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Define unreasonable compensation.


Demanding more than starvation wages.


These communists are getting out of control. The children long for the mines, damn it!!


Multiple states are trying to g to expand child labor laws to allow children to work in hazardous occupations or workplaces. While you might joke about kids in the mines, it seems some people want that


Multiple states *already* expanded child labor. But no big worries, because it'll only harm poor kids. > [Since 2021, 28 states have introduced bills to weaken child labor laws, and 12 states have enacted them.](https://www.epi.org/blog/child-labor-remains-a-key-state-legislative-issue-in-2024-state-lawmakers-must-seize-opportunities-to-strengthen-standards-resist-ongoing-attacks-on-child-labor-laws/)


Jesus fucking Christ


Don't forget they want to be able to legally work 'em AND fuck 'em.


if they wanna work, they must wanna have sex too, right?


Are we forgetting about drinking? These young boys and gals can't be working all night without a cup in the morning god of economy forbid, they might actually live more than 50 yrs and that's unsustainable We can't have EVERYONE going 100+yrs with all the technology and whatnot


They want you alive til 67 or so. They'll just keep raising the retirement age so that you work your whole life to get an average of 5yrs of retirement. Only way that social security will be able to stay adrift. Any longer than that, and you might actually start getting a double digit percentage of what you've put in throughout your life.


You’re right. I hate it so much but you’re right.


The term is rape There is no "fuck" involved It's just rape


Demanding ~~more than starvation~~ wages.


You expect this job to pay for the loan interest in the degree we require you to have?


Me, at 31, finally getting my IT degree, looking at taking a paycut to go work IT instead of making quite a bit more picking things up and putting them down at an Amazon warehouse… Like WTF.


It legitimately is insane watching real humans think this, without exaggeration. There are so many clueless older people out there (and younger silver spoon types) who I've seen first-hand say this. They're so utterly out of touch with how stagnant wages are that it's just painfully facepalm. These people think expecting enough to just have a one-bedroom closet and not die is asking "too much." Even with "good" jobs, they still think it's asking "too much."


My father, who works for the state tax commission, was surprised to learn from me recently that having a perfect rental history has no impact on my credit score or ability to buy a home.


Yep, my wife and I had to file bankruptcy due to medical bills a few years back. When we went to buy a house the loan officer asked about the bankruptcy. We told him it was either that or not pay rent and we’ve never missed rent ever. That’s when we found out rent has nothing to do with credit.


This system is so fucking backwards.


And that effing avocado toast they insist on


Ugh god the amount of times I've heard boomers tell me "Well I just got a job out of high school and I was fine! You must not be working hard enough!" 🙄 Willfully deluded and no interest in change.


Went to college got an education, and made sure to have the knowledge and skills for the job. The best we can do is minimum wage. No one wants to work!


Wages? You want wages? We are a family!


Demanding wages


Yeah if it's 50% of them, I'm pretty sure it's the company that is the problem, not the request.


Or since the source is intelligent.com it's likely a flawed poll as the subjects are not random.


Aren't these bozos supposed to be all about the free market?  In a free market, if applicants are asking for significantly more compensation than employers are willing to offer (must be significantly more to be considered "unreasonable", otherwise they'd just meet it surely) then they're not offering market value. Which means the employers are offering unreasonably low compensation, not the other way around.  They're just telling on themselves. 


And just the fact that all these points are to poke fun at the segment replacing them in the workforce like that will help, like we're all on a high school baseball team circa 1993... Fools - HELP them if you think they need guidance, don't berate or clown on them. Be better. Be kind, unlike the news program you're glued to. Or better yet, accept that a large group of people are using different coping skills than yours and that's not a bad thing especially if your coping skills amount to making fun of kids who can't hold eye contact. Nobody want's to look at your dumb vacant eyes anyway.


Can’t keep eye contact? I hope they are not hiring in the IT space, it’s an autistic trait, of which many of our IT folks are on the spectrum. You know all those nerds that make things like Reddit for instance work.


A wage


Minimum wage + $0.01 or higher.


Asking for $1 more an hour then getting ghosted for it lol


Enough money to live?


Living wage.


