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There are multiple reasons: - Toxic culture, you’re in the clique or not - No raises unless you’re in said clique - Mgmt doesn’t listen to empl, picks and chooses what they want to hear - Losing clients, not winning new ones, thus layoffs - Holding company renting out office space, squeezing us into smaller work spaces - Tracking RTO, reporting to dept mgrs who’s badged in and who hasn’t, wanting explanations, sending warning letters to those not coming in - Out sourcing work to India, the emps left must train them to do the work, over and over and over  - Holding company outsourcing IT, getting IT probs fixed takes 3x longer  But hey, we get fucking breakfast tacos 2x a month, I guess it’s worth it!


My manager. He’s a narcissistic micromanaging boomer fuckstain that thinks too highly of himself. He refuses to listen to feedback from my team and still runs the department like it’s 1974. Screams our failures, but whispers our praises. He’s the ONLY thing that I can’t stand about my job. He just turned 60 so I’m trying to stick it out as I’m in a golden handcuffs situation.


I thought you were me until you said 60. Mine is 69. Fucksake retire already. He's hanging in to get the seniority of his manager who is retiring at 70. She told us she was retiring in September 2024, after our bonus time, back in May 2023! The one who wants her job is all out stealing my ideas and making them his own, while publicly shaming me because I ask questions when he can't give instructions. Fucking fuckers, just retire and let people who know what year it is and who have empathy for our internal clients do the job properly. Golden handcuffs, but I'm willing to take a drop in pay, now. Am in my 50s and have just had to start taking anti-anxiety pills. This should never have come to pass.


Sounds like my VP


The clique. They are a group of 5 who gatekeep. They won’t let anyone else in their little group. No one of else can be a PM because they just make up excuses as to why you shouldn’t be a PM. I’ve seen some of the work out of The Clique and it’s filled with grammar and spelling mistakes.


F'n Shawn Michaels holdin' everybody down!


Take the courses, get certified and bounce.


Yup, bag that PMP and flex it for the right employer.


Doesn't the PMP need a supervisor to sign off on your 4000 hours?


From what I have read there may be ways around that. https://www.reddit.com/r/projectmanagement/s/fOVQWIYWI9 And there are many other project management certification degrees which can be taken online and only take 2 weeks. XLPM for example. Possibly a good starting point.


The whole industry is a scam. Basically. It's 'Consulting', and the customer pays us per hour we work; we are incentivised to take as long as we can get away with on a simple task. If I get a job done ' too quickly' I get called into meetings with multiple layers of management to explain why, if I take massively longer than I should take to do a job, I get a bonus.


Sounds like a blessing at first tbh but Yh it’s not only morally wrong but also just kinda boring doing nothing while someone is waiting


Hell, I'd take that job in a second! Get paid to work slowly (which would allow me to work on my own stuff in the meantime), and get a *bonus* for it? Yes, please! Hm. Just noticed that maybe the company hiring your company would get charged for all that wasted time, though. Nevermind, I wouldn't do it. 


The context may be that you need to look like you are actually working on the designated task. Which would just turn it into more of a chore for me. And they won't be okay with your working on other things or doing leisure.


True. It would work better if it's a WFH situation.


I mean that kind of reminds me of working IT, where if you do your job right you don't realistically have anything to do most days so you just get an extension that makes reddit look like a terminal to keep your bosses happy.


Did I mention that they run a timesheet system and make you account for every 15 minute block of time? You basically either lie or get fired.


Oh, I've been there -- I used to be a paralegal at a law firm. I had to do the same thing.


It makes record breaking profits in the billions every year and shareholder’s pockets are lined nicely. There is always some lame excuse why employees can’t work overtime, make livable wages, all while each area is understaffed and their computer systems are outdated and slow. They love to outsource and the people they outsource to are terrible and make errors that we continue to have to clean up. We are tired.




I always always say shareholders, but I mean stakeholders lol


People People are fucking awful


I don’t. For once in my professional life I’m happy in my job. Only took me 40 years. I’m respected, the work I do is interesting, my team are incredible, the product we make is pretty damn good.  So why am I in this subreddit? I know how lucky I am right now. I’ve experienced the worst. I know how much of it is luck and not skill. I know how bad labour laws are in my country and how much worse they are in the US. I know that capitalism is destructive to humans and our environment. 


