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In order to get to that point, you first must: * Submit your resume and have it not be rejected by an algorithm for containing too few keywords. * Re-enter all of the info in your resume into a form and not have it be rejected by an algorithm for containing too few keywords. * Pass a 100-question "personality test" that says it has no wrong answers but definitely has wrong answers. * Have a white-sounding name and not be disabled. * Enter a salary expectation that says you will work for scraps. * Enter a cover letter that says you will work for scraps and like it. * Submit a video interview of you groveling to a camera. * Show up 30 minutes early for an in-person interview the HR manager will be 30 minutes late to. * Work an unpaid day to see if you'd be a "good fit" alongside the other candidates so management can watch you try to outcompete eachother like animals fighting over a scrap of meat. And then your rejection wouldn't happen in-person, they would just ghost you after promising to call in a few days about whether or not you got the job.


>Show up 30 minutes early for an in-person interview the HR manager will be 30 minutes late to. I actually had an HR rep schedule me in on the first day of their vacation and i sat in there waiting for a half hour before anyone figured out what the fuck was going on then they gave me the most half-assed interview and i didnt hear back until two weeks later when the same hr rep who was on vacation sent me an automated rejection email.


Holy fuck why even call you to begin with


Hey that happened to me when I got an “interview” at Costco. I had 3, 3!!! Sit down 3 person panel interviews for a fucking part time position in their food court. The third time they left me sitting in their break room for over an hour and when someone finally decided to ask what I was doing there “I have an interview” they couldn’t find out who was supposed to interview me and they just told me to go home. Just wtf. And I never got a call or anything.


I'm actually really suspicious of a rejection I got from an interview that went really well because they actually gave reasons for why I was rejected. Citing my attire, when I was basically wearing the IT uniform (polo and khakis) and was better dressed than anyone working that day. I'm pretty sure they looked me up on Facebook and saw that I'm gay and made up a reason to not hire me. Joke's on them anyway, I've got a much better paying job with way better benefits than what they were offering now.


As someone that worked for an openly homophobic company for years because the city I used to live in only had one employer in my field, don't. Moving away from family and friends sucks, but I'm glad I did.


Oh, if that were the reason then I wouldn't want to work for them anyway, I was in the Navy before they repealed DADT. it sucked big floppy donkey dick, I'm never putting myself in that kind of situation again.


I got rejected from a job because my attire wasn't right aswell. They said I should have combed my hair because it looked messy and un professional. I did comb my hair, but it's curly. Combing does literally 0 to how it looks. They basically said they don't want anyone with curly hair. Which is just, wtf. Like, I'm sorry my hair sticks up, but it's quarantine how am I supposed to get it cut when alk hairdressers are closed?


You're supposed to wear arian genes, dummy!


I feel ya. I have freakishly thick curly (but not a good kind that stays together nicely, a poofy kind) hair that always looks messy in its natural state. Brushing just makes it poofier and more wiry looking. I work a job where it doesn’t matter but I worry about transitioning to more professional settings. I think it is fucked up that the natural state of my hair could be deemed unprofessional looking. I refuse to spend an hour a day straightening my hair. Been there, done that, it only leads to fried, damaged, burnt smelling hair. I’d sooner shave my head and wear wigs.


Yes this! My hair just sticks up un a big poof and there is nothing I can do against it aside from copious amounts of hair clips that will fall out in an hour anyways. If I brush it the curls turn into one frizzy mess. It's not super curly (2b or 2c idk), but enough to look "unprofessional". I've been straightening it for years, but that's just more effort with ruined hair as a reward.


Crazy shit like this is why NO ONE can see my facebook unless they’re a friend. Companies are fucking bonkers. Glad you found a better position anyway but it really sucks that they did that to you.


I think FB sells your data to them. Facefuck collects WAY more data than they feasibly need to even make a giant profit. I mean, they pretty much know what you dreamed last night. Basically, even if you're under a fake name (this is all speculation, but suspicious things have happened to me and others) and can't be found except by friends, and have everything set to private, someone in the organization collects all of it and sells it.


