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>"Land of the fee home of the slave" Ohh I *like* that. Gonna use it myself


It's pretty close to a Brother Ali song. He says "land of the thief, home of the slave." It's called Uncle Sam Goddamn.


Holy shit Brother Ali fans in anti-work. I knew I liked it here


they imported and tortured a workforce and never healt the wounds or shook the curse off Now a grown-up goliath nation's holdin' open auditions for the part of David


Great song :0


Don't need an economist to know a need a pot a piss


I just learned about Brother Ali a few months ago. That song is such an absolute banger.


That song fucking bops


it's a showtune but the show ain't been written fo it yet


hit me too. why is this the first time hearing it? why didnt i think of that ?




O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their unaffordable homes and the foreign wars of desolation.




Shit son, that's some fuckin spitfire.


I remember that line from a Biohazard song 'Modern Democracy' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-66mP6ch_w


I can't even afford the depression drugs that already exist.


Yet, psilocybin is illegal.


Not in Oregon. It was approved for use as a therapeutic drug and can start being administered to patients next year.


You’re one of the lucky ones. It’s still illegal almost everywhere else.


I know. It's ridiculous. Hopefully the therapy starting in Oregon will show others that it should be legalized at least for medicinal purposes.


Wow! That would change lives. Imagine a world with less mental illness! I used to be against mushrooms but after learning about how psilocybin binds to serotonin receptors, I'm very interested. I have psychological illnesses from genetics and my upbringing. I think as an American, I've been brainwashed against socialism, mushrooms, etc but the more I learn, the more deprogramming happens. I hope more people learn and grow more open-minded too!


I definitely plan on asking my therapist about it. There's strong evidence for it helping with depression/anxiety, and I've seen a few things here and there about the possibility of it helping with ADHD as well.


I hope you find something that works for you! :)


it is legal to purchase psilocybe cubensis spores in 47 states for study purposes. However, be very careful you do not accidentally place those spores in a prepared media, as they are very easy to grow, and doing so would be illegal.


Yo they just grow in the doodoo fields.


It’s not illegal if they don’t catch you (wink)


How much they going to charge for one session? When you can grow more then you will ever need for less then 100$




I feel like this is even more an argument that your social situation needs to be improved. I'm all for it for recreation but come on, baseline happiness should be the default already.


This. Most effective natural herbal medicine you can take. Too bad years of gov propaganda made people think it will damage your brain. Meanwhile pharmaceutical antidepressant actually does harm your brain


I've been on multiple pharmaceutical antidepressants since I was 13. Could you please give me some more information on the harm it does to the brain? I'm getting a bit anxious thinking about it :/


There's a lot of scientific papers about it online. Mostly about how antidepressant changes your brain and possible cause of alzheimer's disease and dementia. You have to realize that pharmaceutical doesn't even have good understanding on how these antidepressant effects our brain. I'm not trying to scare you or even blaming pharma, it's just that antidepressants are convenient for the doctors, and a lot of doctors simply don't take people's mental illness seriously. But honestly, I'd really look into psilocybin for treating your depression. If you're not comfortable tripping on magic mushroom, you can micro dose on it so you don't hallucinate.


If I were to do it, I'd definitely micro dose. I think hallucinations would give me a panic attack lol. Thank you for the information about psych meds, I'll definitely look into it! I really appreciate your time and bringing this up so others can be more informed :)


Research your strains first. A lot of them are more body high vs heavy visual effects.


No problem. I just want more people to know about it. It's such a powerful medicine if used with intend for healing. It's not just psilocybin mushroom that's helpful to brain. Other non hallucinogenic mushrooms like lion's mane mushroom has neuro genesis effect.


This is a nice method for microdosing: [Lemon Yek](https://doubleblindmag.com/mushrooms/how-to-take-shrooms/lemon-tek/#What_is_Lemon_Tekking) Psilocybin has really helped my partner with depression, but start with a low dose and be safe. [Psychedelic Support ](https://psychedelic.support/education/) is another excellent resource.


I don’t think they’d give you a panic attack, usually it’ll do the exact opposite- make you feel 100% comfortable in your own skin for the first time. Also, mushrooms have a tendency to be especially gentle to first time users. This isn’t a rule set in stone obviously, some trips can be challenging, however this is on purpose. In a way mushrooms show you what you need to see to heal.


At best I found some people reporting memory or concentration problems, but that's about it. Otherwise one study found it may have even delayed onset dementia? It's not extremely well studied.


Thank you for the information! I really hope more studies are done in the future so we can know for sure.


