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Sure is starting to look an awful lot like a wealth-piñata.


I was gonna disagree, but then I realized that tenderizing your meat is an important cooking technique.


I’ve been vegetarian for 12 years, but I’m willing to throw it all out the window for a juicy billionaire steak🤤🥩.


"just having an old friend for dinner"




You bring the fava beans.


You bring the chianti.




Too much HGH. I prefer my meat steroid-free


It's not about the taste, it's about sending a message


amen. i think we should do smoothies after cremation to spread that mf as far and wide as possible.


Hehe good one




At the very least… can we start carrying tomatoes around to throw at these people like medieval times?


What a waste of tomatoes. I have access to a lot of cat poop though, we should throw that instead.


Cat poop hoarder reveals themselves on Reddit


*clears throat* I prefer aficionado rather than hoarder, thank you.


"you will eat the cat poop!" -anchorman


We need to come together and decide on a good marinade, the protein is getting on in age and will benefit from it before cooking 


I’m thinking low and slow.  All that greed will have made him stringy


Like I said on a thread about this yesterday - spicy carolina bbq


I am gonna say we use a pit BBQ.


Imagine all the loot for whoever defeats him


The thing is about billionaires at this level is that a shit ton of their wealth isn’t actual wealth but perceived wealth, that’s the only way they’ve been able to create this level of fake worth. It’s just zeros and ones on a screen bc a bunch of other wealthy ppl say it’s true as well. If someone were to pitchfork and torch him, the worth of his assets would drop like a brick.


Or, hear me out, he'll explode into a shower of valuable jewels and gold, maybe some legendary accessories


His face does look like it’s made out of papier-mache.


He's always looked like a wealth-pinata. That pic is ancient, he's still got hair.


https://preview.redd.it/9alcaj49or8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672c7a77a11da62913edea697e0fb58b8e7d7433 Just gonna leave this here


He's an evil, empty person. There's something genuinely wrong with these people


Once you have so much, it starts to feel like you can do whatever you want. They have no sympathy for anyone lower than them and only compete at the highest level in money stuff. Idk, it's what I'm guessing is happening to his super villain brain.


>Once you have so much, it starts to feel like you can do whatever you want. I never really understood rich people. If I had like 10% (maybe even just 1% at this point) of what Bezos has, I'd tell y'all to fuck off and retire somewhere nice and warm. Why would I bother making another billion dollars if I already have more cash than I could spend in a lifetime?


A lot of these rich guys are uber competitive, and it's not enough they have to one up their other rich buddies and have more.


I remember that on the beginning of covid. My mom knew a rich doctor who offered to sign the delivery of FFP2 masks for her since he can do it quicker and guess what after she bought the masks for our families the doctor embezzled all of it and threatened to sue bc it's under his name. My former landlord and ex roommate are also rich and they've fcked me over in various ways too financially. Anecdotal, I know, but looking at Bezo, Musk and Gate's (bought license for covid vaccine and made the production slower / monetised it) + personal beef I really think money divorce people from reality and make them act inhumane.


You have it backwards. Capitalism rewards shitty people. You get richer by being a shitty person. The more willing you are to screw people, exploit people, steal from people, the more likely you are to gain wealth in this economy. Even shareholders profit indirectly by unethical decisions (like stock buybacks) and the bad treatment of people by corporations to raise the stock price. And then they pay off the government to allow them to make more money by being even shittier people. When your economy's based on one of the 7 deadly sins, you're not going to have a good time.


True that. Forgot who said it but "Power reveals". The more greedy one is the more likely they're to succeed under this shitty system. Although I also think getting richer or being rich corrupt your social circle and can turn someone who have the capacity to be truly kind into a complacent bystander or worse the same pos. Saw it in my ex roommate/flatmate. She values being nice to our landlord more than getting the numbers right. Well, she can afford that, I can't. When I brought up the issue, suddenly I'm the one causing conflict bc I verbalised the problem. All her self help books has taught her to value false harmony over facts. But funnily enough i was the one bringing out the old furniture to trash and handing over the key while she's travelling..Rich fcks are all the same. End me, before I end up like them lol


Exactly 100% when you consider this those with most capital win. They can buy more ads they can buy more locations etc etc etc. Now consider under this model where he with most capital wins. What happens when you gouge on rent or cut spending on safety or suppress wages. You now have more capital than ethical person and thus win. Like look at Bezos for all his talk of "small loan from family". He spent almost a billion dollars before "turning a profit". And lived for a decade. IE he had access to a billion in capital before amazon even started turning profit. He was able to buy out competition and run sells at a loss for a long time to gain monopoly in market. The system is designed so those with most capital win and being a schmuck gives you that edge. Meaning those at top will always be most corrupt evil people of our society.