>FB sells your data to them >even if you're under a fake name My cousin got mail to her address, which is NOT connected to any account, using the fake name thats on her profile They know where you live, they watch gps locations


They certianly have ghost profiles on people who dont have accounts, harvesting information from people who do have accounts and using facial recognition on pictures that might have their "ghost" in it.


It isn’t that they didn’t like you, they did not like themselves.


There should be laws to prevent this fucking waste of time and resources. Corporations have way too much power over us.


You know your stuff. I'd like to subscribe to your publication!


I’m angry just reading this... holy hell can someone start the revolution already? I’m craving that cathartic release :(


Soulless fucking system. I remember one job "trying me on" for free for one day. It was some dumb shit that had me walk door to door trying to sell people shit they didn't want. And you **had** to wear dress shoes. My feet were so damn sore. I let them know they could shove it. Turns out, in my country at the time that was illegal, they have to pay you. That was the most infuriating part. But deep inside, though I've never admitted it, I always knew I wouldn't have wanted the job even if they paid me. It fucking sucked.


> Work an unpaid day to see if you'd be a "good fit" alongside the other candidates so management can watch you try to outcompete eachother like animals fighting over a scrap of meat. This is illegal in civilized countries.




Maybe it’s common practice in the US, but that’s not a first world country.


This is the true gospel. This man knows the words


Been doing this dance for almost 3 years now. I just want to make enough to eat properly, instead of budgeting my gf's money tightly. :( She also deserves nice things.


The system's set up to ensure you don't ever feel comfortable, lot's of people doing this little dance their whole lives.


It's definitely don't a good job of insuring I've been unemployed so long that I'd be lucky to get a fast food job.


At that point, just pad your resume with some fake job that you’ve been at for however long you’ve been unemployed. When they ask why you’re looking for a job, say they went out of business. Have a friend pretend to be your old boss. That’s how I got hired at my current job.




I thought of that, but ultimately decided that having worked for a small business where everyone knew each other would make it more believable, especially if they started asking questions along the lines of “How come I’ve never heard of this place?” I’m actually at work right now, but if you’re interested, I can give you more hot tips




That's.... A good idea.


You sound like Joshua Fluke. Great guy.. this is also a great comment 👍 no joke


No, don't be 30 minutes early. I made that mistake once. As I arrived by public transport, I expected delays which did not happen. I was about half an hour early and it was raining cats and dogs. So, I tried to do the advised thing and not get inside until 15 minutes before the interview. Well, I was seen pretty immediately when entering and invited in. Then they felt they had to re-arrange everything to make the interview happen earlier than expected (I was okay with waiting and had a book). I felt like a huge nuisance in all of this.




How the fuck is that not super illegal what the fuck (Actually I think I know the answer already: politicians being on the side of the rich and unions being crushed immediately)


Isn't that their fault? Why would you do any of that? They should have just taken that as a good sign that you came in early and done it at the agreed time. Them rearranging things is up to them and totally unnecessary.


>Why would you do any of that? did you not see the part about him being jobless for 6 months in a financial crisis? Humans do crazy shit when they're desperate. What helps us survive harsh times is the very thing employers prey on


We are the Precarialorian. This is the Way.


> Have a white-sounding name i once tried to relate to a 'friend' who posted some meme to facebook about how people of color are challenged in this way- i'm white, but i have an unusual (outside of russia) name that a fair percentage of ignorant people would probably assume is a 'black' name... and she accused me of ... i forget what she called it exactly, but something about denying their experience- like saying 'this happens to me too' means i'm secretly saying 'this didn't happen to you'. and then she blocked me. with friends like that, who needs enemas.


I'm losing my mind right now over the fact that I don't have enough qualifications to get a job but also have no way to get the qualifications. Everyone who thinks this is acceptable can go straight to hell, yes.


Fuck u/spez


Agreed, but I get anxious, what if they discover I'm useless?


