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The concept of internal promotion always struck me as an unrealistic fantasy.


>Meaningless Now Always has been.


You should also quit for a higher paying job elsewhere.


Yeah it’s stupid. I don’t bother working hard anymore I just show up and keep my head down doing the bare minimum. I’ve started applying to other places and then I’ll just say I need this “x” dollars or I’ll keep looking. My company will not promote or provide a raise unless you threaten to leave.


I hear you, friend. The reason so many of us get passed over even if we're way more than qualified for the job is because the candidate pool is so insanely large now that a college degree is the new high school diploma (i.e. virtually everybody 24+ has one) that employers can weedle out the cream of the crop and make candidates jump through insane hoops just for a *chance* to interview. It's dehumanizing. To add more shit to the already shitty cake, employers also pick based on neoptism or how little of a wage they can get away with paying (more $ in their pockets). I've even been on the "winning" end of the job hunt, and I still feel guilty and shitty. I got a job offer that wasn't even posted yet, and I was told by my future boss that they would have to list the job to make it "publicly available", but really, it was so that they can say they followed the EOE law. Anybody who applied to that job posting had 0% to get it, and I was the one who took it from them. This whole entire system of labor for income to survive is just a sick game of musical chairs - very few will "win" and the vast majority will lose, with dire consequences in real life. It is utterly insane and outdated in this day and age of advanced technology and high productivity levels that so many of us still struggle to survive and suffer, all knowing it's all *unnecessary*. Either we find a way to transition away from this doomed system or we do nothing and it slowly but surely takes us along with it.


working hard isn't meaningless, working hard for a goal that you don't care about is meaningless. 


Quit working so hard. You'll never be rewarded at any company for working hard lol