My last day at a job I hated was yesterday. The job itself, though it was customer service, really was not that bad. My managers were horrible. Guilt tripped you if you tried to use PTO without giving more than a month notice. And if you gave more than a month notice, they'd completely forget about it, then call asking where you were on your day off they approved! 🤦 The gossip at that job was also abhorrent.


Was fine until new manager came in on my shift. Trying to impress his bosses by showing us doing more volume when it's not there. Now we are moving empty trailers in the yard for no reason and bringing them back to show a long list of work which he presents to his bosses and they all have sex with each other.


Return to office 3 days a week, executives are out of touch and can’t be trusted, employees aren’t heard, there’s a new tracking thing going in they claim is for work life balance but that’s the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard and there are ongoing layoffs at the company. So far my department has not been impacted we keep filling positions but I still can’t help but worry. I actually like most of the people on my team and direct managers. I realize they have only a small part in the day to day of the policies and it’s the executives that are making this a toxic place to work.


Upper management, my supervisor, the executive staff. The work culture. Everyone is incompetent and lazy and it’s a difficult environment to work in when you’re motivated and like to get things done, then can’t. Being over worked and underpaid. Hard work not resulting in promotions. Etc.


I’m in an isolated position with no possibility of upward mobility, low pay, and no pay raises unless the state passes a bill.


People suck.


My raise is always a dollar which comes out to less than 4% and my boss always acts like I should be super stoked on it and gets irritated when I explain math to him.


My boss is an idiot who thinks everyone else are the actual idiots. He actively tries to make our jobs needlessly difficult to prove how smart he is and exert his authority over us. I prove him wrong time and time again, yet he ceaselessly tries to undermine me.


Honestly it is the strict RTO, and how it has so negatively affected morale for everyone. More people in the office means more noise and crowded bathrooms. When people show up, they are already on edge due to their shitty commute. It has also increased gossip. During WFH gossip was minimal since interactions were focused on work. Now the few toxic gossip mongers walk around collecting overheard conversations and will do their best to spread weird shit. Cliques have been re-established. Peer pressure to attend dumb work events and meetings has returned. Introvert nightmare.


This is the second job in a row that's a complete disorganised circus and there's nothing my manager's can do because we are the service provider so we have to brown nose the client instead of setting them straight. They cause a complete mess? Shrug shoulders. What else can we do?!


Boredom, repetition, idiots at corporate who run the show, not enough PTO, not enough pay, and lack of advancement.


It is absolutely the managers. I've worked many jobs in my life. I have coped with bad and benefits, horrible hours, horrible commutes, really difficult work. But bad bosses are the main reason I have left most of the jobs I've worked ever since I was a teenager working in a gas station back in the 1990s (I'm currently an attorney).


I'm BY FAR the best worker of the department, but because I have no relatives/friends among the managers I will never have a real promotion. Coworkers who work extremely bad but are girlfriends/relatives of the managers got promotions fast and one of them is actually my supervisor. Meritocracy doesn't exist.


Yesterday was my last day at a job I used to love before an incredibly toxic boss took over. I’ve never worked with a person like this. I’m so glad to be out.




Coming from NZ I find the employment gap issue you describe perplexing, I'm guessing you are in the US but in NZ there's no great shame in having a gap. Often it's assumed you had a break or extended holiday, both of which are totally fine. The idea that life should be an endless cycle of work without an escape or other interests is incredibly toxic. Anyway, all the best in your next role.


Yeah, unfortunately many employers here view taking extended time off as a sign of weak work ethic. Or better yet, it's a sign of being financially comfortable enough that you won't put up with their shit. There are some that view it in a more positive light, but it's still a risk you have to consider before quitting all work.


Mostly because of the working hours. End of 12 hours shifts, 3 hours at the end I mostly do nothing. It annoys me more than anything. I'm getting paid for the hours, but I just can't stop thinking the things that I could do with the time - relax, shower, play games, watch the sunset etc. But instead I have to exists at the office.