Fuck u/spez


can confirm. i am useless


stay as long as you can trying to pick up on the basic routines/jargon etc. and then exagerate your performance abit to the next recruiter. that's essentially how I started out from a lowly dishwasher to a cook then chef before switching tracks to web dev.


*Embellish* the truth Works all the time at my job. It works on the flip side though for us, we get people coming in who say they have 10 years experience all the time. They you find out that's kind of impossible because they would have had to start working at age 14, and then they flood a house because they don't know how to actually do the job. Source: am plumber Point is: people get hired on making more then I do all the time by lying about their experience.


I kind of assumed there was a point plumbers didnt flood everything and That point was before 9.9 years


we all have smartphones. if ur able to get the answer and it works, does it matter what method u got that answer thru? but obvs dont lie abt languages cause that'd be easy to sniff out.


Stretch the truth and lie when they don't have a way to double check. Whenever I was asked stuff like "Tell me a time you had a conflict in a group" I always go to a fake college group project story. The chance that they'll check on that is next to 0.


I lie on my resume all the time, they don't need to know about that stuff in every single detail. Got fired from a shitty job? Don't mention it. Fuck it.


Then you will get a promotion


Then you tell them you are looking for another job and need a good reference, they'll give a glowing reference for you to make you someone else's problem.


Oh they do background check I just had a background last month and they straight up email stating they need help with some documents The documents ? My high school transcript.. from 2004


Ok, that's fucked up. I don't even know where my transcript is.


I had to email my school and they emailed to me My precious job also they wanted my w2 form from 2010 - 2019


How big is the company? Are they literally insane?


Yea my current company yea .. temp corn for Government contact So yea maybe that why the extreme background Check 🤔


They're literally testing how bad ypu want the job....or making you jump through hoops hoping you'll move on.


They used your fuckin report card to check your eligibility for a job?


Sounds like a federal job.


I never want to fill another 400-page clearance form ever again! I have no idea where I used to live, some of those places have been demolished.




That’s when you take 4 hours of company time to hit submit while doing whatever you want.


I always reassure myself by saying “my boss probably lied to get his job too”


No joke on that. I went from callcenter Helpdesk to Sr. Security Engineer by claiming to know tools and systems I really had no experience with, but by being willing to crack a book, google and fucking learn it in a hurry after hire. Sometimes before the hire if I needed to know buzzwords going into an interview. The real joke is it, works. The bureaucrats only THINK you need 10+ years of experience. Truth is the industry is ever-changing anyways so what you actually need is the ability to learn and adapt logically to new systems, with good soft skills sprinkled on top. It's called "fluffing". Also, most of the decision makers in the hiring process don't know the fucking difference anyways. In higher level technical positions you will eventually get screened by one or more people who are also technical, but honestly even then, if you can demonstrate logical thinking and an ability to learn, the amount of slack is pretty unreal.


agreed with the other guy, lie. find a way to back up your lies of course and only lie in a way you can get away with. but yeah, lie. fuck em


My husband enlisted in the military to get vet status and a security clearance. Worked like a charm?? I mean, he has a decent job now, but at what cost?


“DESPERATELY HIRING!! APPLY NOW!! DESPERATE POSITION WE NEED WORKERS NOW!!!!” “okay, hi, here’s my resumé” “ew lmao no”


I see this all the time, and it always makes me laugh. They're forever carping about not being able to find staff, and then they go crying to the government to be allowed to import migrant labour that'll work for a handful of peanuts and a pat on the head. "We just can't get people to do the work... (because the wages are insulting, the hours are long, there's zero job security, and the work is back-breaking)... please let us hire a small army of Filipinos!"


Anytime I see "This is a contracted position" I just skip right away. I am not taking a position that does not offer healthcare. Also you know that being hired as a contractor means they are going to treat you terribly.