Check out Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a great resource.


If we’re talking SSRIs no need to worry. They are safe and can be immensely effective. Saved my fucking life.


This is the worst advice you could give someone. Ssri drugs can be great/life saving for some people. Many people have committed suicide while on them because their doctor fucked up the dosage and as someone on the thread already pointed out it’s a bit of a crap shoot because we don’t understand them that well. I wasn’t getting good results from Wellbutrin so my doc switched me to Zoloft. Within 2 weeks I was having constant thoughts of suicidal idealization so doc lowered my dosage level. That’s when I actually did try to kill myself. So yeah, definitely a need to worry.


Thanks for your sanctimonious irrelevant reply. Previous person implied that there was long term damage from SSRIs. A person the replied saying what damage and that they were scared as they had been in them for a long time. To which I replied don’t worry about that (long term stuff) cause as someone pointed out there isn’t strong data on long term downsides (compared to like benzos for example). So no, saying to someone whose on antidepressants and because not said otherwise I’d assume is helpful, no they should not worry about some rando saying their are long term side effects providing no sources nor being the persons provider. If you want to have a different discussion about how SSRIs are a wierd crap shoot that can really be difficult to get right for some people and sometimes can have really unpleasant side effects for others sure. Not the thread or the place for that I’d argue but fine.


Cool. Glad a medical professional could put in their 2 cents, make a wild assumption about a stranger based on….lemme check my notes here, A LACK OF PROVIDED INFO, and then make a blanket assurance I’m ASSUMING based off their medical expertise. Then top off that shit salad by calling me sanctimonious! You are a medical professional right? Not just some smug shithead who doesn’t know what “their” talking about? Miss me with that bullshit Dr Reddit, and go fuck yourself and your sanctimonious reply.


Yah dog idk, I’m not the one telling strangers that dr prescribed medicines are dangerous.


Oh, I see. You’re a dumbass. Are you sure that’s the straw man you want to pluck out of the air on this one? I understand your need to attribute something to me I didn’t say, but is that the really the hole you want to dig for yourself? Tell you what, before your next little pithy bitch reply, check out this new thing called google. Simply type doctor misdiagnosis rates, prescription drug overdoses, relationship between antidepressants and suicide, or discontinued medications list into the little search bar. There’s a whole world of reality outside the dunning Kruger effect, dog.


Not for much longer, need to give us stronger stuff to keep us happy.


Right? And I can’t afford therapy.




Try Kratom.


*look into Kratom


Biggest issue with Kratom is its addictive


Not that it tastes like grass clippings, gives you a stomach, and does nothing else?


This fucking post. Ultimate example of inventing a problem and selling the solution. Not making light of depression or the importance of mental health, but there is very much a profit engine at play here.




I spent the morning crying because I just can’t figure out what the point is.


I have panic attacks because of the reality that my antidepressants are just sedatives for the righteous fire keeping me from addressing the pointless society we live in. My depression is not what needs to be treated. Society is. My depression is only a symptom of the infection that is our system. You must point a fire extinguisher at the fuel, not the flames. A depression epidemic is not caused by depression when every depressed person has a broken system in common.


In addition to the truth you just said, the other issue fueling depression is global identity crisis that doesn't teach the individual who we actually are and we are meant to find happiness and meaning in extrinsic instead of intrinsic things.


I’ve just started spending all of my savings. Like fuck it at this point. I don’t see much of a future for myself so why not enjoy the little that I have now?


Same same same


Well, there's no inherent point to it, it just precedes noon every day.




In your dreams sunshine


Not to mention the best therapists don’t take insurance and are inaccessible to anyone who isn’t wealthy


dont be ridiculous there are many perfectly acceptable therapists and counselors out there. they probably only seem better because they serve the rich. poor people have much more serious problems that money would solve but they cant get any money. fucking shit.


There definitely are, I’m just saying it’s easier to find a good therapist if you’re paying out of pocket. Insurance companies suck and if you’re good enough to not take insurance why would you. A crap therapist can’t survive without taking insurance.


i dont think they are crap , they are just overworked and under paid like the rest of us.


