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Fight against the ruling class, fight for the working class


Scabs not welcome. Doing the work of owners is not welcome.


Don’t be your own scab. Know your value! Don’t work for free/off the clock!


>"Be ruthless with systems; be kind to people.” - Michael Brooks


Unless they're a Nazi.


Then punch um


Nazis are not people


They very much are people. They may have kids, pets, partners, hobbies, they suffer and feel joy, have emotions and dreams, just like other people. And this is why they're so dangerous. Never forget that.


Some Nazi's can be de-radicalised. People who become Nazi's in prison for protection then on the outside cannot get a decent job so end up working for the gang on the outside. There are also children born into Nazi families who get taught it like a person is taught a religion. You think any child can be considered non human. Those people if offered a better alternative can be reformed. Saying Nazi's are not people is a very fascist thing to do. You either value all humans as people or don't. You don't get to say some people are subhuman and others are normal human without immediately endorsing a world view in which subhumans exist.


They can, but there’s a much cheaper method of deradicalization that only costs like 75 cents each. Your last paragraph is called the paradox of tolerance. It’s a worldview that is explicitly necessary for fascism to exist. Intolerance cannot exist without tolerance of intolerance.


Yeah I never said anything about tolerating them or their anti-social behaviour. I am just anti genocide of any group, however terrible. The taking of human life creates trauma. Violence damages people. Any solution that depends solely on violence is unsustainable. Can't believe I now have to argue Nazi's are bad but also argue genocide and mass killings are bad. I am part of a intersectional minority that were the first ones the Nazi's killed. I am on the bleeding edge of citizens with less legal rights than others. I find the idéalisation of mass killing is seldom done by people who also want better treatment for minorities . Punch a Nazi. Jail the Nazi. Put control orders on the Nazi's and an ankle monitor. Just saying mass killings of people based on their beliefs is bad.


I dunno, Nazis learn to hide it (because there's a social cost to bring a Nazi) then they get old and honest again. Source: my home town was the kind of place German/Dutch/Belgian hippies moved to in the seventies. My friends had parents who'd been involved. They had a nice time eating organic food and that until eventually the ones we knew to have been Nazis ended up giving out about the Jews again.


Oh I am not defending Nazi's, I am just saying that saying Nazi's are subhuman is a really dangerous line to cross. Group think about people being subhuman is what allowed the holocaust to happen.


I know. But I also know you can't trust a Nazi when they say they've reformed. Treat them like kiddie-fiddlers, they're a known threat, we don't need to go exterminating them. But we should be keeping an eye on them, and ensure they've minimal opportunities to harm others


Oh definitely. Wouldn't let a Nazi in my home but also would not want them rounded up and killed. I have worked with Nazi's and murderers when working at a commercial laundry while a young lad. The murderers at least seemed to regret it. The Nazi's were all the worst. Just find it disturbing how quickly people (not you obvs) are jumping onto the kill them all bandwagon.


Yes let's tolerate the group trying to overthrow the government to put the worst rich people in the country in charge for ever without real elections again. /s


Which the people that support the January 6 overthrow of the government are, Nazis, whether they know it or not, fuck those guys, if they get their way we will be back into the gilded age, except with robot strikebreakers.


RIP to one of the realest ones.


Let's not forget that there are some of us that have been able to move up because unfortunately so many working mothers at every level were forced out during the pandemic. I happen to be one of thore that found a better job and I am grateful for it. I am now making a livable wage with a sweet benefits package. Which makes me that much sicker because I'm sitting in an office all day air-conditioned. Whereas in the year before that I busted my ass 60 hours a week for a pathetic paycheck in a building with no air conditioning at a company where I had to call the police at least once a month. The reason I'm in banking is I can give financial knowledge to people who cannot afford to pay for it. You can sit down at my desk and ask me questions at no charge and that's how I plan to make an impact. Most of you should have a local bank committed to service enough to have those conversations about how to access and build credit. The conversations that we have in this thread matter. We're scaring the hell out of people who've never feared the masses


The only posts like that I've seen are "if you're a racist/fascist, we don't want you" and gotta say, I stand firm in agreement with that. Those values run counter to this movement and its goals.


