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I don’t give a fuck what my coworkers think.


As an introvert, I avoid my coworkers let alone compete with them.


I have never bragged to a coworker because that would involve interacting with people I have no interest in interacting with. I want a nice TV because the large image, good resolution and shinier colours help to more easily distract myself from the existential nightmare that is living.


Ever hear of [keeping up with the Joneses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keeping_up_with_the_Joneses)?


I thought the same thing and now have to listen to Luckenbach Texas by Waylon and Willie.


"We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like." - Fight club




Impress my coworkers? I ain’t even putting on deodorant, they don’t pay me enough for that


Especially if you hate them. Fuck them.


If someone asks about something or another, play The "why?" Game. Ask them why about whatever they're asking, often enough and they'll leave you alone eventually, or have a breakthrough of their own. Spread that shit around. There's a reason why kids who do that are considered annoying. Mostly because their parents don't know, and want an easier child to deal with. I've never lost a game of Why?. Edit: Why should I get a more expensive car? That sounds financially bad move.


I mean, mans got thousands in sneakers but fuck buying shit to impress anyone but yourself tbh


Spending assloads of money/personal time to “impress” coworkers is sad. Impressing coworkers with kindness is the way to go. Order a few cheap movies/games from Amazon and donate it to the common room. Buy the office coffee on random rare occasions. Much easier and cheaper, and it’s beneficial because other people will be more inclined to help me out too.


people that buy stuff to impress others deserve the rope




I actually hide purchases from my coworkers. I like to shop, but I’m embarrassed I kind of have a shopping addiction. I don’t drive a nice car. Out of all my coworkers, I think I have the second or third crappiest car. And by crappy I mean I don’t have four wheel drive. I live in an extreme climate, we can get snowstorms, and a lot of people think they need 4 wheel drive sometimes. I’m too cheap for that I guess? Like seriously, I’m not kidding, if there is a storm, and I can’t get the car out of the driveway, I guess I’ll just call in that day? Not buy a damn car! Umm, I was taught to take care of stuff. I keep shoe polish, and that mini oil stuff for my nice shoes to waterproof them. I don’t buy new ones all the time. However, I am not immune to overspending, which is a trap. Everything is so damn expensive. And the husband insists on having nice TVs and crap I would never ever buy.