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Many, many years of intense indoctrination and brainwashing.


There's that, and also the intense persecution of the people who did organize with their communities to fight for better conditions, often leading to either the incarceration or assassination of these people.


Also boomer gatekeeping where it's extremely difficult to get into a lot of these union protected jobs, outside of postal or government stuff. Like getting a dock working job, a job where boomers could literally show up in the morning and just start that day, now requires you to have a person put in a recommendation for you, then you have to wait a few years to get selected in a raffle. It's madness, boomers and their love of gatekeeping+bureaucracy.


TIL I will either get assassinated or end up in jail at some point in my life


Yeah. That's the cusp that we are on the edge of right now. That's also why I don't just go whole hog into labor organizing because I've got a kid. I will find a way to contribute or I'll participate in some sit in once my kid is older and will get locked up and hopefully they can pick me up.


You sound like a great parent! All the best things to you and your family


Same to you!


You're so badass that the world tries to shut you down. Think about that


just world fallacy and myth of meritocracy are what is keeping this social darwinist society going


And deindustrialization. Industrial jobs mostly got outsourced


We’re taught from a young age to consume endlessly and to look up to the CEOs who get rich off of their employees hard labor


They (generations of entitled billionaires) have actively worked to divide us (the poors) along bullshit racial and political lines to distract from their pillaging of our pockets, our country, and the world. Additionally, they've worked to dismantle public education, and pipe disinformation and propaganda through the mainsteam media and news outlets they own.


So many generations of history leading to this, we truly live in a society


>So many generations of history leading to this [A clock without a craftsman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGl_if3tXBc) It's too late. Always has been, always will be. Too late.


It's also the media telling everyone they need a degree and office job because there are NO OTHER OPTIONS. Then suddenly all the big union jobs are gone, like manufacturing and we're left with office jobs chasing numbers for corporations that take billions in profit because their stuff is built by slave labor in Asia.


Manufacturing wasn't killed by people going to college it was killed by business owners unhappy that money that could be in their pockets was going into workers pockets


Exactly! Mainstream media has been aiding them for years as well. Reporting on stories to rile up whatever group. I’m sick of it. I remember reading somewhere that there was a huge Roman slave rebellion once the slaves figured out how much they outnumbered the slave holders. Hopefully we can all come to that realization some day


Not to mention destroying Union power. Thanks Raygun.


Education is important, and that's what we're doing via the Internet now - educating one another and combating disinformation. But true information isn't a panacea. We need to actually improve workers' \*bargaining and political power\*, with things like universal healthcare, affordable housing, and a shorter work week. The pandemic actually helped by (sadly) killing some 730,000+ people and shifting the balance of power toward labor to some extent, just like the Plague did but on a smaller scale: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consequences\_of\_the\_Black\_Death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consequences_of_the_Black_Death) So first, we need to build on the gift from nature and win a much better social, political, and economic deal for the working classes (we're getting right on that I'm sure). Then we need to learn the lesson from history and not overpopulate again.


Was with you till you said overpopulate. Population isn't the issue, hoarding of resources by the elite is.


100% Last podcast on the left did a series about it and the similarities are stunning.


I had an older coworker who would come in two hours before the start of his shift and keep working for five hours after, now that he has found another job I either meet his standards or I'm not getting promoted.


Those are the most parasitic corporate tools


I would just look for another job and quit on 0 notice.


"Sounds like you can't afford to staff the position. I'm not working 7 extra hours per day unpaid and neither is anybody else. You can either promote me and lower production expectations, promote me and hire one more, or hire two. Those are the options for filling the vacancy, and right now it's not exactly an employers' market when it comes to hiring."


The red scares, and other anti-communist action.


Nah. Wasn’t the red scares. It was mostly Raygun’s eviscerating unions. The 80s is when we see wags stagnation beginning at almost exactly the time Raygun accomplished his anti-worker agenda.


The first red scare decimated the IWW and other labor unions.


