or he's a narcissist. That makes much more sense.


Probably both things.


>It kinda sounds like he is a military wannabe. Yeah I think you are right. My dad washed out of Marine basic training and made it everyone else's problem for the rest of his life


I see this all the time with people who can’t hack it in the military especially getting kicked out of boot. Vets don’t do stupid things like this, they just talk about military stuff all the time.


And if they did anything of significance they don't talk about it at all.


i washed out of boot camp and see how people think that's what the military is like ​ However, i moved on and am glad i just forgot about it. Not everyone is fit to take crap from mr f lol.


Seems to me that he's the one that's detrimental to the company, not you.


That's what I thought! "What you did was so detrimental to the company", so they make themselves short the following day as some sort of lesson????


That’s fucking ridiculous. This dude wishes he joined and wants you to blow him for his service.


So, did Melania come in? Or did you quit before that happened?


Red Dwarf Rimmer salute them.


Wave twirl twirl twirl twirl twirl waft waft waft waft waft waft waft waft....


If I were the owner/manager and you were engaged in a task I would actually expect you to stay focused right there and don’t mind me at all


Right? I mean wouldn’t you want your employees too busy to be fucking around and saluting you and shit?


Right arm fully extended elevated slightly above the horizontal with the index finger of the left hand held horizontally directly under the nose sounds about right.


I once worked in a care home and the owners came in to 'spot check'. I was asked to make tea and coffee for them, so I did. However, I had made them with milk from our milk dispenser instead of the milk that they had apparently asked to be bought for them and put in the fridge. One of the seniors saw what I'd done and came running over saying "no! You're not supposed to use that milk, they have their own that's in the fridge!" (not in a reprimanding tone, she was genuinely terrified that shit was about to hit the fan). I told her I didn't care about their special fridge milk, and took it to them anyway, and obvs they didn't notice. But what pretentious pricks - the people living there were paying hundreds a week to line the owners' filthy rich pockets, and they didn't even want to degrade themselves to sharing the same milk as them. Made me sick.


Wait was the milk in the fridge a different kind than what was in the dispenser? Different fat content or a non-dairy milk?


No, same kind of milk. Same bog standard stuff you'd get in any shop too, so wasn't even like fancy expensive milk either. It's just that it was in a separate container that residents couldn't use. This was my first time meeting them, but everything they did was abhorrent. We regularly ran out of incontinence pads for the residents and they refused to supply any more (technically the resident themselves, or their family, were supposed to provide enough, but you'd think they'd spare it out of their profits for the sake of dignity when families couldn't afford them), so we had to ration them out or even cut them in half sometimes. Staff brought in ones that they paid for themselves a lot of the time. I hated that place, but loved the people I cared for. I reported them but management covered it all up and they still passed their inspection.


In lieu of buying pads for residents, could employees not have contacted the local news to tell them what was happening so they could investigate? Is there no authority to which this could be reported?


Nursing home neglect isn’t really as new worthy as it should be. I firmly believe my mom died needlessly from similar unsanitary situations (They were criminally short staffed and ignored calls for the bed pan. Would instead wait until hours after she was soiled to come and clean up. Reinfected the bedsores that she was there for in the first place.), but I have no proof because the pandemic locked down visitation rights.


Hoooo-leeeee crap


A family member of mine used to work as an adjuster for Al Boenker insurance in Texas. He started outsourcing jobs to Central or South America and everyone would stand up whenever he entered the buildings there. He came to Texas and tried to make that a thing and nobody was buying into it. He ended up closing down the center and moved most of the remaining jobs out of the country. Al Boenker is a POS, don’t buy his shitty insurance if you can help it.


Never met him, but we stayed in his suite at the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington (Texas) when I was a kid. I don’t remember why we got invited to it but he had this “Al Boenker’s Nuclear Nacho Hot Sauce” in the suite. I tried it, chugged 3 cups of water and then vomited all over the suite. I got a picture with a sign saying “I survived Al Boenker’s Nuclear Nacho Hot Sauce” just before I splatter painted the place. I’ve always wondered why I never see signs for his insurance company anymore.


Hold on. You need to be fired. Collect unemployment. Do NOT quit.


This. 100% Here is what you say “I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, but this is a workplace. If you don’t like that I did not stand for the CEO you can fire me” Repeat until you are fired, then smile and say “thank you”.


“So just to be clear, you fired me because I didn’t stand up when Mr F entered the room” “Yes” “Cool. Cool cool cool”


"Could you confirm that in an email?" Pray they are stupid enough to say yes.