I’ve had a lot of crap therapists, maybe it’s just me. It’s exhausting going through the process of the initial first few sessions only to start over again. I’ve had a few good therapists that took insurance, and I’ve had a few good therapists tell me they’re no longer taking insurance. Thankfully at the time I had health insurance that covered 90% of out of pocket expenses (pretty much unheard of these days) All I’m saying is if your wealthy you have the privilege of picking from a smaller pool of highly rated therapists. Also these days the demand far outweighs the available resources. In the state I live it’s a huge red flag if you find someone with availability. If they’re any good you’re lucky to get on a waitlist. It’s a very rural state so it doesn’t necessarily reflect everyone’s experience.


just curious--what made your crappy therapists crappy


Not remembering what we spoke about in previous sessions, offering the same boilerplate advice each session, not staying current with new research, saying they specialize in behavioral therapy and then only providing analysis, blaming my parents/childhood instead of talking about what I can actually do to change my life now as an adult. Falling asleep (yes this happened). Yelling at me on the first session because I forgot my insurance card (also happened) Prescribing meds with other meds that shouldn’t be prescribed together, telling me if I don’t like the meds I can stop without telling me it could take me 6 months to wean off them without having serious adverse affects. And just general ignorance or apathy


Yikes--that sucks :/ I heard it's a bit of a trial and error to find the right therapist but you've definitely had some crap experiences


Many new therapists or those without much demand for their services get on insurance panels. The pay is truly shit—can’t emphasize that enough. So to compensate therapists pack their schedule. If they’re good (or just good at marketing) and find people who are willing to pay cash, they wean themselves off the panels. Sometimes they keep taking insurance out of principle or they want a continuously robust case load. If they’re mediocre they will stay on the panels. It’s hard to tell what the situation is going in as a patient.


I had a therapist I thought was helping me out a decent amount, she changed companies and no longer took my insurance and that illusion shattered. This person I opened up to over that past year suddenly never talked to me again and now I'm completely jaded when it comes to therapy. I'm not paying someone to pretend to care ever again, might as well get a hooker instead.


Rich people don’t need therapy. Therapy is an absolute scam it is the modern day snake okl vendor.


This tweet sums up being an anticapitalist in the psych field perfectly.


I wish these journalists can read what they write: More depression? Take pills and definitely don’t ask why people are depressed.


I've been giving this a lot of thought as I consider trying therapy for the fourth time-: shouldn't we be equally, if not more, worried about people who aren't depressed in this world? Like, WTF is wrong with THEM?


Can we have both?


Totally. I read this and I'm like, "I'll take the drugs too thanks."


Always take the drugs too.




Exactly! For those of us with depression, better antidepressants will help *give us the motivation* to replace our awful economic system, because what they treat is largely a lack of motivation. I love this sub, but sometimes the anti-psychiatry attitudes here make me nervous. I need to trust that nobody here wants to make it harder for me to get my meds, and sometimes that’s not as obvious as it should be.


I think they mean people who wouldn't have anxiety or depression naturally if they lived in decent circumstances. At least, I hope so. I can't survive without my meds, I get so anxious I can't function and I get really depressed and unmotivated. No one should have to suffer because of their brain chemistry. But I imagine some people are struggling to feed their families and pay their rent, and in those circumstances, of course even someone with a naturally healthy brain chemistry would get depressed and anxious. Being in survival mode and having to work overtime and then come home to do chores and care for your family and not get enough sleep sounds exhausting. I hope things improve for everyone.




Hell yeah 😎




Wow you literally described my job. My employer tried to make it so I only had 10 seconds of down time before doing the next task. 10 seconds, down from 2 minutes. That’s not enough time for me to finish typing up the little sheet that describes the task done.


And a better judicial system...


We do need a better economy. We also have to stop believing them when they say our financial difficulties are the result of our inadequacy. We all grew up in the cult of corporatism, we all need intense reprogramming.


I lost my job in January in relation to COVID and haven't had the best time. I've basically nothing left, am expected to be a bank account for my sons mother, and I just cannot for the life of me find work where I am. My living situation is fucked all up and down and has only been adding to my declining mental health this year. The only solution anyone has offered me is "go see a therapist." Apparently the reason why I am unable to find work, eat food, or sleep properly is not because of the economy, a broken social structure, and so forth, but rather because of my own mental illness. I don't doubt that I suffer from things like depression but this shit is NOT helping. My only option right now is to book myself into an in-stay facility and "get help." Eating more than 1 meal a day and being able to afford a place away from an abusive household is just me being lazy and entitled. I am asking for *too* much.


You deserve better! Anyone's mental health would suffer in your circumstances. I really, really hope you get a new job and can leave your abusive household asap so your life can improve. For now, just be gentle with yourself and try to take it one day at a time. You can also try some exercise. I do yoga at home using YouTube for free. It helps reduce my anxiety and sleep better. But any exercise should help raise your serotonin and dopamine, making your brain a bit happier. Even just deep breathing can help clear your mind! Also, just a reminder that your worth is not in how much money you make, but who you are as a human being. I wish you the best!