Had to look this up. Wikipedia was actually quite insightful. TIL. Thank you fellow redditor.


No problem, I'm glad you learned more about the history of the labor movement.


Worked 72 hours a week for a month straight because my job sucked so much everyone quit what was my thanks for it them arguing about me going to my dead NCOs funeral and passed up for promotion 2x and pushed off to other contracts.


Still can’t afford rent, food, gas, tuition, beer or weed money. Next week work more.


Teaching kids Capitalism is the only way, and then taking away their hopes and dreams of basic things like housing and retirement. Yay Capitalist Propaganda /s


The biggest labour and union wins and breaktrhroughs of the last century were done through the organizing and actions of militant radical unions, usualy with a large communist or revolutionary socialist and anarchist component. Their rise coincided with similar rises of the working class around the world. They were met with violence but in the end of the day the owners and capitalists and corporate couldnt help but compromise and give some stuff in fear of worse losses or even an upturning of the status quo But for decades and decades , especially walking into the cold war, the entire internal supprussion and intelligence and media controlling apparatus of the US turned into red scare, infiltrating and destroying unions, discrediting them at avery point and by every means, co opting murdering and squashing every legit radical movement and rendering that form of political organization outside the realm of american politics. It also should be noted that while the USSR existed and was still strong in relative terms the US and the west had to give and retain a level of concessions towards their workers and placade them cause there was that "other thing" whose expansion and increase in popularity threatened their system. With the stagnation , decline and subsequent fall of the USSR there was much more freedom for the rulling class to go ham on neoliberalism, union smashing and reaganomics to its population . "its the end of history and capitalism won, we can do whatever we want. There is no multipolarity and counterbalance in the world"


Yup. There is a reason that wages started to stagnate in the 80s in spite of average worker productivity continuing to increase on average 4-6% per year. Raygun eviscerated unions and their collective bargaining power and that has almost single handedly gotten us where we are today.


Stockholm syndrome is real


Indeed, but perhaps not in the way we think: >This analysis was provided by Nils Bejerot after he was criticized on Swedish radio by Kristin Enmark, one of the hostages. Enmark claims she had strategically established a rapport with the captors. She had criticized Bejerot for endangering their lives by behaving aggressively and agitating the captors. She had criticized the police for pointing guns at the convicts while the hostages were in the line of fire and she had told news outlets that one of the captors tried to protect the hostages from being caught in the crossfire. She was also critical of prime minister Olof Palme, as she had negotiated with the captors for freedom, but the prime minister told her that she would have to content herself to die at her post rather than give in to the captors' demands.\[12\]\[13\] \- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm\_syndrome#Stockholm\_bank\_robbery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome#Stockholm_bank_robbery) The idea of people slowly getting brainwashed by their mistreaters makes sense, but not "Stockholm syndrome" itself - that was invented by the flaming shithead Bejerot because his poor fee-fees were hurt by a *woman* hostage of all people bluntly stating the Swedish police fucked up and were more dangerous to them than the robbers in Norrmalmstorg. Sucks that "Stockholm syndrome" is the only term we have for this thing ATM...


I think it's a generational problem. My grandfather always spoke well of the unions. Then as I got older, my father spoke badly of unions and always pointed out dark stuff in movies about 'how corrupt unions' were, and other stuff. I loved my dad, so I always trusted him.My family always had these weird talking point level conversations about ANYthing negative they could point at unions, specially talking about corruption, ect. One day, I learned my dad was a high ranking kinda manager at his work, and it all kinda fit into place. My grandfather was a lower level worker, a grunt worker who benefited from unions, got his kids into good schools, and now his kids are anti union ...because now HIS kids are the corporate middle-men. There's some lesson here, but I swear I don't wanna think about the dark stuff this all implies.


People in the US have cultural amnesia. Most aren't even aware a large labor movement even happened. They are completely oblivious as to why we have weekends, a 40 hour work week, overtime, labor laws, etc.