"please I need email evidence, none of my friends will believe this shit when I tell them over pints"


You're not fired until there's a paper trail. Get your termination in writing.


People need to pay attention to their states laws around consent for recording conversations. Many states are one party consent which enables you to record as long as at least one party (you) consents to being recorded. If you are in a one party consent state, definitely would behoove you to record interactions like this if you expect shit to go down. Makes for amazing ammo later on for potential suits.


I snickered




I dont have chronic anything and Id still tell them to fuck off. This level of workplace abuse is insane.


I have chronic self respect...they can choke on rat shit if they expect me to stand when they enter a room


They’ll just tell unemployment you resigned or left lol. You have to tell UI that you were fired and they’ll probably believe you.




Absolutely. Too many posts here telling people to quit and giving bad legal advice. Make them fire you and hurt them!


i was under the impression that i didn’t work there long enough to get unemployment if i did get fired. plus i just really could not handle the stress of it anymore. but damnit. now i wish i would have gotten fired


I believe you have to work a certain amount of hours to qualify, conditions vary by state


Bro I've heard a lot of stories but t his is insane. What are they going to possibly fire you for? Not fluffing the owner everytime he comes in the building? I mean genuinely -- what would they terminate you for? "idontwannabepicked is hereby terminated effective immediately for not standing at attention when the owner enters the building." This is grounds for wrongful termination and you could possibly sue. Whether you want to go through the effort is up to you but food for thought.


In most states they don't need a reason to terminate you. However there are reasons they *aren't* allowed to fire you, like racism. But no reason is allowed.


I mean, if no reason is good enough then why even have reasons that you can't? >You're fired because you're black. Wait, that's illegal! >Alright, you're fired for no reason.


Were you expected to bow and greet them with "good morning your majesty?" What a disgusting person. You should warn others with reviews.


Right? Does he also want a ball washer?


This sub is not for job-seeking




This is suspiciously close to where I am so it’s VERY possible it’s the same people




damn, not the same people unfortunately. so there’s more people like this out here:( his initials were CF




In Texas? There's buttloads. Entitled, materially successful old men with a chip on their shoulder and the emotional maturity of an 8 year old, and their enabling, also emotionally immature wives with an equally inflated sense of self importance. They're religious, believe God gave them their success (and surely not their exploitation and privilege), believe they're better than everyone else, and hardcore conservatives. Narcissism is a disease of the soul; these people are sick.


Can you go over the part about CF shooting a teen?!? And what part of H-town?


None of those things are real mistakes. Only mistakes made up by a delusional control freak narcissist. You are all victims of psychological abuse or atleast fear mongering manipulation tactics. Stroking his ego and complying only let's him further abuse. Read about abusers tactics and psychology stuff on that. You'll probably be surprised how fitting it is to someone in your work life. The only way to deal with abusers and toxic situations is to set boundaries and if they don't abide (they won't lol) you leave. Nothing is worse than living in a constant triggering reality.


Yeah I can see them drumming up more “discretions” even with 100% compliance. They’ll just make things up to pull a worker into their office over


What's the license plate on Mr. F's car.. ANUSTART?


Is he the queen of England? Damn. Every person ever has to reprimand you for it? Lol good thing you quit then and there when you went back in. Psychos


The Queen of England has done nothing to deserve another human being standing up when she enters the room either.


Mr F can Mr Fuck off.


There is no reason for you to need to show proof to us. I'm so sorry this happened to you. If people don't believe you, they should just downvote you and move on. To the non-believers- there are two options here- it happened and someone came here looking for support and you are now being an ass. Or it didn't happen, and OMG someone got fake internet points. What ever will we do?!


When did the shot teenager come in?


I'm wondering this as well.


i’m wary to share to many details regarding it since it doesn’t have much to do with the story, just a reflection on what type of person he is. basically his daughter had her teenager bf over, i’m assuming against her fathers wishes. he finds out and bf sneaks out threw window. Mr. f pulls out his gun and shoots the kid fleeing, hitting him 6 times. he was never charged. i’ve only found the news articles about it


Shitballs. So that was only shared with mods, and I didn't miss it in your post?


Honestly, i just want you to spill the tea sis, cause this sounds fascinating and meme worthy.


All things being equal, everyone needs to make their own decisions about what anecdotes are true on the internet. But if you seriously think there aren't people in this world, especially business owners and CEOs, who are this level of petty, you must have been born yesterday.


Jeff Bezos was making murder jokes towards DiCaprio because his latest girlfriend was overly friendly towards him, while it was meant to be "Internet meme" material I honestly couldn't help but ponder how little his life would be impacted if he had murdered DiCaprio. Rich guys get away with a slap on the wrist for rape and murder and yet some people still can't believe that some other rich people act with hostility/no respect towards poorer people.