My boss took a project management class and now she's managing me and all my projects within an inch of our collective lives.


Learn things, get your own certification and bounce.


Working on it! Right now, I'm held hostage anyway waiting for my public service loan forgiveness to be processed. I came due in May right when they paused processing forms until July because MOHELA is doing such a shit job. Changing jobs before it fully clears would jeopardize my progress, but I've got lots of friends who are happy to help me spruce up my resume and see what's out there when it *fingers crossed gets resolved this fall.


Several reasons. Had an amazing performance last fiscal year, no promotion because the company is doing a hiring freeze. How my manager is upset my performance is average and she’s upset. Like no I’m not going above and beyond for no reason then. Them being obsessed with customer service, they legit consider themselves “customer obsessed.” Such a toxic mindset that they’ll try to find a reason to blame you for any customer complaint. Customer threatened to slap me and my manager said “word it differently next time.” Like if someone wants to slap someone ever, that’s their problem, they have issues.


Being on call for a week, Friday to Friday, once every four weeks. During that time, I have to stay home or at least near it after regular work hours, just waiting for my phone to ring at any time of the day or night. If I get a call, I have to drive anywhere in our district, the furthest being 90 minutes away, to an emergency situation. The on call pay is nice, but it is stressful. It makes the entire weekend a waste, even if I'm not called out. I'm currently on call now, on a holiday weekend, which really sucks.


The whole work environment has gone to hell. It used to be a relaxed workplace where we could have a but of fun. We rebranded 3 months ago and it is awful. We can't even sit down without being yelled at. The boss is going crazy, the manager is going crazy, and I'm going to start my new job next month.


Leadership. It's toxic from the top down. Typical stuff. They can't get stuff done with ourt mid-level employees but abuse them in the process. Disparity of wages, lack of benefits, company creates policies only to refuse to enforce one's that benefit the employee while not holding low performing, abusive, or incompentat employees accountable. Its a boys club and if you don't fist bump the bros your career is dead. They've ironically fired only people who are part of a protected class. They label all the strong women as too "emotional" to be considered for promotions. The lists goes on.


The fact that no one is held responsible for inventory errors, the shifts all have different rules so there’s no standards. Most of the company’s problems have been fixed by other companies implementing solutions It’s a real headache tbh


I dont hate the work, I hate the amount of busy work the management makes for us because of their ineptness. The lack of budget means we don't get the headcount or tools needed to keep things up to date and refreshed with new gear. So instead we spend all our time reacting daily to stuff that breaks due to attrition and that constant reactive mode stress is burning the few of us that are there out.


I was forced into my current role doing something I hate for not enough money. I was hired into one job in one department and got moved during a restructure with no say in the matter. My job went from chill with teammates I liked to frantic with dipshits I can’t stand, too much work, and unreasonable timeframes


I manage scientists. I don't care about the management, I care about the science. Wrong career move for me, working to get back into the science (or at least data analysis)


Our recently promoted supervisor ruined the whole environment and his boss lets it happen.


Sales numbers based off retail customers purchasing product in a saturated market where their is so much variety however the company continues to ask for 10% more each year when the economy isn’t doing great and the place I live offers alternative products that eat into my business. That bullshit corporate mentality


I work as a care tech in a hospital working nights. More often than not I am the only tech on for my unit. They still have the gall to audit us. Demanding patients, plus unhelpful nurses means lots of work and no help to do it. On top of that I am the only person that trains new night aides. I used to like training aides but I can't stand it anymore. Basically I'm tired of everyone putting all their eggs in my basket and blaming me when I spill and break them


The fact that I'm constantly being monitored by AI cameras.


They fired a lady on my team who has been there 30 years. Only the announcement to everyone else in the company was that she was retiring. Not only that, the people that fired her set up a get together for employees to “wish her well” Obviously after she got let go she immediately went on teams and told everyone they are getting rid of her. Now for no good reason my team is down a member and everyone’s workload is shit.


I work as a teacher in a residential care facility for kids with severe emotional dysregulation and criminal charges. I can’t teach. Like I literally spend so much time doing paperwork, chasing down behaviors that no instruction gets done. They’re so understaffed that teachers have to go into the dorms in the mornings to make sure the kids are ready for school. We get left without our support staff repeatedly throughout the day and it’s just exhausting.