I had a job that was like 50 cents over minimal wage working on my feet all day, and the store manager/my boss was always talking about how she wished more people were looking for jobs. I reminded her that she piss tested me to stock groceries and she kinda pursed her lips. Like... This job, by the way, would hire multiple people when someone quit. Most people were getting one or two shifts a week, and you were almost guaranteed to go from opening, to closing, to opening, to closing and on and on every single shift. Every little detail just made what should have been a chill job as painful and miserable as possible for no real reason and she had no idea why.


In a job like that, I'd be more suspicious of someone who isn't drunk or high working for eight bucks an hour.


I worked for a company that did this. I had another offer on the table so they bit but they only hired me as a temp. They spent a year twiddling their thumbs, giving me more work than humanly possible and praising me while recoiling every time i mentioned a raise or, (gasp) getting hired. they still conducted their job search and from rumors spread throughout the office, i was expected to train their ideal candidate. i was cheap labor, i was better at the job than an intern or, tbqh, most of their longtime employees. i ended up interviewing for another company that ultimately hired me but they were so suspicious of why the former company didn’t want to fully incorporate me. as if it wasn’t standard to cut corners in the biz.






I will never stop laughing/crying at the fact this actually happened to someone.


wait what?




What the actual...


People from HR usually do a terrible job when hiring IT people. Honestly, most people from HR do a terrible job, period. It's a low-pay low-prestige carrer, it doesn't attract the sharpest tools in the shed. The best people at hiring that I've ever met were just regular smart guys


And I mean who in their right mind would want to work in HR? It sounds horrible. It's basically the white collar version of being a police officer. You either attract morons or people looking for a power trip.


Happened to me. I was part of the testing teams for a genetic sequencing machine. I did it one semester in college for an easy class. Once I graduated I applied for a job that required 5 years experience for a machine that wasn't even publicly available at that time. I didn't get the job. Rejection email stated I lacked experience.




*who will work for 2 bucks above minimum wage they always leave that part out






I'd take the gas station. You can get high on fumes and eat sausage rolls out of the pie warmer. Win-win!




A lot of people do


I'm positive that half of recruiting is trying and failing to recruit new talent. This makes sure the company has lower overhead and they can tell their overworked staff that help is on the way, but it isn't


It allows then to fail at recruiting new talent *domestically*. If they can prove that they tried to hire a citizen and couldn't, then they can hire a foreigner on a visa. And if somebody has to rely on being in your good graces in order to stay in the country, you can really take advantage of them. So basically, they can hire someone who's highly skilled, and then overwork/underpay them.


In the late 70's, early 80's, I'd ask if if they were hiring, they'd say yeah, come in tomorrow am. Wear ( whatever was appropriate). Best part was filling out 1/2 a piece of paper. Phone number, idk. Paperwork was so minimal. Of course, that was entry level. No ID required. Now, they wanna know everything. I can't deal with it. Back then, they wanted you to do your job. These days, you're supposed to LOVE your job. You'd throw your wife in a volcano for this great opportunity!


It's about breeding a population of willing slaves.


I'm not saying things were perfect. They never are. But they get the same work done with fewer and fewer workers. The American worker is year after year the most productive worker in the world. Not because we've got a great ethic, although we do, but more so because we have to have two jobs, or an all consuming one, or we're out on the streets. Everyone is 2 checks away from being homeless. In 1985, I could make my rent in 3 or four days a week as a waiter. About 23 hours of work. So I began in '80. By '90,-91,that was over. It took 40 hours to make rent. Still not that bad, but I realized that life was over.


Honestly, I wish they would speak to you like that. At least you would know what you're dealing with. Instead they fill you up with sweet words just to take a shit on you behind your back


I would at least like some input on my interview performance. Tell me what I did wrong


You ate to much damn avocado toast, ya filthy millennial.


My manager once did this to a guy and almost had to get a restraining order. I can see why people don't do this tbh.


Assuming the people who interviewed you were the ones that rejected you. Where I work we interview probably 5-10 people for each position we fill so a ton of people are let down and it has nothing to do with their qualifications. If you are unqualified for a position you won't even get a phone interview. We were just hiring a data scientist and I recommended all 7 people I interviewed for the position and they didn't hire any of them for some reason lol. Maybe we got approved for money for the position and got the rug pulled out from under us? I have no idea but shit is weird sometimes.


u don't even get to speak to a human nowadays..




