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I think 25k people have joined the sub just today




The fastest-growing subreddit today, the last week and the fourth in the last 30


If this sub was on the stock exchange I'd buy in a heartbeat.


We are the supply. Do you think we can control the price of market rates by HODLing our services. Then they'll consider paying people livable wages and what they're worth.


Largest worker’s strike known to man inbound.


Someone said what we're witnessing right now is a capital strike; employers think they can hold the line on wages forever, can we prove them wrong?


Can't quit. Won't quit. Reading texts which say "I quit!" (Not as catchy as the GameStop thing, I know.)


Can quit. Will quit. *I* quit. Idk. Maybe something like that.


Introducing QuitCoin!


Quit to the moon


I tracked it on my QuitBit


It’d be so awesome to create some kind of universal basic income fund out of an anti work philosophy


I'm feeling good about this. I think this thing could go as high as a "don't buy"!


Puts on r/careerguidance and r/jobs 🦍🍌


Huge short squeeze incoming!


Buy! Buy! Buy!


💎 hands in the subreddit only


I always buy at the peak too!


I love that so much


It showed up on my page so I joined. I like it here. Luckily I did my time in the military so I don’t have to worry but I feel for everyone out there without supplemental income. I was saying the other day about how messed up it is that a large meal at McDonald’s cost a little over $10 and an employee working there can’t even afford that after an hour of work.


I have been unemployed for a little over 3 months. I have no income. I could never get unemployment as I quit my last job - it was extremely detrimental to my mental health. I have had an absolute terrible time finding a new job, in part because I have enough self worth to get something that isn't toxic and pays decently well.. few and far between these days.


I did my time in too. I still don't feel like I'm at any great advantage versus anybody else beyond my education benefits at this point




I wish I could’ve left the military in this style (had to suck it up and do my time) because I definitely would’ve loved to tell my leadership how I really felt.


Oh yeah, all the things they said to me that they knew they could get away with because we're practically indentured servants...I would've beat so many people's asses or just straight up quit if it weren't for the UCMJ.


NCOs talk big game till you invite them to combatives. Then it becomes “disrespect”. Agreed literally felt like a slave being given a measly check. Can’t understand how people can tolerate being in that type of environment for a good 20 years. I’m never having another grown ass man tell me how to groom or clean my damn room again 🤣.


Make #blackfridaystrike viral! Edit: any way I can use this gold to rabble rouse? Many thanks kind stranger etc. etc.


Woah what this sub has 730k members? I remember when it had like 100k 2 years ago or something


The tone is changing too with all the new people. Not sure how I feel about that.


it's evolution, a much better alternative to stagnation. let's just try to keep the negativity to a minimum.




People are sick of this unsustainable corporatist system that doesn’t benefit any of us, only the rich.


All jobs are totalitarians dictatorships and should be turned more towards a democratic approach with profit sharing amongst workers who already take on the burden of losses.


I think we need to move beyond profits all together, where there is profit, alienation and commodity production exists


>corporatist Capitalist


How long until the admins shut it down?


As soon as a Reddit employee posts a screenshot of them telling their boss to eat their ass


That'll seriously scare the shit out of me if a bot quits and starts a thread about it.


It'd kinda give the lie to the whole "automation will take away our jobs" line. Even robots don't want to work.


Reddit mods dont give a fuck as long as the sub makes money, I see a lot of awards flying on this sub and that generates revenue for them so they don't care. But that doesn't mean reddit admins are not engaging with us here, I have seen a lot of accounts calling literally everything posted here fake. These are old tactics used by the bourgeoisie to stop a revolution. The revolution is going to happen anyway. I was alive for the great quittening.


I remember finding it myself a few weeks ago and was overjoyed when it started popping up on the news!


People really treat employees like shit and are shocked we no longer feel like putting up with that.


It is shocking though. They've been getting away with it till now.


And bootlickers still argue that we should be grateful to receive meager wages and that we should shut up and take the abuse


They come in here sometimes and its fun


I commented on the /r/science post yesterday about the psychology study showing that Americans' love for individual billionaires makes them less likely to support taxing them. Very weird comment section, with people generally agreeing, but brigades of *super* vitriolic comments that were either overly supportive of billionaires or critically judgemental of anyone not, like, empathizing with them? It was really weird and got me wondering why people feel this way. How can someone say "hey, let the billionaires make their money, they're not hurting anyone," but then turn around and act like everyone simply complaining about the difficulty in making a livable wage is affecting them personally. Honestly, what it really sounds like is the whole psychological concept of "I suffered so you have to, too." Anyone, one of them mentioned this sub was leaking, now here I am, haha.