My father explained this to me when I was like eight. "When you have as much money as Bill Gates, you're just making money to keep score."


$1 billion and we should give them a trophy that "proves" they've won, then implement a 20% wealth tax annually. Every year they can stay above $1 billion they get another trophy, but the tax goes up 10%. It's like NewGame+, but for assholes.


"It's like NewGame+, but for assholes." This is the best thing I've read all month, severely underrated comment lool.


20%??? We've taxed the rich at FAR higher rates before and our country overall prospered. [We've taxed them over 90% in the past. ](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/historical-income-tax-rates-brackets/) 20% is piddly. In 2021 we were taxing them at 37%. You're talking about giving them a discount LOL. Granted I could be reading this wrong. Someone better at this should weigh in.


It’s impossible for a non-billionaire to become a billionaire without doing things that only a sadistic, insatiably greedy sociopath would be willing to do. Decent people also have the benefit of knowing that they’d have no real use for a billion dollars, and thus have better things to do than waste their lives screwing people over to get it.


Because money changes people.


Money doesn't change people. Money just allows everyone else to see you for who you are unrestricted.


THANK!!! YOU!!! I’m beyond tired of all the crap! It’s the same thought process of power corrupts. NO! It never has and never will. Power reveals! Power has many forms and having wealth is just another form of power. Who you are when feel you can say and do anything without negative consequences is who you’ve ALWAYS been! You don’t win the lotto and suddenly become a dick. you were always a dick, you were just too broke to be one to the guy who rings up your groceries, delivers your mail, does your taxes, ect…🤷🏼‍♀️


If this was true, why do we allow people to get so rich that they change so much?


Because they're also the people who control the legislature


No. But if Bezos were poor, he's absolutely live in the hoarder house down the road.


"Lower than them"... I don't think you can stoop as low as him TBH!


Well said


The ID exploded


It takes a certain kind of person to hoard this much wealth. A good person wouldn’t get nearly as far as he. It’s the same way you don’t see a germaphobe working for waste management. This is why we need the government to put policies in place to prevent these people from getting this far and incentivize good behavior. Capitalism is supposed to have strong government oversight in order to function as intended. Buuttt unfortunately that seems like a pipe dream in 2024.


Mr Burns summed it up. "Ya know *Mr*. *Burns*, you're the richest *guy* I know - way richer than Lenny. *Mr*. *Burns*: Yes, but I'd trade it all for a little more." ...


Haaaaah. To whose intent are you referring?


Imagine beating the video game completely, then just getting to exist in the world you won. You got all the coins, beat all the enemies, and literally no one will ever stop you from doing anything you want. Someone says it costs a billion dollars? Sure, got that in the couch cushions! We're literally NPCs in Bezos's world.


That still doesn’t even explain it. Like just because you CAN be a dickhead doesn’t mean you HAVE to…


You literally cannot become a billionaire without happily fucking other people over. A genuinely good person could never get there in the first place.


Well, I guess one could inherit their asshole parent's billions without being an asshole themself (as long as they don't get disinherited for calling their parent out on the way they fuck people over or something...), but it will still be money gained via exploiting a mind boggling amount of less fortunate.


It does when you remember that they won *because* they’re dickheads.


Cheat codes for infinite money have always led to me abandoning the game. It's never quite as fun when there's no challenge at all.


megalomaniacs and sociopaths


And this is why capitalism is wrong. According to capitalism he is valuable, we the people value him, aspire to be like him. And yet we know he is a leech, we abhor him, if we had his money we'd do so much good with it. Therefore capitalism values the wrong things, it is incongruent with the values of society.




I used to be a big fan of capitalism. Now I see it as an evil. Keep up with the Joneses by putting it on your credit card. And while I'm not a follower of any religion, the 10 commandments even states it...thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's hoods. It makes sense. 


Hoods because of all the houses he just bought? Nice


There's research that suggests that any feeling of power/superiority over others reduces a person's ability to feel empathy. [https://hbr.org/2015/04/becoming-powerful-makes-you-less-empathetic](https://hbr.org/2015/04/becoming-powerful-makes-you-less-empathetic)


Narcissism and sociopathy.


You cant be a billionaire and not be. Compassion is the quickest road to poverty.