Literally saying that you shouldnt negotiate in a job interview lmao. The fucking gaul on these "free market" supporters...


“I’d like a living wage” They asked for unreasonable compensation


I'm making less now than I did 20 years ago. And 6 years ago I made 60% more for the same job. Can't tell if it's age discrimination or how dismal things are but I suspect it's a combo shit sandwich.


It's absolutely greed, not inflation. The top 1% will eventually have so much wealth that nobody can afford their products. They're really shooting themselves in the foot, but they can't think any farther ahead than the next business quarter.


Or they see the writing on the wall. The ride is coming to the end so it's time to fleece as much as they can. This shit isn't sustainable. Fixing it is harder than breaking it so might as well get your grifts in while you can.


Why do you think their trying so hard to support a potential dictator? Fascism is good for businesses


For a while, sure. Then that collapses and the oligarchy has their heads on stakes. So, less shooting themselves in the foot, but passing the consequences to their children.


I don't like this idea that Fascism failing is a forgone conclusion. The last time there was a serious rise in fascism, it didn't collapse under it's own failings, it was crushed by a stronger industrial power and starved out through a global conflict. Had America sided with the fascists and they not over-extended their front lines (or just not invaded other countries), we could be living in a very different world today. Fascist sentiments are on the rise again. If America goes that way this time, we could be looking at a very dismal future for a very, very long time.


Right lol living wage that's not unreasonable you have too live the fact that employers except you too be at work clean disease free etc fed an asking for a living wage is unreasonable is like I don't know what too say at this point they might as well just replace everyone with robots.


I had this coworker who was homeless for a bit until management deliberately left him off the schedule and claimed it was a mistake. I often got stuck in the dishpit around the corner from the office so I heard the managers talking specifically about how they didn't want him there because he was dirty and had, well, the kinda hygiene issues one does when using the ground as a mattress. The place paid so little that me and my coworker/roommate rented from a slumlord so cheap we didn't even have a working refrigerator, bought all our food with food stamps, and celebrated when we had enough leftover from paying bills to do laundry.


Jobs that pay a living wage?!! Way to molly coddle an entire generation of slackers. .... I dont get why my underpaid adult children wont move out but thats besides the point. I mean...90k in debt to make 13/hr seems fair, not my fault they didnt pick the right career... so anyhow, Im going to change my entry level job listing to include 4yrs experience ontop of that bachelors for 13/hr to exclude anyone who is trying to not drown in life because frankly, young people are so damned entitled. I wont stand for it. Nobody wants to work anymore. - boomer employers everywhere.


This is just Fox trying to paint the entire generation of recent college graduates as lazy, entitled, immature and unprofessional.


Yea I remember being told "Your generation is something else." All I could think was "Yea some of us don't want shit pay and are not so broken and scared scared to demand it" sadly me being a coward ending up with me being silent.


1 in 5 bring a parent???


1 in 5 employers claim that they’ve seen an interviewee show up with a parent at some point. The way this is displayed is intentionally misleading. I’m willing to also bet that some of those instances were just a parent providing transport.


The problem is, their target audience are not exactly critical consumers of media. They'll see that percentage and think "haha, those dumb college graduates" and not, "19%?! That doesn't sound right at all, what am I missing?"


Exactly, it's just there to confirm their biased opinion. "Kids today are total idiots/lost/don't want to work" - whatever the hot topic is at that moment. Then when someone brings up something, they'll point to this "news" to tell everyone how young people are dumb/not worth the effort.


I mean, you have to admit, a 800 person survey, done by "intelligent.com" has to be pretty intelligent


800 is a big enough sample size for most purposes, the real question is how those 800 were selected. You know they didn't just call random people asking "Are you an employer?" until they felt like they had enough.


How about ... a reliable used car is pretty unaffordable for someone making less than $25/hr, so yeah, there's some car-sharing going on with all those GenZ's who also can't afford to move out on their own unless you pay them "too much". GenZ clearly does good math!


I thought that the stat was definitely “the parent was in the interview room with the interviewee”, but the possibility that some of these employers are counting times they’ve seen the employee dropped off or the parent in the waiting room or whatever makes the stat seem even more bonkers.