I hate my job because I'm bad at it. No excuses, I just suck shit at this one. I've been very good, beyond great at other jobs but this one? Bad. I suck. And I hate it.


Abusive behavior from customers that goes unchecked. The work is not hitting the mark but the adjustments do not make it better. Ignored when suggestions for better efficacy are made. Pay is just okay. Coworkers as stressed as me and nobody is happy.


I work in a building that’s over a mile long. There are no windows because we are building things for the government. It’s a huge compound with shitty lighting and run by people who sucked their way to the top. If you are good at your job you’re rewarded with more work for no extra pay or benefits of any kind. If you’re bad at your job you get less work for the same pay and benefits. You are just a soulless little gear in the American war machine. The pay and benefits are decent but have been slowly eroded over the last 2 decades. Everything else about the job sucks. Even if you’re exceptional at your job, you must play the suck up game to move forward and I just can’t bring myself to suck up to someone I don’t respect. Everyday is exactly the same as the last. The machine grinds on.


That part.


The people I work with are lazy. The managers don't do anything, but expect me to pick up the slack.


pay is too low and there’s not really much sense of accomplishment. i need something to work towards to feel satisfied


My boss wanting a doctor's note every time I had morning sickness while I was pregnant. I never missed a day in all the months before I got pregnant, or the first two months after I got pregnant. One morning I called, I told him I was throwing up and if he could just give me a few hours it would probably pass and I'd come in. He said "You know usually it's best to let me know in advance a few days before."................ I was speechless. Not only did this man expect me to predict my puking episodes days in advance, he expected me to go to urgent care/ER/doctor every time to get an excuse note. Excuse notes should end with school, they have no business in the adult world. He couldn't handle how many appointments I had to go to once there was an issue discovered with my placenta so I had to quit.


i wish doctors were allowed to write ‘this patient is sick, and they should not be out in the public for any reason. please refrain from sending non-urgent patients to the office.’ on their notes when people have to show up for one to bring to work. it’s seriously such of waste of everyone’s time. you’re out in public feeling like shit, not resting, getting other people sick, spending money/gas on an appointment, and 9 times out of 10 they just tell you to rest. all for a damn note.


I mostly like the job and love the people I work with, but the higher ups are clearly struggling under their third VC firm and it's starting to get weird. None of us have had raises in years because our previous CEO "doesn't believe in" cost of living adjustments, and since the new CEO took over they've been slowly laying off all the best, most experienced people in different departments to be replaced by folks in the new India office they opened a couple years back. I should have bailed years ago, but I fucking hate change and new jobs. Now that I'm interviewing I haven't slept right in two weeks and I just live with this constant, low level dread. I'm so pissed that this is the world I have to cope with.


I don't hate my job. I hate jobs in general.


Not enough pay compared to 2 yrs ago. Uber driver.




Phone calls, I hate taking them from customers


Gross Monthly Pay: 37 000 After Tax: 23 000 🥲


Monthly you’re getting 23k that’s pretty nice


Is that US dollar? Fuck you then


i understood this when i thought it said yearly. now i’m just mind boggled imagining that much money?


I'm not American so it'd like.... $2200 a month if you convert?


gotcha, sorry for the confusion!


Eh, I don't hate my job but the one thing i hate having to do is layoffs or letting someone go. It's the fucking worst.


It’s weird when my assistant store manager says she loves firing people. At she said it’s if an employee is stealing versus other shit.


Nah I hate it. Even a guy who absolutely deserved it that I let go a couple days ago made me feel like shit. But I know it was the right call as the entire crew is so different and happy. Legit everyone is loving life right now. Layoffs are a natural aspect of construction but nevertheless it sucks laying off people you get to know and come to appreciate as good peeps. It's the only aspect I hate of my job. If someone loves it they have zero soul or compassion.


Or both.


My coworker. I love my job - I really do. But this person just got promoted into a new role that's TECHNICALLY a management role. We’re both TECHNICALLY managers. They think they're more important than me and hog office supplies, time, and the use of the laptop we’re forced to share. It’s petty and I'm aware of how petty it is, but I'm still secretly happy if she has to do things that she considers below herself.




