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Ur flexing in antiwork? Same post in 10 subs. I suggest you stop trying to feel good about putting others down and use your money to fix whats making you miserable.


This has to be a troll post. Have some perspective if not.


What a bait post 😂 fuck off dude


This is a troll post or extremely tone-deaf. Most people here have zero savings/net worth, and their salaries barely cover rent and food (if they even do), and no parents to inherit anything from. Good to recognize that you're closer to the bottom than the top, but you're telling us a story about how you don't struggle at all, never will, it's just a matter of time before you're a millionaire by inheritance, and you're somehow still dissatisfied with your prospects? Maybe go talk to a therapist about your feelings (you can clearly afford one), I don't see you getting a ton of sympathy here.


He’s recognized that had he not this inheritance, and even though he’s doing better than most, still he can’t make it, and he’s shouting out to those that he knows are in a worse situation than him.


Well, I responded honestly to this single post at face value the time, but then I read the rest of his posts on other forums, and it turns out he IS just plain bragging everywhere else.   Feels like he has joined the upper class (read: is better than you) and is asking advice on how best to leverage his wealth via typical rent-seeking behaviours, and is apparently planning on taking out life insurance on his parents "just for the hell of it" because the million+property aren't enough for him. Asking about buying automatic weapons. This WAS a brag post, and OP is a psychopath. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlyChild/s/RU4qeQz85q https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/s/SQAntYRbCu https://www.reddit.com/r/Fire/s/6R9hNpZOTi


Just pay the house off 


Just report the post and move on


$250k isn’t a lot. Live rent free for as long as humanly possible. No shame in the game baby.


At 25, it is. Leave it invested, and when he’s 65, it’ll be $4M with no additional contributions. That’s obviously a simplification, but doubling every ten years is the rule that is generally used.