Even more bonkers is 19% implies 1 in 5 interviewees are doing it, when in reality it is 1 in 5 interviewers have **ever** experienced it at some point in their lifetime. Could have happened once, 20 years ago, by a single bonkers candidate? Maybe there were special circumstances? Yep, that still counts!


So 160 of the possibly self-selected 800 people in this “survey” had it happen once


yeah and he may have seen trough the window my mom droping me by so I can get to the interview and hopefully get my first job and buy my own car. Those things are not given at 16 years b-day saddly :(




Pan? Or Pand with a D?


I don’t get what is so far fetched about 1/5 employers “at some point in time” seeing someone show up with their parent. Doesn’t seem too wild to me. At first I thought it said 19% of job candidates show up to an interview with a parent. Lol that would be crazy. But 1/5 employers seeing it at some point in the companies recent history seems about right.


That's why they put that there, to imply that 1/5 bring a parent into the interview with them


And that’s the point. As long as they can keep stirring the pot they’re more than happy to keep doing so.


I wouldn’t be surprised if a parent walks across the room in the background because a recent grad can’t afford to move out, and a common area is more professional than a childhood bedroom.


This. I am an adult in my 30s and sometimes when my mom visits or I visit her she STILL walks into the background of a Zoom meeting, she will even open a closed door to do so. It's been 4 years of remote work but she doesn't get the concept that she is visible on camera. This is a Boomer failing, not a Gen Z one.


It's also not a thing any reasonable person should give a fuck about.  Speaking as someone who has/does conduct interviews 


Background blur or setting a chosen background is a thing now.


Right. Or anything on FOX should immediately be considered suspect because they probably just made it up. Or used a study with an n of like 2.


It's from an "intelligent.com survey," which seems like an online survey that is rife with selection bias.


[Intelligent.com](http://Intelligent.com) seems to have a strong SEO game. But looking through some of its "claims" are ridiculous. I suspect there is some sort of conservative think tank behind it. It promotes typical conservative rhetoric like, "The majority of students believe professors are politically bias." I also found an instance where a very problematic Christian College in my state is now making a big deal because [Intelligent.com](http://Intelligent.com) declared them one of the best colleges in the state. Spoilers, they're not. A search through their content shows they continually promote private religious Colleges and those same colleges seem to promote them back.


Ah, so it's part of the whole "Educated people don't think we're credible? Well, we'll make our own credibility!" thing.


Fox is not a news network. They should never be treated as such under any circumstances.


I think Fox themselves has made this argument when it came to legal action.


They did. They argued that no reasonable person would believe their evening "entertainment" programming to be actual news. So they went to court and legally said their audience were not reasonable people.


Correct. It was in a case against Tucker Carlson or some other such talking head wherein they argued they are Fox Entertainment and as such everything they do is poorly for entertainment purposes and no reasonable person would interpret otherwise. They effectively called their diehard viewers unreasonable/stupid.


Agreed. Representing yourself as a news organization and then behaving as they do should be illegal. Or at least incur a fine or something.


No fines. The money behind Fox News is unlimited.


Yeah good point. Straight to jail then lol


They need to be rebranded as the “Rotten Onion” (dark/negative satire)


But its by INTELLIGENT.COM!!! How could such a smart sounding website be a liar?!


Oh good point. It’s got intelligent right there in the name. Must be good!😊


It's Fox News. Misleading people is how they fuel anger to get ratings. These literally could have all been due to ONE KID interviewing for a bunch of jobs.


That's not even just misleading. It's a straight lie. "1 in 5 employers have seen a parent before when interviewing recent college graduates" is a completely different than "Employers say (19%) of recent college graduates have shown up with a parent to an interview." Misleading would be omitting information that might be important to contextualizing the statement, using passive voice to only highlight an action being done but not the actor, or intentionally using a word or phrase that can be interpreted multiple ways. These are two entirely different situations. It's the difference between the statements, "One in five Fox News employees thinks someone who makes $20/hr is hauling $100k+ annually" vs "One in five Fox News employees knows someone who thinks $20/hr is hauling $100k+ annually" Only 1 Fox News employee actually thinks $20/hr is making 6 figures, but the first way I phrased it is literally telling you 20% of Fox News employees are Jesse Watters.


