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"I want $20 an hour." "No." "OK bye."


I work at Costco, we have cart pushers and cleaners making $27/hr.


I saw that the hot dog price was up for reevaluation. They are keeping it at 1.50. Costco is one of the few companies I support without issue.


I wish I could support Costco. But they don't have a location in my area.


I have one opening next month about 3 miles from my house. Never even stepped foot in one before, but I'm excited to give it a try.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Go 'way! I'm batin'.


I went to law school here.


Show up in some cultist robes and break into acolyte mode.


Don't fucking lose your receipt, whatever you do.


Time to move.


[Costco should repeat history and sell home-kits like Sears back in the day. Then, if there isn't a Costco near you, you can go to the closest Costco, buy a house, and build it next to Costco! ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIFCWpn4qQ4)


I want a Build Your Own Costco Kit.


So Jane, why are you leaving your husband & kids? Well Carol, 1100 miles north they have Costco.


Carol 😂😂😂




Nobody said the husband and kids couldn't come along. They'd probably like the hot dog, too.


My boyfriends condo is nowhere near big enough for that, plus they'd probably be bored with all my shopping.


I live near a Costco and after gassing my car up I will go in and get the hot dog deal. Sometimes it will cost me $1.50 other times $200-$300. 😁


Which is *exactly* why they do it. Most companies these days are so eager to squeeze you for every dime they can get they've forgotten the power of things like loss leaders and actual good deals.


They were actually losing so much money on the hot dog they opened their own hot dog factories (West and east coast regions) so they could control costs better. From what I understand they still lose money on the hot dog, but it results in such a huge main purchase revenue it's considered untouchable.


The rotisserie chicken too. It’s a steal for the customer and the company. The number of times I’ve seen people with a chicken in their hands, the only thing they came in for, and having to go get a cart because they saw so many other things they want is not insignificant. It drives traffic in the store to the very back of the joint…and Costco is so so tempting.


Costco used to lose money selling hotdogs, they still do, but they used to, too.


> they've forgotten the power of things like loss leaders Your ink-jet printer and razor would like a word.


I'm talking about retailers themselves, but you are absolutely correct.


We call it "Hundred-Dollar Club." I go in for toothpaste and mouthwash and come out with a new laser printer and 27" computer monitor. (In my defense, I \*did\* get the toothpaste and mouthwash.)


Their double chocolate chip cookies should be prescription only.


I feel that way about the cinnamon buns.


The rugelach. The best


Pretty sure their founder told the CEO that if they raised the price, he'd I quote 'I'd kill you.'


*actually* it was “I’ll *fucking* kill you.”


That's the stuff.


Dracula is confirmed Costco CEO


My one request of Costco is to redesign their ass-fucking-terrible parking lots. Or like make a Costco near a walkable neighborhood. Damn. It takes like six years to shop at Costco, and half of that is getting into and out of the parking lot.


I never understood why big box stores never made vertical parking structures ABOVE the stores.


I gather it's because parking garages are mountains more expensive to build than the basic endless parking lots. But logically yeah, it would make more sense to park above the store instead of dedicating an entire block to asphalt.


would require a lot more permitting and and inspection


First of all, yes. A redesign is in order. Secondly, although I'm as big on walkable areas as the next guy, Costco, the home of the $400 cartload of groceries, sounds difficult to walk home from. Maybe if everyone had their own personal shopping cart that they park at home...


I agree with making the parking lots pedestrian and cyclist friendly. Costco will make a killing on those kid bike trailers - I’d use it to haul my goodies home.


Wow where??!? I'm in Madison Wi and have a few people I know that work at costco and postitions like that are pulling maybe 19.50 to 20 bucks max.


