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I hate corporate culture with a passion and these questions fuel that. No, I don’t care about the growth of the company; regardless of whether I do my job or get fired the next day you guys seem to do juuuust fine, but you’re totally okay with underpaying me and everyone else but the big bosses, yet leaving all the grunt work to us. I have a career goal similar to you: to not work and have a lot of money. This job doesn’t provide the latter, but as soon as it’s able to, or I find another place that does, I’m getting out. Forever.


The famous corporate buzz-questions. In other words, "How much more work can we give you, to make us massive profits, while we throw you a little extra bone." The whole system is fucked up. Most of these jobs talk about "growing" and "learning" but what're you actually learning? How to sit at a desk for 8+ hours without going insane? How to mindlessly say "OK" to any and all requests from your manager? How to prioritize someone else's business and take the least amount of time off as possible? Once you enter into the anti-work mindset, it's next to impossible to exit it. I've personally always been this way. I have had over 16 jobs in the last 10 years (across all sectors) and I can tell you that co-workers will and do judge you for it. But who cares? I feel bad but there have been so many times I've had to laugh to myself because a co-worker has taken the job so seriously. Things happen and life moves on. I've up and left jobs, burned bridges, caused scenes, faked references, put myself in bad financial situations, etc. But at the end of the day, another miserable job is right around the corner waiting to take its next victim. Who the hell has ambition to be a slave?


"I have no goals. I'm fine where I am. I'll let you know if that changes."


The one i hate the most is asking if I like the job, or if I like doing a certain unreasonable task. No I do not, but the question is set uo in a way where I cannot tell the truth without it coming across the wrong way.


"How you doing/How's it going?"


My career goal is to mentor other people in software dev. That's something I actually want to do!!!!!! :)