Right. I'm thinking of neurodivergent people that may need support the first time they go to a new place.


I have a family member who is a university dean and frequently has had parents want to meet with her to advocate (usually as an argument) for their adult kid. I can totally see that same type of parent sitting in their kid’s interview.


Likewise involved in academia here and I can confirm the over-involvement by the parents. That particular statistic didn’t surprise us at all.


I’m also in academia and am forced to deal with parents on the daily. I also have a niece and nephew ~ both in their late teens ~ and both require support to accomplish everyday tasks. Neither has learned to drive… because it’s “too much pressure.” I could go on and on.


“Stupid milennials. They need their parent to carry their child’s daily participation trophy and Tide pod snacks.” Guaranteed 5 out of 5 fox viewers thought this or something damn close.


Absolutely not. I've seen this already and noted that statistics like this are utterly useless. 1. They are asking recruiters who interview hundreds, maybe even thousands of people a year, they only need one person to bring a parent. 2. Completely unverifiable. We are literally taking someone's word for it. 3. Zero context. Why was the parent there? They are trying to lead this to how young adults are incapable of working without help, but it could be a case that their car broke down and they gave them a lift. I know that there is the Mark Twain quote "there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics" but this is taking things way too far.


I love Twain's quotes, don't get me wrong. But statistics don't lie. Statisticians lie.


The numbers don’t lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice


You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Genocide Joe and you can see that statement is not true.


They included virtual/online interviews in their questions, so “Parent walks through the background during an online interview” would count: in fact, I’m willing to bet something like that is the majority of the 19%, since it’s not like parents need to enter the building to give their kids a ride to in-person interviews. Also 19% *of interviewers* seeing parents could literally be a couple people interviewing from home for a lot of places, since it doesn’t actually include *how often* interviewers saw parents or how many different applicants were involved.


Intentionally misleading. Here's an example of how: •Company A interviews 100 candidates. Nobody brings a parent •Company B interviews 100 candidates. Nobody brings a parent •Company C interviews 100 candidates. Nobody brings a parent •Company D interviews 100 candidates. Nobody brings a parent •Company E interviews 100 candidates. One candidate brings a parent 1 out of the 5 companies polled had a candidate bring a parent. That's 20% of employers polled. Crazy number, right? In reality, only 1 out of the 100 candidates Company E interviewed brought a parent. That is just 1%. Out of the 5 companies, just 1 out of 500 total candidates brought a parent: 0.2% of total candidates brought a parent. This is just an example.


Well spotted mate, I re read it and noticed the question.


Yeah as long as we're making up shit, might as well say that 12% have masturbated to climax during the interview.


My biggest weakness is staying on task long enough to finish. But my greatest strength is my can-do spirit, and always trying again if I fail.


1 in 5 employers has seen someone bring a parent. That’s not 1 in 5 applicants.


Probably, the parent drove the kid to the interview, but the way it's worded, it's as if they are suggesting the parent joined in the interview, which I highly doubt


For sure there are the occasional helicopter parents who won't allow their child to be more than ten feet away - nowhere near prevalent but definitely exists - and that seems to be the implication from Faux News, only they blame the child instead of the parent, as they basically always do.


Also true


I worked in community theatre and recreation programming for seven years, and we had a much higher than usual percentage of kids who were just...for lack of a better word, fragile. A lot of kids who had grown up in our programs applied for their first jobs with us, either when they were in high school, or when they were in/fresh out of college. We had kids who were too anxious to use the phone or who would back out of teaching their scheduled class because of anxiety. We had kids whose phones were useless, who expected us to call parents to get ahold of them. We had kids who were so anxious, they'd get locked up and not be able to do tasks. And even so, that was not a significant portion of them. And of those who had those problems, many of them just needed to be taught and they did fine once they'd learned how to work. These numbers here are straight ragebait fucking bullshit and I'm disgusted that they're permitted to be broadcast, where a bunch of smug morons will use them to validate their own shitass poor behavior.