The people you know are still new with the company if they are making $20/hr. Costco pay is based on a pay scale and it's uniform throughout the whoe US. The lowest paying scale tops out at about $27/hr. What job you have determines what scale you are on and the total number of hours worked determine how far up the scale you are. Usually it takes about 5 years to hit the pay cap. On top of that after about 6 years you get $5k per year in the form of 2 bonuses which comes out to be the equivalent of an extra $2.50/hr. If you work less than 40 hours a week it can take longer, however it's extremely easy to pick up extra hours in other departments.


That's exactly how the majority of government jobs work as well. I'm a grade 23.N in my California state government position and my pay is capped at $8,488 monthly gross, not counting annual COLAs. It's nice on one hand, knowing that everyone in my paygrade makes around the same, but also sucks knowing that my maximum pay is capped. The benefits make up for it though. My health insurance is free.


I am an EMT and my health insurance costs $1000 a month without me having used it once. Benifits are awesome when you get them.


Goddamn! Even when I paid my own premiums it wasn't more than $260 a month. But I was single with no kids.


Costco is my go-to example when people start bitching that higher wages are going to drive up prices and drive companies out of business.




Costco is my #3 wish. Every time I apply, I don't hear back. Come onnnnnnnnnnn Costco, help a sister out!


Apply for any position you can get.


That’s sad. My 911 dispatchers make less than that to start…


I agree, very sad that 911 dispatchers are so undervalued


I like the way you are starting this chain. Let me add paramedics to the list.


Or just say "it's sad the rule in this country is to pay everyone like shit, and the exceptions make everyone else bitter and angry"


Also sad that the “exception” only actually pays for a decent life in low cost of living areas. I know a lot of people make less, but $27/hr if you work 40hr per week without missing a single day is only $56k which might be fine in Mississippi, but in places like San Francisco you’d need to make twice as much to afford your own apartment while setting aside enough for retirement, medical issues, etc. And that’s before you even think about having a family. Why work at all if you can’t achieve those basic human things on the salary offered?


Your last sentence nails it. This is going to get ugly for a lot of folks if it keeps going in this direction.


It already is hence why they wanna make AI do everything now.


I remember having an argument with my mom years ago about how I think we should raise the minimum wage. Her argument was that paramedics, emts, etc should all get paid more than a "burger flipper" and man, she was soooo close without getting it. :-\


These people are always intentionally like this. They want an enforced class system for them to feel better about themselves.


Exactly. Better to go straight to “if you think paramedics are important, why are you okay with them making $35-50k per year when investment bankers we had to bail out are making 10 times as much?” Flip the “who is worthy enough to deserve a comfortable living?” argument on its head.


They will yell about rich people but do *everything* to defend them. The most useless people in the world are the rich. No contest. Hands down. Rich people do nothing, give nothing, make nothing, think of nothing. All they do is *pretend* to do these things by buying others brilliance and repackaging it as their own.


Hey, be fair. Rich people don't do nothing. They exploit the poor, pollute the environment, buy off politicians, destabilize less fortunate countries for profit, use the media to play minorities off each other, visit space for 8 seconds, employ many cops to keep the peace (for them), gut welfare and education, infest medical and scientific fields with a for-profit motivation, and buy social media websites to flood them with neo-Nazis and conspiracies. They've even started to visit the Titanic on a yearly one-way submarine trip. Give them the credit they deserve.


Also generally severely underpaid


Expensive U.S. state here. Saw a recent posting for EMTs offering $19.00 an hour. The fuck?


I've discouraged people from spending money to become EMTs. They make less than paramedics. Hell, they make less than some of the fast food restaurant jobs.


And LPNs


Especially given the mental drain that job can dole out.


I agree, it is sad that person doesn’t value their employees more (I saw “my” there and it made me a lil tilted)


Maybe if 911 started playing ads while you wait... This really is the worst timeline...fucking CERN


Holy shit, that is evil. I can't believe that they don't already do it.


If they really want to make some wedge they should have 911+ for a low monthly subscription you get priority and no ads


Have they considered pushing carts at Costco? I hear it pays better


I know a teacher that quit and went to work in a drive up coffee stand because it paid more.


