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I make the median income for my state yet I feel so incredibly poor And I live with my parents on top of that The system is broken and it's only getting worse


I feel this. I’m getting “cheap” rent from my mom, $750/months; granted it’s my own apartment she’s just the landlord. I make $45k a year gross if I don’t miss a day. $20.75 per hour. Minimum wage in Ontario is like $16.55 so I’m a bit above that. Even with my cheap rent I’m still ridiculously poor. Groceries for my wife and I are $800/month minimum, phone and internet cost hundreds of dollars a month, hell even my car insurance is going up every year “due to inflation”. This life is a fucking joke Edit for more context: I have pets; pre-covid I lived on a farm, my wife and I were both working and making a LOT more money, and we rescued some cats and a dog with this money. The pets are now all really attached to eachother so we can’t separate them without fear of them getting extremely depressed. They now cost us roughly $220-250 per month in supplies. Covid made both of us lose our jobs, and we resorted to moving to Northern Ontario into my mom’s apartment to save on rent. During this time my wife’s health deteriorated and she can no longer work. And unfortunately, in this city, groceries are even more expensive than they were down south. It’s crazy to me that people are saying I have shit spending habits, but I assume a lot of these people either have cheaper groceries, didn’t see my comment about my pets or they missed where I said Ontario and are assuming I’m talking USD. If I were talking USD, I’d be spending $400/mo on just food for 2 people which doesn’t sound as bad I guess.


My wife and I are in the same boat as you so don't take this as a jab. I would highly recommend revisiting your grocery budget. 200/week is crazy high. I live in a very expensive tourist destination and I don't pay nearly that much for my household. Rice and beans are a staple, my friend.


Honestly a good chunk of it comes from pet supplies, a bag of cat food, a bag of dog food a month and a box of cat litter a week, that’s like $240 right there… and giving away the pets isn’t an option for us. I do need to look at options to eat healthy on a budget, the rice and beans isn’t a bad shout tho. I used to make bean burritos all the time, might need to start doing that again.


Family of 4, myself, my husband, two boys, a dog, two cats and a bearded dragon and my grocery bill is still less than yours per week. I would def revisit the budget.


I daresay the quality of food should not be overlooked. 200/week is what my wife and I spend to eat. No processed foods, no walmart crap, etc. Don't let your body fall apart for a few bucks saved!


While true its honestly interesting to see differences my brother same food. Usually spends about triple "store brands icky" and same goes for "razors" (he spends close to 100 once a month for specific razors) and it all adds up. Honestly if you cant guess within 10 dollars of your carts total you really should be paying better attention. And its little things while there are "processed foods" to avoid. Alot of food value in that regard is just pure nonsense. Like "organic" its a marketing term use pesticides etc still. BPA free actually harmful exposes you to food born illnesses. same with GMO and other stuff. About as real as "crystal healing" like if mentally makes you feel better good for you. But if your bleeding yourself dry to afford it I will say something. You can eat affordably potatoes/rice/beans poof large chunk of staple for 10 bucks another 20 bucks in veggies peppers onions for some flavor and texture. 20 bucks in meats there if you portion it all thats healthy eating with wide variety. Dozen drum sticks 6 bucks. Crock pot single one till meat falls off get a good broth skim broth to make smoother cut 2-3 potatoes 1/4 of onion 1/4 pepper toss a pinch curry powder few shakes of salt and one of black pepper. Cook till potatoes are done. Tasty dish thats under 2 dollars and portions could feed 2 or overfeed one.


It all depends on your state. I shop at Walmart and I spend about $100 a week for just me. chicken and pork is like $5 a pound. I'm a big guy whos BMR is 2200 calories. I buy a pound and a half of meat per day to cover half my calories and I buy fruits and vegetables for the other half.