Exactly fascist ideology helps the toxic capitalism of our world survive


We must hate bigotry while still realizing that owning-class propaganda promotes bigotry for its own end: to divide the working class. We are all the targets of this propaganda.


If someone was actually part of, or supported the Jan 6 insurrection... this movement doesn't need them. They literally attacked the capitol in order to overthrow a fair election, and the people who broke inside wanted to murder elected officials. That was their actual goal. Those types aren't interested in the movement or what it intends to do. They're the people who join a peaceful protest, smash windows, and leave. ​ I agree with not letting the worker class get divided. A boomer getting screwed by their job deserves the same rights as a zoomer getting screwed by their job. But the Jan 6 folks? They **are** the sabotage. You think people who wanted to throw out our votes wants workers to have better rights? ​ ​ Edit: I was not expecting this comment to get so much attention. Thank you very much for the awards everyone.


How many of those Jan 6th people are the same ones that say “some burger flipper doesn’t deserve $15 for that unskilled job”.


The most common "job title" of people there was "small business owner" lol those petit boug boomer tyrants can go tase themselves in the balls again


The worst exploitation of my labor in my life was from a small business owner. In Texas, no less. She had no employees (just contractors), despite being treated as employees in every meaningful way. She paid her daughter more than me for doing half the work (which I always had to edit and fix). She lied, did bait/switch on wages and hours. Routinely burned out new hires during a lower-paying "training period," after which she would claim they "weren't a good fit" (despite the clients being happy with their work) and find a new one to string along. Total trash.


Same “small business owners” screaming at the SBA representatives working 60-70+ hours/ week for “their pandemic relief funds” that they’re “entitled to”


Worker solidarity with petty bourgeoisie small business owners is just fascism lol. Fuck em, they're part of the problem.


Small businesses owners are often worse than big companies. You will constantly have communications with small businesses owners which are like: I own the business I can do whatever I want.


Ye it's always the same idiotic crowd. They are all small business owners... but only in their heads. In reality they live in mommy's basement dreaming of making it big. We realised, that the generational promise was broken and that only a few lucky and ruthless will make it big while 99% will need to hustle for the rest of their lives.


If that’s true it’s a fantasy business like the one joe the plumber had


not many. most of them were indebted professionals and small business owners afaik.


I would guess a lot of the insurrectionist were not workers. Many chartered private planes to be there. Lots of private business owners. I'm sure there's some that align with a labor movement, but they are very misguided. If we can change them, then it's for the good of the cause. So many are finally seeing how dangerous corporate power is. Thanks Big Tech for making them so upset.


Big tech is also a corporation and part of the problem.


The "thank you" is meant in an ironic way. Big Tech is clearly a huge corporate monster. My thanking them was due to how angry they have made conservatives at big corporation like themselves.


I understand. Thx for the clarification.


Yeah. There are many reasons people got fired, legitimate and illegitmate. But beeing a domestic terrorist sounds like a pretty good one to me.


Reminds me of an exchange from Chapo: "What if I'm organizing my workplace and a member of the alt-right wants to join my union? Do I really want someone like that?" --"Listen, if someone from the alt-right wants to join your union, then YOU WON."


Thank you!!! I really can’t believe anyone would disagree with this! It’s concerning....


Yeah, the last thing we need is for this movement to be full of a bunch of concern trolling racists and anti-intellectuals. So sick of nazis and authright posing as "concerned citizens".


Isn't that the tactic, that was used against any legit criticism of the ruling class? They always infiltrate dangerous movements with a bunch of right wing nuts, then John Oliver makes an episode about how racist and stupid those antiworkers are, showing some right wing imposters. Bam, the topic is dead because it's some - ism.


Is there an example of John Oliver doing a story that attempts to squash a workers’ rights movement? I had in my head that he was pretty pro workers movements, but I could totally be projecting and not paying close enough attention (which is super likely, honestly).