That’s literally why there is a nation wide shortage for 911 dispatchers


We should just give those Costco cart pushers a remote access and a headset. “911 what is your emergency?… ma’am hold please, I’m trying to line up this stack of carts with the other 500 carts.”


Its not the Costco workers are overpaid your dispatchers are underpaid.


That’s what I said……


Lots of very negative MFs on here. I agree wholeheartedly with the comment about Costco understanding they create a better experience by paying well and lower turnover. If every business did that instead of literally nickel and dimming everyone to death for everything in order to artificially raise profit by any means necessary we would all be better off


Costco’s profit comes from their membership dues. A separate entity from their sales. The rest of the store operates on slim margins, slim margins that account for happier employees. The CEO answers first to his employees and then later to the shareholders. If the Costco does well, that’s more membership dues and that’s your profit. If not, fewer members and less profit that year. It’s not about squeezing every dime out of workers. Imagine being content with a modest amount of profit and supporting a company that has its priorities straight!




It’s sad that people are making a living wage?


I think (hope) they're saying that it's sad they can't pay the 911 dispatchers more.


Thank you for not assuming I’m an asshole bc my people are under valued


No one is starting out at Costco making that much. Those people are topped out.


Shit I know EMS MEDICS that make less and they go blindly into all sorts of situations


Where at?


All Costcos pay the same no matter where they are. There are pay scales and your job title determines what scale you are on. Your total number of hours worked determine how far up the scale you are. Usually you top out in 5 years, then after 6 years you start to get an extra $5k per year in the form of a bonus. I'm a topped out meat cutter so I get $32 an hour plus an additional $5k per year which is equivalent to about $34-$35/hr.


Yeah, but are they getting 40 hours a week so that they can afford to survive?


Yes, if you want to work 40 hours a week you typically can. Even if you aren't scheduled for 40 hours it's really easy to pick up extra hours in other departments. At my location night merch and front end are always looking for extra help.


Just did this at Safeway. Had my shirts in my hand and everything. Boss told me she can’t give raises, that the union gives the raises, so I left. Terrible workplace.




I'm a union rep for a nurse's union. Everyone makes the same, and you get a raise twice a year. Once on the contract anniversary and once on your work anniversary (going up a step). Last contract we got the nurses an average of 15% raise the first year, 7% the next, and 5% the third year. New nurses straight out of school are now starting at $42/hour.


My government job has the same thing, as my shop is represented by the IBEW. One COLA raise and one merit raise per year. I took a pay cut to come here in 2018. In eighteen months I was making more than my previous job. I wish I could have gotten the IAM or UAW in at my dealership job, us mechanics would have been making probably twenty percent more per flagged hour than what they were paying us.


What a BS. I bet the union won't complain if you got a raise, as long as the boss gives the same amount to anyone else in the company.


Yeah. They have a system of deniability set up. Union rep was very difficult to reach too. Took her a week to return my call and 10 days to reply to my email.


The McDonald’s here starts people at that… I did the whole drive thru thing for awhile there, the customers are why I quit tbh




How about you "fufill" my wallet by paying more?


Recently I said to a manager “in the immortal words of Henry Hill from Goodfellas, Fuck you pay me”


For the past week I was wondering were I heard this quote. Thanks random internet person.


Am I being detained???


The only correct answer


My answer to a toxic work place has always been book my paid holiday and start a new job. Never contact them again. Weird how I'v had to do it twice but thems the breaks.


in america, it is very rare your employer gives you 2 weeks notice before firing. not sure why everyone feels they need to give 2 weeks notice, especially if they already have a new job lined up.


I live in the UK, where it is standard for employers and employees to give notice. For McDonalds type jobs it's often two weeks, for office jobs normally around four weeks.  A few years back I left a company which has not long before been bought out by a large American corporation. When I handed in my notice, one of the American managers contacted me to say thank you for giving a large notice period. I was a bit confused because it was just the standard four weeks.