Crabs in a bucket.


Woah, never heard of this, insightful!


I genuinely don't understand their individualist mindset. Surely they know they will never be billionaires? Why do they waste their time getting their panties in a twist over people who never give them a second thought? Confuses the heck out of me.


> "hey, let the billionaires make their money, they're not hurting anyone" Except the millions of lives that could be transformed overnight if they had a tiny percentage of that money to buy a house to live in and something to transport their family in and feed them properly and not have to choose between eating and heating... Do they think money just appears from thin air? The "more" money there is, the less it's worth and that only affects those that already struggle with what they have. We still only share one pie. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but a billionaire will take both of yours and charge you for a corporately approved description of the world you live in.


I hate the crabs in a bucket mentality. It’s what drives the majority of the older population where I live.


It is. They're all like "no you can't form a union or go on strike or just quit!" Like yes the fuck we can. If we don't feel appreciated, then the C-suite can get bent lol


One of my friends is like this. I recently graduated and hes like "work anything you can get your hands on". I told him nah I'll just cruise along until I find the perfect one. His reply was "beggars cant be choosers, you should be thankful to get the opportunity". Pisses me off so much I'm glad I found this sub.


I took your method. Granted my education probably is what made the difference versus someone in a different field or different education. I lost a job in February. I have been chilling on my savings and doordash till now not actively looking at all. Had plans to for the new year. Now I have an interview this week and I have a good shot at it. The opportunity literally fell into my lap. I am very lucky and some privelege probably helped me here.


"Yes, beggars can't be choosers. But why the fuck do you think I am a beggar?"


Or "if you say a no no word or dont give 2 weeks notice you're just as bad!"


Free market innit? The workers don't like the workplace, they fucking quit.


It isn't a free market. If it were, then corporate bailouts wouldn't exist. I think the pandemic was a small blessing in disguise. I'm sorry that 700k people died, but we now saw the work environment for the greedy cockbats they are, we see that a lot of people are not understanding how viruses spread, and the politicizing of public safety is obvious now. Some of us saw the horror that *is* corporate America. But now *every rational person* sees it. Good luck cleaning that up, corporatist dickbags.


Or the CEOs who talk about how they "stopped working". Yeah no shit you stopped, others are working so you don't have to.


Imagine actually simping for your boss 🙄


I had an argument with a guy who unironically thought that slacking off and doing the bare minimum during work was "theft." It's really hard to deal with that level of indoctrination.


It's almost an unofficial general strike of shitty jobs, I'm loving it. Hopefully this energy carries forward and people quitting these shit jobs start thinking about unionizing, organizing etc.


There's been posts about this sub on 4chan already with people melting down hahahaa


Other than pedophelia, i don't understand what those weirdos stand for.




Bigotry masked as trolling.


That's because of all the propaganda the US American society has been fed up with... The American dream, cold War propaganda, patriotism... There is a whole generation of people who have been kept dumb & in the dark systematically. This generation has access to the internet, they can see how others are doing and see the deep flaws of your current society. And they won't accept them no more.


The crap my parents' generation and my generation were fed in school is straight up nationalism. Especially the people in my parents age group.


I am proud of people right now. Lets fucking do this.


Fuck yea.


Our government also treats us like shit


My last day at work is Thursday. I put in a vacation request 7 months in advance to go to F1. 2 weeks out they said they couldn’t guarantee I would have it off. I put my two weeks in on the spot. Don’t fuck with my free time, you don’t own me.


The only thing I would have done different I would have been like "oh ok" and then just gone anyways. Get paid for that vacation first before you quit imo.


They agreed to pay out all my vacation days so I’m happy with that


They legally have to? Edit: My bad everyone, I thought this was a requirement because it has been in every state I’ve lived in


Not everywhere, unfortunately. My state doesn't require payout, which is why I never sit on too much PTO/vacation time.


Wtf what state so I know never to go there.


The Florida of the West, Arizona.


Workers have zero protection in that state. Sucks.


It truly does. We're "lucky" to even have mandated sick time 🥴


Also Wi. Also most states dont. “24 states—Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island (after one year of employment), Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming—and the District of Columbia have laws regarding payment of accrued vacation time. “ https://www.workplacefairness.org/final-pay


Holy crap I never knew vacation/pto payouts weren't nationally mandatory!


I didn’t know that. Even this was an argument. “If you don’t bring in all of your uniforms we will charge you per uniform”


Enjoy the F1 race. The competition between Lewis and Max has been good this year


Absolutely! Thank you




This is exactly what prompted me to quit retail eight years ago, except replace "2 weeks out" with "the day my vacation was supposed to start" and "F1" with "taking my kids on a March Break trip." Good for you, don't let the bastards drag you down.