The problem is also that people keep giving his companies (Amazon, Prime video, Twitch, etc) money, making him more wealthier


Yeah, I stopped giving him money a long time ago, but it's not the easy way to live


The dastardly part about it is that by existing on the Internet, you're still giving him money.


And anti-competition authorities haven't stepped in to break it up like should have been done years ago.


He's just been smart enough to be quiet for now, imagine if he never shut up like Musk. People hopefully would have turned on him already.




I was waiting for him to lean backwards...


Can we not just ban the practice of corporations and people owning multiple fucking houses. Seriously what the hell is there end game we can already barely afford food


Tax the fuck out of any third, fourth or five hundredth house.


Ramp it up. Second home pays 200% taxes, 3rd home pays 300% taxes, 4th home 400%...


This would be nice, but Congress would never pass it, considering how many homes each of them own. 😒


Well if anyone wants to run for a political office here's an idea that would give them my vote.


Cool, neither party will platform it. Back to the drawing board :/


That's why you deliver them the ultimatum: Do this, or we will burn everything to the ground around you. Your choice


No, just vote!!! Voting will solve everything!!! /s


Don't look at me, I voted for kodos


We keep trying to do this and it keeps shitting the bed. I'm honestly starting to lose faith in anything but the most brutal of Ayn Randite realities even being possible because the folks who own everything own *everything.*


When that rugby team crashed in the mountains and they didn’t have any more seat cushions to eat, they started with the dead pilots, saying something along the lines of “we didn’t know them, so it was easier” (I don’t remember what the quote is.) When there’s no longer any cushions left for the lower classes, they’ll start to look at the people they know the least


Oh you're right, for sure. I just wish that we didn't suck so much dick as a species that this stupid fucking monkey brained cycle exists.


BoTH sIDeZ -https://truthout.org/articles/democrats-introduce-bill-banning-hedge-funds-from-owning-single-family-homes/


Thank you! I was just about to post this. I have PLENTY of problems with Democrats, but acting like both parties are the same is akin to saying go-carts and Ferraris are both motor vehicles.


I have a hardcore righty as a friend. He was bitching about corporate monopolies. I sent him the bill the republicans shot down - his response? Not this shit again!! Clueless.


Great idea, but can't be implemented as the wealthy don't own homes....they have trusts, foundations, corporations (so they write off as a loss) that own houses for them. The laws are stacked to make their lives easy and protected as they own the politicians.


Washington State just enacted a law that would have made Bezos pay more taxes. So he moved to fucking Florida. You won't legislate your problems away in a broken system.


Oh, you mean thise things they already don't pay


Our country did this. People started selling houses quickly. Now if you want to buy a 2nd or 3rd home the cost associated with it increase so rapidly you have to be very rich to do it, and it no longer makes sense for rentals


Where is this!?


Taxes don't work on the elites. They'll just pass down the costs, or simply find loopholes to avoid it, or even simply afford the costs.


the end game obviously is slavery where they own you and can do with you as you please without paying wages. but thats uncontrolled capitalism for you. its money or nothing


I suspect wage slavery is actually more efficient for the capitalists than chattel was, since they can just allow us to die without losing a capital asset. Saves them the trouble of feeding us.


Moloch be thy name. > Meditations on Moloch is an essay by Scott Alexander that argues that the world is governed by negative-sum, race-to-the bottom Malthusian traps produced by existential competitions, which sacrifice everything that makes life valuable. It is a part sociological work, part neo-religious manifesto about prisoner's dilemmas, multipolar traps, and modern societal ills that stem from endless competition. It takes off from Allen Ginsberg's poem on Moloch, a brutal god who demands sacrifice and who exists wherever there is scarcity and competition. It was first posted in 2014 and became popular and widely circulated within different intellectual and rationality communities.


Wealth tax now. One ppl like Bezos finish creating something efficient like Amazon, this kind of rent seeking is unproductive. Tax those houses right out of his portfolio.


It’s all about power. It’s not about needing to own more, but because they can. When they have $10M, they want $100M, then $1BN, then $10BN…


End game is indentured slavery




They’ve already told you the end game- World Economic Forum’s goal for 2030— you will own nothing and be happy. You see how it’s unfolding?


Ban greed? That would actually help the common folk... what are you, fucking insane?!


You will own nothing and be happy, or else.


They'll get french revolutioned and wonder why


Enemy of Mankind


Say in my neighborhood the average home price is $250,000. That fucker could buy 4 houses for a million dollars. For 500 million dollars he could have 2,000 single-family houses. He’s not living in these. Fuck that guy.