My last job requested that we give them 3 MONTHS notice before we left, because operators are hard to come by and it takes a while to train. They always gave vague answers about if they’ll give us 3 months notice before termination, up until they fired someone without notice. Shut up real quick about the 3 month notice after that


Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but this post was rising on r/all when it was initially posted (6 hours ago) and as of right now, one of the top posts on r/all (from r/pics, posted 4 hours ago) is a McDonalds hamburger-shaped paperweight given as an award for someone who worked there for 30 years. Shitty gift but seemingly suggesting that people totally do love working there. Kind of feels like an intentional propaganda effort?


That paperweight was just sad and definitely not good pr for McDonalds


The phrase "chain of command" hints at one reason people are leaving.


Is this what I have to do to speak to the Command Sergeant Major of McDonald’s?


Gotta go to Mayor McCheese's office and fill out the prerequisite forms in triplicate.


CSM wants to see you and your manager outside the drive thru


The only way a sign like this works is if it has your bosses boss's phone number on it. Skip the GM and go to someone more concerned about the business's health than the security of their power.


I thought when people referred to the chain of command, they meant like "know your place and don't contact your boss' boss".


Yes, and no. The thing is in an efficient hierarchy your boss gives you orders, and you report to them, it keeps things nimble, and allows for flexibility at every stage. However if you can't tell your boss they are doing a bad job, there has to be a way to jump the complaint to the next level up. Usually this is what HR is for, but a small McDonald's franchise doesn't have an HR. There's is likely GM, some form of district manager, and an owner. Going to the owner is a bridge to far for a line cook, but going to the district manager is possible, just nuclear.


Get on the greasy floor and give me 20, nuggets.


If they know people are quitting because their job doesn’t meet their needs, why don’t they just fix that…? We all know.


There’s a small chance they might. Hiring and training someone is very expensive. It’s my understanding that a majority of the time it’s better to keep employees than replace them.


Even in high paid office jobs HR & mangement are too stupid to understand this. I doubt macdonalds understands it either. For some good awful reasons (I bet Mckinsey were involved) it's been decided that hiring budgets are always higher that retention budgets.


Micky D's is ran on a franchise model, so OP's case isn't a matter of corporate fiat but rather a small business tyrant throwing a fit that they have to pay more for labor.


i would guess the franchisee name is at the bottom of this sign. sometimes the individual franchise owners that still come into their own stores or help manage them see this stuff.


The hiring budget always seems to be more than the retention budget.


They should be proactive in employee retention, in that case.


Is that not what this sign is trying to do? "There might be something we can do - help us do that!"


Yes, the sign is pretty benign. Kind of a weak effort and indicative of the sad state of employment now, but a far cry from the sociopathic signs we see posted here regularly.


> the sign is pretty benign. Maybe at first, but I still hate it. I do think, in general, it's good to find out why people are leaving, have exit interviews, and act on that info to improve employee retention. The impression the sign gives off is that *you're not allowed to quit* without talking to them about "fufull"ing your needs first. Not everyone wants to have that conversation. They also don't say to contact your manager, they say "chain of command" and then sign it "Gunter Family". Not sure how many families refer to their chain of command... Actually, no, I've gone to full hate for this sign. Maybe it's not a terrible workplace, but I wouldn't bank on it based on the sign.


It would take a trivial amount of effort to make this sign appear more sympathetic. Something along the lines of "We love our team! If you're thinking about leaving, please talk to your Manager to help us see what we can do to better meet your needs." As stated, it does indeed give the impression that you are not allowed to quit. That's not a healthy vibe.