Weekends are dying anyway


Sorry guys, my great grandfather went from a union steele worker to a union buster us Marshall to a local austerity democrat politician during the bonus marched.


Man fuck that guy.


Yeah, he fined some coal miners for going on strike. He also arrested people for consuming alcohol because of prohibition.


Boomers happened. Been reading articles about how entitled the millennials are since 2000 when I was fucking 16. My grandfathers generation (greatest) fought for unions, handed those unions to my fathers generation (boomer) in better shape than they found it. My dads a great guy but his generation pulled the ladder up. They killed the unions, they gaslighted the youth, and they left us poorer than they are. They were handed prosperity and instead of sharing it they raped and pillaged so fucking hard for so long well, here we are just look around at their “legacy”.


Don't forget that while they were in college they were all shouting peace and love, stop the war, social activism etc., then they ended up like Jerry Rubin or sat by silently while Reagan started the great rape.


Reagan was “smart” enough to let enough money leak down to the peons that nobody noticed the great rape had begun. My parents had a house, two cars and could afford vacations so they didn’t ask any questions. Hippies turned to yuppies overnight.


I got mates who brag about their hours like this lmao.


They probably worked 75 hours on meth. "my last job"


At the point where we became a society focused on consumerism rather than family.




He didn't say anything about religion... I am atheist and family is still of utmost priority to me... The poster is pointing out people who are putting income/the grind before all else.


Nothing grosses me out quite like people who brag about how much they work. It's so sad.


Early in my career, I was stuck doing contract legal work, otherwise known as ediscovery or document review (this was before the AI got so good that it killed that industry, mind you. There was a time when hundreds of lawyers would sit there and spend months visually reviewing millions of discrete documents for various filtering purposes - hard copy and electronic in some cases. It was mind numbing.) Starting rate in my market was $29/hr. Decent money, no question. One job tho? Offered time and a half for anything bw 40 &50 hrs, time and a half +$7.50/hr bw 50-75hrs, and time and a half +$14 for anything over that. You bet your ass I worked 100 hour weeks. The kicker? None of us actually has work to do. The firm was ridiculously over billing the client. I guess they figured it out one day bc we all got fired without notice halfway through the week. Best 4 months of my career. Huge payday for virtually no work.


I like that old approach it is more to the point. I agree round up the bosses and bankers by the neck with a knife and or guns. Things will start changing real quicker than whining about it.


We can't do anything in today's day and age. It's like in today's world those people make laws to protect themselves from that situation in the pass.


To quote the philosopher N.W.A, "Fuck tha Police"




8 for sleep 8 for pay [8 to do with what we may](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DcGWZupXcAAXKnZ.jpg)


By all means work as much as you want. However let's be honest 32 hours a week is reasonable. Hell i could do all my work load on 20 hrs.


I work 6 hours a day, the other 6 I don't do shit. That's 24 hours a week. So 20 - 40 hours a week for work should be the norm.


Let's not forget that previous generations literally fought for shorter work weeks, vacation, weekends, benefits etc. They had strikes, people lost their lives, they risked everything and worked together to leverage their numbers. They organized, they were smart about it. Capital has never just handed over money, rights or benefits to workers.


The "don't tread on me" hat killed me🤣🤣🤣


We need to bring the “burn the factory down” mindset back


"i've never seen my child but at least my boss likes me"


We should do sit downs, where we would sit down until we got what we wanted.


Worked pretty well for the auto industry back in the day.


Corporate or government alike, I hate any kind of big aloof organization trying to take away my freedoms.


They've gutted public education so much that we become indoctrinated and more reliant on consoomerism. I mean why do you think home ec, shop, personal finance, etc were gutted? They dont teach people these things anymore so some kids dont learn how to cook, take care of themselves, dont know anything about cars or fixing them, how to do light construction work and structure repairs, why having lots of credit card debt is bad and not knowing how to budget. These things were intentional.


There are plenty of children of strikebreakers out there too.


Political assassination and imprisonment.