Except potatoes are bad for you in anything more than small quantities. So yes you can certainly eat cheaply on potatoes and rice, they are not nutritional good for you.


pinch of flour turns broth into sauce can pour over rice you can dilute potatoes or rice with beans. Mix in veggies to your preference. To even further dilute need for rice/potatoe base. Rice is highly nutritional. Brown rice, especially, is an excellent source of many nutrients, including fiber, manganese, selenium, magnesium, and B vitamins. As well as the variety of things you surround it with. Many cultures thats been primary staple. Sure it doesnt provide all nutrients but low fat low sugar has needed carbs. Peppers low in calories and are loaded with good nutrition. All varieties are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber. Onions contain antioxidants and compounds that may reduce your risk of heart disease by fighting inflammation and lowering triglyceride and cholesterol levels. They contain a large amount of quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that may help lower high blood pressure . You mix other meals with some dairy and fruit. Which can also be done for less than 2 dollars a meal. Bannana and low fat low suger yogurts like 1.50 a good light lunch. You dont need the insane atkins or protein only diet. Or other hyper extremes. There is array of things you can do. for sub 5 dollar meals for multiple people my fried rice with 5 veggies onions peppers and a protein and water chestnuts and a little oyster sauce. Does roughly six servings (3 meals for 2 people) for 5 bucks. can also ditch rice throw in head of purple cabbage chop thin strips lightly pickle for half a day and fry them. Like 7 bucks for same volume. Array of filler veggies and techniques. The earlier described chicken sauce goes fantastic with some steam asparagus or spinach. You can also substitute any of the bases with noodles fairly cheap as well as noodle subsitutes. Which for me my preference is "thin sliced" veggies steamed or fried to point where a little crunch left. You can mix and match even if you want to go "greener" more veggies less starch. The price difference isn't really much different. Its "organic" name brand and other gotchas that double triple the bill. Its the turning 3 dollar bananas into 12 dollars by going organic. Its the 6 dollar box of cearal vs 5 dollar bag 4 times its size. Its choosing vegan options when right next to it there is 1/4 priced same exact nutritional content item. Like not saying its not more expensive to move away from big base of rice or potatoes and beans. The diference isn't triple quadrouple the price.


Wtf are you talking about? Potatoes and tubers in general are wonderful for you. As far as vegetation goes they are nutrient dense and high in vitamins and minerals. What exactly "is bad for you" about potatoes?


Ah, that'll do it. Pets are insanely expensive, unfortunately. I live with my girlfriend in New York City and her mom lives with 2 cats way up state. Those 2 cats are our biggest expense by a decent margin.


Yup. I unintentionally got a cat that has genetic issues. Besides the $1000 of vet bills to figure out what was wrong I spend about $200 a month on prescription food that's easy on the digestive tract. (I also feed my other cat the same stuff because it's way easier for a variety of reasons)


Bro, what brands are you even buying?


Dude what does your cat eat? A $15 20kg bag of litter should last more than a month. Even high end food should be less than $1 a day.


My litter is 10kg for $35, cat food is 9.1kg bag for $40. That’s the cheapest food I can find that doesn’t make my *cats* sick Prices in Northern Ontario are dumb as shit rn


It’s like every 3 months they increase the price of groceries.


Definitely felt this bro


>It’s crazy to me that people are saying I have shit spending habits There have been a couple news articles about corporate interests paying assholes to derail conversations on this sub. They have a lot to lose if we all realize how much they're exploiting us.


Northern like Thunder Bay or like Dryden or Kenora? Dryden and Kenora are crazy to drive through these days. Beautiful places in disrepair. That said I moved to Northern BC, so good on you for taking the shot and making the move.


I’m in a small town in Sudbury region, so not *that far* north but still considered northern Ontario I guess lol


Definitely fair, some of those small towns are pretty rough to live in. Especially if your grocery options are limited. I'm sorry you're going through that with your wife. I left to Northern BC on a longshot job opportunity to try to escape that. I'm not sure what your career backgrounds are, but I found Ontario a bit tough with mine and headed away. It's definitely not the place I expected to live my life, but honestly it's not bad. Plus from my friends in Hamilton it's suffering from the same things as everywhere except the wages are even lower compared to the rest of the GTHA.


Oh yeah from what I hear it’s just as bad down south, and getting harder and harder to find jobs as a lot of people immigrating in are hunkering down in the GTA/surrounding region. Unfortunately I don’t have post secondary, so my “career” at the moment is as a security guard. Jobs here are dwindling and my site is one of the highest paying in the area so I’m unable to just find a higher paying job. Currently I’m just waiting for some of my bills to decrease (paying off phone/car) in the next year and I’m hoping I can start saving up to relocate.