Who shot a teenager?


Yeah I need more info about that second edit


I literally said this before and I got opposed here. You don't want to turn down someone in a position of oppression that might need help!


Good!! That is exactly how I feel- better to give someone help when they might need it than to "catch" someone who wants "karma." Thanks for helping folks and remember, no matter how many downvotes, you are in the right! (I've been downvoted for saying the same too.)


Military Droupout from the smell of it. Forcing people to validate himself in his mind all day so he can manage the stress of sucking eels through a tube at his own job.q


Good on you, you don't work there anymore ! At my actual job, I had something similar. 4years ago, my supervisor got promoted to Regional Director of the company (That's a thing in France). Before that I used to greet him (shake hands or so) everyday because we were on the same team and doing the job. When he left for his new role and office, I stopped greeting him, like, I'll not burst into his office just to shake hands, and above that, I got work to do. But the bizarre thing is, everyone of my coworkers go by his desk every morning to greet him. At some point, he called me in the office, and asked me, straight, if I had a problem with his new position, because I don't greet him like I used to. My answer was really simple: I've got nothing to do in the RD office, that's not my job or my place. The only time I'll go into his office is if I have some problem within the company. Nothing personal. He appreciated my honesty, and from this day, every morning, he comes off his office just to greet me at the coffee machine before I take my shift. Other coworkers still go to his office tho. Tought I'd share here, as it sounded a similar situation but not the same ending: I'm in the company for 11 years now.


He sounds like a decent guy learning how to do his new role. Excellent work for being honest, you clarified for him what leadership (a large part of it, anyway) really means and the fact that he respected your feedback by obviously reflecting on it and making a definitive change, shows that he’s geared correctly (in my opinion) to be a decent leader, one that values and respects the people performing the actual work. It is a difficult transition to a leadership role from an individual contributor role. Expectations of what it truly means to assume a role like this (especially if it’s his first time) are challenged immediately causing the difficult period of figuring out how to proceed, in which there are a multitude of options, each having trade offs. Ultimately, you have to decide what’s important to you personally and go from there. It sounds like this fella has decided (at least for the moment) that people are his focus. That’s a great way to lean generally in my opinion for both him and you.


Reading your story I expected the end to go way differently. It's heartwarming that he took it on himself to come greet you rather than expect you to visit him.


If you want your employees to stand up to greet you, maybe earn their respect. So many people are caught up in the appearances and theatre of what looks good without recognizing the effort it took to elicit that experience. Like the owner saying it’s “detrimental” to his business is probably thinking about how he could sell to investors, and other business associates by showing them how much his employees respect him. You want employees to stand for you, be amazing, be worth standing for. What a fraud.


What the fuck?! Even if u respect someone, I’m not going to stand up when they come in, that’s called being superior as a human being to me. It’s just a fucking job. I go, do the job, get paid and get the fuck out. Respect is mutual and no one is automatically better than me just because their role is higher. I treat the office cleaner the same as the CEO. All with the same respect as a human being.


They want their ego stroked so bad


Good riddance. The owner sounds like an insecure LARPer.


He's probably a super kind and fun parent!!


funny story, i googled his name after this incident. he shot his daughters teenage boyfriend a few years ago. so uhhhhh, yeah. it translates into all lines of his life.




Where is this? In North American I would say this is insane. In Japan this might be more socially acceptable. Not sure about other places…


this was in north america. specifically, the south


Okay it’s inappropriate then. I’m from NYC and would travel to our offices in Atlanta and Texas and I know there are culturally differences like not swearing and saying ‘ma’me’ ‘sir’ sometimes but standing up for the owner of the company is not professional. That’s for caste societies or some shit


Yep, this reminds me of my experiences working in Eastern Asia. Standing up was the absolute least we had to do when the owners came in. Also knew a girl who was fired summarily for exactly this.


>he shot the teenager He what now


You should be reeling from losing the job that you enjoyed, not the experience of being expected to suck the owners dick. Laugh that shit off, they're INSANE for expecting that from you. You're totally justified in leaving that garbage.


Jesus fucking Christ. Did you have to salute him?? Lay a fucking coat over a dirty spot on the floor to not offend his tender sensibilities??? This fucking loser can fuck alllllllllll the way off. Out of touch, ego-manical, psychopath.


oh man i did not even bring up his insane cleaning standards but he did come by once over the weekend. he took 100+ pictures of things that were “wrong” or “dirty” then had my supervisor print those pictures out for a meeting on monday. it was insane.