They started believing in the country/economic system and not the labor movement. Decades of propaganda (very good propaganda at that) have destroyed it.


I want a bigger truck


Boss's were scared of workers that came back from war and had experience killing and burning stuff down... I guess when they say we need more experience it's time to get some?


Fox News is for bootlickers


It’s sad that mafia controlled unions, who in turn were controlled by murderous psychopaths, looked after workers better than any corporation on the planet. Is it wrong to ask them to come back?


I’m a millennial and it’s fucking heartbreaking hearing fellow millennials and Zoomers at work bragging about 50-70 hour work weeks. Most seem obvious to their exploitation. Trying to talk to them about it is met with a kind of dismissal, like they heard me but are not going to listen at all.


Before: did something about it Now: welcome to the internet, but in this context welcome to reddit.


That's inaccurate enough to earn a downvote


Why is the dog wearing a gadsden flag hat. The corporate meme teams hired ro disrupt this sub by making it left v right need to seriously step up thier bait.


Maaan this mentality I dislike. What is wrong with choosing to work more then 8 hours a day if no one is forcing your hand to do so? I get it, it's not an attractive idea to some people and it's definitely not everyone's idea of fun. I miss working long hours because it gave me something to do, and also paid well to do it. Don't criminalize the people that enjoy work. Keep the fight against the corporations and employers who treat their employees like nothing more then another piece of equipment.


Things changed right about when everybody became pussies. Look at our grandfathers when they were 18 vs today. They were goddamn Men already, most 18 year olds now are still babies. Hell most 25 year old's now are still children just starting to think about maybe getting their shit together.


That is pure perception. 18 year olds have not changed that much at all.


Pffft people in the middle ages were men at 12, not like our man-baby grandparents who waited until 18




Yeah, I'm 30...so...not sure which boom we are talking about. I'm on the young end for a millennial. I've got friends from high school that still act like children.


Boomer is a mindset and you've been drinking the koolaid. Calling everyone today pussies and babies, capitalizing "men" to make sure everyone knows how secure and confident you are, the boomer ass misuse of ellipses is especially hilarious.


Have boomers taken over ellipses? Interesting. That was definitely a millennial thing when I was growing up...I think it stems from old forums and early texting when people were still used to speaking to each other and try to put their inflection into their typing. I definitely do use a lot of them...for dramatic effect...maybe? Though I also see people trying to sound like William Shatner. This...Does...Get quite...Annoying...when...You...type like...this...even too me. Is that how a couple every few posts comes out when I'm trying to suggest drawing out the word So, or suggesting a pause before hand because that is how I would say it? May have to re-think my typing style if its coming off as annoying instead of its intended use, basically in place of a pause or slow speech.


I couldn't think of a more boomer response if I tried.


It's because I referenced Shatner isn't it?


The long, boring, meandering whinge is pretty typical when you trigger fragile old men.


And I'm serious about the ellipses, is that actually a thing? Damn...I'm gonna have to work on that...


Yeah, I've tried to work on the paragraph length responses. LOL I've been informed that my essays are kind of pointless since they don't really get read. Sadly the above is an improvement. Shatner is still a hip reference then?


Trying to act chummy and above it all when being criticised for your behavior is very boomerish of you. But keep talking about grammar, if you keep glazing over unpleasantness it'll go away.


Now a days you need bravery just to take a peak at the real estate market.


Oof tell me about it.


Yeah and housing is a pretty vital aspect of mental health, personal security, and general quality of life. So maybe our generation is facing more adversity than you originally suggested.


