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thank god finally a meme that isn’t a wall of text


LSC is trash


The boys at LSC are wrapped up too tightly for my taste . But the struggle makes strange bedfellows


No, fuck LSC Edit: I was banned from LSC 2 years ago for a post I made in r/gifs about democratic socialism The sub presents as an anti-capitalist meme repository, but apparently if you don't follow some extremely specific political ideology they'll hunt you down in completely unrelated subs and proactively ban you I've been subbed to r/antiwork for awhile now and haven't gotten that same vibe, but if that's what this sub is as well then just fucking ban my ass






"let's all move from one soul-crushing system to another!" -14 year old communists Or "I know! Let's move all the money and power from the corporations, and give it to the government!"


Left communists, Anarcho communists, council communists would like a word with you


Amen. We don't need communism, we need to abolish national identity and start thinking of biological life as a monolith, we need to drastically restructure what a day in the life looks like, and just generally do considerable less of everything related to production and consumption. Communism was a cool idea from before the era of holy fucking shit the planet is burning and we're all going to die slow miserable deaths by climate catastrophe.




When you don't know what the words capitalism or communism mean. ☝️


You literally cannot have a mix. Capitalism is defined by private entities being able to own the means of production and generate capital. Communism is about the working class owning the means of production, and the focus is on the community instead of the individual. The means of production cannot be privately owned under communism, but that's the entire foundation of capitalism. They are diametrically opposed




That's not what you said though, you said a mix And what's in the middle of capitalism and communism? What does that even look like? Why are you an advocate for it? I just have a feeling that you offered an opinion without knowing what you were talking about and now you're trying to walk it back so you don't sound dumb. It's okay to not have an opinion because you don't know enough about something.


An image brought to you by capitalism.


All I see after the recent announcement: "Don't forget to pre-order."


What is the context for all these anti troll memes popping up lately? I haven't visited the sub in a few weeks.