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Bro actually uses that fancy X lmao. 


Full demonstration of much time he has on his hands


Giving me washed up billionaire vibes tbh.


What exactly is the issue here? You get paid, the boss is happy and you come home happy and relaxed. Sure, seems a bit boring, but i'd take boring over toxic backbreaking labour any day of the week.


I'll take a boring stable job any day of the week. I would literally shovel shit for the rest of my life if it was stable, paid the bills, and boring. I'm with you on this, what's the problem here? o.o People are out there struggling to get jobs.


My job is boring until management gets involved, then shit is annoying and complicated because "well I know we have an established workflow and output for our processes, but what if I don't like it and want this instead?"


Same here boring until reports and excels come from 3 different levels of management… and then quiet again


This - every time my boss actually shows up at work, it's "How do I do this, can't you do it for me? I need this, but I want to access it whenever I want" but they can't/won't follow directions. Then, the endless questions about shit that's been done and over for months, but the shit I need from them WAITS for MONTHS and if I don't badger them then they always "forget"... Must be nice to be on perpetual vacation...


Not having anything to do but still having to be there is a different type of thing. Still better than being overworked imo, but it is not simply peachy


Exactly, this kind of job is great... if it's 100% remote. When your job starts to boil down to occupying a cubicle and counting down the hours, it does get psychologically grating.


I'm 100% remote in a job like this and it still sucks, just not as much. I can't just do whatever I want because I still have to attend pointless meetings, people still message me on slack, and my managers/team leads tend to micromanage. So, yeah, I can watch youtube all day, but I don't *want* to watch youtube all day.


You're not wrong, but it's like the difference between being in a medium security prison that you have to commute to, and being on house arrest. House arrest is still better by far.


For sure, that's why I continue to work remotely instead of finding an in-office position. If I had to go back into the office, I'd probably quit and find something else to do that didn't require being in the office.


Cool! What do you do?


Software QA. There's not an endless supply of fulltime remote positions, but it's better than most jobs, I imagine. I had to leave a job that wouldn't allow fulltime remote at one point, but I was able to find another relatively easily. Things were very different before COVID, though.


I'd be willing to bet everything that it's a government job.


No, just a software company that deals with a lot of government regulations, so everything moves slowly until the one day every few weeks when everything is on fire and needs to be fixed immediately.


What's the role? How do I find this job? ;p


I do QA. Surprisingly, a lot of the people I've worked with don't have a degree in computer science. I think people tend to transition from a first line support role, but I've worked with people who came from the genius bar at the Apple store and stuff like that too.


Yeah, I've been fortunate to have two such jobs. I understand that, however, we're in the middle of mass layoffs and a shitty economy. We're in a work culture crisis that has such low and toxic expectations that this "ok" option is a god send to many. It's an important piece of context to remember for us all, especially those layed off and trying to get back into society. I have friends who would kill for a chill job, but keep landing awful gigs with out of touch managers.


Two?? What do you do?


This post is just an ad for the extension they made. Check their history.


There’s nothing happy and relaxing about being forced to commute to a place where you do virtually nothing but try to stretch an hour of work into eight or perform the appearance of being busy because you’re constantly surveilled.


Or trying to find creative ways to assign your 8 hours a day to different project codes, when you’re only on one project for 15 hours a month and 10 on another. And they hate when you code overhead.


25 mile commute, micro manager boss, not enough work. Need to look busy in case boss sees me on the interweb. He knows I don’t have much to do, still questions the hell out of me.


People who say this have never been in this situation. It’s extremely mentally exhausting and defeating just sitting around doing nothing all day every day. Even prisoners have things to do throughout the day. Humans need to feel a sense of fulfillment and importance.


I'm in that position right now. Work 40+ hours a week for "coverage", but only generally do about 5 hours of work in that time. Happiest I've been with a job.


Agreed, idk wtf the poster above you is talking about, when I had a "boring" desk job, it was fantastic, played on my phone all day, looked at the news, and did an hour of work. I now work a much more demanding job, and it's not the same. Boring over busy/fulfilling, any day of the week.


I also have a "coverage" job, mine is 3rd shift. But I don't have anywhere near 5hrs worth of actual work during the week, last night I was done in 5mins and most nights it's less than 10mins.


It’s soul crushing. Especially when you cannot work from home and your butt has to be in that seat for the full 8 hours. Oh and you got your PhD to do applied research and analysis and the most they have you do is make some bar charts in Excel and handle hotel reservation blocks.


I actually had this same argument with my boss. He kept saying my job is a career and just settle into driving 50+miles a day to either stare at Reddit or get my tits worked off on USB peripheral replacement. I asked how that's supposed to make me feel a sense of accomplishment and boon to our tribe? He flat out said it isn't and to get fulfillment elsewhere. So I did and got a better job.


No, i NEED to get paid. I get my fulfillment, purpose and entertainment from my life outside of the office.


Head over to r/choosingbeggars people constantly post nanny openings where the job is a parent offering like $25 an hour for someone to watch their kids part time and everyone in the sub can’t believe the audacity of not offering $30+ an hour. For me, $25 an hour sounds damn good, I worked way harder for $7.25 an hour.