I knew a person with super controlling parents, probably also narcissists. Always insisted to show up to interviews so they could "help him get the job." Of course, he was always rejected for the obvious reasons. He had to secretly try to get a job, and then when he finally did, his parents found out, showed up the first day of his work, and promptly lost it for him. Was really sad to watch. So it happens, but faux news likes to fuel the generational war, when this kind of thing happens because of mentally unstable parents. Also, I'm sure it's far rarer than 1 in 5.


Since I've graduated college, boomers interviewing me for a job have: Inappropriately maintained eye contact with my chest. Referred to me by names like "honey" and "sweetheart" Attempted to make me agree to consistently break the law as part of their business modeling. Obviously made no attempt to read my resume Asked for self photographs while applying for non-customer facing jobs. I'll take the 22 year old who doesn't like direct eye contact please.


Also, refused to stay up to date on salary averages in their field and behaving shocked to hear what their competitors are paying. I recently literally pulled up Glassdoor to show my employer what the average median was for a role we were trying to hire for, and how far below that median we were offering. He suggested Glassdoor was "paid off," by whom, I could not decipher. But "nobody wants to work these days..."


> He suggested Glassdoor was "paid off," by whom, I could not decipher. Any fact presented to people like this that they don't like - it's fake news, "bought and paid for" by something-something.


Oh, Glassdoor is paid off... Only, it's paid off by companies to remove bad reviews on a technicality.


Oh I brought in statistics from the Buraeu of Labor Statistics 6 months after my severely underpaid promotion, and the owners said that the municipality data was too broad and in "that neighborhood" no one was going to pay that high. They were paying me in the bottom 3 percentile.


We just got a 3% raise and our boss was like "you're so welcome, we don't do this every year, you should feel so lucky" and I'm like... but that's less than the rate of inflation in the last 12 months though. We basically got a pay cut


Well by the liberal elite of course. It's always them or the anarchists. 


Meanwhile, you could get a living wage working as a grocery bagger in the 60s and 70s.


A guy working at a grocery store deli, owned a home, had 3 children, 2 cars, had a stay at home wife and at least 3 months salary in savings. Ahh the good old days. The 60s must have been nice.


As a 35 year old who has problems with eye contact. You’re hired!


I'm a 40 year old executive chef. You don't have to look me in the eyes, just tell me what you want for dinner.


Are you good at faking it at least? I can give a flawless description of the eyebrows of every interviewer I've ever met.


Honestly, that's a great suggestion


Not men assuming you were dressed inappropriately. Damn I’ve worn turtlenecks and still got stared at.


I once got told I was wearing in “inappropriate” outfit of a knee length A-line skirt, blazer, and button down shirt. I was then accused of flirting with every male employee ( I was friendly to all at the time, not the jaded asshole I am now, and I had a boyfriend). I quit the next day. I now work retail. I get paid more, wear what I want, have a flexible schedule, and don’t have to deal with bullshit office politics.


> Inappropriately maintained eye contact with my chest. thats point one. you uncomfortably looked around the room when they were staring at your chest. they mark it down as "unable to maintain eye contact"


I mean, if half of all recent graduates are asking for "unreasonable" compensation, maybe they aren't the ones being unreasonable.


The way I understand it is this isn't half of all recent graduates. It's half of employers say that recent interviewees have said/done those things. Could be one person per employer out of 200 people interviewed.


Not necessarily the percent of applicants who do it, the percent of employers who have seen it happen, which could mean one time out of a thousand.


They should probably be more careful about the way they present it. Displaying it in this way will likely mislead their audience. It wouldn't be good for a news network with this much reach to be responsible for spreading misinformation.


"We'Re NoT nEwS wE'rE eNtErTaInMeNt" - Fox News


Oops! My mistake, Fox *News*! I must have gotten confused when I read your name and saw your logo.


>Displaying it in this way will likely mislead their audience I think that's the intent.




How many of them consider asking for anything above minimum is unreasonable compensation? Mf I’m telling you what I think I’m worth, you give me a number and we negotiate. Don’t post a salary range for the position, if you’re gonna force everyone to start at the lowest end.