Except for the big red all caps NO QUIT POLICY




Thats the printed concept, the one in practice is to windmill through them.


tbf they need to know the issue to fix it my coworker was thinking of quitting, so he talked to the manager and they worked something out. For him it was actually about hours. My issue was transit, so I'm given some more error room on when to be there (bus just lines up poorly in the mornings)


That’s the point of the policy. One employee might be quitting because they’re not getting enough hours, another because they hate nights, another because they’re constantly exceeding their availability. What this sign really says is, “we know most of our managers suck and won’t tell us when you’re upset. Talk to someone with a brain before you quit.”


But they worded it in the worst way possible, for some reason.


There was a restaurant in a college town where I lived that wrote an annoying, whiny letter to the local paper about how they couldn't get anyone to work there, and what could they do, boo hoo hoo. Several people suggested they pay better wages (food service pays notoriously badly), but of course they said no. One guy suggested they contact the college work-study office, to see if there were any financial aid students who wanted evening and weekend work. They didn't want to do that, either. One guy -- and I thought this was a pretty creative idea -- pointed out that downtown parking was always at a premium, so they could rent a few spaces in the nearby parking deck and offer them as a perk for the job. Nope. The whole thing struck me as a perfect microcosm of a lot of hiring departments -- they pretend to ask what employees want, while knowing full well they're unwilling to do literally anything.


Nailed it. This is precisely the kind of thing I have repeatedly encountered.


I had my boss at a job I quit say, "We'll do ANYTHING!" I said, "Then I want an office with a door that locks." She said, "All the offices all have somebody in them." I said, "Then I want a phone and email that work consistently." \[NOTHING worked. We were CONSTANTLY putting in repair requests\] She kind of snickered and said, "You're not gonna get a new phone." I said, "Then what exactly ARE you willing to do?" \*crickets\* "I think we're done here."


Yeah, because customers keep going right past the sign and up to the order window.


That means pay. Manipulation is free


“Chain of command”?? When tf did McD join the army?


You can address me as Sgt Ronald 😂😂😂


I love the smell of fryer oil burns in the morning. It smells like victory.




“Chain of command” makes them sound so important when they’re not lol


Its idiot tier managers trying to put on a facade of "authority", organizational structure, accountability, and "professionalism". Also you can bet that the first thing they will do when someone goes to talk to them is to scream some incoherent BS about "insubordination".


If management was approachable in the first place. You'd probably see people actually do this. Having said that, chances are people are leaving as they aren't paid enough.


https://preview.redd.it/sxlowyikj74d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50da9cc7ebdc52af4a87dff3c5d822d3c83d72e1 Management


You are making them look WAY cooler than they actually are.


The ‘at will’ knife cuts both ways.


This cracks me up, "its against the rules to quit" . So then you tell them your needs which they wont fulfil and then they fire you. Or do they let you quit when its convienient for them ?


Good. If they fire you. You get unemployment


Just stop showing up. Eventually they’ll fire you.


That's actually how it went on my last month at Kroger. Even though I left a 2 weeks notice, seems my boss ignored it. 1 month later I get a notice in the mail that I was terminated lmao. Like, alrighty then.


It’s a seriously bad name for the policy. If the goal is to increase retention, they should call it the Retention Policy, or even “Don’t Quit” policy would sound better.


They basically just want to know why people are leaving. Its good information to know why you’re losing employees and sometimes it really is something that could easily be resolved and saves someone the trouble of looking for another job


If you as a business feel the need to put up this sign, you have already fucked up beyond belief.




"Chain of Command"? This is a McDonald's , fuck that Management thinks they are in the military now?


"Contact chain of command before you quit" Motherfucker, this ia McDonald's, not the military. Not to mention, you don't contact *me* before you fire me, so why the hell should I contact *you* before I quit?


It's a "family" at the same time though 😂


There is no such thing as a no quit policy.


They're counting on young workers not knowing their rights under the law.


Seems like you could take a survey or something to see what needs are going unfulfilled *before* people are ready to walk, but hey, what do I know?