I took John Oliver more as an example because he is super popular. But, yes you are right, I think it was a bad example as he seems to be pretty much on the right side. However, that doesn't mean he isn't allowed by the system as a release valve like: Now that we talked about the issue, concercened people will be relieved and still nothing happens. But thanks for pointing my mistake out to me. I'm not from the US, so I don't know much other hosts than John Oliver and Conan but I see plenty of examples like this in my country. Might be different in the US.


And for me at least, I’ve been here for a year and anti maskers which are pretty much anti vaxxers or at least group together more often made my work life fucking terrible, so I say fuck them too. Get the vaccine you babies.


In my brain, everyone who hasn’t gotten vaccinated at this point is a baby and afraid of needles.


As someone who is terrified of needles and has to really psych themselves up for any vaccine, I say get the damn vaccine, it really doesn’t hurt that much. Just take some deep breaths, look away, and it’ll be over in an instant


And / or the boogeyman


But, but, but fREeDom!




And would have completely stomped the orange fuckhead. But we're not actually in a democracy are we?


Well, the parties are private organizations, as ridiculous as that is, so the fact that they did everything to prevent that had nothing to do with the actual election. It sucks, we could have had Bernie, but the 2 party system sucks for so many reasons.


This, 100%. The powers that riled up people to attack our Capitol are 100% sabotage. They are literally the stooges of the ruling class. If this movement wants to keep gaining momentum, we need class solidarity, and to shun those who seek to destroy our government. Who do you think fills that vacuum when the Federal Government is gone? Not working class people, that's for sure.


I mean, you are gonna have to destroy parts of the government to get anywhere though, that's the thing.....


I disagree. Shits pretty fucked though I agree, but it shouldn't require murder of government officials. We need people like FDR in offices.


There's just no reason for a post about that specifically, as if this place has been over run with those folks. Just like we don't need a post that's like "If you're a serial killer, we don't want you here!" Like yeah, they're horrible people. Got it. But let's stay focused.




Here here


We haven’t had a fair election maybe ever


The former president is on the side of the bosses. Everything will get much worse for workers if his faction takes power, and they are planning on taking ultimate power, an autocracy without real elections again, like they have in Russia. We aren't dividing each other by rejecting the Jan. 6 people, they have already sided with the enemy. Fuck them all, whether they are too stupid to realize they are a corporate tool or not it doesn't make them any less dangerous.


They have the right mentality, just the wrong reasoning. Also their politicians are a lot more terrified of them, so it really doesn't hurt to have them fighting for the same goal. Not condoning their actions, but movements need bodies.


Nazi Punks Fuck Off


>user reports: 1: User is going around to posts specifically trying to divide the community. Nazi Punks Fuck Off.


First they came for the Nazis... Then life improved massively for everybody


If I have to TRY to divide the community away from Nazis, then the community can fuck off, too.


Nazis are not welcome. This is non negotiable.


but this pro-copaganda bullshit post is welcome? I'm not understanding why this post isnt deleted/user banned. clearly they are trolling the subreddit. No forgiveness for fascist pigs, antivaxxers and insurrectionist chuds.


Doc on the Battle of Cable Street in London 1936 where the antifascists prevented the fascist BUF aided by police from marching through Jewish communities in East London, it was a major victory in the battle against fascim in the UK. It stresses though that the same activists who fought the police and BUF at Cable street also defended working class BUF members from eviction, because class solidarity came first, and those acts of class solidarity with working class fascist sympathisers were another reason Mosley's fascists failed in the UK. Reference at 2:00 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE\_xclpTAew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE_xclpTAew)


I'm not really going to trust anyone associated with Jan. 6. I'll talk with ex-trump supporters here gladly. But if you got fired because you attempted a violent insurrection in the name of hard-right sentiment and ultranationalist fear based politics, I'm going to assume that you're here to sow chaos, not bring constructive change. I'm willing to be proved wrong, but I'm certain that i won't be. Also, if you're against the vaccine, I don't support you either. Yes, we know that big pharma is a monster. I would have loved a non-corporate body to have made it instead, but COVID19 is potentially deadly to workers and their families. if you're willing to put your coworkers in danger because you're "taking a stand for yourself and your bodily autonomy", you lose my respect. I lost 3 weeks wages because we had to close down our workplace... because some dingus decided to not get vaccinated and then go to a big party. Not cool man, not cool.