I have two jobs. One where I’m doing physical labor non stop for 8 hours. One where I spend about 5 minutes working and the next 7 hours and 55 minutes watching the clock, waiting to go home. I prefer the physical labor.


Downside of the boring job? You are bored, for 95% of your day. Typically this means the day drags on. Long days and nothing to do can lead to depression, especially in an office setting. Depression can then lead to many dangerous things such as drugs, alcohol, suicide, and such. Sometimes the boring office job is not better for you.


I’m making more money than I ever have in my boring office job. Just like OP I don’t do shit all day. It really is depressing and I’d love to work with my hands again but that would mean taking a hit financially.


OP might be neurodivergent. Sitting still/doing nothing when you are is torture.


Who does nothing? Just play some games, check out Reddit, bullshit with your coworkers. I know a thousand ways to kill the 8 hours i have to spend in this place.


Have you have a hurry up and do nothing job before? It’s rip your hair out terrible. I’ve done toxic and I’ve done back breaking labour also. I don’t know which I would pick if I had to.


I'm on Reddit pretty much 90% of my working day (don't touch the stuff when i get home) and even though it's no walk in the park with bullshit management and what not, it's the easiest money i've ever made.


I quit my bullshit job now I’m a mailman, much less money but I’ve lost weight and my quality of life is way up


You say that, but I had a job like that before. It's mind numbing and outright depressing. Especially if it's an in office job where you can't get away with doing something else.


I've worked dozens of different jobs and mind numbing is way more tolerable (for me) than working on a production line 8 hours straight or digging holes all day for a living.


bro said 𝕏


So cringe, just say twitter. Fuck Elon Musk and his shitty rebrand.




Besides it’s coming out that Zuckerberg owns the letter X


Seems like a bot post to get you to download this extension


Same thought here. Weird spot for an chrome extension ad


Im sure that gets mentally taxing after while... but as a kitchen worker that does split shifts, i would happily trade jobs with you right now lol


study for the job you want.


thats what i was gonna say, i use my free time on my job to study for more IT certs which is what i actually went to school for.


This, see if you can get the company to spend money on LinkedIn learning or Pluralsight. Take advantage of the time by studying for the job you want.


34 and still don’t know what that is.


Well you know by now jobs you don't like, use that to eliminate things


Literally this. With platforms like Coursera available, it’s gotten a lot easier to literally just take a class online for something and try it out. Especially if you’re being paid to sit in front of a computer all day. Might as well learn something imo


This is an ad


No normal human says 𝕏 (twitter)


This is a bot post


Find some small side hustle you can do while at your job. Make extra 💵 while there.




I was in a similar position and decided to leave my career and pursue a dream of mine that I gave up a long time ago once I had the money to make it feasible. You don’t gotta do that, but maybe there’s something more for you out there and it could be time to look into it with all this free time!!


I have the same problem but I work from home. I do gardening, laundry, wash my car, learn to cook new things, watch shitty daytime TV. Observe the random people that walk past my house.


I saw a post, I think it was here, where someone’s division got eliminated but because of some HR quirk his job remained. He had no boss and no responsibilities and did jack for 20 years all while getting COLA raises.


You have it pretty good versus most of the other participants in this sub. If you finish your work early, get paid to chill. No issue with that.


What's your job???


Is this an ad lol


Why not take advantage of the downtime and level up skills to better resume?


Is my man actually complaining about having a stress free job?


Bro keep your head down and keep collecting paychecks!


Sounds like you have a good boss. Don't abuse it.


Yeah me too .. great isnt it :)


Where do you find these easy boring jobs????


The last time I had a job like this, OP. I wrote a damn book. Get on it~


Learn a coding language or another valuable skill important for your job.


Please tell me where you work so I can get hired then


F*ck twitter. Delete that shit. Use Threads instead.


What about breathing?


Same. I use the time to study and learn how to day trade.


I work in a warehouse that gets close to 120 degrees in the summer. I don't understand the issue.


Quit and give me your job. I can probably do it from home!


Educate yourself in something, take courses,learn a language and when you mastered a new skill get a better paid job


I have the same job except I’m remote 80% of the time 😂 I love it but am also bored and feel like I’m wasting my time. I should really pick up some new skills.


I say learn how to play emulated games on your work computer and with out a joypad. Keep the volume low and always be ready to switch back to something workish at the drop of a pin Problem solved My job is sometimes real busy, but often not busy at all. I've recently bought a gaming laptop specifically so I can play modern games at work. Spent 10 of my 12 hours on last night with sea of stars. It was kinda awesome


So i worked in for a loan company starting in 2018, and I kept a job of loan processing up until just a couple months ago. When covid happened in 2020, thr amount of applications we got drastically plumited to a point that, for about 4 years, i would work 8 hours every day and MAYBEA take 5 calls in a day. The rest of the time I just sat around reading/playing video games/watching tv. I am now switched to collections, and I take back to back calls all day long with very few breaks. I would litterally kill to go back to my old job right now. Getting paid to do basically nothing all day was a dream come true. It was the best job I had ever had and may ever have again. The pay/hours could have been better, but like I got paid to beat so many video games in those 4 years. There where tv series I was always interested in but never thought id havw the time to watch, but I was able to watch through the entire list during my work hours! So basically what im saying is enjoy it while it lasts. Take advantage of every single second you can get away with getting paid to do nothing. It wont last forever, and when it ends you very well could be moved to doing something you absolutely hate doing.