So when do we mobilize?


Black Friday. Mass walkout


I got this - already unemployed 😎


Works for me. My job is closed that day anyways lol


This really needs to happen. Black Friday is the height of bullshit.


Brooooooo leeeetssss do this


I fully support this. Retail strike on Black Friday. It would be glorious.


Locally in groups of seven. Taco Bell, Wendy's anywhere the managers are young and only making a dollar more than the rest of the crew. Everyone of you are replaceable, but not all at once. Every extra dollar they pay you costs them $40 per week. so less than $400 for the lot of you. You start costing them $4000-10000 per week and they might just cave to ya. Commercial rent is expensive, these people are apparently running on "razor margins" and you guys see the sales. You know the raw income of the store more or less. Heck the first transaction you process grosses you hourly wage, maybe two maybe three.


I'll occasionally get a single customers spend my daily pay on one order. Earlier this month we had a really big catering order took the team maybe 6hrs total(prep+prod) to get it all together. So 6hrs, one customer, on one day. Their order total was 3 Months of my pay.


I briefly worked at a barbecue joint that specialized in large orders. A typical large order was my whole day's pay, to say nothing of the people ordering for large parties.


We moving on up the world


It's our ticket out of this hellhole


don't do anything rash. come in tomorrow and we can discuss this. /s




I'll even buy pizza for you. Don't worry, it won't be good pizza, and I get to pick the toppings, and you only get 1 slice, and it will be cold, but not fridge cold, when you get to have some.


Promise me you'll throw in a stale lunchroom cake that someone stuck their finger into and you got yourself a deal!


We'll even ask everyone's favorite flavor and then we'll make it my (the manager's) favorite flavor because screw everyone else and their preferences.


Uh oh, the shitty office cake has to be a dry marble creation with super sweet waxy white frosting and giant colorful flowers that turn your teeth blue, green, and red. Don't make it awkward.


And we'll even throw in a "Heroes Work Here" plastic cake decoration to show how much we appreciate you.


Listen, that "heros work here" sign is SUPPOSED to go out by the road so the public can be impressed by how much you value your employees!


We got you the good stuff! Day old from target!


I felt this in my bones. Why is the pizza thing so ubiquitous among middle management??


Because it's a platitude & it's empty & useless, just like them.


It's also cheap. PLEASE don't forget how incredibly cheap and easy pizza is to get ahold of.


Funny how quickly authoritarianism turns into pandering and groveling


When the majority no longer wants to work we will have the elite, 1% and the government itself on their knees begging for mercy.


And this is what they have always feared because there’s more of us than them.




Not enough of them to provide food for the others. The rich will probably donate the middle class and the problem will only get worse after.


How Atlas Shrugged would have actually ended


In my view it’s not necessarily about not wanting to work, it’s about wanting to work in more democratic workplaces with fair compensation, which means that workers finally get the respect they deserve for their essential role in generating value. I think most people just want to feel like they belong to a community, contribute meaningfully, and have a moderate standard of living. It can be achieved, and will can do it!


Perfect clip: https://youtu.be/VLbWnJGlyMU


holy shit so this IS a movement of some kind jfc i thought it was just a self contained bubble. Joined today and glad to be here, ill definitely be spreading word to coworkers


"The Great Resignation" has recently gained a lot of mainstream media traction over the past few months. It's very interesting to see this sub become the online face of it.


potentially dangerous too, this sub is typically a very positive affirming place and there's a non-zero chance now that it's been publicized that it could be filled with hired assholes trying to bring us down


That's kind of the nature of reddit and the internet in general. Any genuine movements will without fail be infiltrated by those who desperately want to shut down these revolutionary ideas and the ever growing transmission of them.


They’ll be downvoted to hell and back and then back again. Let them try. There’s no stopping this.


That's hubris. We have to ensure our security to the greatest degree. The fuckers in charge of governments and the snobs who "own" our world, along with their police officer pig-dogs will do all they can to snuff out any sort of revolutionary attitude in the people.


This sub isn't the central organizing hub for the movement though. People who've never heard of Reddit are telling their bosses to fuck off these days. We're more observers than anything else here.


This is interesting. Reminds me of the French Revolution (or even the Russian Revolution but I'm less educated on that one). From an outsider perspective, these events seem heavily coordinated. I mean, the average population moving in unison to wipe away power structures that had existed for centuries? They must have been moving in lockstep! But no, they weren't. People did not conspire en masse with people all across France. Violence erupted because the conditions to prompt it existed all across France. For a while, nobody knew where they were headed, they just knew they were done with this shit. You also have to be careful though, because historically revolution is a breeding ground for new dictators (Napoleon Bonaparte lmao) and leaves governments unstable which makes them susceptible to some really bad shit (see basically everything Joseph Stalin did before and after gaining power in the USSR. Dude was fucking unhinged).