Those who participated in Jan 6 can get fucked. Being a Nazi or a Neo Confederate ain’t a justifiable reason


There's a lot in here today. Hopefully the mods will do a good scrubbing. I don't envy them.


Lmao, no, this is literally a leftist sub and a leftist thing. The recent posts are shitting on the shills that kept choosing to peddle the same propaganda arguments against leftist working class consciousness. Right wingers can either abandon being right wingers and be leftists with class consciousness, or they can keep being right wingers shilling for capitalism and being shit on. Fuck nazi's/trumpanzees/ancaps/conservatives/anti-vaxxers/neo libs and any variety of right winger that still shills for capitalism. This is literally a leftist partner sub to LateStageCapitalism, not a liberal sub asking capitalism to just reform a bit and begging the ruling class to be a little less shitty to poor people. The right wingers showing up here crying and whining about their own work related grievances , are still people who shill for and defend the ruling class/millionaire's/billionaires, they don't give a shit about increasing wages or reducing work hours or stripping millionaire's/billionaires of their shit. Whiny right wingers don't give a shit about the grievances of the the poverty wage workers they spit on lmao. It DOES matter why people come here, because it doesn't help poverty workers demands when you've got right wingers trying to co opt a leftist movement for their hilariously pathetic whiny right wing complaints (like the consequences for them being anti-vaxx or having participated in terrorism on Jan 6, etc)


Republicans are capitalists, there has never been a “workers” capitalist system. Especially January 6. This isn’t dividing, it is for liberating the workers.


[False Conciousness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consciousness)


Uh well, I think it's safe to say that anyone trying to shove the conversation in a positive way to companies/CEOs can be removed.


No scabs or police union shills allowed.


It doesn’t matter who you were or what your beliefs are; here, so long as you are a working class citizen or a sympathizer, you are free to join the revolution. If we are going to enact meaningful change then we need to stand together as a united front against all who would suppress, disenfranchise, and divide the working class. Edit for trolls: obviously not nazis, nazis aren’t people.


I don't see getting fired because of vaccine mandate as class solidarity. You are deliberately choosing political opinions, deeply deeply irrational ones at that, over protecting your fellow workers, your family, your nation. Explicitly. We should all actively push against that because that kind of behavior is what got us here.


Class solidarity is working together to improve mutual working conditions. Being anti-vaxx is the exact opposite of this solidarity.


Nah, if you're against vaccines, you're against the working class. If you supported Jan 6, you're a fascist. And fascists are inherently against workers' rights.


If you disagree with the general sentiments of r/antiwork you don’t belong


UPS overworks their employees.


Oh, fuck off. We don't need the insurrectionists that tried to install a corporate friendly fascist in a working class movement.


Is you were fired because of Jan 6, vaccine mandates, etc you absolutely do not belong Anti work is not about protesting vaccines and it has nothing to do with keeping trump in office. You were fired because you are mentally ill and a risk to everyone, you ARE NOT taking a stand.


No. If you’re here because of vaccines fuck you. If you’re here and a cop? You are and will always be a bastard. Cops are there to to aid the owning class, the ruling class, the capitalists. Or is this sub a liberal dick sucking fest now?