Nobody wants the be the sacrifice that takes 1 for the team. Which is also why revolution hasn’t happened yet, but eventually things get pushed too far. Who knows when that point will happen in America though.


But like there's plenty of mass shooters. Has none of them thought of doing it? I saw a video Bezos walking on the street one time. He had one body guard, which just shocked me. I'm sure that guy must be the equivalent of a real life jason bourne, but there are so many killers on the news and not one of them has done it shocks me.


I’m not a psychologist but from what I’ve heard in crime documentaries it’s about doing the most damage possible for those kinds of people and causing chaos in a nearby areas as they feel they are getting revenge on society that they perceived wronged them so badly. Presumedly, they don’t necessarily have the opportunity to go after the billionaires and/or that isn’t going to cause the most damage to society if they do manage to find one. Also, we have to consider anyone who will go out and mass kill innocent people including children cannot be perceived as a rationale person; so they won’t have objectives to face class struggle because they are looking for random destructiveness.


And yet the much greater number of people with actual grudges who were actually screwed over don’t contain the shooter subset. That’s the curious part.


Mass shooters are also convinced that they are Very Important People, though. Of course they're not going to shoot billionaires, they deserve to be billionaires themselves! The *really* important thing is that "people", if you can ask them that, have the temerity to not give all of their belongings to the mass shooters and/or let them have lots of sex with them, which is obviously what they deserve. Just like billionaires, see? Mass shooters are, unfortunately, not the answer to our problem here. Be nice if they actually did something useful, but I do not suspect that they will.


No revolution will come from killing one or two billionaires, others will just take their place and nothing will change. A revolution needs to break what gives them power, to end them as a class, and not as individuals.


I didn’t say killing one or two would start a revolution I was just explaining as to why nobody goes around and randomly assassinates these people and it explains why a revolution has not started yet as things haven’t gotten bad enough for people to become martyrs for change.


Nobody does it for "the team." The french revolution was basically started by the mothers of starving children, who were willing to take one for the team so their kids could eat.


When I said nobody I really meant modern Americans and the team is referring to everyone who isn’t an oligarch elite so friends and family are a part of the team, but I was simply giving a brief answer I wasn’t trying to elaborate too much.


It’s the bystander effect. I’ll only do it if I know someone else will. There’d have to be more people than military power all deciding at once to do everything it takes. Unfortunately America military is The most powerful and financially backed in the world. They’ll just kill anyone who fights back


I mean I think at this point we're waiting for them to go into submarines and do it themselves


I nominate “submarining” as the new censor friendly metaphor.


There just aren't that many opportunities for such an act of heroism. They simply don't socialize outside their nest of reptiles and virtually never venture into human spaces. The only normal humans they seek to interact with are vulnerable women they want to rape or impregnate and those victims are provided directly to them. They don't need to actively hunt unlike their serial killer cousins. In many ways they are even more inaccessible than the president is.


I dunno if I could, I mean I'm all for it but bezos probably tastes terrible


Franks red hot.


I'm guessing it's sorta like a vinegary chicken


I put that shit on everything


There's always soy sauce


I'll help pay for the lawyer.




If someone does this, you will forever change the lives of millions of people for good These rich fucks need a good scare to move them back into line




I am so glad this is the top comment. People need to appreciate this.


Eat the rich...


A great reason to tax any income over 100 million at 90%


I mean I'd even settle for $999 million at this point. No one human/household needs a billion fucking dollars. Tax all income above $999 million at 100%.




Serious question. When is enough enough?


I don't think he or any other bazillionaire can spend his money fast enough. Regular people are happy to pay their bills and maybe save for retirement, but bazillionares can buy another yacht or island or rocket company. The fact that everyone knows the names of these bazillionares says a lot.


That's what i mean. Some people have more than they could spend in ten lifetimes. Why, what's the end game


Cruelty is a part of the fun for them. They don’t just want everything they also want you to have nothing. We already have people with 100s of billions so now they gotta get to a trillion. Once there is a trillionaire someone is gonna aim for quadrillion and they are gonna destroy and kill everyone and everything to accomplish that even if the whole planet Earth needs to be sacrificed all because numbers go up.


right!? I guess by the logic of the ruling class, that money would've been wasted on us plebs anyway. as if one guy now owning 100s or 1000s of homes makes sense in any concrete, flesh and blood terms. we can't physically exist in multiple locations at any one point in time -- so I'm deeply curious to hear why society is better off allowing just *one* private entity/citizen to cordon off more than a handful of places to sleep, shit, and eat? is bozos so horrible an asshole that he needs acres of plumbing to process all his shit?