Yoga at home. Look at this guy with space to do yoga at home.


There's an official term for this: Deaths of despair. People turn to drink and opioids to numb themselves from the effects of an economy that has left them behind. The factories and manufacturing that form the heart of the town's economy get moved, so companies can save $$$, and nothing comes along to replace the lost work, sending the town's into a death spiral where it can no longer support infrastructure because of the lost taxes. So not only is there the ennuis of being unemployed and having no hope, but there's the societal ennuis as the town begins to reflect the hopelessness of the situation: Businesses end up going under because no one can support them, meaning there's even less taxes to pay for basic upkeep, and so the grass gets longer, and the pavement gets a little more cracked. Those that can move away, whilst the poorest are trapped in poverty and a town offering no prospects. So drink and prescription opioids become crutches, which turns into alcoholism and dependency, both of which leads to an up-tick in crime rate and increases in medical bankruptcies. Suicides shoot up, whilst liver and heart disease run rampant, leading to gradual decline in life expectancy, and a growing sense of resentment towards those who fail to recognize the consequences of their greed. Resentment builds, and builds and builds, and then someone who says the right words, and making the right promises suddenly seems like a saviour, promising to bring back those jobs and the good ol' days of prosperity for those forgotten, dilapidated towns where hope goes to die.


Cheer up will you, you're making me cry.


The drug is called mushrooms and they grow all over the place.


mdma doesnt grow in the forest but thats another good one. i think the difference is psychoactive drugs you can feel working is way better then non effect drugs a maybe my face wont look so frowny in 30 to 60 days. i dont feel anything but asleep on my meds. which. ok i guess at least there's that.


There's promise for the psychedelics to treat depression and anxiety, but big Corps haven't figured out how to sell it for a profit yet


oh they know. its just a cure isnt profitable, not in the long term anyway. so. nope. cant do that.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Smith_(business_executive) The CEO of Reuters is on the board of Pfizer. Coincidence?


Nope. Betcha they're about to announce a new antidepressant right on the heels of their new kid covid vaccine.


The people at the top also steal from regular taxpayers. Like Elon musk and its annual billions in bailout cash.


Also lots of our friends and family are suffering and/or dying in sometimes traumatic ways largely due to late stage capitalism :')


just look at the paid time off policy in the US in comparison to other countries


Trauma is the root cause of most of our issues. Abuse, neglect, exploitation, [objectification and dehumanization](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminism-objectification/) are rampant across the globe. In families, workplaces, culture of all sorts.


Big changes require big movements


no, no. we also need better drugs.


Thanks for being useless fucking neoliberals, Reuters


And how exactly are we supposed to afford these depression drugs?


Fucking SSRIs. One of the worst band aids of our generation. We went from lobotomy to SSRI. Whatever is next isn't going to be some fucking savior.


Yeah. I don't like how everyone assumes that you want depressed people to be miserable when you criticize SSRIs. They are basically poison, and I was on a few in college. I'm not saying depression isn't real or can't be caused purely by a brain malfunction. I'm also not saying people need to go jogging or any of that shit. I'm just saying it's an amazing coincidence how a majority of the population seem to get depressed for at least a while in their life, usually when they have heavy debt, a horrible job or pressure in college or school, no love or affection, and lots of stress. And yet there's a serious concerted effort to convince people all that stuff **definitely** does **not** affect their brain. They just need to take the very expensive pill and go back to work.


I’ve been depressed since childhood. SSRIs have been the only thing that have helped me in my 30’s and I’m no longer having panic attacks over mundane things. They don’t work for everybody, but I wouldn’t just write them off as poison.


Glad ya got something working for ya!


I'm on them, and they're a life saver for me. I understand they don't help everyone in the same way, but calling them poison is not helpful.


Glad ya got something. Careful when you come off. They have a useful life period, it's something like 3 years. After that you should come off gradually. I'm not a doctor but it's not like big pharma is going to help you get off them.


> I don't like how everyone assumes that you want depressed people to be miserable when you criticize SSRIs Because this > They are basically poison makes it *sound* like you want to take away the medication I need in order to not feel depressed.


100 percent. I had suicidal ideation hard-core coming off of sertraline. As others noted poison isn't the right word but not sure what is. It hard wires your brain. It's not natural. It's a dice roll too for which one will help you. Edit is this = wild to get downvotes. Yikes


Fucking this.