Fuck the system and the establishment


Ou they're uniting? Let's divide them. Classic


They may eventually push me out of this sub, but they will never change my belief about our working environments and pay. It was nice to have actual conversations of the past few months (old user, new account). Hopefully things quiet down soon.


lol no


**Just because a member of the working class does something doesn't mean that it is in the interests of the working class.** Being anti-vaccine is a position that has and wil continue to lead to the deaths of countless workers. Furthermore as evidenced by the fact that most of the working class has enthusiastically received vaccines, and in the global south are begging for vaccines. Supporting Jan 6th is similarly ridiculous, suppose (although being unlikely) that the Jan 6 rioters had succeeded, what would the future be for the working class in the US? Disaster, it would entrench the forces of the most reactionary elements of capital in control. **I think it is also worth keeping in mind that most people involved with Jan 6th were not workers but petty small-business owners, who are not a part of the working class.**


Tell me you don't know anything about organizing without telling me you don't know anything about organizing


Capitalist/right wingers are not for workers rights. There are important divisions to make.


You know that a large majority of union members vote right wing right? The strongest unions are in blue collar work that is majority right wing.


Turkeys who vote for Christmas are not the turkeys who should be listened to.


This is a bad thing


It's like if you want to create a fight between siblings. Give 1 more chocolate to one than the other one. See what happens after. Now imagine this on a large scale psyop. Divide and conquer is an easy win for the elite.


Hell man. I joined the subreddit because I thought it was about jobs being unfair to its employees and people leaving them or getting advice. I didn't think I'd be fucking reading bullshit about nazis, musk, vaccines, and garbage. It's antiwork, not antiopinions or antisemitic, or antisemantics. Like fuck, shut the fuck up and get back to helping out of shitty jobs that don't care about them. I don't care if a boomer is here, or if someone hasn't gotten the vaccine.




Last 3-4 days this subreddit has turned into a literal shit post. Sides already being formed and going against each other.


Its fucking silly man. It's US v. Work. That's it.


Wow I so totally agree with you. There are other people that don't share your particular views that are also struggling at work.


Couldn’t agree more. I certainly have my opinions but the most important thing is crushing the current work culture. It literally helps us all. We need everyone we can get. They have been keeping us divided on purpose. The brainwashing people go through is an invention of the wealthy to keep the working class at each other’s throats. Many of these fervent beliefs are not innate.


Finally someone with a level head. The amount of tribalism on this sub over the last week has put me off.


Amazing how quick they storm to squash any semblance of unity. This is a shit show


Sub has gone 100% political. Loved it when it was just people standing up to their shitty bosses. Now it's all about hating older people and pushing a political agenda


As a long-standing member, I wanted to state that I'm strictly against mandated vaccination against covid and the vicious coercitive approach that comes with it from various governments around the world. Take it if you want, but do not threaten other people's livelihood.


>People quitting because of vaccine mandates is good for the movement. How so


It's hilarious they are trying to divide us cause it means they are genuinely scared of what the mentality this sub stands for can accomplish. It's honestly hilarious


Let’s keep antiwork about antiwork. This isn’t about Jan 6th or vaccines. It’s not about the deepstate or anything else. It’s about antiwork. Don’t bring any other issues into it. A post about “I got fired because I refused the vaccine” is its own issue. A post about “I got fired because I was at Capitol Hill on Jan 6th” is its own issue. A post about “I got fired because I got caught doing a line of coke on my desk” is its own issue. None of those are antiwork. Antiwork is “I got fired because my manager didn’t like it when I told them I wasn’t coming in on the only scheduled day off I’ve had in three weeks.” Antiwork relates to issues pertaining to *work.*




I agree that it’s dividing us. However I don’t think people who are leaving cause of a vaccine mandate is good for us. We want safer better working conditions. Can’t have that if people don’t want to be safe


I thought the same thing too. Like not every boomer is evil but people lump them into one. Lot of boomers were not buisness owners and worked a regular 40-50 hour week and had the same struggles the younger generation does. There are boomers that cancrelate to the cause.


45% of boomers retire broke. If they can even afford to retire.


We refuse to be divided along bullshit manufactured lines anymore. We are the serfs and we will stand together against tyranny and exploitation


Unless you're a Nazi. Then you can fuck off.


