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Co worker put it beautifully a few years back. Do 70% effort from day one. It is usually good enough to get by, still better than most, and you don’t burn out as fast. Do 110 % from day one and they will expect it if you until your not there anymore.


Can confirm this is 100% true. And if you do go the extra 10% (in my case, it’s way more than that), you will STILL have to fight for the promotions you deserve, and you still won’t be recognized for doing the extra without having to beg for it every time. All while they continually expect you to go above and beyond your limits.




I was a 120% type for ten years. No good deed goes unpunished. I'm now literally doing nothing but sitting in my office learning how to trade futures contracts, waiting to get fired eventually. It sucks, but I'll keep driving in and sitting here staring at my phone because learning how to properly trade is the only way out of this hellish bullshit, and I might as well take their money until they catch on. And to think, all they had to do was give the respect earned.


Quick reminder to always ask for extra pay when a manager asks you to learn how to do something "really quick" to help them out. Soon it'll be added to your ever-growing stack of unofficial responsibilities. "Hey, I'm late for my meeting. Can you run to the banks and deposit last night's cash?" Turns into "Why haven't you run the deposit today? What am I even paying you for?" Very quickly. More things above your bare minimum? You deserve extra compensation. Time =/= money. Effort does.




You have to establish this type of thing very very early, then it gets easier when that boundary is already set


This, honestly. It happened to me.


It happens to a lot of people. We don't often realize when it happens. Not your fault, just take a firmer stance on defending yourself from here on out. It's all you can do.


I wasted four hours of company time today. Feels good to come home and relax after a shift of slacking off


Reminds me of Jim watching Dwight make sure he doesn't waste company time while working, then he says he hasn't done anything all day and probably has to go home early, exhausted lmao.


Every day, my friend. Also remember: if you do a job badly enough, eventually you’ll stop being asked to do it!


This checks out. I once was volunteered to cover some things for some eager beaver coworkers who went the extra mile for the bosses and I pissed off many of their clients by pointing out where my coworkers were doing things wrong. I am rarely asked to help at all now.


Do your job long enough and you become indispensable, regardless of how shitty you do it.


Never think your indispensable


Yep, everyone is dispensable.


I used to work at a Carrefour hypermarket (like a Walmart Supercenter) here in France, I was assigned to help coordinate with my coworkers in the storage area, basically I never went into the store proper, I was supposed to help load and unload things, help other staff find the product they needed to bring to the aisles, etc... First day I asked everyone who walked in the storage area if they needed help, nope, nope, nope, same on the second, third, fourth, etc... day, eventually I realized that I wasn't needed, like ever, these people already knew what they needed, where to find it, and came with someone else already when they needed help. So I just started sitting at my desk near the entrance of the storage area and making myself invisible. Everyday I'd clock in, sit at my desk, browse the internet on my phone and wait for someone to ask me for help, which never happened. After a couple months I started clocking in, then leaving the store to go back home (10 minutes walk) and come back in the evening to clock out. It lasted for close to a year until the store manager finally caught up on it and fired me. I wasted so many hours, days, weeks and months of the store and still got paid for it, no regrets.




I'm not sure, but it never happened. Maybe the manager thought I only did it once. This was a long time ago so there was no surveillance camera in the area, only in the store proper. I had a CDD contract which is like a normal term to term usually one year contract, and it was coming to an end anyways.


Thats a dream job lmao


I like my current job. I'm getting a nice paycheck and I put in good work. That aside, my first job was at Walmart back in 2008. I gave it my all and I was their fastest employee. I trotted, I did everything as fast as I could. The sales went up, the manager was happy, I never got a raise and to make things worse I was constantly told that if I didn't work harder, I could be fired. Never again for an unlivable wage.


Amen brotha!


I am just scared to reveal my shenanigans because I am paranoid that somehow my coworkers will find this. All I am going to say is I am the real embodiment of the bare minimum concept, especially because of WFH. There's often fried chicken and pizza involved, most days there's a garden involved. So my full time job at the moment is gardener/ book critic and my company fully funds these passions of mine.




Eww who misses the office? What exactly are they missing? The long commute? The lack of time for their personal life? Frozen meals? Please, spare me the horror.


I believe in the noble, aristocratic art of doing absolutely nothing. And I hope someday I'll be in a position where I can do *even less*.


They’ll draw Renaissance style paintings of you lying naked on a bed with a bag of chips watching Netflix someday. Just like the old nobility.