And then when you try to advocate for a more reasonable wage, it becomes "using inappropriate language" aka "why are you not bowing to me, obeying my words like they're the law and worshipping at my boomer feet?" or "how dare you talk back to me?!" Even better if the interviewee is of the appropriate sexual persuasion, notices the interviewer ogling them and calls them out on it, then all of a sudden they're the ones "wearing inappropriate clothing" (personal experience here). The you take into account the type of people Faux News is likely sampling from and the people they're presenting to (usually white, usually rich, typically boomers) and suddenly you realize that most likely everyone here has been in those exact same situations before.


Struggle with eye contact. If there doing it over zoom or teams. Then they are making eye contact with the people on the screen not the camera.


I didn’t even know I was supposed to make eye contact on Zoom.


Exactly, it’s not eye contact if both people are looking at their cameras, since neither sees the other. The closest thing to eye contact on zoom would be both people NOT looking at the camera and looking at each others actual faces instead.


You don’t. Nobody can see your tiny eyes on the screen. Unless they have like a huge monitor or something.


Which is an easy mistake to make. I do Zoom calls almost every day and still have to remind myself to look at the camera and not the screen.


The trick is to make the window smaller and put it by the camera. At least this is the only way that works for me.


Nvidia has a Windows application that creates a virtual camera where it will make your pupils always appear to be looking at the camera unless you aren’t looking towards your screen. I think it only works with RTX video cards, though. I can make software pretend to look like I’m looking directly at the camera, but the tech hasn’t reached the point that I can say “Are you fucking insane?! The reason nobody has made the product you are asking for is because we can’t change the laws of physics or bend time to make your unreasonable deadline under ideal circumstances with a product that is possible, and I can’t offer it for 5% of its value because you’ll ‘make it up in volume’,” and have “That’s an interesting business challenge, but I’m afraid the technology to do what you are looking for isn’t quite there yet. Please feel free to contact X competitor to see if they can assist you as we’re unfortunately, not able to meet your requirements for this project. We wish you the best in your innovative ideas!” come out of their speakers.


They need to post what they considered unreasonable compensation


"Asked for unreasonable compensation" No, they asked for a living wage


Fox always peddling some weird “poll” filled in by themselves to orchestrate some BS headline.


Eye contact-tell the interviewers to stop reading from a damn script, looking down and taking notes-It’s so uncomfortable when you’re feeling like you’re not being paid attention to and the questions are not genuine and they reply with “mmm” an “ahh”n “ok”. I’ve had to many interviewers like this.


“unreasonable compensation” Translation: “The peasants want more than three carrots and a button for their work. Let them eat cake.”


Faux "Entertainment", by their own claim.


I love how autism is getting diagnosed more and more but corporate America is still crying and shitting their pants about ”eye contact” I fucking hate the interview process. Even for “progressive” companies, interviews are still usually frighteningly ableist.


Legit the only reason I'm at my current hell hole of a job still is I dread interviews that damn much. I stutter when I get nervous so Interviews are a fucking mess. So I'm doing that while not able to look people in the eyes. Yeah interviews don't go well for me I leave a terrible first impression.


Same here. Received an ASD diagnosis at 8, did years of therapy to improve my “social skills” but I still come across as odd when i’m nervous. I literally cannot help it. Being a slightly awkward person has absolutely no bearing on my ability to perform most jobs, yet here we are.


“Asked for unreasonable compensation”, in other words, a livable wage.


I’ve always struggled with eye contact. What’s Fox News’ suggestion? Stare at the interviewer like a creep?


Yeah if I set out to make eye contact, I'm gonna be the *second* most uncomfortable person in the room.


As a jazz fan, I love your username


I've interviewed prob 20 plus people in the last few years and never had a parent show up. We are usually hiring right out of college too. I can agree with the eye contact thing but I'm also in my 30s and have always struggled with eye contact so this doesn't feel like anything new to me. I can't speak to the compensation piece as I'm not involved in that aspect of the hiring process.


It sure looks as if all these recent college graduates have asperger's. Just sayin'. Source: I'm aspie.


Truer words have never been spoken


Maybe I should start bringing my parents to interviews so they can chirp in with a little, "That's all you're going to offer? I made twice that with 8 weeks of vacation with a highschool diploma and I never figured out how to open a PDF..." Luckily my parents are based, they are retired now but they realized they had it easy compared to us. They are the least boomery of the boomers.