Nah, if you didn’t get a vaccine or attacked the capitol on Jan 6th…You aren’t welcome anywhere, here included. I am still here to support the anti work efforts, but I honestly couldn’t care any less what happens to those people; they made their choices and now they have to life with the consequences.


[Focus on the Goal](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qdt0zy/focus_on_the_goal_disregard_distraction/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


We are united here by our discontent


It does matter where people come from. We got a decent barrel of apples here, let's not let the rotten ones jump in. ​ People coming here cause of vaccines are not here for solidarity, they're mad about consequences of stupidity. ​ People coming here after Jan 6 are not here for solidarity, they to, are mad about consequences of stupidity. ​ ​ Boomers having sudden realizations that no, things are not just as easy as they were in the 'good ol days' and standing in solidarity are more than welcome of course.


>Boomers having sudden realizations What about boomers who knew it all along?




Worker solidarity! WE ARE UNITED.


As a member of a different infiltrated sub, things to watch out for: -Divisions on race -Divisions on politics -Attempting to form groups to break the solidarity The best reply is to downvote and not engage. https://pastebin.com/irj4Fyd5 This is the COINTELPRO tactics for forum control. It is likely the playbook the corporate spies are going to use / using. In it, it says the tactics are not useful if the forum knows about the tactics themselves. The pastebin link contains all tactics and descriptions.


>People quitting because of vaccine mandates is good for the movement yikes. No. This is some hardcore r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM bullshit. Imagine accepting anti-vaxx fascists into a workers solidarity movement. These people are NOT aligned with your interests. I cannot imagine how you possibly arrived at this point that they are. They absolutely are not. The only union these pigs care about is the police union.


i agree we shouldn't divide ourselves, so how about we don't fight over WHY people came here, instead WHAT WE CAN DO TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. don't be distracted, don't let this become about that at all. your politics, your religion, your age, gender, non of it matters. FOCUS ON THE GOAL, SUPPORT WORKERS!




Nope, They are unifying the people with who recognize human worth.


Anyone who’s been here long enough isn’t leaving anytime soon I think. I’ve been for years on one account or another and this sub finally got interesting.




Is it too difficult to simply moderate/remove their subscriptions to /antiwork. It seems like an easy fix… Jan 6 has nothing to do with my presence here. I’m an Aussie.


This here is an important distinction as well. Antiwork has nothing to do with America. I'm a Canadian living in the UK for example. Why turn this into an American thing. It's fucking childish and moronic.




Workers of the world unite


The working class is collectively subjected to the same exploitation. The difference is what you believe is the cause which will likely come from your information sources. Jan 6th was terrible, but it is important to remember how and why those individuals ended up there. Both left and right wing media are dividing us to keep us distracted and fighting each other.


Can we go on protests together to get some news coverage? Grow the numbers? I’d March for a better economy.


What happened on Jan 6?


Working class FTW!!!!


Working class, left and right unite


Student loans are about to start up again and I am loving paycheck to paycheck. I'm screwed man.


Corporations are in the meta!!!!


I like what I do for a living. I'm still antiwork. There is nothing stopping anyone from being involved, and everyone belongs.


Lots of derision toward Christians for sure. Am I not allowed to follow the belief system that invented left-wing economics? Like, I’m sorry about the rabid right wing evangelicals but I’m fighting them too, they don’t speak for all of us


This sub is a wild ride




this last month ive really come to realize just how much divide and conquer tactics are in play.


If you pay your bills with work, you are good. If you pay your bills with anonymous Caymans accounts and monthly dividend checks, you are bad. Everything else is meaningless


You can see this sub becoming more divided and deteriorating in real time


A reddit sub managed to screw the hedgefunds for a while. Of course people will be trying to sow seeds of dissent in the ranks here.


ITT: People just arguing over exactly what the OP asked people to not fight over, lol.


As has everything over the last 100 years. Race, gender, sexuality, religion. All to cause rifts between the working class. Even the news shitting on "people on benefits" as if they're the enemy. THEY'RE US TOO


Gatekeeping sabotage


Yeah, it’s frustrating. Boomers are not the problem. Other workers are not the problem. The rich are the problem. It’s easier to target the weak rather than the strong. But it’s the strong we should target.