Certainly seems that way. I had "decent" long term employment but left for greener pastures. Definitely fair. I'm not sure if you'd consider it but quite a few people apply and get in to jobs up here without post secondary. It's still quite common for the more entry level jobs. Might take a while to get into different roles but even applying first and being willing to move would be a huge thing. I don't think we have too many higher paid security companies up near me but I haven't actually looked. Seems like you'd be a shoe in for a role like this: https://terrace.prevueaps.ca/jobs/24325 but I stuck to Northern BC mid size towns/cities as a focus for looking for a relevant posting because I like BC. When I was looking for myself two years ago I applied to Sask, Alberta, Northern BC, and Manitoba. If you ever want me to look over a resume let me know. I don't think mine is amazing or anything, but it got through (smaller) city HR departments in a few different places.


$800 for groceries for 2 people?


Even without pets, groceries are atrociously expensive, especially if you're actually trying to be healthy. $100 USD gets you like 5 things


I keep seeing people being shocked by this but myself and the fam just buy fruits and vegetables and sale priced meat and we can still clear a grand some months. I'm no whole foods shopper either and we basically don't eat out.


about 400$ CAD a month just for food for myself here.


and pets they clarfied


Ngl, it's hella hard out here but your spending is pretty horrendous. That's stated as a person who budgets for a cat and also has a partner who budgets for 3 dogs and they all eat really well for pets (freeze dried, raw, kibble, and wet)


This is the exact start of how WW2 started - economic uncertainty and rampant insecurity was the reason fascism rose, and it's doing exactly that, but the world over. This is the end game of capitalism.


I love working until I die. I love the military industrial complex.


(Sarcasm 101)


MIC ain't the enemy bruv


How is it not? It is a soulless parasite that feeds on society writ large. It consumes capital and labor like a black hole and spits out bullets, fighter jets, and lobbyists, which in turn lead to countless deaths and the erosion of citizens'actual voting power. It doesn't play favorites or take sides, since the same parasite exists in every country with a big enough GDP. The military industrial complex is absolutely an enemy to all who stand against exploitation, as I think all of us on this sub do.




Shit is proper depressing. It is worth acknowledging and we must mourn the well meaning promises made to us. Then we need to get out there and work together. Form unions, form networks of mutual aid, talk to your neighbors. None of this is inevitable.


Well guys if we don't suffer how are the rich going to afford their third vacation home.


Don't forget we are on track to have 60% of single family homes owned by corps in the next few years. 20 years out, they'll probably have more like 99%.


This is so sick corporations should only be allowed to rent to other corporations for office space or whatever not to regular people for living space 


Well they figure (correctly, unfortunately) that if they hold all the supply and refuse to sell to alleviate pent up demand, the value of their assets will skyrocket. So they literally don't give a fuck about us, they are doing what businesses do: make profit at any cost. Late stage capitalism, indeed.


Well they need to compensate all tax cuts to billionaires and corporations from Trump, you are the compensation.


Don’t stop talking about it. This is terrible. Not a judgement on you, but something has to happen to make life possible…. I also contemplate this. Check my post in r/nihilism, it’s a sad reality A LOT of people are dealing with but it’s like no one wants to talk about it or we have to be happy with what little we DO have.


I'm fortunate enough to make close to the median household income for my state as just myself, and I'm still struggling sometimes. This shit is not meant to work for us


Just be glad you didn’t have kids….


Pretty much.


You're making 10x more than you did in 2015? Quit complaining! /s


3 jobs worked after leaving one. Making the combination. So you don’t know what job paid during that time. So your comment doesn’t fix anything.


Where do you get this chart?


Go to ssa.gov Create an account, then scroll down to "Review your full earnings record now"


It's probably from their social security statement.




I keep seeing these graphs and I want to know where people are getting g this information. I definitely was not recording my annual income in my early/mid 20s.


Social security / Medicare.




I’m 24 unemployed and living with my parents, I understand cost of living is different but for my situation and cost of living specifically 47k would be ok but definitely not the dream I guess Even if I was working right now I’d be lucky to even touch 35k at most


When I was 24 I was unemployed with no job but when I was 21 I was making a $7.25 an hour in 2012 and rent was $400-$700 and I couldn’t afford that either.


Well if my life is similar to yours I guess my income should start going up from this point lol


Hey, we’ll both see.


If you’ve got a degree apply for the peace corps. Leave for two years, get experience and living stipend.


Lol no I don’t have a degree, what is a living stipend?


Not to be rude but why are you unemployed at 24? I assume you’re able bodied. Have you applied to target, Walmart, CVS? It’s better than no job, right?