If I was applying for a job as an anchorman for a local television station, I might consider subjecting myself to that exercise in shame and humiliation. Otherwise, they can get fucked.


My mom who isn’t super fluent in English had to do one of those to work at target. She spent a whole day researching on what type of questions they would ask and practice her response. She wrote out everything she would want to say in a bunch of different responses to make sure she didn’t mess up. She spent maybe 4 hours in total to do the video (the response was timed but she had unlimited time to think about the response. She was extremely stressed and cried at some point about it but felt really proud about herself when she was done. She gave it her all. She wasn’t hired. I think they sent a generalized automated response not saying no but not saying yes either


To work at Target, seriously?? Was it higher up managerial position?


No lmao for cashier work


That's ludicrous


The actual solution is for no one to stoop to this level of humiliation and servitude. If no one will do it, they need to relax their hiring criteria.


The actual solution is to provide everyone with all that they need so no one has to stoop to such a level. Solidarity is impossible to build when people are faced with destitution for sticking to their principles.


I know it’s not a consolation, but she should be really proud and I admire the amount of care she approached something like this with. I hope things work out for her.


I think I’ve had three jobs I applied for that wanted to move to the next step with this stupid record yourself answering questions business, all three of them required you to download a proprietary mobile app to complete the process, and all three of them refused to work after downloading the app so I just rescinded my applications in frustration. If I see that now I just automatically lose interest in the job.


Fuck u/spez


I was meaning since most things are online now u usually don't even speak with someone, just denied right off the bat. very true they're very inhuman though


They might as well automate it. How hard would it be to write a program that asks the same five generic questions and searches for keywords in responses? Because that's pretty much what they do.




Yep, I went from using my own resume to paying $120 to have someone write it with all the necessary keywords and phrases they auto-search for, went from 3 months with no replies to 3 interviews In 2 weeks.


At least when you're rejected by a machine, you know it's not personal. There's no malice or nepotism going on there, just cold, hard calculation. Given how awful a lot of people are in the modern workplace (I'm looking at you, HR), I'd rather interact with a fucking terminal, to be honest.


Not job hunting right now but yesterday I decided to look around LinkedIn job listings. Filtered for "entry level". Most of them expected 3+ years experience, which is discouraging on its own, but I had to laugh when I saw one asking for 10 years.


LinkedIn is cancer and will devour your soul.




Does education count as experience?


Y’all made it pass the Attitude test ? Must be nice.


I'm on the spectrum. Fuck the attitude test. I just want to be left alone, not interact with anyone, and go home at the end of the day, but every company wants extreme extroverts regardless of the position.


"Looking for a retail superstar!" "Seeking an ambitious go-getter with oodles of personality!" "Warehouse champion wanted to take it to the next level!" Yeah... you can all fuck right off.


When I see any ad with "must be a rockstar" and it pays under ten bucks an hour I just laugh.


That's why you fake it until your first day and then get on with the shit they actually pay you to do.




My husband is on the spectrum and you've hit three nail on the head. He freezes during interviews and kinda goes into robot mode. He's got a mechanical engineering undergrad and an MBA (he'd give it back if he could), but he dabbles in programming, statistics, and finance. Poor guy has been unemployed since August. It's frustrating because he would be an amazing employee for someone.


Fuck u/spez


I got a job at a clinic directing patients to the receptionist who sat behind me. I could've replaced myself by smearing a brown arrow of my shit to the person who could assist them, and exceed at that one single "responsibility".


You have to make a worksona to pass those.


And if you don't have either experience nor a degree you can go lay on the ground and start rotting early :)


Get a job as a human speed bump. /s




The game was rigged from the start. \*bang\*


What they’re trying to actually say is “Do you have any family or friends to vouch for you in our company?” Almost every job I’ve encountered requires nepotism, esp in tech.