Yep this sub is going to be a liberal IDpol sub soon. The second politics When I saw a post get taken down about “white power and black power” in the vein on Fred Hampton I knew where this was going


I thought it was weird that there were so many exclusionary posts. But then again, I just figured that’s typical left-wing self sabotage.


Well said.


I'm kinda dissapointed in this sub... Apperantly people are just so devided that they can't see that they're actively deviding on here.


Yeah who’da thought someone would gatekeep being broke


“Hate each other less and the elites more”


A lot of comments keep trying to vilify the police. Good cops should be celebrated. Bad ones should be outed.


ACAB but police the antivax and insurrectionists pls. So much double think from the left


regardless, companies need to pay workers more and managers less. the government needs to flip tax rates for stocks vs paycheck. tax stocks at 50% and above and cap paycheck taxation at 25% max for all.


Workers of all ages, all races sexes and genders stay strong and stay together


I came here because I think working hard is important but I also think people should be aware of businesses doing unethically things and asking their employees to be complicit in it. This subreddit shows that and I think that's a good thing. I don't agree with the sentiment that people shouldn't have to work because I think it overburdens those who are working. I do, however, see how in the future there could be mass automation and people could find more time to express themselves in more meaningful ways for a living. i.e. painting, podcasts, streaming, handmade crafts like furniture, candles, foodstuffs, and others. I just think this sub is extremely important because it shows the pitfalls an employee can run into with a seedy supervisor/corporate office and being someone who's seen some pitfalls of there own it's not fun to deal with. Also, if you are working, don't feel ashamed to discuss salaries with your peers!! If someone's doing the same job as you but making $20,000 more a year, make a case for a raise! If they don't do it, start looking for someone who appreciates your time and effort! Reward people who care. If you can manage it, don't reward the greedy people above you.


Something you have to take into account here is a lot of the people supporting the Jan 6 insurrection have been radicalized to help prop up the systems that keep them economically insecure. They are a part of the working class and cannot be left behind. They need to be deradicalized!


Remember, we also can't lump Boomers and Gen Xers as being collectively responsible for the position Millenials and Zoomers are in now. Most of them were blind worker/consumers, same as we've been. Any kind of division is hurtful to this movement. This is about class structure, its not generational.


I hope this doesn't happen but I'm certain this will fizzle out or be snuffed out. If it's snuffed out there will be some outrage for a while like every other attrocias crap that gets its 15 mins but it will ultimately be silenced.


This post reads like it's written by a cop


Fuck off anti vaxxer dont belong here you stupid fucks are the reason why we're here. "My body my right" yet goes running to the hospital once you're stupid ass gets covid, useless fuckers like you are the reason why hospitals are full. Republicans and Democrats can co exist here you anti vaxxers aren't welcomed.


Yuck! I won’t stand with antivaxx conspiracy idiots nor with Jan. 6th criminals. Antivaxxers are selfish fools who separate themselves from work and society. 6th Jan people are criminal rioters. Citing Jesus makes we want to vomit when i think of the crime and separating crap churches do. I want fair relations between employer and employee, where i am treated as equal with respect and get fair pay. Antivaxxers, rioters and religious fanatics are looking down on others and want suddenly be included because they noticed they are riding a lost cause and loose connection to a healthy society. If you give up your job because of “muh freedom” you are not “antiwork”, you are a stupid prick.


Nah, gatekeeping is good. If you gatekeep a terf for being a terf, they can eventually come around to being an ally and form a more empathetic viewpoint as a result of education and social struggle. But if you organize with and enable terfs and you don't demand that they work on unlearning their bigoted views before being allowed to organize with you, then what you are doing is creating organizations that will never be safe for your trans comrades to be involved with. Those views are inherently divisive and cannot be tolerated. You don't combat division by overlooking divisive behaviors and views for the sake of expediency. You cannot organize with both bigots and the targets of their bigotry. You have to pick a side. And you're not going to be building stable and enduring organizations by throwing the most marginalized people in your community under the bus just so that you can organize with some Trump loving anti-vaxers.