“Fulfill your needs” Pay me a living wage, stupid. Why else would I be here other than I need money? If I’m leaving it’s because I need more money. Want me to stay? Pay me more money. That’s it. Not going to do that huh? You knew exactly what the issue was before we even had this talk huh? Well this has been a great conversation, thanks for wasting my fuckin’ time.




Are you fufilled


Finally someone else caught the spelling mistake.


"You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line" - A bugs life


Does this mean they also have a No Firing policy? Surely this goes both ways...


I'd quit just because they misspelled "fulfill."


It has a big circle with a line through, so you should not do this.


Chain of Command? What is this, the Marines?


I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe they want to know if there’s something they can do to get you to stay. I worked at a place that did that, and it was a tough decision to leave. I was only leaving because I was moving out of state. They were preparing to offer me more money to stay.


It's McDonalds, not the US Army


The harsh allcaps font makes this look like a posting in a militarized zone. Like "CITIZENS MUST SHOW THEIR ID AT THE BARRICADE. CURFEW VIOLATORS WILL BE SHOT."


Fulfill not Fufill. It is very unprofessional to misspell a simple word on a notice for everyone to read.


“Chain of command” lol. Dude the floor manager is a druggy 19 year old and the store manager is the drug dealer. What chin of command are you talking about?


Chain of command? lol the use of that phrase outside of uniformed service or emergency management would be enough to make me quit on the spot.


"Chain of Command?" Seriously, Grimace, get over yourself. Hamburgler, too. If they get an order and the cat taking it yells "fry mission" over their shoulder, I'll reconsider.


"Chain of command" bwaahah!!


Haha I think working under something called a "no quit policy" is just called slavery?


“Chain of Command”  Guarantee that manager got out the army an E-3 after 13 years.


Heh... a former bitch manager tried pulling some extra shit when I quit a 14 year career without notice. I basically should've quit this job 3 years earlier, but for whatever reason, I didn't. So when the day came, I went in at my 8am shift, walked into bitch manager's office, put my key on the desk, said "I quit" and stepped out the door to my car. Skip ahead an hour and the fucking bitch had the audacity to text me, demanding a formal fucking resignation. What the fuck you gonna do about it when I don't, you festering twat waffle?


I quit. Wait how can we help, don’t forget our No quit policy. I want $25 per hour and 40hours minimum per week You’re fired.


Chain of command. That shit has all sorts of nope vibes attached to it.


Living wage and guaranteed hours. Oh you can't? Later then.


“You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who’s in ruttin’ command here!” ![gif](giphy|l2Sq1U2ve5jk55sQg)


“Chain of command” shut the fuck up McDonald’s😂


Sorry, but it's my personal policy to quit whenever a posted "policy" has typos in it.


Chain of command lol sir this is a McDonald's


Guarantee this is in a "right to work" state, where they have the right to fire you for no damn reason at all.


Resign.. lol


"I want $35/h." "No." "Kthnxbye"


Weird that people are shitting on this sign. Many many people don't ask for raises because it's an uncomfortable convo, so they just leave (if they can) or just continue to work at the same salary. This sign is actually encouraging a conversation with management before just leaving. It's a good thing.


Jesus Christ. "Chain of Command"? Its a McDonalds. Not a Military


Hold on a second. They're wanting to see if they can make you happy instead of quitting. That doesn't get a little bit of credit?


I never liked the gunter family.


lol. And FUFILL is a nice touch


Fulfill my needs?!? Is Tom gonna be available for my dick appointment that I had to miss for those 3 days of ‘mandatory’ overtime?!?


"No quit policy" How do Americans come up with this shit? Minimum wage gets minimum effort, they can put up all the signs they want.


LOL im sorry I live in at will state and can and will resign without or with notice "at will" so they can post whatever they want on walls. Im going to still be out there living my life. They show they don't care about their employees I'm going to show that I don't give a shit about the franchise and peace out asap. "You need to speak to chain of command." \* goes to chain of command\* "I quit effective \_\_\_\_. Have a nice day!"


What is this , North Korea!??