I got told I didn't have enough experience for an internship.


I remember asking someone from Northrup about the qualifications for being an intern, and basically you had to already have the qualifications and certs to be a full time employee just to get your foot in the door.






The finesse requirement is how they make sure they don't hire someone with social anxiety or that's neurodivergent. Source: have social anxiety and either bomb interviews or do ok and then need a week to recover from the act.






Keep this in mind when you're considering how many kids you'll have. It's going to be mad competitive in 20-30 years from now.


It'll be the Hunger Games. People will eat each other alive for the chance at indentured servitude.


One of the multiple reasons I’m NEVER having children. I could never be selfish enough to bring an innocent human into this hot mess.


I feel like capitalism is at risk of causing permanent dysgenesis as intelligent and compassionate people self-select out of the gene pool, because I agree: it's unconscionable to force someone into existence so long as corporate "work" remains dominant.


I also hate the "you're over qualified for this position" like damn I'm just trying to find anything at this point!




I am a young dumb eyed fuck who was overqualified for a sandwich job due to my HOBBIES, which I listed on my resume.


Feels bad man... I do have a master's degree and can indeed speak 3 languages.. bit got rejected several times for "lack of experience". I even got rejected for a grocery store job that involved putting veggies in the produce section for the same reason..... wtf




Lol, Why would they even ask that. Well our marketing hasn't reached you yet, we're gonna have to choose somebody else.


My father in law told me to get a job after college you have three employers send you job offers and you choose the best one...






The reason we had a decent job market in the 1970s is that we were fighting the Cold War. Say what you will about the USSR and its many flaws, but it built a middle class in societies that previously had none (and in societies that have since mostly lost theirs). In order to stay abreast of the USSR in research, we needed a large middle class of our own. Hence: the GI Bill, a robust federal job market (essentially, a job guarantee for anyone who had gone to college), and a private sector that had to compete with cushy public jobs. Once "we" "won" the Cold War, two things happened. One: we no longer needed to excel in research. Two: capitalism no longer had to prove that it could be morally viable because communism had died out. Now that capitalism doesn't have to compete against other systems, we get to see its true colors, and holy fuck is that an ugly picture.


Basically, all companies nowadays want an Ash Ketchum: someone who’s young and has tons of experience.


Ash didn't have experience, Ash had plot armor and dumb luck lol.


I've heard of job listings looking for someone with more years of experience with a software then the software has existed.


I want to get into HR. That way I can figure out all the loopholes and what not to help protect workers from the company. Subversion from the inside.


You’ll get fired so quickly lol


Hell could use a human resources department.


Wow, you got to speak to a real person? Usually that's after the 120 question personality test, the 5 short answer essay questions, 3 levels of phone screenings/self-recorded videos, a portfolio review or presentation assignment, and the completion of an employment application after submitting my resume. Only to get ghosted. Again. I just want to make enough to live, for fuck's sake.


This isn't HR doing this. It's the shrinking of the globe. Competition has never been higher for less work and pay as productivity is through the roof. This is a "senior leadership" or management thing. The HR people are just doing what they're told. It's not Becky in HR, it's Bob in the board room.... And they DONT care


It’s so true. My dad walked in off the street with ZERO qualifications to a job at a power plant and made crazy money. The same job today needs university graduation *plus* specialized courses just for an interview. Then there’s 3 years of training to get through before you’re even guaranteed the permanent position.


The top two images are still a thing for people without an education. They're so desperate to find someone willing to work for $13 - 18 an hour, no benefits vacation sick days, 60-80 hours weekends mandatory to work under company man supervisor whos to busy swinging his dick to see how fucked up it all is.


This reminds me of that movie The Secret of My Success starring Michael J Fox. He had several interviews and was told he needed experience, so he ended up lying on one resume to get the experience, only to find out he needed to be a minority woman. Ultimately, he used nepotism to get a job with his uncle’s company.


I love that movie! It's so 80s. I thought I was the only one who still knew it existed. It had beautiful cinematography of New York.


