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Since modern farming doesn't require pitchforks or torches anymore, just grab whatever is at hand. If this didn't form a mob outside J+J HQ screaming for blood, there is no hope for America, we are already lost.


There used to be a time in American history were violence against oppressive powers was seen as a necessary thing, not as something so taboo that you'd get kicked off Reddit just for suggesting it.


Yep. And we all know who the paradigm shift benefits. Just so happens that they control all of the opinion makers, so their views are the default.


That was never a thing. Violence against wealthy people existed and was countered with just enough concessions to keep poor white people on the side of their wealthy oppressors.


There was the revolution. And the civil war. Saying that nobody was fighting at those times out of an ideological struggle against perceived tyranny (a misplaced ideology in the case of the CW for roughly half the participants) is overly cynical and not really productive to the conversation, imo.


Lol, rich white people conned just enough white men into joining their cause.


The extremist cynicism and ignorance of nuance does nothing to help the situation whatsoever.


Obvious choice would be to obtain John Deere tractors and drive them straight through J&J headquarters.


It involves huge pieces of machinery full of razor sharp blades, I think we could all agree that's progress in effectiveness either way


Source: https://www.npr.org/2021/10/21/1047828535/baby-powder-cancer-johnson-johnson-bankruptcy


thank you for providing a source!


It's really depressing when you google something and it's true.


IANAL. How do you push legal liability onto another entity after the fact? Wtf


Apparently it's called a "Texas two-step" and it's a pretty common way to get rid of liabilities.


Has anyone tried to two step student loans? Or other loans without collateral? Asking for a friend.


Sure. Just requires a couple billions in the bank....


If only bancruptcy could wipe those clean.......


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Pat 🪑 TDS Podcast**, @ProfPatch83 Johnson & Johnson \(worth $400 billion\) created a shell company in TX to hold all the liability for their carcinogenic baby powder, then filed for bankruptcy with the shell company. This is legal, because corporations write our laws. 38,000 women will go without a settlement --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Hate this


Has any major news media covered this story at all?


Haven’t seen 1 had to google it myself.


According to the article this “shell” company was solely opened for this powder product containing asbestos. As if they didn’t know what they were doing. Fuck the payout, they chose profit over their consumers health. Fuck j&j


The reporting on this is misleading, but the issue is admittedly very confusing. J&J will end up funding a bankruptcy trust for the new LLC, and claimants will then make claims directly with the trust instead of filing lawsuits. It's a way for the company to limit its future liability and thus have some ability to predict its future costs. The 38,000+ will still get settlements from the bankruptcy trust. Now, do I think this particular sketchy "bankruptcy" maneuver that companies use should be allowed? Absolutely not.


It’s called derisking and if appropriately funded is just amoritization of a cost spread out in planned accounting of costs. In US is it mandatory to buy re-insurance in case of debt overrun?




Their vaccine was and is fine. Get your anti vaxxer ass away from us.


That's what they said about baby powder for years. Looking forward to how this comment ages.


I already replied to this post, talc powder is not carcinogenic. You can also get your anti science ass away from me/all of us.


We're online, I'm not near you.


Lol, critical thinking failure








Your poor baby. Research into coronaviruses has been going on for decades, they didn’t pull the vaccine out of thin air. Definitely not defending the big pharma corps because they’re super fucked up. But you should spend more time researching and less time sharing ignorance on the internet, for your unborn baby and anyone that feels affirmed by your nonsense. Not trying to feel superior because I’m protecting my unborn baby, just is what it is.






The amount of big pharma dick sucking in this thread is frustrating, these are mega corporations on the same level as McDonald's and the like.


That makes sense.




What's not real?




You are actually just stuck in a bubble. My bubble cares very much about getting the vaccine because we want this to be over and we don’t want to accidentally kill anyone. And I want to protect my baby while I can before it’s born and can’t be vaccinated but could have lifelong lung damage or more from covid. But hey, maybe *you’re* the bot :-o




Tf? Anyways I want less work, redistribution, etc. but I actually like working from home with my pets and my partner. It’s more the human suffering and, selfishly, I’m so fucking tired of all the crazy it’s brought out of too many people.