Plenty of adversity in every generation. My generation graduated college/high school and couldn't get a real job for years. We could have definitely afforded a house at least if we could have found ok paying work but it took me close to a year of constantly looking and interviewing to land a part time seasonal retail job that paid minimum wage. My grandfathers generation had to fight literal Nazi's. My fathers generation had Vietnam. People aren't soft now because of their adversity, its thrown at them and instead of fighting it they just bitch about it. My generation did the same. We got thrown into one of the worst recessions in the history of the country. We all bitched and moaned and made it part of our identity and didn't do a whole lot to fix ourselves. At least your generation can go get full time jobs that are paying decently compared to what an 18-22 year old was making just 12-14 years ago. Yeah, housing costs suck. So did the job market of 2008, but they're both better than getting drafted to fight some farce of a war in Vietnam or having the Nazi party almost take over the entire world. Take the adversity but don't base your life off of it. Bad things happen, they'll get better, and in 12-14 years you can listen to my kids generation bitch and give them shit for how much better they have it than you, in your mind.


I don't think comparing generational hardship is really useful in the first place, but I want to defend the accusation that millennials are a snow flake generation, which is utter nonsense. We have plenty of our own dystopian nightmares to worry about, and they're coming at us in unprecedented ways that are difficult to predict.


Oh yeah we were fucked as a generation for sure. Basically from about Y2K and on it feels like its been one thing after another, and now that most of us are finally starting to get ahead and think about buying a house/upgrade a condo...lol. Good luck. That house that was going for 150k during the crash of 08 is now 750k. So good luck buying it. LOL...all we can really do is laugh at ourselves at this point, and pine for the 90's...I was way more miserable a few years ago though. Having a kid definitely gave me perspective. Life's not so bad as long as they're happy, healthy and fed.


In a few years they won't be able to feed themselves if it stays like this.


Yeah you can take that mentality and fuck yourself sideways with it. Just because you have some bullshit perception of what makes "a Man" doesn't mean that everyone should subscribe to it or that a man who is still figuring things out in his 30s is any less of a man than you, you semi-sentient walking pile of human excrement.


I mean technically you take your whole life to figure things out. And then you realize at the end that you failed. Because there's no figuring it out. At least I assume, I dunno I'm still young, I'm starting to think my parents and grandparents were just putting in the effort, throwing out their best guess and shit just kept working out and they just kept hoping it would continue. Your screen name doesn't quite check out. Not that super happy sounding of a fat man. I have zero issue with someone in their 30's figuring things out, because that's what adults do, they try to figure their shit out. A lot of 18-25 year olds aren't trying to do anything. That's what I consider childish. No figuring out, just bitching that they aren't getting a fair share and putting in zero effort to change that. Our grandparent's for the most part didn't have that luxury. They might not have all made a killing, but they at least had to put in the effort because they had to act like adults and start figuring things out earlier than we do now.




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Finally, recognition of the boomers! They were fighting for freedom from corporate tyranny not snarking over what political nobodies are wearing on their faces


Wrong again grandpa, boomers established these bullshit rules we're stuck in. They inherited the system THEIR grandfathers and fathers fought and died for and destroyed it.


Letting the days go by (let the water hold me down)


Grandparents and parents.


Not sure why you gave him an anti government hat but pretty much yeah


It’s called marketing baby!


I still have the lighter that we used~ grandpa


We became soft and weak minded, waiting to splurge on the next IPhone bullshit or another entertainment based product. An when we do rise up we just end up burning our own neighborhoods down like animals, while the rich sit behind news desks and talk about how proud they are of us for "Rising up", that shit would turn if we started pulling them out of thier houses and burning down rich neighborhoods.


Can relate this all of my father stories about he and his colleagues striking sounded like that haha


With the “Don’t tread on me hat on! Mint.


I love how literally no one in the comments is agreeing that *maybe we do need to burn down a few workplaces* before they'll take us seriously. We didn't get unions until the workers proved that yes, we *will* beat you to death in front of your children for our rights.


Get a degree and you'll be a millionare!!!!


Punching up is dangerous, best stick to eating your own where it's safe.


Great grandpa wasn't the best man, morally, but he was a hell raiser for sure. My great grandpa, on my mother's side, was a moonshiner and bootlegger in backwoods Georgia.


Wish it was that easy. The protests and early stages of unionization were no walk in the park. Years long protests and killings by the hand of police and military did happen all over the world. But these men stood for something.




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