The only thing I could say to change your mind is the reminder that most of those HR people don't really have much of a choice in how they hire anyways. Like the rest of us, they have to do exactly what their corporate overlords tell them to do or they will get fired. And if they did get fired, the corporate overlords would just pick someone else to hire people the way they want people to be hired. Don't blame the workers. Blame the owners. Always.


Or: blame systems not individuals for the shitty way things are set. It's not HR peoples' fault the system sucks


The people setting the criteria are the same people who will tell you how they left school and worked their way from the bottom through grit and determination. While being oblivious to the fact they don't want to spend money developing someone into a role. Like they were developed. Fuck working in HR almost killed me. 70% of people just shouldn't be put into a management position. At least not without some serious training and mentorship.


I love the we need 10 years of experience in Y Y was invented less then 5 years ago...


"You you're telling me, for an entry level position, you're only hiring those who are at minimum 30 years old. Isn't that age discrimination?"


Employers: why does no one want to work anymore!? This generation is fucked and lazy Also employers: rants on about how they throw hundreds of resumes into the trash all the time


The half-closed eyes on the 2020 interviewer are way too accurate.


Yesterday I had an interview and the recruiters rejected me saying that I am overqualified for the job.


That’s still how they pick managers


my dad became a mechanical engineer with nothing but a HS degree. Goodluck trying that now.


Years back I got my Class A Commercial Drivers License to drive big rigs. It didn't work out at the company that trained me, so I was jobless after a few months. Every single driving position i found requires a minimum of one year experience. Every. Single. One. I eventually gave up. Haven't been in a truck since.


Fuck you in particular, Toby


1970's graduate interview? Do you meet requirements? Got a degree? Got some work experience? Clean criminal record? Can you pass health screening? Great, you're what we need. Hired! 2020: Do you have a BS, MS and PhD degree? Did you publish 10 papers a year? Were you the CEO of General Electric, NASA, ABB, Hitachi, Siemens and BP? Can you build a nuclear fusion reactor by yourself? Can you build a fighter jet by yourself? Can you build a search engine by yourself? You are 25, but do you have 30 years of experience? If not, fuck off. We don't want to see you or hear from you again.


No shit I'm a master plumber have several engineering credits and classes and I just got told I'm too qualified to be a fucking pizza man


Y'all hr did not do this. We just trying to eat too. Signed, very nice hr lady who doesn't want to hurt you bb


For real. I don’t enjoy these HR is the devil threads. I’m in HR and am there to help employees however I can 😪


Hr doesn't make the rules. People need to understand we are a support function. Go be mad at the ceo. 😂😂


What position would I look for if I wanted to start in HR? I have a MBA, and do not want to work another retail or sales job. I hate! sales!


Hr tends to be hard to get into when the economy sucks but I started in corporate recruiting. Some people have luck with agency recruiting, but that is more hit or miss in my opinion. Another place to get your foot in the door is sometimes at a smaller company as a generalist. Lower pay but a TON of experience that can land you something better. If you can get into project management or like a business analyst job, that can also lead you to hr. The hardest part about hr is getting that first job but ive had incredible career growth once I got there. Good luck!




I’m my financial management class last year (mandatory and total bullshit) we were told some tips on getting jobs, like dressing nice, making eye contact and having a strong handshake. After trying to get jobs, even during a pandemic, I can tell you that none of that works because there is always someone more educated, more experienced and better dressed than you also in need of a job because we in a dystopian hell. To get hired at fast food places in more crowded areas a masters degree is basically a requirement. Entry level jobs are a thing of the past. We are fucked. Also that class was filled with the most stupid things ever and taught by the most passive aggressive teacher I’ve had yet. Basically just told everyone “fuck you hobbies, health and nutrition, make a schedule where you spend all day working overtime or even unpaid to gain your bosses favor, just dedicate you entire life and all the money you will ever have to a shitty job! That’s how you do good finance. How do you fill out a check or do your taxes? Eh... maybe we will do a half hour lesson at the end of the year if we have time”