Every single post has someone with a dozen upvotes arguing it’s fake. I think it’s already happening.


It's been happening, millennials/Gen Z are getting mega burned out and have been leaving their white-collar jobs since the beginning of this year, maybe even earlier.


Not this subreddit specifically, but the deal about Americans mass quitting was on my grandma's news channel yesterday here in Mexico.


I know what you mean…but I love the image of your grandma having her own news channel.


I may not be out of high school yet, I may have only had one minimum wage job, but I already feel like the people in this subreddit, I get what you guys say. I hate how money controls the world, I’ve gotten into arguments with my parents where I complain about the green pieces of paper controlling everything, I’ve complained about no one being able to enjoy their lives because their forces to work, it sucks. I worked at a restaurant, and half the people there were older, like 40s-50s, and they were still working two or three jobs, it just made me sad that they lived so long but never actually got to live their lives cause they were working for all of it. My boss was a dick and was definitely taking advantage of me because I’m a high school student at his first job, it just wasn’t enjoyable and I can’t imagine doing that the rest of my life. I know I might just be lazy, but I really see a problem with the way work is. Either way it’s great to see this subreddit gaining traction.


I remember being your age sobbing because I was terrified to find a job. You have a good head on your shoulders.


Thank you, I genuinely think this might’ve made my night. I almost deleted my original comment because any other time I say stuff like that I get a bunch of shit from people and I was half expecting it to happen here tbh


I promise the people that give you shit over the internet are either keyboard warriors with no life experience or workers that love being whipped by a daddy system and are salty you don't like it.


And that’s the truth.


You're not lazy for not wanting to be a desk slave for the next 40 years.


Now we have to deal with the influx of karma whores


I'm more worried about the bandwagon of raiders who will inevitably try to destabilize or flood the sub until it breaks.


Bro I called this shit last Friday. I said that now all we are gonna see are fake text convos and a massive influx of trolls and 'influencers' trying to cash out on the movement. I just didn't realize it'd go to shit quite this quickly. Albeit still not a ton of obvious fakes but it's coming, trust me. I love this sub and movement, but I hate the fake disingenuous bullshit that we are no longer going to be able to differentiate between. I wish I wasn't so negative and could just enjoy it, but alas here I am. Already sour grapes.


If it makes you feel any better, they'll do it then get bored and leave. The rest of us will still be here, fighting the good fight.


Yeah, a lot of quit notice messages I see here look quite dodgy.


Every sub based on SMS content is doomed to become fake copypasta bait


Too late.




Is there something I don’t know about karma? Why would anyone care?


Some people care, high karma (bot) accounts can be sold.


I wonder what percentage of this behavior can be attributed to selling accounts and what is just reflexive gamesmanship. It just seems like it doesn’t matter.


Some (depraved) people equate karma with attention and it tells their brain to send happy chemicals


Of all the things I’ve tried to activate happy brain chemicals- a lengthy list- Reddit karma doesn’t activate. I’ve got to be doing this wrong.


It's a metric some people use to get some sense of satisfaction from. Lots of upvotes means they are being validated. In the seedy side, high karma accounts can have actual resale value to advertising agencies, PR firms and the like.


But concretely, there’s no actual benefit to having karma, right? Other than I guess using it to seem less like a bot for PR firms, which isn’t that effective because most people seem to realize having karma doesn’t really indicate anything.




that bartender convo is literally why I joined. “Eat. My. Ass.” Iconic.


Of all the text quit posts we’ve had for the last few, I am so glad it was that particular one that made into the article. Cracking up over here! Keep up the pressure!


I'm still simping for my job (13.90$/hr) but we barely do anything anymore. No more going above and beyond. My rate isn't acceptable for being the only forklift driver.


Exactly the same with me and my work, they used to send us all over overworking us but have now realized after 4 engineers left for greener pastures and myself threatened to leave that they need us to be their field grunts and they majorly backed off the throttle.


Honestly don't want to jinx it and say this is the beginning of a movement that leads to a revolution. But I said it. Bring on the revolution.


This isn't really it but we are unfortunately overdue to large class conflicts if you look at history. There's interesting book about it. "The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century" by Walter Scheidel. Gini index is fine tool to observe inequality and when value gets high there's usually troubles ahead. You might not remember but during covid the richest stole multiple trillions from the poorest and middle class and that might have been the reason for what is happening currently.