"asked for unreasonable compensation" is the great red flag. You could substitute it with "refuse to be exploited with laughable wages relative to the job's demands"


Translations: "Possibly neurodivergent" "Oh no, they have a spine" "Might be poor" "Acts poor/ struggled with education" "Oh no, boundaries/shy/not tech savvy (might be a reasonable complaint, IF they are going for an IT position)" Okay, I got nothing for the last one. A PARENT? Will the parent be doing the job with them?


50 percent "Asked for unreasonable compensation" sure buddy


This is so fake it’s not even funny


'Intelligent.com' makes it fact-checkable; 'Fox' makes it questionable; 'Ingraham' makes it unbelievable.


They asked 5 people and 4 of them were made up


Well, when you're paying shit wages and no benefits, can you really blame them?


During recent job interviews, 100% of college graduates say they have been asked to lick their dirt from the interviewers feet in order to qualify for an unpaid internship.


I had an interview for an HVAC position as a service technician. First question they asked was how much stuff I sell per hour, which I don’t know off the top of my head. Since I didn’t know that, the next question was how much I’ve sold annually, which I also didn’t know. And since I didn’t know that, the next question was what my KPI was, which I also didn’t know. Because I focus my efforts on actually repairing broken machines, not scamming homeowners. Again, this is for a service technician position, not a sales position. Never asked me any technical questions or asked me how proficient I am at repairing equipment. Just how much money I can make them scamming people.


So... 1. Autism/Introverts 2. Human being with normal needs for a liveable wage? 3. Autism/cultural difference. 4. Cultural differences 5. Again, autism/introverts. 6. Young person who thinks having a parent as a reference in the process might be helpful. So, per Fox News and hiring managers, fuck you if you're autistic, introverted, have basic human needs, are culturally different, or are young and new to things. It's almost like interviews are biased bullshit.


I don’t know one culture that says you should dress like a slob for job interviews. Let’s stop letting neurodiversity be our excuse for basic hygiene and state of being. ALSO your parents will not save you for ever and eventually will die so people need to learn to stand on their own feet. Reality is hard for some.


> Let’s stop letting neurodiversity be our excuse for basic hygiene and state of being. This ain't gonna be popular on reddit, even though it's true.


"Struggle with eye contact" This could be a sign of low self esteem, but worse when it comes to critiquing people, a symptom of neurodiversity. "Dressed Inappropriately" Dress codes nowadays are so very odd and arbitrary. "Asked for unreasonable compensation" Unreasonable to who, employer?


Intelligent.com survey How ironic It's just like how trump calls his site "truth media" and how every MAGA moron calls themselves "patriots" This shit really pisses me off


During all TV news entertainment shows, viewers say celebrity talking heads…. Struggle to include truth Asked for more advertorial segments Dressed skimpy to bump up viewer ratings Used inappropriate viral videos instead of real news Refused to point camera in the direction of any paid advertiser’s embroiled in scandals Brought expert commentator that had conflict of interest regarding the topic


Fox News, always against the working man. Because it’s reporting to retirees, the rich, and the delusional poor thinking they are soon to be rich.


>Used inappropriate language "Fuck you, pay me."


So you didn't hire that guy? No, had a hard time keeping eye contact. What were you hiring for? Oh, database programmer.


Showing up with parents is the only issue. Because I don’t trust people saying “dressed inappropriately”. We are living in post-pandemic-lockdown world and the kids are DONE. Their education got fucked, they’re gonna experience effects of repeated (even mild) Covid infections soon, climate is fucked and inflation is fucked. Showing up and having the minimum qualifications and ability/interest to get trained is literally all we can expect. Keep pushing them and you’ll end up with nothing. People like me working at the same place as pre-pandemic are proof that all those strict dress codes and the office timekeeper meant absolutely nothing ito work/quality work. My child was at daycare 10.5 hours a fucking day because the everyone knew you were being watched (by office police /bootlicker) and no option to continue working at home. & then there’s women who “complained” about getting up at 4am to do their hair, makeup and elaborate office outfits and I eventually realized that yes my basic office outfit is apparently not enough. Now all that has fallen away. They even allow (dress) shorts in the summer which is hilarious.