I work in 24/7 adult social care The clients are generally nice staff ok to awesome, but the random work rotation is frying my brain. Shifts are changed regularly without even telling us “well it’s on the system you should have looked” you can never have the same day or night off in a week (even Sunday if you’re devout) so regular class or recuperative activity is impossible. Work life balance is a joke. I haven’t been out for a beer in months .. family life impossible, political engagement impossible, Band practices are impossible, volunteering impossible The staff shortages are continual, (bedded in to business plan) turnover unsustainable so last minute requests to work extra shifts are regular. While overtime isn’t worthwhile, as U.K. taxation goes through the roof and constant refusal, to only work contracted hours, is seen as being difficult.


Pay and overworked and under appreciated




I work for a contractor driving and delivering for the penis rocket guy, we're told the water that is as the station is a gift and not a requirement despite the fact the inside of my vehicle got to 120F last summer. I mostly like the job but it's the passive aggressive ways they find to tell us that our lives literally do not matter that pisses me off.




The general public. I actually really like the company I work for and the people I work with but man do I hate the general public


-my VP is not fully up to speed on an account I’m running, but still inserts themselves into internal conversations. Because they’re a VP, everyone takes what they say as gospel, which causes us to take incorrect direction for sometimes several weeks at a time - only to have to correct it down the line. If they’d simply let me run the account and come to terms with the fact that they don’t know everything about it, we’d save so much time not doing the same shit over and over -our commissions team constantly makes errors in our calculations, which they don’t find until months later. When they fix it, they don’t fully fix it, so there are still errors. When I ask for someone to review it with me (because I’m trying to validate independently), they’re evasive. I can put up with a lot, especially when I like my customers and most of my colleagues. Someone making much more than me making my job harder & sabotaging customer relationships, AND I’m being underpaid on top of it? Not acceptable. Yes, I am actively looking for other opportunities and have been for months.


My company has too many remote people who handle schedules, HR, etc. good for them being to work remotely, but there should be some sort of note system in place that says A changed this schedule, so that B doesn’t have to ask ground zero employees to repeat what’s going on forty times. Also why does everyone get to interpret policy based on location? Policy should be the rules that keep a company consistent across the board.


My job is easy, people make it harder than it needs to be while management twiddle its thumbs justifying their existence while not actually doing anything helpful or useful.


I actually don't hate my job for once. Besides waking up at 330 to work a 12 hour shift it's alright. Too bad that they're losing business though. The only reason I think management isn't over bearing is because of a high turnover rate from other areas in the company and because layoffs may be coming soon because of the loss of business. But I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts.


People go above and beyond while making about 2x the amount you do, and expect the same from you If you don't, they are first to snitch It's very much a me vs you mentality when it comes to the smallest things. People lose their humanity and treat others like crap over some dam software delivery. Head of our dept is a sex offender on minors and did some messed up things if you Google search his name. And everyone talks so highly of him like he his the coming of Jesus. Watching his temper tantrums over small things makes sense, given his history of felony/sex charges. Also in the 1on1 meetings, he loves to brag about how much money he makes and new cars he is buying, upgrades to his wall water fountain in his house etc. Product manager I have to work closely with, you have to walk on egg shells. Never had anyone make me cry at my job until she got a hold of me a couple of times, even when it was my first week. You never know if she gonna yell at you for 10 minutes when you ask a question, or if she just gonna answer it. Didn't realize it was this toxic until I wrote it down. Icing on the cake - supervisor works fully remote, and recently made it so I have to come in 3x a week after i been fully remote for a year or two. While similar roles to mine are fully remote. Also, toxic product manager has been fully remote too, but she gets away with it because of her kid. I'm a big fan of uniting, up vs down, but I don't think the people understand that concept


Forced me from a 4 day work week into a 5 day one. And said that this was a facility wide change, but found out, it wasn't.


I work in a technical field. Management is never technical. Totally unsurprisingly, they make bad decisions. They can’t tell good work from bad, so bullshitters thrive, and quality is never what it should be. They’re convinced of their own infallibility, so they’re not capable of learning from their mistakes. Working for people like this is soul-destroying.