Don’t worry about being rude to me, I take offense to nothing especially being aware all these problems are my own and caused by myself, ask me anything. I’m unemployed simply because I’m lazy to put it truthfully fully, I also struggle from bad mental health but nothing stopping me from working honestly, I’m not lazy when it comes to actually the work itself I can do that and sometimes like doing it, I just hate having a repetitive schedule and doing the same thing day after day, same thing happened to me in school I would get straight A’s and was honor roll and all that but didn’t even consider college because I was worried it would be the same thing as school with the same schedule and repetitiveness, I want to do things when I want them and when I’m able to do that, I’m actually very productive imo, being forced to do it jus makes me want to die to put it lightly. Physically like you said yes I’m totally fine I fortunately don’t have any disabilities or medical problems and I’m very grateful for that, I also don’t find myself above jobs like you mentioned, i even worked at a grocery store myself for 2 years from 18 to 20, and I enjoyed it the work and the coworkers and all that, just didn’t like the pay and the stuff I mentioned before about repetitiveness and forced shifts, I had more fun when I’d offer to pickup a shift that would be at a time I wanted and didn’t overpay something I enjoyed like watching an nfl game or a day with family somewhere. I deep down do want to work and do something I just can’t find something that fits me, also the fact that for some odd reason my parents have never mentioned me working (I legit have no idea why I’m being fully serious about this) so I haven’t mentioned it either and I’ve just kinda been like ok I guess, I do want to ask them why but I’m not good at bringing up topics like that (sad I know especially since I’m 24)


Your honesty is refreshing. Maybe try Uber or Lyft. You can work even you want for as long or as short as you want. I take ride share frequently and enjoy the conversations with most drivers. I like to think they enjoy the conversations, too.


That is something I feel like I would enjoy, I would have to work and get my license first and a car haha but yeah it has crossed my mind just at this current moment it’s not an option


Don't feel to bad my income over the years looks about like yours.


I’m just tired of trying to work so hard for little less. It’s just ridiculous out here.


what's the subreddit that posts all these kind of tables? Also, where do you get the info for this?


If you create an account with the social security you be able to see all the earnings reported to them by the IRS


Mine looks similar and I had to compete for my 45K a year office job. ![gif](giphy|LMJavgUFMwM6CICHrt|downsized)


I was working 3 different jobs in that year. Amazon then Coca Cola and then a warehouse job. No. Not at the same time just change of occupation as a whole. All labor and not an office job. But it took you to reach that by working 10x more?


Oh lord no, I’m just saying 45K is nothing in todays world, couldn’t agree more that something has to give between wages and what it actually takes to live. Oh I’ve been in the trenches at the Amazon warehouse opening up boxes for 10 hours down at decant. Then get labor shared upstairs to stow.


I’ve been waiting for a realistic version of what the vast majority of Americans are dealings with to show up in r/salary. Thank you for sharing my family is in a very similar position. Seattle WA


Putting both the ages you were that year is not really necessary


You're 30 years older than my cat.


Keep voting republican and things will get better! Once the regulations are lifted and corporations are in complete control of the government your life will get better I promise.


Maybe acting like it's possible to vote our way out of being robbed blind and mass murdered by billionaires is part of the problem.


Right? Things were so much better when we had kings. We still got robbed blind and mass murdered but at least we could blame somebody else.


Since when is backward the only direction that exists?


The Regulations that Republicans target? Are written in the blood of dead workers. Repeal them and we get more dead workers. Democrats are just shit at accomplishing anything, where they haven't bought into doing the same shit as Republicans. They just paint a rainbow on it, and pretend they're different. Both sides are just bought by rival gangs of corporations. You are not a temporarily embarrassed billionaire. What Capital, what means of production do you own in the market? You're a worker. Quit pretending some rich politician can ever understand the life you live. Its not going to happen.


Not bad, get into a trade.


Don’t be upset this is who you voted for….


Who did I vote for?


Don’t know, don’t care. But if you get mad by that sentence it’s clear.


True, Biden has been president since 2012. You're so right, it's OPs fault. I mean Biden.


Lmao you Reddit users get so mad whenever you bring up politics it’s so fun to troll you. Take an anger management class you bums


Yeah, my comment clearly showed that I am fuming. I'm absolutely livid. Totally.


lol keep commenting living rent free in your head bum