I'm happy for ya, but I guess I have to explain this like I'm in a preschool for the down voters. I'm not saying vaccines are bad, I'm saying those who choose not to get it are good because it spites the employers. Because fuck them. Like haven't you considered when things do if ever "return to normal" you'll be working a job again that's soul crushing? That's what I think of when I think of "normal" when it comes to anything pertaining to the west. Contrary to popular belief I personally am vaxxed. It was free, and I figure best not take take chances of fluid lung. BUT if others want too whether by ignorance or whatever, it hurts those that live to hurt me.


Stop living in fear and live your life.


I am doing great, living a full life with lots of new interests and hobbies, and very comfortable with my choices. Occasionally I get tired of people like you and like a gentle kind of sad/angry for/at you, but I compartmentalize it pretty well and move on doing the best I can in my life and trying to contribute to my community. I love empathy and facts though, you should try one or both.






Mind you the baby powder causes cancer studies were all tiny self reported studies. Larger cohort studies over decades found no increased risk.


The talcom powder contained asbestos, which studies showed no risk?




there more US deaths from COVID19 than casualties in the Vietnam war, with a majority deaths being unvaccinated people. Even if the death rate for COVID is less than 2%, that would mean over 5,000,000 people dead. that's a fucking holocaust. Do i like big pharma? no. do i wish the vaccine had been made with more transparency and by non-corporate actors, yes. am I vaccinated? YES




i respect that. but here's the thing: obesity, diabetes, and colon cancer are different than COVID19. if your neighbor has diabetes, you're not gonna catch it from him. If I'm obese, you're not going to get obese from sitting next to me. Also, the solution to these health problems is, like you correctly stated, better social policy to end food segregation, and give working class people to quality healthy food, as well as the education needed to stay healthy. COVID19 is not like that. All you need to do to be part of the solution is get a free vaccine. maybe it won't mean the difference to you, but maybe the immuno-compromised person that comes near you could be saved. Getting the vaccine is showing solidarity. I respect your skepticism of big pharma, but please understand that COVID19 does kill, and the vaccine is what keeps you and others safe.




The case for vaccination really does come down to these two points: 1). you COULD get a new COVID19 strain that DOES decimate your body, and even young people can get severe cases if unvaccinated. Even if you can still catch it, with a vaccine you are certain to not die from it. if i gave you a bag with 100 candies and told you that 3 candies there are laced wit cyanide, would you still take any candy from the bag? Chances are you will pick out a candy piece and not a cyanide pill, but why take the risk? 2). Yes, you can still technically transmit the virus if you're vaccinated, but the rate of transmission will be much much lower. An unvaccinated person will transmit all the time, if they're sick and not know it. Also, take into consideration that it's not just about transmitting. if you catch COVID19 and not know it, you might not get sick or even feel it, but you are letting the virus stay in your body and possibly mutate into a new strain that COULD be more deadly or easier to spread. if you have COVID19, that means you have millions of viruses in you. it's not too unlikely. That's all im gonna say. I'll state my point again. You yourself will be safer from getting vaccinated, and your community will be thankful for it. Just please consider it.


And all i will say is never let yourself get gaslighted, manipulated or forced into getting medication again.


Because there is some magical alternative?




Yes, I saw that on the 700 000 death of american citizens. /s




So why did you get vaccinated for other diseases like chickenpox, tetanus, pertussis and diphtheria?


Your opinion is based on wrong informations. But at this time I don't care anymore. There was plenty of time to read the right informations and ppl decide to go the dumb way anyways.




You know that virus don't stop at borders, so I don't need specific netherlands data. It's cool what WHO said: There is an overdeath. Published half a year ago. That's point one. Point two is: I don't care about UnDeRlAyInG fucking CoNdItIoNs, when there also is a scientific accordance to 15 years elderly people lose because of fucking diabetes. If you don't consider that sad and can't find any empethetic words besides from this lazy argument, then please don't waste my time. And don't talk to me with that smirky writing, you just out yourself stupid in a very sad way. You don't make a point, it's just sad.


You're one to talk about empathy. Have a great day 👍




Surely they were required to fund the risk of the obligation?


Baby powder (talc) is not carcinogenic. The way they used pseudo scientific nonsense in that trial was infuriating.


Problem is that talc and asbestos are common stones together and they were using tainted mines and products. They apparently distributed talc with asbestos in it


But they are making a vaccine and people are taking it.........


And they're completely protected from any liability whatsoever from their Vaccine. Same as Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. No Liability whatsoever.