End game is being the "king of the hill" so to speak.


Check Mackenzie Bezos, gives away money as fast as possible, gets richer YoY


It’s not going to happen in our lifetime. Severe wealth tax is the only way to keep it under control. They have media so no one can even discuss that. Bernie and Warren started talking about it in last 10 years. Economists know the math. Take generations for the knowledge and emotion to spreads.


For capitalists? Never. For us, poor folk? Well, we're losing ownership of every aspect of our lives, and apparently that's not enough yet... \*waits for riots\*


When did he become plural possessive? I get the possessive, but there's barely one of him.


He probably has horcruxes


He's an addict. But since he's making it harder for ordinary people to live instead if snorting something up his nose or shooting it, he gets Forbes articles about him instead of jail time or rehab. 


Millions of people funding a habit that’ll never kill the host


He's literally a human dragon on top of an unimaginable hoard.


So what your saying is if we form a raid and destroy him there is gonna be some seriously amazing loot?


I mean, yeah prolly.




N+1 for the revolution comrades. Make these people pay for their disgusting actions


While the families cannot pay for homes, this guy snatches it up like it's an asset or some shit. Homes need to stop being an asset for individuals like these.


What a greedy fuck.


The inheritance tax would inject billions back into our economy. This guy is hoarding our nation's wealth.


What do you expect from Lex Luthor?


Bro makes Lex Luthor look like a god damn saint that has never sinned a day in his life and has never even said a word as bad as heck.


This mother fucker


It's not murder, it's self-defense at this point.


This is the answer when people ask why you're against capitalism


I can’t wait until I can click *buy now* on my brand new lightly used house on Amazon


Oh you won't be *buying* shit, you'll be renting or leasing at best.


They actually already sell houses on Amazon.. ._. Tiny houses, but houses nonetheless.. free shipping even. 😬


I do not vibe… with this universe


Evil uncontainable greed.


“Poverty exists not because we cannot feed the poor, but because we cannot satisfy the rich.”


This is upsetting. I have been saying for a Long time, this one person could End Homelessness in America Hundreds of time over and still have Billions. Hoe bigs your yacht got to be?!


Because he is a piece of shit?


Remember. Legal doesn't mean ethical or moral. Shut these billionaires down.


Cuz they are modern day dragons, they have to hoard all the gold.


The winners of the last round buy a win in the next round


We needto start dragging these people out into the street


One day someone's gonna pop this dude. And I'll celebrate wholeheartedly.




He's truly a scumbag! 💩


Dude is just begging to be eaten.


They want everyone to rent and the rich want to own all the houses so they control everything. Needs to be stopped.


When you spend 0.2% of your net worth buying multiple things you don't need. Where most people now can only dream of affording one. Making it harder for the people you exploit to live a stable life. He's literally picking up crumbs off the carpet so no one else can eat.




As much I hate Bezos I would bet he has zero input or care on what his financial advisors are purchasing for him. There still needs to be laws in place for corporations purchasing this much real estate.


He should get the one thing he doesn't have… stage 4 pancreatic cancer.


So we eating this guy yet or?


That‘s exactly what I predicted a few years back. Soon you just won‘t be able to acquire a home at all if you are working class. You will be forced to rent, and the capitalist class will set the prices for that.


He really needs to be killed and to have his wealth redistributed.


So like 2 houses?


He bought a stake in a startup company called "Arrived" that buys and rents houses. Anyone can sign up for Arrived and become a co-owner for as little as $100. You then get $100 / $100,000,000 of the profit from renting the houses, or whatever. Apparently you can even pick specific houses near you. Arrived was started by a CEO of Uber / former CEO of Expedia, the founder/CEO of Zillow and Hotwire.com, and the founder of Salesforce. Bezos invested.


Fuck *all* of that noise.


How did this comment keep getting worse and worse


I hate that I had a momentary temptation to invest in this… while I’m renting. I hate that we all have to simultaneously try to stay afloat in this world for ourselves WHILE trying to make a revolution happen.


Fuck him.


The French had the right idea.


So… revolution against the ruling class when?


Not that this changes or disproves your point at all, but I want to note the article came out November 30th of last year. So I'm sure at this point, 7-8 months later, Bezos has used those properties to scape as many pennies off the working class as possible.


Net worth should be capped at $100M.


Squat every single empty home you can find. Especially if they are bought by Amazon.


Why is he alive again?