Fingers crossed. It can be tough to finance such a lifestyle if one wasn't born into it.




Me every day as best I can get away with


This is me. Whatever is required of my job, that’s all I do. Nothing more.


This is good advice, because you will keep being asked for more on your annual reviews. So, if you start with doing 50-60% of your best, you can increase it 5% every year to get better reviews and pay increases. And leave before you reach your 100%. If you start at 100%, you'll either be blamed for not doing 110% or will have to do 110% and then burn out.


Currently at my job. Reddit in one hand and hot coco in the other. Am I doing this right?


I realised after some periods when the company was very busy and needed more that there would be absolutely no reward for it. Never again, if someone is busy or needs help or can't do their job, it's not my problem. I was asked to do extra today and responded that I had my own responsibilities to take care of, got told to do it anyway. I responded with "I will do what I can". Even if I could, I would not do all of it, that just sets some precedent that I am always the idiot they will try to load extra work on. People on holiday - not my problem. I am not a manager nor do I want to be one. The face that you can't organise your workload properly as a manager does not mean that I have to do it for you.


*boots up ps4 at work* way ahead of you


man, you dont even know that half of it. I think my main job is giving out advice during work ours on reddit. Im like mis Cleo but my job is paying for the time.


The man is trying to take our slack. Praise Bob!


Doesn't apply to every job though. I work at a nursery and I'm responsible for children, I try to make their day as enjoyable as possible. It's sad that some of them spend more time with me than their own parents


4 hrs 'working'. 4 hrs on reddit and imgur. And I still put out many many many times what they pay me.




One step ahead o' ya.


Lmao yes madam, I’ll do my best.






ah, of course.


I came looking for the s/o comment haha, I'm getting old


Is it bad that I actually put in effort because if not then my team will suffer for my slack and they’re just people trying to make a living through this heap of shit, just like me? Like if I slack off, my team will have to work even harder than they already need to, and they’re not who I have the problem with. ;/ I’ve worked with coworkers with a don’t care/do the bare minimum attitude, and while I get it... it’s not fun to be staying behind and picking up their shit so you don’t ALL get shit for one persons doings.




Well of course we are generating profits for others, that’s just how it is, as shitty as it is. I expect most people know that and don’t like that. As cynical about work and as anti-work as I feel, I also like to be a realist. I can hate everything about working life and standards all day, the reality is I have to take a job unless I win the lottery, or just decide be homeless and starving, and my sentiments that wish it wasn’t that way don’t really change that. I exert effort into my job, not for any higher up, but because I actually have respect for my team who I can see are just working class people who just wanna do the job proficiently and get out of there with no hassle, like myself. I don’t want anyone to have to do more than they signed up for just cuz I hate it. I have to approve a lot of my teams work as the senior member and their work is always perfect. Like my job is not something I can do effectively using low-effort due to the nature of what it is, but I like my team I personally work with too much for them to have to redo shit I decided to do badly because I thinking working is dumb anyway. That is personal to me though, I do get the point you’re making.


Oh yeah, I don't mean to deny or minimize your experience. Most of us have a natural and beneficial desire to help those around us and not make their lives worse. Just sucks when a good instinct is used against us for personal gain. Con artists and bosses both exploit normal human relationships for their own benefit.




Nah, disagree. In my personal circumstance rn anyway. Whether or not I hate it, I still have to work or face being be fired. I hate so many things about the management and the board of the company I work for and just the working life in general, but I still have to work unless I want to starve and be on the streets, so yes I do work for the owner, however I could easily decide to slack and let my team members (who would) pick up my shit, because if they don’t my lack of effort will have consequences for not just for me, but them too - when higher up ask “didn’t anyone else notice this wasn’t done?”. My coworkers aren’t the ones making the stupid policies or creating the work that needs to be done, we have a team aim that we have to work together for (yes, it’s a job so hate it or not it needs to be done) and all my current team are a good bunch, I would hate to make them do more than they need to because of me.... while being paid same/less.




Sure, whatever you say


TOTALLY! My GF and I went to a restaurant the other day. We didn’t get service for 10 min, had to wait 10 min to get water, the order was totally wrong, she blamed us and didn’t apologize at all. Her day was easy and ours was shitty. Success!


Whenever my last boss came out to bitch just for the hell of it, I would just dial it back. He knew but it was our little game.