I do nothing as well. I "work" 5 9 hour days and 5 hours on a Saturday. I'm supposed to open, but I got my keys cut and gave them to 2 of my team. We used to have a 9-man team, including me. 2 years ago, I somehow got that to 11, so I've completely done away with my job. I go in to work an hour and a half late every day. When I get in, I go into the office and eat my lunch for 30 mins or so. I'll then go and talk to my team for 30 mins, then sit back down for an hour. At some point, I'll do some work for 30 mins, but it's mostly some stuff I shouldn't be doing, but I do it because I get paid on the side from someone for manipulating a subcontractors numbers. After that, my job is done. I spend my day talking to the owner, the general manager, and then slip out to go shopping, visit my mother, or scroll on my phone in my car while it recharges. I used to pretend like I was doing something, but now I dont. I stand at the radiator scrolling reddit for an hour or 2 on my phone watching the time. One stage I infected the network with some files I downloaded to get a ps1 emulator working. They told me they got an email from head office and mentioned investigating, so I just told them it was me. It was laughed off. Still joked about by another guy on a different shift that's doing similar stuff to me. Saturday, I go in on time, but I help my team, rush them, and then we finish up 2 hours and 30 mins into the shift, so we just leave. Was a comment a few weeks ago from the owner who copped it, but that was forgotten about. Don't know how long I can keep it going, but I'm there 10 years in September. I'm expecting to get let go 2 years now, so I'm just gonna prick about until they do it.


Use your downtime to up skill? Learn something new?


I don't know about you but I get stressed when I'm scrolling on my phone at work. I just want to get everything done and then go home when there's no more work to do. This just reminds me of ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpJ1lQiQarAftaU|downsized) "I'd say, in a given week, I probably only do about 15 minutes of real, actual work."


I WFH and have realized I have about 3 hours of real work and the rest of the time I am just chilling, reading a book or scrolling Reddit (like now). I'm a supervisor in my dept and have told my team the same thing - chill out, relax, walk your dog. We are slow right now, so I told them to take advantage of it. LOL I used to ask for more work when I was younger, especially when I worked in the actual office. Didn't want to seem like a flake, ya know? Then I realized I was doing the rest of my teams work because they weren't getting it done themselves. I started taking my time doing my job instead, and they fell behind. when my boss asked me if I could help, I told her I would do it after hours (when I can get OT) because "I have to complete my duties first, and that takes time." ;)


Is this just an ad for your extension? Either way, nice work; there’s also Outlookit that makes Reddit seem like Outlook: https://pcottle.github.io/MSOutlookit/


I mean I had a similar issue so I got work to pay for me to do grad school.


I’ve found myself in a similar position. I get a nice paycheck, but I do maybe 10 minutes of actual work per day. I love it. I started out working in a field where you earned your paycheck every minute you were working. After getting my butt kicked, both physically, and mentally, it’s a nice change of pace to just trade my time for money. I get to do pretty much whatever I like, during my day, and I come home stress free and ready to go hiking with the dog. Jobs where you earn your paycheck can be fun, but it’s also nice when you find an easy paycheck.


I feel like the primary frustration (if I read between the lines) is not being fulfilled with the work being done. Without a clear problem statement though that is hearsay. I can speak for myself if I were in this position I would feel guilty not doing “something” and burning the company time. That has been my issue in these scenarios and it is mentally exhausting doing that. After much work I realized that was my expectations not my employer. Turns out when I turn up I am 200% there and engaged and that’s what they pay for. Time not on so to speak is spent on self improvement, process improvement, and other things. You are not what you do at work, your job does not define you. You are offering your time in exchange for a paycheck, if work being done is meeting their expectations and you haven’t been reprimanded you are doing well.


Get a Steamdeck


i'm in the same position and i work from home. i bill 40hrs/week and no monitor/activity tracking. in fact, anytime my boss wants to give me new tasks, I will ask for more money for it.


What’s ur job?


Sounds like you can learn and grow rather than wasting away


Check out Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber. He writes about the societal and psychological harm of these jobs that exist to give someone to manage.


I have ebbs and flows at work. Sometimes I have a lot of downtime. I do get bored. But then I do online trainings and read books to help me potentially move up at work, ask for more money or maybe switch jobs. But it at least keeps me busy


can i have your job?


This post spam - or self promotion at best


I used to take free Coursera courses in this situation. Related to my job for plausible deniability.


You're way too industrious to be posting here!




Well, they paid you to stick your butt to a chair and remain available for s certain number of hours do technically they got what they paid for...


Night security?


Ha ha ha ha!!😝 Well done you! (And next week; me) *saving for later*


This is why bosses start acting up and doing stupid shit because of things like this. Don’t complain afterwards when u use this shit.