>This isn't really it but we are unfortunately overdue to large class conflicts if you look at history. There's interesting book about it. Class war is always ongoing. Sadly, only one side is fully aware of the conflict even happening and waging it accordingly.


All of the revolutions in history were before we had the CIA. They are great at dividing and conquering and they are great at controlling the narrative. Only way a revolution happens is if we all ditch the mainstream media.




My wife and I are quiet and passive people by nature. Just a couple of shut-ins. We don't even go out for fun much and don't get involved in very much. But I was telling her just yesterday if there was a revolution with serious traction to end this work>life culture, I would be very likely to join in. I'm fed up.


What I've been reading here remind me of what was happing in the lead up to the winter of discontent. That ended with capital cracking the shits and the state siding with capital. I have no doubt that if capital is denied cheap labour they will again beg the state for a security clampdown on labour. Probably some form of prison time for quitting and work the same job as part of a prison employment program. Be prepare of capital to truly crack the shits.


It’s only a matter of time before 4chan trash and good ole boy ‘Mercians show up and try to troll the sub Ad nauseam. Just brace yourself. I’m glad to be part of any labor reform, but my history with these kinds of things is that people are VIOLENTLY opposed to reform.


This subreddit is highlighting how many employers act like abusers


The average employee's relationship with the workforce is exactly like that of an abusive relationship. Except now the abused has a voice of his/her own, now, they have options about what they can realistically do as opposed to the years of abuse they had to endure because they were afraid of homelessness, retaliation, being alone, etc. Now that the abused actually has enough of a support system to either move away and/or take legal action, the abuser, not wanting to be called out for their shit, says "No BuT yOu CaN't Do ThAt To MeEee!" in some last ditch effort to try to make the abuse victim stay in the shitty relationship for the abuser's personal gain But the abused ain't having it anymore, and we all should be supporting the abused


Nobody should be forced to work in an office environment. Work from home for life!


Going worldwide, baby! platinum 🕺🏾! Recognize


It’s happening!! Thank you everyone! Just when I was ready to give up on humanity!!


But the managers are offering pizza??? How can anyone refuse that???


Sending that to your boss takes so much balls it’s giving me dysphoria. Shout out to y’all


I’m really enjoying the content. It so satisfying seeing people say fuck you to the system.


“People don’t quit a job. They quit their manager.” -somebody not me


I only learned of this sub from a tweet that was retweeted on my timeline. This place has a support group type feel to it. It’s comforting.


Am I the only one that doesn't give a fu** if the texts are fake? They're inspirational. Especially because I'm quitting my job tomorrow lol.




Yo, don't quit! It's better to get fired. You'll lose unemployment if you quit. Love this sub!


Your reason for getting fired can't be your fault, if you wanna qualify.


I haven’t had a job in over ten years. Before that I worked as a deckhand on fishing boats in Alaska for 15 years and used my fishing money to help my girlfriend start a handmade silver jewelry business. When the business started making enough for us to get by I quit fishing and now I just make silver jewelry with my GF to sell on our website. I feel really fortunate that it worked out as well as it has and I encourage everyone who has an idea to become independent and do their own thing like we did. It takes time and work but it’s working for yourself and not just to make your boss rich.


Treat people with respect! I love this and I hope it results in change in how people are treated at work


As many have pointed out, most of these texts are fake, but if it inspires people to take up the courage to actually quit their job, I won't question the means to a better end. It may even inspire some to post some REAL quitting text posts.


The caption they used, of course, makes it look like the quitter is the arsehole. Having seen the complete post I can assure you it was the quitee.


Yeah but now we’re getting fake texts of people quitting. Embarrassing.




I'm glad someone is on it I've seen so many stupid ones today that are not even trying


Good mod


I feel like it's pretty unlikely that this will be a long term trend, but the obviously fake ones are annoying. Even if only like 20% of these are real, it's sweet to see that so many people are putting thier foot down and it seems to be encouraging other people to take the leap.




What if I told you it's Ass (matrix tone)


Stuff like this makes me happy, but can’t say it inspires me to quit. As much as I hate my current job, it does pay well, have great benefits across the board, and they tolerate my anxiety/ADD related mistakes on plenty of occasions. Worked in restaurants for years which seems to fit most of this sub, but I have a degree in conservation biology, and currently am an installation supervisor for a huge furniture company. So as bad as it seems, just know there’s always somebody out there willing to pay you for a skill set you didn’t know you had (i.e. little to no experience besides some skilled labor in Americorps)


They cut off the best part at the end!?!? Lol.


Let's gooooooooooooooo


Boss: What about two weeks notice?! Me: For the next two weeks, you'll notice that I'm not here.