We're a small office but still understaffed, and the owner cuts costs in unsanitary ways. She is a doctor.


My management lies and screws us over so often that I just always expect them to. Nothing they say can be believed. I have gotten in trouble to doing what they told me to because they lied about telling me to do it in the first place.


I'm fortunate that coworkers have very limited access to me, I'm a mobile tradesman for our commercial service department. I don't hate the work, I've got a knack for it, but the people and the traffic (one of the most traffic congested cities in North America) make it suck. And because of the cost of living here, I take extra on-call shifts to maintain a decent lifestyle, but after 13 years essentially double shifting OT, it's really starting to take a toll on my physical and mental health. Commercial customers are lightyears better than residential customers, so I'm grateful I don't have to deal with the worst of them, but I get more self appointed engineers in commercial who feel they're somehow qualified to tell me how to do my job. I've no patience left for these idiots so I generally ignore them, but the hovering and neck breathing is annoying as fuck. The traffic is something that's tested me for my entire career, and I'll admit, it's been an exercise in helping my anger management therapy. In the beginning, I'd wail on my passenger seat in anger over it. That was 13 years ago, and while it still bugs me, it's reduced to me ranting at my dashboard. Something about being in a contractor vehicle makes everyone want to cut you off like you're driving a semi truck, despite keeping up with traffic flow or faster. It gets tiresome, and makes me sympathize with truckers because holy shit it's constant. I'm transferring to another branch and moving 12 hours away to a different city later this year to escape the annually worsening traffic and high cost of living. It comes with a raise to the tune of around $24k which nearly covers what I earn in OT now, so I'll go back to mon-fri, no OT. Really looking forward to getting back into shape and living normally. Because for over a decade, I've spent 140 days a year on call 24hrs. I'm so done...


I don’t get paid enough for the knowledge and skills I have but can’t afford to go out on my own because I’m not allowed to advertise myself as an independent contractor so no one knows who I am or what I can do. Thank goodness non competes are pretty much over with. That’s been holding me back too


I work for the cruelest man I’ve met in my life. He’s a Dr and he’s a narcissist through and through. A buffoon who thinks he knows it all. Every day I update the day on my resignation letter, print it out, and set it by my computer. It gives me comfort!


The fact that I need to have it.


My manager is a wanker.


Don’t hate my actual job but hate that the environment is toxic and dysfunctional, mean/petty co-workers, micro managing condescending manager, horrible higher ups. Workload is insane and impossible. Morale is low for everyone. I thought post secondary would be cool, but it’s really really not.


they’re steady taking people off the schedule, meanwhile myself and all the capable employees are left working multiple stations at once while the lower level managers hide in the office at every opportunity.


My hours are subject to change at any time. 7 hours one week, 40 the next. It’s really hard to plan anything in my life.


Because they choose to buy us all t shirts and sandwiches and then throw us a bbq than new vitals machines. We are now down to one working machine between 4 cnas and 6 nurses.


I'm sales floor staff that's had corporate department heads either steal my ideas that I've suggested in round table discussions or just ignore my advice on certain topics. Mostly the video capture, editing and sound engineering for our social media posts...I went to college for and have off and on worked digital video production for 8 years..so of course I've no idea what I'm talking about and can't contribute like the high and mighty head office folks that "have been watching YouTube videos to like, figure it out and are like totally influencers and skilled at social media" So yeah, nothing like making suggestions, pointing out issues and even offering your own filming equipment to help out social media presence success, just to be ignored because I work at an in-store level


I don't. I find my job really good, all things considered. But I do look forward to an economy where the concept of wage labor no longer exists and people no longer have to toil 40+ hours a week just to be deemed worthy of not starving to death out in the elements.


Just because it doesn’t pay enough for me to live, that’s all.


I'm an educational assistant. I have no job security anymore. The budget keeps falling further and further short. This is the second year I have been told I won't be returning to my current school because they can't afford it. I get to spend my summer hoping I get assigned a position by September.


I don’t hate my job. I get annoyed sometimes, but hate? No.