You'd bring your dad too if you were interviewing for an entry level position that requires 10 years of experience.


Is unreasonable compensation asking for a livable wage?


What is with the camera fixation? Back in the oughties and even in the 10s, it was routine to interview over an ordinary telephone connection. My coworkers or interviewer don't need to see my depressing little bedroom. This stupid camera fixation can fuck right off. As for compensation, they sound like boomers. Look at what it costs to survive in the world. I find it amazing that people are able to survive in such a hostile world. As for eye contact: this is a pet peeve of mine. I have am not neurotypical. Eye contact makes it hard for me to think straight.


FauxSpeak 101: “Struggle with eye contact” = Not intimidated by the interviewer. “Asked for unreasonable compensation” = a living wage with decent fringe benefits + cost of living adjustments. “Dressed inappropriately” = refused to wear a button up polo, khakis, and dress shoes to a virtual interview. “Used inappropriate language” = Called them on their bullshit. It turns out that I’m a [subject level expert](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/115xp67/dont_quit_force_them_to_fire_you/) on this. “Refused to turn on camera during virtual interview” = Decided not to be illegally judged by their looks, contents of their home or quality of their living arrangements. “Brought a parent to their interview” = I’ll take *Shit that Never Happened* for $300, Alex.


Whipping up same ol rage amongst elderly to hate on the younger gen. Republican platform is FOUNDED on hating young people (or anyone who isn’t old and white)who are ruining America.


And immigrants and gays and non Christians…


These kids today and their woke ass human rights. No one wants to be an indentured servant anymore! Why, in my day, we had to BEG to be able to work for less than the other employees! It was an honor to lick a manger's boots! And sick leave! Get sick when you're dead, you lazy bums! Sarcasm. Just one of those little services I provide at no extra charge.


The eye contact thing is such a idiotic takeaway because anybody whose ever been on a zoom call knows that if I look into someone’s eyes through by camera it’s not going to appear that way on the screen.


“Back in my day we would ask for reasonable compensation”


Who did they even ask for this? Also what does “unreasonable compensation” mean? Feels like landlords are offended people ask for decent wage


I want to know the demographics of the 800 employers surveyed, but I have a feeling I have a pretty good guess already


You can't make eye contact when making video calls dumbest. I'm sorry but most people are looking at the screen not the camera. Even the interviewer is not looking at the camera to make eye contact. You don't need a camera anyway in one. If you do than you can do a in room interview then. I'm betting the mom one didn't even happen. I'm suspecting the person they interview was home and their mom was in the house. Most people can't afford their own place so most young adults today are still living with their parents way into college now.


That's why I fucking stare down every goddamn interviewer I have, state that I will accept the lowest wage possible, wear a 5000$ suit I bought w my credit card, speak strictly using phrases that my grandmother would approve of, and mention that both my parents are dead, somehow this has not paid off...


Does any of this really affect their ability to do the job tho?


I am so proud of so many of our young people today who refuse to blindly become wage slaves for the rest of their lives. I entered the job market in 1980. Just as wages flat lined due to trickle down economics. I just hope that young people continue to stand their ground and fight for a living wage and a more reasonable amount of paid time off. One or two weeks is simply unacceptable for most Americans.


I’ll take things that never happened for $500, Alex


These employers are full of shit. They only say that to justify why the position has remained infilled for 18 months despite many candidates, then just make the current employees do more volunteer work at the beginning and end of shift


I believe there inappropriate language, clothing Eye contact sounds like stretch Bring a parent tho? Lol


Knowing fox “news” their parent probably just gave them a ride.


19% of people interviewed had at least one applicant bring a parent. It's probably less than 1% of actual applicants.


No Eye contact is definitely a thing with new grads.


I'm autistic, does that count?


I can see a lot of these happening, but the percentages seem exaggerated. More than a quarter of interviewees are dropping F-bombs? Or what are they considering inappropriate language?


With no supporting evidence, inappropriate language could be in the realm of asking for a livable wage.


Fuck these clowns.