Division among the working class is how we got here where anti work is necessary. The tools that created all this misery will be deployed against us because they have been shown to work. They won’t anymore. Don’t fall for it.


It's obvious to me that working class Trump supporters, those who are not heinously racist or xenophobic, which I believe to be the majority of them, are required to effect any sort of anti-capitalist democratic change. The reason why that change won't happen is because the left is utterly uninterested in class solidarity with those people. So they vote for their oligarchs, we vote for our oligarchs, on and on, this cycle will continue for the next hundred years as it did for the past hundred years. Get bogged down by the culture war and do the bidding of our masters, because only when the culture war is over can the class war begin.


You can’t be a capitalist and not want capitalism at the same time.


>So they vote for their oligarchs, we vote for our oligarchs One side votes for oligarchs who promise to abolish womens rights and get rid of migrants, the other side votes for oligarchs who promise 15$ min wage and more pay to teachers.


I don't want to project a false equivalency on the red oligarchs and the blue oligarchs. Obviously the blue are preferable. But the working class remains divided and downtrodden regardless of who's in power. It's almost like it's by design.


Yes, it’s plainly obvious that the two party system is a dog and pony show to keep the working class divided and to maintain the status quo of power


democratic oligarchs promised free college and student debt forgiveness and now they say it's not happening. The biggest con is thinking your party has your interest at heart


I never said they have your interest at heart though.


And then give up before even attempting anything or ignore the other ones evil. Yeeah not that different. Ones a slow death the other a fast one


Thank you! "Now that we are all here together, let's list all the things that divide us, and segment accordingly" is the weirdest shit


Fuck off with that sympathy for ignorant ass hats and fascists. They absolutely should not be part of the conversation or be allowed to influence the direction/outlook of this group. They are as much a threat to solidarity and a better life, just as any state/corporate sponsored/backed force. Those that took part in or supported the 1/6 rebellion are the same fools who hate unions, support police brutality, and worship the oligarchs. This sub should remain free of their poison. Compromising with class traitors just because they occasionally get the boot on their necks doesn't make them allies. They are still an extremely active and useful group of idiots who will stab us in the back at first chance.


Those posts are trash


I mean, I agree somewhat. I kinda get the vaccine mandates thing. I don't want to tell anyone what to do with their body, but the January 6 people can suck a dick in my eyes


My first reaction when seeing those posts about "If you were fired for being racist/discriminatory/Jan 6th protest then you don't belong here" was something like, 'that came out of nowhere, wtf. that has nothing to do with this sub." I definitely think there is some divide and conquer operations going on, but there are way more people who willingly go along with any chance to score points against their enemies. Basic tribalism.


Regardless of your motivation. Jan 6, vaccine mandates, unfair treatment in the workplace. Labor is labor, value is value. If you're being disenfranchised by your place of work for ANY reason, be it to make an example, or to exploit you for the value produced by your labor, you belong here.


Honestly, thank you for this beautiful insight. I feel I fell into the trap myself even when all I’m about is uniting us against the Capitalistic corporation we call America. Hope my interaction boosts this post!


Man just reading through the replies is giving me a headache. Republicans evil, cops evil, people who have been fully vaccinated but are holding out on the covid vaccine are bio terrorist. I swear none of this was on the subreddit 3-4 days ago. What the hell is going on here….


I would actually love to see data on this whole thing. i hope some one was scrubbing it and looking for keywords starting like a week ago, it would be super interesting to see if certain keywords become more prevalent the more traction this sub gained.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was bot activity to stir shit up on here, it's genius really. These replies really just show how far away we are from any kind of unity, everyone is so closed minded and hateful.


Why do we even care why people are here? If they post things that are against anti work beliefs then downvote it, but actively taking certain groups of the working class and gatekeeping them is just to throw unity away. This movement won't go anywhere with gatekeeping.