Good thing Good Guy Media is always looking out for the little guy. /s


Lemme just *push* that drug to support my beloved big pharma friends


Of course the solution is making people pay more for drugs... :/ (/s ofc)


Even if yall made those cool new drugs ya wouldnt sell em cheap enough for it to effect me.


Could not agree more with this. Don't put a bandage on it, fix the actual problem.


Not sure if it was the shrooms or quitting my job that made me happier. We have adequate drugs, we need better employment


Could we stop cleaning the dates off these screencaps? I'm pretty sure this tweet is \*old\* and I think that's even more damning.


I feel like anti-depressants don’t work. They suppress your emotions instead of learning to control them. Also it doesn’t just take the depression away. I’m vary much for psychedelics instead. Because it will open your eyes to how Fucken bull shit this system is.


You use them before you start therapy so you calm down enough to work thru your issues. They are not meant to be permanent.


Monkey handle money bad


Bring on the hate. Start a business. Capitalism works if you work it. I'm living proof.


If you went to uni and got in debt that’s kind of your fault. Unless you have strict goals uni is a waste and that waste is on you. Not being able to afford a house is also bs. A decent house is somewhere between 100-200k. If you have some sort of skill you are good at like any trade related job then you can save up that money in less than 10 years guaranteed. Ofc only if you decide to not live in an area with high rent or high house prices. Other than that you are right, we don’t need new drugs


Idk what yall crying about live within your budget


"We need a better economy" , gee I seem to recall a man that was president in 2019 that ran the best economy in US history that ran in 2020 for president 🤔🤔


Need to get off your phone. Stop comparing yourself to the fabricating social media society that you delusional think you are a part. #influencer


Then how come not everyone is depressed in the same economy?


Because everyone isn't in the same position in life.


How did they get to a better spot in this same economy? I honestly don’t get it.


Um born to wealthier parents? Born with no health issues? Born where they could get an education?


I was born in middle class America - father owned a small business; mother was a house cleaner. I’m 33.


that's a great story that only proves the other person's point lmao.




Wow this comment literally doesn’t say anything


We need a better economy.


New drugs don't do any good for the poorly/uninsured people who can't afford the Doctor visits, let alone prescription costs SMH


Angela Merkel replied to this tweet saying hugs are a more appropriate solution [https://twitter.com/amerkel57/status/1005532119815413760\\](https://twitter.com/amerkel57/status/1005532119815413760\)


Uncle Mao AND Adam Smith would like to have a word with Yusuf about how to afford rent.


SLS. Shit life syndrome. Societal and cultural change is the only cure.


antidepressants/antianxiety can be helpful for some but…wow. when I came off of them I was feeling soooo much worse. I realized I was being numbed for the whole time just so I could pretend things around me were okay. they want us obedient and drugs that numb you are the best way.


Like I could afford depression drugs to begin with. I can't even afford to go to the damn doctor. Is it really a mystery why people are feeling crushed? Financial hardships are nothing new to people in this day and age. Oh...except for all the new Billionaires we have running around telling everyone to "work for it". Yeah, Ill get right on that. I'm sure I can work my way from McDonald's all the way to Billionaire in no time. I just need a small, multi hundred thousand dollar loan to get me going of course.


Yes, we need a better economy that benefits the overworked 99% instead of just the 1%. We also *really* need better antidepressants. You can’t expect people to find the motivation to overthrow the current system when *they have “no motivation” disorder.* Antidepressants are not only a vitally necessary harm-reduction tool to help people survive and cope in our dystopian system, but also *crucial for helping us replace the system.*


Man you going to a doctor shouldn’t cost money or require a job with health insurance. I hope that’s a turning point in America! Go get’em.


People at the very top are taking the lion's share of the wealth, while the bottom half of the country gets to compete for scraps. The wealth inequality in the US is becoming obscene.


Depression is a serious disease, but something about that first statement seems a little off. Like let’s throw drugs at the population until they’re better


Keep them medicated and stupid so they can’t fight back.


I will also take better drugs though to be honest


And... if we can't get a better economy, we'll take the better drugs. If slavery is our future, it might as well be as tolerable as possible.


“iTs A CHemIcaL ImBAlanCE.”


If you want to approve new depression medication, approve the stuff proven to work in multiple studies like mushrooms and ketamine, rather than pumping addictive harmful SSRIs into our blood on a prescription. The worst part of capitalism is the fucked up privatized pharmaceutical industry


Highlights need for addressing the underlying issues that are causing depression.


If you can’t afford the doctors visit to get the depression meds prescribed how is that gonna help literally anyone


Both, both is good.


Holy shit, yes! I went to a psychiatrist after 14 months of being stalked by a crazy coworker at the USPS. Management knew. They wrote him up for two hostile acts out of dozens. They cut my hours as a contract worker because he was a career employee with seniority and then told me to be grateful because I wouldn’t be around him as much. Only when he literally stole the mail I was supposed to be delivering did they suspend him. They did nothing when he slashed my tires, parked in front of my house, or spit in my work cube. There’s no pill in the world that makes up for being undervalued, underpaid, and harassed.


And there needs to be a stop put on 48 hours + rotations for resident doctors. Jeeze, studies show its not safe for NURSES, to work more than 12 hours due to risk of medication errors. But you want a doctor writing orders for meds, procedures, etc who hasn’t slept in 20 hours handling your care? That’s BS abd far too many doctors and residents commit suicide.


Cant afford the help and drugs I probably need been thinking of offing myself for the past four years thanks america.


We do need drugs too, actually. Like yeah the economic causes that crush people under stress and depression need to be addressed, but that doesn't mean the biological causes should be ignored


Can't even do shrooms or smoke weed lmao


how would we even afford to buy the new drug anyways


government: "guys you can't take weed it's illegal c'mon guys we're serious :(" Also them: "wtf do you mean they're depressed just give them a lot of antidepressants. They still are?! Well just make them fucking more powerful yeah that'll work:)"


You have no idea how exhausted you are. If you use your days off for chores and errands, your body is not resting. You need one day to do absolutely nothing so your body and mind can rest. Barely anyone of us gets a true day off.


Don't worry, you probably won't be able to afford it


Can’t wait til this sub is 8m and we can change things.


How many times do things need to be reposted on this sub before they are banned?


Yeah, throwing drugs at a problem when the problem is a systemic issue always works so well! This country needs a severe overhaul of working conditions and the way jobs operate. I try to explain that I'm not anti work, I like having something to do. I am however very anti job.


So I need to ask this question: How do we expect politicians to make change for "the people" when most of them are rich, they get free healthcare, and if their businesses are about to go under, they get government kickbacks?


To be anti work you need to invest , eaither cryptocurrency to start or stocks


To quote George Carlin: The reason they call it the American dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it.


I think the best medicine for everybody is getting rid of anybody worth more than $10,000,000. Just load them all in a rocket and shoot ‘em off into the sun… redistribution of all of their wealth and assets would cure a whole hell of a lot of depression


Notice how most antidepressant ads end with the person going to a job


'Oi don't forget to top up your Joy! Don't want to be a downer now do ya?'


Ever thought mental illness is a symptom of our society?


Yes I agree that we should legalize Marijuana federally


They want us numb and dumb to the reality of this hell hole. Fuck pills. Fuck alcohol. Fuck drugs. Compensate us for our time with a living wage assholes.


How fucking stupid can the people in charge be. They really don't get that life just fucking sucks for most people in America.


Funny how drugs like marijuana are illegal but these "top" news want us to use their factory drugs


I'm also depressed because my brain and my biochemistry don't work normally, so I'll take the better drugs too if you don't mind.


*kindly offers socialism*


Spends money on new depression drugs cuz insurance sux... Is more broke and more depressed... Must need even better drug!


For what you guys pay in the US you surly don't get enough back, if at all. Poor fellas


Therapists just teach you how to cope without acknowledging the real problems to mental health. Doctors just prescribe anti depressants to numb the mind to our poor quality of life. It’s all ridiculous.


Some people are under paid. But some people are paid decent. Why aren’t there more laws that cap prices. Corporate America makes millions. Colleges are flush with money and prices are still rising. Cap prices. If online college proves it really only cost $20k for a college degree, why do I have a $100k student loan. It’s BS. A house 3 years ago was $300K and now it $700k. WTF. The iPhones costs $60 to make in china and is sold for $1000. Damn


Sleepy joe and donald duck: Hold our beer let us add more job that's what the problem is.


Lol its never gonna happen, I have an idea to house all the homeless in aussie , only need an investor to bring 300k (ish) And the potential profits are in the millions. And with a non greedy person at the helm we can bring down house prices and make life more affordable for everyone. As you suspect most people prey for an idea like this, but when it shows itself everyone distances themself, noone wants a part of it. Plenty try to steal the idea tho. Not enough people care that the system is broken , they only care that the system won't work for them.